Many Christians would be surprised to find out just where the paper trail in the history of the Christian Community would take them.
I say the history of the Christian Community, as opposed to the history of the Church, as Church means different things to different groups within the Christian Community at large. Many members of each group considers their own choice of denominational or non-denominational gathering places to be "the" right Church, to the exclusion of all others.
In varying degrees, what can be seen and is done in virtually all of these different churches is the product of Man-made religion that has evolved over time. Even the floor plan and furnishings have a history.
These doctrinally and functionally different Churches are the result of deviating (Joshua 1: 7) from , or adding (Proverbs 30: 6) to Scripture. If all the deviations and additions were to be removed, what many perceive to be Church would be dramatically different moving forward. But religion grows deep roots that are not easily removed.
Furthermore, the temple of the Church Age Church is NOT a building. It is the individual bodies (1Cor. 3: 16) of born again believers. Accordingly, Church Age believers do not "go to Church," but ARE the Church that gathers together (Heb. 10: 25) for corporate activities.
Constructing (Matt. 7: 24- 27/1Cor. 3: 12) and maintaining (2Cor. 13: 5) this bodily temple of ours 1Cor. 3 is an ongoing activity. It's foundation (1Cor. 3: 1O) is laid if/when one believes in the unadulterated Gospel Message. Its upper structure (1Cor. 3: 12) is constructed with accurate Bible Doctrine. Cracked foundations (false gospels/means of salvation) and/or defective material (false doctrine/practices) in the upper levels set the stage for a system collapse (Matt. 7: 27).
Some of this defective material (false doctrine/practices) is held in high esteem by men (Luke 16: 15), but will not survive the storms of life (Matt. 7: 25, 27) or the scrutiny (1Cor. 3: 13 - 15) of God.
By obeying the 2Cor. 13: 5 to conduct self examinations, one will uncover any existing or developing cracks in either the foundation or the upper levels of his/her soul structure. It is when these cracks are discovered that following the paper trail comes into the picture.
When inspectors find cracks in foundations or building materials, the cracks or damaged material must be traced back to it's point of origin to determine the extent of the damage. It is equally necessary to determine if the integrity of the entire structure has been compromised, increasing the urgency for repairs, discontinued use, or replacements.
Cracks in one's soul must structure must be addressed before they become gaps and the whole structure comes tumbling down (Matt. 7: 27).
Everything here on Earth, including the doctrines and practices within the Christian Community, had a starting point. The question is which ones came from God (2Tim. 3: 16), and which ones came from the forces of evil (1Tim. 4: 2/2Cor. 11: 14, 15), or misguided (Matt. 15: 14), religious Man.
The paper trail, documenting the history of the Christian Community, reveals where, when, and by whom these changes were made.
Although both sides of an issue will claim to have divine inspiration/guidance, two conflicting answers can NOT both correct! Someone got it wrong.
Man has a l-o-n-g history of adding to and taking from that which can be Biblically substantiated, rendering worship meaningless (Mark 7: 7) and their post salvation spiritual lives unfulfilled (2Tim. 4: 7).
Many religious organizations have bestowed on their clergy functions and activities that have no Biblical substantiation, going as far as to threatening those who did/do not go along with Hell-fire (Gal. 3).
Some of these functions and activities resurrect practices that were exclusively intended for the Old Testament dispensation (Matt. 5: 17, 18/Heb. 10: 1 - 18/Romans 8: 1).
Trying to do a good thing by using an alternative method can be disastrous (Compare Exodus 25: 6/1Chron. 15: 15 with 2Sam. 6: 3, 6, 7).
In ancient Berea, the advancing disciples were commended for having the wisdom to scrutinize the messages the Apostle Paul brought to them. After hearing what he had to say, they searched the available Scriptures "daily" to see if what was being promoted had Biblical substantiation.
The paper trail of every legitimate teaching and practice will lead us to the "mind of Christ (1Cor. 2: 16 NASB)" revealed to us in Scripture (2Tim. 3: 16), and away from the unsubstantiated, misguided leadership of religious Men.
* This article was originally submitted as an entry in the Writing Challenge section at
I say the history of the Christian Community, as opposed to the history of the Church, as Church means different things to different groups within the Christian Community at large. Many members of each group considers their own choice of denominational or non-denominational gathering places to be "the" right Church, to the exclusion of all others.
In varying degrees, what can be seen and is done in virtually all of these different churches is the product of Man-made religion that has evolved over time. Even the floor plan and furnishings have a history.
These doctrinally and functionally different Churches are the result of deviating (Joshua 1: 7) from , or adding (Proverbs 30: 6) to Scripture. If all the deviations and additions were to be removed, what many perceive to be Church would be dramatically different moving forward. But religion grows deep roots that are not easily removed.
Furthermore, the temple of the Church Age Church is NOT a building. It is the individual bodies (1Cor. 3: 16) of born again believers. Accordingly, Church Age believers do not "go to Church," but ARE the Church that gathers together (Heb. 10: 25) for corporate activities.
Constructing (Matt. 7: 24- 27/1Cor. 3: 12) and maintaining (2Cor. 13: 5) this bodily temple of ours 1Cor. 3 is an ongoing activity. It's foundation (1Cor. 3: 1O) is laid if/when one believes in the unadulterated Gospel Message. Its upper structure (1Cor. 3: 12) is constructed with accurate Bible Doctrine. Cracked foundations (false gospels/means of salvation) and/or defective material (false doctrine/practices) in the upper levels set the stage for a system collapse (Matt. 7: 27).
Some of this defective material (false doctrine/practices) is held in high esteem by men (Luke 16: 15), but will not survive the storms of life (Matt. 7: 25, 27) or the scrutiny (1Cor. 3: 13 - 15) of God.
By obeying the 2Cor. 13: 5 to conduct self examinations, one will uncover any existing or developing cracks in either the foundation or the upper levels of his/her soul structure. It is when these cracks are discovered that following the paper trail comes into the picture.
When inspectors find cracks in foundations or building materials, the cracks or damaged material must be traced back to it's point of origin to determine the extent of the damage. It is equally necessary to determine if the integrity of the entire structure has been compromised, increasing the urgency for repairs, discontinued use, or replacements.
Cracks in one's soul must structure must be addressed before they become gaps and the whole structure comes tumbling down (Matt. 7: 27).
Everything here on Earth, including the doctrines and practices within the Christian Community, had a starting point. The question is which ones came from God (2Tim. 3: 16), and which ones came from the forces of evil (1Tim. 4: 2/2Cor. 11: 14, 15), or misguided (Matt. 15: 14), religious Man.
The paper trail, documenting the history of the Christian Community, reveals where, when, and by whom these changes were made.
Although both sides of an issue will claim to have divine inspiration/guidance, two conflicting answers can NOT both correct! Someone got it wrong.
Man has a l-o-n-g history of adding to and taking from that which can be Biblically substantiated, rendering worship meaningless (Mark 7: 7) and their post salvation spiritual lives unfulfilled (2Tim. 4: 7).
Many religious organizations have bestowed on their clergy functions and activities that have no Biblical substantiation, going as far as to threatening those who did/do not go along with Hell-fire (Gal. 3).
Some of these functions and activities resurrect practices that were exclusively intended for the Old Testament dispensation (Matt. 5: 17, 18/Heb. 10: 1 - 18/Romans 8: 1).
Trying to do a good thing by using an alternative method can be disastrous (Compare Exodus 25: 6/1Chron. 15: 15 with 2Sam. 6: 3, 6, 7).
In ancient Berea, the advancing disciples were commended for having the wisdom to scrutinize the messages the Apostle Paul brought to them. After hearing what he had to say, they searched the available Scriptures "daily" to see if what was being promoted had Biblical substantiation.
The paper trail of every legitimate teaching and practice will lead us to the "mind of Christ (1Cor. 2: 16 NASB)" revealed to us in Scripture (2Tim. 3: 16), and away from the unsubstantiated, misguided leadership of religious Men.
* This article was originally submitted as an entry in the Writing Challenge section at