If God doesn't get everything that He desires (1Timothy 2: 3, 4/Rev. 20: 15), what makes us think we are entitled to get everything we want? Those who seem to get or to have what their hearts desire could be experiencing the blessings from God (Psalms 37: 4), but might want to consider the validity of their "success" in light of the warning of (Mark 8: 36/Rev. 3: 17). "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul (Mark 8:36 NASB)?" "Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that (from divine viewpoint) you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked..(Rev. 3: 17 NASB italics mine). "God is not the only one who can offer "success" in this world (Luke 4: 6).
As for God, He, "...desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1Timothy 2: 3, 4 NASB)." But because of the individual decisions (John 3: 18) of Man, God does always get what He desires. "... if anyone's name was not found *written in the booky of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15 NASB)." According to Matt. 7: 13, the "anyone" spoken of in Rev. 20: 15 NASB will consist of the majority of the human souls of each generation of Man! *How one gets his/her name (identity) "written in the book of life" is made clear in the Gospel Message. * * * Christianity has always been represented by only a minority on a global scale. Statistically there are a little over 7 billion souls alive on Earth as of 2016, with only a little more than 2 billion claiming to be a part of the Christian Community in one group or another. As of 2016, only God knows what the ever-growing population of the Torments of Hades has become, as the residents there suffer and wait for the final judgment (Rev. 20: 13, 15) and the lake of fire. More than 10,000 souls depart this world every day. There are no souls in any corpse, funeral parlor, casket, urn, tomb, or cemetery. The departed souls of "believers find themselves at conscious rest, "absent from the body, and present with the Lord (). The departed souls of unbelievers find themselves in the Torments of Hades, awaiting the final judgment (Rev. 20: 13, 15) and the lake of fire. Every soul, believer or unbeliever, will come face to face with God. Rather or not we meet Him as our Savior or as our Judge is up to us. Believers come face to face with God their Savior upon departing the body at death, whereas unbelievers come face to face with God their Judge at the Rev. 20: 13, 15 event at the appointed time. If (I believe there are many) there are among the 2+ billion, those who claim to be Christians who have never been "born again (John 3: 5, 7), they will be a part of the Matt. 7: 21- 23 scenario. "Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?" And I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from ME, you who practice lawlessness (Matt. 7: 21, 22, 23 NASB." In this passage, "does the will of the Father" is referring to to placing one's full trust and confidence in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ came not to abolish The Law (Old Testament Scripture), but to fulfill it purpose ON the cross. To attempt to obtain or to retain salvation by ANY other means (good deeds/"religious"s rituals, etc.) is what it means to "practice lawlessness." The Bible (Matt. 7: 13) teaches, secular statistics concur, that the MAJORITY (Matt. 7: 13) of each generation do NOT choose the narrow road that leads to salvation, and the MAJORITY of those who are saved/born again (John 3: 5, 7) do not engage or remain in the life of post (after) salvation discipleship. God offers no GROUP (denomination/family/race/cultural) plans for salvation. Salvation has always been (Gen. 15: 6) based on the individual choices that each soul makes to either believer or disbelieve in God and/or things of God. Here in the Church Age, the call to salvation is offered to each i-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l soul through the presentation of the Gospel Message (John 3: 18). Those who believe (place their full trust and confidence) in the Gospel Message are saved/born again. Those who disbelieve/reject the Gospel Message remain spiritually dead and are headed for what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15), no matter how otherwise moral, religious, or "good" that soul may be. Once (if) saved, the each born again believer is then called to the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship (Matt. 28: 19). Religion, in most cases, begins with rituals shortly after physical birth and end shortly after physical death. The post salvation spiritual life (here on Earth) begins if and when one is born again, and ends when the soul departs the body at death and enters the eternal state. Discipleship consists of the o-n-g-o-i-n-g study and application of the Word of God. As the old saying goes, one can (and should) lead the horse to water, but you can't make it drink. This is the heartache of all pastors and many parents. Scripture (Acts 13: 27) teach that within global denominations, local congregations, and even within a single family unit (Luke 12: 52, there will be be those who are saved and those who will be lost. This is true even though, in most cases, each member of the denomination/congregation or family unit went through (or were put through) the same "religious" rituals and programs. If one could obtain residency in Heaven by participating in "religious" rituals, during or after (funeral) one's time here on Earth, then for what reason did Christ take on human form and suffer on the cross? Additional religious and/or performance requirements beyond believing in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ to either obtain or retain salvation is an insult to the Lord Jesus Christ. Such things and are among the things that are highly esteemed by Man, but are "detestable" in the eyes of the Lord (Luke 16: 15 NASB). The confusion in this area is partly do the fact that MUCH MORE will be required when it comes to identifying and executing the post (after) salvation spiritual life. However, the post salvation spiritual life is NOT for the purpose of either obtaining or retaining salvation! One can be never any more saved (by believing) or any more lost (by rejecting) the Gospel Message. As its title reveals, the POST salvation spiritual life does not even begin until the issue of salvation has already been resolved. The perceived need to "do something" (or to refrain from doing something) in order to retain salvation is a clear indication that one does not have a full understanding of the Gospel Message. The perception that once saved, a born again believer is free to live any way he/she wants without fear of any consequences, reject or are ignorant of Scripture (Heb. 12: 6/1Cor. 3: 12-15) that clearly teach otherwise. All born again believers will forever reside in Heaven, but Scripture (1Cor. 3: 12-15) teach that among the born again believers, there will be those who will receive and enjoy, and there will be those who forfeit, heavenly reward. Life after death is NOT a matter of IF, but a matter of WHERE and HOW it WILL be experienced by each each and every soul that God created. If you have not heard, or not sure if you have ever head, the Gospel Message, my prayer for you is that you accept this invitation to follow this link. If you have not yet been born again, this will provide you with the means to be so. Those who understand the Gospel Message do not merely "think" or "hope" they "will make it" in to Heave, they KNOW they will.
If you have already been born again and desire to learn what the post salvation spiritual life is all about, my prayer for you is that you will accept this invitation to follow this link to learn or be reminded of the reason that you were created and placed on this planet at this point in human history.