The Lord Jesus Christ taught that it is the born again believers that "continue (John 8:31 (NASB) in His Word (The Bible) are His true disciples. All human souls that have been born again (John 3: 5, 7) are believers and are forever saved, but only a minority of born again believers enter into or remain in post salvation discipleship.
The English word d-I-s-c-i-p-l-e is a translation of the original Greek word m-a-t-h-e-t-e-s. A m-a-t-h-e-t-e-s is a technical student in a teacher-student environment and relationship.
The ongoing study and application of the Word of God (The Bible) is what the post-salvation spiritual life is all about.
The purpose of building an edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) is to prepare the advancing disciple to engage in the daily spiritual combat (Eph. 6) of the post (after)salvation spiritual life here on Earth.
The spiritual life is a battle (Matt. 10: 34), and by divine design it was intended to be so.
The Bible was not designed to be used a like dictionary or a quick reference book, where one can quickly find basic information or a brief definition to immediately find answers to his spiritual issues and then be shelved again until another crisis appears on his horizon. A "little" information can be dangerous, as there are many false doctrines and ideas out there that are based on selected verses or passages of Scripture. This use, or better abuse, of the Bible can be used by the devil to generate deception. It was a twisted abuse of the Word of God that the devil used when he tempted the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness (Luke 4/Matt. 4). When addressing ANY spiritual principle or issue, on must locate and take into consideration ALL of the relevant passages of Scripture that address any given issue. Trust me, the Bible can be made to appear to say just about anything that a clever speaker wants it to say.
Many believers in past and present generations of the Church Age have risked life and limb to make "The Bible" available to us today, yet the Bibles in many homes of so-called "Christians" do little more than collect dust. In this the devil is well-pleased.
Bible study (John 8: 31) is an ongoing process of taking in new doctrine(s) and refining the doctrine that one has already received and made a part of his edified soul structure. It is ONLY by doing so that a born again believer can be prepared and maintain a position of readiness when called upon to engage in the daily combat of the post salvation spiritual life.
There is a world of a difference between "studying" the Bible, and merely "reading" the Bible. Virtually all denominations will "read" from the Bible as a part of the worship services, but not all do a very good of teaching it. Virtually all attendees of worship services will "hear" the Bible being read, but are not "listening" to what it has to say.
When most folks read the Bible, they are not really looking for new information, but are looking for confirmation of what they have already determined to be the answer to the issues at hand. As soon as they come across a principle that challenges their preconceived position, they immediately go on the defensive mode of self-justification. As a result, they never make any forward progress in their walk with the Lord.
This is evidenced by the fact that many who "read" the Bible, or listen to it being briefly read to them in a worship service on a regular basis, have not grown in their knowledge (2Pet. 3: 18), or in the application (James 1`: 22) of the knowledge that they have received. In this the devil is well pleased. One of the questions one must ask himself when conducting a 2 Cor. 13: 5 SELF examination is, " what spiritual advances am I making now in the realm of Biblical knowledge or application that I had not known or done previously? If the answer is nothing, then you are not engaged in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
There are no plateaus or rest areas along the uphill highway to spiritual maturity. There are breakdown lanes for disabled believers. Traveling (making forward progress) in the breakdown lane is prohibited. Each mile upwards is, in part, training for the next hill to be overcome. The true post salvation spiritual life is so-designed that one is either continuing to advance upward or is in a state of decline. One is either establishing and experiencing an ever increasing hunger for the next serving of the Word of God, or he is losing his appetite for God and the things of God. Just as a loss of appetite in the natural realm is a sign that something is going amiss, the same principle applies to one who has no appetite for the spiritual nutrition that ONLY the Word of God can feed a soul.
The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that the life of discipleship will cost every believer who pursues it something. This is unlike those who recruit for the armed forces that speak little (if anything) of the horrors of military combat, or evangelists who make great promises of Earthly prosperity for those who join their ministries, but mention nothing about the DAILY battles that true discipleship will bring to them.
Human beings, when under the influence of the fallen nature (Romans 7) are, by "nature", SELF centered individuals. As such, we are only interested in what anything or any one (including God) has to offer them of a positive nature. Avoiding Hell and securing a home in Heaven when life here on Earth is on the top of the "things to do" list for most individuals., but doing any more than what is minimally required, is NOT!
In the meantime, making the best of life here in the devil's world is the primary focus of fallen Man, with little or no genuine concern for the life to come, except perhaps WHERE it is going to be spent. Physical death, for the person under the influence of the fallen nature (or immature believer) is something to be greatly feared, whereas physical death for a mature believer is something to look forward to when one's work (for God) here on Earth has been completed.
An edified believer is well aware on what basis (1Cor. 3: 12-15) the rewards in Heaven will be dispensed. However, the receiving of rewards is not the reason that spiritually mature believers glorify God. A spiritually mature believer chooses to glorify God with or without rewards here on Earth or in Heaven. God is glorified each and every day whenever a disciple learns and applies the principles of the Word of God to the events of his/her daily life, no matter where he is or what he is otherwise doing. Discipleship is a 24-7 LIFESTYLE!
Satan has a counter-plan to remove every believer out of the spiritual battlefield as soon as possible each and every day. The devil accomplishes this by encouraging scenarios in which the soul is likely to engage in some form of mental attitude or overt sin. Any sin (James 2: 10) will do, as the soul will be out of fellowship with God as soon as the sin is committed. Once neutralized (John 15: 5) or removed from the battlefield, the devil and/or his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil will keep it up in order to distract the believer from confessing (1John 1: 9) and/or forsaking (John 8: 11) the sin and return to the conflict. Some of us aren't even out of bed in the morning and already have been "neutralized" in the realm of spiritual combat because of the sinful attitude in which we start our day.
The PRIMARY object of those who serve God is to bring glory to Him no matter where the activity of any given day takes us. The primary objective of the devil and/or his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12) is to deny God the glory in the SAME set of circumstances. God is glorified when the believer learns and applies the principle of the Scripture to all that he/she does in the course of each and every day. God is denied such glory, when the believer chooses to do otherwise. This moment to moment, day by day, interaction between the soul and God, the soul and the devil, the soul and other people, the soul and other things, is what the "spiritual combat-Eph. 6)" of the post salvation spiritual life is all about. If ANY soul does not experience this "conflict", he/she has either been neutralized (rendered ineffective) or is NOT on the battlefield at all.
One cannot apply what he/she does not know.
Studying the Bible on one's own can produce some benefits, but if an advancing disciple desires to receive God's best, he/she must learn to do things God's way. I can vouch for this as a result of my own walk with the Lord. God's way (of the studying the Bible) is to do so under the pastor teacher that God has gifted an trained for that specific purpose. NO ONE, including a pastor teacher, can be used of God to bring anyone any further along the road to spiritual maturity than where that one has first arrived at for him/herself. Spiritual maturity is measured by the amount of accurate doctrine that one possesses in his/her edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) AND his/her willingness to apply it using the enabling power (John 15: 5) of God the Holy Spirit.
In the middle of a crisis is NOT the time for the believer to go about searching for the answer(s) to the issue(s) at hand. One of the reasons that God allows crisis to take place is to bring to our attention areas in our life that He desires us to address. It is especially in times of crisis that the believer is to apply the doctrine that he/she has already made a part of his/her edified soul structure.
Discipleship is a life-long process of learning, refining, and applying the Word of God to the challenges that daily life WILL bring to him/her. The more one spiritually matures, the more sensitive he/she will become to the spiritual side of ALL that goes on in his/he life on a daily basis. Each and every time we face a scenario in which we CHOOSE to please God, please ourselves, or please other people, we either glorify God (by applying the appropriate principle(s) of doctrine) or we deny God the same glory! When we make choices that denies God the glory, we please the devil.
What had been "just the issues of every-day life" in our capacity of a weak believer, becomes seen as opportunities taken or missed to bring glory to God, if we spiritually mature.
A born again believer does not wake up one day with ALL the answers. Having the "Biblical" answers is the result of a life-time of learning, refining, and developing the willingness to apply what one has learned to the opportunities that come (or are sent) our way.
Another reason that God sends crisis into the life of a believer is to prepare him/her to minister (serve) other believers when they encounter the same crisis in their own walk with the Lord. No one edify can be used of God to another believer like one who has been there himself.
The greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity to glorify God.
Virtually ALL of the ancient Jews read or had read to them the passages of the Old Testament scripture that spoke of the coming Messiah on a regular basis (Acts 13: 27), yet they (as a majority) failed to recognize the manifestation of these same prophecies when the Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ was literally standing right in front of them!
Likewise, in the apostate (1 Tim. 4: 1) days in which we are living, there are "religious" persons who can accurately quote many verses of Scripture, but are way off course when it comes to having an accurate understanding of and/or the willingness to apply the very words they recite to the events and activities of their daily lives.
On the other hand, there will always be those among us who engage in some of the most heinous criminal activity imaginable (murder,) as they are carrying out what they believe to be the will of God, having taken their lead from what they determined to be the appropriate application of Scripture.
Before one can effectively pervert the Bible (or its application) effectively, one needs to have a clear knowledge of what it actually does say in order to have enough "truth" in the counterfeit or alternatives in the false doctrine and practices one desires to promote. Virtually ALL of the false doctrines and practices that the devil and/or his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil promote contain some truths. Like any form of counterfeit, it must appear to be the real thing if the deception is going to succeed.
Knowing the mind, methods, and objectives of the enemy is key to success is ANY form of combat. The spiritual combat associated with the Angelic Conflict is NO exception.
What makes the study of the Angelic Conflict so critical is that the spiritual combat is NOT something that is going to go away. It begins whenever one reaches the age or stage of moral accountability and will remain with us until we leave this planet via physical death or the Rapture. In fact, it will intensify whenever one's advancement in the spiritual realm is spotted on the devil's radar screen. The devil knows when, and how, and what "buttons" to press for maximum effect.
Some of the most wicked persons have come from the homes of godly parents, and some of the most spiritually mature believers come from the homes of ungodly parents. The ones that are raised by godly parents will not always be under the roof and immediate supervision of parents. Virtually all teenagers and/or young adults will go through a period of searching for their "niche" in the secular world, without ever considering the "niche" that God has in mind for them in the spiritual realm (1Cor. 12). God desires to have His ambassadors in every walk, profession, labor, or domestic scenario of life.
One may be called Home relatively early (according to human standards) or may linger on as an elderly person in an environment in which one prays to be relieved. But as long as we are here, God has a plan and a purpose for it.
Seeing what "good" (Romans 8:28) that God has in mind in light of many seemingly negative things that He allows to take place can be one of the greatest challenges that EVERY advancing disciple will face. The older and more settled in our ways we become, the more resistant to change we become. Like it or not, life on Earth is going to be a forever changing process.
We may have no control over some of the changes that are headed our way, but we have full control over we are going to respond to them!
The more spiritual one chooses to be, the more challenging life is going to be in both the good times and the bad, as far as what human viewpoint perceives good and bad to be. In the good times, the devil will do all he can to have the believer dismiss the significance of God. In the bad times, he will do all he can to have us question the very existence of God, let alone His significance. Although the devil has already been essentially defeated, he has every reason to hold on and fight down to the last second before his eternal sentence is carried out (Rev. 20: 10). Here in the devil's world, he lives to see the times each day when God is denied the glory due Him, especially when it is the one's who claim to be His followers that are involved. The decisons we make each and every day DOES matter!
The PRIMARY object of those who serve God is to bring glory to Him no matter where the activity of any given day takes us. The primary objective of the devil and/or his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12) is to deny God the glory in the SAME set of circumstances. God is glorified when the believer learns and applies the principle of the Scripture to all that he/she does in the course of each and every day. God is denied such glory, when the believer chooses to do otherwise. This moment to moment, day by day, interaction between the soul and God, the soul and the devil, the soul and other people, the soul and other things, is what the "spiritual combat-Eph. 6)" of the post salvation spiritual life is all about. If ANY soul does not experience this "conflict", he/she has either been neutralized (rendered ineffective) or is NOT on the battlefield at all.
One cannot apply what he/she does not know.
Studying the Bible on one's own can produce some benefits, but if an advancing disciple desires to receive God's best, he/she must learn to do things God's way. I can vouch for this as a result of my own walk with the Lord. God's way (of the studying the Bible) is to do so under the pastor teacher that God has gifted an trained for that specific purpose. NO ONE, including a pastor teacher, can be used of God to bring anyone any further along the road to spiritual maturity than where that one has first arrived at for him/herself. Spiritual maturity is measured by the amount of accurate doctrine that one possesses in his/her edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) AND his/her willingness to apply it using the enabling power (John 15: 5) of God the Holy Spirit.
In the middle of a crisis is NOT the time for the believer to go about searching for the answer(s) to the issue(s) at hand. One of the reasons that God allows crisis to take place is to bring to our attention areas in our life that He desires us to address. It is especially in times of crisis that the believer is to apply the doctrine that he/she has already made a part of his/her edified soul structure.
Discipleship is a life-long process of learning, refining, and applying the Word of God to the challenges that daily life WILL bring to him/her. The more one spiritually matures, the more sensitive he/she will become to the spiritual side of ALL that goes on in his/he life on a daily basis. Each and every time we face a scenario in which we CHOOSE to please God, please ourselves, or please other people, we either glorify God (by applying the appropriate principle(s) of doctrine) or we deny God the same glory! When we make choices that denies God the glory, we please the devil.
What had been "just the issues of every-day life" in our capacity of a weak believer, becomes seen as opportunities taken or missed to bring glory to God, if we spiritually mature.
A born again believer does not wake up one day with ALL the answers. Having the "Biblical" answers is the result of a life-time of learning, refining, and developing the willingness to apply what one has learned to the opportunities that come (or are sent) our way.
Another reason that God sends crisis into the life of a believer is to prepare him/her to minister (serve) other believers when they encounter the same crisis in their own walk with the Lord. No one edify can be used of God to another believer like one who has been there himself.
The greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity to glorify God.
Virtually ALL of the ancient Jews read or had read to them the passages of the Old Testament scripture that spoke of the coming Messiah on a regular basis (Acts 13: 27), yet they (as a majority) failed to recognize the manifestation of these same prophecies when the Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ was literally standing right in front of them!
Likewise, in the apostate (1 Tim. 4: 1) days in which we are living, there are "religious" persons who can accurately quote many verses of Scripture, but are way off course when it comes to having an accurate understanding of and/or the willingness to apply the very words they recite to the events and activities of their daily lives.
On the other hand, there will always be those among us who engage in some of the most heinous criminal activity imaginable (murder,) as they are carrying out what they believe to be the will of God, having taken their lead from what they determined to be the appropriate application of Scripture.
Before one can effectively pervert the Bible (or its application) effectively, one needs to have a clear knowledge of what it actually does say in order to have enough "truth" in the counterfeit or alternatives in the false doctrine and practices one desires to promote. Virtually ALL of the false doctrines and practices that the devil and/or his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil promote contain some truths. Like any form of counterfeit, it must appear to be the real thing if the deception is going to succeed.
Knowing the mind, methods, and objectives of the enemy is key to success is ANY form of combat. The spiritual combat associated with the Angelic Conflict is NO exception.
What makes the study of the Angelic Conflict so critical is that the spiritual combat is NOT something that is going to go away. It begins whenever one reaches the age or stage of moral accountability and will remain with us until we leave this planet via physical death or the Rapture. In fact, it will intensify whenever one's advancement in the spiritual realm is spotted on the devil's radar screen. The devil knows when, and how, and what "buttons" to press for maximum effect.
Some of the most wicked persons have come from the homes of godly parents, and some of the most spiritually mature believers come from the homes of ungodly parents. The ones that are raised by godly parents will not always be under the roof and immediate supervision of parents. Virtually all teenagers and/or young adults will go through a period of searching for their "niche" in the secular world, without ever considering the "niche" that God has in mind for them in the spiritual realm (1Cor. 12). God desires to have His ambassadors in every walk, profession, labor, or domestic scenario of life.
One may be called Home relatively early (according to human standards) or may linger on as an elderly person in an environment in which one prays to be relieved. But as long as we are here, God has a plan and a purpose for it.
Seeing what "good" (Romans 8:28) that God has in mind in light of many seemingly negative things that He allows to take place can be one of the greatest challenges that EVERY advancing disciple will face. The older and more settled in our ways we become, the more resistant to change we become. Like it or not, life on Earth is going to be a forever changing process.
We may have no control over some of the changes that are headed our way, but we have full control over we are going to respond to them!
The more spiritual one chooses to be, the more challenging life is going to be in both the good times and the bad, as far as what human viewpoint perceives good and bad to be. In the good times, the devil will do all he can to have the believer dismiss the significance of God. In the bad times, he will do all he can to have us question the very existence of God, let alone His significance. Although the devil has already been essentially defeated, he has every reason to hold on and fight down to the last second before his eternal sentence is carried out (Rev. 20: 10). Here in the devil's world, he lives to see the times each day when God is denied the glory due Him, especially when it is the one's who claim to be His followers that are involved. The decisons we make each and every day DOES matter!
The plan of God calls for the placement of HIs ambassadors (2Cor. 5: 20) in virtually every walk of life and experience that can be found here in the devil's world. Accordingly, one may be placed in an environment in which he experiences all the comforts and thrills that life here on Earth has to offer with relatively little overt adversity. On the other hand, a believer may be placed in an environment where there is just enough logistical blessings to sustain physical life and in terrifying circumstances. For most believers, his/life will be a blend of what overtly appears to be good and bad experiences. For the spiritually mature believer, it matters not where he is or what the circumstances requires of him, as long as he is where God wants him to be and doing what God wants him to be doing as Christ's ambassador.
Like Peter (Matt. 26: 33) we can all make great boasts of commitment, but it is another matter to walk the walk as well as we talk the talk.
There is a common denominator in all of these diverse scenarios of pain and pleasure, and that is the reality and impact of all the unseen spiritual activity that takes place all around us each and every day rather we are aware of it or not. This "activity" is the manifestation of the ongoing Angelic Conflict that began BEFORE the creation of Man, and will run concurrently with human history.
Phase One of the Angelic Conflict began in HEAVEN when Satan (a high ranking cherub angel-Ezekiel 28: 14) declared his independence and sought to establish his own kingdom (Isa. 14: 13) in which he would be worshiped as God was/is in His. Before this could be accomplished, the devil and the fallen angels that followed him would first have to gain their independence from the existing sovereignty (God).
Angels, like human beings that would be later created, were given free will to make moral decisions, for or against God and the things of God. Angels do NOT become humans, but can take on human form and appearance (Heb. 13: 2). Humans do not become angels. Angels (in their created form) do not procreate (Mark 12: 25/Matt. 22: 30). In the ancient world, just prior to the Great Flood of Noah's time, there were a group of angels who took on (or possessed) male human bodies and had intercourse with female humans (Gen. 6: 2). Their off-spring, known as the Nephilim (Gen. 6:4 NASB) had both supernatural and great natural strength (Gen. 6: 4) but proved to be violent and evil in nature. The Nephilim eventually died and the responsible angels were and remained confined in a segregated section of Hades (Jude 7) where they will remain until the ends times when they eventually are tossed into the lake of fire with the devil and the fallen angels (Rev. 20: 10). Fallen angels and demons who attempt to go beyond the parameters of what God allows to take place in Phase Two of the Angelic Conflict are also confined in "the abyss" of Hades, as well.
At least one third of the existing angels in Heaven followed Satan in this revolt. The revolt failed, forever dividing the angels into two major groups. The angels that followed Satan would be forever referred to as "fallen angels", whereas the one who remained (or repented and return to God) are referred to as "elect" angels.
Satan and the fallen angels were sentenced to spend all of eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire, but this sentence will not be carried out until its appointed time that runs with end time events of human history here on this Earth (Rev. 20: 10). During Phase 2 of the Angelic Conflict, Satan, the fallen angels, and evil spiritual beings that make up the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil are NOT in "Hell" as many believe then to be, but a free to roam the Earth and engage in the spiritual combat of Phase 2. The lake of fire IS their final destination (Rev. 20: 10), but that confinement will not take place until the end time events documented in the Book of Revelation.
Why doesn't God just wipe out all forms of evil and evil creatures? For one thing, if He did, He would have to destroy each and every one of us, for ALL of us are sinners!
Man was created by God with the divine objective of bringing glory to Himself. Man glorifies God when he chooses to believe and apply what God has to say concerning the moment to moment, day to day, events of life here on planet Earth. God gave Man "free-will", and with it the freedom and responsibility of making choices each and every day that either brings glory to denies God of the glory that He desires.
Throughout the course of human history, the individuals of each generation made individual and corporate choices in response to the degree that God had made Himself and HIs ways known to Man.
To the extent that God allows, the devil has been there every step of way trying to deny God the glory that He desires by offering "alternatives" to what God has established for the spiritual realm. Among these alternatives, there is atheism (the idea that there is NO God/god) (Psalms 14: 1), false gods/religions (Psalms 96), false means to obtain salvation (good behavior-Eph. 2: 9/religious rituals-Isa. 64: 6) from the ONE true God, and of course the concept that salvation can be lost. With the exception of atheism, the devil primarily promotes his "alternatives" via Man made religion. This includes the many Man made "religions" that the devil has been able to introduce and be accepted in many areas of the so-called "Christian" Community.
God had/has a plan for each individual soul and each generation of Man. Satan has a counter plan.
Knowing WHAT the plan of God is for the times in which we are living can go a long way in identifying the alternatives that Satan promotes each and every day. The plan of God for the Church Age is clearly defined in the marching orders of the Great Commission that was given to the Church that God designed. The Church that God designed was established long before such proper names as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant were ever heard of in the Christian Community.
The Great Commission that God gave to the Church that He designed has an external part that calls for interaction with the unbelievers here in the devil's world for the purpose of evangelism (presenting the Gospel Message). The Great Commission that God gave to the Church that He designed has an internal part that calls for the edification of fellow believers. The devil has many schemes in place to try to prevent both the external and the internal objectives of the Great Commission from being a part of a believer's daily life and experience.
Are they a part of yours?
The Angelic Conflict is NOT something that MAY involved you. The Angelic Conflict is something that involves you, rather you are aware of it or not. The Angelic Conflict is an environment into which EVERY human soul is placed on the day he/she is born and comes into the devil's world.
(If) and when one has a clear understanding of the Angelic Conflict, he/she has the Biblical answer to the Age old question of, " Why did God create me?".
Ignorance or rejection of this Doctrine is what opens the door to all of the alternatives that the devil is more than glad to supply. The devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil do their best work when he/they OR their true objective is not detected.
As we will see in this study, the reality of this conflict is something that began in Heaven BEFORE the human race was even created. The human race was created to glorify God in the midst of Phase 2. The Angelic Conflict will continue to run concurrently with human history until its Rev. 20: 10 end takes place towards the end of the human experience on this planet as we know it to be today. This Angelic Conflict impacts our individual life each and every day rather one is aware of it or not.
Many individuals and groups are totally oblivious or live in denial of much of the spiritual activity that takes within and around them each and every day. Some individuals and groups engage in evil activities in the spiritual realm that would be best left alone. Any action that runs contrary to what the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2: 16 ) has to say is evil. There are "evil" practices that have found their way into the Christian Community after having a "Christian" spin being placed on them, but whose roots can be traced back to the pagan religions of the ancient world.
Such things contribute NOTHING to the development of an edified soul structure and can distract a believer from identifying and executing the true post salvation spiritual life.
Most of these activities are seeking the intervention of a spiritual being (other than God) to intervene for them for the benefit, or to ward off unwanted curses or attacks from evil forces. The only spiritual BEING that an edified believer will contact or communicate with is God. No thing or no one can do ANYTHING for or against a child of God before it first passes through the filters of God's direct, permissive, or over-ruling will. There is NOTHING that any other spiritual being can do for you that God would not do for you IF that were truly His will for you in the first place. An advancing disciple has no business seeking ANYTHING that is not in line with the will of God.
God will share the glory due to Him with NO ONE or NO THING (Isa. 42: 8).
Keep in mind, that to the extent that God allows, the devil has the power and the ability to prosper and otherwise benefit those who are willing to knowingly or unknowingly do his bidding (Luke 4: 6).
Having made any given issue a matter of prayer and having done our own part (if/when required), it is time to "wait" on the Lord (Psalms 27: 14) for His answer. Trying to either get out ahead or lagging behind the timing of God is what transforms the yoke that was designed to be light and easy to bear (Matt. 11: 30) into one that is a heavy burden. Other than praying for ongoing issues, there is no need to repeat the same request. If we are in fellowship with Him, He heard us the first time. The more edified an advancing disciple becomes, the less of a need there will be to seek the answers that we should have already identified and stored away (Matt. 7: 24-27). The more Christ-centered and the less self-centered one becomes, the subject matter of one's prayer life will be focused on what God desires and not on what we desire. IF you don't (presently) have what you desire, then you don't "need" it. If you "need" it, God would give it to you without the asking. God will give one NOTHING that does not fit into the plan that He has for any given soul, nor will He withhold anything that one needs to fulfill HIS plan. The same can not be said for what we want or need to fulfill OUR plan(s).
Like Peter (Matt. 26: 33) we can all make great boasts of commitment, but it is another matter to walk the walk as well as we talk the talk.
There is a common denominator in all of these diverse scenarios of pain and pleasure, and that is the reality and impact of all the unseen spiritual activity that takes place all around us each and every day rather we are aware of it or not. This "activity" is the manifestation of the ongoing Angelic Conflict that began BEFORE the creation of Man, and will run concurrently with human history.
Phase One of the Angelic Conflict began in HEAVEN when Satan (a high ranking cherub angel-Ezekiel 28: 14) declared his independence and sought to establish his own kingdom (Isa. 14: 13) in which he would be worshiped as God was/is in His. Before this could be accomplished, the devil and the fallen angels that followed him would first have to gain their independence from the existing sovereignty (God).
Angels, like human beings that would be later created, were given free will to make moral decisions, for or against God and the things of God. Angels do NOT become humans, but can take on human form and appearance (Heb. 13: 2). Humans do not become angels. Angels (in their created form) do not procreate (Mark 12: 25/Matt. 22: 30). In the ancient world, just prior to the Great Flood of Noah's time, there were a group of angels who took on (or possessed) male human bodies and had intercourse with female humans (Gen. 6: 2). Their off-spring, known as the Nephilim (Gen. 6:4 NASB) had both supernatural and great natural strength (Gen. 6: 4) but proved to be violent and evil in nature. The Nephilim eventually died and the responsible angels were and remained confined in a segregated section of Hades (Jude 7) where they will remain until the ends times when they eventually are tossed into the lake of fire with the devil and the fallen angels (Rev. 20: 10). Fallen angels and demons who attempt to go beyond the parameters of what God allows to take place in Phase Two of the Angelic Conflict are also confined in "the abyss" of Hades, as well.
At least one third of the existing angels in Heaven followed Satan in this revolt. The revolt failed, forever dividing the angels into two major groups. The angels that followed Satan would be forever referred to as "fallen angels", whereas the one who remained (or repented and return to God) are referred to as "elect" angels.
Satan and the fallen angels were sentenced to spend all of eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire, but this sentence will not be carried out until its appointed time that runs with end time events of human history here on this Earth (Rev. 20: 10). During Phase 2 of the Angelic Conflict, Satan, the fallen angels, and evil spiritual beings that make up the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil are NOT in "Hell" as many believe then to be, but a free to roam the Earth and engage in the spiritual combat of Phase 2. The lake of fire IS their final destination (Rev. 20: 10), but that confinement will not take place until the end time events documented in the Book of Revelation.
Why doesn't God just wipe out all forms of evil and evil creatures? For one thing, if He did, He would have to destroy each and every one of us, for ALL of us are sinners!
Man was created by God with the divine objective of bringing glory to Himself. Man glorifies God when he chooses to believe and apply what God has to say concerning the moment to moment, day to day, events of life here on planet Earth. God gave Man "free-will", and with it the freedom and responsibility of making choices each and every day that either brings glory to denies God of the glory that He desires.
Throughout the course of human history, the individuals of each generation made individual and corporate choices in response to the degree that God had made Himself and HIs ways known to Man.
To the extent that God allows, the devil has been there every step of way trying to deny God the glory that He desires by offering "alternatives" to what God has established for the spiritual realm. Among these alternatives, there is atheism (the idea that there is NO God/god) (Psalms 14: 1), false gods/religions (Psalms 96), false means to obtain salvation (good behavior-Eph. 2: 9/religious rituals-Isa. 64: 6) from the ONE true God, and of course the concept that salvation can be lost. With the exception of atheism, the devil primarily promotes his "alternatives" via Man made religion. This includes the many Man made "religions" that the devil has been able to introduce and be accepted in many areas of the so-called "Christian" Community.
God had/has a plan for each individual soul and each generation of Man. Satan has a counter plan.
Knowing WHAT the plan of God is for the times in which we are living can go a long way in identifying the alternatives that Satan promotes each and every day. The plan of God for the Church Age is clearly defined in the marching orders of the Great Commission that was given to the Church that God designed. The Church that God designed was established long before such proper names as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant were ever heard of in the Christian Community.
The Great Commission that God gave to the Church that He designed has an external part that calls for interaction with the unbelievers here in the devil's world for the purpose of evangelism (presenting the Gospel Message). The Great Commission that God gave to the Church that He designed has an internal part that calls for the edification of fellow believers. The devil has many schemes in place to try to prevent both the external and the internal objectives of the Great Commission from being a part of a believer's daily life and experience.
Are they a part of yours?
The Angelic Conflict is NOT something that MAY involved you. The Angelic Conflict is something that involves you, rather you are aware of it or not. The Angelic Conflict is an environment into which EVERY human soul is placed on the day he/she is born and comes into the devil's world.
(If) and when one has a clear understanding of the Angelic Conflict, he/she has the Biblical answer to the Age old question of, " Why did God create me?".
Ignorance or rejection of this Doctrine is what opens the door to all of the alternatives that the devil is more than glad to supply. The devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil do their best work when he/they OR their true objective is not detected.
As we will see in this study, the reality of this conflict is something that began in Heaven BEFORE the human race was even created. The human race was created to glorify God in the midst of Phase 2. The Angelic Conflict will continue to run concurrently with human history until its Rev. 20: 10 end takes place towards the end of the human experience on this planet as we know it to be today. This Angelic Conflict impacts our individual life each and every day rather one is aware of it or not.
Many individuals and groups are totally oblivious or live in denial of much of the spiritual activity that takes within and around them each and every day. Some individuals and groups engage in evil activities in the spiritual realm that would be best left alone. Any action that runs contrary to what the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2: 16 ) has to say is evil. There are "evil" practices that have found their way into the Christian Community after having a "Christian" spin being placed on them, but whose roots can be traced back to the pagan religions of the ancient world.
Such things contribute NOTHING to the development of an edified soul structure and can distract a believer from identifying and executing the true post salvation spiritual life.
Most of these activities are seeking the intervention of a spiritual being (other than God) to intervene for them for the benefit, or to ward off unwanted curses or attacks from evil forces. The only spiritual BEING that an edified believer will contact or communicate with is God. No thing or no one can do ANYTHING for or against a child of God before it first passes through the filters of God's direct, permissive, or over-ruling will. There is NOTHING that any other spiritual being can do for you that God would not do for you IF that were truly His will for you in the first place. An advancing disciple has no business seeking ANYTHING that is not in line with the will of God.
God will share the glory due to Him with NO ONE or NO THING (Isa. 42: 8).
Keep in mind, that to the extent that God allows, the devil has the power and the ability to prosper and otherwise benefit those who are willing to knowingly or unknowingly do his bidding (Luke 4: 6).
Having made any given issue a matter of prayer and having done our own part (if/when required), it is time to "wait" on the Lord (Psalms 27: 14) for His answer. Trying to either get out ahead or lagging behind the timing of God is what transforms the yoke that was designed to be light and easy to bear (Matt. 11: 30) into one that is a heavy burden. Other than praying for ongoing issues, there is no need to repeat the same request. If we are in fellowship with Him, He heard us the first time. The more edified an advancing disciple becomes, the less of a need there will be to seek the answers that we should have already identified and stored away (Matt. 7: 24-27). The more Christ-centered and the less self-centered one becomes, the subject matter of one's prayer life will be focused on what God desires and not on what we desire. IF you don't (presently) have what you desire, then you don't "need" it. If you "need" it, God would give it to you without the asking. God will give one NOTHING that does not fit into the plan that He has for any given soul, nor will He withhold anything that one needs to fulfill HIS plan. The same can not be said for what we want or need to fulfill OUR plan(s).
Scripture does not dispute the reality of the presence and the activity of evil beings that His permissive will allows (Ex. 7: 10, 11/1Sam 28: 7, 11, 12/Matt. 24: 24/). What God does tell the advancing disciple is that he/she is not to involve one-self with them or any of the activity they teach (1Tim. 4: 1), promote, or offer.
There is NOTHING to be gained that cannot be obtained via the means that God has established if it is His will do so, and much harm can be incurred by opening the door of opportunity for the devil to enter. Seeking council from a source other than God was one of the things that cost King Saul, the first human king of Israel, military defeat, his throne, the physical lives of three of his sons, and finally his own suicide (1Chron. 10). One of Saul's sons, had one lived, would have been the natural replacement as king, but it was now time for David to ascend to the throne. Saul had been wise enough to ban such things within his kingdom (1Sam. 28: 9), but was desperate and foolish enough to resort to such things himself.
Scripture documents that the devil can inflict physical ailments and conditions (Luke 13: 16). Is it too far of a stretch to consider that the same devil can remove the same illness or conditions that he imposed in order to later give "credibility" to the false teaching he desires to promote? I think not. Whenever a "miracle" eventually leads to giving credit or glory to ANY other person or being that God, the warning bells and whistles of one's edified soul structure should sound loud and clear.
It is not always humanly possible to discern the legitimacy or the power source behind any given miracle. Needless to say, one should not attribute a miracle of God to demonic forces (Matt, 12: 24), but should not be disregard the devil's ability to engage in miraculous activity in order to deceive (Exodus 7/Matt.24: 24). One of the key indicators is to take note of who it is that is receiving the glory. Is it God, or someone else?
There is no doubt in my mind that God continues to perform miracles every day, He has and will do so directly. He has and will do so through ministering angels (Hebrews 1: 14). He has and does so through human beings (Acts 3/Acts 19: 20). True servants of God will be quick to point out that it is God, and not they, that are to be praised.
God performed many "extraordinary miracles" by the hands of Paul, "...so that handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried form his (Paul's) body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out. This brought about the desired result in that, "...the word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing (Acts 19: 20 NASB).
Yet, in Lystra (Acts 14: 8), after God performed a miracle of healing through Paul, the people misplaced the power and glory, attributing it to false gods, going so far as to declare that the "gods" had come to them (Acts 14: 11), in the human form and bodies of Paul and Barnabas. The crowd began referring to Barnabas as Zeus, and Paul as Hermes. Even though Paul made it clear that they (Paul and Barnabas) were just men doing the work of God, they had difficulty restraining the crowds from sacrificing to them (Acts 14: 18). Shortly thereafter, the crowds were turned against Paul, stoned him, and dragged him out of the city leaving him for dead.
Many builders and/or supporters of shrines on Earth desire to bring glory to departed human beings, who they accredit with the performing miracles. Scripture tells us that God will share the glory that belongs to Him with NO ONE or NO THING (Isaiah 42: 8).
One would be wise not to overlook the possibility that the devil will promote anything that he can that denies GOD the glory, or that would promote the devil's own agenda, in ANY given situation or event. Public opinion is fickle and can change quickly. The crowds hailed the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who came in the name of the Lord on Palm Sunday, but called for His crucifixion only days later.
The devil has a history of producing the same type of miraculous activity (Ex. 7: 11) that God produces through those wants to establish credibility.
"....and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, , did the same with their secret arts (Exodus 7: 10, 11 NASB)."
Those who did (or do) the devil's bidding also has a history of attributing the miracles that the God does as being from the powers of evil in order to stir up public opinion against the spokespersons of God (Matt. 12: 24/Acts 15: 11).
The source, purpose, and verification of miraculous activity has been a part of the spiritual combat in the many dispensations (periods of time) in the past and present day spiritual combat, will continue to be a factor in the future.
It can be hard to distinguish which miraculous activities are of God and what miraculous activities are of the devil, as both divine and evil sources are capable of producing the same OVERT activity.
It is a part of the work of ordained pastor teachers of the Church Age to equip and train (Eph. 4: 12) born again believers for success in spiritual combat (Eph. 6). My advice in response to what others claim to be "miraculous" activity is NOT to focus on what can NOT be confirmed one way or the other, but to take note of the content of the m-e-s-s-a-g-e-s that the person involved with the reported miracle are promoting. If the messages they promote are inconsistent with the Word of God and/or the mind of Christ, it is safe to conclude that it is NOT God that is behind the miraculous activity. The second "test" is to take a look at who or what is being glorified. Is is God? Is it a living or departed human being ? It is an inanimate object? Is it a technique, ritual, or procedure?
Many individuals and groups of individuals received earthly blessings as a result of the miracles that the Lord Jesus Christ produced during His mission here on Earth. However, the primary purpose of these miracles was to fulfill the many Old Testament prophecies that identified the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. The primary reason for the miracles that God later performed through His apostles were to give divine credibility to the messages that His Apostles would teach.
God continues to perform miracle every day. Every time a soul is created (John 3: 6) and placed in a human body as it comes forth at birth, a miracle takes place. Every time person is "born again," miraculous activity (Eph. 4: 30/Titus 3: 5) takes place. If you have been born and been born again, you personally have already received two of the greatest miracles that you will ever personally receive. Without the first, you would have never existed. Without the second, you would not enter the kingdom of Heaven!
The devil continues to promote those who knowingly or unwittingly promote his agenda through whatever means that he is allowed to use in the realm of spiritual warfare. What Church Age have now that the people of that period of history did not have, is the completed Canon of Scripture through which FALSE teachings can be exposed, regardless of what OVERT credentials any promoter wishes to use.
There is NOTHING to be gained that cannot be obtained via the means that God has established if it is His will do so, and much harm can be incurred by opening the door of opportunity for the devil to enter. Seeking council from a source other than God was one of the things that cost King Saul, the first human king of Israel, military defeat, his throne, the physical lives of three of his sons, and finally his own suicide (1Chron. 10). One of Saul's sons, had one lived, would have been the natural replacement as king, but it was now time for David to ascend to the throne. Saul had been wise enough to ban such things within his kingdom (1Sam. 28: 9), but was desperate and foolish enough to resort to such things himself.
Scripture documents that the devil can inflict physical ailments and conditions (Luke 13: 16). Is it too far of a stretch to consider that the same devil can remove the same illness or conditions that he imposed in order to later give "credibility" to the false teaching he desires to promote? I think not. Whenever a "miracle" eventually leads to giving credit or glory to ANY other person or being that God, the warning bells and whistles of one's edified soul structure should sound loud and clear.
It is not always humanly possible to discern the legitimacy or the power source behind any given miracle. Needless to say, one should not attribute a miracle of God to demonic forces (Matt, 12: 24), but should not be disregard the devil's ability to engage in miraculous activity in order to deceive (Exodus 7/Matt.24: 24). One of the key indicators is to take note of who it is that is receiving the glory. Is it God, or someone else?
There is no doubt in my mind that God continues to perform miracles every day, He has and will do so directly. He has and will do so through ministering angels (Hebrews 1: 14). He has and does so through human beings (Acts 3/Acts 19: 20). True servants of God will be quick to point out that it is God, and not they, that are to be praised.
God performed many "extraordinary miracles" by the hands of Paul, "...so that handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried form his (Paul's) body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out. This brought about the desired result in that, "...the word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing (Acts 19: 20 NASB).
Yet, in Lystra (Acts 14: 8), after God performed a miracle of healing through Paul, the people misplaced the power and glory, attributing it to false gods, going so far as to declare that the "gods" had come to them (Acts 14: 11), in the human form and bodies of Paul and Barnabas. The crowd began referring to Barnabas as Zeus, and Paul as Hermes. Even though Paul made it clear that they (Paul and Barnabas) were just men doing the work of God, they had difficulty restraining the crowds from sacrificing to them (Acts 14: 18). Shortly thereafter, the crowds were turned against Paul, stoned him, and dragged him out of the city leaving him for dead.
Many builders and/or supporters of shrines on Earth desire to bring glory to departed human beings, who they accredit with the performing miracles. Scripture tells us that God will share the glory that belongs to Him with NO ONE or NO THING (Isaiah 42: 8).
One would be wise not to overlook the possibility that the devil will promote anything that he can that denies GOD the glory, or that would promote the devil's own agenda, in ANY given situation or event. Public opinion is fickle and can change quickly. The crowds hailed the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who came in the name of the Lord on Palm Sunday, but called for His crucifixion only days later.
The devil has a history of producing the same type of miraculous activity (Ex. 7: 11) that God produces through those wants to establish credibility.
"....and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, , did the same with their secret arts (Exodus 7: 10, 11 NASB)."
Those who did (or do) the devil's bidding also has a history of attributing the miracles that the God does as being from the powers of evil in order to stir up public opinion against the spokespersons of God (Matt. 12: 24/Acts 15: 11).
The source, purpose, and verification of miraculous activity has been a part of the spiritual combat in the many dispensations (periods of time) in the past and present day spiritual combat, will continue to be a factor in the future.
It can be hard to distinguish which miraculous activities are of God and what miraculous activities are of the devil, as both divine and evil sources are capable of producing the same OVERT activity.
It is a part of the work of ordained pastor teachers of the Church Age to equip and train (Eph. 4: 12) born again believers for success in spiritual combat (Eph. 6). My advice in response to what others claim to be "miraculous" activity is NOT to focus on what can NOT be confirmed one way or the other, but to take note of the content of the m-e-s-s-a-g-e-s that the person involved with the reported miracle are promoting. If the messages they promote are inconsistent with the Word of God and/or the mind of Christ, it is safe to conclude that it is NOT God that is behind the miraculous activity. The second "test" is to take a look at who or what is being glorified. Is is God? Is it a living or departed human being ? It is an inanimate object? Is it a technique, ritual, or procedure?
Many individuals and groups of individuals received earthly blessings as a result of the miracles that the Lord Jesus Christ produced during His mission here on Earth. However, the primary purpose of these miracles was to fulfill the many Old Testament prophecies that identified the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. The primary reason for the miracles that God later performed through His apostles were to give divine credibility to the messages that His Apostles would teach.
God continues to perform miracle every day. Every time a soul is created (John 3: 6) and placed in a human body as it comes forth at birth, a miracle takes place. Every time person is "born again," miraculous activity (Eph. 4: 30/Titus 3: 5) takes place. If you have been born and been born again, you personally have already received two of the greatest miracles that you will ever personally receive. Without the first, you would have never existed. Without the second, you would not enter the kingdom of Heaven!
The devil continues to promote those who knowingly or unwittingly promote his agenda through whatever means that he is allowed to use in the realm of spiritual warfare. What Church Age have now that the people of that period of history did not have, is the completed Canon of Scripture through which FALSE teachings can be exposed, regardless of what OVERT credentials any promoter wishes to use.
Developing the spiritual discernment to detect "evil" is an essential part of the true post salvation spiritual life. Evil is anything that contradicts the mind (thinking) of Christ (1Cor. 2: 16), as the mind of Christ is revealed to us through post salvation discipleship. This includes the "evil" that the fallen nature in Man and the devil has introduced into the Christian Community at large.
Recognizance missions (gathering information as to the location, strength, movement, and objectives of the enemy) without their knowledge is a crucial part in developing both defensive and offensive strategies in the realm of any type of combat.
Spiritual combat is no exception.
The devil (and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil) do not have the divine attributes of omniscience (all knowledge of past, present, and future events). Nor do any of them have the divine attribute of omnipresence ( the ability to be everywhere and anywhere at the same time).
Accordingly, the devil must rely on his forces of evil to monitor and take counter measures against ANY forward progress that any given Church Age believer (or group of believers) make in the spiritual realm. Only in the case of rare instances (Gen. 3/Luke 4/Luke 22: 3/etc.) has the devil considered the outcome so crucial that he himself got personally involved. This is contrary to his usual method of operation where he prefers to keep his presence and identity out of the picture. Very few souls would even listen to the devil if they knew it was he who was behind the issue(s) at hand.
The devil knows that fallen man by nature is hostile towards God and the things of God, and knows the precise time to attack any given soul for maximum effect. In cases where he can convince those involved that the idea(s) is what God would want, victory is almost assured. This has been the case of "religion" throughout the course of human history.
An advancing disciple can never be sure when he/she is being monitored by fallen angels or being sized up for a demonic attack (1Pet. 5: 8). "Not being worth the bullet" doesn't speak well of the quality of one's post salvation spiritual life. It is a part of the self-centered fallen nature in all of us to desire to have a relatively conflict-free lifestyle here on Earth, but Scripture (Matt. 10: 34/2Tim. 3: 12) is clear that this will not be the case for anyone who desires to function as a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The "peace on Earth" that was announced by the angel at the First Advent refers to the peace that the saved soul has between he/she and God. Peace with God means war with the devil, and peace with the devil means war with God (James 4: 4).
If the post salvation life of any given believer poses no immediate threat to the devil's agenda, there is no reason for him to attack. In fact, he is quite content to leave such a believer alone and encourage his\m/her to stay right where he/she is.
Our moment to moment, day by day, decisions to take part (or to desert our post) in the spiritual combat of the post salvation spiritual life does NOT go unnoticed, at least by God.
There is never a time when we are beyond the scope of the omniscience of God. God sees all, hears all. Even our thought life is of no secret to God. We are under the scrutiny of human observers whenever we interact with other people who take note if we walk the walk as well as we talk the talk. We do not know when we are the benefactors of elect angels who are sent (Heb. 1: 14) to minister (serve) to us (Hebrews 13:2), but the angels DO observe us and rejoice (Luke 15: 10) when we make decisions that glorify God.
The truth is, if most of us were made aware (2Kings 6: 17) of all the various types of spiritual warriors and spiritual activity that surround us every day, it would be more than most of us could handle. Spiritual combat has only increased, here in the Church Age.
"Then Elisha prayed and said, "O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the Lord opened his eyes and he saw; and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2Kings 6: 17).
As exceedingly powerful that these spiritual beings are, NONE of them can violate the free will to make choices that God has given to each one of us. We choose to say YES or NO, each and every time we are confronted with a spiritual choice to make.
It is not my intention to cause anyone to be come hypersensitive to all that takes place around us every day in the spiritual realm, but it is high time for many who claim to be Christians to be made aware of the details of the Angelic Conflict into which they have been placed. Ignorance, indifference, and rejection of such teachings is surely an objective of the devil.
Recognizance missions (gathering information as to the location, strength, movement, and objectives of the enemy) without their knowledge is a crucial part in developing both defensive and offensive strategies in the realm of any type of combat.
Spiritual combat is no exception.
The devil (and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil) do not have the divine attributes of omniscience (all knowledge of past, present, and future events). Nor do any of them have the divine attribute of omnipresence ( the ability to be everywhere and anywhere at the same time).
Accordingly, the devil must rely on his forces of evil to monitor and take counter measures against ANY forward progress that any given Church Age believer (or group of believers) make in the spiritual realm. Only in the case of rare instances (Gen. 3/Luke 4/Luke 22: 3/etc.) has the devil considered the outcome so crucial that he himself got personally involved. This is contrary to his usual method of operation where he prefers to keep his presence and identity out of the picture. Very few souls would even listen to the devil if they knew it was he who was behind the issue(s) at hand.
The devil knows that fallen man by nature is hostile towards God and the things of God, and knows the precise time to attack any given soul for maximum effect. In cases where he can convince those involved that the idea(s) is what God would want, victory is almost assured. This has been the case of "religion" throughout the course of human history.
An advancing disciple can never be sure when he/she is being monitored by fallen angels or being sized up for a demonic attack (1Pet. 5: 8). "Not being worth the bullet" doesn't speak well of the quality of one's post salvation spiritual life. It is a part of the self-centered fallen nature in all of us to desire to have a relatively conflict-free lifestyle here on Earth, but Scripture (Matt. 10: 34/2Tim. 3: 12) is clear that this will not be the case for anyone who desires to function as a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The "peace on Earth" that was announced by the angel at the First Advent refers to the peace that the saved soul has between he/she and God. Peace with God means war with the devil, and peace with the devil means war with God (James 4: 4).
If the post salvation life of any given believer poses no immediate threat to the devil's agenda, there is no reason for him to attack. In fact, he is quite content to leave such a believer alone and encourage his\m/her to stay right where he/she is.
Our moment to moment, day by day, decisions to take part (or to desert our post) in the spiritual combat of the post salvation spiritual life does NOT go unnoticed, at least by God.
There is never a time when we are beyond the scope of the omniscience of God. God sees all, hears all. Even our thought life is of no secret to God. We are under the scrutiny of human observers whenever we interact with other people who take note if we walk the walk as well as we talk the talk. We do not know when we are the benefactors of elect angels who are sent (Heb. 1: 14) to minister (serve) to us (Hebrews 13:2), but the angels DO observe us and rejoice (Luke 15: 10) when we make decisions that glorify God.
The truth is, if most of us were made aware (2Kings 6: 17) of all the various types of spiritual warriors and spiritual activity that surround us every day, it would be more than most of us could handle. Spiritual combat has only increased, here in the Church Age.
"Then Elisha prayed and said, "O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the Lord opened his eyes and he saw; and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2Kings 6: 17).
As exceedingly powerful that these spiritual beings are, NONE of them can violate the free will to make choices that God has given to each one of us. We choose to say YES or NO, each and every time we are confronted with a spiritual choice to make.
It is not my intention to cause anyone to be come hypersensitive to all that takes place around us every day in the spiritual realm, but it is high time for many who claim to be Christians to be made aware of the details of the Angelic Conflict into which they have been placed. Ignorance, indifference, and rejection of such teachings is surely an objective of the devil.
Unlike in the case of past dispensations, "temple of God" of the Church Age is not made out of inanimate materials. The Earthly "temple" of God here in the Church Age consists of the physical bodies of each and every born again believer (1Cor. 3: 16) for as long as the believer's soul is here on Earth.
This is quite different from the "houses of worship" that Man has constructed where the devil and/or those who do his bidding can enter and function, promoting Man made "religion" that runs contrary to the mind of Christ (1Cor. 2: 16).
Although born again believers of the Church Age can NOT be demonically possessed, we certainly can be demonically influenced (1Tim. 4: 1). This is where the "rubber meets the road" in the daily realm of spiritual combat. Our souls are bombarded daily with concepts that are contrary to the mind of Christ.
Some of us are wise enough to have constructed and maintained an edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 2-27) to detect and take all thoughts captive (2Cor. 10: 5) that run contrary to the mind of Christ. Without developing the knowledge of what the mind of Christ is on any given subject, we do not have a chance of success in the daily battlefield of the post salvation spiritual life. The fallen nature within us ins not merely indifferent to God and the things of God, but is actually hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God.
Both sides of the Angelic Conflict have opposing agendas.
Here in the Church Age, the focus of attention in the realm of spiritual combat is on the external and internal parts of the Great Commission that was given to the Church. The fulfillment of the Great Commission is what is standing in the way of the manifestation of many of the future prophecies to be fulfilled (Matt. 24: 14). The external part involves the presentation of the Gospel Message to unbelievers, and the internal part is the making of disciples )students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who have been born again (John 3: 5, 7).
The horrific events that are going to take place here on Earth after the Rapture, but before the Second Advent are going to be so bad that if this period of time was not cut short by the manifestation of the Second Advent, then there would be NO survivors (Matt. 24: 22).
Among the future prophecies that is going to take place as of or after the Second Advent, is the 1,000 year reign of Christ (Rev. 20: 6); the relatively temporary (Rev. 20: 2) and then the final (Rev. 20: 10) incarceration of the devil and his followers (Rev. 20: 13, 15); and the establishment of New Heavens and Earth (Rev. 21: 1).
The devil is in no rush to see God being glorified to the maximum or his own inevitable demise take place. The devil knows that his time is relatively short. Never-the-less, he will work all that much harder to deny God as must glory that he can in the meantime. As this pertains to each one of us, he has the time that God has established for the length of our life span here on Earth. This is why the Great Commission is on center stage during the course of the Church Age phase of the Angelic Conflict.
Those who choose to believe the Gospel Message glorify God and become what the Bible refers to as being born again (John 3:3).
Being born again means to have received a regenerated human spirit (Titus 3: 5) and to have received "eternal" life (John 3: 16). Those who choose not to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message remain as spiritually dead as they were when they came into this world. If one departs this world as an unbeliever (in the Gospel Message), he will find himself in the torments of Hades awaiting the final judgment of unbelievers and an eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
If we choose to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message, the devil can do nothing to undo the work of God that takes place, but can still do much to neutralize our impact on the spiritual battlefield of the Angelic Conflict.
Those who are born again are given the opportunity to bring further glory to God each and every day of their post (after) salvation spiritual life. The born again believer, with the enabling power that God supplies (John 15: 5), studies and applies Bible Doctrine to whatever circumstances and events that take place each and every day in the individual peripheries. The indwelling mentorship of God the Holy Spirit takes center stage in the teaching and mentorship of an advancing disciple.
Promoting the plan of God is a part of the service that ministering, elect angels provide to those who choose to identify and execute the post salvation plan that God has for each and every born again believer.
Discouraging, impeding, distorting, distracting, and offering alternatives to God's plan of salvation, and to discourage, impede, distract, distort, and to offer alternatives to God's plan for the post (after) salvation spiritual life is a part of the agenda of the Eph. 6:12 forces of evil. Fallen angels refer to the portion of the angelic realm that chose to follow Satan in his failed attempt to establish his own kingdom independent of God. Fallen angels are among the forces of evil spoken of in Eph. 6: 12.
To the devil' advantage (in the realm of spiritual combat), the fallen nature within all of us (Romans 7) is not merely "disinterested" in God and/or the things of God, it is actually hostile (Romans 8:7) towards God and the things of God. This hostility can become overt and seen in the reaction(s) that unbelievers (or believers out of fellowship with God) might demonstrate when presented with the TRUTH of the Gospel Message or an edifying passage of Scripture that "hits a nerve". When such souls cannot dispute the message, their only alternative is to attack the messenger (Matt. 7: 6).
To the devil's disadvantage, neither the devil nor his forces of evil, have the divine attributes of omniscience (all knowledge of past, present, and future events) or omnipresence (being everywhere and anywhere at the sane time) that God has. The devil is restricted to function within the parameters of the spiritual combat that God established (See the Book of Job). The devil can do NOTHING to a man, woman, or child of God without first passing through the filter of God's permissive will.
The study of the Angelic Conflict is one of the areas of doctrine that the devil works long and hard at keeping off the curriculum of most pulpits within the Christian Community. Many pastors are not prepared to teach it, and the average believer and congregation in the times in which we are living are not spiritually mature enough to handle it (1Cor. 3: 2). In this the devil is well-pleased.
When and where it IS taught, Satan and the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil will increase the intensity and the frequency of all the distractions they are allowed to generate in an attempt to diminish the focus of attention or interest on the part of the congregation, readership, or listening audience.
Many pastors who have taught this area of doctrine have experienced an increase in the intensity and the variety of distractions that are designed to impede the pastor's preparation and presentation of this area of doctrine. Many believers have found themselves experiencing new and different forms of distractions when being taught this area of doctrine.
Note that "distractions" can come in the form of overtly pleasant opportunities, as well in the form of adversity. It matters not (to the devil) if it takes "prosperity" or "adversity," as long as his objective(s) are secured.
I say this up front so that if this be your experience during the study of this area of doctrine, I want you to know that this has been the same experience shared by many believers.
Pastors have the responsibility to teach ALL areas of doctrine, and advancing disciples can not afford to be selective about the subject matter that come from the pulpit that God the Holy Spirit brings them to at any point in their walk with the Lord. Keep in mind that one's area(s) of weakness is ANY area in which the believers is either ignorant of or refuses to apply the appropriate doctrine.
The passages of Scripture from which the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict is written are just as much a part of the Word of God as such popular and well-known verses like John 3: 16.
In the newspaper industry, there is what is called "filler space" in which subject matter of less interest are used to fill the space left over AFTER the leading stories, photos, and of articles of the day have consumed the priority space. In Scripture, there is NO filler space, as each and every passage was placed there by the inspiration (2Tim. 3: 16) of God, and serves a purpose (Matt. 5: 18). Like a single in a large brick wall, the wall would not be complete without it.
It is God the Holy Spirit who determines the subject matter that comes from any given pulpit at any given time. Spirit-filled pastors develop the required sensitivity to listen to what the Spirit is saying to the congregation for whose spiritual edification he is responsible (Rev. 2: 1, 8, 12, 18/Rev. 3: 1, 7, 14). It is not unusual for pastors to find themselves deviating from the primary subject matter they intended deliver to touch on a sub-point or related issue. It is not unusual for an individual believer to be more edified by some side-bar commentary than by the main subject of any given sermon or presentation. It is not unusual the same subject matter to be taught throughout the Christian Community at large, even though the individual pastors did not confer with each other or follow some prescribed agenda. This is the Work of God the Holy Spirit in action.
Every thinking person in every generation of Man has asked himself the question of what is his/her purpose for being here on Earth. THE Biblical answer to this question in found in the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict that reveals WHEN, WHERE, WHY and for what purpose Man (and each one of us) was created.
We will return to the spiritual combat of the Church Age in a later part of this study. For now we will be focusing in on the spiritual combat of past dispensations, as before Man can know where he is going, he must learn where he has been and how he got to his present place in the unfolding plan of God.
End of Part One.
This is quite different from the "houses of worship" that Man has constructed where the devil and/or those who do his bidding can enter and function, promoting Man made "religion" that runs contrary to the mind of Christ (1Cor. 2: 16).
Although born again believers of the Church Age can NOT be demonically possessed, we certainly can be demonically influenced (1Tim. 4: 1). This is where the "rubber meets the road" in the daily realm of spiritual combat. Our souls are bombarded daily with concepts that are contrary to the mind of Christ.
Some of us are wise enough to have constructed and maintained an edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 2-27) to detect and take all thoughts captive (2Cor. 10: 5) that run contrary to the mind of Christ. Without developing the knowledge of what the mind of Christ is on any given subject, we do not have a chance of success in the daily battlefield of the post salvation spiritual life. The fallen nature within us ins not merely indifferent to God and the things of God, but is actually hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God.
Both sides of the Angelic Conflict have opposing agendas.
Here in the Church Age, the focus of attention in the realm of spiritual combat is on the external and internal parts of the Great Commission that was given to the Church. The fulfillment of the Great Commission is what is standing in the way of the manifestation of many of the future prophecies to be fulfilled (Matt. 24: 14). The external part involves the presentation of the Gospel Message to unbelievers, and the internal part is the making of disciples )students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who have been born again (John 3: 5, 7).
The horrific events that are going to take place here on Earth after the Rapture, but before the Second Advent are going to be so bad that if this period of time was not cut short by the manifestation of the Second Advent, then there would be NO survivors (Matt. 24: 22).
Among the future prophecies that is going to take place as of or after the Second Advent, is the 1,000 year reign of Christ (Rev. 20: 6); the relatively temporary (Rev. 20: 2) and then the final (Rev. 20: 10) incarceration of the devil and his followers (Rev. 20: 13, 15); and the establishment of New Heavens and Earth (Rev. 21: 1).
The devil is in no rush to see God being glorified to the maximum or his own inevitable demise take place. The devil knows that his time is relatively short. Never-the-less, he will work all that much harder to deny God as must glory that he can in the meantime. As this pertains to each one of us, he has the time that God has established for the length of our life span here on Earth. This is why the Great Commission is on center stage during the course of the Church Age phase of the Angelic Conflict.
Those who choose to believe the Gospel Message glorify God and become what the Bible refers to as being born again (John 3:3).
Being born again means to have received a regenerated human spirit (Titus 3: 5) and to have received "eternal" life (John 3: 16). Those who choose not to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message remain as spiritually dead as they were when they came into this world. If one departs this world as an unbeliever (in the Gospel Message), he will find himself in the torments of Hades awaiting the final judgment of unbelievers and an eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
If we choose to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message, the devil can do nothing to undo the work of God that takes place, but can still do much to neutralize our impact on the spiritual battlefield of the Angelic Conflict.
Those who are born again are given the opportunity to bring further glory to God each and every day of their post (after) salvation spiritual life. The born again believer, with the enabling power that God supplies (John 15: 5), studies and applies Bible Doctrine to whatever circumstances and events that take place each and every day in the individual peripheries. The indwelling mentorship of God the Holy Spirit takes center stage in the teaching and mentorship of an advancing disciple.
Promoting the plan of God is a part of the service that ministering, elect angels provide to those who choose to identify and execute the post salvation plan that God has for each and every born again believer.
Discouraging, impeding, distorting, distracting, and offering alternatives to God's plan of salvation, and to discourage, impede, distract, distort, and to offer alternatives to God's plan for the post (after) salvation spiritual life is a part of the agenda of the Eph. 6:12 forces of evil. Fallen angels refer to the portion of the angelic realm that chose to follow Satan in his failed attempt to establish his own kingdom independent of God. Fallen angels are among the forces of evil spoken of in Eph. 6: 12.
To the devil' advantage (in the realm of spiritual combat), the fallen nature within all of us (Romans 7) is not merely "disinterested" in God and/or the things of God, it is actually hostile (Romans 8:7) towards God and the things of God. This hostility can become overt and seen in the reaction(s) that unbelievers (or believers out of fellowship with God) might demonstrate when presented with the TRUTH of the Gospel Message or an edifying passage of Scripture that "hits a nerve". When such souls cannot dispute the message, their only alternative is to attack the messenger (Matt. 7: 6).
To the devil's disadvantage, neither the devil nor his forces of evil, have the divine attributes of omniscience (all knowledge of past, present, and future events) or omnipresence (being everywhere and anywhere at the sane time) that God has. The devil is restricted to function within the parameters of the spiritual combat that God established (See the Book of Job). The devil can do NOTHING to a man, woman, or child of God without first passing through the filter of God's permissive will.
The study of the Angelic Conflict is one of the areas of doctrine that the devil works long and hard at keeping off the curriculum of most pulpits within the Christian Community. Many pastors are not prepared to teach it, and the average believer and congregation in the times in which we are living are not spiritually mature enough to handle it (1Cor. 3: 2). In this the devil is well-pleased.
When and where it IS taught, Satan and the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil will increase the intensity and the frequency of all the distractions they are allowed to generate in an attempt to diminish the focus of attention or interest on the part of the congregation, readership, or listening audience.
Many pastors who have taught this area of doctrine have experienced an increase in the intensity and the variety of distractions that are designed to impede the pastor's preparation and presentation of this area of doctrine. Many believers have found themselves experiencing new and different forms of distractions when being taught this area of doctrine.
Note that "distractions" can come in the form of overtly pleasant opportunities, as well in the form of adversity. It matters not (to the devil) if it takes "prosperity" or "adversity," as long as his objective(s) are secured.
I say this up front so that if this be your experience during the study of this area of doctrine, I want you to know that this has been the same experience shared by many believers.
Pastors have the responsibility to teach ALL areas of doctrine, and advancing disciples can not afford to be selective about the subject matter that come from the pulpit that God the Holy Spirit brings them to at any point in their walk with the Lord. Keep in mind that one's area(s) of weakness is ANY area in which the believers is either ignorant of or refuses to apply the appropriate doctrine.
The passages of Scripture from which the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict is written are just as much a part of the Word of God as such popular and well-known verses like John 3: 16.
In the newspaper industry, there is what is called "filler space" in which subject matter of less interest are used to fill the space left over AFTER the leading stories, photos, and of articles of the day have consumed the priority space. In Scripture, there is NO filler space, as each and every passage was placed there by the inspiration (2Tim. 3: 16) of God, and serves a purpose (Matt. 5: 18). Like a single in a large brick wall, the wall would not be complete without it.
It is God the Holy Spirit who determines the subject matter that comes from any given pulpit at any given time. Spirit-filled pastors develop the required sensitivity to listen to what the Spirit is saying to the congregation for whose spiritual edification he is responsible (Rev. 2: 1, 8, 12, 18/Rev. 3: 1, 7, 14). It is not unusual for pastors to find themselves deviating from the primary subject matter they intended deliver to touch on a sub-point or related issue. It is not unusual for an individual believer to be more edified by some side-bar commentary than by the main subject of any given sermon or presentation. It is not unusual the same subject matter to be taught throughout the Christian Community at large, even though the individual pastors did not confer with each other or follow some prescribed agenda. This is the Work of God the Holy Spirit in action.
Every thinking person in every generation of Man has asked himself the question of what is his/her purpose for being here on Earth. THE Biblical answer to this question in found in the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict that reveals WHEN, WHERE, WHY and for what purpose Man (and each one of us) was created.
We will return to the spiritual combat of the Church Age in a later part of this study. For now we will be focusing in on the spiritual combat of past dispensations, as before Man can know where he is going, he must learn where he has been and how he got to his present place in the unfolding plan of God.
End of Part One.