During the dispensation (period of time) of the Old Testament, the credibility of one who claimed to be a prophet (spokesman from/for God) was determined by the manifestation of whatever it was that the prophet foretold. False prophets of that day ran the risk of not getting a second chance to get it right, since the penalty for making a false prophecy was death (Deut. 18: 20).
“But a prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name (authority) of other gods, that person shall die (Deut. 18: 20 NASB italics mine).”
Church Age discipleship is all about first learning and then applying the principles of Word of God to what one thinks, says, and does on a daily basis. Discipleship is initially for one's own personal benefit, but with the long range objective of evangelizing and edifying others. One cannot pass along to others what he/she has not first learned for him/herself.
Other than setting the stage for one to be presented with the Gospel Message, n-o-t-h-i-n-g of spiritual significance takes place in the life of a soul until he/she is first born again.
Just as a physically dead person can to do n-o-t-h-i-n-g in the natural realm, a spiritually dead person can do n-o-t-h-i-n-g in the spiritually realm. We come into this world spiritually dead and remain so unless and until we receive a r-e-g-e-n-e-r-a-t-e-d human spirit (Titus 3: 5). This regeneration is one of several things that takes place the moment one is born again. Even after one is born again, the born again believer can still produce nothing of spiritual significance apart from the enabling power (John 15: 5) that God supplies to a Spirit-filled (Eph. 5: 18) believer.
The Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20) that the Lord gave to His Church was/is to proclaim the Gospel Message to unbelievers, and to make *disciples out of those who have first been born again.
*D-i-s-c-i-p-l-e-s is the English translation of the Greek Work m-a-t-h-e-t-e-s that means to be a technical student (1Pet. 3: 18) and applier (James 1: 22) of the Word of God.
For virtually everything that God has given to Man, the devil has engineered and promotes a counterfeit or perverted version. Being counterfeit, the devil’s alternatives appear to be the real thing and are designed to appeal to the fallen nature (Romans 7) in Man. Man that is inherently hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God, but open to the suggestions offered by the fallen nature within us.
The Bible promotes Christianity, whereas the devil promotes his counterfeit alternative; Christian Religion. The phrase Christian Religion is itself an oxymoron in that it contains two antithetical terms. It is a part of the devil's strategy to make them appear as one in the same.
Christianity is all about placing one’s trust and confidence in all that the God of the Bible has done, is doing, and will do for Man.
Christian religion is all about what Man tries to do to make and to keep himself in good standing with the God of the Bible.
One is the work of God, the other is the work of Man with the devil’s applause. Christian religion accomplishes nothing, whereas Christianity accomplishes everything.
Religion is all about who the nations of the world promote as God and the accompanying means through which human souls try to obtain and/or retain the earthly and eternal blessings that they believe these god(s) have to offer.
Humans do NOT all worship the same God/god, but under a different name. All born again souls are Christians, but not all Christians worship (Matt. 15: 9) the God of the Bible in the way that He desires (John 4: 23). It is the misinterpretation and misapplication of Scripture that have resulted in the never-ending creation of divisions and denominations within the Christian Community at large.
With the exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, every human soul since the Fall of Man comes into this world spiritually dead with a fallen nature that is inherently “hostile-Romans 8: 7 NASB” towards God and the things of God.
As each believer becomes more and more edified, he/she will changes in what he/she accepts as truth concerning God and the things of God. It is a life-long process. If you never perceive the need to make changes, then you are either first person since Christ to have all the answers, or you have failed to continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3: 18). My money is on the latter.
While each one of the many denominations or groups (usually) claims to have all the answers to spiritual issues. While some are more culpable than others, the truth is that there is not ONE out there that doesn’t have a history of engaging in “religious” practices of one kind or another. Man has a long and ongoing history of promoting the traditions of Man over the doctrines of God with disastrous results (Matt. 15: 9).
“But in vain do they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the precepts of Man (Matt. 15: 9).
Just as in the case of the individual believer, there is a need for ongoing “self-examinations (2Cor. 13: 5) of the quantity and the quality of the doctrines that the pastor provides to the congregational to insure that the local assembly or ministry is “in the faith’, accurately teaching and promoting God and the things of God, and not the Man-made traditions and/or additives of Man-made religion.
Once a false teaching or practice has taken root, its removal becomes increasing difficult to remove. The work of the *Reformers in not complete, and must continue to be an ongoing practice.
There were those who chose to promote the Protestant Reformation to achieve personal and political advantages. The true Reformers did not choose to start a “new” Church, but to return a large portion of the Christian Community to its Biblical roots.
In the business world, there is a need to have a Mission Statement and the ongoing need to review or amend existing policies if the organization is to keep on its stated course. The same principle can be applied to the Church.
The Mission Statement of the Church that God designed, documented in Matthew 28: 19, 20, is to promote the Gospel Message for salvation and to make disciples out of those who are born again.
The alternative Churches that are of human design and promoted by the devil engage in many other activities, some of which were never a part of the plan that God had in mind, and in some cases actually contradict what the Bible has to say.
The end result being, “…they worship Me in vain (by) teaching (practicing) as (Bible) doctrines (what are) the precepts (rules/requirements) of Man (Matt. 15: 9 NASB italics mine).”
The infiltration of Man-made religious teachings and practices into the Christian Community has been the objective of the devil since the earliest years of the Church Age (Galatians 3).
There are teachings and practices (e.g. circumcision/animal sacrifices/ tithing/etc.) that w-e-r-e (past tense) a part of the type of worship, rituals, and practices that God desired to take place during the Old Testament dispensation. The character and the nature of God does not change, but now that we are in the Church Age dispensation, some of these forms of worship, rituals, and practices having fulfilled their purpose (Matt. 5: 18/Heb. 10), and no longer a part of the things that God requires of believers.
Failing to make these distinctions is what opens the door to activities that were never intended to be a part of the Church that God designed.
The Church did not come into existence until the Feast of Pentecost, in Jerusalem, shortly after our Lord's Ascension (Acts 1, 2). Most of the "Church", consists of departed born again believers who are currently in Heaven in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1)) with only a generation or two here on Earth. This will continue to be the case until the Rapture takes place when the entire Church is united and receives their resurrected bodies (1Thess. 4: 16, 17).
The Galatians 3 issue was over the physical circumcision of male believers. This is a classic example of attempting to bring an Old Testament practice into the Church Age. This circumcision issue was resolved, but many more have been introduced (or-reintroduced) in the name (authority) of Man-made religion and are promoted as necessities in order for one to obtain and/or to retain salvation. Although highly esteemed by Man (Luke 16: 15), these additives are not only false, but are an insult to the integrity of the Person and the all-sufficient Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salvation is the result of placing one’s trust and confidence on what God did for us, and NOT on what we do, don’t do, or have done for ourselves or in behalf of others in a misguided attempt to please or appease God.
Note that Scripture teach that the believers in the ancient Galatia had been “bewitched (Gal. 3: 1 NASB).” The devil’s flaming arrows (Eph. 6: 16 NASB) in the hands of the “religious” crowd achieved their diabolical goal, resulting in the spread of fear, doubts, and insecurity in the local assembly in ancient Galatia. The devil continues to have such success within the Christian Community-at-large throughout the course of the Church Age.
Accordingly, there are “religious” teachings and fruitless practices that have been introduced and incorporated into the teachings and practices of the Christian Community-at-large over the course of the Church Age. These are among the things that are held in high esteem by “religious” persons, but are “detestable – Luke 16: 15 NASB” in the sight of God. They are detestable because that are Anti-Christ, having been elevated to take the place or the function of God and place them in the hands of religious priests.
This apostasy (false teachings and practices) will only get increasingly worse in the final years of the Church Age (1Timothy 4: 1), making true discipleship more and more of a challenge, but more and more significant in order to keep the Church that God designed on course.
When a Christian is asked if he/she is a “religious” person, his/her answer should be, “I certainly hope not!”
By making such a response, perhaps a door of opportunity may open allowing the Christian to explain the all important difference between being a spiritually dead, “religious” person and a spiritual alive person who has been born again.
Q: What’s the difference?
A: Heaven or Hell.
Just as in the days of the Old Testament dispensation, there are two types of false prophets here in the present day dispensation of the Church Age.
One type of a false prophet involves those who would speak in behalf of one of the (Psalms 96: 5) f-a-l-s-e gods (Deut. 18: 20). The second type would be one who claims/claimed to speak for the God the Bible, but what he/she foretells and/or otherwise promotes did not come from God (Deut. 18: 20).
The devil uses false prophets to promote false gods (Psalms 96: 5). The devil uses false prophets to dispute the Gospel Message. The devil will use false prophets to challenge the permanency of the salvation that a born again has already received. The devil will use false prophets to promote his alternative means of salvation. The devil will use false prophets to distract a born again believer from identifying and executing the true post salvation spiritual life. The devil will use false prophets to deny life after death. The devil will use false prophets to downplay the personal account that each one of us will be required to give to God. The devil will use false prophets to downplay the consequences (1COr. 3: 14/Rev. Chapters 2, 3) of post salvation sin.
The voice of false prophets can be heard coming from many pulpits WITHIN the apostate Christian Community of our day (Angles of light). The voice if false prophets can be heard in most sit-coms, gab shows, movies, and forms of current "entertainment. " The voice of false prophets can be heard in any place that the devil can get his hands on, deceiving and reinforcing his deception overs millions of souls each and every day.
Q. How are false prophets and their counterfeit alternatives to be identified?
A. In the secular world, those who deal with currency are NOT trained so much by keeping up with the latest form of counterfeiting, but by being able to confirm the real thing. In the spiritual realm, the real thing is what can be substantiated by a correct interpretation and application of the Word of God. It is by developing at least a working knowledge of what the Word of God DOES say, an advancing disciple can spot an "alternative" when it comes along. Alternatives consist of things that have been added to, taken from, or present a perverted version of what an accurate interpretation and/or application of the Bible would have to say.
The ancient Bereans (Acts 17: 11) were praised for doing so when they chose to compare what the Apostle Paul had to offer with what could be verified by existing Scripture. The Bible, at that time, was still a "work in progress." In the times in which we are living, we have the advantage of having the completed Bible With that "advantage," comes a greater level of responsibility and accountability (Luke 12: 48).
"...From everyone (Church Age believers) who has been given much (The completed Canon Of Scripture) much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, they will ask all the more (Luke 12: 48 NASB)."
Spiritual ignorance is a choice that we make. Spiritually dead souls choose to be ignorant when they choose NOT to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message. Born again believers choose to be ignorant when they choose NOT to engage in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
New Testament Scripture is replete of warnings concerning the presence and activity of false prophets INSIDE and outside of the Christian Community and in the world at large.
The extent of the prophesied apostasy (1Tim. 4: 1) within the Christian Community of our day is clear evidence of the presence and the influence that the devil and his false prophets have had, have, and will have WITHIN the Christian Community. False prophets do not walk around in red suits and pointed forks, but disguise and present themselves as servants of God (Matt. 7: 15/Romans 16: 17-18/2Cor.11: 14).
Many others are blind guides leading the blind (Matt. 15: 14) having been first deceived themselves. While the first category involves malicious intent, a bullet fired in ignorance can be just as lethal! This is how the nemesis (Christian Religion) of Christianity is passed down from generation to generation. Like a snow ball rolling down a steep slope, it gains greater and greater volume and force.
Many who claim to be Christians would have a hard time explaining what the Gospel Message is all about, even though for most of their lives that have “attended” what they believe to be a local church that is a part of the Church that God designed.
Just as only a minority of any given generation of the Church Age will be saved, only a minority those saved will engage or remain in the post (after) salvation life of discipleship.
Current statistics report that 70% of the population of the USA identifies itself as being a part of what is generally considered to be a part of the Christian Community. Yet, it does not take a lot of spiritual perception to see that we, as a whole, have very much become a godless nation in our policies, lifestyles, and interaction with others.
The fact that, on a global scale, Christianity has never been as widely accepted as have the many false religions is clear evidence of the impact that false prophets and the false religions they promote have had.
Only God and each individual soul knows what any given soul actually believes in his/her heart of hearts, but according to secular statistics, Christianity only accounts for about 32 % of the world’s population.
I believe that among the 32%, if the Rapture takes place during “worship services” within the Christian Community at large, many (Matt. 7: 13) attending will be left behind sitting in the pews along with the false teachers on/around the altars or pulpits. Being a follower of Christian r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n does NOT necessarily mean that one has been born again (Matt. 7: 21).
"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter (Matt. 7: 21 MANS)."
The will of My Father is to believe in the Person and the atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ as explained in the Gospel Message.
ALL born again believers are assured of a home in Heaven (Romans 8: 1), but not all born again believers will experience in the same way. There will be those who receive and experience rewards and privileges that others will forfeit.
Among those who are born again, the majority of them will forfeit many (or all) of the 1Cor. 3: 14, 15) rewards and Rev. 2/Rev.3 privileges that are reserved for those who executed the post (after) salvation spiritual life while HERE on EARTH.
The long term implication of the Matt. 7: 14 few vs. many principle is that the majority of the human race is headed for the Torments of Hades and then what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15). This is not because many of them were not relatively good or religious, but because they were never born gain (John 3: 5,7, 18).
This is true, even though it is God’s desire that all men be saved (1Tim. 2: 4 ), or that God failed to include them when the Lord Jesus Christ atoned for sins of whole world (James 1: 22) on he cross. He provided the means (1John 2: 2) for each and every soul to be born again (John 3: 5, 7), but it is up to each individual soul to believe (John 3: 18).
The spiritually-dead soul receives the gift of salvation IF, and ONLY if, he chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message.
Some might argue that he/she never had such an opportunity, but after seeing this link, he/she no longer have that excuse.
To believe or to disbelieve (John 3: 18) in a presentation of the Gospel Message is a choice that each one of us "must (John 3: 7 NABS)" make. There is NO other way, including via the alternative and additives that are the products of Man-made religion, that can take the place this simple, but necessary, act of faith.
Some say that taking this position is being very narrow-minded. But “n-a-r-r-o-w” is how Matt. 7: 13 NASB the “gate” that leads to eternal life is defined.
Matt. 7:13 goes on to say that the alternative gate is wide and the alternative way is broad that leads to destruction.
Religion, including so-called Christian religion, consisting of all that Man has engineered and/or erroneously added (Prov. 30: 6) to (or has distorted) the Word of God, is what has paved and made smooth this road of destruction that many (the majority) will choose to take.
Unless we are one of those who are destined to be here on Earth when the Rapture takes place (), the body we have here on earth will die and decompose (). But our soul that God (not our parents) creates will never die either here on Earth or in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15). Every soul that God creates will either spend eternity in fellowship with God, or separated from God in what the Bible (Rev. 20: 15) calls the lake of fire.
This Matt. 7 destruction, as it pertains to unbelievers, does not result in total annihilation. The Rev. 20: 15 “lake of fire” is not a place of extermination, but one of never-ending suffering. We are not told exactly how this suffering will impact us, but if it is anything like the agony presently being experienced by departed unbelievers in the Torment of Hades (Luke 16: 24), it is not where anyone would want to go. The suffering in Hades comes to an end when the souls of unbelievers are summoned to the Court of Heaven (Rev. 20: 13), but only to be judged and then thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15)!
Perhaps the greatest torment is the knowledge that one’s time in the lake of fire, separated from God, will N-E-V-E-R end! As long as we are here on Earth, there are many things that can occupy our minds, but this will not be the case once we pass from this life .
This Matt. 7: 13 destruction, as it pertains to born again believers, involves the diminishing of what could have been a glorious post salvation spiritual life here on Earth. This destruction does not impact the integrity of the salvation that the born again believer has already received, but does result in the forfeiture of many or all of the 1Cor. 3: 14 rewards and the Rev. 2 and Rev. 3 privileges of Heaven.
* * *
The Bible tells us that the Gospel Message will be preached as a testimony to the world at large (Matt/ 24: 14), but nowhere does the Bible teach that (prior to the Second Advent) will there come a time that the majority of the world’s population will believe it or be saved.
In fact, Matt. 7 teach that only be a minority (of each generation) that will find the one way that leads to eternal life, and that even with a family (), there will be those who will be, and those who won’t be, saved! This is an eye-opening principle when one considers that it is customary for every member of any given family to all participate in the same "religious" activity, yet not all will be saved!
Virtually ALL religions claim to have identified the true God/god and “the” way that one must comply with in order to connect with and remain connected to, in order to receive the earthly and/or heavenly blessings that each one claims to offer.
This raises the question as to which “religion” is the right one to follow. Is it Buddhism, Hinduism, Islamic, Orthodox Judaism, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, or one of the other “-isms” referred to in Psalms 96.5?
The answer is actually a simple one. Since all “religion” comes from the thoughts of Man and not God, the answer is NONE of the above!
In the case of Christian religion, it is the devil's alternative to genuine Christianity. Christian religion is all about what Man tries to do to make and keep himself right with the God of the Bible in order to receive the earthly and heavenly benefits spoken of in the Bible. Christianity, on the other hand, is all about placing one's trust and confidence in what God has done, God is doing, and that God will do for the people of faith. The people of faith are those who have been born again.
It is the pre-salvation ministry of God the Holy Spirit that enables a spiritually dead soul to identify, listen to, and to respond to the call of God to be saved. It is the work of God that enables the born again believer to identify, to listen to, and to respond to the voice of God for the development and the execution of the post salvation spiritual life. This is what Scripture (John 15: 5) is referring to when it speaks of Man's inability to do anything without the empowering function of God.
Spirit-filled, born again believers, have a role in the process (1Cor. 3: 6-9), but the Work is accomplished by God. The role that Spirit-filled, born again believers have is to set an example and to present others with the information (Gospel Message/Post salvation doctrine) they need to hear in order for them to make an informed decision when approached and enabled by God the Holy Spirit.
Listening to the voice of ANY Man-made religion concerning salvation is NOT listening to the voice of God. Listening to the voice of ANY Man-made religion for the development of discipleship is NOT listening to the voice of God. Different seeds produce different crops.
Unlike religion, GOD never thinks, says, or does ANYTHING that contradicts His Word. It is the accurate knowledge of His Word (The Bible) that the advancing disciple will use to evaluate ANY information that is presented to him/her. Each and every day our soul structures are bombarded with all kinds of information that will appeal to the fallen nature within us, but run contrary to the Word of God. Like erosion on the sea coast, this bombardment is a part of the devil's strategy to wear down the saints (Daniel 7: 25). Seeing or hearing anything enough will desensitize even the most spiritually among us to the evil in most things.
Anyone who would advise you not to read the Bible in order to avoid the inevitable questions that true discipleship will generate should be regarded as a false prophet.
At the same time, the use of the Bible as one’s source of edification and guidance is only profitable when it is accurately interpreted and properly applied. The devil and his false prophets have a long history of twisting what God has said in an attempt to promote satanic agenda.
One of the first principles I learned when studying for ordination was the need to interpret and apply the principles of the Word of God by making use of the I.C.E. method.
The "I" stands for isagogics which means to interpret in light of the time and historical background taking place at the time the passage was written, and its proper application to the Church Age in which we are presently living.
The "C" stands for categorical which means to take into consideration all of the passages/verses of Scripture that address any given subject. Selecting isolated verses can make the Bible appear to say or justify just about any thing that a clever speaker or writer desires.
The "E" stands for exegesis which refers to studying the verse in light of the languages (Hebrew/ Greek/ Aramaic) in which the original transcripts were first written and inspired.
Note that the Bibles that have been translated into the English language presented a great difficulty for translators due to the ambiguous nature of the English language. The old saying that something can be lost in the translation certainly applies to the Word of God. What is lost is the clarity that the original languages (Hebrew/Greek/Aramaic) provide.
Granted, “All Scripture (not all t-r-a-n-s-l-a-t-i-o-n-s of Scripture) is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness….(2Tim 3: 16 NASB italtics mine).” The advancing disciple must learn to accurately interpret it, apply it, and keep if free from religious contamination.
The DEVIL quoted Scripture (Matt. 4: 6) in a attempt to cause the Lord Jesus Christ to error and sin. False prophets will use the same strategy. After all, if the concept can be made to appears to have come from the Bible then it must be correct. Right?
A misinterpretation and/or a misapplication of The Bible can lead one away from God and the things of God, regardless of the sincerity of the the presenter.
By misusing Scripture, false prophets can secure a win-win scenario when dealing with weak believers.
A weak believer is one who has been born again, but who is either ignorant of, or who rejects what the Bible has to say when it comes to various spiritual issues.
There are many religious persons who are spiritually dead, never having been born again. There are many born again believers who are weak believers, having chosen to neglect post (after) salvation discipleship.
Weak believers are easily deceived and led away from God or the things of God.
This highlights the need for an advancing disciple to have the opportunity and to make the right choice as to who one's pastor teacher is going to be at any given time during his/her walk with the Lord.
Many denominations do not afford the congregations under their religious authority this choice. They do allow their members to go to another "parish" providing they have that pulpit under its control, as well. When and where the congregations do have a say, the final choice is all too often made in accordance with familial tradition, the personality of pastor, the social activity, the music, the location, the convenience, the services (baptisms/marriage/ burial, or the personal freedom or liberality that any given Church has to offer. While such things can leave those attending with a warm and satisfied feeling, the Biblical qualifications and performance of the pastor teacher are secondary and often compromised.
One can be saved at any time and any place, providing one is presented with the true Gospel Message and, with the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit, choosed to believe (place his personal trust and confidence) in it. However, if one is to identify and to engage in the post (after) salvation spiritual life, he/she is going to have to connect with a local assembly or ministry that has a Biblically-qualified and functioning pastor teacher.
A Biblically qualified pastor teacher is not the heretic or the loose cannon that the false prphets paint them to be. Such pastors are very aware of their responsibility and their accountability concerning the accuracy, the quanity and quality of the doctrine they promote.
This connection can be made in a traditional, face to face local assembly, or via one of the many remotes means of communication that are available today.
The making of d-i-s-c-i-p-l-e-s (students and appliers of the Word of God) was in internal job that our Lord gave to the Church He designed.
Meditating on the Word of God on your own is a daily part of the post salvation spiritual life, but in accordance with the plan of God, this should be supplementary to the teaching and equipping ministry (service) of a pastor teacher that God has gifted and ordained for that very purpose. I spent decades "attending" Church and studying "on my own," but it was not until I connected with a Biblically-qualified pastor teacher that I really advanced in the spiritual life.
A false prophet can be used of the devil to lead others just as far away from God and/or the things of God that he/she has chosen for him/herself.
A pastor teacher can only be used of God to lead the members of his congregation to the same level of spiritual maturity that he has first reached for himself (Luke 6: 40).
"A pupil (disciple) is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like (as spiritually mature as) his teacher (Luke 6: 40 NASB italics mine)."
The assigning of pastors to local assemblies by "religious" organizations is how religion maintains control over what is and what is not to be promoted from the pulpit. There is something gone wrong with the plan of God when there are no qualified candidates from within (or available to) any given congregation to replace an out-going pastor. One of the functions of the existing pastor is to identify, train, and prepare members of the congregation who have received the gift and the calling to be a pastor teacher. Such candidates may be the replacement for the existing pastor when he departs, or may leave the local assembly to establish or serve another congregation in need.
Religious seminaries produce religious persons to take part in and to promote religious activity. Once again, we can see where one or many of the alternatives to what God established has been put into place and has grown deep roots within the Christian Community at large.
Having chosen one of the many religious alternatives, religious persons are convinced that they are doing what God requires. Accordingly, they believe that they are entitled to receive the blessings and the benefits that compliance with their chosen religion has to offer. In some cases, they are convinced that they themselves are now qualified to assume positions that religious authorities engineered to take the place and functions that belong to God alone. Assuming the place and/or the functions of God is one of the more subtle ways that the spirit of the Antichrist (1John 4: 2) promotes itself.
The devil promotes religion because he knows what the end result will be. No amount of religion or religious activity can regenerate (Titus 3: 5) a spiritually dead spirit. No amount of religion or religious activity can seal (Eph. 4: 30), that is to mark for identification, a soul as a child of God. No amount of religion or religious activity can produce eternal life. No amount of religion or religious activity or human good deeds can secure forgiveness of sin. No amount of religion or religious activity can get a departed soul into Heaven or out of Hell.
Yet such things are among the things that the promoters of religion offer to those who comply with their requirements.
If such things could be accomplished through rituals and procedures executed by Fallen Man that become priests (as some religions claim), then what reason did God the Father call for the incarnation and torturous crucifixion of God the Son ? For what purpose and what role does God the Holy Spirit play in the Church Age?
Such claims are the work of the Antichrist who desires to take the place and the function of God.
God is NOT pleased with religion because religion consists of all that Man does (or refrains from doing) in a futile attempt to make and keep himself “right” with the one he chooses to acknowledge as the one true God/god.
Christian religion (as opposed to Christianity) is no exception.
What distinguished Christianity from Christian religion, and from all the other religions of the world) is that Christianity is not about what Man does, but about choosing to place one's trust and confidence) in what God has done, God is doing, and what God will do for people of faith. The people of faith are those who have been born gain (John 3: 5, 7, 18), regardless of what (if any) religion they consider themselves to be a part.
One can choose when and to what degree he/she will involve himself in the practice of religion and/or relatively good human deeds and behavior.
But the window of opportunity to be born again and saved is only opened when the enabling ministry of God the Holy Spirit is in operation. This explains why people can be presented with the Gospel Message through human effort but have no interest in listening to it, let alone make a life-changing decision. Responding (by believing) to the call of God the Holy Spirit when presented with the Gospel Message is what can change one from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive with eternal life. This can (and must-John 3: 7) only take place at the time(s) and in the place(s) that GOD chooses. We do not choose when or where we are going to "get right" with God We do choose rather or not we want to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message, and we do choose rather one not we believe it. False prophets will do everything they can to see to it that this never happens.
On our own, that is independent of God, fallen Man is not merely disinterested, but is actually hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God. Fallen Man, independent of the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit, is incapable (1Cor. 2: 14) of understanding the Gospel Message and being saved.
"But a natural (spiritually dead/or out of fellowship) man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them...(1Cor. 2: 14 NASB italics mine)."
Thinking that one is going to Heaven because of all the religious activity or the good deeds that he/she has been involved with is exactly what the devil wants the spiritually dead soul to believe. One is not going to be interested in learning the God's truth as long as he/she is satisfied and content with believing the devil's lie.
Since the Fall of Man, with the one exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, human beings come into this world spiritual dead and extremely vulnerable to the influence of the fallen nature with him.
When under its influence, we are not merely disinterested in God and/or the things of God, but are actually “hostile – Romans 8: 7 NASB) towards it. This subdued hostility can become overt and directed toward the true prophets who attempt to evangelize (present the Gospel Message) to an unsaved soul, or when presenting an edifying principle of Scripture to a back-sliding believer who is out of fellowship with God. They can't attack the message, so they attack the messenger.
While being hostile towards God and/or the things of God, fallen Man is very open to the many religious alternatives that the devil has to offer.
It is God the Holy Spirit who sets the stage and Who enables the otherwise unable (1Cor. 2: 14) soul to understand the Gospel Message when it is presented to him/her. This is why, independent of God, one can read, recite, or otherwise be told of the Gospel Message, but it makes NO impact on the soul of the person involved, if the unseen “enabling” power of God the Holy Spirit is not present.
Furthermore, even when the enabling Work of God the Holy Spirit is present, God does NOT force the recipient to believe (place his trust and confidence) it. That is a choice that God leaves in the hands of the one who receives the information.
Choosing not to hear and/or not to believe (place one’s trust and confidence in the Gospel Message) is a decision that has eternal consequences. One can never be sure if and when God the Holy Spirit will present another opportunity for an unsaved soul to hear and to respond to the Gospel Message.
There are death-bed or imminent death scenarios in which a spiritually dead soul might be saved, but NO ONE is guaranteed that such an opportunity will become available. Tens of thousands of souls depart this world every day, with their departure being the last thing that was on their minds or on the minds of family or friends of the departed when they went to bed last night, or woke up this morning.
The same principle applies to the spiritual edification (educating) of a born again believer. Sometimes we are the advancing disciple that God uses to plant. Sometimes we are the advancing disciple that God uses to water or to cultivate. But it is God (1Cor. 3: 7) who causes Fallen Man to understand and/or to apply the information (Bible Doctrine) that is (should be) being presented to the born again believer on an ongoing basis, as he/she advances in the realm of post salvation discipleship.
When out of fellowship with God, we are in a hostile state of mind towards God and the things of God. Accordingly, when studying the Bible (or engaging in any other activity of a spiritual nature), one must be in fellowship (1Cor. 13: 14) with God if he/she is going to be "open" to instruction.
Salvation is permanent, but one is out of fellowship with God if there are any known sins that have not either been confessed (1John 1: 9) or forsaken (John 8: 11). Fellowship is restored as a result of confessing the sin (1John 1: 9). One remains in fellowship until the next known sin is committed, and remains out of fellowship until it is confessed. Time out of fellowship can be as brief as the few seconds it takes to confess the sin, or for as long as the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth.
Being out of fellowship with God is the greatest inhibitor of an intimate walk with God, and is one of the leading reasons why many "Christians" get nothing out of doing such things as going to Church or reading the Bible.
God the Holy Spirit can use a multitude of means through which His true prophets (spokesmen for God) can present the Gospel Message to any given soul. This presentation can take place at ANY time and in ANY place and under ANY circumstances that He selects.
Only a small percentage of born again believers are called to evangelize or teach discipleship before congregations or large audiences. However, He calls every born again believer to take part in the Great Commission within their individual peripheries. God is just as interested in having the Gospel Message presented to the unbelievers with whom we interact with every day, as anyone else. God is just as interested in having the fellow believers we interact with on a daily basis presented with edifying principles of Scripture as any one else. All one has to do to find out where God wants him/her to serve as His ambassador is to close one's eyes and open them again. And there you are!
For about ten years, in the capacity of a Christian writer, I wrote many articles of a spiritual nature that were published in newspapers, an on-line magazine, or on various web sites on the Internet. In the process of researching and composing these articles is very time consuming. Upon doing so, I found that if you asked 10 “religious” persons or looked into 10 sources of religious information, that more than not you would likely receive 10 different and often conflicting answers.
Ask 10 persons who identify themselves as being a part of any given “religion” on what basis they take the position they do, and most will respond with an answer like, “That’s our faith.”, parroting what they would be told if they presented the same question to their chosen source of spiritual edification.
I have found that many who consider themselves “Christians” aren’t even aware of where the source of many of their religious teachings, traditions, and practices originated from that they have engaged in throughout the course of their “religious” lives. The truth is that for many, if everything that was the product or practice of Man-made religion were to be removed from the various "Christian" denominations and/or organizations, what would remain would be barely recognizable to those who attend and/practice their "religion" on a regular basis.
There came time many years ago when I was determined to learn “the” truth concerning God and things of God. I wasn’t interested in the “Roman Catholic” or the “Protestant” or any one of the many denominational or non-denominational” VERSIONS of the truth, but rather “the” truth itself concerning God and the things of God.
Most parents simply follow the lead of their family/cultural without giving much serious thought to much of what they do (or don’t do) in their “religious” live
In most families, all of the members customarily engage in or are put through the same “religious” rituals and practices. Going against the family's "religion" is rarely accepted, and in some cultures can place one is harm's way.
As children, we are not usually afforded the opportunity to make the choices of where, when, or how we are to receive our information concerning God and/or the things of God. But there comes a time when we must make our own choices.
There are no family-coverage in God's plan of salvation (Luke 12: 52). In any given family unit, some will be saved and some will not. This is true even though in most cases each one of the family members went through the same religious ceremonies and rituals at one time or another.
Salvation is the result of the individual soul hearing the Gospel Message and then responding to it. Post salvation discipleship, that is the study and the application of the Word of God, is also an individual choice.
The post salvation spiritual life does not being until one has already been born again. Therefore, the post salvation spiritual life has go NOTHING to do with retaining one's salvation, but has everything to do with fulfilling the divine purpose for which God created Man.
God created Man to glorify Him in the midst of an ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil. The devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil will use false prophets in a attempt to deny God His glory. The devil and his forces of evil will usually to accomplish this by offering one of the many religious alternatives that his world has to offer. When successful, those who are deceived believe that have identified the true God and the true means of obtaining and retaining the blessings that each God/god as to offer by participating in the religious activity that is associated with each God/god.
If it were any of these rituals and ceremonies that saves us, why will only some of the participants be saved? If it is through religious ceremonies that one is saved or remains saved, how were the first generations of the Church Age saved BEFORE Christian religion and Christian religious activity became a part of the Christian Community? If not from God, then from what source and from time did these religious additives and religious traditions come from?
They came from Man. They are promoted by false prophets. They are endorsed by the devil, and promoted by those who knowingly or ignorantly due his bidding.
To cloud the issue, there were some who promoted the Protestant Reformation movement for political reasons. The original intent of the spiritually-oriented "Protestants" was NOT to start a "new" Church, but to return the Church under the control of the Vatican to its Biblical roots by purging the existing Christian Community from all the religious practices and teachings that Man had brought into and made a part of the Christian Community. This would have either turned the "Roman Church" over on its head, or back up on it's feet, depending on how one choose to perceive the situation.
This was not the first major division with the Christian Community. The Eastern Orthodox Church never acknowledged Papal authority. In any case, the Reformation of what had become the Roman Church was not to be, giving birth to a division between those who chose to stick with and promote the teachings Roman Catholicism, and those who then chose to establish and promote a Church in line with the Protestant's position. As time went on, there were more and more divisions within the Protestant Church fueled by political, social, and religious differences.
Divisions are inevitable if the true Gospel and accurate Bible Doctrines are to be preserved and promoted (1cor. 11: 19).
Identifying false prophets and the damage that they have done, are doing, and will do in the future is why the Church that God designed was repeatedly warned and has been commanded (not an option) to examine (2Cor. 13: 5) itself (not others) to insure that they have not gone off the tracks and/or neglected the purpose (Matt. 28: 19, 20) for which God established it.
Everything, good or evil, has a starting point. If one took the time to identify when and under what authority different teachings and practices were and are introduced into the Christian Community, then much of the false teachings and practices would be exposed for what they really are. If the authority was not the proper interpretation and application of the Word of God then it is the product of Man-made religion. If there is no Biblical endorsement for the activities, then the activities are the products of Man-made religion. If the things and activities come from the Old Testament, but are NOT intended for the Church Age in which we are living, then they too are the results of Man-made religion.
There were (past tense) holy buildings, holy structures, officiating priests, and tangible altars for the Old Testament dispensation. In the Church Age, it is the collective bodies (1Cor. 3: 16) of born again believers that make up the "temple of God." Church Age believers to do not "go to Church," but ARE the Church that gathers together (Heb. 10: 25) for such things as corporate worship and the teaching of the Word of God. This "gathering together" of the temple and NOT in the temple can take place face to face in the traditional manner or via many of the remote means of communication.
All born again believers are members of the royal priesthood (1Pet. 2: 9), with direct access to God's throne, and represent God before Man, here in the devils world. These priests do NOT take the place or the functions that belong to God and to God alone. Human priests can not reproduce what only God can do. Only God could have (and did) atoned for sin (1John 2: 2). Only God can forgive sin (grant absolution). To God alone are sins to be confessed. Only the Lord Jesus Christ could have (and did) produce an acceptable sacrifice and did so ON THE CROSS. This can not and is not reproduced when celebrating the Lord's Supper (Communion). The stated purpose for celebrating this ritual is to bring into remembrance (1Cor. 11: 24, 25)) the Lord Jesus Christ and the atoning work that He accomplished while ON the cross, and NOT to reproduce the body and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by human effort. The last altar that God acknowledged where the one and only acceptable sacrifice was made was the cross! Note that in Scripture (Eph. 4: 11), where the temporary and permanent positions within the Church that God created were listed, there is NO position of priest! If officiating priests were to hold such important roles and functions as religion would have us believe, then why is the position not even mentioned? Did God forget to mention that, or was it because there was never any such position or function during the Church Age?
The last tangible altar that God recognized was the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, on which the last and final sacrifice was made. There is an intangible altar within the soul structure of each individual believer on which daily sacrifices of self are made in order to move forward in the plan of God.
If one is to advance in the realm of post salvation discipleship, he/she must learn to distinguish the difference between what God has established for the Church Age and alternative "holy" buildings, the alternative altars, the apparatus, the furnishings, the priesthood, and the alternative teachings and the alternative practices that have been erroneously introduced (or re-introduced) into the Christian Community in the name (authority) of religion.
If it is through religious rituals that one is saved, then what necessitated the cruel suffering Work of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Thank God that as far as salvation is concerned, He made it perfectly clear (John 3: 5, 7, 16, 18 / Romans 8: 1/ 1Cor. 3: 1`5/ Rev. 20: 15) on what basis EVERY soul (regardless of “religious” affiliation or non-religious affiliation) will find themselves in Heaven and/or eventually in the what the Bible calls the lake of fire.
Throughout the course of the Old Testament dispensation and in the dispensation of the Church Age in which we are presently living, the people of God were warned NOT to add (in words or practice) anything to what was and can be sustained by a correct interpretation and application of the Word of God.
Both Old and New Testament Scripture is replete with warnings concerning false prophets.
Over and over the believers of the Old Testament would add to, take from, reject, deny, or pervert what Old Testament Scripture either required or prohibited, resulting in the people of God going astray from the true God and/or from the true things of God. Here in the Church Age, and especially now in the end times, the Christian Community is doing the same. If such a state of affairs had not been prophesied to take place (1Tim. 4: 1), one would be at a loss to explain what has become of much of the Church that God designed.
If one does not develop the spiritual discernment to spot a false prophet, he/she is a "sitting duck" in the realm of spiritual combat (Eph. 6).
“But a prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name (authority) of other gods, that person shall die (Deut. 18: 20 NASB italics mine).”
Church Age discipleship is all about first learning and then applying the principles of Word of God to what one thinks, says, and does on a daily basis. Discipleship is initially for one's own personal benefit, but with the long range objective of evangelizing and edifying others. One cannot pass along to others what he/she has not first learned for him/herself.
Other than setting the stage for one to be presented with the Gospel Message, n-o-t-h-i-n-g of spiritual significance takes place in the life of a soul until he/she is first born again.
Just as a physically dead person can to do n-o-t-h-i-n-g in the natural realm, a spiritually dead person can do n-o-t-h-i-n-g in the spiritually realm. We come into this world spiritually dead and remain so unless and until we receive a r-e-g-e-n-e-r-a-t-e-d human spirit (Titus 3: 5). This regeneration is one of several things that takes place the moment one is born again. Even after one is born again, the born again believer can still produce nothing of spiritual significance apart from the enabling power (John 15: 5) that God supplies to a Spirit-filled (Eph. 5: 18) believer.
The Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20) that the Lord gave to His Church was/is to proclaim the Gospel Message to unbelievers, and to make *disciples out of those who have first been born again.
*D-i-s-c-i-p-l-e-s is the English translation of the Greek Work m-a-t-h-e-t-e-s that means to be a technical student (1Pet. 3: 18) and applier (James 1: 22) of the Word of God.
For virtually everything that God has given to Man, the devil has engineered and promotes a counterfeit or perverted version. Being counterfeit, the devil’s alternatives appear to be the real thing and are designed to appeal to the fallen nature (Romans 7) in Man. Man that is inherently hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God, but open to the suggestions offered by the fallen nature within us.
The Bible promotes Christianity, whereas the devil promotes his counterfeit alternative; Christian Religion. The phrase Christian Religion is itself an oxymoron in that it contains two antithetical terms. It is a part of the devil's strategy to make them appear as one in the same.
Christianity is all about placing one’s trust and confidence in all that the God of the Bible has done, is doing, and will do for Man.
Christian religion is all about what Man tries to do to make and to keep himself in good standing with the God of the Bible.
One is the work of God, the other is the work of Man with the devil’s applause. Christian religion accomplishes nothing, whereas Christianity accomplishes everything.
Religion is all about who the nations of the world promote as God and the accompanying means through which human souls try to obtain and/or retain the earthly and eternal blessings that they believe these god(s) have to offer.
Humans do NOT all worship the same God/god, but under a different name. All born again souls are Christians, but not all Christians worship (Matt. 15: 9) the God of the Bible in the way that He desires (John 4: 23). It is the misinterpretation and misapplication of Scripture that have resulted in the never-ending creation of divisions and denominations within the Christian Community at large.
With the exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, every human soul since the Fall of Man comes into this world spiritually dead with a fallen nature that is inherently “hostile-Romans 8: 7 NASB” towards God and the things of God.
As each believer becomes more and more edified, he/she will changes in what he/she accepts as truth concerning God and the things of God. It is a life-long process. If you never perceive the need to make changes, then you are either first person since Christ to have all the answers, or you have failed to continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3: 18). My money is on the latter.
While each one of the many denominations or groups (usually) claims to have all the answers to spiritual issues. While some are more culpable than others, the truth is that there is not ONE out there that doesn’t have a history of engaging in “religious” practices of one kind or another. Man has a long and ongoing history of promoting the traditions of Man over the doctrines of God with disastrous results (Matt. 15: 9).
“But in vain do they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the precepts of Man (Matt. 15: 9).
Just as in the case of the individual believer, there is a need for ongoing “self-examinations (2Cor. 13: 5) of the quantity and the quality of the doctrines that the pastor provides to the congregational to insure that the local assembly or ministry is “in the faith’, accurately teaching and promoting God and the things of God, and not the Man-made traditions and/or additives of Man-made religion.
Once a false teaching or practice has taken root, its removal becomes increasing difficult to remove. The work of the *Reformers in not complete, and must continue to be an ongoing practice.
There were those who chose to promote the Protestant Reformation to achieve personal and political advantages. The true Reformers did not choose to start a “new” Church, but to return a large portion of the Christian Community to its Biblical roots.
In the business world, there is a need to have a Mission Statement and the ongoing need to review or amend existing policies if the organization is to keep on its stated course. The same principle can be applied to the Church.
The Mission Statement of the Church that God designed, documented in Matthew 28: 19, 20, is to promote the Gospel Message for salvation and to make disciples out of those who are born again.
The alternative Churches that are of human design and promoted by the devil engage in many other activities, some of which were never a part of the plan that God had in mind, and in some cases actually contradict what the Bible has to say.
The end result being, “…they worship Me in vain (by) teaching (practicing) as (Bible) doctrines (what are) the precepts (rules/requirements) of Man (Matt. 15: 9 NASB italics mine).”
The infiltration of Man-made religious teachings and practices into the Christian Community has been the objective of the devil since the earliest years of the Church Age (Galatians 3).
There are teachings and practices (e.g. circumcision/animal sacrifices/ tithing/etc.) that w-e-r-e (past tense) a part of the type of worship, rituals, and practices that God desired to take place during the Old Testament dispensation. The character and the nature of God does not change, but now that we are in the Church Age dispensation, some of these forms of worship, rituals, and practices having fulfilled their purpose (Matt. 5: 18/Heb. 10), and no longer a part of the things that God requires of believers.
Failing to make these distinctions is what opens the door to activities that were never intended to be a part of the Church that God designed.
The Church did not come into existence until the Feast of Pentecost, in Jerusalem, shortly after our Lord's Ascension (Acts 1, 2). Most of the "Church", consists of departed born again believers who are currently in Heaven in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1)) with only a generation or two here on Earth. This will continue to be the case until the Rapture takes place when the entire Church is united and receives their resurrected bodies (1Thess. 4: 16, 17).
The Galatians 3 issue was over the physical circumcision of male believers. This is a classic example of attempting to bring an Old Testament practice into the Church Age. This circumcision issue was resolved, but many more have been introduced (or-reintroduced) in the name (authority) of Man-made religion and are promoted as necessities in order for one to obtain and/or to retain salvation. Although highly esteemed by Man (Luke 16: 15), these additives are not only false, but are an insult to the integrity of the Person and the all-sufficient Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salvation is the result of placing one’s trust and confidence on what God did for us, and NOT on what we do, don’t do, or have done for ourselves or in behalf of others in a misguided attempt to please or appease God.
Note that Scripture teach that the believers in the ancient Galatia had been “bewitched (Gal. 3: 1 NASB).” The devil’s flaming arrows (Eph. 6: 16 NASB) in the hands of the “religious” crowd achieved their diabolical goal, resulting in the spread of fear, doubts, and insecurity in the local assembly in ancient Galatia. The devil continues to have such success within the Christian Community-at-large throughout the course of the Church Age.
Accordingly, there are “religious” teachings and fruitless practices that have been introduced and incorporated into the teachings and practices of the Christian Community-at-large over the course of the Church Age. These are among the things that are held in high esteem by “religious” persons, but are “detestable – Luke 16: 15 NASB” in the sight of God. They are detestable because that are Anti-Christ, having been elevated to take the place or the function of God and place them in the hands of religious priests.
This apostasy (false teachings and practices) will only get increasingly worse in the final years of the Church Age (1Timothy 4: 1), making true discipleship more and more of a challenge, but more and more significant in order to keep the Church that God designed on course.
When a Christian is asked if he/she is a “religious” person, his/her answer should be, “I certainly hope not!”
By making such a response, perhaps a door of opportunity may open allowing the Christian to explain the all important difference between being a spiritually dead, “religious” person and a spiritual alive person who has been born again.
Q: What’s the difference?
A: Heaven or Hell.
Just as in the days of the Old Testament dispensation, there are two types of false prophets here in the present day dispensation of the Church Age.
One type of a false prophet involves those who would speak in behalf of one of the (Psalms 96: 5) f-a-l-s-e gods (Deut. 18: 20). The second type would be one who claims/claimed to speak for the God the Bible, but what he/she foretells and/or otherwise promotes did not come from God (Deut. 18: 20).
The devil uses false prophets to promote false gods (Psalms 96: 5). The devil uses false prophets to dispute the Gospel Message. The devil will use false prophets to challenge the permanency of the salvation that a born again has already received. The devil will use false prophets to promote his alternative means of salvation. The devil will use false prophets to distract a born again believer from identifying and executing the true post salvation spiritual life. The devil will use false prophets to deny life after death. The devil will use false prophets to downplay the personal account that each one of us will be required to give to God. The devil will use false prophets to downplay the consequences (1COr. 3: 14/Rev. Chapters 2, 3) of post salvation sin.
The voice of false prophets can be heard coming from many pulpits WITHIN the apostate Christian Community of our day (Angles of light). The voice if false prophets can be heard in most sit-coms, gab shows, movies, and forms of current "entertainment. " The voice of false prophets can be heard in any place that the devil can get his hands on, deceiving and reinforcing his deception overs millions of souls each and every day.
Q. How are false prophets and their counterfeit alternatives to be identified?
A. In the secular world, those who deal with currency are NOT trained so much by keeping up with the latest form of counterfeiting, but by being able to confirm the real thing. In the spiritual realm, the real thing is what can be substantiated by a correct interpretation and application of the Word of God. It is by developing at least a working knowledge of what the Word of God DOES say, an advancing disciple can spot an "alternative" when it comes along. Alternatives consist of things that have been added to, taken from, or present a perverted version of what an accurate interpretation and/or application of the Bible would have to say.
The ancient Bereans (Acts 17: 11) were praised for doing so when they chose to compare what the Apostle Paul had to offer with what could be verified by existing Scripture. The Bible, at that time, was still a "work in progress." In the times in which we are living, we have the advantage of having the completed Bible With that "advantage," comes a greater level of responsibility and accountability (Luke 12: 48).
"...From everyone (Church Age believers) who has been given much (The completed Canon Of Scripture) much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, they will ask all the more (Luke 12: 48 NASB)."
Spiritual ignorance is a choice that we make. Spiritually dead souls choose to be ignorant when they choose NOT to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message. Born again believers choose to be ignorant when they choose NOT to engage in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
New Testament Scripture is replete of warnings concerning the presence and activity of false prophets INSIDE and outside of the Christian Community and in the world at large.
The extent of the prophesied apostasy (1Tim. 4: 1) within the Christian Community of our day is clear evidence of the presence and the influence that the devil and his false prophets have had, have, and will have WITHIN the Christian Community. False prophets do not walk around in red suits and pointed forks, but disguise and present themselves as servants of God (Matt. 7: 15/Romans 16: 17-18/2Cor.11: 14).
Many others are blind guides leading the blind (Matt. 15: 14) having been first deceived themselves. While the first category involves malicious intent, a bullet fired in ignorance can be just as lethal! This is how the nemesis (Christian Religion) of Christianity is passed down from generation to generation. Like a snow ball rolling down a steep slope, it gains greater and greater volume and force.
Many who claim to be Christians would have a hard time explaining what the Gospel Message is all about, even though for most of their lives that have “attended” what they believe to be a local church that is a part of the Church that God designed.
Just as only a minority of any given generation of the Church Age will be saved, only a minority those saved will engage or remain in the post (after) salvation life of discipleship.
Current statistics report that 70% of the population of the USA identifies itself as being a part of what is generally considered to be a part of the Christian Community. Yet, it does not take a lot of spiritual perception to see that we, as a whole, have very much become a godless nation in our policies, lifestyles, and interaction with others.
The fact that, on a global scale, Christianity has never been as widely accepted as have the many false religions is clear evidence of the impact that false prophets and the false religions they promote have had.
Only God and each individual soul knows what any given soul actually believes in his/her heart of hearts, but according to secular statistics, Christianity only accounts for about 32 % of the world’s population.
I believe that among the 32%, if the Rapture takes place during “worship services” within the Christian Community at large, many (Matt. 7: 13) attending will be left behind sitting in the pews along with the false teachers on/around the altars or pulpits. Being a follower of Christian r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n does NOT necessarily mean that one has been born again (Matt. 7: 21).
"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter (Matt. 7: 21 MANS)."
The will of My Father is to believe in the Person and the atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ as explained in the Gospel Message.
ALL born again believers are assured of a home in Heaven (Romans 8: 1), but not all born again believers will experience in the same way. There will be those who receive and experience rewards and privileges that others will forfeit.
Among those who are born again, the majority of them will forfeit many (or all) of the 1Cor. 3: 14, 15) rewards and Rev. 2/Rev.3 privileges that are reserved for those who executed the post (after) salvation spiritual life while HERE on EARTH.
The long term implication of the Matt. 7: 14 few vs. many principle is that the majority of the human race is headed for the Torments of Hades and then what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15). This is not because many of them were not relatively good or religious, but because they were never born gain (John 3: 5,7, 18).
This is true, even though it is God’s desire that all men be saved (1Tim. 2: 4 ), or that God failed to include them when the Lord Jesus Christ atoned for sins of whole world (James 1: 22) on he cross. He provided the means (1John 2: 2) for each and every soul to be born again (John 3: 5, 7), but it is up to each individual soul to believe (John 3: 18).
The spiritually-dead soul receives the gift of salvation IF, and ONLY if, he chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message.
Some might argue that he/she never had such an opportunity, but after seeing this link, he/she no longer have that excuse.
To believe or to disbelieve (John 3: 18) in a presentation of the Gospel Message is a choice that each one of us "must (John 3: 7 NABS)" make. There is NO other way, including via the alternative and additives that are the products of Man-made religion, that can take the place this simple, but necessary, act of faith.
Some say that taking this position is being very narrow-minded. But “n-a-r-r-o-w” is how Matt. 7: 13 NASB the “gate” that leads to eternal life is defined.
Matt. 7:13 goes on to say that the alternative gate is wide and the alternative way is broad that leads to destruction.
Religion, including so-called Christian religion, consisting of all that Man has engineered and/or erroneously added (Prov. 30: 6) to (or has distorted) the Word of God, is what has paved and made smooth this road of destruction that many (the majority) will choose to take.
Unless we are one of those who are destined to be here on Earth when the Rapture takes place (), the body we have here on earth will die and decompose (). But our soul that God (not our parents) creates will never die either here on Earth or in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15). Every soul that God creates will either spend eternity in fellowship with God, or separated from God in what the Bible (Rev. 20: 15) calls the lake of fire.
This Matt. 7 destruction, as it pertains to unbelievers, does not result in total annihilation. The Rev. 20: 15 “lake of fire” is not a place of extermination, but one of never-ending suffering. We are not told exactly how this suffering will impact us, but if it is anything like the agony presently being experienced by departed unbelievers in the Torment of Hades (Luke 16: 24), it is not where anyone would want to go. The suffering in Hades comes to an end when the souls of unbelievers are summoned to the Court of Heaven (Rev. 20: 13), but only to be judged and then thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15)!
Perhaps the greatest torment is the knowledge that one’s time in the lake of fire, separated from God, will N-E-V-E-R end! As long as we are here on Earth, there are many things that can occupy our minds, but this will not be the case once we pass from this life .
This Matt. 7: 13 destruction, as it pertains to born again believers, involves the diminishing of what could have been a glorious post salvation spiritual life here on Earth. This destruction does not impact the integrity of the salvation that the born again believer has already received, but does result in the forfeiture of many or all of the 1Cor. 3: 14 rewards and the Rev. 2 and Rev. 3 privileges of Heaven.
* * *
The Bible tells us that the Gospel Message will be preached as a testimony to the world at large (Matt/ 24: 14), but nowhere does the Bible teach that (prior to the Second Advent) will there come a time that the majority of the world’s population will believe it or be saved.
In fact, Matt. 7 teach that only be a minority (of each generation) that will find the one way that leads to eternal life, and that even with a family (), there will be those who will be, and those who won’t be, saved! This is an eye-opening principle when one considers that it is customary for every member of any given family to all participate in the same "religious" activity, yet not all will be saved!
Virtually ALL religions claim to have identified the true God/god and “the” way that one must comply with in order to connect with and remain connected to, in order to receive the earthly and/or heavenly blessings that each one claims to offer.
This raises the question as to which “religion” is the right one to follow. Is it Buddhism, Hinduism, Islamic, Orthodox Judaism, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, or one of the other “-isms” referred to in Psalms 96.5?
The answer is actually a simple one. Since all “religion” comes from the thoughts of Man and not God, the answer is NONE of the above!
In the case of Christian religion, it is the devil's alternative to genuine Christianity. Christian religion is all about what Man tries to do to make and keep himself right with the God of the Bible in order to receive the earthly and heavenly benefits spoken of in the Bible. Christianity, on the other hand, is all about placing one's trust and confidence in what God has done, God is doing, and that God will do for the people of faith. The people of faith are those who have been born again.
It is the pre-salvation ministry of God the Holy Spirit that enables a spiritually dead soul to identify, listen to, and to respond to the call of God to be saved. It is the work of God that enables the born again believer to identify, to listen to, and to respond to the voice of God for the development and the execution of the post salvation spiritual life. This is what Scripture (John 15: 5) is referring to when it speaks of Man's inability to do anything without the empowering function of God.
Spirit-filled, born again believers, have a role in the process (1Cor. 3: 6-9), but the Work is accomplished by God. The role that Spirit-filled, born again believers have is to set an example and to present others with the information (Gospel Message/Post salvation doctrine) they need to hear in order for them to make an informed decision when approached and enabled by God the Holy Spirit.
Listening to the voice of ANY Man-made religion concerning salvation is NOT listening to the voice of God. Listening to the voice of ANY Man-made religion for the development of discipleship is NOT listening to the voice of God. Different seeds produce different crops.
Unlike religion, GOD never thinks, says, or does ANYTHING that contradicts His Word. It is the accurate knowledge of His Word (The Bible) that the advancing disciple will use to evaluate ANY information that is presented to him/her. Each and every day our soul structures are bombarded with all kinds of information that will appeal to the fallen nature within us, but run contrary to the Word of God. Like erosion on the sea coast, this bombardment is a part of the devil's strategy to wear down the saints (Daniel 7: 25). Seeing or hearing anything enough will desensitize even the most spiritually among us to the evil in most things.
Anyone who would advise you not to read the Bible in order to avoid the inevitable questions that true discipleship will generate should be regarded as a false prophet.
At the same time, the use of the Bible as one’s source of edification and guidance is only profitable when it is accurately interpreted and properly applied. The devil and his false prophets have a long history of twisting what God has said in an attempt to promote satanic agenda.
One of the first principles I learned when studying for ordination was the need to interpret and apply the principles of the Word of God by making use of the I.C.E. method.
The "I" stands for isagogics which means to interpret in light of the time and historical background taking place at the time the passage was written, and its proper application to the Church Age in which we are presently living.
The "C" stands for categorical which means to take into consideration all of the passages/verses of Scripture that address any given subject. Selecting isolated verses can make the Bible appear to say or justify just about any thing that a clever speaker or writer desires.
The "E" stands for exegesis which refers to studying the verse in light of the languages (Hebrew/ Greek/ Aramaic) in which the original transcripts were first written and inspired.
Note that the Bibles that have been translated into the English language presented a great difficulty for translators due to the ambiguous nature of the English language. The old saying that something can be lost in the translation certainly applies to the Word of God. What is lost is the clarity that the original languages (Hebrew/Greek/Aramaic) provide.
Granted, “All Scripture (not all t-r-a-n-s-l-a-t-i-o-n-s of Scripture) is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness….(2Tim 3: 16 NASB italtics mine).” The advancing disciple must learn to accurately interpret it, apply it, and keep if free from religious contamination.
The DEVIL quoted Scripture (Matt. 4: 6) in a attempt to cause the Lord Jesus Christ to error and sin. False prophets will use the same strategy. After all, if the concept can be made to appears to have come from the Bible then it must be correct. Right?
A misinterpretation and/or a misapplication of The Bible can lead one away from God and the things of God, regardless of the sincerity of the the presenter.
By misusing Scripture, false prophets can secure a win-win scenario when dealing with weak believers.
A weak believer is one who has been born again, but who is either ignorant of, or who rejects what the Bible has to say when it comes to various spiritual issues.
There are many religious persons who are spiritually dead, never having been born again. There are many born again believers who are weak believers, having chosen to neglect post (after) salvation discipleship.
Weak believers are easily deceived and led away from God or the things of God.
This highlights the need for an advancing disciple to have the opportunity and to make the right choice as to who one's pastor teacher is going to be at any given time during his/her walk with the Lord.
Many denominations do not afford the congregations under their religious authority this choice. They do allow their members to go to another "parish" providing they have that pulpit under its control, as well. When and where the congregations do have a say, the final choice is all too often made in accordance with familial tradition, the personality of pastor, the social activity, the music, the location, the convenience, the services (baptisms/marriage/ burial, or the personal freedom or liberality that any given Church has to offer. While such things can leave those attending with a warm and satisfied feeling, the Biblical qualifications and performance of the pastor teacher are secondary and often compromised.
One can be saved at any time and any place, providing one is presented with the true Gospel Message and, with the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit, choosed to believe (place his personal trust and confidence) in it. However, if one is to identify and to engage in the post (after) salvation spiritual life, he/she is going to have to connect with a local assembly or ministry that has a Biblically-qualified and functioning pastor teacher.
A Biblically qualified pastor teacher is not the heretic or the loose cannon that the false prphets paint them to be. Such pastors are very aware of their responsibility and their accountability concerning the accuracy, the quanity and quality of the doctrine they promote.
This connection can be made in a traditional, face to face local assembly, or via one of the many remotes means of communication that are available today.
The making of d-i-s-c-i-p-l-e-s (students and appliers of the Word of God) was in internal job that our Lord gave to the Church He designed.
Meditating on the Word of God on your own is a daily part of the post salvation spiritual life, but in accordance with the plan of God, this should be supplementary to the teaching and equipping ministry (service) of a pastor teacher that God has gifted and ordained for that very purpose. I spent decades "attending" Church and studying "on my own," but it was not until I connected with a Biblically-qualified pastor teacher that I really advanced in the spiritual life.
A false prophet can be used of the devil to lead others just as far away from God and/or the things of God that he/she has chosen for him/herself.
A pastor teacher can only be used of God to lead the members of his congregation to the same level of spiritual maturity that he has first reached for himself (Luke 6: 40).
"A pupil (disciple) is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like (as spiritually mature as) his teacher (Luke 6: 40 NASB italics mine)."
The assigning of pastors to local assemblies by "religious" organizations is how religion maintains control over what is and what is not to be promoted from the pulpit. There is something gone wrong with the plan of God when there are no qualified candidates from within (or available to) any given congregation to replace an out-going pastor. One of the functions of the existing pastor is to identify, train, and prepare members of the congregation who have received the gift and the calling to be a pastor teacher. Such candidates may be the replacement for the existing pastor when he departs, or may leave the local assembly to establish or serve another congregation in need.
Religious seminaries produce religious persons to take part in and to promote religious activity. Once again, we can see where one or many of the alternatives to what God established has been put into place and has grown deep roots within the Christian Community at large.
Having chosen one of the many religious alternatives, religious persons are convinced that they are doing what God requires. Accordingly, they believe that they are entitled to receive the blessings and the benefits that compliance with their chosen religion has to offer. In some cases, they are convinced that they themselves are now qualified to assume positions that religious authorities engineered to take the place and functions that belong to God alone. Assuming the place and/or the functions of God is one of the more subtle ways that the spirit of the Antichrist (1John 4: 2) promotes itself.
The devil promotes religion because he knows what the end result will be. No amount of religion or religious activity can regenerate (Titus 3: 5) a spiritually dead spirit. No amount of religion or religious activity can seal (Eph. 4: 30), that is to mark for identification, a soul as a child of God. No amount of religion or religious activity can produce eternal life. No amount of religion or religious activity or human good deeds can secure forgiveness of sin. No amount of religion or religious activity can get a departed soul into Heaven or out of Hell.
Yet such things are among the things that the promoters of religion offer to those who comply with their requirements.
If such things could be accomplished through rituals and procedures executed by Fallen Man that become priests (as some religions claim), then what reason did God the Father call for the incarnation and torturous crucifixion of God the Son ? For what purpose and what role does God the Holy Spirit play in the Church Age?
Such claims are the work of the Antichrist who desires to take the place and the function of God.
God is NOT pleased with religion because religion consists of all that Man does (or refrains from doing) in a futile attempt to make and keep himself “right” with the one he chooses to acknowledge as the one true God/god.
Christian religion (as opposed to Christianity) is no exception.
What distinguished Christianity from Christian religion, and from all the other religions of the world) is that Christianity is not about what Man does, but about choosing to place one's trust and confidence) in what God has done, God is doing, and what God will do for people of faith. The people of faith are those who have been born gain (John 3: 5, 7, 18), regardless of what (if any) religion they consider themselves to be a part.
One can choose when and to what degree he/she will involve himself in the practice of religion and/or relatively good human deeds and behavior.
But the window of opportunity to be born again and saved is only opened when the enabling ministry of God the Holy Spirit is in operation. This explains why people can be presented with the Gospel Message through human effort but have no interest in listening to it, let alone make a life-changing decision. Responding (by believing) to the call of God the Holy Spirit when presented with the Gospel Message is what can change one from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive with eternal life. This can (and must-John 3: 7) only take place at the time(s) and in the place(s) that GOD chooses. We do not choose when or where we are going to "get right" with God We do choose rather or not we want to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message, and we do choose rather one not we believe it. False prophets will do everything they can to see to it that this never happens.
On our own, that is independent of God, fallen Man is not merely disinterested, but is actually hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God. Fallen Man, independent of the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit, is incapable (1Cor. 2: 14) of understanding the Gospel Message and being saved.
"But a natural (spiritually dead/or out of fellowship) man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them...(1Cor. 2: 14 NASB italics mine)."
Thinking that one is going to Heaven because of all the religious activity or the good deeds that he/she has been involved with is exactly what the devil wants the spiritually dead soul to believe. One is not going to be interested in learning the God's truth as long as he/she is satisfied and content with believing the devil's lie.
Since the Fall of Man, with the one exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, human beings come into this world spiritual dead and extremely vulnerable to the influence of the fallen nature with him.
When under its influence, we are not merely disinterested in God and/or the things of God, but are actually “hostile – Romans 8: 7 NASB) towards it. This subdued hostility can become overt and directed toward the true prophets who attempt to evangelize (present the Gospel Message) to an unsaved soul, or when presenting an edifying principle of Scripture to a back-sliding believer who is out of fellowship with God. They can't attack the message, so they attack the messenger.
While being hostile towards God and/or the things of God, fallen Man is very open to the many religious alternatives that the devil has to offer.
It is God the Holy Spirit who sets the stage and Who enables the otherwise unable (1Cor. 2: 14) soul to understand the Gospel Message when it is presented to him/her. This is why, independent of God, one can read, recite, or otherwise be told of the Gospel Message, but it makes NO impact on the soul of the person involved, if the unseen “enabling” power of God the Holy Spirit is not present.
Furthermore, even when the enabling Work of God the Holy Spirit is present, God does NOT force the recipient to believe (place his trust and confidence) it. That is a choice that God leaves in the hands of the one who receives the information.
Choosing not to hear and/or not to believe (place one’s trust and confidence in the Gospel Message) is a decision that has eternal consequences. One can never be sure if and when God the Holy Spirit will present another opportunity for an unsaved soul to hear and to respond to the Gospel Message.
There are death-bed or imminent death scenarios in which a spiritually dead soul might be saved, but NO ONE is guaranteed that such an opportunity will become available. Tens of thousands of souls depart this world every day, with their departure being the last thing that was on their minds or on the minds of family or friends of the departed when they went to bed last night, or woke up this morning.
The same principle applies to the spiritual edification (educating) of a born again believer. Sometimes we are the advancing disciple that God uses to plant. Sometimes we are the advancing disciple that God uses to water or to cultivate. But it is God (1Cor. 3: 7) who causes Fallen Man to understand and/or to apply the information (Bible Doctrine) that is (should be) being presented to the born again believer on an ongoing basis, as he/she advances in the realm of post salvation discipleship.
When out of fellowship with God, we are in a hostile state of mind towards God and the things of God. Accordingly, when studying the Bible (or engaging in any other activity of a spiritual nature), one must be in fellowship (1Cor. 13: 14) with God if he/she is going to be "open" to instruction.
Salvation is permanent, but one is out of fellowship with God if there are any known sins that have not either been confessed (1John 1: 9) or forsaken (John 8: 11). Fellowship is restored as a result of confessing the sin (1John 1: 9). One remains in fellowship until the next known sin is committed, and remains out of fellowship until it is confessed. Time out of fellowship can be as brief as the few seconds it takes to confess the sin, or for as long as the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth.
Being out of fellowship with God is the greatest inhibitor of an intimate walk with God, and is one of the leading reasons why many "Christians" get nothing out of doing such things as going to Church or reading the Bible.
God the Holy Spirit can use a multitude of means through which His true prophets (spokesmen for God) can present the Gospel Message to any given soul. This presentation can take place at ANY time and in ANY place and under ANY circumstances that He selects.
Only a small percentage of born again believers are called to evangelize or teach discipleship before congregations or large audiences. However, He calls every born again believer to take part in the Great Commission within their individual peripheries. God is just as interested in having the Gospel Message presented to the unbelievers with whom we interact with every day, as anyone else. God is just as interested in having the fellow believers we interact with on a daily basis presented with edifying principles of Scripture as any one else. All one has to do to find out where God wants him/her to serve as His ambassador is to close one's eyes and open them again. And there you are!
For about ten years, in the capacity of a Christian writer, I wrote many articles of a spiritual nature that were published in newspapers, an on-line magazine, or on various web sites on the Internet. In the process of researching and composing these articles is very time consuming. Upon doing so, I found that if you asked 10 “religious” persons or looked into 10 sources of religious information, that more than not you would likely receive 10 different and often conflicting answers.
Ask 10 persons who identify themselves as being a part of any given “religion” on what basis they take the position they do, and most will respond with an answer like, “That’s our faith.”, parroting what they would be told if they presented the same question to their chosen source of spiritual edification.
I have found that many who consider themselves “Christians” aren’t even aware of where the source of many of their religious teachings, traditions, and practices originated from that they have engaged in throughout the course of their “religious” lives. The truth is that for many, if everything that was the product or practice of Man-made religion were to be removed from the various "Christian" denominations and/or organizations, what would remain would be barely recognizable to those who attend and/practice their "religion" on a regular basis.
There came time many years ago when I was determined to learn “the” truth concerning God and things of God. I wasn’t interested in the “Roman Catholic” or the “Protestant” or any one of the many denominational or non-denominational” VERSIONS of the truth, but rather “the” truth itself concerning God and the things of God.
Most parents simply follow the lead of their family/cultural without giving much serious thought to much of what they do (or don’t do) in their “religious” live
In most families, all of the members customarily engage in or are put through the same “religious” rituals and practices. Going against the family's "religion" is rarely accepted, and in some cultures can place one is harm's way.
As children, we are not usually afforded the opportunity to make the choices of where, when, or how we are to receive our information concerning God and/or the things of God. But there comes a time when we must make our own choices.
There are no family-coverage in God's plan of salvation (Luke 12: 52). In any given family unit, some will be saved and some will not. This is true even though in most cases each one of the family members went through the same religious ceremonies and rituals at one time or another.
Salvation is the result of the individual soul hearing the Gospel Message and then responding to it. Post salvation discipleship, that is the study and the application of the Word of God, is also an individual choice.
The post salvation spiritual life does not being until one has already been born again. Therefore, the post salvation spiritual life has go NOTHING to do with retaining one's salvation, but has everything to do with fulfilling the divine purpose for which God created Man.
God created Man to glorify Him in the midst of an ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil. The devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil will use false prophets in a attempt to deny God His glory. The devil and his forces of evil will usually to accomplish this by offering one of the many religious alternatives that his world has to offer. When successful, those who are deceived believe that have identified the true God and the true means of obtaining and retaining the blessings that each God/god as to offer by participating in the religious activity that is associated with each God/god.
If it were any of these rituals and ceremonies that saves us, why will only some of the participants be saved? If it is through religious ceremonies that one is saved or remains saved, how were the first generations of the Church Age saved BEFORE Christian religion and Christian religious activity became a part of the Christian Community? If not from God, then from what source and from time did these religious additives and religious traditions come from?
They came from Man. They are promoted by false prophets. They are endorsed by the devil, and promoted by those who knowingly or ignorantly due his bidding.
To cloud the issue, there were some who promoted the Protestant Reformation movement for political reasons. The original intent of the spiritually-oriented "Protestants" was NOT to start a "new" Church, but to return the Church under the control of the Vatican to its Biblical roots by purging the existing Christian Community from all the religious practices and teachings that Man had brought into and made a part of the Christian Community. This would have either turned the "Roman Church" over on its head, or back up on it's feet, depending on how one choose to perceive the situation.
This was not the first major division with the Christian Community. The Eastern Orthodox Church never acknowledged Papal authority. In any case, the Reformation of what had become the Roman Church was not to be, giving birth to a division between those who chose to stick with and promote the teachings Roman Catholicism, and those who then chose to establish and promote a Church in line with the Protestant's position. As time went on, there were more and more divisions within the Protestant Church fueled by political, social, and religious differences.
Divisions are inevitable if the true Gospel and accurate Bible Doctrines are to be preserved and promoted (1cor. 11: 19).
Identifying false prophets and the damage that they have done, are doing, and will do in the future is why the Church that God designed was repeatedly warned and has been commanded (not an option) to examine (2Cor. 13: 5) itself (not others) to insure that they have not gone off the tracks and/or neglected the purpose (Matt. 28: 19, 20) for which God established it.
Everything, good or evil, has a starting point. If one took the time to identify when and under what authority different teachings and practices were and are introduced into the Christian Community, then much of the false teachings and practices would be exposed for what they really are. If the authority was not the proper interpretation and application of the Word of God then it is the product of Man-made religion. If there is no Biblical endorsement for the activities, then the activities are the products of Man-made religion. If the things and activities come from the Old Testament, but are NOT intended for the Church Age in which we are living, then they too are the results of Man-made religion.
There were (past tense) holy buildings, holy structures, officiating priests, and tangible altars for the Old Testament dispensation. In the Church Age, it is the collective bodies (1Cor. 3: 16) of born again believers that make up the "temple of God." Church Age believers to do not "go to Church," but ARE the Church that gathers together (Heb. 10: 25) for such things as corporate worship and the teaching of the Word of God. This "gathering together" of the temple and NOT in the temple can take place face to face in the traditional manner or via many of the remote means of communication.
All born again believers are members of the royal priesthood (1Pet. 2: 9), with direct access to God's throne, and represent God before Man, here in the devils world. These priests do NOT take the place or the functions that belong to God and to God alone. Human priests can not reproduce what only God can do. Only God could have (and did) atoned for sin (1John 2: 2). Only God can forgive sin (grant absolution). To God alone are sins to be confessed. Only the Lord Jesus Christ could have (and did) produce an acceptable sacrifice and did so ON THE CROSS. This can not and is not reproduced when celebrating the Lord's Supper (Communion). The stated purpose for celebrating this ritual is to bring into remembrance (1Cor. 11: 24, 25)) the Lord Jesus Christ and the atoning work that He accomplished while ON the cross, and NOT to reproduce the body and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by human effort. The last altar that God acknowledged where the one and only acceptable sacrifice was made was the cross! Note that in Scripture (Eph. 4: 11), where the temporary and permanent positions within the Church that God created were listed, there is NO position of priest! If officiating priests were to hold such important roles and functions as religion would have us believe, then why is the position not even mentioned? Did God forget to mention that, or was it because there was never any such position or function during the Church Age?
The last tangible altar that God recognized was the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, on which the last and final sacrifice was made. There is an intangible altar within the soul structure of each individual believer on which daily sacrifices of self are made in order to move forward in the plan of God.
If one is to advance in the realm of post salvation discipleship, he/she must learn to distinguish the difference between what God has established for the Church Age and alternative "holy" buildings, the alternative altars, the apparatus, the furnishings, the priesthood, and the alternative teachings and the alternative practices that have been erroneously introduced (or re-introduced) into the Christian Community in the name (authority) of religion.
If it is through religious rituals that one is saved, then what necessitated the cruel suffering Work of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Thank God that as far as salvation is concerned, He made it perfectly clear (John 3: 5, 7, 16, 18 / Romans 8: 1/ 1Cor. 3: 1`5/ Rev. 20: 15) on what basis EVERY soul (regardless of “religious” affiliation or non-religious affiliation) will find themselves in Heaven and/or eventually in the what the Bible calls the lake of fire.
Throughout the course of the Old Testament dispensation and in the dispensation of the Church Age in which we are presently living, the people of God were warned NOT to add (in words or practice) anything to what was and can be sustained by a correct interpretation and application of the Word of God.
Both Old and New Testament Scripture is replete with warnings concerning false prophets.
Over and over the believers of the Old Testament would add to, take from, reject, deny, or pervert what Old Testament Scripture either required or prohibited, resulting in the people of God going astray from the true God and/or from the true things of God. Here in the Church Age, and especially now in the end times, the Christian Community is doing the same. If such a state of affairs had not been prophesied to take place (1Tim. 4: 1), one would be at a loss to explain what has become of much of the Church that God designed.
If one does not develop the spiritual discernment to spot a false prophet, he/she is a "sitting duck" in the realm of spiritual combat (Eph. 6).