Why, When, and Where Was The Atoning Blood Shed
Part One of Five
The shedding of blood to secure spiritual objectives can be traced back through human history beginning in the Garden of Eden, following the Fall of Man (Gen. 3: 21).
Man's bloodless (fig leaves - Gen. 3: 7) response was replaced with animal skins (requiring the shedding of blood). The bloodless offering (Gen. 4: 3) of Cain that came from the fruit of the ground was rejected, whereas Abel's animal (blood) offering was accepted (Gen. 3: 4).
Note that both Can and Abel were both sincere when they made their offerings, evidenced by Cain's hostile response when his offering was rejected (Gen. 4: 5). The lesson learned is that sincerity will not get one anywhere if one is sincere, but wrong. There are millions of souls who "sincerely believe" that their religious beliefs, practices, moral conduct, and good deeds are earning themselves good standing with God and a home in Heaven. They are sincere, but wrong (Eph. 2 8, 9).
Noah offered animal (blood) sacrifices (Gen. 8: 20), as did Abraham (Gen. 22: 13), and generations of the Old Testament Hebrews.
Blood sacrifices are not limited to Judeo-Christian heritage. Blood sacrifices (including human sacrifice) can be found in Pagan doctrine and practices. Many ancient cultures, and some not so ancient, view/viewed sacrificing one's life in battle for "God's anointed" king, queen, pope, or emperor as being equivalent to dying for God or one or more of the Psalms 96: 5 god(s) of the world.
In more recent history, many suicide bombers claim to be future recipients of divine blessing for their own blood sacrifice.
Could Samson be labeled a suicide bomber? Did he not use God-given strength to bring down a pagan temple, killing himself and those gathered together to make a sacrifice to the pagan god Dagon (Judges 16: 30)?
Rather or not one is labeled a terrorist or a commando, a patriot or a traitor, is dependent on which side of a conflict one is on, and who wins the war!
Jesus taught that, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends (John 15: 13 NASB)." Believers and unbelievers some can posses and exercise THIS type of love by laying down our natural lives to save or protect the natural lives of others here on Earth. As Christian disciples, we can "die" daily (1Cor. 15: 31) by denying ourselves our own interests in life (Matt. 16: 24) in order to prioritize the evangelization and edification of others.
But only Christ could make an atoning blood sacrifice to save us from spending eternity in a state of spiritual death in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
Christian martyrs will receive special recognition in Heaven (Rev. 2: 10).
Religious extremists think they are doing God a service (John 16: 2) by shedding the blood of others who hold different views than those of their own religious group.
Many true disciples have been, are being, and will be persecuted and/or killed for participating in the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19, 20). To some degree, EVERY person who executes the post salvation spiritual life outlined in New Testament Scripture WILL face persecution in one form or another (2Tim. 3: 12 ).
Do you face persecution? Scripture (2Tim. 3: 12) is not talking about suffering in ways common to all people, or suffering for negative choices we make. It is speaking about the inevitable suffering associated with living a godly life here in the devil's world, especially when participating in the Great Commission. If persecution is not a regular and ongoing experience, perhaps a 2Cor. 13: 5 examination is in order.
Jesus went to Jerusalem knowing full well what lay ahead (Mark 8: 31). Making His blood sacrifice to atone for the world's sin debt was the very reason God the Father sent Him to Earth (John 3: 16). Crucifixion was His prophesied manner of death (Psalms 22: 16) foretold centuries before the event took place.
It is not unlike the devil (or those who do his bidding) to duplicate, or to overtly engage in similar activity as God or His spokespersons (Exodus 7: 11 /Matt. 24: 24) in order to achieve a diabolical objective.
Some of the Old Testament blood sacrifices (e.g. Leviticus 4: 1- 20) had to do with receiving forgiveness and making atonement for sin, but it is important to note that blood (animal/bird) sacrifices served other purposes (e.g. cleansing/purifying inanimate objects - Heb. 9: 21), as well.
The necessity of the shedding of Christ's atoning blood on the cross is at the heart of Biblical Christianity. If the shedding of His blood at any time and/or in any place would have resulted in providing the means of salvation, then the atoning work could have taken place in any location and under any circumstances throughout Jesus' time here on Earth, providing His blood was shed.
If the timing and circumstances of His bloodshed didn't matter, God could have, for instance, allowed the plan of Herod to succeed when he called for the slaughter all the babes in Bethlehem (Matt. 2: 16). If the timing and circumstances of His blood shed didn't matter, then the atoning blood sacrifice could have been accomplished when Satan challenged Jesus to jump from the highpoint of the Temple (Matt. 4: 5 - 7).
During the Matt. 26: 67 beating, the Mark 15: 15 scourging, and the Matt. 27: 29 pressing down of the crown of thorns resulted in the shedding of His blood, yet the ATONING bloodshed had still not not yet taken place.
Blood (and water) drained from a post mortem spear wound (John 19: 34), but by then, the blood sacrifice had already been "finished (John 19: 30 NASB)," and He was already dead (John 33, 34), and threatening bloodshed had already taken place.
So precisely when DID the ATONING bloodshed take place? Many observing the crucifixion didn't recognize it. Many "Christians" of our day miss this point, focusing in on what took place overtly, and not on what had taken place in the unseen spiritual realm.
The same can be said of many overt rituals that take place within the Christian Community. Man is naturally drawn to what he can see, hear, touch, smell, sand taste while being skeptical about anything that he cannot.
His atoning blood sacrifice took place during the last three of the six hours that Jesus was ALIVE and ON THE CROSS. It was during these last three of the total six hours (Mark 15: 25, 33 the Father) in our behalf (Psalms 22: 1). It was during these last three hours of darkness (Mark 15: 33) while ON THE CROSS that He was forsaken (Psalms 22: 1) so that we would never be. It was during these hours of darkness ON the cross that the spiritual weight of the world's sin debt "crushed - (Isa. 53: 5)" His humanity. It was during these last three hours that communication between He and God the Father ceased. When He cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? (Psalms 22: 1)," He was not talking to or questioning God. He knew full well of what the plan of God required of Him.
He was quoting Scripture (Psalms 22) that had been written centuries beforehand. Many of the details of the crucifixion were recorded in Psalms 22. For those with knowledge of related Scripture, then and now, His reciting of Psalms 22 at that moment was His way of affirming that had been prophesied centuries before was then taking place. What appeared to be a cry of abandonment, was actually a message of assurance. What overtly appeared the His defeat, was His greatest victory!
It was AFTER finishing (John 19: 30) His atoning blood sacrifice, that He resumed communication with God the Father, committing His spirit into the hands of God the Father (Luke 23: 46).
The Lord Jesus Christ Himself (still being alive) declared His atoning Work."finished (John 19: 30)" just BEFORE later committing His spirit into the hands of God the Father (Like 23: 44 - 46). He did not say that it was "about" to be finished (when He physically died). While still alive, He pronounced "it" finished. "It" being His atoning blood sacrifice.
The brutality associated with crucifixion caused Jesus to suffer on a level that is hard for us to truly comprehend. Usually, crucifixion was reserved for the most serious of offenses. In an act of "mercy," Roman citizens were often "spared" crucifixion (that could last for days) by being decapitated that was over within seconds.
Focussing on what can be seen can cause us to miss or to overlook what cannot be seen. This is one of the major problems with "religious" ceremonies and traditions of men (Mark 7: 8) that become the focus of our attention, rather than what is (or is not) taking place in the spiritual realm.
Many so-called Christians hang their hats (base their salvation) on having gone through or having been put through all of the ritual requirements and ceremonies that have evolved over the course of their chosen denomination's history.
Many of the Pharisees took the same tragic stance, as did those who followed their lead (Matt. 15: 14). Such Biblical examples have been given to souls of the Church Age as warnings so that we will not make the same assumptions and suffer the same consequences (John 8: 24/Rev. 20: 15).
Dedication and sincerity will get you recognized in the religious realm, but will get you nowhere in the spiritual realm if you are sincerely wrong. It was by no coincidence that it was through a conversation between Jesus and a VERY religious Pharisee (Nicodemus) that the need to be "born again" was clearly communicated (John 3: 1, 5, 7).
Virtually everyone who considers him/herself to be a Christian refers to Jesus as being his/her "Lord."
But, “Not every one who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness (Matt. 7: 21 - 23 NASB)."
God knows e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g (the good and the bad) ABOUT each one us (Luke 12: 7). Through Bible Study we can learn much ABOUT God and much ABOUT ourselves. But the type of "knowing" He was/is speaking of in Matt. 7: 23 goes far beyond securing facts, figures, and activity. This Matt. 7: 23 "never knowing" is referring to those who never established a personal, individual, relationship with God as a result of being born again (John 3: 5, 7).
This divinely (1Tim. 2: 4) desired relationship begins here on earth the moment one is born again. Salvation can not be earned, and will never be deserved. Once received, the integrity of this GIFT of salvation can never be increased or diminished (Romans 8: 1).
IF this relationship that begins the moment one is born again is nurtured, THEN it will lead to a daily, intimate walk with the Lord (Luke 9: 23). As one walks daily, an intimacy will develop through fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God that can be experienced ALL the days of the believer's life (Psalms 23: 6).
Upon departing the physical body, this personal relationship CONTINUES on, as ALL born again believers will dwell in God's presence throughout all of eternity (Psalms 23: 6). Believers who developed and walked the walk will be rewarded for it (1Cor. 3: 14, 15).
This was all made possible through one's individual faith (trust and confidence) in the atoning blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We can not "see" our second birth taking place. We can not see God sealing (baptizing/marking us for identification) us (Eph. 4: 30) as a child of God. We cannot see our dead spirit being regenerated (Titus 3: 5). We do not see God taking up residence in a physical body (1Cor. 3: 16, 17). All of this activity is the unseen and automatic work of God that immediately takes place the moment one believes (John 3: 16, 18) in the Person and in the atoning Work (blood sacrifice) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salvation can take place at any time, in any place, and in any circumstances that GOD chooses to arrange (Heb. 3: 15). No one however, is guaranteed a tomorrow here on Earth, or with it another opportunity (if there is one) to be born again. Once having been presented with the Gospel Message, then he/she, is either a believer headed for Heaven, or a unbeliever headed for the lake of fire.
"Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins (John 8: 24 NASB).”
It is God that makes the Gospel Message understandable (1Cor. 2: 14). It is WE who choose to (or not to) believe the Gospel Message (encapsulated in John 3: 16, 18).
Being saved in the spiritual realm is like being pregnant in the natural realm. Either you are or you are not.
Those who choose to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message immediately (Romans 8: 1) receive eternal life (John 3: 16). Those who choose not to believe eventually suffer the consequences (Rev. 20: 15) of THAT decision (John 3: 18).
Those present at the crucifixion watched His anguish, but did not see the world's sin debt being poured out on His bleeding humanity. Those present at the crucifixion heard Him cry out, but did not see His soul/spirit leave His body! Never-the-less, observing the manner of His physical death and departure, convinced one of the soldiers, who undoubtedly witnessed many crucifixions, that He (Jesus) was the Son of God (Mark 15: 39).
We can not see the soul/spirit departing the body; only the bodily remains. We bury or otherwise address the bodily remains, but can do NOTHING to change either the location or the experience of the ALREADY departed SOUL.
Hollywood, artists, religious groups, and individuals have graphically portrayed or otherwise conveyed much of what did in fact physically take place during the crucifixion of Jesus. But in doing so, have left many viewers or hearers with the impression that it was the physical death of Christ that saved us.
Granted, Jesus did in fact suffer greatly and did die to execute God's plan of salvation. But the atoning work that saved us was finished (John 19: 30) BEFORE His physical death took place!
What then, WAS the purpose of the physical death of His humanity?
His physical death was the result of His soul leaving the body. His dead body was placed in the tomb. It was raised in resurrection form and reunited with His soul/spirit three days later.
The ALIVE soul/spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, upon departing His body on the cross, descended to Paradise (Luke 23: 43). Jesus was NOT in Paradise making atonement. Atonement had already been finished (John 19: 30) on the cross.
Paradise was a place of comfort (Luke 16: 25) where ALL of the departed souls of Old Testament believers descended to upon leaving their bodies behind. It was to this same Paradise the condemned man on the cross next to Jesus' descended to that very day (Luke 23: 43), as promised!
"Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise (Luke 23: 43 NASB)."
END of Part One of Five
Part One of Five
The shedding of blood to secure spiritual objectives can be traced back through human history beginning in the Garden of Eden, following the Fall of Man (Gen. 3: 21).
Man's bloodless (fig leaves - Gen. 3: 7) response was replaced with animal skins (requiring the shedding of blood). The bloodless offering (Gen. 4: 3) of Cain that came from the fruit of the ground was rejected, whereas Abel's animal (blood) offering was accepted (Gen. 3: 4).
Note that both Can and Abel were both sincere when they made their offerings, evidenced by Cain's hostile response when his offering was rejected (Gen. 4: 5). The lesson learned is that sincerity will not get one anywhere if one is sincere, but wrong. There are millions of souls who "sincerely believe" that their religious beliefs, practices, moral conduct, and good deeds are earning themselves good standing with God and a home in Heaven. They are sincere, but wrong (Eph. 2 8, 9).
Noah offered animal (blood) sacrifices (Gen. 8: 20), as did Abraham (Gen. 22: 13), and generations of the Old Testament Hebrews.
Blood sacrifices are not limited to Judeo-Christian heritage. Blood sacrifices (including human sacrifice) can be found in Pagan doctrine and practices. Many ancient cultures, and some not so ancient, view/viewed sacrificing one's life in battle for "God's anointed" king, queen, pope, or emperor as being equivalent to dying for God or one or more of the Psalms 96: 5 god(s) of the world.
In more recent history, many suicide bombers claim to be future recipients of divine blessing for their own blood sacrifice.
Could Samson be labeled a suicide bomber? Did he not use God-given strength to bring down a pagan temple, killing himself and those gathered together to make a sacrifice to the pagan god Dagon (Judges 16: 30)?
Rather or not one is labeled a terrorist or a commando, a patriot or a traitor, is dependent on which side of a conflict one is on, and who wins the war!
Jesus taught that, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends (John 15: 13 NASB)." Believers and unbelievers some can posses and exercise THIS type of love by laying down our natural lives to save or protect the natural lives of others here on Earth. As Christian disciples, we can "die" daily (1Cor. 15: 31) by denying ourselves our own interests in life (Matt. 16: 24) in order to prioritize the evangelization and edification of others.
But only Christ could make an atoning blood sacrifice to save us from spending eternity in a state of spiritual death in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
Christian martyrs will receive special recognition in Heaven (Rev. 2: 10).
Religious extremists think they are doing God a service (John 16: 2) by shedding the blood of others who hold different views than those of their own religious group.
Many true disciples have been, are being, and will be persecuted and/or killed for participating in the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19, 20). To some degree, EVERY person who executes the post salvation spiritual life outlined in New Testament Scripture WILL face persecution in one form or another (2Tim. 3: 12 ).
Do you face persecution? Scripture (2Tim. 3: 12) is not talking about suffering in ways common to all people, or suffering for negative choices we make. It is speaking about the inevitable suffering associated with living a godly life here in the devil's world, especially when participating in the Great Commission. If persecution is not a regular and ongoing experience, perhaps a 2Cor. 13: 5 examination is in order.
Jesus went to Jerusalem knowing full well what lay ahead (Mark 8: 31). Making His blood sacrifice to atone for the world's sin debt was the very reason God the Father sent Him to Earth (John 3: 16). Crucifixion was His prophesied manner of death (Psalms 22: 16) foretold centuries before the event took place.
It is not unlike the devil (or those who do his bidding) to duplicate, or to overtly engage in similar activity as God or His spokespersons (Exodus 7: 11 /Matt. 24: 24) in order to achieve a diabolical objective.
Some of the Old Testament blood sacrifices (e.g. Leviticus 4: 1- 20) had to do with receiving forgiveness and making atonement for sin, but it is important to note that blood (animal/bird) sacrifices served other purposes (e.g. cleansing/purifying inanimate objects - Heb. 9: 21), as well.
The necessity of the shedding of Christ's atoning blood on the cross is at the heart of Biblical Christianity. If the shedding of His blood at any time and/or in any place would have resulted in providing the means of salvation, then the atoning work could have taken place in any location and under any circumstances throughout Jesus' time here on Earth, providing His blood was shed.
If the timing and circumstances of His bloodshed didn't matter, God could have, for instance, allowed the plan of Herod to succeed when he called for the slaughter all the babes in Bethlehem (Matt. 2: 16). If the timing and circumstances of His blood shed didn't matter, then the atoning blood sacrifice could have been accomplished when Satan challenged Jesus to jump from the highpoint of the Temple (Matt. 4: 5 - 7).
During the Matt. 26: 67 beating, the Mark 15: 15 scourging, and the Matt. 27: 29 pressing down of the crown of thorns resulted in the shedding of His blood, yet the ATONING bloodshed had still not not yet taken place.
Blood (and water) drained from a post mortem spear wound (John 19: 34), but by then, the blood sacrifice had already been "finished (John 19: 30 NASB)," and He was already dead (John 33, 34), and threatening bloodshed had already taken place.
So precisely when DID the ATONING bloodshed take place? Many observing the crucifixion didn't recognize it. Many "Christians" of our day miss this point, focusing in on what took place overtly, and not on what had taken place in the unseen spiritual realm.
The same can be said of many overt rituals that take place within the Christian Community. Man is naturally drawn to what he can see, hear, touch, smell, sand taste while being skeptical about anything that he cannot.
His atoning blood sacrifice took place during the last three of the six hours that Jesus was ALIVE and ON THE CROSS. It was during these last three of the total six hours (Mark 15: 25, 33 the Father) in our behalf (Psalms 22: 1). It was during these last three hours of darkness (Mark 15: 33) while ON THE CROSS that He was forsaken (Psalms 22: 1) so that we would never be. It was during these hours of darkness ON the cross that the spiritual weight of the world's sin debt "crushed - (Isa. 53: 5)" His humanity. It was during these last three hours that communication between He and God the Father ceased. When He cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? (Psalms 22: 1)," He was not talking to or questioning God. He knew full well of what the plan of God required of Him.
He was quoting Scripture (Psalms 22) that had been written centuries beforehand. Many of the details of the crucifixion were recorded in Psalms 22. For those with knowledge of related Scripture, then and now, His reciting of Psalms 22 at that moment was His way of affirming that had been prophesied centuries before was then taking place. What appeared to be a cry of abandonment, was actually a message of assurance. What overtly appeared the His defeat, was His greatest victory!
It was AFTER finishing (John 19: 30) His atoning blood sacrifice, that He resumed communication with God the Father, committing His spirit into the hands of God the Father (Luke 23: 46).
The Lord Jesus Christ Himself (still being alive) declared His atoning Work."finished (John 19: 30)" just BEFORE later committing His spirit into the hands of God the Father (Like 23: 44 - 46). He did not say that it was "about" to be finished (when He physically died). While still alive, He pronounced "it" finished. "It" being His atoning blood sacrifice.
The brutality associated with crucifixion caused Jesus to suffer on a level that is hard for us to truly comprehend. Usually, crucifixion was reserved for the most serious of offenses. In an act of "mercy," Roman citizens were often "spared" crucifixion (that could last for days) by being decapitated that was over within seconds.
Focussing on what can be seen can cause us to miss or to overlook what cannot be seen. This is one of the major problems with "religious" ceremonies and traditions of men (Mark 7: 8) that become the focus of our attention, rather than what is (or is not) taking place in the spiritual realm.
Many so-called Christians hang their hats (base their salvation) on having gone through or having been put through all of the ritual requirements and ceremonies that have evolved over the course of their chosen denomination's history.
Many of the Pharisees took the same tragic stance, as did those who followed their lead (Matt. 15: 14). Such Biblical examples have been given to souls of the Church Age as warnings so that we will not make the same assumptions and suffer the same consequences (John 8: 24/Rev. 20: 15).
Dedication and sincerity will get you recognized in the religious realm, but will get you nowhere in the spiritual realm if you are sincerely wrong. It was by no coincidence that it was through a conversation between Jesus and a VERY religious Pharisee (Nicodemus) that the need to be "born again" was clearly communicated (John 3: 1, 5, 7).
Virtually everyone who considers him/herself to be a Christian refers to Jesus as being his/her "Lord."
But, “Not every one who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness (Matt. 7: 21 - 23 NASB)."
God knows e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g (the good and the bad) ABOUT each one us (Luke 12: 7). Through Bible Study we can learn much ABOUT God and much ABOUT ourselves. But the type of "knowing" He was/is speaking of in Matt. 7: 23 goes far beyond securing facts, figures, and activity. This Matt. 7: 23 "never knowing" is referring to those who never established a personal, individual, relationship with God as a result of being born again (John 3: 5, 7).
This divinely (1Tim. 2: 4) desired relationship begins here on earth the moment one is born again. Salvation can not be earned, and will never be deserved. Once received, the integrity of this GIFT of salvation can never be increased or diminished (Romans 8: 1).
IF this relationship that begins the moment one is born again is nurtured, THEN it will lead to a daily, intimate walk with the Lord (Luke 9: 23). As one walks daily, an intimacy will develop through fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God that can be experienced ALL the days of the believer's life (Psalms 23: 6).
Upon departing the physical body, this personal relationship CONTINUES on, as ALL born again believers will dwell in God's presence throughout all of eternity (Psalms 23: 6). Believers who developed and walked the walk will be rewarded for it (1Cor. 3: 14, 15).
This was all made possible through one's individual faith (trust and confidence) in the atoning blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We can not "see" our second birth taking place. We can not see God sealing (baptizing/marking us for identification) us (Eph. 4: 30) as a child of God. We cannot see our dead spirit being regenerated (Titus 3: 5). We do not see God taking up residence in a physical body (1Cor. 3: 16, 17). All of this activity is the unseen and automatic work of God that immediately takes place the moment one believes (John 3: 16, 18) in the Person and in the atoning Work (blood sacrifice) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salvation can take place at any time, in any place, and in any circumstances that GOD chooses to arrange (Heb. 3: 15). No one however, is guaranteed a tomorrow here on Earth, or with it another opportunity (if there is one) to be born again. Once having been presented with the Gospel Message, then he/she, is either a believer headed for Heaven, or a unbeliever headed for the lake of fire.
"Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins (John 8: 24 NASB).”
It is God that makes the Gospel Message understandable (1Cor. 2: 14). It is WE who choose to (or not to) believe the Gospel Message (encapsulated in John 3: 16, 18).
Being saved in the spiritual realm is like being pregnant in the natural realm. Either you are or you are not.
Those who choose to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message immediately (Romans 8: 1) receive eternal life (John 3: 16). Those who choose not to believe eventually suffer the consequences (Rev. 20: 15) of THAT decision (John 3: 18).
Those present at the crucifixion watched His anguish, but did not see the world's sin debt being poured out on His bleeding humanity. Those present at the crucifixion heard Him cry out, but did not see His soul/spirit leave His body! Never-the-less, observing the manner of His physical death and departure, convinced one of the soldiers, who undoubtedly witnessed many crucifixions, that He (Jesus) was the Son of God (Mark 15: 39).
We can not see the soul/spirit departing the body; only the bodily remains. We bury or otherwise address the bodily remains, but can do NOTHING to change either the location or the experience of the ALREADY departed SOUL.
Hollywood, artists, religious groups, and individuals have graphically portrayed or otherwise conveyed much of what did in fact physically take place during the crucifixion of Jesus. But in doing so, have left many viewers or hearers with the impression that it was the physical death of Christ that saved us.
Granted, Jesus did in fact suffer greatly and did die to execute God's plan of salvation. But the atoning work that saved us was finished (John 19: 30) BEFORE His physical death took place!
What then, WAS the purpose of the physical death of His humanity?
His physical death was the result of His soul leaving the body. His dead body was placed in the tomb. It was raised in resurrection form and reunited with His soul/spirit three days later.
The ALIVE soul/spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, upon departing His body on the cross, descended to Paradise (Luke 23: 43). Jesus was NOT in Paradise making atonement. Atonement had already been finished (John 19: 30) on the cross.
Paradise was a place of comfort (Luke 16: 25) where ALL of the departed souls of Old Testament believers descended to upon leaving their bodies behind. It was to this same Paradise the condemned man on the cross next to Jesus' descended to that very day (Luke 23: 43), as promised!
"Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise (Luke 23: 43 NASB)."
END of Part One of Five