And I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart (Jer. 24: 7 NASB)."
In context, the verse is taken from a passage that spoke of the ancient Hebrews during one of many periods throughout their history after they had gone spiritually astray. It spoke of a future reconciliation with God. Going spiritually astray has been an issue that is as old as the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3), and is as current (1Tim. 4: 2/Rev. 2/Rev. 3) as the Church Age dispensation in which we are living.
One of the characteristics of a born again (John 3: 5, 7) believer engaged in post (after) salvation discipleship is an insatiable desire to continually know and more about God and the things of God on a personal level. The more such a believer has learned, the more of a desire he will have to learn more.
One of the characteristics of a person or society going astray is the lack of an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God. The teaching of the Word of God is the internal (inside) mission that was given to the Church that God designed (Matt. 28: 20). To whatever extent one has an appetite for the written Word of God, he/she has the same level of desire to know the living Word of God (The Lord Jesus Christ-John1:1).
Just as the lack of appetite in the natural realm is an indication of something going wrong in our natural well-being, so is the lack of an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God in the spiritual realm.
Gathering together (Heb. 10: 25), be it in the traditional manner, aka "going to Church,"or by way of one of many modern day means of communication, in order to be taught the Word of God is not a burden for the advancing disciple, but is looked forward to as much as a hearty meal is looked forward to by a hungry man in the natural realm. All advancing disciples are born again believers, but not all born again believers are advancing disciples.
Note that technically, Church Age believers do not "go to Church," but are the temple of God (1Cor. 3: 16) that gathers together Heb. 10:25) to celebrate the Lord's Supper (1Cor. 11: 24, 25) and to be taught the Word of God on a regular basis. The alternate churches that Man in the name of religion have established have alternate agendas.
One major Christian religion refers to attending certain worship services as "days of obligation." Ironically, this is exactly what many attending find it to be; a burdensome obligation that one can't wait to get over with to move on to other activities of the day. Such believers clearly do not have appetite for the teaching of the Word, and usually have an same level of interest in applying what little knowledge they do possess.
Unfortunately, there are other believers who do have an appetite for the Word, but it is not being satisfied by the pulpit of the their choice.
A Biblical argument (Romans 14: 5) can be made for the setting aside of a certain day(s) (e.g. Sundays) for gathering together (Heb. 10: 25), as well as for regarding all days (of the week) providing an equal opportunity to gather together and to engage in spiritual activity.
"One man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind (Romans 14: 5 NASB)."
One or two hours a week engaged in corporate worship and 15 min. of personal devotional time each day only accounts for less than 3% of the 168 hrs. that we are given each week. What one does during the remaining 97% of the week is just as important as what we do with the 3% gathered together and/or in personal devotional time.
In fact, what we during the 97% is not impacting we do during the 3% time, there is a need for a 2 Cor. 13: 5 examination and to make the necessary adjustments.
Many who see Sunday as the appropriate day for worship, rest, and reflection, do so because among other things, it was day on which the Lord was found to have risen from the dead. A closer examination of Scripture reveals that although His resurrection was announced at dawn on Sunday, it allows for the possibility that He could have arisen any time after sunset on Saturday, as well.
It was on Sunday morning, at dawn (Matt. 28: 1) that , Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave and encountered the angel. According to Mathew's Gospel, the angel announced to the the Mary's that the Lord was not there, as He had (already) risen from the dead.
Note that, depending on which viewpoint you want to apply, the start of the "first day of the week" could be after midnight early Sunday, or after sunset on Saturday. Jewish viewpoint places the end of one day and the start of the next at sunset. Gentile (Roman) viewpoint views the end of one day and the start of the next as of midnight.
Jewish viewpoint views the weekly Sabbath day beginning sundown Friday, and ending at sundown on Saturday. The first day of the week (according to Jewish viewpoint) begins at sundown on Saturday and ends at sundown on Sunday. Accordingly, as far as on the third day concept is concerned, the Lord could have risen any time after sunset on Saturday according to Jewish viewpoint, or any time after midnight on Sunday, according to Gentile (Roman) viewpoint.
Neither one conflicts with the announcement made by the angel that the Lord had already risen by the time that the women arrived at the tomb at dawn on Sunday.
Scripture (Matt. 28: 1) confirm is that is was at *dawn (*John's Gospel says it was still dark - John 20: 1) when "Mary Magdalene and the other Mary" came to the tomb and encountered an angel that announced to them that the Lord was not there, and that He had (a-l-r-e-a-d-y) arisen. These passages of Scripture do not provide us with the exact time to clarify if the actual resurrection took place after sunset on Saturday, or after midnight on Sunday, only that He had in fact arisen by the time the women reached the tomb at dawn on Sunday.
* * *
Others see choose Sunday as being the New Testament version of the Old Testament Sabbath. However, the weekly Old Testament Sabbath began at sundown on Friday and remained in place until sundown on Saturday. Furthermore, the Old Testament Sabbath took place on seventh day of the week, not the first. There are many Old Testament practices that were (past tense) a part of the type of worship that God desired for that dispensation that the Church that Man designed has adopted, after putting a "Christian" spin on them, but are without Scriptural authorization, and in many cases actually contradict what Scripture has to say.
Needless to say which "Church" the devil promotes.
L-o-n-g before Christian religion made Sunday "the" day to gather together "in Church," the believers of the Church Age were meeting on a daily basis in all kinds of different locations (Acts 2: 46) and environments.
* * *
Failure to study the details that Scripture offer has open the door to many inaccurate teachings concerning the day of the week that various Biblical events took place.
The Matt. 12: 40 prophecy made by the Lord Jesus Christ sheds clarifying light on the commonly accepted, but inaccurate, teaching that the Lord was crucified on a Friday.
"For just as Jonah was there three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12: 40 NASB)." Jesus Himself made this prophecy, eliminating any possibility that the prophesy was false or that it came from a false prophet. There is no ambiguity in the prophecy offering any alternatives for the three days and the nights requirement.
In the Matt. 12 : 40 prophecy, the "Son of Man" is the Lord Jesus Christ and the "heart of the earth" was the tomb in which His deceased body was placed. Some interpret that the heart of the earth to refer to the Paradise section of Hades where the human spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ descended to (See Luke 23: 43) and remained until the resurrection took place.
Regardless how one chooses to interpret the phrase " heart of the earth," our Lord's self-declared requirement encompassing three days and three nights before the resurrection could take place remains in tact.
The partial day = full day argument might account for the three days (although Gospel of John reports it was still dark), but there is no way to account for the three nights if the Lord's body was placed in the tomb on Friday evening, as traditional teaching contends.
There were two Sabbath (holy) that took place on the week of Christ's crucifixion. One of these two Sabbaths was Passover that began on Wednesday at sunset and ran until sunset on Thursday. The Passover Sabbath was preceded by a day of preparation that started on Tuesday evening at sunset and ran to sunset on Wednesday when the Passover Sabbath began. The activity surrounding the Passover Meal that took place on Tuesday evening makes it clear that the day of preparation and the Sabbath being spoken of in Luke 23: 54 was the Passover Sabbath (Wednesday sunset to Thursday sunset) and the preceding day of preparation had been (Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset). Just the simple fact that there are not enough nights between Friday evening and Sunday morning eliminates the weekly Sabbath as being the Sabbath being referred to in Luke 23: 54 and Mark 16: 42. This also eliminates Friday as being the day on which Christ was crucified and buried.
The Sabbath of Matthew 28: 1 is the weekly Sabbath that had ended at sundown on Saturday night.
Jewish people do not "defile" themselves by touching a corpse on a Sabbath, as this would prevent them from taking part in the religious activities of that Day. This was why the Mary did not go the tomb until after both Sabbaths (and their days of preparation) has passed. Mark 16: 1 tells us that the women went to the tomb with spices to complete the burial rituals. This ritual requires contact with the corpse.
Late on Wednesday evening (part of the 24 day of preparation (Luke 23: 54/Mark 16: 42) before the start of Passover) after seeking and receiving permission from Pilate, Joseph from Arimathea wrapped the deceased body of Jesus in a clean n clothe, placed it in his own tomb, sealed the tomb with a large stone, and went away. This burial was witnessed by Mary Magdalene and another Mary who Scripture defines as the "other Mary" (Matt. 27: 61)."
The day of preparation spoken of in Matt. 27: 62 is making reference to the day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. The day after the preparation day being spoken of in Matt. 27: 62 would be Friday, that technically began on Thursday night at sundown. At the request of the Pharisees, It was on this day (Friday) that the Roman guard was placed at the sealed grave with the concept of preventing a false claim that the prophesied resurrection (in three days) had taken place (Matt. 27: 64).
It was not until the passing of the second Sabbath that week, being the weekly Sabbath that the women returned to the tomb with the intentions of completing the burial rituals of that day.
The (above) time line, promotes Wednesday as the day on which Christ was crucified and buried (placed in the tomb). This was calculated by taking the available information concerning the timing of His resurrection (prior to dawn on Sunday morning) and working backwards to accommodate the fulfillment three days and the three nights prophecy. Keep in mind that the Jewish day began at sunset and not sunrise. Most of us think of a day as a period light that starts with sunrise and ends at sundown, followed by a night that starts at sundown and ends at sunrise. Our date is established by the passing of midnight. The "daily" cycle, from Jewish viewpoint, is not day (light) followed by night, but night (darkness) beginning after sunnet, followed by day (light) beginning at sunrise.
The prophesied three day and three night period in the heart of the earth at sundown on Wednesday, and completes the period as of sundown on Saturday. When the Marys came to the tomb early on Sunday morning (John-) says it was still dark) they met an angel who announced to them that He was not there, and that He had (already) risen. The prophesied three days and three nights in the heart of the earth consisted of the following.
Night #1 began at sunset on Wednesday and ended at sunrise on Thursday.
Day #1 began at sunrise on Thursday and ended at sundown on Thursday.
Night #2 began at sundown on Thursday and ended at sunrise of Friday.
Day #2 began at sunrise on Friday and ended at sundown on Friday.
Night #3 began at sundown on Friday and ended at sunrise on Saturday.
Day #3 began at sunrise on Saturday and ended at sundown on Saturday.
The cycle began on Wednesday at sundown (after He was placed in the tomb) and ended on Saturday after sundown. We are not told how exactly how much time (if any) passed after sundown on Saturday (when the period ended), only that it was learned early on Sunday morning that He had (already) risen.
The correct identification of the exact day during the course of what has become known as Holy Week, as well as "the" appropriate day (if there is one)on which Church Age believers are to father together for spiritual activities are among the many, many, differences between what genuine (Bible-based) Christianity and, so-called Christian Religion have to say. Christianity reflects the, "... mind of Christ (1Cor 2: 16 NASB), whereas Christian Religion reflects the mind of Man. When and where they disagree, the believer has to choose which peg he wants to hang his hat. For the advancing disciple, he/she wants to know God and the things of God, and NOT what Christian Religion has to offer.
The phrase Christian Religion is actually an oxymoron, as God-inspired Christianity and Man made-Christian Religion are incompatible. Christian Religion consists of all the teachings and the practices that Man has disobediently (Prov. 30: 6) added to what can be verified (Acts 17: 11) by the Word of God.
Unless and until one knows what the Word of God has to say about any given spiritual subject, he/she is easily deceived by the concepts promoted by Christian Religion. The fallen nature that is within us is hostile (Romans 8: 7)towards God and the things of God (Christianity), but is receptive to all the alternatives that the devil promotes. Christian Religion is the devil's alternative to Christianity. Some groups have become more apostate (1Tim. 4: 1) than others, but the roots and the fruit of Christian Religion have found a home in virtually every quarter of the so-called Christian Community at large.
The real danger of Christian Religion (as opposed to Christianity) is that the followers of Christian Religion believe that it is through such religious rituals and religious activity that Man makes and keeps him/herself "right" with God, entitling him/her to receive the blessing of God here on Earth and in Heaven. God never has and never will owe anything to anyone.
Never lose sight of the fact that the devil is both willing and able (Luke 4: 6) to prosper anyone who knowingly or even unwittingly promotes his agenda.
In truth, Christianity is all about placing our faith (trust and confidence) in what God has done, God is doing, and what God will do for and through the people of faith. The people of faith, here in the Church Age, are those who have been born again (John 3: 5, 7), as a result of choosing to make a positive response to a presentation of the Gospel Message. Once born again, the believer is then called to a lifestyle of discipleship. Discipleship involves the study and the application of the Word of God to oneself first, with the long term objective of participating in the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20).
One can be very religious, but yet, never be born again. This was the dilemma in which Nicodemus, a very religious man of his day, found himself. He had enough spiritual discernment to know that something was not right, and sought out the Lord for an answer. The answer he received is that same answer that religious people of every generation need to hear. "You must be born again (John 3: 7 NASB)."
The phrase "born again" has been the target of much use and abuse. In the minds of some, it is the beginning of a spiritual walk with the Lord, whereas for others it refers to a religious fanatic. To be born means to receive a form of life, and again means to happen for a second time. The first time we are born takes place in the natural realm when the body that our biological parents reproduced comes forth at birth, and the soul that God creates is placed into it. The second birth takes place IF and when the soul chooses to respond to a presentation of the Gospel Message. The second birth takes place in the spiritual realm resulting in such things as the soul receiving eternal life (John 3: 16), being sealed/baptized (marked for for identification) by God the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4: 30, and the previously dead human spirit being regenerated (Titus 3: 5). All of this activity automatically takes place at the moment one believes (The Gospel Message), and is the work of God, not Man.
At that moment, the issue of salvation for that individual has been settled for all of eternity, but his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life has just begun. The purpose of the post salvation spiritual life is NOT to retain the salvation he/she has already received, but to engage in the post salvation life of discipleship. Discipleship, being the internal part of the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 20) given to the Church that God designed,involves the life long study and application of the Word of God. One can not apply what he/she has not first learned.
Needless to say, it is in the realm of religion that the devil has produced and promoted most of his alternatives in order to deceive Man.
The devil will do (and has done) a great job of diminishing the need for the study of the Word of God. The only thing that the Bible does in the homes of many who claim to be Christians, is to collect dust! Bibles in pristine condition (other than the dust) is usually accompanied by deceived individuals, whereas a well used Bible is a sign of an advancing disciple and/or a godly family.
The devil will do all that he can to distract us from growi-n-g (an ongoing practice) in the knowledge (2Pet. 3: 18) and the application (James 1: 22) of the Word of God. After all, he contends, if you are already born again and can't lose your salvation (both true), why deal will all the inevitable adversity that the life of discipleship will bring (2Tim 3: 12)? The devil knows that if we do not have the Biblical answers, we will more than likely adopt and pass along some product or practice of religion instead, to our own hurt as we unwittingly promote the devil's agenda. For the devil, its a win-win scenario.
Never lose sight that there are many things that are held in high esteem by Man that are detestable (Luke 16: 15) and/or amount to filthy rags (Isa. 64: 6) in the sight of God.
"...for that which is highly esteemed among men are detestable in the sight of God (Luke 16: 15 NASB)."
"For all of us like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment...(Isa. 64: 6 NASB)."
The devil knows that it is to what extent we know the Word that we are, "...ready to make a defense to everyone who asks... (1Pet. 3: 15 NASB)" spiritual questions. The devil knows that our effectiveness as Christ's ambassadors (2Cor. 5: 20) here in the devils world (Luke 4: 6) is limited to our knowledge of what the policies of God truly are.
The desire to know God and/or the Word of God does not come from ourselves or other people, but our choice of what we will do with this God-given desire can be greatly diminished if we choose to listen to the various voices of evil. These evil voices include the inaudible voice of our self-centered (Matt. 19: 27) fallen, hostile (Romans 8: 7), the inaudible voice of the devil (1Pet. 5: 8), the inaudible voices of his Eph.6:12 forces of evil, the audible the voices of well-meaning, but spiritually blind people (Matt. 15: 14), and/or the audible voices of false and/or ignorant prophets who believe they are, and promote themselves as, spokesmen from God (2Cor. 11: 14, 15). Such voices are powerful tools in the hands of the devil's and are used to promote his alternative agenda (John 8: 44). The religions of the world (Psalms 96: 5), as well as Christian Religion (as opposed to Christianity) are all a part of the devil's alternative agenda.
The devil is fine with whatever choices a spiritually dead soul makes, as long as it is not to believe in the Gospel Message. The devil is fine with whatever choices a born again believer makes, as long as it is not to identify and execute the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
The devil is not going to "rattle the cage" of anyone who already is right where he wants them to be! The devil is certainly going to rattle the cages of anyone who shows any willingness or desire to grow in his/her knowledge (1Pet. 3: 18) and/or application (James 1: 22) of the Word of God. The devil has mastered the art of spiritual combat (Eph. 6), knowing what buttons to press and when to press them for maximum effect. These buttons can produce temporal blessings or adversity, whichever will get the job done.
Maximum effect has been achieved in the life of an unbeliever when he/she has no desire to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message. Maximum effect has been achieved in the life of a born again believer when he/she has no desire to c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e to grow in his/her knowledge of the Lord (1Pet. 3: 18) and/or has no desire to apply the knowledge that he/she already has.
The truth is that many of us do not really want to know the truth because of the challenges and the inevitable cost (Luke 14: 26) that applying the truth is going to bring (Luke 14: 26).
"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate (love less) his own father and mother and wife (or husband) and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life (personal interests) he cannot be My disciple (Luke 14: 26 NASB italics mine)."
Ignorance is bliss, and it is much easier to just go with the flow and make life as easy as possible while floating down the way that leads to destruction, than it is to turn around and go against the current. Discipleship IS going to cost the advancing disciple something. I have noted that sooner or later that "something" is going to be something that is near and dear to the heart of the believer at the time. It is usually at that point along the road to spiritual maturity that the believer turns back or engages in one of the many religious alternatives that the world and its devil promotes.
Learning, but then not applying the learned truth invites divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6). Note that born again believers are not just commended to continually grow in the quantity of the truth we possess, but to grow in its application, as well.
The desire (or lack of desire) to know God goes hand in hand with where one is along the road to spiritual maturity. There are no level plateaus along the road to spiritual maturity. One is either advancing upward, or reverting downward at any given time. Regardless of how much knowledge of the Lord one has obtained, there is always going to be room for more and the need to edify and better apply what we have already have secured. If you are "fine" with being "right where you are now," then there is a good chance that devil is fine with that, too!
Until one is born again, he/she can know "of" God and the things of God, but that is not the same as knowing God on a personal and intimate level. God "knows" about every soul He has has ever created, but there are many religious, but spiritually dead, persons who will hear these words, "I never knew you (Matt. 7: 23 NASB)."
Pastor's note:
Perhaps you are like Nicodemus. You have touched all the bases of your chosen "religion." Perhaps you, like he, may even hold an important office or function in the religious realm. But in your heart of hearts, you harbor doubts and insecurity concerning spiritual issues. You "hope" that if there is a Heaven, you will be there, and not in Hell, if there is one, when you leave this world.
Scripture makes it clear that Heaven is NOT for those who are good enough, as no one is. Heaven is for those who are born again (John 3: 5,7). One is born again by choosing to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message. Nothing more and nothing less. One will NEVER be any MORE or any less SAVED that he/she becomes the split second he/she is born again. IF you have not been born again, my prayer for you is that you will take a few minutes, read the Gospel Message, and make the right choice.
Once born again, then God will go to work on you, filling your soul structure with accurate doctrine IF you choose to respond to the call of post salvation discipleship. The army of God, engaged in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6) here in the Church Age is an all volunteer outfit from the body of born again believers.
Success or failure in the post salvation spiritual life neither increases or decreases the integrity of the salvation that a born again believer has already received.
Sin, and its heavenly (1Cor. 3: 15) and earthly (Heb. 12: 6) consequences will always be something to contend with, right up to the day we leave this planet, but it is comforting for born again believers to know that that the loss of salvation is NOT one of these consequences.
I pray that God will reveal the truth concerning whatever it is that is raising doubts, fears, or insecurity. Then, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matt. 11: 28 NASB)."
In context, the verse is taken from a passage that spoke of the ancient Hebrews during one of many periods throughout their history after they had gone spiritually astray. It spoke of a future reconciliation with God. Going spiritually astray has been an issue that is as old as the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3), and is as current (1Tim. 4: 2/Rev. 2/Rev. 3) as the Church Age dispensation in which we are living.
One of the characteristics of a born again (John 3: 5, 7) believer engaged in post (after) salvation discipleship is an insatiable desire to continually know and more about God and the things of God on a personal level. The more such a believer has learned, the more of a desire he will have to learn more.
One of the characteristics of a person or society going astray is the lack of an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God. The teaching of the Word of God is the internal (inside) mission that was given to the Church that God designed (Matt. 28: 20). To whatever extent one has an appetite for the written Word of God, he/she has the same level of desire to know the living Word of God (The Lord Jesus Christ-John1:1).
Just as the lack of appetite in the natural realm is an indication of something going wrong in our natural well-being, so is the lack of an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God in the spiritual realm.
Gathering together (Heb. 10: 25), be it in the traditional manner, aka "going to Church,"or by way of one of many modern day means of communication, in order to be taught the Word of God is not a burden for the advancing disciple, but is looked forward to as much as a hearty meal is looked forward to by a hungry man in the natural realm. All advancing disciples are born again believers, but not all born again believers are advancing disciples.
Note that technically, Church Age believers do not "go to Church," but are the temple of God (1Cor. 3: 16) that gathers together Heb. 10:25) to celebrate the Lord's Supper (1Cor. 11: 24, 25) and to be taught the Word of God on a regular basis. The alternate churches that Man in the name of religion have established have alternate agendas.
One major Christian religion refers to attending certain worship services as "days of obligation." Ironically, this is exactly what many attending find it to be; a burdensome obligation that one can't wait to get over with to move on to other activities of the day. Such believers clearly do not have appetite for the teaching of the Word, and usually have an same level of interest in applying what little knowledge they do possess.
Unfortunately, there are other believers who do have an appetite for the Word, but it is not being satisfied by the pulpit of the their choice.
A Biblical argument (Romans 14: 5) can be made for the setting aside of a certain day(s) (e.g. Sundays) for gathering together (Heb. 10: 25), as well as for regarding all days (of the week) providing an equal opportunity to gather together and to engage in spiritual activity.
"One man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind (Romans 14: 5 NASB)."
One or two hours a week engaged in corporate worship and 15 min. of personal devotional time each day only accounts for less than 3% of the 168 hrs. that we are given each week. What one does during the remaining 97% of the week is just as important as what we do with the 3% gathered together and/or in personal devotional time.
In fact, what we during the 97% is not impacting we do during the 3% time, there is a need for a 2 Cor. 13: 5 examination and to make the necessary adjustments.
Many who see Sunday as the appropriate day for worship, rest, and reflection, do so because among other things, it was day on which the Lord was found to have risen from the dead. A closer examination of Scripture reveals that although His resurrection was announced at dawn on Sunday, it allows for the possibility that He could have arisen any time after sunset on Saturday, as well.
It was on Sunday morning, at dawn (Matt. 28: 1) that , Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave and encountered the angel. According to Mathew's Gospel, the angel announced to the the Mary's that the Lord was not there, as He had (already) risen from the dead.
Note that, depending on which viewpoint you want to apply, the start of the "first day of the week" could be after midnight early Sunday, or after sunset on Saturday. Jewish viewpoint places the end of one day and the start of the next at sunset. Gentile (Roman) viewpoint views the end of one day and the start of the next as of midnight.
Jewish viewpoint views the weekly Sabbath day beginning sundown Friday, and ending at sundown on Saturday. The first day of the week (according to Jewish viewpoint) begins at sundown on Saturday and ends at sundown on Sunday. Accordingly, as far as on the third day concept is concerned, the Lord could have risen any time after sunset on Saturday according to Jewish viewpoint, or any time after midnight on Sunday, according to Gentile (Roman) viewpoint.
Neither one conflicts with the announcement made by the angel that the Lord had already risen by the time that the women arrived at the tomb at dawn on Sunday.
Scripture (Matt. 28: 1) confirm is that is was at *dawn (*John's Gospel says it was still dark - John 20: 1) when "Mary Magdalene and the other Mary" came to the tomb and encountered an angel that announced to them that the Lord was not there, and that He had (a-l-r-e-a-d-y) arisen. These passages of Scripture do not provide us with the exact time to clarify if the actual resurrection took place after sunset on Saturday, or after midnight on Sunday, only that He had in fact arisen by the time the women reached the tomb at dawn on Sunday.
* * *
Others see choose Sunday as being the New Testament version of the Old Testament Sabbath. However, the weekly Old Testament Sabbath began at sundown on Friday and remained in place until sundown on Saturday. Furthermore, the Old Testament Sabbath took place on seventh day of the week, not the first. There are many Old Testament practices that were (past tense) a part of the type of worship that God desired for that dispensation that the Church that Man designed has adopted, after putting a "Christian" spin on them, but are without Scriptural authorization, and in many cases actually contradict what Scripture has to say.
Needless to say which "Church" the devil promotes.
L-o-n-g before Christian religion made Sunday "the" day to gather together "in Church," the believers of the Church Age were meeting on a daily basis in all kinds of different locations (Acts 2: 46) and environments.
* * *
Failure to study the details that Scripture offer has open the door to many inaccurate teachings concerning the day of the week that various Biblical events took place.
The Matt. 12: 40 prophecy made by the Lord Jesus Christ sheds clarifying light on the commonly accepted, but inaccurate, teaching that the Lord was crucified on a Friday.
"For just as Jonah was there three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12: 40 NASB)." Jesus Himself made this prophecy, eliminating any possibility that the prophesy was false or that it came from a false prophet. There is no ambiguity in the prophecy offering any alternatives for the three days and the nights requirement.
In the Matt. 12 : 40 prophecy, the "Son of Man" is the Lord Jesus Christ and the "heart of the earth" was the tomb in which His deceased body was placed. Some interpret that the heart of the earth to refer to the Paradise section of Hades where the human spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ descended to (See Luke 23: 43) and remained until the resurrection took place.
Regardless how one chooses to interpret the phrase " heart of the earth," our Lord's self-declared requirement encompassing three days and three nights before the resurrection could take place remains in tact.
The partial day = full day argument might account for the three days (although Gospel of John reports it was still dark), but there is no way to account for the three nights if the Lord's body was placed in the tomb on Friday evening, as traditional teaching contends.
There were two Sabbath (holy) that took place on the week of Christ's crucifixion. One of these two Sabbaths was Passover that began on Wednesday at sunset and ran until sunset on Thursday. The Passover Sabbath was preceded by a day of preparation that started on Tuesday evening at sunset and ran to sunset on Wednesday when the Passover Sabbath began. The activity surrounding the Passover Meal that took place on Tuesday evening makes it clear that the day of preparation and the Sabbath being spoken of in Luke 23: 54 was the Passover Sabbath (Wednesday sunset to Thursday sunset) and the preceding day of preparation had been (Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset). Just the simple fact that there are not enough nights between Friday evening and Sunday morning eliminates the weekly Sabbath as being the Sabbath being referred to in Luke 23: 54 and Mark 16: 42. This also eliminates Friday as being the day on which Christ was crucified and buried.
The Sabbath of Matthew 28: 1 is the weekly Sabbath that had ended at sundown on Saturday night.
Jewish people do not "defile" themselves by touching a corpse on a Sabbath, as this would prevent them from taking part in the religious activities of that Day. This was why the Mary did not go the tomb until after both Sabbaths (and their days of preparation) has passed. Mark 16: 1 tells us that the women went to the tomb with spices to complete the burial rituals. This ritual requires contact with the corpse.
Late on Wednesday evening (part of the 24 day of preparation (Luke 23: 54/Mark 16: 42) before the start of Passover) after seeking and receiving permission from Pilate, Joseph from Arimathea wrapped the deceased body of Jesus in a clean n clothe, placed it in his own tomb, sealed the tomb with a large stone, and went away. This burial was witnessed by Mary Magdalene and another Mary who Scripture defines as the "other Mary" (Matt. 27: 61)."
The day of preparation spoken of in Matt. 27: 62 is making reference to the day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. The day after the preparation day being spoken of in Matt. 27: 62 would be Friday, that technically began on Thursday night at sundown. At the request of the Pharisees, It was on this day (Friday) that the Roman guard was placed at the sealed grave with the concept of preventing a false claim that the prophesied resurrection (in three days) had taken place (Matt. 27: 64).
It was not until the passing of the second Sabbath that week, being the weekly Sabbath that the women returned to the tomb with the intentions of completing the burial rituals of that day.
The (above) time line, promotes Wednesday as the day on which Christ was crucified and buried (placed in the tomb). This was calculated by taking the available information concerning the timing of His resurrection (prior to dawn on Sunday morning) and working backwards to accommodate the fulfillment three days and the three nights prophecy. Keep in mind that the Jewish day began at sunset and not sunrise. Most of us think of a day as a period light that starts with sunrise and ends at sundown, followed by a night that starts at sundown and ends at sunrise. Our date is established by the passing of midnight. The "daily" cycle, from Jewish viewpoint, is not day (light) followed by night, but night (darkness) beginning after sunnet, followed by day (light) beginning at sunrise.
The prophesied three day and three night period in the heart of the earth at sundown on Wednesday, and completes the period as of sundown on Saturday. When the Marys came to the tomb early on Sunday morning (John-) says it was still dark) they met an angel who announced to them that He was not there, and that He had (already) risen. The prophesied three days and three nights in the heart of the earth consisted of the following.
Night #1 began at sunset on Wednesday and ended at sunrise on Thursday.
Day #1 began at sunrise on Thursday and ended at sundown on Thursday.
Night #2 began at sundown on Thursday and ended at sunrise of Friday.
Day #2 began at sunrise on Friday and ended at sundown on Friday.
Night #3 began at sundown on Friday and ended at sunrise on Saturday.
Day #3 began at sunrise on Saturday and ended at sundown on Saturday.
The cycle began on Wednesday at sundown (after He was placed in the tomb) and ended on Saturday after sundown. We are not told how exactly how much time (if any) passed after sundown on Saturday (when the period ended), only that it was learned early on Sunday morning that He had (already) risen.
The correct identification of the exact day during the course of what has become known as Holy Week, as well as "the" appropriate day (if there is one)on which Church Age believers are to father together for spiritual activities are among the many, many, differences between what genuine (Bible-based) Christianity and, so-called Christian Religion have to say. Christianity reflects the, "... mind of Christ (1Cor 2: 16 NASB), whereas Christian Religion reflects the mind of Man. When and where they disagree, the believer has to choose which peg he wants to hang his hat. For the advancing disciple, he/she wants to know God and the things of God, and NOT what Christian Religion has to offer.
The phrase Christian Religion is actually an oxymoron, as God-inspired Christianity and Man made-Christian Religion are incompatible. Christian Religion consists of all the teachings and the practices that Man has disobediently (Prov. 30: 6) added to what can be verified (Acts 17: 11) by the Word of God.
Unless and until one knows what the Word of God has to say about any given spiritual subject, he/she is easily deceived by the concepts promoted by Christian Religion. The fallen nature that is within us is hostile (Romans 8: 7)towards God and the things of God (Christianity), but is receptive to all the alternatives that the devil promotes. Christian Religion is the devil's alternative to Christianity. Some groups have become more apostate (1Tim. 4: 1) than others, but the roots and the fruit of Christian Religion have found a home in virtually every quarter of the so-called Christian Community at large.
The real danger of Christian Religion (as opposed to Christianity) is that the followers of Christian Religion believe that it is through such religious rituals and religious activity that Man makes and keeps him/herself "right" with God, entitling him/her to receive the blessing of God here on Earth and in Heaven. God never has and never will owe anything to anyone.
Never lose sight of the fact that the devil is both willing and able (Luke 4: 6) to prosper anyone who knowingly or even unwittingly promotes his agenda.
In truth, Christianity is all about placing our faith (trust and confidence) in what God has done, God is doing, and what God will do for and through the people of faith. The people of faith, here in the Church Age, are those who have been born again (John 3: 5, 7), as a result of choosing to make a positive response to a presentation of the Gospel Message. Once born again, the believer is then called to a lifestyle of discipleship. Discipleship involves the study and the application of the Word of God to oneself first, with the long term objective of participating in the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20).
One can be very religious, but yet, never be born again. This was the dilemma in which Nicodemus, a very religious man of his day, found himself. He had enough spiritual discernment to know that something was not right, and sought out the Lord for an answer. The answer he received is that same answer that religious people of every generation need to hear. "You must be born again (John 3: 7 NASB)."
The phrase "born again" has been the target of much use and abuse. In the minds of some, it is the beginning of a spiritual walk with the Lord, whereas for others it refers to a religious fanatic. To be born means to receive a form of life, and again means to happen for a second time. The first time we are born takes place in the natural realm when the body that our biological parents reproduced comes forth at birth, and the soul that God creates is placed into it. The second birth takes place IF and when the soul chooses to respond to a presentation of the Gospel Message. The second birth takes place in the spiritual realm resulting in such things as the soul receiving eternal life (John 3: 16), being sealed/baptized (marked for for identification) by God the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4: 30, and the previously dead human spirit being regenerated (Titus 3: 5). All of this activity automatically takes place at the moment one believes (The Gospel Message), and is the work of God, not Man.
At that moment, the issue of salvation for that individual has been settled for all of eternity, but his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life has just begun. The purpose of the post salvation spiritual life is NOT to retain the salvation he/she has already received, but to engage in the post salvation life of discipleship. Discipleship, being the internal part of the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 20) given to the Church that God designed,involves the life long study and application of the Word of God. One can not apply what he/she has not first learned.
Needless to say, it is in the realm of religion that the devil has produced and promoted most of his alternatives in order to deceive Man.
The devil will do (and has done) a great job of diminishing the need for the study of the Word of God. The only thing that the Bible does in the homes of many who claim to be Christians, is to collect dust! Bibles in pristine condition (other than the dust) is usually accompanied by deceived individuals, whereas a well used Bible is a sign of an advancing disciple and/or a godly family.
The devil will do all that he can to distract us from growi-n-g (an ongoing practice) in the knowledge (2Pet. 3: 18) and the application (James 1: 22) of the Word of God. After all, he contends, if you are already born again and can't lose your salvation (both true), why deal will all the inevitable adversity that the life of discipleship will bring (2Tim 3: 12)? The devil knows that if we do not have the Biblical answers, we will more than likely adopt and pass along some product or practice of religion instead, to our own hurt as we unwittingly promote the devil's agenda. For the devil, its a win-win scenario.
Never lose sight that there are many things that are held in high esteem by Man that are detestable (Luke 16: 15) and/or amount to filthy rags (Isa. 64: 6) in the sight of God.
"...for that which is highly esteemed among men are detestable in the sight of God (Luke 16: 15 NASB)."
"For all of us like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment...(Isa. 64: 6 NASB)."
The devil knows that it is to what extent we know the Word that we are, "...ready to make a defense to everyone who asks... (1Pet. 3: 15 NASB)" spiritual questions. The devil knows that our effectiveness as Christ's ambassadors (2Cor. 5: 20) here in the devils world (Luke 4: 6) is limited to our knowledge of what the policies of God truly are.
The desire to know God and/or the Word of God does not come from ourselves or other people, but our choice of what we will do with this God-given desire can be greatly diminished if we choose to listen to the various voices of evil. These evil voices include the inaudible voice of our self-centered (Matt. 19: 27) fallen, hostile (Romans 8: 7), the inaudible voice of the devil (1Pet. 5: 8), the inaudible voices of his Eph.6:12 forces of evil, the audible the voices of well-meaning, but spiritually blind people (Matt. 15: 14), and/or the audible voices of false and/or ignorant prophets who believe they are, and promote themselves as, spokesmen from God (2Cor. 11: 14, 15). Such voices are powerful tools in the hands of the devil's and are used to promote his alternative agenda (John 8: 44). The religions of the world (Psalms 96: 5), as well as Christian Religion (as opposed to Christianity) are all a part of the devil's alternative agenda.
The devil is fine with whatever choices a spiritually dead soul makes, as long as it is not to believe in the Gospel Message. The devil is fine with whatever choices a born again believer makes, as long as it is not to identify and execute the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
The devil is not going to "rattle the cage" of anyone who already is right where he wants them to be! The devil is certainly going to rattle the cages of anyone who shows any willingness or desire to grow in his/her knowledge (1Pet. 3: 18) and/or application (James 1: 22) of the Word of God. The devil has mastered the art of spiritual combat (Eph. 6), knowing what buttons to press and when to press them for maximum effect. These buttons can produce temporal blessings or adversity, whichever will get the job done.
Maximum effect has been achieved in the life of an unbeliever when he/she has no desire to listen to a presentation of the Gospel Message. Maximum effect has been achieved in the life of a born again believer when he/she has no desire to c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e to grow in his/her knowledge of the Lord (1Pet. 3: 18) and/or has no desire to apply the knowledge that he/she already has.
The truth is that many of us do not really want to know the truth because of the challenges and the inevitable cost (Luke 14: 26) that applying the truth is going to bring (Luke 14: 26).
"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate (love less) his own father and mother and wife (or husband) and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life (personal interests) he cannot be My disciple (Luke 14: 26 NASB italics mine)."
Ignorance is bliss, and it is much easier to just go with the flow and make life as easy as possible while floating down the way that leads to destruction, than it is to turn around and go against the current. Discipleship IS going to cost the advancing disciple something. I have noted that sooner or later that "something" is going to be something that is near and dear to the heart of the believer at the time. It is usually at that point along the road to spiritual maturity that the believer turns back or engages in one of the many religious alternatives that the world and its devil promotes.
Learning, but then not applying the learned truth invites divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6). Note that born again believers are not just commended to continually grow in the quantity of the truth we possess, but to grow in its application, as well.
The desire (or lack of desire) to know God goes hand in hand with where one is along the road to spiritual maturity. There are no level plateaus along the road to spiritual maturity. One is either advancing upward, or reverting downward at any given time. Regardless of how much knowledge of the Lord one has obtained, there is always going to be room for more and the need to edify and better apply what we have already have secured. If you are "fine" with being "right where you are now," then there is a good chance that devil is fine with that, too!
Until one is born again, he/she can know "of" God and the things of God, but that is not the same as knowing God on a personal and intimate level. God "knows" about every soul He has has ever created, but there are many religious, but spiritually dead, persons who will hear these words, "I never knew you (Matt. 7: 23 NASB)."
Pastor's note:
Perhaps you are like Nicodemus. You have touched all the bases of your chosen "religion." Perhaps you, like he, may even hold an important office or function in the religious realm. But in your heart of hearts, you harbor doubts and insecurity concerning spiritual issues. You "hope" that if there is a Heaven, you will be there, and not in Hell, if there is one, when you leave this world.
Scripture makes it clear that Heaven is NOT for those who are good enough, as no one is. Heaven is for those who are born again (John 3: 5,7). One is born again by choosing to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message. Nothing more and nothing less. One will NEVER be any MORE or any less SAVED that he/she becomes the split second he/she is born again. IF you have not been born again, my prayer for you is that you will take a few minutes, read the Gospel Message, and make the right choice.
Once born again, then God will go to work on you, filling your soul structure with accurate doctrine IF you choose to respond to the call of post salvation discipleship. The army of God, engaged in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6) here in the Church Age is an all volunteer outfit from the body of born again believers.
Success or failure in the post salvation spiritual life neither increases or decreases the integrity of the salvation that a born again believer has already received.
Sin, and its heavenly (1Cor. 3: 15) and earthly (Heb. 12: 6) consequences will always be something to contend with, right up to the day we leave this planet, but it is comforting for born again believers to know that that the loss of salvation is NOT one of these consequences.
I pray that God will reveal the truth concerning whatever it is that is raising doubts, fears, or insecurity. Then, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matt. 11: 28 NASB)."