Let’s begin with a definition!
Psychologists generally define boredom as being a mental state of mind in which the individual finds himself uncomfortable, restless, and/or detached from his/her immediate circumstances and/or environment.
In such a state of mind, the individual mentally “escapes” the discomfort by focusing his attention on some past, ongoing, or future event, totally tuning out the activity taking place around him.
If not trying to mentally escape, one might combat the boredom by passing the time away by engaging in other activities, while still maintaining a physical presence for appearances sake while one attends social events or activities with which he/she has no genuine interest.
If the truth be known, this is exactly how many worshipers “get through” their weekly religious obligations, as they go to Church. Bored “worshipers” will go through a mental check list, taking note of how more of the line-up in the program remain until they have gotten their “obligation” out of the way, so they can get on with whatever it is that they do have a genuine interest.
There are times that the distracting pressure of ongoing problems can get in our way of focusing on God and/or the things of God. This is unfortunate, as it is during such times that one can benefit most from such things. It doesn’t take a whole lot of spiritual discernment to figure out that it is the devil and/or the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil generating or promoting such distractions.
Just as a diminished appetite for food in the natural realm is an indication that something has gone amiss in one’s physical health, a diminished appetite for the teaching of the Word of God is an indication that something is amiss in the one’s spiritual life.
One of the reasons that engaging in the study of the Word of God is not greatly promoted in the religious realm is that it raises questions about much that takes place in the religious communities.
Religion appeals to the fallen nature in Man as it appears to provide Man with the means to secure both earthly and heavenly blessings, and to the means to avoid an eternity in Hell.
In truth, although held in high esteem by Man (Luke 16: 15), religious rituals that are void of spirituality, and/or involve a lukewarm heart, are repulsive (Isa. 64: 6/Luke 16: 15/Rev. 3: 16) in the sight of God.
“So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth (Rev. 3: 16 NASB).”
An advancing disciple in fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God will not find the intake of the Word of God boring. On the contrary, like an infant crying out for its milk, the soul of an advancing disciple cries out for its next “feeding” of the Word of God.
When one satisfies his “hunger” with “junk food” (human viewpoint), one will feel full of all the food (knowledge) he has.
Therefore, he/she not have a strong desire to eat of the Word. In fact, he/she might find that Bible Doctrine upsets his “stomach” (soul structure), religion and true doctrine do not go together.
In this prophesied (1Tim. 4: 1) apostate (false doctrine/practices) period of the Church Age, finding a pulpit that provides solid Bible teaching on a regular basis is becoming more and more of a hard find.
Never-the-less, God cannot command us (as He does) to grow in His knowledge (2Pet. 3:18) and then not provide us with the means to do so.
The question is rather or not we really have the desire to do so (Jer. 29: 13), and willingness to make the necessary adjustments (James 1:22).
We usually do find or make the time to do all that we really want to do, and usually find an excuse not to do anything that we really don’t.
“And you will seek and find Me, (IF AND) when you search for Me with all your heart (Jer. 29: 13 NASB).”
“But prove yourselves doers of the Word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves (James 1: 22 NASB).”
For many of us, if were to spent even 25% of the daily time that we spend listening to what the devil’s world has to say, there would be some major changes in how we would see the world around us. What the devil and/or his world has to say can be seen and heard in much of the media and the various forms of entertainment out there today.
Spiritual combat (Eph. 6: 12) is not a boring environment. The opportunity to spend some time away from the heat of battle, to rejuvenate and to prepare for the next battles to come, is a much-desired activity.
This is a part of what should be taking place in the worship services of the Church that God designed.
To make the most of worship services, one should come prepared.
One is prepared to worship God by conducting a 2Cor. 13: 5 self-examinations, for the purpose of making the necessary adjustments (1John 1:9/John 8: 11).
This preparation is what assures the believer that he/she is in fellowship with God (2Cor. 13: 14). Being in fellowship with God is what makes one ready to receive the Word God.
When out of fellowship with God, one is not teachable, being under the influence of his fallen nature that is inherently hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God.
Teaching the Word of God for the making of disciples was/is the internal mission that was given to the Church in the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20). The external mission calls for proclaiming of the Gospel Message.
If the Worship service is going to include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Communion), Church Age believers are commanded (not an option) to engage in this same type of pre-examination place (1Cor. 11: 28). Otherwise the participant is subject to severe divine discipline (1Cor. 11: 30) for having participated in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) in an unworthy manner.
Being taught the Word of God is not boring when one’s heart is right with God. In fact, it will become one of the highlights of any given day. The other highlights are the opportunities to apply what we have learned.
If one’s present form of worship does not provide him/her with the means (Bible Doctrine) and opportunity to grow in the knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3: 18/Matt. 28: 12), there is something dramatically amiss that needs to be addressed.
All one has to do to determine if this is taking place is to honestly answer the following question:
In the past six months, what new doctrine have I learned, or what doctrine do I now have a better understanding?
If you find the worship of God boring, there is something dramatically amiss that needs to be addressed. Is it the “menu” or your “appetite?”
As with idle hands (Proverbs 16: 27-29), a bored mind is a garden in which evil can flourish. If one is not occupied with God and the things of God, the devil has a whole warehouse full of things to fill the “void.”
The advancing disciple will always have “something to do” that promotes the quality of his own post salvation spiritual life, or that evangelizes or edifies others (Matt. 9: 37-38).
One’s interest and involvement in such things is a matter of where God and the things of God are placed on one’s list of priorities and on one’s list of things to do.
I heard of a police officer who would take on extra traffic duty in constructions sites on his days off and give the money he earned in support of his local assembly. His local assembly was apparently very much involved with the Great Commission (saving and edifying souls).
One would normally not think that directing traffic (or any other means for extra income) would be “doing the Lord’s work,” but this is just one practical example of how any born- again believer can do his/part.
This man clearly has the spiritual gift of giving. He willingly gave more financial support in one week than many so-called “Christians” give to their local assemblies in the course of two years! He, himself, does not take on a teaching role (other than his own personal testimony/witness), but his financial contribution enables those who do.
Do you believe in the power of prayer? Have you advanced in the life of discipleship to the point that you have developed a genuine concern for the spiritual welfare of others?
If you said “Yes” to these questions, you can be a prayer warrior, instead of a spiritual worrier.
If you are a private person, you can engage in this type of ministry without anyone (other than God) even being aware of it (Matt. 6: 6).
If you are more socially inclined, you can organize a local prayer group that receives prayer requests and makes intercessory prayers to God in their behalf. This can be done at a local assembly, or on an internet website with very little financial expense.
One can be an effective prayer warrior virtually anywhere. All one needs to do is to take note of what others are dealing with and making a part of your private prayer life!
One word of caution about praying in behalf of others.
God is aware of many factors that you are never informed. Accordingly, the answer to your prayer requests may not be what you anticipated or expected.
For example, God’s answer to your prayer request for the salvation and/or edification of others may be that all Hell is going to break out in the personal life of the one prayed for, if that is what it is going to take to accomplish God’s ultimate will.
There is no such thing as an unanswered prayer. This is such a thing as not receiving the answer that we were seeking.
Every prayer receives a “yes,” a “no,” or a “not right now” answer. See the Doctrine of Prayer for more details.
Busy people are not bored, but what one busies him/herself with is equally important. The more time that one has on their hands, the more he/she is accountable for what he/she does with it (Luke 12: 48).
God has work for the disciple to do in every stage of life, but many disciples produce more divine good after their families are raised and/or after they have retired from their secular occupations. Better late than never!
Involving oneself with the spiritual needs of others is not only the long-term objective of post salvation discipleship, it is a great solution to boredom. One’s level of interest and participation in such things is a matter of which one of two roads (Matt. 7: 13, 14) he/she is treading.
Pain in the natural realm can be a good thing to the extent that it notifies our brain that something is not right in our physical being.
Boredom with God or the things of God can be a good thing in that it notifies our soul structure that something is not right in our walk with the Lord.
One cannot walk with the Lord here on Earth until he/she is first born again (John 3: 5, 7) by believing (placing one’s full trust and confidence) in the Person and the atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ, as explained in a presentation of the Gospel Message.
Once born again, then one has the option of developing and experiencing intimate fellowship (1Cor. 13: 14) as he walks with the Lord on a daily basis.
Even the greatest “blessings” that the devil and his world has to offer will be of no comfort when the time for one’s earthly departure appears on the horizon or takes us by surprise.
Many of those who receive such “blessings” along the way find no lasting pleasure in them and become bored with them.
Even if one has everything that the devil’s world has to offer, the soul can become so bored that engaging in reckless and destructive activities can become appealing just to feel alive.
Earthly prosperity with God (3John 1: 2) is wonderful, but earthly prosperity without God is a satanic trap (Mark 8: 36).
Advancing disciples will find the people and the things of the devil’s world more and more boring as he/she is conformed to the likeness of Christ (Romans 8: 29), and the people of the world will find the things and the people of God more and more boring, as they tread down the road that leads to destruction (Matt. 7: 13).
Rather or not you are bored, and who it is that finds you boring reveals a lot about where one is in his/her relationship and in his/her walk with God.