Lets' begin with a definition and some basic principles.
Spiritual combat amounts to all the competing interaction between the forces of good, serving the interests of God, and the forces of evil, serving the interests of the devil. Although spiritual combat can manifest itself in various degrees of overt violence and unusual behavior (Luke 4: 33-35), most of the spiirtual combat takes place in the unseen soul structures of Man. It is what and how one thinks that determines where he is in the spiritual realm (Prov. 23: 7).
Spiritual combat is nothing new. It took place during dispensations (specific periods of time) BEFORE and AFTER Man was created. Spiritual combat will continue to take place here on Earth AFTER the Church has been taken up in the Rapture. The final campaign of spiritual combat orchestrated by the forces of evil will take place AFTER the conclusion of the 1,000 year reign of the Kingdom of God. In this final act, the coalition, organized by the forces of evil, is destroyed by supernatural power (Rev. 20: 7-9).
The objective of the devil and his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12) is to thwart (or at least impede) the forward progress of the plan that God has, had, or will have for each dispensation of the history of Man.
Man was created in the midst of what was already a great conflict taking place between the forces of good and evil, aka as The Angelic Conflict. The Angelic Conflict began before Man was created, but now runs concurrent with the history of Man, coming to it end with major changes that will take place in the human environment.
What the angelic race and the human race have in common is that both species were/are created with free will to make moral choices, resulting in blessings and/or curses.
The use of the free will that was given to Man determines victories and defeats in the part that Man was given in this great conflict. Each and every day throughout all of the dispensations of human history, human souls make choices that either honors or dishonors God.
The focus of attention for this presentation will be on the spiritual combat that is taking place here in the dispensation (period of time) of the Church Age.
A "dispensation" is a period of time that has a specific start and end time, and has characteristics and activities that makes each one different from past and/or future dispensations to come.
The dispensation of the Church Age began at the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2) in Jerusalem, Israel, shortly after the Lord's Ascension in the approx. year 33-34 AD.
The Church Age is presently still in progress, and will continue to be so until the last generation(s) of the Church Age is taken away when the Rapture (1Thess. 4: 17) takes place.
God has a specific plan for Man during the course of the Church Age, as He did for past and will have for future dispensations that follow the Church Age dispensation.
To understand what is behind the spiritual combat in ANY of the dispensations of the master plan of God, one must first know what the primary objective that God has in mind for each dispensation. Having knowledge of what God has in mind is critical in order to detect the plans of the devil, whose primary objective is to thwart, or at least impede, the forward progress of the plan that God has for each dispensation.
The devil and the forces of evil have personal reasons to attack and to impede the forward progress that God has laid out for human history (Rev. 20: 10). The eternal destiny of the devil and his forces of evil has already been determined, but in the meantime, the devil desires to deny God as much glory as he is permitted, taking as many human souls with him into what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 10, 13, 15).
God created Man in a state of perfection in a perfect environment. In the midst of this scenario, Satan attacked the plan of God resulting in the Fall of Man. This spiritual combat did not involve ANY overt violence, but created a "port of entry" for sin to enter into the human environment that would result in world-wide violence, death, and destruction in the generations that followed.
As would and will be the case of many human souls in future dispensations to come (Luke 23: 34), the woman (later named Eve) had no clue as to what the true objectives were, are, and will be in the spiritual combat taking place all around them.
The woman (later named Eve) was deceived into believing that eating of the forbidden fruit would improve Adam, she, and the circumstances in which they had going for themselves. Adam, was not deceived, but chose to go along with Eve. We all know how that worked out!
EVERY day, human souls make choices of obedience or disobedience that either brings glory to God or denies Him the glory that He could have received. Having us dismiss the significance of the choices we make is a part of the satanic strategy in the midst of spiritual combat. In truth, there is no such thing as a little sin when the glory of God hangs in the balance!
Deception has always been the devil's method of operation. Only on rare occasions (Matt. 4/Luke 4/Luke 22: 3) does he personally get involved in the execution part of the campaigns of spiritual combat.
The devil almost always uses third parties, in order to conceal his true identity in order to deceive the human soul(s) involved. No one would (usually) take the advice being offered if they knew it was coming from the mouth of the devil.
The devil's greatest success takes place when he can deceive the one's involved (usually via religion) into believing that what they do is what God/god desires.
His second best area of success takes place when he can offer the one deceived something that he/she desires enough that he/she is willing to compromise his/her relationship with God in order to either obtain or retain it.
When things do not turn out as expected, the devil is a master at deflecting responsibility, and whenever possible, directs the blame towards God and the things of God.
In the first round of the "blame game" recorded in Scripture, Adam blamed the woman and God for having given her to him (Gen. 3: 12), the woman blamed the serpent (Gen. 3: 13). The devil, not directly blamed for anything, walked away with the spoils of spiritual combat that he secured (Luke 4: 6).
God was not taken by surprise by the Fall of Man. He already had His plan for salvation in mind (Eph. 1: 4), alllowing Man and the plan of God to move forward, without compromising His own integrity.
Man, as a result of the Fall, was rendered spiritually dead. Just as a physically dead person can do NOTHING in the natural realm to change his status, a spiritually dead person can do NOTHNG in the spiritual realm.
The "justice" of God called for the payment of each and every sin. In God's plan of salvation, it was the Lord Jesus Christ who would come and pay the sin debt in behalf of the whole world (1 John 2: 2). The benefits (receiving eternal life - John 3: 16/a regenerated spirit - Titus 5: 2) would be given to EVERY soul who BELIEVES in God and the things of God. Here in the Church Age, God's plan of salvation has been completely disclosed in the Gospel Message. Those who BELIEVE (place their full trust and confidence) in a presentation of the Gospel Message are eternally saved, and those who disbelieve the Gospel Message are eternally condemned.
Satan, to the extent that God allows attacks the plan(s) of God in each and every dispensation (period of time) throughout the course of human history. The devil does so on the global and on the individual level (1Pet. 5: 8).
What we do (or fail to do) collectively as a local body of believers, and as individual believers DOES matter, as each choice (of a spiritual nature) we make either brings glory to God, or denies Him the glory that He would have otherwise received.
During the Old Testament dispensations, in the timing of God, His plan called for the preservation of the human race here on Earth through the actions of Noah, when in response to divine wrath, the world's population was reduced to just 8 persons (Noah, Noah's wife, their three sons and their wives).
After the Flood, God's plan called for a chosen race to be established, that in God's timing, would be used of God to produce the means of salvation (John 1: 29) for the entire human race (1John 2: 2).
Via spiritual combat (sometimes manifesting itself in overt military wars), Satan did all that God allowed him to do to try and stop this phase of the plan of God from happening. Promoting anti Semitism has always been a part of the of the devil's plan, as without the Jews, that past, present, and future plans of God could not be accomplished in the ways that God has already announced.
During the dispensation of the hypostatic union (when the incarnated Lord Jesus Christ walked among us) the time had come for the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ to take place ON THE CROSS. Again, the devil did all that he could to try and stop this from happening.
Here is the Church Age, the devil continues to promote the rejection and the significance of what was fully accomplished on the cross. He does so by promoting the rejection of the Gospel Mesage. In the name (authority) of religion, He attacks the true Gospel Message by promoting false Gospels and/or "religious additives", inferring that belief (trust and confidence) is the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ is not enough to be saved or to remain being saved.
While this is taking place WITHIN the Christian realm, the devil continues to promote all the false religions (Psalms 96) of the world that promote other "deities" as equal to or superior to the God of the Bible. The roots of the ancient religions of the world (Psalms 96), can be traced back as far as recorded history.
Such activity is the result of Man attempting to fill the void that the Eccl. 3: 11 concept of eternity creates. This void was created by God to be filled with God and the things of God. It was, and is, a part of the devil's strategy to offer and promote ANY religion or religious activity that would appear to fill this void.
In addition to false religion, the devil also promotes the concept of atheism, raising doubts in the soul structures of Man who reject the concept of eternity that God places in every soul that He creates (Eccl, 3 : 11). There are some genuine atheists, having rejected the God-given concept of eternity, but the majority of human souls accept the fact that there is a God/god, but differ greatly as to who this God/god is and how one can establish an earthly and future heavenly relationship with Him/him/her.
Communication has always been and will always be the primary means of launching attacks in the realm of spiritual combat. With all the means of communication available today, the devil has an ever-increasing means to communicate and/or promote his alternatives that appeal to the fallen nature in Man.
The believer who has been ”set free” FROM “religious” bondage can use the same means of communication to promote the Gospel Message and accurate post salvation doctrine for the development of discipleship.
We are all creatures of habit, and the roots of one’s “religious” habits can be the longest, deepest, and hardest to remove.
Keep in mind, that promoting the Gospel Message and the making of disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) was exactly what the Church that God designed was created for in the first place.
For those with spiritual discernment, the voice of the devil is loud and clear in much of the media, television programs, entertainment, music, cable, satellite, radio, DVD, CD, albums, conversations by and with unbelievers and weak believers.
Our individual soul structure is bombarded every day with the alternative thoughts and actions that the devil promotes. When out of fellowship with God, the human soul is largely under the influence of the fallen nature that is inherently hostile to the God and the things of God, while very vulnerable to the doctrines of the devil.
It matters not (to the devil) which one(s) of his alternatives that a human soul accepts, so long as keeps the soul from the TRUTH about God and/or the things of God.
A little of the devil's leaven (false information) can plant the seeds in the soul structure that can spread like cancer.
The natural tendency of fallen Man to listen to the voice of human rationalization, the spiritually dead unbelievers and/or the spiritually alive, but weak believers are easy targets for the devil's weapons of communication in the realm of spiritual combat.
The devil has no reason to attack and every reason to promote the Earthly lives of the unbelievers or the weak believers. The devil is "wise" enough to quit while he is ahead and leave such souls alone (or promote them), since he already has them right where he wants them to be, doing what he wants them to be doing (NOTHING) to promote the true plan of God. Furthermore, the earthly prosperity of the wicked has always been an effective weapon in the spiritual realm.
The devil knows (better than some believers) that there is no power (human or spiritual) that can undo the regenerating (Titus 3: 5) and sealing (marking for identification, aka baptizing) Work of God the Holy Spirit that takes place at the moment of salvation.
Never-the-less, the devil is equally aware of the fact that he can greatly impede the forward progress of a weak believer when it comes to identifying and executing the true post salvation spiritual life that is outlined in Scripture.
A "weak" believer is one that does not pursue and secure a clear understanding of the i-r-r-e-v-e-r-s-i-b-l-e and i-r-r-e-v-o-c-a-b-l-e (Roman 11: 29) characteristic of the gifts that God gave and the Work that He did that took place the moment an unsaved soul first believed (placed his/her full trust and confidence) in a presentation of the Gospel Message.
Salvation is a GIFT from God that cannot be obtained or retained via human effort.
A "weak" believer has not learned the truth that would otherwise set him/her free from such evil bondage (John 8: 32) that is the result of listening to false Gospels and/or teachings of religion that infer that faith is not enough.
There are pulpits and pews that are filled with "weak" believers who unwittingly become tools in the hands of the devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil.
A "weak believer" can be a very "religious" person, who chooses to fill in the cracks of his/her wavering faith and compromised soul structure with the products and Man-made religion that the devil is more than happy to supply.
Discerning the difference between what is spiritual (coming from God) from what is religious (coming from Man) is a critical skill needed to execute the true post salvation spiritual life of the Church Age.
A "weak believer" can also be a person that has been deceived into thinking that just because he/she can't lose his/her salvation (which IS true), that he/she is free to live any kind of life he/she chooses without fear of any negative consequences. Such believers live in ignorance or denial of Biblical teaching addressing divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) here on Earth, and the loss of rewards (1 Cor. 3: 12-15) that such believers will experience in Heaven.
Such a believer is either ignorant of or has chosen to reject the call to the true post salvation spiritual life.
One can be relatively "religious", "relatively moral, and engage in all kinds of humanitarian acts, and still be spiritually dead (John 3: 5, 7), headed for the Torments of Hades, and later, what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
ALL born again believers are headed for Heaven, but one can NOT choose to actively engage in ANY (James 2: 10) sin, or have sin(s) that have not been confessed (1John 1: 9) and/or forsaken (John 8: 11) and still execute the post salvation spiritual life.
It is for this reason that the devil promotes religion, relative morality, and humanitarian works. It is a WIN-WIN scenario, as his world (Luke 4: 6) reaps all the benefits of the human good that believers produce, while God is denied the glory that He would otherwise receive if the same believers were executing the post salvation spiritual life of Scripture.
Good (human) behavior and deeds WILL be the RESULT of executing the true post salvation spiritual life, but are NOT, in of themselves, the MEANS to achieve it.
The lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15) will be filled with human souls who engaged in "religion", lived relatively moral lifestyles, engaged in humanitarian projects, but were NEVER born again (John 3: 5, 7).
Failing to identify and/or execute the post salvation spiritual life amounts to failing to achieve the DIVINE purpose for the believer's presence here on Earth.
The devil has a never-ending supply of "alternatives" to the post salvation spiritual life of Scripture. These alternatives appeal to the fallen nature is all of us that is actually hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the true things of God. These alternatives leaves the believer with the a false sense of security, believing that all is well between them and God.
Every believer has "a" post (after) salvation spiritual life, but not "the" post salvation spiritual life that God designed and has revealed in Scripture.
One's post (after) salvation spiritual life takes place HERE on Earth. It begins at the moment he/she is born again (John 3: 5, 7) if/when he/she made a positive response (believing) in a presentation of the Gospel Message.
The Lord Jesus Christ made it perfectly clear to a very "religious" man named Nicodemus (and to us) that one MUST be born again (John 3: 5, 7).
Have you been born again? If not, then on what basis do you claim to have a relationship with God?
The post salvation spiritual life that begins at the moment of salvation here on Earth, continues on until the believer departs this Earth. The purpose of the post (after) salvation life is NOT to retain or finish the work of salvation. In fact, the post salvation spiritual life does not even begin until AFTER the issue of one's salvation has already been forever settled between the saved soul and God.
"The" post salvation spiritual life of Scripture is a 24-7 activity consisting of discipleship. Discipleship consists of the ongoing study and application of accurate Bible Doctrine for one's own spiritual edification and growth (2 Pet. 3: 18). To the extent that one spiritually matures, he/she can THEN be used of God for the edification and evangelizing of others, as one identifies and executes his individual part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
This is what glorifies God. The glorification of God in the midst of all the spirit combat of the Church Age is what "the" post salvation spiritual life is all about.
One can be VERY religious, as was Nicodemus (John 3), and yet be spiritually dead. One can be a "born again" believer, and yet not be engaged in the post salvation spiritual life.
Spiritually dead souls are destined to spend all of eternity future in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15). Born again believers who do not identify and engage in the post salvation spiritual life are destined to spend all of eternity in the general environment of Heaven, but without the rewards (1Cor. 3: 12-15) and privileges that he/she would have otherwise received. Born again believes do NOT serve God in order to be rewarded, but God has revealed to us in Scripture (1Cor. 3: 12-15) that He intends to reward the born again believers for all the "divine" good that is produced through (John 15: 5) him/her throughout the course of his/her post salvation spiritual life.
As much as it would please the Lord to have each and every born again believer identify and execute the true post salvation spiritual life, it equally pleases the devil when this does not take place.
A "strong" believer is one that his/her thought processes and accompanying behavior are under the control (filling) of God the Holy Spirit.
A "strong" believer is engaged in the o-n-g-o-i-n-g practice of learning, refining, and applying the principles of the Word of God to ALL of his/her thoughts and actions, no matter where he/she is or what he/she is otherwise doing at the moment. Discipleship is a 24-7 commitment.
There is an expression that some humans are "joined at the hip." The born again believer and God are "joined at the heart." There is nowhere we can go that the Lord is not right there with us. Developing a conscious awareness of the presence of the Lord will go a long way keeping the lid on what we think, do, and say.
No one executes the post salvation spiritual life with perfection. The post salvation spiritual life is a LIFE long process. The more progress we make, the more intense the spiritual combat will be experienced by the advancing disciple.
As long as we are here on Earth, there will ALWAYS be areas of our thoughts and actions that are in need of edification, examination, and adjustment. We are to be conformed to the likeness of Christ (Romans 8: 29).
The need (1John 1: 8) and means (1John 1: 9) to address (1John 1:9 / John 8: 11)the post salvation sin is clearly outlined in Scripture. Without the o-n-g-o-i-n-g self-examinations (2 Cor. 13: 5), the 1John 1: 9 confessions, and the (John 8: 11) forsaking of sin, the born again believer is an easy target for the forces of evil in the battlefield of spiritual combat.
As one spiritually matures, there (should) be a lessening need for the frequency of confession and forsaking sin, but there will NEVER come a time here on Earth that we will not be a need for examination, confession, and forsaking of sin. Some of us are not even out of bed in the morning, and already was have committed (or continue to live with) some form of post salvation sin by what we think, say, or do.
Unlike the alternative confessionals that have been established by religious authority, the confessional that God designed for the Church Age is opne 24-7 and is only a prayer way. See Doctrine of Confession.
When Scripture (Matt. 5: 48/James 1: 4) speaks of "perfection," it is referring to development of spiritual maturity. Even the most spiritually mature among us will still fail and sin in some way(s) each and EVERY day!
According to the Pharisees, there were over 613 ways in which one could violate "The Law" of the Old Testament. There are more that 300 ways to sin listed in the New Testament, including the sin of denial (1John 1: 8) that one has sinned, is sinning, and will continue to sin.
The stated d-i-v-i-n-e objective for the Church Age is the fulfillment of the external (outside) part of the Great Commission and the internal (inside) part of the Great Commission that was given to the Church. The external part is the presenting of the Gospel Message to unbelievers, and the internal part is making disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are born again in each generation of the Church Age.
It is much easier to go with flow, "check in" once a week, go through the motions and required rituals of one's chosen "religion", than it is to become a disciple and an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ here in the devil's world.
To be victorious in ANY form of comabt, one must have a clear understanding of what his own objective are to be, and not be distracted.
To be victorious in ANY form of combat, one must know his enemy, how he functions, and what his objectives are.
"For our struggle (spiritual combat) is NOT with flesh and blood (human beings), but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6: 12 italics mine)."
"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert, your (primary) adversary. the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1Pet. 5: 8 (NASB) italics mine)."
Unlike God, the devil does not have the attribute of omnipresence (that ability to be anywhere and everywhere at the same time), and therefore has to rely on his (Eph. 6: 12) forces of evil to do most of his recognizance and tactical work. In addition to his forces of evil, the devil also makes use of human beings that he can deceive or buy off to accomplish much of his plans.
Many of the one's he deceives are totally unaware that they are enemies of the cross (Phil. 3: 18). They are often "religious", relatively moral in behavior, engage in humanitarian work, but are spiritually or temporally "dead", and primarily focused on the "here and now (Phil. 3: 19).
Such persons may in fact be saved, having been born again, but have been taken captive (Col. 2: 8) and/or otherwise neutralized (rendered ineffective) in the battlefield of spiritual combat.
Satan's primary objective, here in the Church Age, is to do all that he can to at least impede the master plan of God from moving forward on both the corporate and individual level, and when possible, to take as many human souls down with him in the process.
The Great Commission is clear, but is becoming more and more of a "hard find" in this prophesied apostate (1Timothy 4: 1) phase of the Church Age.
Much of the so-called Christian Community is involved in many activities trying to make the devil's world Luke 4: 6) a better place to live, while neglecting the primary purpose for which it was created (Matt. 28: 19).
Humanitarian good and relative good individual behavior will be the RESULT of entertaining the true post salvation spirital life, but are not the MEANS to either obtain or maintain it.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit...
How was/is the Church to do this?
By ..."teachinging them to observe all (all = Gospel Message/post salvation Bible Doctrine) that I (will-John 14: 26) command you; and lo, I am with you always (enabling you - John 15: 5), even to end of the (Church) Age (Matt. 28:19, 20 italics mine)."
The outside part of the Great Commission was/is to preserve and preach the true Gospel Message to the unbelievers in each generation of the Church Age. The inside part of the Great Commission was/is to make disciples (student/appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are born again (John 3: 5, 7).
The ONE and ONLY "ritual" that Church Age believers were/are commanded to take part in is the celebration of the Lord's Supper (Communion). The stated (1Cor, 11: 24,25) purpose for this ritual is to "bring into remembrance" (not to reproduce) the Person (Who (John 1: 1. 14) and what (John 1: 29) He is), and the atoning (1John 1: 2) Work that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished (past tense) while ON the cross (John 19: 30).
With the full support of the devil, Man-made religion has done much to distort the purpose and means through which this ONE ritual is to be celebrated in worship services.
The are political events that have taken place on the global level and will continue to take place that are setting the stage for FUTURE events that are going to place here on planet Earth AFTER the Church is raptured away (1Thess. 4: 17), and BEFORE the CHURCH returns to the Earth with the Lord Jesus Christ at the the SECOND ADVENT.
Many of these events have involved and will involve military combat (Matt. 24: 6). The rise, longevity, extent of international influence, decline, and fall of ALL nations coincides with the continuous unfolding of the master plan of God for human race (Acts 17: 26). War is not necessarily to be a nation's first response, but keep in mind that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who said, "And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened,for those things M-U-S-T take place... (Matt. 24: 6 NASB)."
There is no doubt in my mind that many of the past and future (2Thess. 2: 8) leaders of the nations, coalitions, and empires were demonically influenced, if not demonically possessed, bringing the reality of spiritual combat into the major military conflicts here on planet Earth.
During the Crusades, misguided leaders within the Christian Community have used military force in attempts to prematurely establish the Kingdom of God in Jerusalem. Others have used military force to secure or retain "religious" control of existing nations. Others have "justified" military conquest and occupation of what was foreign lands and peoples in order to creatge a safe haven for the practice of their own religion and/or to further the proclamation of the Gospel.
The is a coming 1,000 year Kingdom of God that will be established and headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel. During that dispensation, the devil, will be incarcerated (Rev. 20: 2) and be of no influence in the affairs of Earth.
However, after the 1,000 year kingdom has fulfilled its divine purpose, the devil will be released (Rev. 20: 7) and allowed to orchestrate one last final attempt to attack the Earthly city of God (Rev. 20: 8), but will suffer his last and final defeat via supernatural intervention (Rev. 20: 9).
Knowledge of future events can be edifying and a good motivator for personal evangelism, but should not be allowed to take wind out of our sails and our focus on the spiritual combat of the Church Age.
Although being in the minority within the so-called "Christian Community" at large, each generation of the "true Church" will be sustained (Matt. 16: 18) and will accomplish its part in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20 ). This has been and will be the case in every generation of the Church Age, including the last generation when the Church (as a whole) will go through its prophesied (1Tim. 4: 1) period of great apostasy.
For the first few centuries of the Church Age, the majority of the "Church" met in public areas, secluded outdoor settings, private homes, and in secret hiding places during periods of great persecution.
The "true Church" that God designed must be distinguished from the many "churches" that are the products of Man-made religion that have been established and evolved throughout the course of the Church Age. The Church that God designed does NOT consist of physical buildings with tangible altars or "officiating" priests, but can be found among such external things that Man has established in the name (authority) of religion.
If the Rapture takes place in the middle of many "worship" services with the Christian Community at large, there will be many left behind standing behind the pulpits and seated in the pews. In such an aftermath, many of those who were at home at the time will wonder what the cause of delay might be when the believer did not return home, and many who return home will wonder where many of the one(s) have gone.
In short time, it will become apparent that millions on a global scale have suddenly disappeared.
The majority of the Church, from among the past generations of the Church Age, has already gone home to be with the Lord (2Cor. 5: 8). Such departed believers will return with the Lord and be reunited with the believers who are here on Earth when the Rapture takes place (1 Thess. 4: 15-17).
The Church that God designed consists of the collective body of ALL the souls that are born again believers of each generation. The true Church can be found among pews of the Churches that Man has established, and among the multitudes of people and scenarios outside of the walls of the "churches" that Man has created.
It will be the members of the true Church (born again believers) who will go up in th Rapture.
In some areas of what is considered to be a part of the Christian Community at large, little is being accomplished on both the individual and the corporate level to fulfill the marching orders (The Great Commission) that were given to the Church.
Sad to say, but the evangelizing of unbelievers and/or the accurate edification of fellow-believers is NOT on the top of the daily THINGS TO DO list of many who claim to be Christians. For some, it would be a totally new experience!
The devil has had much success is replacing the marching orders that the Lord gave to His Church with the teachings and practices of man-made religion. Much of the resources (time/finances) that good stewards would invest in the spreading of the Gospel and in the edification of fellow believers are being diverted to support programs designed to achieve social and political agendas.
There is a place for humanitarians deeds, social work, and politics, but there is a problem when those who claim to be Christians give equal or greater priority and support to the issues of the here and now over the marching orders that was given to the Church.
Troops "in the field" are never going to accomplish the objective of the commanding officer if they do not acknowledge and stay focused on the mission to which they have been assigned. In the spiritual realm, the Lord Jesus Christ in the head (commanding officer) of the "Army of God." His orders and mission that He gave to His "troops in the field" are clear (Matt. 28: 19, 20).
There IS a period of horrific activity that will take place here on Earth AFTER the Church has been RAPTURED and BEFORE the Second Advent. I say, "horrific," because Scripture (Matt. 24: 22) reveals that if this period of time were not cut short, no life would even survive.
Knowledge of such FUTURE events can be useful in emphasizing the urgency of being being born again BEFORE the RAPTURE takes place. No one would want to be left behind, or have anyone he/she cares for be left behind to live is a world environment that Scripture speaks of during those times.
The last day of opportunity to do one's part in Great Commission may not come for decades OR it may come before the sun goes down today or rises tomorrow! No one (on Earth) can tell us when either the Rapture or our personal departure will take place, but only that every day we wake up brings us one day closer to the day when one or both takes place.
ALL unbelievers who have departed this Earth have gone to the Torments of Hades with NOTHING to look forward to but Judgement Day for the unbelievers. On Judgment Day for the unbelievers, EVERY unbelieving soul throughout the course of human history will be tossed into what the Bible calls the lake of fire for all of eternity (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
Total victory by the forces of evil in the spiritual realm results in the individual souls they deceived finding themselves in the Torments of Hades, awaiting Judgment Day for the unbelievers and the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15). Total victory (on the individual level) is NOT possible without the soul being a willing participant. This is where the free will that God gave to each one of us, comes into play.
Partial victory by the forces of evil in the realm of spiritual combat results in the saved (born again believer) receiving salvation, but forfeiting (1Cor. 3: 12-15) rewards and accompanying privileges that the same believer would have received in addition to the eternal life and home in Heaven that ALL born again believers receive. This is a partial victory on the part of the forces of evil because God was denied the additional glory that the same believer could have brought to God if the believer had entertained the true post salvation spiritual life.
Partial victory is NOT possible without the soul being a willing participant. This is where the free will that God gave to each one of us, comes into play.
We are what we are (and will be) in the spiritual realm, based on OUR chosen response to the oportunity to be presented with the Gospel Message for salvation. Once presented with the opportunity, WE choose to either believe or disbelieve it.
Once saved, we then CHOOSE toidentify and execute the true post salvation spiritual life.
Partial victory on the part of the forces of good results in the spiritually dead soul being regenerated (Titus 5; 2) and receiving eternal life (jon 3: 16, 18). Salvation of the believing soul brings glory to God. Partail victory on the part of forces of good can not take place without the willing participation of the indivudal human soul. When he/she is presented with the Gospel Message AND chooses to BELIEVE, THEN God is glorifed.
Complete victory on the part of the forces of good results in both the salvation of the soul involved and his/her articipation in the post salvation spiritual life referenced in Scripture. Complete victory is not possible without the willing participation of the soul involved.
ALL born again believers achieve at least a partial victory in the realm of spiritual combat the day they first believe the Gospel Message and, as a result, are born again. A partial victory for the believer means a partiacl defeat for the forces of evil.
However, born again believers who do not identify and/or execute the post salvation spiritual life incur a partial defeat in the realm of spiritual combat. This partial defeat scores a partial victory for the forces of evil, as God is denied the glory that He could have otherwise received.
Although some Man-made religions and human rationalization would have us believe that deliverance from the Torments of Hades is possible, Scripture offers us NO such opportunity, regarless of what postmortum activites takes place in behalf of the departed soul.
Departed believers will return with the Lord and be united with the believers taken up in the Rapture (1Thess. 4: 17).
For those who have been "born again (John 3: 5, 7), each and every day that they remain here on Earth is an opportunity to either identify or to c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e executing the post salvation spiritual life.
Success or failure to execute the post salvation spiritual neither improves nor does it diminish the integrity of the salvation that a born again believer has ALREADY received. However, success or failure in the identification and execution of the post salvation spiritual life WILL either bring or deny the glory that God desires, and WILL impact the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 rewards that each believer will either receive or forfeit.
Believers do not serve God in order to be rewarded, but God as disclosed His intentions of rewarding in Heaven those live for Him during their time here on Earth.
Glorifying God is the primary objective of all advancing disciples, regardless of what it does or does not brings to them here on Earth. Discipleship is a costly endeavor.
The primary objective of spiritual combat engineered and promoted by the devil and the forces of evil, here in the Church Age, is to prevent or at least impede the salvation of every soul that God creates. Should the soul be saved, the secondary target comes into view, which is the prevention or destruction of a born again believer's post salvation spiritual life. In either scenario, it the glory of God that both sides of the conflict are concerned. The forces of good want to see God glorified, whereas the forces of evil desire to deny God as much glory as they are allowed in the realm of spiritual combat.
The method of operation of the devil is deception, promoting lies and alternatives. The "lies" are often what we want to hear, as they go along with fallen nature within us. The alternatives are often what we desire, for the same reasons. The devil usually reserves his adversity for advancing disciples, knowing that he can get more cooperation from a bear with honey than a stick when it comes to interacting with weak believers.
The old saying, "Things are not what they appear to be.", has no greater significance than it does in the spiritual realm.
Like a hostile submarine, failing to detect the presence and functioning of the devil and/or his forces of evil sets the stage for mass destruction.
At the appointed time, the devil and his forces of evil (Eph 6: 12) are destined to be thrown into the lake of fire (Matt. 25: 41/Rev. 20: 10), but he/they will not be alone (Rev. 20: 13, 15), as the lake of fire is the eternal dwelling place of all unbelieving human souls, as well.
However, the devil is NOT presently in "Hell" waiting for all the "bad" people to join him. The devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil, with a few exceptions (Jude 6) are here on Earth and actively engaged in the spiritual combat of the Church Age.
The devil has no reason to attack and every reason to promote the earthly prosperity and environment of a spiritually dead soul.
As for the soul who chooses to respond to the invitations of God, the devil has an increasing desire to either attack with adversity or distract with prosperity.
"...the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1Pet. 5: 8 NASB)."
The soul first appears on the devil's radar screen as a target of interest when God the Holy Spirit begins to set the stage for the Gospel Message to be presented to the soul involved. This presentation can take place in "Church" (providing it is the type of Church that God designed) or ANYWHERE else that God has placed His ambassadors (2Cor. 5: 20). The divine objective during this stage is to prepare the individual soul to choose to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message., whereas the satanic objective is for the soul to refuse to listen.
The spiritual combat during this preparation phase can involve both adversity and/or prosperity that comes or is allowed by the hand of God (Job 2: 10), and adversity and/or prosperity that the devil and his forces of evil are allowed to apply.
The soul becomes a greater target of interest when the Gospel Message is being presented, actually affording the soul involved the opportunity to be saved. The divine desire is for the soul to choose to believe the Gospel Message, whereas the satanic desire is for the soul to choose to reject it. The spiritual combat that each side generates is for the purpose of achieving their opposing objectives.
One born again, the saved soul becomes a greater target still. Salvation is no longer the issue, but the forces of evil will do all that they are allowed to do in order to raise doubts concerning the integrity of the salvation that they have ALREADY received.
IF and when a born again believer chooses to identify and to engage in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he/she then becomes an ever-increasing target of interest, as it is THEN that such a believer poses a threat to the plans of the devil.
The deeper in enemy-held territory that an advancing disciple chooses to go, the more intense and the more frequent the satanic adversity or distractions will come.
Why did/does God allow spiritual combat to exist?
Status (being spiritually dead or spiritually alive) and activity in the spiritual realm is all about making choices with the free will that God gave to both angels and members of the human race.
God does not desire (John 4: 23, 24) robotic, mechanical, worship by rote in which the worshipers just go through the motions of ritual(s) with little or no impact on their daily lives or in the lives of those around them.
It is because we have free will that God is truly glorified and worshiped, as it is when we CHOOSE to use our free will in way(s) that pleases Him that He receives the greatest glory.
Once presented with the opportunity to be presented with the Gospel Message, we make two choices. We CHOOSE to either listen, or we CHOOSE not to listen. If we CHOOSE to listen, we then choose to either BELIE E or to DISBELIEVE it, setting the course for our INDIVIDUAL eternal destiny (John 3: 18).
These choices determine rather we remain spiritually dead and on the road to the Torments of Hades and ultimately to the lake of fire, or if we are "born again (John 3: 5, 7), headed for Heaven.
Once born again, the issue of WHERE we are going to spend all of eternity has been forever settled, but we have more choices to make EACH day throughout the course of our post salvation spiritual life. It is what we CHOOSE to do with our opportunities each and every day that determines the quantity and the quality of the glory that we either bring to God, or deny Him.
We choose to identify and to pursue the true post salvation spiritual life spoken of in Scripture, or to reject the invitation, often times accepting one of the many alternatives that Man-made religion has designed and that the devil promotes.
Each and every day we make hundreds of decisions, reflected in the attitudes and behaviors that we privately entertain and/or overtly exhibit by all that we think, do, and say. This activity is under the observation of God, angels, the devil, his forces of evil, and other people.
In the midst of spiritual combat, both spiritual and evil forces will put pressure on the soul of the believer to make choices that will either glorify God or deny God the glory that He desires to receive.
When out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God, the human soul will most likely make choices that are in agreement with the SELF-centered fallen nature (Romans 7) within all of us. This nature is hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God, making it very easy for a soul out of fellowship with God to rationalize or self-justify much of the sin we choose to entertain.
Developing a conscious awareness of the omnipresence of God on a 24-7 level can go a long way in putting a leash and muzzle on much of what we would otherwise think, do, and say. There is no such thing as a "little" sin (James 2: 10) when we consider that the glory of God in on the line.
It is via these choices that the born again believer brings glory to God or denies God the glory (in the midst of the spiritual combat) that He would have otherwise received.
Along with our God-given free will comes the accountability for how we choose to exercise it. We are FREE to make choices, but we are not FREE from having to make choices, and we are not FREE from the blessings or consequences that are the result of the choices we make.
One is free to choose to believe (place his full trust and confidence) in the Gospel Message (and be born again), and one is free to disbelieve the Gospel Message , and in doing so, remain in the same spiritually dead condition in which he/she came into the this world.
Once (if) born again, the born again believer is free to choose to identify and pursue the true post salvation spiritual life (and be blessed for it), and is free to reject the call to engage in it (and reap the consequences).
The advancing disciple is obligated to respond to the opportunities that God presents him/her with to share the Gospel Message with unbelievers and/or an edifying principle of Scripture with a fellow believer, but the choice(s) that the recipients make are matters between the recipient and the Lord.
The Old Testament Book of Job is one of the greatest examples of what a man of faith can be subjected to when his personal circumstances become the center of attention in the realm of spiritual combat between the warring forces of good and evil.
In the end, Job received greater blessings here on Earth than what he had experienced before his trials and troubles began.
No one would want to suffer the way that Job suffered, losing his wealth, health, and family members. But the ones who glorifies God the most, I believe, are the one's who continue on in the battles of spiritual warfare even though they never receive any (earthly) blessings for having done so, and are willing to wait for their reward(s) in Heaven (Heb. 11: 13).
The amazing thing (to worldly-minded individuals) is that mature believers would do so even if there were no rewards awaiting them in the life to come. The primary concern that an advancing disciple has is that he/she is where God wants him/her to be, and doing what God wants him/her to be doing at any given time, placing the outcome in the hands of God.
God has given and will give to each one of us ALL that we need to be successful in the realm of spiritual combat.
God's "army" is an all-volunteer outfit. All believers are invited to enlist, but no one is drafted or forced to serve.
One should know that the devil is going to attack the spiritual lives of all believers, rather or not one chooses to "waive the flag" of discipleship. Every believer, rather he/she is aware of it or not, is involved with spiritual combat to some degree each and every day!
What many write off as the challenges of every day life common to Man, those with spiritual discernment can detect the presence and involvement of spiritual forces, both good and evil, in much that takes all around us each and every day.
Those who train and engage in the more intense levels of spiritual combat are going to be attacked the most, as it is they who pose the greatest threat to the devil's agenda. As the old saying goes, "No good deed will go unpunished."
If one never or seldom comes under satanic attack, it is an indication that the devil is content to leave him/her right where he/she is, contributing nothing to the plan of God, and perhaps even unwittingly promoting the devil's agenda.
The deeper one treads into "enemy held territory" and the more "enemy positions," the more intense the spiritual combat is going to be. Enemy held territory and positions, in the spiritual realm, are teachings, practices, behaviors, and activity that are supported, promoted, and defended by the enemy.
There are times when the Chrrstian soldier is called to go on the offensive, and there are times when he/she is called to defend his/own territory (Doctrine) and strongholds (fundamental principles of the faith).
This is what should be going on as we interact with both believers and unbelievers in our personal periphery on a daily basis. Our diverse interests, types of recreation, careers, types of labor, and domestic environments are where we are to function as Christ's ambassadors. It is certainly there that the devil will attack and do all that he can to diminish our personal testimony and effectiveness in the spiritual realm.
Before a recruit is exposed to military combat, he/she must first be conditioned, disciplined, trained with at least a working knowledge of the weaponry and the tactical skills that he is going to need in order to be effective out in the battlefield.
Military and trainers of public safety personal know that under stress, most recruits will more than likely respond in the manner in which they were trained. Seasoned veterans have the benefit of past experience.
The same applies for the preparation of disciples for the inevitable combat they will encounter in the spiritual battlefield.
The pastor teachers of the Church Age have the assigned function of training born again believers (Eph. 4: 12) for spiritual combat that true discipleship and ambassadorship will generate. How well one's chosen pulpit is accomplishing this preparation for combat in then lives of the congregation should be one of the issues taken into consideration when choosing or remaining with any given pulpit.
It is the calling of pastor-teachers to teach the principles of the Word of God and the "how to" skills that the believer is going to need for the development and maintaining of his/her own structure and for long term objective of ministering (serving) to others.
Making disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) was/is the internal (inside) mission that was given to the Church (Matt. 28: 19). Discipleship begins with and is initially for the primary advancement of the individual believer as he/she grows in the grace, knowledge, and application of the Word of God (2Pet.3: 18/James 1: 22). The long term objective for ALL disciples is to be used of God to present the Gospel Message to unbelievers and to share edifying principles of doctrine with fellow believers.
To the extent that one has first him/herself grown in the things of the Lord, he/she will gradually become more and more prepared (1Pet. 3: 15) and useful to God (1Cor. 3: 7) to take part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. It is for the fulfillment of the Great Commission that the Church and ALL of its members are here on Earth.
If one has no genuine interest in the evangelizing and/or edification of the souls he/she interacts with on a daily or regular basis, he/she is NOT "interested in the post salvation spiritual life laid out in Scripture.
What the spiritual combatant will learn soon enough is God who accomplishes the victories in the spiritual realm. For the most part, advancing disciples are merely the communicators of the truth. What the recipients of the truth choose to do with the information provided are matters between them and the Lord.
Evangelism (sharing the Gospel Message) with unbelievers and sharing post (AFTER) doctrine with fellow believers is what glorifies God. It is for this reason, and not making the devil's world a better place to live or improving one's own lot in life, that you were created in the first place.
Whatever it is that we can't take with us when we depart might not have been worth the effort in the first place! Even if we had been among the first generations that lived close to 1,000 years, it is still NOTHING in comparison to eternity future that will NEVER end.
Prosperity and/or success one experiences in all the other areas of life here on Earth put together amount to meaningless vanity (Eccl. 1: 2), if in the process, we have neglected our spirituality (Mark 8: 36).
Life after physical death is NOT a matter of IF, but a matter of WHERE and HOW it IS going to experienced.
We bury (or otherwise dispose of our human remains), but NOT the soul. The soul and soul life of Adam and every human soul that was ever created or will ever be created is a much alive and conscious as the day God (John 3: 6) it, and placed it in the body of HIs choosing.
There is a future resurrection of the decaying body (or remaining dust) to take place at which time the body is raised in resurrection from and reunited with the departed soul (1Thess. 4: 14-17), but there are NO souls in any casket, funeral parlor, corpse, grave, or urn, etc..
Absent from the body, present with the Lord (2Cor. 5: 8). The absence being spoken of here takes place the split second the soul departs the body at the moment of physical death.
Scripture refers to the bodily experiences of believers as being (#1) tents (2Cor. 5: 1), (#2 buildings (2Cor. 5: 1), (#3) mansions (John 14: 2), with each one being of superior quality and offering a better "dwelling place" than the previous one(s).
As of the Church Age, All departing souls (and those who will depart prior to the Rapture taking place) are in interim bodies in Heaven (not the grave), awaiting, among others things, the Rapture and the exchanging of their *interim bodies for thier resurrected bodies when the Rapture takes place (1Thess. 4: 16)
The *interim bodily experience is the one that believing souls indwell in Heaven upon departing this Earth at physical death. The interim bodies will be replaced with the physical bodies they left behind at death when they are raised in resurrected form at the Rapture (1Thess. 4 16).
Believers who are alive on the Earth when the Rapture takes place will NEVER experience either physical death nor an interim bodily experience. They will be instantaneously (1Cor. 15: 42) transformed into their resurrected bodies and gather together with all the believing souls who have departed throughout the course of human history. From that point on, they will be with the Lord forever.
The 1Thess 4 passage were intended to be words of edification, encouragement, and c-o-m-f-o-r-t , not of confusion or fear.
There is nothing comforting about the prospect of being encased in a coffin as our physical bodies rot away; or being confined to an urn with our cremated remains; or ANY other postmortem activity for the disposition of our human remains.
But, there is everything comforting about knowing that when we (our souls) depart these bodies, we will THEN be ina better place and in a better body that what we experienced here on Earth.
Equally so, there is NOTHING comforting about the prospects of experiencing the Torments of Hades and then what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15) for those who leave this world in the capacity of an unbeliever.
But, there is everything comforting to know that the issue of our salvation has ALREADY been resolved, no matter what ever else happens or fails to happen in the course of our post salvation spiritual life.
IF and when a born again believer CHOOSES to shed the influence of his/her self-centered fallen nature, and focuses on the life to come instead of the here and now, identifying and executing the post salvation spiritual life will NOT be a burden, but will be the driving force behind ALL that we do until the Lord calls us home or takes us up in the Rapture.
What we do to prepare ourselves for the life to come may not seem to be all that important right now, but will be of the utmost importance when that is all that there is!
Preparing for the spiritual combat of post (after) salvation discipleship begins with establishing a Biblically sound soul structure. Building and maintaining a Biblically sound soul structure is an ongoing and never-ending process that begins at the moment of salvation and continues on until the soul departs this world.
It is the job of the pastor teacher to provide born again believers with all the information, tactical instructions, and encouragement they need to build, maintain, and apply an edified soul structure.
The building of the soul structure involves laying down a secure foundation, which is an understanding of the true Gospel Message. The failure to lay down such a foundation will almost certainly result in cracks that will, in time, cause the structure to crash in the days of testing and adversity (Matt. 7: 24-27/1 Cor. 3: 12).
Crashes of the soul structure does not mean that salvation has been lost, but will be devastating to the quality of one's post (after) salvation spiritual life. Where there had been confidence, there will be doubt. Where there had been a desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3: 18), there will be a "cooling down" in one's desire for spiritual things. Where there had been a desire to engage in personal evangelism (sharing the Gospel) with unbelievers, and sharing principles of doctrine with fellow believers, there will be a desire to prioritize the things of the "here and now".
The crumbling and eventual collapse of the foundation is usually due to bad materials (false doctrines) being added into the mix. When (not if) the storms of life strike, the soul structure is subjected to intense pressure. It is when our soul structure is subjected to such pressure that we find out where we stand in our walk with the Lord.
One of the reasons that God sends (or allows) such adversity is to bring to our attention any cracks in our foundation so that they can be addressed, avoiding the inevitable crash(es) that otherwise ARE on the way.
As long as the foundation remains false information free, not only will the foundation endure all the adversity that the forces of evil can generate, but will increase its strength for future attacks.
On the foundation, that is having established a clear understanding of the true Gospel Message, the advancing disciple will build his/her soul structure with all the post (AFTER) salvation doctrines that he/she is (should be) taught his/her pastor teacher.
Personal Bible study time should be a part of one’s daily agenda, but in keeping with the plan of God, this should be supplementary to one’s ongoing edification under the teaching/ministry of a Biblically trained, ordained, pastor teacher that God has gifted for this purpose.
Like ANY other area of one’s spiritual life, if we want God’s best, we must learn to do its God’s way. Alternatives produce alternative results.
The internal mission that was given to the Church (Matt. 28: 19) was/is to make “disciples” (students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are born again.
Members of the “Church” that God designed consists of born again believers (John 3: 5, 9) that are all equally “saved”, but differ in their individual stages of spiritual maturity.
No one, including a pastor-teacher, can be used of God to bring another believer to a stage of spiritual maturity greater than what he/she has first secured for him/herself. Before taking too much stock in what one who claims to be a spokesman of God has to say, one would be wise to look for the evidence of Spiritual fruit in the life of the individual.
The principle that a student can become like his/her teacher can work for better or for the worse.
All too often, one’s choice of edification is based on family or cultural tradition, the personality or charisma of the speaker, convenience, and services (weddings, funerals, water baptisms/ etc.) being offered, rather than on the quantity and the quality of the doctrine being taught from the pulpit.
The LAST place that the devil wants any believer to be (or to have access to) is where he/she can receive the type of teaching needed to identify and execute the type of post (after) salvation spiritual life that God has in mind.
The devil has no issues with "religon", and gladly promotes it!
Many “Christians” are content to have a local Church where they can “check in” once a week, fulfill some sense of obligation, passively touch base with God or what they believe to be the things of God, while avoiding being challenged to spiritually mature.
The location, frequency, and manner in which a born again believer chooses for the o-n-g-o-i-n-g edification of his soul structure are issues that each believer must choose for himself.
God will not deny any born again believer with the means to either identify or execute the true post salvation spiritual life. The issue is rather or not the believer is willing to pay the price. Discipleship is a costly endeavor.
IF a born again believer's present means of edification is not providing him/her with the opportunity to continually grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord (1Pet. 3: 18), evidenced by the manifestation of the “fruit” of the Spirit in his/her individual life, then there is something in need of adjustment.
Here are the characteristics of a person who is bearing the fruit of the Spirit:
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5: 22, 23 NASB.
A tree (or a person) cannot simultaneously produce the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of the fallen nature. Here are the characteristics of a person who is bearing the fruit (acts) of the fallen sin nature:
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like… Galatians 5: 19, 20 NASB.
The type of fruit being produced by any given pulpit or individual believer is a clear indicator of where it or he stands in its or his productivity in the spiritual realm. Both the man behind the pulpit (James 3: 1) and the individuals in the pews (Romans 14: 12) will give an account of the fruit each one produced.
The one behind the pulpit will be judged on the quantity and the accuracy of the information he provides to his congregation.n The one in pews will be judged on the basis of what he/she did with the information received (or could have received).
This judgment has got nothing to do with salvation, but has much to do with the eternal rewards of 1Cor. 3: 12-15 that will be received or forfeited at the evaluation of deeds that takes place in Heaven.
The edification process teaches and reinforces the development of the fruit of the Spirit in the spiritual life of an advancing disciple. The edification process also identifies false teaching and practices that need to be abandoned.
The personal challenge will be for recipients of the information to apply what they are being taught to what they think, do, and say.
As in the case of the foundation, the integrity of the structure under on- going construction (Matt. 7: 24-27), review (2Cor. 13: 5), and revision is only as reliable as is the building material (accurate Bible Doctrine) that it is being used.
The quantity and quality (accuracy) of the information that comes from ANY pulpit is a major battle in the realm of the spiritual combat of the Church Age. Just because the information is coming from a pulpit, does NOT mean that it is accurate.
If the teachings of the Apostle Paul were subject to verification (Acts 17: 11), does it not seem worthwhile to make the same Scriptural evaluation of what is coming from any pulpit? When any pulpit's response to any contradiction is, "That's our faith," or worse, "Don't read the Bible", flares, bells, and whistles of alarm wil go off in the soul structure of an advancing disciple.
The advancing disciple is told to gird up his mind (loins) (1Pet. 1: 13). There are many interpretations and applications of this phrase, but in context, it is speaking of preparting oneself for what will be a difficult endeavor. In this case, to engage in the spiritual combat of the Church.
As in the case of ANYTHING else in the spiritual realm, the power source is not of Man, but of God (John 15: 5/Eph. 6: 12). If the advancing disciple hasn't learned yet the futility of trying to accomplish divine good with human ability, he will certainly learn it within the few few steps onto the battlefield of spiritual combat.
It's not what we do (or have done) for God that matters, but what HE does through us (John 15: 5).
The advancing disciple is told to learn who his spiritual enemies are (1Pet. 5: 8/Eph. 6: 12/Phil. 3: 18/Col. 2: 8/Heb. 13: 9/John 8: 44/), and where (Luke 4: 6/2 Cor. 11: 14,15/Matt. 10: 36) and how they primarily operate via deception.
The advancing disciple is familiar with the enemy"s primary weapon of false concepts and information, from which Man-made r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n (Psalms 96) outside of the Christian Community, and false doctrine WITHIN the "Christian" Community are made.
The advancing disciples is told to keep the lines of communication (prayer) open and functional with God (Eph. 6: 18). In prayer, the believer does the talking and God listens. In meditation, God does the taking and the believer does the listening.
For obvious reasons, one's prayer life will be a major target for the devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil in the realm of spiritual combat.
The quality and content of our prayer life will be in direct relationship to what level of spiritual maturity we are at, at any given time. Generally speaking, the more spiritually mature we become, the less our prayers will be focused on what WE desire, and more on what God desires.
Every day, our soul structures are bombarded with all kinds of false concepts and information that are knowingly and/or unwittingly presented to our souls for the purpose of destruction.
For those with spiritual discernment, the inaudible,but greatly influential, "voice of the devil" can be seen or heard in the media, the "Church", in our schools, in many forms of entertainment, and from the mouths of ungodly persons with whom we interact with on a regular basis.
There is no greater spiritual fool than the one who thinks he's right, but lives in the great darkness spoken of in Matt. 6: 23.
The advancing disciple is told to put on the whole armor Eph. 6: 11,13) of God. Any missing or deficient parts will provide the enemy with the opportunity to defeat the believer who is attempting to advance in the battlefield of spiritual combat.
Let's take an over-view look at the defensive pieces of "spiritual armor" and the one offensive weapon that the advancing disciple will need to acquire and master if he/she is going to be effective in the realm of spiritual combat. Needless to say, an entire lesson or presentation could be made on each individual piece of armor or weapon.
The "breastplate" in the ancient world covered the chest area of the advancing warrior protecting many of his vital organs from injury that could lead to death.
In the spiritual realm, the "breastplate of righteousness" assures the advancing disciple that he is identified (Eph. 4: 30) as a child of God, and that he/she will see the battle through, arriving at his ultimate objective, Heaven Romans 14: 4).
This "righteousness" is the result of placing one's faith in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Failing to put the brestplate of righteousness on will leave the soul wide open for attack and failure on the battlefield. Any "cracks" in the bearers faith, will be used of the devil to raise doubts and fears as to the integrity of one's salvation.
The soldiers footwear were constructed so that his feet were protected from injury and to provide stability in battle. He would not have to be concerned with what he stepped on or maintaining his stability as he moved forward in the battle. This is symbolic of eternal security. The advancing soldier could not afford to take his eyes off the enemy in close range to check to see if he was on solid ground. Such a distraction would render him/her ineffective in attacking the enemy, as well as be vulnerable to be struck down by the enemy. One puts on his spiritual footware (eternal) security the day he/she chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel, and need not be distracted in the heat of battle to see if he is secure.
The shield(s) of faith came in two forms. The smaller shield was used to deflect personal attacks being made by the enemy, whereas the larger shield was used collectively with fellow warriors to erect a frontal wall and/or a "roof" over the heads of advancing troops as they advanced forward or came under arrial attacks (arrows/darts/etc.) by the enemy trying to defend their positions.
There is the helmet protects the head. In natural combat, head injuries would result in severe functional trauma if not death. The helmet of a spiritual warrior is the soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) from which ALL decisions are made. The helmet must protect the head (our thought life) from being injured (negatively influenced) by all the the "fiery darts" (false information) that our spiritual enemies thrown at us or deceitfully offer us on a daily basis. Failing to develop or make use of an effective "helmet" would all but insure serious injury or death on the spiritual battlefield.
All of the above pieces of armor are primarily of the defensive nature. Without a good defense, our offense potential will be compromised. The ONE primary weapon of offense is the "sword". In the realm of spiritual combat, the "sword" is the Word of God.
Mastering the use and care of sword is what enables us to be the most effective in the realm of spiritual combat when we are called to attack the enemy. Going into battle without one's sword would make one totally useless in the realm of spiritual combat.
Advancing disciples, engaged in spiritual combat, attack the enemy whenever they enter "enemy held territory". Enemy held territory is any teaching, attitude, opinion, or behavior that runs contrary to what God has to say concerning ANY given subject.
Scripture teach that there IS a time to keep silent and that there IS a time to speak (Eccl. 3:7). There IS a time for war, and there IS a time for peace (Eccl. 3: 8). There is a time to embrace, and there is a time to shun embracing (Eccl. 3: 5). Spiritual combat is a time to speak, engage the enemy in conflict, and to shun embracing.
Needless to say, spiritual combat is not for the weak at heart. There IS a price to be paid for taking a godly stand in a godless scenario. The spiritual warrior is not going to be the "life of the party," and will not be the recipient of many invitations.
Enemy held territory can be as near to us as the areas of our own soul structure that has not as of yet been conformed to the likeness of Christ (Romans 8: 29). We ALL have them. Some of our greatest and more painful experiences on the battlefield of spiritual warfare will take place in the privacy of our own soul structures, totally unoberved by the people around us.
Other battles will ensue when we take a stand against teachings or practices that are commonly accepted out in the devil's world (Luke 4: 6).
We are involved in spiritual combat each and every day rather we are consciously aware of it or not. The more spiritually mature we become, the sharper our discernment will be to perceive the spiritual issue(s) behind what most people write off as the events of every day life.
Spiritual maturity has got NOTHING to do with our chronological/biological age. Spirit growth, evidenced by the quantity and the qujality of the knowledge and the application of the Word of God, BEGINS the day one is born again (John 3: 5, 7), and (should) continue throughout the course of one's post salvation spiritual life.
Believers are instructed and admonished to conduct periodic (2Cor 13: 5) and specific (1 Cor. 11: 28 ) SELF examinations to determine if they are in the faith, that is continuing to learn, and then applying what they are learn-i-n-g (an ongoing process) to how they think, speak, and behave. Failure do so, according to Scripture, 1 Cor. 11:30/Heb. 12: 6), can have serious consequences.
The closer one gets to an enemy stronghold, the more intense the spiritual combat will be.
Taking a stand for God, especially in an unglody society and among those who live for the things of the here and now (Phil. 3: 19), will be sure to draw enemy fire (2Tim. 3: 12).
The devil has a whole warehouse full of alternatives that one can substitute for the post salvation spiritual life outlined in Scripture.
Once the issue of one's salvation has been forever resolved, the primary objective for an advancing disciple is then to reach spiritual maturity here on Earth. This is what brings the maximum amount of glory to God. One is NOT going to reach spiritual maturity without engaging in spiritual combat. Spiritual combat is an essential part of the true post salvation spiritual life spoken of in Scripture.
Life IS a battle, and it was intended to be so.
Spiritual maturity is the result of having a soul structure that is full of accurate doctrine, coupled with one's willingness to apply all that he knows to all that he thinks, says, and does. This is what glorifies God and fulfills the divine purpose for which God created each one of us in the first place.
In summary, spiritual combat of the Church Age consists of all the activity that takes place WITHIN one's own soul structure when opposing information is presented, forcing us to make choices. It also involves the inevitable conflicts that the advancing disciple IS going to have with other people who hold to opinions, teachings, and/or practices that run contrary to what God has to say about any given subject.
When the soul makes choices that honors and pleases God, God and the forces of good secures a victory. When the soul makes choices that pleases the devil, the forces of evil secures a victory.
There is no small defeat or victory in view when the glory of God is hanging in the balance.
Partial victory on the part of the forces of good results in the spiritually dead soul being regenerated (Titus 5; 2) and receiving eternal life (jon 3: 16, 18). Salvation of the believing soul brings glory to God. Partail victory on the part of forces of good can not take place without the willing participation of the indivudal human soul. When he/she is presented with the Gospel Message AND chooses to BELIEVE, THEN God is glorifed.
Complete victory on the part of the forces of good results in both the salvation of the soul involved and his/her articipation in the post salvation spiritual life referenced in Scripture. Complete victory is not possible without the willing participation of the soul involved.
ALL born again believers achieve at least a partial victory in the realm of spiritual combat the day they first believe the Gospel Message and, as a result, are born again. A partial victory for the believer means a partiacl defeat for the forces of evil.
However, born again believers who do not identify and/or execute the post salvation spiritual life incur a partial defeat in the realm of spiritual combat. This partial defeat scores a partial victory for the forces of evil, as God is denied the glory that He could have otherwise received.
Although some Man-made religions and human rationalization would have us believe that deliverance from the Torments of Hades is possible, Scripture offers us NO such opportunity, regarless of what postmortum activites takes place in behalf of the departed soul.
Departed believers will return with the Lord and be united with the believers taken up in the Rapture (1Thess. 4: 17).
For those who have been "born again (John 3: 5, 7), each and every day that they remain here on Earth is an opportunity to either identify or to c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e executing the post salvation spiritual life.
Success or failure to execute the post salvation spiritual neither improves nor does it diminish the integrity of the salvation that a born again believer has ALREADY received. However, success or failure in the identification and execution of the post salvation spiritual life WILL either bring or deny the glory that God desires, and WILL impact the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 rewards that each believer will either receive or forfeit.
Believers do not serve God in order to be rewarded, but God as disclosed His intentions of rewarding in Heaven those live for Him during their time here on Earth.
Glorifying God is the primary objective of all advancing disciples, regardless of what it does or does not brings to them here on Earth. Discipleship is a costly endeavor.
The primary objective of spiritual combat engineered and promoted by the devil and the forces of evil, here in the Church Age, is to prevent or at least impede the salvation of every soul that God creates. Should the soul be saved, the secondary target comes into view, which is the prevention or destruction of a born again believer's post salvation spiritual life. In either scenario, it the glory of God that both sides of the conflict are concerned. The forces of good want to see God glorified, whereas the forces of evil desire to deny God as much glory as they are allowed in the realm of spiritual combat.
The method of operation of the devil is deception, promoting lies and alternatives. The "lies" are often what we want to hear, as they go along with fallen nature within us. The alternatives are often what we desire, for the same reasons. The devil usually reserves his adversity for advancing disciples, knowing that he can get more cooperation from a bear with honey than a stick when it comes to interacting with weak believers.
The old saying, "Things are not what they appear to be.", has no greater significance than it does in the spiritual realm.
Like a hostile submarine, failing to detect the presence and functioning of the devil and/or his forces of evil sets the stage for mass destruction.
At the appointed time, the devil and his forces of evil (Eph 6: 12) are destined to be thrown into the lake of fire (Matt. 25: 41/Rev. 20: 10), but he/they will not be alone (Rev. 20: 13, 15), as the lake of fire is the eternal dwelling place of all unbelieving human souls, as well.
However, the devil is NOT presently in "Hell" waiting for all the "bad" people to join him. The devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil, with a few exceptions (Jude 6) are here on Earth and actively engaged in the spiritual combat of the Church Age.
The devil has no reason to attack and every reason to promote the earthly prosperity and environment of a spiritually dead soul.
As for the soul who chooses to respond to the invitations of God, the devil has an increasing desire to either attack with adversity or distract with prosperity.
"...the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1Pet. 5: 8 NASB)."
The soul first appears on the devil's radar screen as a target of interest when God the Holy Spirit begins to set the stage for the Gospel Message to be presented to the soul involved. This presentation can take place in "Church" (providing it is the type of Church that God designed) or ANYWHERE else that God has placed His ambassadors (2Cor. 5: 20). The divine objective during this stage is to prepare the individual soul to choose to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message., whereas the satanic objective is for the soul to refuse to listen.
The spiritual combat during this preparation phase can involve both adversity and/or prosperity that comes or is allowed by the hand of God (Job 2: 10), and adversity and/or prosperity that the devil and his forces of evil are allowed to apply.
The soul becomes a greater target of interest when the Gospel Message is being presented, actually affording the soul involved the opportunity to be saved. The divine desire is for the soul to choose to believe the Gospel Message, whereas the satanic desire is for the soul to choose to reject it. The spiritual combat that each side generates is for the purpose of achieving their opposing objectives.
One born again, the saved soul becomes a greater target still. Salvation is no longer the issue, but the forces of evil will do all that they are allowed to do in order to raise doubts concerning the integrity of the salvation that they have ALREADY received.
IF and when a born again believer chooses to identify and to engage in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he/she then becomes an ever-increasing target of interest, as it is THEN that such a believer poses a threat to the plans of the devil.
The deeper in enemy-held territory that an advancing disciple chooses to go, the more intense and the more frequent the satanic adversity or distractions will come.
Why did/does God allow spiritual combat to exist?
Status (being spiritually dead or spiritually alive) and activity in the spiritual realm is all about making choices with the free will that God gave to both angels and members of the human race.
God does not desire (John 4: 23, 24) robotic, mechanical, worship by rote in which the worshipers just go through the motions of ritual(s) with little or no impact on their daily lives or in the lives of those around them.
It is because we have free will that God is truly glorified and worshiped, as it is when we CHOOSE to use our free will in way(s) that pleases Him that He receives the greatest glory.
Once presented with the opportunity to be presented with the Gospel Message, we make two choices. We CHOOSE to either listen, or we CHOOSE not to listen. If we CHOOSE to listen, we then choose to either BELIE E or to DISBELIEVE it, setting the course for our INDIVIDUAL eternal destiny (John 3: 18).
These choices determine rather we remain spiritually dead and on the road to the Torments of Hades and ultimately to the lake of fire, or if we are "born again (John 3: 5, 7), headed for Heaven.
Once born again, the issue of WHERE we are going to spend all of eternity has been forever settled, but we have more choices to make EACH day throughout the course of our post salvation spiritual life. It is what we CHOOSE to do with our opportunities each and every day that determines the quantity and the quality of the glory that we either bring to God, or deny Him.
We choose to identify and to pursue the true post salvation spiritual life spoken of in Scripture, or to reject the invitation, often times accepting one of the many alternatives that Man-made religion has designed and that the devil promotes.
Each and every day we make hundreds of decisions, reflected in the attitudes and behaviors that we privately entertain and/or overtly exhibit by all that we think, do, and say. This activity is under the observation of God, angels, the devil, his forces of evil, and other people.
In the midst of spiritual combat, both spiritual and evil forces will put pressure on the soul of the believer to make choices that will either glorify God or deny God the glory that He desires to receive.
When out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God, the human soul will most likely make choices that are in agreement with the SELF-centered fallen nature (Romans 7) within all of us. This nature is hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God, making it very easy for a soul out of fellowship with God to rationalize or self-justify much of the sin we choose to entertain.
Developing a conscious awareness of the omnipresence of God on a 24-7 level can go a long way in putting a leash and muzzle on much of what we would otherwise think, do, and say. There is no such thing as a "little" sin (James 2: 10) when we consider that the glory of God in on the line.
It is via these choices that the born again believer brings glory to God or denies God the glory (in the midst of the spiritual combat) that He would have otherwise received.
Along with our God-given free will comes the accountability for how we choose to exercise it. We are FREE to make choices, but we are not FREE from having to make choices, and we are not FREE from the blessings or consequences that are the result of the choices we make.
One is free to choose to believe (place his full trust and confidence) in the Gospel Message (and be born again), and one is free to disbelieve the Gospel Message , and in doing so, remain in the same spiritually dead condition in which he/she came into the this world.
Once (if) born again, the born again believer is free to choose to identify and pursue the true post salvation spiritual life (and be blessed for it), and is free to reject the call to engage in it (and reap the consequences).
The advancing disciple is obligated to respond to the opportunities that God presents him/her with to share the Gospel Message with unbelievers and/or an edifying principle of Scripture with a fellow believer, but the choice(s) that the recipients make are matters between the recipient and the Lord.
The Old Testament Book of Job is one of the greatest examples of what a man of faith can be subjected to when his personal circumstances become the center of attention in the realm of spiritual combat between the warring forces of good and evil.
In the end, Job received greater blessings here on Earth than what he had experienced before his trials and troubles began.
No one would want to suffer the way that Job suffered, losing his wealth, health, and family members. But the ones who glorifies God the most, I believe, are the one's who continue on in the battles of spiritual warfare even though they never receive any (earthly) blessings for having done so, and are willing to wait for their reward(s) in Heaven (Heb. 11: 13).
The amazing thing (to worldly-minded individuals) is that mature believers would do so even if there were no rewards awaiting them in the life to come. The primary concern that an advancing disciple has is that he/she is where God wants him/her to be, and doing what God wants him/her to be doing at any given time, placing the outcome in the hands of God.
God has given and will give to each one of us ALL that we need to be successful in the realm of spiritual combat.
God's "army" is an all-volunteer outfit. All believers are invited to enlist, but no one is drafted or forced to serve.
One should know that the devil is going to attack the spiritual lives of all believers, rather or not one chooses to "waive the flag" of discipleship. Every believer, rather he/she is aware of it or not, is involved with spiritual combat to some degree each and every day!
What many write off as the challenges of every day life common to Man, those with spiritual discernment can detect the presence and involvement of spiritual forces, both good and evil, in much that takes all around us each and every day.
Those who train and engage in the more intense levels of spiritual combat are going to be attacked the most, as it is they who pose the greatest threat to the devil's agenda. As the old saying goes, "No good deed will go unpunished."
If one never or seldom comes under satanic attack, it is an indication that the devil is content to leave him/her right where he/she is, contributing nothing to the plan of God, and perhaps even unwittingly promoting the devil's agenda.
The deeper one treads into "enemy held territory" and the more "enemy positions," the more intense the spiritual combat is going to be. Enemy held territory and positions, in the spiritual realm, are teachings, practices, behaviors, and activity that are supported, promoted, and defended by the enemy.
There are times when the Chrrstian soldier is called to go on the offensive, and there are times when he/she is called to defend his/own territory (Doctrine) and strongholds (fundamental principles of the faith).
This is what should be going on as we interact with both believers and unbelievers in our personal periphery on a daily basis. Our diverse interests, types of recreation, careers, types of labor, and domestic environments are where we are to function as Christ's ambassadors. It is certainly there that the devil will attack and do all that he can to diminish our personal testimony and effectiveness in the spiritual realm.
Before a recruit is exposed to military combat, he/she must first be conditioned, disciplined, trained with at least a working knowledge of the weaponry and the tactical skills that he is going to need in order to be effective out in the battlefield.
Military and trainers of public safety personal know that under stress, most recruits will more than likely respond in the manner in which they were trained. Seasoned veterans have the benefit of past experience.
The same applies for the preparation of disciples for the inevitable combat they will encounter in the spiritual battlefield.
The pastor teachers of the Church Age have the assigned function of training born again believers (Eph. 4: 12) for spiritual combat that true discipleship and ambassadorship will generate. How well one's chosen pulpit is accomplishing this preparation for combat in then lives of the congregation should be one of the issues taken into consideration when choosing or remaining with any given pulpit.
It is the calling of pastor-teachers to teach the principles of the Word of God and the "how to" skills that the believer is going to need for the development and maintaining of his/her own structure and for long term objective of ministering (serving) to others.
Making disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) was/is the internal (inside) mission that was given to the Church (Matt. 28: 19). Discipleship begins with and is initially for the primary advancement of the individual believer as he/she grows in the grace, knowledge, and application of the Word of God (2Pet.3: 18/James 1: 22). The long term objective for ALL disciples is to be used of God to present the Gospel Message to unbelievers and to share edifying principles of doctrine with fellow believers.
To the extent that one has first him/herself grown in the things of the Lord, he/she will gradually become more and more prepared (1Pet. 3: 15) and useful to God (1Cor. 3: 7) to take part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. It is for the fulfillment of the Great Commission that the Church and ALL of its members are here on Earth.
If one has no genuine interest in the evangelizing and/or edification of the souls he/she interacts with on a daily or regular basis, he/she is NOT "interested in the post salvation spiritual life laid out in Scripture.
What the spiritual combatant will learn soon enough is God who accomplishes the victories in the spiritual realm. For the most part, advancing disciples are merely the communicators of the truth. What the recipients of the truth choose to do with the information provided are matters between them and the Lord.
Evangelism (sharing the Gospel Message) with unbelievers and sharing post (AFTER) doctrine with fellow believers is what glorifies God. It is for this reason, and not making the devil's world a better place to live or improving one's own lot in life, that you were created in the first place.
Whatever it is that we can't take with us when we depart might not have been worth the effort in the first place! Even if we had been among the first generations that lived close to 1,000 years, it is still NOTHING in comparison to eternity future that will NEVER end.
Prosperity and/or success one experiences in all the other areas of life here on Earth put together amount to meaningless vanity (Eccl. 1: 2), if in the process, we have neglected our spirituality (Mark 8: 36).
Life after physical death is NOT a matter of IF, but a matter of WHERE and HOW it IS going to experienced.
We bury (or otherwise dispose of our human remains), but NOT the soul. The soul and soul life of Adam and every human soul that was ever created or will ever be created is a much alive and conscious as the day God (John 3: 6) it, and placed it in the body of HIs choosing.
There is a future resurrection of the decaying body (or remaining dust) to take place at which time the body is raised in resurrection from and reunited with the departed soul (1Thess. 4: 14-17), but there are NO souls in any casket, funeral parlor, corpse, grave, or urn, etc..
Absent from the body, present with the Lord (2Cor. 5: 8). The absence being spoken of here takes place the split second the soul departs the body at the moment of physical death.
Scripture refers to the bodily experiences of believers as being (#1) tents (2Cor. 5: 1), (#2 buildings (2Cor. 5: 1), (#3) mansions (John 14: 2), with each one being of superior quality and offering a better "dwelling place" than the previous one(s).
As of the Church Age, All departing souls (and those who will depart prior to the Rapture taking place) are in interim bodies in Heaven (not the grave), awaiting, among others things, the Rapture and the exchanging of their *interim bodies for thier resurrected bodies when the Rapture takes place (1Thess. 4: 16)
The *interim bodily experience is the one that believing souls indwell in Heaven upon departing this Earth at physical death. The interim bodies will be replaced with the physical bodies they left behind at death when they are raised in resurrected form at the Rapture (1Thess. 4 16).
Believers who are alive on the Earth when the Rapture takes place will NEVER experience either physical death nor an interim bodily experience. They will be instantaneously (1Cor. 15: 42) transformed into their resurrected bodies and gather together with all the believing souls who have departed throughout the course of human history. From that point on, they will be with the Lord forever.
The 1Thess 4 passage were intended to be words of edification, encouragement, and c-o-m-f-o-r-t , not of confusion or fear.
There is nothing comforting about the prospect of being encased in a coffin as our physical bodies rot away; or being confined to an urn with our cremated remains; or ANY other postmortem activity for the disposition of our human remains.
But, there is everything comforting about knowing that when we (our souls) depart these bodies, we will THEN be ina better place and in a better body that what we experienced here on Earth.
Equally so, there is NOTHING comforting about the prospects of experiencing the Torments of Hades and then what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15) for those who leave this world in the capacity of an unbeliever.
But, there is everything comforting to know that the issue of our salvation has ALREADY been resolved, no matter what ever else happens or fails to happen in the course of our post salvation spiritual life.
IF and when a born again believer CHOOSES to shed the influence of his/her self-centered fallen nature, and focuses on the life to come instead of the here and now, identifying and executing the post salvation spiritual life will NOT be a burden, but will be the driving force behind ALL that we do until the Lord calls us home or takes us up in the Rapture.
What we do to prepare ourselves for the life to come may not seem to be all that important right now, but will be of the utmost importance when that is all that there is!
Preparing for the spiritual combat of post (after) salvation discipleship begins with establishing a Biblically sound soul structure. Building and maintaining a Biblically sound soul structure is an ongoing and never-ending process that begins at the moment of salvation and continues on until the soul departs this world.
It is the job of the pastor teacher to provide born again believers with all the information, tactical instructions, and encouragement they need to build, maintain, and apply an edified soul structure.
The building of the soul structure involves laying down a secure foundation, which is an understanding of the true Gospel Message. The failure to lay down such a foundation will almost certainly result in cracks that will, in time, cause the structure to crash in the days of testing and adversity (Matt. 7: 24-27/1 Cor. 3: 12).
Crashes of the soul structure does not mean that salvation has been lost, but will be devastating to the quality of one's post (after) salvation spiritual life. Where there had been confidence, there will be doubt. Where there had been a desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3: 18), there will be a "cooling down" in one's desire for spiritual things. Where there had been a desire to engage in personal evangelism (sharing the Gospel) with unbelievers, and sharing principles of doctrine with fellow believers, there will be a desire to prioritize the things of the "here and now".
The crumbling and eventual collapse of the foundation is usually due to bad materials (false doctrines) being added into the mix. When (not if) the storms of life strike, the soul structure is subjected to intense pressure. It is when our soul structure is subjected to such pressure that we find out where we stand in our walk with the Lord.
One of the reasons that God sends (or allows) such adversity is to bring to our attention any cracks in our foundation so that they can be addressed, avoiding the inevitable crash(es) that otherwise ARE on the way.
As long as the foundation remains false information free, not only will the foundation endure all the adversity that the forces of evil can generate, but will increase its strength for future attacks.
On the foundation, that is having established a clear understanding of the true Gospel Message, the advancing disciple will build his/her soul structure with all the post (AFTER) salvation doctrines that he/she is (should be) taught his/her pastor teacher.
Personal Bible study time should be a part of one’s daily agenda, but in keeping with the plan of God, this should be supplementary to one’s ongoing edification under the teaching/ministry of a Biblically trained, ordained, pastor teacher that God has gifted for this purpose.
Like ANY other area of one’s spiritual life, if we want God’s best, we must learn to do its God’s way. Alternatives produce alternative results.
The internal mission that was given to the Church (Matt. 28: 19) was/is to make “disciples” (students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are born again.
Members of the “Church” that God designed consists of born again believers (John 3: 5, 9) that are all equally “saved”, but differ in their individual stages of spiritual maturity.
No one, including a pastor-teacher, can be used of God to bring another believer to a stage of spiritual maturity greater than what he/she has first secured for him/herself. Before taking too much stock in what one who claims to be a spokesman of God has to say, one would be wise to look for the evidence of Spiritual fruit in the life of the individual.
The principle that a student can become like his/her teacher can work for better or for the worse.
All too often, one’s choice of edification is based on family or cultural tradition, the personality or charisma of the speaker, convenience, and services (weddings, funerals, water baptisms/ etc.) being offered, rather than on the quantity and the quality of the doctrine being taught from the pulpit.
The LAST place that the devil wants any believer to be (or to have access to) is where he/she can receive the type of teaching needed to identify and execute the type of post (after) salvation spiritual life that God has in mind.
The devil has no issues with "religon", and gladly promotes it!
Many “Christians” are content to have a local Church where they can “check in” once a week, fulfill some sense of obligation, passively touch base with God or what they believe to be the things of God, while avoiding being challenged to spiritually mature.
The location, frequency, and manner in which a born again believer chooses for the o-n-g-o-i-n-g edification of his soul structure are issues that each believer must choose for himself.
God will not deny any born again believer with the means to either identify or execute the true post salvation spiritual life. The issue is rather or not the believer is willing to pay the price. Discipleship is a costly endeavor.
IF a born again believer's present means of edification is not providing him/her with the opportunity to continually grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord (1Pet. 3: 18), evidenced by the manifestation of the “fruit” of the Spirit in his/her individual life, then there is something in need of adjustment.
Here are the characteristics of a person who is bearing the fruit of the Spirit:
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5: 22, 23 NASB.
A tree (or a person) cannot simultaneously produce the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of the fallen nature. Here are the characteristics of a person who is bearing the fruit (acts) of the fallen sin nature:
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like… Galatians 5: 19, 20 NASB.
The type of fruit being produced by any given pulpit or individual believer is a clear indicator of where it or he stands in its or his productivity in the spiritual realm. Both the man behind the pulpit (James 3: 1) and the individuals in the pews (Romans 14: 12) will give an account of the fruit each one produced.
The one behind the pulpit will be judged on the quantity and the accuracy of the information he provides to his congregation.n The one in pews will be judged on the basis of what he/she did with the information received (or could have received).
This judgment has got nothing to do with salvation, but has much to do with the eternal rewards of 1Cor. 3: 12-15 that will be received or forfeited at the evaluation of deeds that takes place in Heaven.
The edification process teaches and reinforces the development of the fruit of the Spirit in the spiritual life of an advancing disciple. The edification process also identifies false teaching and practices that need to be abandoned.
The personal challenge will be for recipients of the information to apply what they are being taught to what they think, do, and say.
As in the case of the foundation, the integrity of the structure under on- going construction (Matt. 7: 24-27), review (2Cor. 13: 5), and revision is only as reliable as is the building material (accurate Bible Doctrine) that it is being used.
The quantity and quality (accuracy) of the information that comes from ANY pulpit is a major battle in the realm of the spiritual combat of the Church Age. Just because the information is coming from a pulpit, does NOT mean that it is accurate.
If the teachings of the Apostle Paul were subject to verification (Acts 17: 11), does it not seem worthwhile to make the same Scriptural evaluation of what is coming from any pulpit? When any pulpit's response to any contradiction is, "That's our faith," or worse, "Don't read the Bible", flares, bells, and whistles of alarm wil go off in the soul structure of an advancing disciple.
The advancing disciple is told to gird up his mind (loins) (1Pet. 1: 13). There are many interpretations and applications of this phrase, but in context, it is speaking of preparting oneself for what will be a difficult endeavor. In this case, to engage in the spiritual combat of the Church.
As in the case of ANYTHING else in the spiritual realm, the power source is not of Man, but of God (John 15: 5/Eph. 6: 12). If the advancing disciple hasn't learned yet the futility of trying to accomplish divine good with human ability, he will certainly learn it within the few few steps onto the battlefield of spiritual combat.
It's not what we do (or have done) for God that matters, but what HE does through us (John 15: 5).
The advancing disciple is told to learn who his spiritual enemies are (1Pet. 5: 8/Eph. 6: 12/Phil. 3: 18/Col. 2: 8/Heb. 13: 9/John 8: 44/), and where (Luke 4: 6/2 Cor. 11: 14,15/Matt. 10: 36) and how they primarily operate via deception.
The advancing disciple is familiar with the enemy"s primary weapon of false concepts and information, from which Man-made r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n (Psalms 96) outside of the Christian Community, and false doctrine WITHIN the "Christian" Community are made.
The advancing disciples is told to keep the lines of communication (prayer) open and functional with God (Eph. 6: 18). In prayer, the believer does the talking and God listens. In meditation, God does the taking and the believer does the listening.
For obvious reasons, one's prayer life will be a major target for the devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil in the realm of spiritual combat.
The quality and content of our prayer life will be in direct relationship to what level of spiritual maturity we are at, at any given time. Generally speaking, the more spiritually mature we become, the less our prayers will be focused on what WE desire, and more on what God desires.
Every day, our soul structures are bombarded with all kinds of false concepts and information that are knowingly and/or unwittingly presented to our souls for the purpose of destruction.
For those with spiritual discernment, the inaudible,but greatly influential, "voice of the devil" can be seen or heard in the media, the "Church", in our schools, in many forms of entertainment, and from the mouths of ungodly persons with whom we interact with on a regular basis.
There is no greater spiritual fool than the one who thinks he's right, but lives in the great darkness spoken of in Matt. 6: 23.
The advancing disciple is told to put on the whole armor Eph. 6: 11,13) of God. Any missing or deficient parts will provide the enemy with the opportunity to defeat the believer who is attempting to advance in the battlefield of spiritual combat.
Let's take an over-view look at the defensive pieces of "spiritual armor" and the one offensive weapon that the advancing disciple will need to acquire and master if he/she is going to be effective in the realm of spiritual combat. Needless to say, an entire lesson or presentation could be made on each individual piece of armor or weapon.
The "breastplate" in the ancient world covered the chest area of the advancing warrior protecting many of his vital organs from injury that could lead to death.
In the spiritual realm, the "breastplate of righteousness" assures the advancing disciple that he is identified (Eph. 4: 30) as a child of God, and that he/she will see the battle through, arriving at his ultimate objective, Heaven Romans 14: 4).
This "righteousness" is the result of placing one's faith in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Failing to put the brestplate of righteousness on will leave the soul wide open for attack and failure on the battlefield. Any "cracks" in the bearers faith, will be used of the devil to raise doubts and fears as to the integrity of one's salvation.
The soldiers footwear were constructed so that his feet were protected from injury and to provide stability in battle. He would not have to be concerned with what he stepped on or maintaining his stability as he moved forward in the battle. This is symbolic of eternal security. The advancing soldier could not afford to take his eyes off the enemy in close range to check to see if he was on solid ground. Such a distraction would render him/her ineffective in attacking the enemy, as well as be vulnerable to be struck down by the enemy. One puts on his spiritual footware (eternal) security the day he/she chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel, and need not be distracted in the heat of battle to see if he is secure.
The shield(s) of faith came in two forms. The smaller shield was used to deflect personal attacks being made by the enemy, whereas the larger shield was used collectively with fellow warriors to erect a frontal wall and/or a "roof" over the heads of advancing troops as they advanced forward or came under arrial attacks (arrows/darts/etc.) by the enemy trying to defend their positions.
There is the helmet protects the head. In natural combat, head injuries would result in severe functional trauma if not death. The helmet of a spiritual warrior is the soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) from which ALL decisions are made. The helmet must protect the head (our thought life) from being injured (negatively influenced) by all the the "fiery darts" (false information) that our spiritual enemies thrown at us or deceitfully offer us on a daily basis. Failing to develop or make use of an effective "helmet" would all but insure serious injury or death on the spiritual battlefield.
All of the above pieces of armor are primarily of the defensive nature. Without a good defense, our offense potential will be compromised. The ONE primary weapon of offense is the "sword". In the realm of spiritual combat, the "sword" is the Word of God.
Mastering the use and care of sword is what enables us to be the most effective in the realm of spiritual combat when we are called to attack the enemy. Going into battle without one's sword would make one totally useless in the realm of spiritual combat.
Advancing disciples, engaged in spiritual combat, attack the enemy whenever they enter "enemy held territory". Enemy held territory is any teaching, attitude, opinion, or behavior that runs contrary to what God has to say concerning ANY given subject.
Scripture teach that there IS a time to keep silent and that there IS a time to speak (Eccl. 3:7). There IS a time for war, and there IS a time for peace (Eccl. 3: 8). There is a time to embrace, and there is a time to shun embracing (Eccl. 3: 5). Spiritual combat is a time to speak, engage the enemy in conflict, and to shun embracing.
Needless to say, spiritual combat is not for the weak at heart. There IS a price to be paid for taking a godly stand in a godless scenario. The spiritual warrior is not going to be the "life of the party," and will not be the recipient of many invitations.
Enemy held territory can be as near to us as the areas of our own soul structure that has not as of yet been conformed to the likeness of Christ (Romans 8: 29). We ALL have them. Some of our greatest and more painful experiences on the battlefield of spiritual warfare will take place in the privacy of our own soul structures, totally unoberved by the people around us.
Other battles will ensue when we take a stand against teachings or practices that are commonly accepted out in the devil's world (Luke 4: 6).
We are involved in spiritual combat each and every day rather we are consciously aware of it or not. The more spiritually mature we become, the sharper our discernment will be to perceive the spiritual issue(s) behind what most people write off as the events of every day life.
Spiritual maturity has got NOTHING to do with our chronological/biological age. Spirit growth, evidenced by the quantity and the qujality of the knowledge and the application of the Word of God, BEGINS the day one is born again (John 3: 5, 7), and (should) continue throughout the course of one's post salvation spiritual life.
Believers are instructed and admonished to conduct periodic (2Cor 13: 5) and specific (1 Cor. 11: 28 ) SELF examinations to determine if they are in the faith, that is continuing to learn, and then applying what they are learn-i-n-g (an ongoing process) to how they think, speak, and behave. Failure do so, according to Scripture, 1 Cor. 11:30/Heb. 12: 6), can have serious consequences.
The closer one gets to an enemy stronghold, the more intense the spiritual combat will be.
Taking a stand for God, especially in an unglody society and among those who live for the things of the here and now (Phil. 3: 19), will be sure to draw enemy fire (2Tim. 3: 12).
The devil has a whole warehouse full of alternatives that one can substitute for the post salvation spiritual life outlined in Scripture.
Once the issue of one's salvation has been forever resolved, the primary objective for an advancing disciple is then to reach spiritual maturity here on Earth. This is what brings the maximum amount of glory to God. One is NOT going to reach spiritual maturity without engaging in spiritual combat. Spiritual combat is an essential part of the true post salvation spiritual life spoken of in Scripture.
Life IS a battle, and it was intended to be so.
Spiritual maturity is the result of having a soul structure that is full of accurate doctrine, coupled with one's willingness to apply all that he knows to all that he thinks, says, and does. This is what glorifies God and fulfills the divine purpose for which God created each one of us in the first place.
In summary, spiritual combat of the Church Age consists of all the activity that takes place WITHIN one's own soul structure when opposing information is presented, forcing us to make choices. It also involves the inevitable conflicts that the advancing disciple IS going to have with other people who hold to opinions, teachings, and/or practices that run contrary to what God has to say about any given subject.
When the soul makes choices that honors and pleases God, God and the forces of good secures a victory. When the soul makes choices that pleases the devil, the forces of evil secures a victory.
There is no small defeat or victory in view when the glory of God is hanging in the balance.