Life On the Witness Stand
Part Two
All born-again believers are equally and forever saved, and have a home in Heaven (1).
But here on Earth, not all born-again believers are at, will reach, or maintain, the same level of spiritual maturity. The level of one’s spiritual maturity goes hand in hand with his or her level of productivity. One’s productivity is linked to one’s spoken and unspoken daily testimonies.
Because of the different levels of spiritual maturity achieved and maintained, not all born-again believers are going to receive all, if any, of the 1Cor. 3: 14 rewards, or all, if any, of the Rev. 2 and Rev. 3 privileges. These rewards and privileges are reserved for advancing disciples.
Advancing disciples do not serve God in order to be rewarded or privileged, but God has made it clear that He is going to reward and privilege (in Eternity) the born-again believers who lived for Christ while here on Earth (2).
Note that I did not say advancED, but advancING disciples.
Discipleship is an ongoing process that never ends, this side of Heaven. If a born-again believer chooses to embrace the post salvation life of discipleship, he or she will find that, at any given time, he or she is either progressing, or regressing, along the road to spiritual maturity.
A clear indicator of progression is not the blessings, but the frequency and the intensity of the opposition that he or she faces (3). God is not the only source of Earthly prosperity (4).
A clear indicator of regression is when one no longer has the desire to learn new doctrine, refine existing doctrine, or better apply the doctrine that he or she has already learned. A 2Cor. 13:5 self-examination will reveal that there will always be room for improvement.
One’s productivity is primarily the result of his or her unspoken and spoken daily testimony. This productivity involves the evangelization or edification of those with whom we interact (5).
The more spiritually mature a born-again believer becomes, the more effective and productive his or her unspoken and spoken testimony will be.
There is a price to be paid for moving forward in the plan of God (6). The more effective and productive he or she becomes, the greater the target he or she becomes in the ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil. A born-again believer’s present level of spiritual maturity is measured, not only by the amount of accurate Bible Doctrine that he or she possesses, but by its application to his or her own life, and his or her willingness to participate in the evangelization and edification of other people (7).
There are many individuals who can quote Scripture, but lack accurate interpretation and application. The devil can quote Scripture, and so can his wolves (spokespersons) dressed in sheep’s clothing (8).
Many Christians seldom speak for, or about God, outside of the comfort zone of the company of like-minded believers. In this, the devil is well-pleased, as it keeps the progress of the Great Commission contained.
God did not give born-again believers a spirit of timidity. In fact, He gives an ominous warning to those who are embarrassed to take a stand for God, and or the Word of God (9).
When deceived, those who speak, but misrepresent God, and or His Word, become a powerful tool in the hands of the devil, unwittingly promoting his propaganda.
Half-truths with factually correct information can fail to tell the whole story. Satan’s counterfeits contain enough truth to make them appear to have come from God, but a close Acts 17: 11 comparisons with Scripture will expose them for what they really are.
Testimony could tell you that a crowd cheered on while a man bludgeoned an animal to its death, when what happened was the man went to the rescue of a child that had come under an unprovoked attack by a wild animal. Although the first account would be factually correct, it would leave listeners with a very wrong impression of what had taken place, and of the man involved.
By isolating verses of Scripture, one could factually state that Scripture teaches that the Sanhedrin convicted Jesus of blasphemy (a religious offense worthy of death), and that He was later accused of crimes against the state by having claimed to be a king (10).
But the whole story reveals that He was not guilty of blasphemy, and that He was accused (but not convicted) of crimes against the state. He was handed over to be crucified after His case was placed in the hands of the crowd, that was gathered before Pilate (11).
All involved unwittingly set the stage for Him to carry out the atoning work that He came to do (12).
Factually correct, but deceptive testimony frequently takes place in court. At times, one would think that the two sides were talking about two different events, with the carefully-selected jury being led by hand down the chosen path of the representing attorneys.
The unspoken testimony of a defendant’s appearance and demeanor is often quite different than what they were when the incident took place. Cross-examination exposes bias, false motivations, and the credibility of the witness and his or her testimony.
The same scenario takes place in the execution of the Great Commission.
Be it good or bad, the unspoken testimony of a born-again believer’s attitudes, speech, behavior, priorities, appearance, and choice of activities, are being observed every day by God, to whom they are going to give an account (13). This accounting is not for the purpose of seeing who is getting into Heaven, as this was already determined by the decision one made during his or her time on Earth (14).
This accounting and divine response is to reveal what, if any, reward and privileges that any given born-again believer is going to receive in Heaven (15).
In addition to the 24-7 divine observation, by the Triune Godhead, we are under frequent observation of angelic and human beings.
Some would include departed family members among the Hebrews 12: 1 great cloud of observers. For me, the jury is still out on that one. I don’t see how one would be able to enjoy the heavenly environment if he or she is aware of all the pain and suffering that the loved ones he or she leaves behind have to go through, until their own time of departure comes.
God willing, I would prefer to leave the well-being of the ones I leave behind in the hands of the One who is a, “…father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows (Psalms 68: 5 NASB).”
Without a doubt, our unspoken and spoken testimony of an advancing disciple will also draw the attention and response of the Eph.6: 12 forces of evil.
Everything we do or say, promotes the plan of God or the plan of the devil. There are no neutral zones in the spiritual realm. Therefore, we should expect either the support or the opposition from either side, depending on whose plan we promote.
Accurately quoting isolated or selected Scripture can lead listeners astray if they don’t know or take into account all of the verses that address the same subject. Advancing disciples are aware that by quoting only selected and isolated verses, the Bible can be made to APPEAR to say just about anything that a speaker or writer desires (16).
Here on Earth, angels, fellow believers, and unbelievers all want to see if advancing disciples walk the walk as well as they talk the talk.
Keep in mind that the very purpose for the creation of the human race was to bring glory to God in the midst of the ongoing battle between good and evil. The first time that an individual glorified God is when he or she chooses to believe when presented with the unadulterated Gospel Message. After being born-again, the advancing disciple has the daily opportunity to bring additional glory to God by his or her unspoken and spoken testimony.
This conflict began before Man came on the scene, and continues to run concurrently with human history. The devil works long and hard, offering many alternative answers to the Age-old question of why God created Man.
There are no neutral zones or neutral issues in the spiritual realm. An advancing disciple will develop the ability to discern the spiritual significance and implications of every activity under the sun. If it is not of truth, it is not of God. If it is not in line with the Word of God, it is not from God, no matter who promotes it. The unspoken testimony of our lifestyle and the spoken testimony of our daily witnessing must be consistent with the accurate interpretation and application of the Word of God (17).
(1) Romans 8: 1/ John 14: 2, 3 (2) Phil. 1: 21 (3) 2Tim. 3: 12) (4) Luke 4: 6/Luke 12: 15-20 (5) Mark 4: 20 (6) Luke 14: 26-33) (7) James 1: 22/Matt. 28: 19, 20 (8) Matt. 4: 6/Matt. 7: 15 (9) 2Tim. 1: 7/Luke 9: 26 (10) Matt. 26: 65, 66/ Luke 23: 2) (11) Luke 23: 14, 15/ Luke 23: 21-24 (12) Luke 23: 34/1John 2: 2 (13) Romans 14: 12 (14) John 3: 16, 18 (15) 1Cor. 3: 14, 15 (16) Matt. 4: 6, 7/Hosea 4: 6 (17) Hosea 4: 6
Part Two
All born-again believers are equally and forever saved, and have a home in Heaven (1).
But here on Earth, not all born-again believers are at, will reach, or maintain, the same level of spiritual maturity. The level of one’s spiritual maturity goes hand in hand with his or her level of productivity. One’s productivity is linked to one’s spoken and unspoken daily testimonies.
Because of the different levels of spiritual maturity achieved and maintained, not all born-again believers are going to receive all, if any, of the 1Cor. 3: 14 rewards, or all, if any, of the Rev. 2 and Rev. 3 privileges. These rewards and privileges are reserved for advancing disciples.
Advancing disciples do not serve God in order to be rewarded or privileged, but God has made it clear that He is going to reward and privilege (in Eternity) the born-again believers who lived for Christ while here on Earth (2).
Note that I did not say advancED, but advancING disciples.
Discipleship is an ongoing process that never ends, this side of Heaven. If a born-again believer chooses to embrace the post salvation life of discipleship, he or she will find that, at any given time, he or she is either progressing, or regressing, along the road to spiritual maturity.
A clear indicator of progression is not the blessings, but the frequency and the intensity of the opposition that he or she faces (3). God is not the only source of Earthly prosperity (4).
A clear indicator of regression is when one no longer has the desire to learn new doctrine, refine existing doctrine, or better apply the doctrine that he or she has already learned. A 2Cor. 13:5 self-examination will reveal that there will always be room for improvement.
One’s productivity is primarily the result of his or her unspoken and spoken daily testimony. This productivity involves the evangelization or edification of those with whom we interact (5).
The more spiritually mature a born-again believer becomes, the more effective and productive his or her unspoken and spoken testimony will be.
There is a price to be paid for moving forward in the plan of God (6). The more effective and productive he or she becomes, the greater the target he or she becomes in the ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil. A born-again believer’s present level of spiritual maturity is measured, not only by the amount of accurate Bible Doctrine that he or she possesses, but by its application to his or her own life, and his or her willingness to participate in the evangelization and edification of other people (7).
There are many individuals who can quote Scripture, but lack accurate interpretation and application. The devil can quote Scripture, and so can his wolves (spokespersons) dressed in sheep’s clothing (8).
Many Christians seldom speak for, or about God, outside of the comfort zone of the company of like-minded believers. In this, the devil is well-pleased, as it keeps the progress of the Great Commission contained.
God did not give born-again believers a spirit of timidity. In fact, He gives an ominous warning to those who are embarrassed to take a stand for God, and or the Word of God (9).
When deceived, those who speak, but misrepresent God, and or His Word, become a powerful tool in the hands of the devil, unwittingly promoting his propaganda.
Half-truths with factually correct information can fail to tell the whole story. Satan’s counterfeits contain enough truth to make them appear to have come from God, but a close Acts 17: 11 comparisons with Scripture will expose them for what they really are.
Testimony could tell you that a crowd cheered on while a man bludgeoned an animal to its death, when what happened was the man went to the rescue of a child that had come under an unprovoked attack by a wild animal. Although the first account would be factually correct, it would leave listeners with a very wrong impression of what had taken place, and of the man involved.
By isolating verses of Scripture, one could factually state that Scripture teaches that the Sanhedrin convicted Jesus of blasphemy (a religious offense worthy of death), and that He was later accused of crimes against the state by having claimed to be a king (10).
But the whole story reveals that He was not guilty of blasphemy, and that He was accused (but not convicted) of crimes against the state. He was handed over to be crucified after His case was placed in the hands of the crowd, that was gathered before Pilate (11).
All involved unwittingly set the stage for Him to carry out the atoning work that He came to do (12).
Factually correct, but deceptive testimony frequently takes place in court. At times, one would think that the two sides were talking about two different events, with the carefully-selected jury being led by hand down the chosen path of the representing attorneys.
The unspoken testimony of a defendant’s appearance and demeanor is often quite different than what they were when the incident took place. Cross-examination exposes bias, false motivations, and the credibility of the witness and his or her testimony.
The same scenario takes place in the execution of the Great Commission.
Be it good or bad, the unspoken testimony of a born-again believer’s attitudes, speech, behavior, priorities, appearance, and choice of activities, are being observed every day by God, to whom they are going to give an account (13). This accounting is not for the purpose of seeing who is getting into Heaven, as this was already determined by the decision one made during his or her time on Earth (14).
This accounting and divine response is to reveal what, if any, reward and privileges that any given born-again believer is going to receive in Heaven (15).
In addition to the 24-7 divine observation, by the Triune Godhead, we are under frequent observation of angelic and human beings.
Some would include departed family members among the Hebrews 12: 1 great cloud of observers. For me, the jury is still out on that one. I don’t see how one would be able to enjoy the heavenly environment if he or she is aware of all the pain and suffering that the loved ones he or she leaves behind have to go through, until their own time of departure comes.
God willing, I would prefer to leave the well-being of the ones I leave behind in the hands of the One who is a, “…father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows (Psalms 68: 5 NASB).”
Without a doubt, our unspoken and spoken testimony of an advancing disciple will also draw the attention and response of the Eph.6: 12 forces of evil.
Everything we do or say, promotes the plan of God or the plan of the devil. There are no neutral zones in the spiritual realm. Therefore, we should expect either the support or the opposition from either side, depending on whose plan we promote.
Accurately quoting isolated or selected Scripture can lead listeners astray if they don’t know or take into account all of the verses that address the same subject. Advancing disciples are aware that by quoting only selected and isolated verses, the Bible can be made to APPEAR to say just about anything that a speaker or writer desires (16).
Here on Earth, angels, fellow believers, and unbelievers all want to see if advancing disciples walk the walk as well as they talk the talk.
Keep in mind that the very purpose for the creation of the human race was to bring glory to God in the midst of the ongoing battle between good and evil. The first time that an individual glorified God is when he or she chooses to believe when presented with the unadulterated Gospel Message. After being born-again, the advancing disciple has the daily opportunity to bring additional glory to God by his or her unspoken and spoken testimony.
This conflict began before Man came on the scene, and continues to run concurrently with human history. The devil works long and hard, offering many alternative answers to the Age-old question of why God created Man.
There are no neutral zones or neutral issues in the spiritual realm. An advancing disciple will develop the ability to discern the spiritual significance and implications of every activity under the sun. If it is not of truth, it is not of God. If it is not in line with the Word of God, it is not from God, no matter who promotes it. The unspoken testimony of our lifestyle and the spoken testimony of our daily witnessing must be consistent with the accurate interpretation and application of the Word of God (17).
(1) Romans 8: 1/ John 14: 2, 3 (2) Phil. 1: 21 (3) 2Tim. 3: 12) (4) Luke 4: 6/Luke 12: 15-20 (5) Mark 4: 20 (6) Luke 14: 26-33) (7) James 1: 22/Matt. 28: 19, 20 (8) Matt. 4: 6/Matt. 7: 15 (9) 2Tim. 1: 7/Luke 9: 26 (10) Matt. 26: 65, 66/ Luke 23: 2) (11) Luke 23: 14, 15/ Luke 23: 21-24 (12) Luke 23: 34/1John 2: 2 (13) Romans 14: 12 (14) John 3: 16, 18 (15) 1Cor. 3: 14, 15 (16) Matt. 4: 6, 7/Hosea 4: 6 (17) Hosea 4: 6