Prayer is the means through which a believer consciously communicates with God. No relationship can function properly without communication. Ongoing communicating with God is an essential part of successfully executing the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. The true post salvation spiritual life is a conflict in which the status quo of "front line" activity is very fluid. There is the need for frequent and ongoing communication between the command center and the front line personnel.
As in the case of virtually everything else that God has established in the spiritual realm, Satan has engineered and/or endorsed many alternative forms and purposes for engaging in prayer. In the study of this doctrine, we will examine what the Bible has say to say regarding the purpose and mechanics of prayer, concentrating on its application to he dispensation of the Church Age in which we are living.
Prayer is the means through which a believer consciously communicates with God. No relationship can function properly without communication. Ongoing communicating with God is an essential part of successfully executing the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. The true post salvation spiritual life is a conflict in which the status quo of "front line" activity is very fluid. There is the need for frequent and ongoing communication between the command center and the front line personnel.
As in the case of virtually everything else that God has established in the spiritual realm, Satan has engineered and/or endorsed many alternative forms and purposes for engaging in prayer. In the study of this doctrine, we will examine what the Bible has say to say regarding the purpose and mechanics of prayer, concentrating on its application to he dispensation of the Church Age in which we are living.
As noted in the introduction, prayer is the means of communication through which the believer speaks with God. It can involve" corporate" prayer in which one speaker verbalizes the prayer while others focus on the words spoken and respond with a "Amen" ( meaning "so be it") at its conclusion. Since each believer is affirming the content of the prayer with his/her own "Amen", he/she would be wise to pay close attention to what the content of the prayer includes. There is also singular (private) prayer of an individual that can involve the spoken or mentally communicated thoughts and/or words of the individual. There is intercessory prayer through which believers on earth pray for divine intervention in behalf of for the needs of others here on earth.
Knowing what God will do in response to prayer (e.g., 1John 1: 9) is an important part of the discipleship.
At the sane time, knowing what God will NOT do, in response to prayer, one can make better use of the time he/she devotes to prayer by not spending it on issues for which prayer has NO impact. As examples, all the prayers in the universe will not have God violate the free will that He gives to each soul, no will it get the departed soul of an unbeliever out of the Torments section of Hades or change his final destination from that of the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13,15).
God will create circumstance that may motivate others to take (or refrain from taking) action in their own best interests, but He will not force anyone to do anything to the point that their free will is violated. The often unseen answer to our intercessory prayers for others is for God to send or to allow an increase in the intensity and the frequency of adversity in the lives of those prayed for, as many will not be open to God or to the things of God until AFTER that have hit rock bottom.
In our arrogance, we assume a lot when it comes to what WE think WE or OTHERS "need" in both the temporal and spiritual realm and make such things the subject matter of our prayers. I have learned that its better to raise the names of the ones we make intercessory prayer for and simply ask that God's will be made known and manifested in their individual circumstances. In this way, whatever the outcome, one can rest assured that it is best. When making intercessor prayer, I also pray for the wisdom to discern IF and WHEN what part I am (or am not) to play in the circumstances and environment of others.
In order for ANY communication to be effective, the TRUE message must not only be accurately delivered, but accurately understood by the recipient. Anything short of this results in a failure of the communication cycle to be completed. It is through the accurate teaching and the preaching of the Word of God that God speaks and the disciple listens. It is through prayer that the believer speaks and God listens. People can talk for hours, but if the intended message is not delivered and understood, there has been NO communication. As the old saying goes, it can be like talking to a wall! The primary indication that the message has gotten through is when the subject matter needs not to be repeated.
Note, however, that receiving and understanding the message does NOT insure compliance. Like a motorist passing by a speed limit sign, he both receives and understands the message, but may or may not choose to make any necessary adjustments of the speed of his car. Such a motorist may even have equipped his vehicle with radar detecting devices to avoid a run in with a traffic officer, but such "solutions" will do him no good if the speed contributes to a crash along the way.
It has been my experience to note that God usually does not provide "answers" to prayers that should have already been made a part of one's edified soul structure (Matt.m7: 24-27) PRIOR to the need. Not having "the" Biblical answer to a problem that one is encountering is God's way of driving this principle of discipleship home. This is a part of the divine discipline (Hebrews 12: 6) that a born again believer will experience as a result of his/her CHOICE not to c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e (John 8: 31) in the Word, which would have otherwise prepared him/her for the adversity or challenge he/she faces.
There are documented incidents in Scripture in which God audibly spoke to individuals and/or within earshot of groups. But for the most part, here in the Church Age, He initially chose to spoke to Man through Apostles. He continues to speak through evangelists, pastor teachers, and spiritually edified disciples. God continues to speak to the born again believer through his/her edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27). For the purpose of this study, however, we will focus on the human side of the communication cycle of prayer between God and Man.
As noted in the introduction, prayer is the means of communication through which the believer speaks with God. It can involve" corporate" prayer in which one speaker verbalizes the prayer while others focus on the words spoken and respond with a "Amen" ( meaning "so be it") at its conclusion. Since each believer is affirming the content of the prayer with his/her own "Amen", he/she would be wise to pay close attention to what the content of the prayer includes. There is also singular (private) prayer of an individual that can involve the spoken or mentally communicated thoughts and/or words of the individual. There is intercessory prayer through which believers on earth pray for divine intervention in behalf of for the needs of others here on earth.
Knowing what God will do in response to prayer (e.g., 1John 1: 9) is an important part of the discipleship.
At the sane time, knowing what God will NOT do, in response to prayer, one can make better use of the time he/she devotes to prayer by not spending it on issues for which prayer has NO impact. As examples, all the prayers in the universe will not have God violate the free will that He gives to each soul, no will it get the departed soul of an unbeliever out of the Torments section of Hades or change his final destination from that of the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13,15).
God will create circumstance that may motivate others to take (or refrain from taking) action in their own best interests, but He will not force anyone to do anything to the point that their free will is violated. The often unseen answer to our intercessory prayers for others is for God to send or to allow an increase in the intensity and the frequency of adversity in the lives of those prayed for, as many will not be open to God or to the things of God until AFTER that have hit rock bottom.
In our arrogance, we assume a lot when it comes to what WE think WE or OTHERS "need" in both the temporal and spiritual realm and make such things the subject matter of our prayers. I have learned that its better to raise the names of the ones we make intercessory prayer for and simply ask that God's will be made known and manifested in their individual circumstances. In this way, whatever the outcome, one can rest assured that it is best. When making intercessor prayer, I also pray for the wisdom to discern IF and WHEN what part I am (or am not) to play in the circumstances and environment of others.
In order for ANY communication to be effective, the TRUE message must not only be accurately delivered, but accurately understood by the recipient. Anything short of this results in a failure of the communication cycle to be completed. It is through the accurate teaching and the preaching of the Word of God that God speaks and the disciple listens. It is through prayer that the believer speaks and God listens. People can talk for hours, but if the intended message is not delivered and understood, there has been NO communication. As the old saying goes, it can be like talking to a wall! The primary indication that the message has gotten through is when the subject matter needs not to be repeated.
Note, however, that receiving and understanding the message does NOT insure compliance. Like a motorist passing by a speed limit sign, he both receives and understands the message, but may or may not choose to make any necessary adjustments of the speed of his car. Such a motorist may even have equipped his vehicle with radar detecting devices to avoid a run in with a traffic officer, but such "solutions" will do him no good if the speed contributes to a crash along the way.
It has been my experience to note that God usually does not provide "answers" to prayers that should have already been made a part of one's edified soul structure (Matt.m7: 24-27) PRIOR to the need. Not having "the" Biblical answer to a problem that one is encountering is God's way of driving this principle of discipleship home. This is a part of the divine discipline (Hebrews 12: 6) that a born again believer will experience as a result of his/her CHOICE not to c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e (John 8: 31) in the Word, which would have otherwise prepared him/her for the adversity or challenge he/she faces.
There are documented incidents in Scripture in which God audibly spoke to individuals and/or within earshot of groups. But for the most part, here in the Church Age, He initially chose to spoke to Man through Apostles. He continues to speak through evangelists, pastor teachers, and spiritually edified disciples. God continues to speak to the born again believer through his/her edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27). For the purpose of this study, however, we will focus on the human side of the communication cycle of prayer between God and Man.
Prayer is a tremendous gift and necessity (John 15: 5) that God has given to us. However, like an eledctric power tool in the hands of carpenter, it is useless if it is not plugged in to its power source.
John 15: 5 clearly teach that we (believers) can do N-O-T-H-I-N-G of spiritual significance, "apart" from God. Except for the 1John 1: 9 prayer of confession, praying without the John 15: 5 power of God is among the things that fall under the John 15:5 N-O-T-H-I-N-G list of actions. The born again believer is "apart" from God, and "disconnected" from the John 15: 5 power source whenever he/she is out of fellowship (Hab. 1:13/2Cor. 13: 14) with God. One is out of fellowship as a result of a known sin that he/she has committed and not confessed (1John 1: 9) or (when applicable) forsaken (John 8: 11).
The integrity of the salvation of a believer "out of fellowship" is NEVER in jeopardy, but his/her connection with the John 15: 5 enabling power of God is "unplugged"until the ANY known sin is confessed (1John 1: 9). If the sin involves an ongoing behavior or lifestyle, the sin must also be forsaken (John 8: 11). Otherwise, the believer is like a dog that returns to its vomit (Proverbs 6: 11/2Peter 2: 22), and is once again out of fellowship with God.
Being IN fellowship with God and having and an effective prayer life go hand in hand.
If your normal, the need to pray the 1John 1: 9 prayer of confession will be an ongoing event throughout the course of every day. Is some cases it may even be necessary before one gets out of bed, as ANY mental attitude or overt sin takes one out of the fellowship with God. Unlike what some "religions" would have us believe, (James 2: 10), there are NO "degrees" of sin. Sin is sin. Some sins will generate greater consequences here on Earth than others, but ALL sin takes the believer out of fellowship with God, rendering the believer incapable of executing the TRUE salvation spiritual life until it is restored.
The period(s) of time that any one of us spends out of fellowship can be as brief as the seconds it takes to confess or forsake the sin, or can last for the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth.
When out of fellowship, we can continue to be "religious", but we can do NOTHING in the spiritual realm. These principles underscore that extent of damage that ANY sin, including the sns of mental attitude such as refusing to forgive others, can cause in OUR post salvation spiritual life.
Just as, in order to be assured that a power tool is going to function one must make sure that it is plugged in, one must likewise make sure that his/her prayer life is "plugged in" to its power source, as well.
Prayer is a tremendous gift and necessity (John 15: 5) that God has given to us. However, like an eledctric power tool in the hands of carpenter, it is useless if it is not plugged in to its power source.
John 15: 5 clearly teach that we (believers) can do N-O-T-H-I-N-G of spiritual significance, "apart" from God. Except for the 1John 1: 9 prayer of confession, praying without the John 15: 5 power of God is among the things that fall under the John 15:5 N-O-T-H-I-N-G list of actions. The born again believer is "apart" from God, and "disconnected" from the John 15: 5 power source whenever he/she is out of fellowship (Hab. 1:13/2Cor. 13: 14) with God. One is out of fellowship as a result of a known sin that he/she has committed and not confessed (1John 1: 9) or (when applicable) forsaken (John 8: 11).
The integrity of the salvation of a believer "out of fellowship" is NEVER in jeopardy, but his/her connection with the John 15: 5 enabling power of God is "unplugged"until the ANY known sin is confessed (1John 1: 9). If the sin involves an ongoing behavior or lifestyle, the sin must also be forsaken (John 8: 11). Otherwise, the believer is like a dog that returns to its vomit (Proverbs 6: 11/2Peter 2: 22), and is once again out of fellowship with God.
Being IN fellowship with God and having and an effective prayer life go hand in hand.
If your normal, the need to pray the 1John 1: 9 prayer of confession will be an ongoing event throughout the course of every day. Is some cases it may even be necessary before one gets out of bed, as ANY mental attitude or overt sin takes one out of the fellowship with God. Unlike what some "religions" would have us believe, (James 2: 10), there are NO "degrees" of sin. Sin is sin. Some sins will generate greater consequences here on Earth than others, but ALL sin takes the believer out of fellowship with God, rendering the believer incapable of executing the TRUE salvation spiritual life until it is restored.
The period(s) of time that any one of us spends out of fellowship can be as brief as the seconds it takes to confess or forsake the sin, or can last for the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth.
When out of fellowship, we can continue to be "religious", but we can do NOTHING in the spiritual realm. These principles underscore that extent of damage that ANY sin, including the sns of mental attitude such as refusing to forgive others, can cause in OUR post salvation spiritual life.
Just as, in order to be assured that a power tool is going to function one must make sure that it is plugged in, one must likewise make sure that his/her prayer life is "plugged in" to its power source, as well.
I am not disputing the power of prayer. I have been the benefactor of prayers many times over. But, if all one had to do was "pray" and have it immediately or eventually "fix" ALL of our problems, we would be living in a much different world than the one we do.
In order do be a problem solving device, the device must be able to secure the intended objective EVERY time with NO exceptions. There ARE problem solving devices found in Scripture. For instance, BELIEVING in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ ALWAYS, without exception, result in the salvation of a soul (John 3: 18. Confession (to God) of post salvation sin (1John 1:9) ALWAYS results in receiving forgiveness.
Prayer, however, does NOT always secure the petitioners desires. David prayed that the natural life of his dying child would be saved (2 Sam 12: 2), but the answer was "No!". Paul begged the Lord three times in prayer for healing, but the answer was, No. The Lord Jesus Christ prayed that if possible the "cup" be taken from Him, but the answer was, "No"! Many people of faith have, are, or will pray for someone at some time in great need of healing or protection, but the answer will be, "No"!
Contrary to the way that many believers interpret and apply Scripture, God is NOT obligated to grant PRAYER requests, of such requests are contrary to His will for soul(s) involved.
There certainly ARE times that we do not have what we want because we do not ask (James 4: 2) for it in prayer, have the wrong motivation (James 4: 3), or ask for it in prayer without truly believing (Matt. 21: 33) that God will hear and respond. At other times we will ask for things in prayer in faith, but because what we are asking for is contrary to the plan that God has in mind for us or for the one whom we are praying for, the answer is still NO or NOT RIGHT NOW.
God DOES immediately answer ALL prayers with a YES, a NO, or a NOT RIGHT NOW response. Its not that God does not answer prayer, its that many times we do not like the YES, NO, or NOT RIGHT NOW response that we receive. What a believer does have that comes along with the NO or NOT RIGHT NOW response is the assurance that God had/has a divine objective for the answer He is giving (Romans 8: 28), even though there is no human comprehension of "Why?." Believers are to walk by faith, and NOT by sight (2Cor. 5: 7). It is in such times that the believer is challenged to accept this, glorify God, and spiritually mature. This is not any easy thing to do when the pain(s) that life here in the devil's world slams us with full force. This asks and answers a question that addressed some 3,500 years ago, but still applies today. "...Shall we indeed accept good from God, and not adversity (Job 2: 10 NABS)...". God was not placed where He is for our glory. It is we who were placed where we are for His. Suffering in a part of life of discipleship (Phil. 1: 29).
When facing a crisis, I have learned not to pray for what I think should or want to take place, but that HIS will be done, and that I handle it in such a way that brings glory to God. The most meaningful prayer that one can make for oneself or others facing a crisis is found in Colossians 1: 8- NABS (parenthesis mine), "... to ask (God) that you (the one in need) be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects....". Sometimes the divine objective behind His "NO" or "NOT RIGHT NOW" response to prayer is for the advancing disciple to experience for oneself and exhibit to others the type (Phil. 4: 7) of peace that surpasses all human understanding the midst of a crisis. Such FAITH does NOT go unnoticed, and brings great glory to God. Being successful in dealing with one crisis is what prepares us for the greater battles in the realm of spiritual combat (Eph. 6) to come. The conflicts of spiritual warfare become more intense and more frequent as an advancing disciple gets closer and closer to securing the next objective that the plan of God calls for along the path of one's post salvation spiritual life.
I am not disputing the power of prayer. I have been the benefactor of prayers many times over. But, if all one had to do was "pray" and have it immediately or eventually "fix" ALL of our problems, we would be living in a much different world than the one we do.
In order do be a problem solving device, the device must be able to secure the intended objective EVERY time with NO exceptions. There ARE problem solving devices found in Scripture. For instance, BELIEVING in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ ALWAYS, without exception, result in the salvation of a soul (John 3: 18. Confession (to God) of post salvation sin (1John 1:9) ALWAYS results in receiving forgiveness.
Prayer, however, does NOT always secure the petitioners desires. David prayed that the natural life of his dying child would be saved (2 Sam 12: 2), but the answer was "No!". Paul begged the Lord three times in prayer for healing, but the answer was, No. The Lord Jesus Christ prayed that if possible the "cup" be taken from Him, but the answer was, "No"! Many people of faith have, are, or will pray for someone at some time in great need of healing or protection, but the answer will be, "No"!
Contrary to the way that many believers interpret and apply Scripture, God is NOT obligated to grant PRAYER requests, of such requests are contrary to His will for soul(s) involved.
There certainly ARE times that we do not have what we want because we do not ask (James 4: 2) for it in prayer, have the wrong motivation (James 4: 3), or ask for it in prayer without truly believing (Matt. 21: 33) that God will hear and respond. At other times we will ask for things in prayer in faith, but because what we are asking for is contrary to the plan that God has in mind for us or for the one whom we are praying for, the answer is still NO or NOT RIGHT NOW.
God DOES immediately answer ALL prayers with a YES, a NO, or a NOT RIGHT NOW response. Its not that God does not answer prayer, its that many times we do not like the YES, NO, or NOT RIGHT NOW response that we receive. What a believer does have that comes along with the NO or NOT RIGHT NOW response is the assurance that God had/has a divine objective for the answer He is giving (Romans 8: 28), even though there is no human comprehension of "Why?." Believers are to walk by faith, and NOT by sight (2Cor. 5: 7). It is in such times that the believer is challenged to accept this, glorify God, and spiritually mature. This is not any easy thing to do when the pain(s) that life here in the devil's world slams us with full force. This asks and answers a question that addressed some 3,500 years ago, but still applies today. "...Shall we indeed accept good from God, and not adversity (Job 2: 10 NABS)...". God was not placed where He is for our glory. It is we who were placed where we are for His. Suffering in a part of life of discipleship (Phil. 1: 29).
When facing a crisis, I have learned not to pray for what I think should or want to take place, but that HIS will be done, and that I handle it in such a way that brings glory to God. The most meaningful prayer that one can make for oneself or others facing a crisis is found in Colossians 1: 8- NABS (parenthesis mine), "... to ask (God) that you (the one in need) be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects....". Sometimes the divine objective behind His "NO" or "NOT RIGHT NOW" response to prayer is for the advancing disciple to experience for oneself and exhibit to others the type (Phil. 4: 7) of peace that surpasses all human understanding the midst of a crisis. Such FAITH does NOT go unnoticed, and brings great glory to God. Being successful in dealing with one crisis is what prepares us for the greater battles in the realm of spiritual combat (Eph. 6) to come. The conflicts of spiritual warfare become more intense and more frequent as an advancing disciple gets closer and closer to securing the next objective that the plan of God calls for along the path of one's post salvation spiritual life.
According to Scripture, ALL prayers are to be exclusively addressed to God the Father (Matt. 6:9), under the authority given to ALL Church Age believers (John 16: 26) by God the Son (The Lord Jesus Christ), and in the power (John 15:5) of God the Holy Spirit. Prayers offered to ANY other being, included departed "saints" are contrary to Scripture and are based on false "religious" doctrine and accompanying practices. Attempts to communicate with departed souls is forbidden in Old Testament Scripture, and during that dispensation was punishable by physical death.
God will share the glory that is exclusively due Him with NO ONE (Isa. 42: 8). Human viewpoint and the "religious" world has a history (Acts 14) of trying to elevate many human beings, present and departed, to a status and function(s) that they never received from God. Many pagan religions promote such practices, and such practices have been erroneously incorporated into "Christian" religion, as well. I do NOT dispute the contribution that the part that Mary, Peter, Paul, John,(etc.) played in the plan of God, but they, never-the-less remained to be no more than sinners saved by grace! Mary was to be called blessed AMONG (not above) women. Mary herself identified herself as sinner, when she acknowledged, "...And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior Luke 1: 47 NASB)."
The Lord Jesus Christ loved His mother as much as any man loved his own. One of His last earthly deeds was to arrange for the logistical care of His mother after He departed (John 19: 26, 27). But NEVER did He, elevate her to a position or function of deity, and NEVER did she ever claim to hold such a position or function. Being the recipient of prayer is a function of deity.
If one choose to pursue the help of a departed believer (saint}, exactly what is it the he/she expects to receive from the alternate "provider," that God, if its is within His plan, will not provide?
When the crowds tried to exalt Paul and Silas as a result of the miracles that God performed through them, they made it clear that miracles are the work of God that He accomplishes through them (Acts 14). Legitimate servants of God, human or angelic, do NOT claim or seek any glory or credit for the work that God accomplishes through them, and neither will an edified disciple give God's glory to another source.
Consulting with the dead (Samuel the prophet) through a median (1Sam. 28) was the "straw that broke the camel's back" of King Saul (1Chron. 10: 13). Going outside of the ways of God "may" get you what you want, but you may find that you may not want what you get!
Never lose sight of the fact that the devil (Luke 4: 6), to the extent that God allows, can prosper a soul if in doing so it will distract that soul from pursuing the plan of God, or direct the glory that belongs to God to someone/something else.
There is intercessory communication in behalf of believers here on Earth that takes place between the Members of Trinity in Heaven. But the intercessory prayers of Man involve the prayers that we make HERE on Earth in behalf of others who are HERE on Earth, as well. No amount of prayer will alter the location or the environment of a soul once it has left the body at the moment of physical death of the body. No amount of prayer will cause God to act contrary to His plan or character.
Never forget that Satan and those who do his bidding have the power to perform miraculous activity (Exodus 7: 11). Satan is a master in the art of deception and is not above providing what he offers as credibility to all of the alternate means of "getting what we want NOW"!
The devil is more than willing to prosper (Luke 4:6) anyone who is willing to reject the plan of God and go along with the devil's alternative plan instead. Once a prayer request has been made to God, going to a third party to otherwise obtain or to expedite the same objective is a proverbial slap across the face of God who has already promised to give us everything we need (not want).
The omniscience of God does not need reminding. When Paul (1Thess. 5: 17) spoke of praying unceasingly, he was not calling for the same prayer(s) or prayer requests to be repeated over and over again (Matt. 6: 7). The persistence being spoken of in (Luke 18: 2) is referring to a steadfastness of waiting for an answer. Unlike the human judge in the passage, God does NOT get worn down by human behavior. As noted earlier, God does giv an immediate answer to all prayers, but sometimes the immediate answer is, "Not right now". God will complete His answer with either a YES or NO answer in accordance with HIS will and HIS timing; NOT ours!
What Paul was referring to in 1Thess. 5: 17) is being in a permanent "attitude" of prayer in which an advancing disciple maintains and "open line of communication", in which he/she can discern the answers to prayers already articulated. The only follow-up prayer that is in order, regarding a prayer request that has already been made, is to thank Him for the answer when it is revealed to you. This applies regardless of how "things turned out".
To maintain such an "open line", one must be in fellowship (2Cor. 3: 14) with Him, and return to fellowship with Him (1John 1: 9) when fellowship is lost due to post salvation sin.
There is a practical advantage of closing one's eyes and kneeling when engaged in prayer. Assuming such a position can keep our minds from wandering and remain focused on prayer. Such physical actions, however, are NOT required.
Prayers are NEVER to be recited as the means of penance. The very concept of penance is blasphemous as it implies that the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ was not enough to atone for sin and that God will NOT do all He said He would do when a post salvation sin is simply confessed (1John 1: 9).
Confessing sin (1John 1:9) is the only connection between prayer and reconciliation with fellowship with God, yet when out of fellowship, this is the ONLY prayer to which God will entertain.
According to Scripture, ALL prayers are to be exclusively addressed to God the Father (Matt. 6:9), under the authority given to ALL Church Age believers (John 16: 26) by God the Son (The Lord Jesus Christ), and in the power (John 15:5) of God the Holy Spirit. Prayers offered to ANY other being, included departed "saints" are contrary to Scripture and are based on false "religious" doctrine and accompanying practices. Attempts to communicate with departed souls is forbidden in Old Testament Scripture, and during that dispensation was punishable by physical death.
God will share the glory that is exclusively due Him with NO ONE (Isa. 42: 8). Human viewpoint and the "religious" world has a history (Acts 14) of trying to elevate many human beings, present and departed, to a status and function(s) that they never received from God. Many pagan religions promote such practices, and such practices have been erroneously incorporated into "Christian" religion, as well. I do NOT dispute the contribution that the part that Mary, Peter, Paul, John,(etc.) played in the plan of God, but they, never-the-less remained to be no more than sinners saved by grace! Mary was to be called blessed AMONG (not above) women. Mary herself identified herself as sinner, when she acknowledged, "...And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior Luke 1: 47 NASB)."
The Lord Jesus Christ loved His mother as much as any man loved his own. One of His last earthly deeds was to arrange for the logistical care of His mother after He departed (John 19: 26, 27). But NEVER did He, elevate her to a position or function of deity, and NEVER did she ever claim to hold such a position or function. Being the recipient of prayer is a function of deity.
If one choose to pursue the help of a departed believer (saint}, exactly what is it the he/she expects to receive from the alternate "provider," that God, if its is within His plan, will not provide?
When the crowds tried to exalt Paul and Silas as a result of the miracles that God performed through them, they made it clear that miracles are the work of God that He accomplishes through them (Acts 14). Legitimate servants of God, human or angelic, do NOT claim or seek any glory or credit for the work that God accomplishes through them, and neither will an edified disciple give God's glory to another source.
Consulting with the dead (Samuel the prophet) through a median (1Sam. 28) was the "straw that broke the camel's back" of King Saul (1Chron. 10: 13). Going outside of the ways of God "may" get you what you want, but you may find that you may not want what you get!
Never lose sight of the fact that the devil (Luke 4: 6), to the extent that God allows, can prosper a soul if in doing so it will distract that soul from pursuing the plan of God, or direct the glory that belongs to God to someone/something else.
There is intercessory communication in behalf of believers here on Earth that takes place between the Members of Trinity in Heaven. But the intercessory prayers of Man involve the prayers that we make HERE on Earth in behalf of others who are HERE on Earth, as well. No amount of prayer will alter the location or the environment of a soul once it has left the body at the moment of physical death of the body. No amount of prayer will cause God to act contrary to His plan or character.
Never forget that Satan and those who do his bidding have the power to perform miraculous activity (Exodus 7: 11). Satan is a master in the art of deception and is not above providing what he offers as credibility to all of the alternate means of "getting what we want NOW"!
The devil is more than willing to prosper (Luke 4:6) anyone who is willing to reject the plan of God and go along with the devil's alternative plan instead. Once a prayer request has been made to God, going to a third party to otherwise obtain or to expedite the same objective is a proverbial slap across the face of God who has already promised to give us everything we need (not want).
The omniscience of God does not need reminding. When Paul (1Thess. 5: 17) spoke of praying unceasingly, he was not calling for the same prayer(s) or prayer requests to be repeated over and over again (Matt. 6: 7). The persistence being spoken of in (Luke 18: 2) is referring to a steadfastness of waiting for an answer. Unlike the human judge in the passage, God does NOT get worn down by human behavior. As noted earlier, God does giv an immediate answer to all prayers, but sometimes the immediate answer is, "Not right now". God will complete His answer with either a YES or NO answer in accordance with HIS will and HIS timing; NOT ours!
What Paul was referring to in 1Thess. 5: 17) is being in a permanent "attitude" of prayer in which an advancing disciple maintains and "open line of communication", in which he/she can discern the answers to prayers already articulated. The only follow-up prayer that is in order, regarding a prayer request that has already been made, is to thank Him for the answer when it is revealed to you. This applies regardless of how "things turned out".
To maintain such an "open line", one must be in fellowship (2Cor. 3: 14) with Him, and return to fellowship with Him (1John 1: 9) when fellowship is lost due to post salvation sin.
There is a practical advantage of closing one's eyes and kneeling when engaged in prayer. Assuming such a position can keep our minds from wandering and remain focused on prayer. Such physical actions, however, are NOT required.
Prayers are NEVER to be recited as the means of penance. The very concept of penance is blasphemous as it implies that the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ was not enough to atone for sin and that God will NOT do all He said He would do when a post salvation sin is simply confessed (1John 1: 9).
Confessing sin (1John 1:9) is the only connection between prayer and reconciliation with fellowship with God, yet when out of fellowship, this is the ONLY prayer to which God will entertain.
It is not for me (or anyone else) to put precise words into your mouth, nor was this the intention of the Lord Jesus Christ when He provided the disciples, then and now, with what later became commonly referred to as, The Lord' Prayer. Note that when He disclosed this prayer, it was for the stated purpose of setting the primary format for exercising a complete prayer life (Matt. 6:9). This does NOT mean that one must address all of these areas each and every time a prayer is uttered, nor does there have to be any specific order of these areas of prayer. Some of the most significant prayers we will make may contain only a half a dozen words or less!
Let's take a look at The Lord's Prayer, and the guidelines that it was intended to promote. Although probably the most commonly recited prayer, many believers would be shocked to learn exactly what they are praying for when they recite it and completely miss the reason that our Lord provided this FORMAT of praying.
It is not for me (or anyone else) to put precise words into your mouth, nor was this the intention of the Lord Jesus Christ when He provided the disciples, then and now, with what later became commonly referred to as, The Lord' Prayer. Note that when He disclosed this prayer, it was for the stated purpose of setting the primary format for exercising a complete prayer life (Matt. 6:9). This does NOT mean that one must address all of these areas each and every time a prayer is uttered, nor does there have to be any specific order of these areas of prayer. Some of the most significant prayers we will make may contain only a half a dozen words or less!
Let's take a look at The Lord's Prayer, and the guidelines that it was intended to promote. Although probably the most commonly recited prayer, many believers would be shocked to learn exactly what they are praying for when they recite it and completely miss the reason that our Lord provided this FORMAT of praying.
The Lord's Prayer
(Matthew 6: 9- 13 NASB/parenthesis mine)
"Pray then is this way (stated purpose): Our Father (to Whom ALL prayers are to be addressed), who is in (the 3rd-1Cor. 13) Heaven, hallowed (given the highest level of respect and excusive worship) be Your name, Your (millennial [Rev. 20: 4] and eternal [Rev. 21]) kingdom come (requiring the horrific end time events to take place first), Your will (not ours) be done, on Earth (just) as it is in Heaven (now). Give us this (every) day our daily bread (temporal provisions and supernatural nutrition of the Word of God), and forgive us our debts (sins), (just) as we have forgiven our debtors (those who have offended us), and do not lead us into temptation (as was the Lord Jesus Christ-Matt 4), but deliver (rescue) us from evil (sin and any doctrine or practices contrary to the Word of God), for Yours the kingdom (Rev. 20:4/Rev. 21) and the power (John 15: 5) and the glory (to be given) forever. Amen (So be it)."
In closing, consider that the frequency and the content of one's prayer life is a great indicator of where one is in his walk with the Lord. As (if) a born again believer spiritually matures and advances in discipleship, his/her prayer life will be more and more focused on what God wants, more and more about the needs of others, and less and less on what he/she wants. "(When) the Lord (really) is my Shepherd, I shall not want (anything that is not a part of the plan of God.)....Psalms 23: 1 NASB/parenthesis mine)."
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