When most of us think of a day at the beach, it is fun in the sun with a background of a panoramic shoreline that comes to mind.
For many war veterans, thinking about beaches brings back horrific memories of combat in which they either stormed a beach as an invader, or endured the violence in the capacity of a defender repelling the advancement of the invading forces.
Establishing such a beachhead has proven to be a turning point in many wars throughout the course of military history.
Preventing such a beachhead from being established has proven to be a great victory in favor of the defending forces.
Eph.4:27 speaks of a similar scenario in the realm of spiritual combat. Eph. 4:27 warns Church Age soldiers of the cross (2Tim. 2:3) not to give the devil the opportunity to establish a place from which he can later launch his fiery darts (Eph. 6: 16).
One doesn’t usually wake up one morning and decide to engage in sin that he/she knows will inevitably compromise his/her walk with the Lord. The devil often prefers to use an indirect approach masking his true and ultimate objectives.
The process of advancing towards the goal of spiritual maturity takes place throughout the course of one’s post salvation spiritual life.
There are no rest areas along the road leading towards spiritual maturity.
The integrity of the salvation of a born again believer is NEVER in jeopardy (Romans 8:1), but believers are warned not to lose the forward progress in the post salvation spiritual life that he/she has already achieved (2John 1: 8).
At any given time each and every born-again believer is it either moving forward towards the next level of spiritual maturity, or he is sliding backwards.
Within our soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) are all the doctrine and we should have been accumulating in preparation for the inevitable attacks by the devil and /or his Ephesians 6:12 forces of evil.
In the spiritual realm, the devil relentlessly searches (1Pet. 5: 8) for “areas of weakness” in our soul structure on which he can establish a beachhead to launch a later attack.
These “areas of weakness” consist of all the false or inaccurate doctrine that we have chosen to allow to become a part of our thought processes.
What we think is what we are (Proverbs 23: 7). Therefore, it is where we do our thinking that the devil desires to establish a beachhead.
Just a little leaven (false doctrine) can permeate (compromise) the whole loaf (soul structure). See Matt. 6: 12/Gal. 5: 9).
The quantity and the quality of the doctrine that one has circulating in his/her edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) plays a major role in maintaining one’s spiritual immune system. The more accurate and applied doctrine that a believer has, the more difficult it is for the devil to establish a beachhead.
As in the case of synthetic filters, the smaller the holes, the less waste can enter the system.
Not already having the applicable doctrine in one’s soul structure before the need presents itself (Matt. 7: 24-27) leaves the door wide open for the forces of evil to walk in (1Tim. 4: 1).
One of the many reasons that God sends or allows adversity to come our way is to identify what doors we need to secure.
The devil is not ever (this side of Heaven) going to let up and stop trying to impede the forward progress of an advancing disciple. Just as God has a detailed plan for each and every stage of one’s post salvation spiritual life here on Earth, the devil has a plan to destroy it. His plan of destruction begins by establishing beachheads.
This strategy is as old as the Garden of Eden.
The devil, using a third party (a serpent), set up a beachhead in the soul structure of the woman (later named Eve) by deceiving her into believing that by eating the forbidden fruit she and Adam would improve their situation by becoming like God (Gen. 3: 5).
His beachhead had been established by planting the Gen. 3: 5 thought. It was only a matter of time before it would produce its fruit as the result of a single act of disobedience.
1Cor. 15:3 self examinations and James 1: 22 applications are the means through which the devil and his would be invaders can be identified and pushed back into the sea.
*This is a revised/edited version of a Writing Challenge article that I posted on Faithwriters.com.
For many war veterans, thinking about beaches brings back horrific memories of combat in which they either stormed a beach as an invader, or endured the violence in the capacity of a defender repelling the advancement of the invading forces.
Establishing such a beachhead has proven to be a turning point in many wars throughout the course of military history.
Preventing such a beachhead from being established has proven to be a great victory in favor of the defending forces.
Eph.4:27 speaks of a similar scenario in the realm of spiritual combat. Eph. 4:27 warns Church Age soldiers of the cross (2Tim. 2:3) not to give the devil the opportunity to establish a place from which he can later launch his fiery darts (Eph. 6: 16).
One doesn’t usually wake up one morning and decide to engage in sin that he/she knows will inevitably compromise his/her walk with the Lord. The devil often prefers to use an indirect approach masking his true and ultimate objectives.
The process of advancing towards the goal of spiritual maturity takes place throughout the course of one’s post salvation spiritual life.
There are no rest areas along the road leading towards spiritual maturity.
The integrity of the salvation of a born again believer is NEVER in jeopardy (Romans 8:1), but believers are warned not to lose the forward progress in the post salvation spiritual life that he/she has already achieved (2John 1: 8).
At any given time each and every born-again believer is it either moving forward towards the next level of spiritual maturity, or he is sliding backwards.
Within our soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) are all the doctrine and we should have been accumulating in preparation for the inevitable attacks by the devil and /or his Ephesians 6:12 forces of evil.
In the spiritual realm, the devil relentlessly searches (1Pet. 5: 8) for “areas of weakness” in our soul structure on which he can establish a beachhead to launch a later attack.
These “areas of weakness” consist of all the false or inaccurate doctrine that we have chosen to allow to become a part of our thought processes.
What we think is what we are (Proverbs 23: 7). Therefore, it is where we do our thinking that the devil desires to establish a beachhead.
Just a little leaven (false doctrine) can permeate (compromise) the whole loaf (soul structure). See Matt. 6: 12/Gal. 5: 9).
The quantity and the quality of the doctrine that one has circulating in his/her edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) plays a major role in maintaining one’s spiritual immune system. The more accurate and applied doctrine that a believer has, the more difficult it is for the devil to establish a beachhead.
As in the case of synthetic filters, the smaller the holes, the less waste can enter the system.
Not already having the applicable doctrine in one’s soul structure before the need presents itself (Matt. 7: 24-27) leaves the door wide open for the forces of evil to walk in (1Tim. 4: 1).
One of the many reasons that God sends or allows adversity to come our way is to identify what doors we need to secure.
The devil is not ever (this side of Heaven) going to let up and stop trying to impede the forward progress of an advancing disciple. Just as God has a detailed plan for each and every stage of one’s post salvation spiritual life here on Earth, the devil has a plan to destroy it. His plan of destruction begins by establishing beachheads.
This strategy is as old as the Garden of Eden.
The devil, using a third party (a serpent), set up a beachhead in the soul structure of the woman (later named Eve) by deceiving her into believing that by eating the forbidden fruit she and Adam would improve their situation by becoming like God (Gen. 3: 5).
His beachhead had been established by planting the Gen. 3: 5 thought. It was only a matter of time before it would produce its fruit as the result of a single act of disobedience.
1Cor. 15:3 self examinations and James 1: 22 applications are the means through which the devil and his would be invaders can be identified and pushed back into the sea.
*This is a revised/edited version of a Writing Challenge article that I posted on Faithwriters.com.