Where Is The Church’s Call For Repentance?
Needless to say, at the present time there are many pressing issues confronting believers and unbelievers alike. The reason for this is that when divine national discipline is in view, it impacts everyone.
In God's grace, there may be some scientific and political solutions on the horizon that will provide some relief. However, unless the root cause is identified and addressed, our nation will inevitably self-destruct or survive only to experience similar, but increased hardship in the future.
The good news is that there is a Biblical solution (2Chron. 7:14) to ALL of the scenarios that are the result of receiving the national divine discipline that we are presently experiencing.
This Biblical solution is not found in the Oval Office, the halls of Congress or in a research laboratory.
As we will see, the 2Chron. 7: 14 solution is already in the hands of the people of God.Divine national disciple is imposed in stages. Before it begins, and before the next level manifests itself, the nation(s) under discipline has the opportunity to repent.
Such repentance puts an end to the discipline and opens the door for divine blessing (2Chron. 7: 14).“…and (if) My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2Chron. 7:14 NASB parentheses mine).”
In context, the, “My people called by My name” of Leviticus 26 were the ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament dispensation (period of time).
Here in the Church Age, the people called by His name are the born-again believers (Acts 11: 26).
Failing to repent results in experiencing the next higher level of discipline.
The highest level of divine national discipline involves either the suspension or the permanent removal of the tribe or nation from among the international community of nations (Luke 21: 24).
There was not one nation or empire, when at the peak of its prosperity or power, thought that its days were numbered.
Acts 17: 26 teaches that the timing of the rise, the geographical location, the advancing and/or decline5in prosperity, power, influence, as well the fall of all nations and empires are determined by God.
Leviticus 26 provides a long list of different forms of escalating adversity that a nation under divine discipline will experience. It reads like the daily headlines we hear or see in the media of our day.
One of the indicators that it is divine national discipline that is in view is when the different forms of adversity listed in Leviticus 26 take place simultaneously.
God has used and will use various means (including pagan/evil nations) to impose nation discipline on His own people.
Note that among the Leviticus 26 consequences of national discipline is the desolation of the houses of worship (vs. 31).
The (Math. 16: 18) assurance that the Church that God designed will endure is a general principle.
It is important to be able to distinguish the difference between an unconditional promise of God that will take place, and a general principle that may or may not take place in any given scenario.
The Math. 16: 18 principle of endurance applies to the world-wide Christian Community as a whole. It does not necessarily apply to any one denomination, local church, ministry.
What takes place (or fails to take place) in the Christian Community impacts the general population (Gen 18). This should be especially true when in a democracy when the manority of voters identify themselves as Christians.
No Christian with spiritual discernment should want to place or keep a politician in office who does not seek and apply the council of God. There was a period of history in America when offending the Christian Community would be political suicide. As for the nation’s economic and logistical needs, do what is right in God's eyes and everything else will be provided (Matt. 6: 33).
Many politicians will be heard saying, “God Bless America!”, but in the interest of their own political standing, fail to take steps to make America a nation that God could bless. Confirming the validity of an of old saying, evil has prospered in America because good people chose to do nothing to oppose it.
God desires that all souls be saved (1Tim. 2: 4), but according to Matt. 7: 13, 14, only a minority of souls in each generation of the Church Age were/are Heaven bound (John 3: 5, 7). Only a minority of those who have been born again will choose to embrace Biblical discipleship. Many so-called Christians will talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.
This explains how a country can be populated and led by so many “Christians,” but yet actively or passively contribute to the moral decline in society that opens the door for national discipline.
Christian disciples (followers of Christ) do not need the laws of Man to tell them right from wrong, or to conduct themselves accordingly. As for their interaction with everyone else, if Christians would just obey the Golden Rule (Math. 7: 12), they will automatically find themselves in compliance with most others. Not wanted to have been aborted, raped, molested, robbed, betrayed, lied to, gossiped about, criticized, manipulated, defrauded, hated, abused, neglected, or otherwise mistreated, Christians, by obeying the Golden Rule would not engage in these same activities themselves when interacting with others.
Teaching Biblical discipleship was the internal job that God gave His church to do (Math. 28: 19, 20). Learning (2Pet. 3: 18) and applying (James 1: 22) the Word of God in order to be conformed to the likeness of Christ (Rom. 8: 29) in both thought and deed. This conformity is to be made apparent no matter where we, as Christ's ambassadors, are, or what we are doing.
This includes Christians who seek political office.The fact that major political parties cannot produce a candidate that a practicing Christian can vote for without having qualms of conscience is a national disgrace. Our present circumstances is NOT the America that the founding fathers/writers of US Constitution had in mind.
How can we claim to be a government of the people, by the by the people, and for the people, when the (Christian) viewpoint, supposedly held by the majority of the present population, is not reflected in our laws and policies.
We are all familiar with the “You are HERE” signage and maps that inform travelers or visitors of their present location, and the best path/route to take to get to the next desired destination. The Christian Community can determine WHERE it is, and the path it is to take by conducting a 2Cor. 13: 5 self-examination, followed up by taking the required corrective actions.
Gen. 18: 23-32 and 2Chronicles 7: 14 teach that it is when God's people who are living in the land do so, the consequences of divine national discipline outlined in Lev. 26 will come to an end and healing will take place. I hear the Church’s calls for national prayer seeking relief and healing, but where are the calls for repentance?
Needless to say, at the present time there are many pressing issues confronting believers and unbelievers alike. The reason for this is that when divine national discipline is in view, it impacts everyone.
In God's grace, there may be some scientific and political solutions on the horizon that will provide some relief. However, unless the root cause is identified and addressed, our nation will inevitably self-destruct or survive only to experience similar, but increased hardship in the future.
The good news is that there is a Biblical solution (2Chron. 7:14) to ALL of the scenarios that are the result of receiving the national divine discipline that we are presently experiencing.
This Biblical solution is not found in the Oval Office, the halls of Congress or in a research laboratory.
As we will see, the 2Chron. 7: 14 solution is already in the hands of the people of God.Divine national disciple is imposed in stages. Before it begins, and before the next level manifests itself, the nation(s) under discipline has the opportunity to repent.
Such repentance puts an end to the discipline and opens the door for divine blessing (2Chron. 7: 14).“…and (if) My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2Chron. 7:14 NASB parentheses mine).”
In context, the, “My people called by My name” of Leviticus 26 were the ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament dispensation (period of time).
Here in the Church Age, the people called by His name are the born-again believers (Acts 11: 26).
Failing to repent results in experiencing the next higher level of discipline.
The highest level of divine national discipline involves either the suspension or the permanent removal of the tribe or nation from among the international community of nations (Luke 21: 24).
There was not one nation or empire, when at the peak of its prosperity or power, thought that its days were numbered.
Acts 17: 26 teaches that the timing of the rise, the geographical location, the advancing and/or decline5in prosperity, power, influence, as well the fall of all nations and empires are determined by God.
Leviticus 26 provides a long list of different forms of escalating adversity that a nation under divine discipline will experience. It reads like the daily headlines we hear or see in the media of our day.
One of the indicators that it is divine national discipline that is in view is when the different forms of adversity listed in Leviticus 26 take place simultaneously.
God has used and will use various means (including pagan/evil nations) to impose nation discipline on His own people.
Note that among the Leviticus 26 consequences of national discipline is the desolation of the houses of worship (vs. 31).
The (Math. 16: 18) assurance that the Church that God designed will endure is a general principle.
It is important to be able to distinguish the difference between an unconditional promise of God that will take place, and a general principle that may or may not take place in any given scenario.
The Math. 16: 18 principle of endurance applies to the world-wide Christian Community as a whole. It does not necessarily apply to any one denomination, local church, ministry.
What takes place (or fails to take place) in the Christian Community impacts the general population (Gen 18). This should be especially true when in a democracy when the manority of voters identify themselves as Christians.
No Christian with spiritual discernment should want to place or keep a politician in office who does not seek and apply the council of God. There was a period of history in America when offending the Christian Community would be political suicide. As for the nation’s economic and logistical needs, do what is right in God's eyes and everything else will be provided (Matt. 6: 33).
Many politicians will be heard saying, “God Bless America!”, but in the interest of their own political standing, fail to take steps to make America a nation that God could bless. Confirming the validity of an of old saying, evil has prospered in America because good people chose to do nothing to oppose it.
God desires that all souls be saved (1Tim. 2: 4), but according to Matt. 7: 13, 14, only a minority of souls in each generation of the Church Age were/are Heaven bound (John 3: 5, 7). Only a minority of those who have been born again will choose to embrace Biblical discipleship. Many so-called Christians will talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.
This explains how a country can be populated and led by so many “Christians,” but yet actively or passively contribute to the moral decline in society that opens the door for national discipline.
Christian disciples (followers of Christ) do not need the laws of Man to tell them right from wrong, or to conduct themselves accordingly. As for their interaction with everyone else, if Christians would just obey the Golden Rule (Math. 7: 12), they will automatically find themselves in compliance with most others. Not wanted to have been aborted, raped, molested, robbed, betrayed, lied to, gossiped about, criticized, manipulated, defrauded, hated, abused, neglected, or otherwise mistreated, Christians, by obeying the Golden Rule would not engage in these same activities themselves when interacting with others.
Teaching Biblical discipleship was the internal job that God gave His church to do (Math. 28: 19, 20). Learning (2Pet. 3: 18) and applying (James 1: 22) the Word of God in order to be conformed to the likeness of Christ (Rom. 8: 29) in both thought and deed. This conformity is to be made apparent no matter where we, as Christ's ambassadors, are, or what we are doing.
This includes Christians who seek political office.The fact that major political parties cannot produce a candidate that a practicing Christian can vote for without having qualms of conscience is a national disgrace. Our present circumstances is NOT the America that the founding fathers/writers of US Constitution had in mind.
How can we claim to be a government of the people, by the by the people, and for the people, when the (Christian) viewpoint, supposedly held by the majority of the present population, is not reflected in our laws and policies.
We are all familiar with the “You are HERE” signage and maps that inform travelers or visitors of their present location, and the best path/route to take to get to the next desired destination. The Christian Community can determine WHERE it is, and the path it is to take by conducting a 2Cor. 13: 5 self-examination, followed up by taking the required corrective actions.
Gen. 18: 23-32 and 2Chronicles 7: 14 teach that it is when God's people who are living in the land do so, the consequences of divine national discipline outlined in Lev. 26 will come to an end and healing will take place. I hear the Church’s calls for national prayer seeking relief and healing, but where are the calls for repentance?