Why, When, And Where Was The Atoning Blood Shed
Part Four of Five
One of the most overlooked accomplishments of the Lord Jesus Christ was the 33 year maintaining of His spotless (sinless) humanity from the day of His birth until His atoning blood sacrifice was finished on the cross. It was only by doing so, that He remained qualified as the Lamb of God. What made this such an accomplishment so great was that He did this within the self-imposed (Phil. 2: 7) limitations of His humanity and not by the unlimited power of His deity.
Several English translations of Phil. 2: 7 can leave readers with the impression that the pre-incarnate God the Son detached Himself from His deity upon taking on human form. At no point in eternity past, present, or future did/will God the Son cease to be God in His full deity (Heb. 13: 8). Accordingly, Phil. 2: 7 should be understood to mean that He put aside the USAGE of His divine power unless called for in the execution of the divine plan (e.g. performing miracles) while He was here on Earth.
This principle affords us the opportunity to rise to a greater level of appreciation for all that our Lord did for us.
How do we know there were such limitations?
In His humanity He could be (Matthew 4/Luke 4), and was, tempted. Deity can not be tempted (James 1: 13). In His humanity He could have sinned, but did not. Deity can not sin. In His humanity He was hungry, thirsty, and subject to physical injury and death. Deity does not thirst, hunger, or have ANY other biological needs, nor is deity subject to structural injury or death.
How do we know He was Deity?
He could forgive sin, immediately heal sickness and injury, walk on water, raise the dead, etc., things that humanity, independent of God, can not do.
Some miss this point concerning the self-imposed limitations of His humanity. As a result,they take the position that being God, He couldn't have failed and that everything He did, He did so in the power of His deity. In truth, some of His greatest accomplishments (e.g. preserving Himself as the spotless Lamb of God and making His atoning blood sacrifice) were made while functioning within the limitations of His humanity.
Maintaining the integrity of His sinless humanity (blood sacrifice) was no easy task. His political, spiritual, and religious enemies falsely caused Him of many things that if true, would have called for capital punishment and His disqualification as the Lamb of God. Ironically, it was false accusations that God allowed to take place that led to His crucifixion.
Resisting temptation in scenarios in which we have no control over is one thing, but imagine what it would be like to possess the ultimate power of the universe, but had to retrain and deny yourself in order to execute the plan of God. I always found it interesting that it was a pagan Roman governor who one at one point along the way declared that He (Jesus) had done nothing worthy of physical death (Luke 23: 14), while it was the holier than thou religious leadership of that day wanted Him dead (John 11: 53).
Without Roman support, His religious enemies were powerless to execute Him. It was at that point that His religious enemies upgraded His conviction of alleged blasphemy (for claiming to be God-Matt. 26: 63, 64), to being an enemy of the state (Rome), putting the ball back in Pilate's court. Pilate, whose function it was to administer secular justice, let the crowd decide.
While exercising their own individual free will, the religious leaders, Pilate, Judas Iscariot, and many others all played a role in the execution of God's Son, some unwittingly carrying out God's plan in the process.
The repeated SYMBOLIC blood sacrifices (e.g. Leviticus 4: 1 - 20) during the Old Testament dispensation (period of time) pointed towards the ONE blood sacrifice (Heb. 10: 12) that the Lord Jesus Christ would make at the appointed time on the cross (Hebrews 10: 5).
The stated (1Cor. 11: 24 - 26) purpose for celebrating the Lord's Supper (Communion) during worship services of the Church Age was/is to bring into (not to reproduce) the atoning blood sacrifice that was made by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. It is the ONE ritual that Church Age believers are COMMANDED (not an option) to participate in (1Cor. 11: 24 - 26 ) on a regular basis.
Once the temple was constructed, virtually every event of spiritual significance took place in or around the Temple of the Old Testament. Neither priest nor layman could accomplish ANYTHING in the spiritual realm unless a blood sacrifice was first made in his/their behalf, as this was what placed them in an acceptable position and condition in their relationship with or service of God.
Here in the Church Age, the Temple of God on Earth is NOT a building, but is the collective physical bodies (1Cor. 3: 16) of born again believers. Born again believers do not go to Church, but ARE the church that gathers together (Heb. 10: 25) to worship God as He desires to be worshipped (John 4: 23).
This Heb. 10: 25 gathering together can be accomplished physically or remotely through modern day means of communication. There are advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, associated with both forms of gathering together. At the end of the day (worship service), the question is, "Did those who gathered together leave having worshipped God as He desires, AND with what he/she needs to continue to grow in God's grace and knowledge?"
Our individual body becomes a part of this Earthly temple if/when one believes in the atoning blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. As in the case of Old Testament believers, Church Age believers must first be covered by the sacrificial blood in order to be in an acceptable position and condition to have a relationship with God, and to worship and serve Him as He desires.
Although one can be very religious (Matt. 7: 21 - 23), until and unless one is born again (John 3: 5, 7), he/she is spiritually dead, separated from a personal relationship with God and the benefits (e.g. eternal life - John 3: 16) that accompanies such a relationship.
Without the enabling power of God (John 15: 5), born again believers can accomplish NOTHING of a positive nature in the execution of their post salvation spiritual life (1Cor. 3: 7). If asked how many souls have you saved or edified, the correct answer is ZERO. If asked how many souls were saved or edified as a result of you being used by God to present others with the Gospel Message or edifying principles of Scripture, the answer SHOULD be as many as God has given me the opportunity (Matt. 13: 23).
One of the challenging realities of participating in the Great Commission is that one is going to be least effective (Mark 6: 24) among the people (family and friends) you naturally would want to see saved and advancing in the life of discipleship. I believe that this is because the ones who know us best are well aware of our dark side. If the devil can't attack the message, he attacks the messenger (Matt. 7: 6). In familial scenarios, often times it will not be one's spoken words, but the unspoken testimony of our daily lives that will open the doors of opportunity.
The born again believer remains saved (Romans 8: 1), but in order to produce divine good (e.g. saved/edified souls) during the post salvation spiritual life, the disciple has to be Spirit filled (empowered) and will be most effective when in fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God. Maintaining fellowship with God requires ongoing confession (1John 1: 8, 9) and the forsaking (John 8: 11) of post (after) salvation sin. The truth is the truth no matter who speaks it, but when the recipients have issues with speaker, the message will not be the focus of attention.
The MEANS for God to offer this relationship, fellowship, enabling power, and benefits to Fallen Man became available by the atoning blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. It was ON THE CROSS that the *forgivable sins of the entire world (1John 2: 2) were paid for in full. Had He (the Lord Jesus Christ) not done so, the justice of God (calling for EVRY sin to be accounted for) could NEVER have been satisfied and the entire human race would have remained eternally lost.
I used the term *forgivable because there is one sin that not by oversight, but by divine design was NOT atoned for by the blood sacrifice on the cross. The ONE unforgivable, unpardonable sin is the sin off disbelief (John 3: 18). As of the Rev. 20: 13 - 15 event, those who have committed this sin and did not REPENT (later change his/her mind) and believe during his/her time here on Earth, will spend ALL of eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
Q. Does this mean that as long as one believes (in the Gospel Message) that he/she can live a life of sin without fear of ANY consequences?
A. No! Salvation through faith in the atoning blood sacrifice is NOT a license to sin.
Because of the (unmerited) grace of God, one's ticket to Heaven is an irrevocable gift (Romans 11: 29) from God, that was paid for in full by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. However, the quality of one's post (after) salvation spiritual life will determine HOW each born again believer will experience Heaven and all that God has in store for eternity future.
A born again believer's post salvation spiritual life can be one of continuous discipline (Heb. 12: 6). Don't make the mistake of thinking because you've gotten by without God and/or the things of God here on Earth, that all is well. We have all benefitted by God's mercy and patience, but keep mind that in God's timing, He WILL discipline those He received as his/sons and daughters (Heb. 12: 6). Better to be disciplined here on Earth than spend to eternity as a wayward, rebellious, independent son or daughter.
Because of the blood sacrifice that paid his/her sin debt in full, such a born again believer will be in Heaven (Romans 8: 1), but will be denied reward (1Cor. 3: 15) and (Rev. 2, 3) privileges that he/she could have otherwise had. Unlike our life span here on Earth, eternity will never end. As long as we have the distractions to entertain or satisfy our desires, what eternity in Heaven has to offer may not be high on our list of priorities. But when all our earthly distractions are gone forever, God and things of God is all there is going to be.
It matters not (to the devil) if these distractions involve adversity or prosperity (Luke 4: 6), as along as either one accomplishes his objective (1Pet. 5: 8).
Ever wonder why some people don't seem to get away with very much, whereas others seem to never get caught? The Hebrews 12: 6 sons and daughters refer to born again believers of the Church Age. If one is a born again believer, he/should expect to receive divine discipline.
Divine discipline can range in anything from living with a guilty conscience up to and including sudden physical death (Acts 5). In cases of physical death, it is to warn others who observe the discipline taking place.
According to such passages as 1Cor. 3: 14, 15, Rev. 2: 7, 10, 17, 26, a born again believer's experience for all of eternity in Heaven can be WITH or WITHOUT reward (1Cor. 3: 15) and privileges. God not only wants everyone to be saved (1Tim. 2: 4), He desires that each one of us experience all of rewards and privileges He has in store for the born again believers who identify and execute the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
While there is nothing new (Matt. 19: 27) about the "What's in it for me?" attitude, the rewards and privileges associated with discipleship are not what motivates the believer who has a genuine appreciation for blood sacrifice H e made in their behalf. Discipleship is not a burden or an obligation. It is a privilege.
A permanent, personal relationship with God and its UNCONDITIONAL benefits (e.g. eternal life) becomes a personal reality for individual souls IF and WHEN they are born again by choosing to believe in the Person AND in the atoning Work (blood sacrifice) the the Lord Jesus Christ finished (John 19: 30) on the cross. The CONDITIONAL rewards and privileges of discipleship are reserved for born again believers who chose to pick up the cross, deny themselves DAILY, and follow Him (Luke 9: 23).
The 24-7 LIFE of discipleship will NOT be a walk in the park (2Tim. 3: 12).
Many believers seem to take the (Mark 4: 19) route.
"but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4: 19 NASB)."
In this the devil is well pleased.
. . .
The forgiveness of sin committed by members of the human race prior to the crucifixion was based on Jesus' atoning blood sacrifice that WOULD take place on the cross in THEIR future. The forgiveness of sin committed by members of the human race after the crucifixion is based on faith (trust/confidence) in the atoning blood sacrifice that HAS taken place in the cross.
Souls of the Old Testament dispensation (period of time), from Adam on down were held accountable for their individual response to God's plan of salvation to the extent that His plan had been made known to them throughout the course of their lifespan. Church Age souls are held accountable for their chosen response to the Gospel Message, encapsulated in John 3: 16.
Here in the Church Age, all of the details of God's plan of salvation has been given to Man in the contents of the *unadulterated Gospel Message in New Testament Scripture. I said *unadulterated Gospel Message because there are many add-ons being promoted as the means to either obtain, retain or to re-secure salvation, as if faith in the blood sacrifice of Jesus was not enough.
As children, many are led to believe that good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell. The truth is believers (John 3: 18/Romans 8: 1) go to Heaven, and unbelievers go to the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
In childhood, many children are led to believer that Santa is making two lists. One list contains all the good boys and girls who will receive a gift, and the other list contains all the naughty boys and girls who will not, reinforcing the idea that one earns these gifts through good behavior.
No one ever has or ever will behave good enough to receive salvation. It will never be earned or deserved. It is an irrevocable gift from God that He gives to those who are covered with blood of Christ.
This is one of the major points that distinguishes Biblical Christianity from many so-called Christian religions. The phrase Christian religions is an oxymoron, as Biblical Christianity and many of the teachings and practices of the Man-made Christian religions do not concur with each other.
When a formerly religious person is born again and begins to engage in Biblical discipleship, he/she inevitably come to the Luke 6: 46 fork in the road. Any experienced evangelist or pastor can tell you it is easier to edify a former atheist than it is to edify a formerly religious person. Previous followers of Christian "religions" are no exception. "Religious" roots run very deep.
" Why do you call me, " Lord, Lord,"and do not do what I say (Luke 6: 46 NASB)?"
What He has to say is found in the 39 books of Old Testament Scripture and the 29 books of New Testament Scripture, collectively referred to as The Bible. Anything, in Word or practice that contradicts or adds to what He has to say is the product and practice of Man made religion. Christian "religions" are no exception.
All one has to do to determine if a teaching or practice came from God or Man, is to trace back it's roots. If it came from God, there will be book(s), chapter(s), and verse(s) to backing up. It will be an eye-opening experience for many to discover how much of the teaching and practices within the Christian Community of our day contradicts Scripture and/or is the product of Man made religion.
After asking this Luke 6: 46 question, Jesus went on to teach the end result of which fork in the road a born again believer ch9ses to take.
" Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great (Luke 6: 47 - 49 NASB).”
The choice he/she makes will NOT make him/her any more or any less saved (Romans 8: 1), but will impact the quality (Matt. 13: 19 - 23) of his/her post salvation spiritual life here on Earth, and HOW (1Cor. 3: 14 -15) he/she will experience eternity.
In order to take the route of discipleship, many will discover the need to eradicate his/her soul structure (1Cor. 3) of many religious concepts and practices that he/she either assumed to be true or had been taught to him/her by religious individuals. This will often put a born again to the Luke 14: 26 test.
“If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate (love less than Me) his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple (Luke 14: 26 NASB parentheses mine)."
For some it will mean a change in pulpit (source of edification) in order to access the quantity and the quality of the information that he/she needs to secure. For others it will mean remaining where he/she has been all along, but with an open ear and a heart willing to apply the information that he/she receives (James 1: 22). Salvation is the result of a one time decision. Discipleship is a ongoing process that never ends.
Many evangelists and pastor-teacles roll salvation and the life of discipleship into one ball of wax. Such evangelists and pastor-teachers speak of receiving Christ as Savior and totally surrendering (every area of) one's life here on Earth to Christ, as if both were a single, one-time event. They (plural) are not.
Like many "religious" concepts, it leaves hearers with a distorted view of Scripture. Granted, SALVATION is the result of a one-time decision to believe in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. No one can ever be any MORE or any LESS (Romans 8: 1) "saved" than he/she became on the day he/she was born again (John 3: 5, 7). One can, however, advance or back slide on the road to spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is measured by the quantity of accurate BIble doctrine and is daily application (James 1: 22).
However, the surrendering of EVERY area of our lives to Christ in order to advance in the realm of discipleship, requires many ongoing, moment to moment, day by day choices. In truth, there are moments, days, and periods of time when we are Christ-centered, and there times when we are self-centered and live accordingly. A 2Cor. 3: 15 self-examination will reveal to all of us that there are areas of our individual lives that we want to retain full control that have not yet been unconditionally surrendered to Christ.
End of Part Four of Five
Part Four of Five
One of the most overlooked accomplishments of the Lord Jesus Christ was the 33 year maintaining of His spotless (sinless) humanity from the day of His birth until His atoning blood sacrifice was finished on the cross. It was only by doing so, that He remained qualified as the Lamb of God. What made this such an accomplishment so great was that He did this within the self-imposed (Phil. 2: 7) limitations of His humanity and not by the unlimited power of His deity.
Several English translations of Phil. 2: 7 can leave readers with the impression that the pre-incarnate God the Son detached Himself from His deity upon taking on human form. At no point in eternity past, present, or future did/will God the Son cease to be God in His full deity (Heb. 13: 8). Accordingly, Phil. 2: 7 should be understood to mean that He put aside the USAGE of His divine power unless called for in the execution of the divine plan (e.g. performing miracles) while He was here on Earth.
This principle affords us the opportunity to rise to a greater level of appreciation for all that our Lord did for us.
How do we know there were such limitations?
In His humanity He could be (Matthew 4/Luke 4), and was, tempted. Deity can not be tempted (James 1: 13). In His humanity He could have sinned, but did not. Deity can not sin. In His humanity He was hungry, thirsty, and subject to physical injury and death. Deity does not thirst, hunger, or have ANY other biological needs, nor is deity subject to structural injury or death.
How do we know He was Deity?
He could forgive sin, immediately heal sickness and injury, walk on water, raise the dead, etc., things that humanity, independent of God, can not do.
Some miss this point concerning the self-imposed limitations of His humanity. As a result,they take the position that being God, He couldn't have failed and that everything He did, He did so in the power of His deity. In truth, some of His greatest accomplishments (e.g. preserving Himself as the spotless Lamb of God and making His atoning blood sacrifice) were made while functioning within the limitations of His humanity.
Maintaining the integrity of His sinless humanity (blood sacrifice) was no easy task. His political, spiritual, and religious enemies falsely caused Him of many things that if true, would have called for capital punishment and His disqualification as the Lamb of God. Ironically, it was false accusations that God allowed to take place that led to His crucifixion.
Resisting temptation in scenarios in which we have no control over is one thing, but imagine what it would be like to possess the ultimate power of the universe, but had to retrain and deny yourself in order to execute the plan of God. I always found it interesting that it was a pagan Roman governor who one at one point along the way declared that He (Jesus) had done nothing worthy of physical death (Luke 23: 14), while it was the holier than thou religious leadership of that day wanted Him dead (John 11: 53).
Without Roman support, His religious enemies were powerless to execute Him. It was at that point that His religious enemies upgraded His conviction of alleged blasphemy (for claiming to be God-Matt. 26: 63, 64), to being an enemy of the state (Rome), putting the ball back in Pilate's court. Pilate, whose function it was to administer secular justice, let the crowd decide.
While exercising their own individual free will, the religious leaders, Pilate, Judas Iscariot, and many others all played a role in the execution of God's Son, some unwittingly carrying out God's plan in the process.
The repeated SYMBOLIC blood sacrifices (e.g. Leviticus 4: 1 - 20) during the Old Testament dispensation (period of time) pointed towards the ONE blood sacrifice (Heb. 10: 12) that the Lord Jesus Christ would make at the appointed time on the cross (Hebrews 10: 5).
The stated (1Cor. 11: 24 - 26) purpose for celebrating the Lord's Supper (Communion) during worship services of the Church Age was/is to bring into (not to reproduce) the atoning blood sacrifice that was made by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. It is the ONE ritual that Church Age believers are COMMANDED (not an option) to participate in (1Cor. 11: 24 - 26 ) on a regular basis.
Once the temple was constructed, virtually every event of spiritual significance took place in or around the Temple of the Old Testament. Neither priest nor layman could accomplish ANYTHING in the spiritual realm unless a blood sacrifice was first made in his/their behalf, as this was what placed them in an acceptable position and condition in their relationship with or service of God.
Here in the Church Age, the Temple of God on Earth is NOT a building, but is the collective physical bodies (1Cor. 3: 16) of born again believers. Born again believers do not go to Church, but ARE the church that gathers together (Heb. 10: 25) to worship God as He desires to be worshipped (John 4: 23).
This Heb. 10: 25 gathering together can be accomplished physically or remotely through modern day means of communication. There are advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, associated with both forms of gathering together. At the end of the day (worship service), the question is, "Did those who gathered together leave having worshipped God as He desires, AND with what he/she needs to continue to grow in God's grace and knowledge?"
Our individual body becomes a part of this Earthly temple if/when one believes in the atoning blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. As in the case of Old Testament believers, Church Age believers must first be covered by the sacrificial blood in order to be in an acceptable position and condition to have a relationship with God, and to worship and serve Him as He desires.
Although one can be very religious (Matt. 7: 21 - 23), until and unless one is born again (John 3: 5, 7), he/she is spiritually dead, separated from a personal relationship with God and the benefits (e.g. eternal life - John 3: 16) that accompanies such a relationship.
Without the enabling power of God (John 15: 5), born again believers can accomplish NOTHING of a positive nature in the execution of their post salvation spiritual life (1Cor. 3: 7). If asked how many souls have you saved or edified, the correct answer is ZERO. If asked how many souls were saved or edified as a result of you being used by God to present others with the Gospel Message or edifying principles of Scripture, the answer SHOULD be as many as God has given me the opportunity (Matt. 13: 23).
One of the challenging realities of participating in the Great Commission is that one is going to be least effective (Mark 6: 24) among the people (family and friends) you naturally would want to see saved and advancing in the life of discipleship. I believe that this is because the ones who know us best are well aware of our dark side. If the devil can't attack the message, he attacks the messenger (Matt. 7: 6). In familial scenarios, often times it will not be one's spoken words, but the unspoken testimony of our daily lives that will open the doors of opportunity.
The born again believer remains saved (Romans 8: 1), but in order to produce divine good (e.g. saved/edified souls) during the post salvation spiritual life, the disciple has to be Spirit filled (empowered) and will be most effective when in fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God. Maintaining fellowship with God requires ongoing confession (1John 1: 8, 9) and the forsaking (John 8: 11) of post (after) salvation sin. The truth is the truth no matter who speaks it, but when the recipients have issues with speaker, the message will not be the focus of attention.
The MEANS for God to offer this relationship, fellowship, enabling power, and benefits to Fallen Man became available by the atoning blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. It was ON THE CROSS that the *forgivable sins of the entire world (1John 2: 2) were paid for in full. Had He (the Lord Jesus Christ) not done so, the justice of God (calling for EVRY sin to be accounted for) could NEVER have been satisfied and the entire human race would have remained eternally lost.
I used the term *forgivable because there is one sin that not by oversight, but by divine design was NOT atoned for by the blood sacrifice on the cross. The ONE unforgivable, unpardonable sin is the sin off disbelief (John 3: 18). As of the Rev. 20: 13 - 15 event, those who have committed this sin and did not REPENT (later change his/her mind) and believe during his/her time here on Earth, will spend ALL of eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
Q. Does this mean that as long as one believes (in the Gospel Message) that he/she can live a life of sin without fear of ANY consequences?
A. No! Salvation through faith in the atoning blood sacrifice is NOT a license to sin.
Because of the (unmerited) grace of God, one's ticket to Heaven is an irrevocable gift (Romans 11: 29) from God, that was paid for in full by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. However, the quality of one's post (after) salvation spiritual life will determine HOW each born again believer will experience Heaven and all that God has in store for eternity future.
A born again believer's post salvation spiritual life can be one of continuous discipline (Heb. 12: 6). Don't make the mistake of thinking because you've gotten by without God and/or the things of God here on Earth, that all is well. We have all benefitted by God's mercy and patience, but keep mind that in God's timing, He WILL discipline those He received as his/sons and daughters (Heb. 12: 6). Better to be disciplined here on Earth than spend to eternity as a wayward, rebellious, independent son or daughter.
Because of the blood sacrifice that paid his/her sin debt in full, such a born again believer will be in Heaven (Romans 8: 1), but will be denied reward (1Cor. 3: 15) and (Rev. 2, 3) privileges that he/she could have otherwise had. Unlike our life span here on Earth, eternity will never end. As long as we have the distractions to entertain or satisfy our desires, what eternity in Heaven has to offer may not be high on our list of priorities. But when all our earthly distractions are gone forever, God and things of God is all there is going to be.
It matters not (to the devil) if these distractions involve adversity or prosperity (Luke 4: 6), as along as either one accomplishes his objective (1Pet. 5: 8).
Ever wonder why some people don't seem to get away with very much, whereas others seem to never get caught? The Hebrews 12: 6 sons and daughters refer to born again believers of the Church Age. If one is a born again believer, he/should expect to receive divine discipline.
Divine discipline can range in anything from living with a guilty conscience up to and including sudden physical death (Acts 5). In cases of physical death, it is to warn others who observe the discipline taking place.
According to such passages as 1Cor. 3: 14, 15, Rev. 2: 7, 10, 17, 26, a born again believer's experience for all of eternity in Heaven can be WITH or WITHOUT reward (1Cor. 3: 15) and privileges. God not only wants everyone to be saved (1Tim. 2: 4), He desires that each one of us experience all of rewards and privileges He has in store for the born again believers who identify and execute the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
While there is nothing new (Matt. 19: 27) about the "What's in it for me?" attitude, the rewards and privileges associated with discipleship are not what motivates the believer who has a genuine appreciation for blood sacrifice H e made in their behalf. Discipleship is not a burden or an obligation. It is a privilege.
A permanent, personal relationship with God and its UNCONDITIONAL benefits (e.g. eternal life) becomes a personal reality for individual souls IF and WHEN they are born again by choosing to believe in the Person AND in the atoning Work (blood sacrifice) the the Lord Jesus Christ finished (John 19: 30) on the cross. The CONDITIONAL rewards and privileges of discipleship are reserved for born again believers who chose to pick up the cross, deny themselves DAILY, and follow Him (Luke 9: 23).
The 24-7 LIFE of discipleship will NOT be a walk in the park (2Tim. 3: 12).
Many believers seem to take the (Mark 4: 19) route.
"but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4: 19 NASB)."
In this the devil is well pleased.
. . .
The forgiveness of sin committed by members of the human race prior to the crucifixion was based on Jesus' atoning blood sacrifice that WOULD take place on the cross in THEIR future. The forgiveness of sin committed by members of the human race after the crucifixion is based on faith (trust/confidence) in the atoning blood sacrifice that HAS taken place in the cross.
Souls of the Old Testament dispensation (period of time), from Adam on down were held accountable for their individual response to God's plan of salvation to the extent that His plan had been made known to them throughout the course of their lifespan. Church Age souls are held accountable for their chosen response to the Gospel Message, encapsulated in John 3: 16.
Here in the Church Age, all of the details of God's plan of salvation has been given to Man in the contents of the *unadulterated Gospel Message in New Testament Scripture. I said *unadulterated Gospel Message because there are many add-ons being promoted as the means to either obtain, retain or to re-secure salvation, as if faith in the blood sacrifice of Jesus was not enough.
As children, many are led to believe that good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell. The truth is believers (John 3: 18/Romans 8: 1) go to Heaven, and unbelievers go to the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
In childhood, many children are led to believer that Santa is making two lists. One list contains all the good boys and girls who will receive a gift, and the other list contains all the naughty boys and girls who will not, reinforcing the idea that one earns these gifts through good behavior.
No one ever has or ever will behave good enough to receive salvation. It will never be earned or deserved. It is an irrevocable gift from God that He gives to those who are covered with blood of Christ.
This is one of the major points that distinguishes Biblical Christianity from many so-called Christian religions. The phrase Christian religions is an oxymoron, as Biblical Christianity and many of the teachings and practices of the Man-made Christian religions do not concur with each other.
When a formerly religious person is born again and begins to engage in Biblical discipleship, he/she inevitably come to the Luke 6: 46 fork in the road. Any experienced evangelist or pastor can tell you it is easier to edify a former atheist than it is to edify a formerly religious person. Previous followers of Christian "religions" are no exception. "Religious" roots run very deep.
" Why do you call me, " Lord, Lord,"and do not do what I say (Luke 6: 46 NASB)?"
What He has to say is found in the 39 books of Old Testament Scripture and the 29 books of New Testament Scripture, collectively referred to as The Bible. Anything, in Word or practice that contradicts or adds to what He has to say is the product and practice of Man made religion. Christian "religions" are no exception.
All one has to do to determine if a teaching or practice came from God or Man, is to trace back it's roots. If it came from God, there will be book(s), chapter(s), and verse(s) to backing up. It will be an eye-opening experience for many to discover how much of the teaching and practices within the Christian Community of our day contradicts Scripture and/or is the product of Man made religion.
After asking this Luke 6: 46 question, Jesus went on to teach the end result of which fork in the road a born again believer ch9ses to take.
" Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great (Luke 6: 47 - 49 NASB).”
The choice he/she makes will NOT make him/her any more or any less saved (Romans 8: 1), but will impact the quality (Matt. 13: 19 - 23) of his/her post salvation spiritual life here on Earth, and HOW (1Cor. 3: 14 -15) he/she will experience eternity.
In order to take the route of discipleship, many will discover the need to eradicate his/her soul structure (1Cor. 3) of many religious concepts and practices that he/she either assumed to be true or had been taught to him/her by religious individuals. This will often put a born again to the Luke 14: 26 test.
“If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate (love less than Me) his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple (Luke 14: 26 NASB parentheses mine)."
For some it will mean a change in pulpit (source of edification) in order to access the quantity and the quality of the information that he/she needs to secure. For others it will mean remaining where he/she has been all along, but with an open ear and a heart willing to apply the information that he/she receives (James 1: 22). Salvation is the result of a one time decision. Discipleship is a ongoing process that never ends.
Many evangelists and pastor-teacles roll salvation and the life of discipleship into one ball of wax. Such evangelists and pastor-teachers speak of receiving Christ as Savior and totally surrendering (every area of) one's life here on Earth to Christ, as if both were a single, one-time event. They (plural) are not.
Like many "religious" concepts, it leaves hearers with a distorted view of Scripture. Granted, SALVATION is the result of a one-time decision to believe in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. No one can ever be any MORE or any LESS (Romans 8: 1) "saved" than he/she became on the day he/she was born again (John 3: 5, 7). One can, however, advance or back slide on the road to spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is measured by the quantity of accurate BIble doctrine and is daily application (James 1: 22).
However, the surrendering of EVERY area of our lives to Christ in order to advance in the realm of discipleship, requires many ongoing, moment to moment, day by day choices. In truth, there are moments, days, and periods of time when we are Christ-centered, and there times when we are self-centered and live accordingly. A 2Cor. 3: 15 self-examination will reveal to all of us that there are areas of our individual lives that we want to retain full control that have not yet been unconditionally surrendered to Christ.
End of Part Four of Five