Being Promoted Right Where You Are
Part Two
The dispensation of the Church Age, in which we are presently living, began at the Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem, Israel a few weeks after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ (1) around the year 33-34 AD. The dispensation of the Church Age will come to its prophesied end (2) when the Rapture (3) takes place.
Note that the dispensation of the Church Age began (4) and will end (5) with the focus of attention being on the preaching of the Gospel Message.
The devil has had considerable success in diverting the focus of attention away from God’s purpose for having created the human race.
Take note of the typical parental response should their children ask them what life here on Earth (for them) is all about. They'll talk about health, wealth, and experiential happiness, but how often is God or the things of God brought into the picture. In this, the devil is well-pleased.
Satan begins his attacks by having his intended targets question what God has to say about any given issue (6). After setting the stage, the devil then either refutes what God has said (7), or suggests what can be gained by doing otherwise (8).
The woman, later named Eve, was deceived (9), whereas Adam chose to jeopardize his fellowship with God in order to favor his relationship with the woman (10). Although Adam and the woman had different reasons for eating the fruit, the end result was the same.
Not knowing what God has to say makes one an easy target. Knowing, but not obeying what God has to say, leaves one with no excuse.
The devil was successful in his first attack on the human race at a time they did not (yet) even have a fallen nature.
By having the woman (later named Eve) focus in on “improving” their status (11) in the here and now, the devil set the stage for the Fall of Man. The devil continues to have considerable success using the same tactics today.
Prior to the eating of the forbidden fruit, Adam and the woman had not yet received the Fallen nature, whereas we, being their descendants, come into this world already possessing it and subject to the pressure of its influence.
The alternatives that the devil has to offer will often make sense and appealing to the fallen nature in all of us. They are designed to be that way.
One of the devil’s greatest assets is the fallen nature that became an inherent part of the human experience as of the Fall of Man. It is inherently hostile towards God and the things of God (12).
This predisposition is what opens the door for the welcoming of the devil’s alternatives, and needs little (if any) encouragement for Fallen Man to embrace immorality.
This nature, with its evil potential (13), is passed down to the humanity of each incoming generation of Man through the male partner at the moment of conception (14).
To circumvent the passing down of the sin nature to what would become the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, had to brought about via divine intervention (15).
This is one of the basic truths that an ambassador for the Kingdom of God must make known, as many false doctrines and practices have evolved regarding Mary.
His humanity (void of the fallen sin nature) is what qualified Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God. It was Satan’s desire, during the temptations in the wilderness (16) to disqualify Him as the Lamb of God (17). Had this succeeded, this would have disqualified Jesus as the Lamb of God, preventing Him from later accomplishing His atoning Work on the cross.
As in the case of Joseph and Mary, their biological offspring (18) all had the fallen nature. Godly influence from parents does not in itself produce godly offspring. Each individual must make his or her own choices. There was a time when His (half-brothers) had not yet believed in Him.
“For not even His brothers were believing in Him (John 7: 5 NASB).”
Mary identified herself as being a sinner (19) when she spoke of God as being her (personal pronoun) SAVIOR (20).
This is not to speak badly about Mary, or to diminish the contribution or the role that she had in God’s plan of salvation. It is important, however, to keep in mind that we all are sinners saved by (undeserved) grace, and should not think more highly of ourselves or others than we ought.
As did Peter (21) and Paul (22), I believe that Mary would be the first to oppose any attempt to raise her up to a position or function that belongs to God alone. No such practices were recorded in Scripture during her time here on Earth following Christ’s resurrection, or in the formative years of the First Century Church.
The fallen nature in women is passed down to them through their biological fathers when their biological mother conceived them (as in the case of men). But women are not involved in the passing down of the fallen nature to the next generation. This is why Mary could, and Joseph could not, be involved in the bringing about of what would become the Lord’s humanity.
. . .
The Flood wiped out a world of sinners, but itâ did not wipe out the fallen nature in the eight surviving sinners in the Arc. The fallen nature would continue to be passed along to their descendants that repopulated the world.
Contrary to what some religious traditions of Man would have us believe, this fallen nature, with it’s evil potential, does NOT go away when one is born-again, not is it eradicated via water baptism rituals.
Being born-again settles the issue of one’s salvation (23), but the advancing disciple’s struggle with his or her fallen nature is far from being over.
Not only does the fallen nature remain with us, the negative pressure that it places on us keeps pace with whatever forward progress the advancing disciple makes along the road to spiritual maturity. Our struggle with the fallen nature will be with all of us until the day we leave our natural, sin-nature hosting, bodies behind.
In his letter to the born-again believers in Rome, Paul spoke of his own ongoing battle with this fallen nature nearly 30 years after he was born-again; towards the end of his earthly ministry.
Rather or not a born-again believer chooses to follow the leading of the indwelling (24) God the Holy Spirit, or the influencing pressure of our fallen nature, is an ongoing choice we make every time a decision of a moral nature presents itself in during the course of any given day.
Most of the spiritual activity taking place here on Earth during dispensation of the Church Age is not the overt type documented in such passages as (25).
Most spiritual combat begins between the two ears of each human being. What overt activity there is, is the result of previous choices that we have made in our minds. Our thoughts determine what we say and do, be they good or evil.
Once again, we see the need for an edified soul structure (26), and the willingness to apply (27) what we know to all that we think, say, and do.
For the most part, the spiritual battle during the Church Age is a war of words, carried out by the promotion of true information from one side, and the promotion of false information from the opposition.
It is on the basis of true or false information that our choice of rituals and behaviors are made.
This is where the highest promotion that a born-again believer can receive takes center stage.
As we noted in the introductory paragraph, each and every born-again believer, through Biblical discipleship, has the opportunity to become an ambassador (spokesman) for the Kingdom of God.
Such promotion begins right where you presently are, be it at home, work, school, or play.
Don’t be discouraged when you find that you are least effective among people who have known you on a personal level. Jesus pointed out what is a troublesome reality for many in Mark 6: 4 and Matt. 10: 36.
“Jesus said to them, "A prophet (spokesperson for God) is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household (Mark 6: 4 NASB parenthesis mine)."
“and a man's (spiritual) enemies will be the members of his household (Matt. 10: 36 NASB parenthesis mine.”
One of the reasons for this is that those who know us on a personal level are aware of our areas of sin, failures, and weaknesses. Satan, and those who do his bidding, will use our past sins and failures to undermine our testimony.
Spiritually mature believers are the first to acknowledge that NO ONE, based on their own performance, “deserves” to speak for God.
In fact, some of the greatest, self-proclaimed sinners (28) later become some of the greatest servants of God.
While taking a walk on the wild side of life is not to be a recommended prerequisite for the ministry, such reformed persons can be a powerful tool in the Lord’s hand when dealing with others who presently are, where they (the reformed minister) had once been.
Looking at the big picture in light of the modern day means of communication, one’s ambassadorship can easily become a world-wide ministry, evangelizing and or edifying souls around the world. It’s up to you if, how much time, and for what purpose, you might use such technology.
Ambassadorship will not be an easy road to travel. Many believers start out like a ball of fire, “…but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4: 19 NASB).”
The more spiritually mature you become, the more opposition you will encounter (29).
Should you choose to participate in the Great Commission (30), you will find yourself in conflicts with unsaved or back-sliding family members (31), worldly-minded members of an ungodly society (32), and the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil.
No matter where your walk with the Lord during the course of your post salvation spiritual life may take you, right now it is right where you are that God wants to promote you as His spokesperson.
One can take a simple test to confirm that he or she is where God wants him or her to serve Him as His ambassador at any given time. The test is 100% accurate. Simply close your eyes and open them again; and there you are!
You will know that you are doing well, not by the amount of praise, support, or applause you receive, but by the amount of adversity you encounter as your light shines into a darkened world.
(1)\tActs. 1: 9 (2) Matt. 24: 14 (3) 1Thess. 4: 16, 17 (4) Acts 2 (5) Matt. 24: 14 (6) Gen. 3: 1 (7) Gen. 3: 4 (8) Gen. 3: 5 (9) Gen. 3: 13 (10) Gen. 3: 17 (11) Gen. 3: 5, 6 (12) Rom. 8: 7 (13) Gen. 6: 5 (14) John 1 Psalms 51: 5 (15) Luke 1: 35 (16) Matt. 4/Luke 4 (17) John 1: 29 (18) Mark 6: 3 (19) Romans 3: 23 (20) Luke 1: 47 (21) Acts 3: 12, 16 (22) Acts 14: 14-15 (23) Romans 8: 1 (24) 1Cor. 3: 16 (25) Mark 5: 4 (26) Matt. 7: 24 - 27 (27) James 1: 22 (28) 1Timothy 1: 15 (29) 2Tim. 3: 12 (30) Matt. 28: 19, 20 (31) Matt. 10: 36 (32) John 15: 19
Part Two
The dispensation of the Church Age, in which we are presently living, began at the Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem, Israel a few weeks after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ (1) around the year 33-34 AD. The dispensation of the Church Age will come to its prophesied end (2) when the Rapture (3) takes place.
Note that the dispensation of the Church Age began (4) and will end (5) with the focus of attention being on the preaching of the Gospel Message.
The devil has had considerable success in diverting the focus of attention away from God’s purpose for having created the human race.
Take note of the typical parental response should their children ask them what life here on Earth (for them) is all about. They'll talk about health, wealth, and experiential happiness, but how often is God or the things of God brought into the picture. In this, the devil is well-pleased.
Satan begins his attacks by having his intended targets question what God has to say about any given issue (6). After setting the stage, the devil then either refutes what God has said (7), or suggests what can be gained by doing otherwise (8).
The woman, later named Eve, was deceived (9), whereas Adam chose to jeopardize his fellowship with God in order to favor his relationship with the woman (10). Although Adam and the woman had different reasons for eating the fruit, the end result was the same.
Not knowing what God has to say makes one an easy target. Knowing, but not obeying what God has to say, leaves one with no excuse.
The devil was successful in his first attack on the human race at a time they did not (yet) even have a fallen nature.
By having the woman (later named Eve) focus in on “improving” their status (11) in the here and now, the devil set the stage for the Fall of Man. The devil continues to have considerable success using the same tactics today.
Prior to the eating of the forbidden fruit, Adam and the woman had not yet received the Fallen nature, whereas we, being their descendants, come into this world already possessing it and subject to the pressure of its influence.
The alternatives that the devil has to offer will often make sense and appealing to the fallen nature in all of us. They are designed to be that way.
One of the devil’s greatest assets is the fallen nature that became an inherent part of the human experience as of the Fall of Man. It is inherently hostile towards God and the things of God (12).
This predisposition is what opens the door for the welcoming of the devil’s alternatives, and needs little (if any) encouragement for Fallen Man to embrace immorality.
This nature, with its evil potential (13), is passed down to the humanity of each incoming generation of Man through the male partner at the moment of conception (14).
To circumvent the passing down of the sin nature to what would become the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, had to brought about via divine intervention (15).
This is one of the basic truths that an ambassador for the Kingdom of God must make known, as many false doctrines and practices have evolved regarding Mary.
His humanity (void of the fallen sin nature) is what qualified Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God. It was Satan’s desire, during the temptations in the wilderness (16) to disqualify Him as the Lamb of God (17). Had this succeeded, this would have disqualified Jesus as the Lamb of God, preventing Him from later accomplishing His atoning Work on the cross.
As in the case of Joseph and Mary, their biological offspring (18) all had the fallen nature. Godly influence from parents does not in itself produce godly offspring. Each individual must make his or her own choices. There was a time when His (half-brothers) had not yet believed in Him.
“For not even His brothers were believing in Him (John 7: 5 NASB).”
Mary identified herself as being a sinner (19) when she spoke of God as being her (personal pronoun) SAVIOR (20).
This is not to speak badly about Mary, or to diminish the contribution or the role that she had in God’s plan of salvation. It is important, however, to keep in mind that we all are sinners saved by (undeserved) grace, and should not think more highly of ourselves or others than we ought.
As did Peter (21) and Paul (22), I believe that Mary would be the first to oppose any attempt to raise her up to a position or function that belongs to God alone. No such practices were recorded in Scripture during her time here on Earth following Christ’s resurrection, or in the formative years of the First Century Church.
The fallen nature in women is passed down to them through their biological fathers when their biological mother conceived them (as in the case of men). But women are not involved in the passing down of the fallen nature to the next generation. This is why Mary could, and Joseph could not, be involved in the bringing about of what would become the Lord’s humanity.
. . .
The Flood wiped out a world of sinners, but itâ did not wipe out the fallen nature in the eight surviving sinners in the Arc. The fallen nature would continue to be passed along to their descendants that repopulated the world.
Contrary to what some religious traditions of Man would have us believe, this fallen nature, with it’s evil potential, does NOT go away when one is born-again, not is it eradicated via water baptism rituals.
Being born-again settles the issue of one’s salvation (23), but the advancing disciple’s struggle with his or her fallen nature is far from being over.
Not only does the fallen nature remain with us, the negative pressure that it places on us keeps pace with whatever forward progress the advancing disciple makes along the road to spiritual maturity. Our struggle with the fallen nature will be with all of us until the day we leave our natural, sin-nature hosting, bodies behind.
In his letter to the born-again believers in Rome, Paul spoke of his own ongoing battle with this fallen nature nearly 30 years after he was born-again; towards the end of his earthly ministry.
Rather or not a born-again believer chooses to follow the leading of the indwelling (24) God the Holy Spirit, or the influencing pressure of our fallen nature, is an ongoing choice we make every time a decision of a moral nature presents itself in during the course of any given day.
Most of the spiritual activity taking place here on Earth during dispensation of the Church Age is not the overt type documented in such passages as (25).
Most spiritual combat begins between the two ears of each human being. What overt activity there is, is the result of previous choices that we have made in our minds. Our thoughts determine what we say and do, be they good or evil.
Once again, we see the need for an edified soul structure (26), and the willingness to apply (27) what we know to all that we think, say, and do.
For the most part, the spiritual battle during the Church Age is a war of words, carried out by the promotion of true information from one side, and the promotion of false information from the opposition.
It is on the basis of true or false information that our choice of rituals and behaviors are made.
This is where the highest promotion that a born-again believer can receive takes center stage.
As we noted in the introductory paragraph, each and every born-again believer, through Biblical discipleship, has the opportunity to become an ambassador (spokesman) for the Kingdom of God.
Such promotion begins right where you presently are, be it at home, work, school, or play.
Don’t be discouraged when you find that you are least effective among people who have known you on a personal level. Jesus pointed out what is a troublesome reality for many in Mark 6: 4 and Matt. 10: 36.
“Jesus said to them, "A prophet (spokesperson for God) is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household (Mark 6: 4 NASB parenthesis mine)."
“and a man's (spiritual) enemies will be the members of his household (Matt. 10: 36 NASB parenthesis mine.”
One of the reasons for this is that those who know us on a personal level are aware of our areas of sin, failures, and weaknesses. Satan, and those who do his bidding, will use our past sins and failures to undermine our testimony.
Spiritually mature believers are the first to acknowledge that NO ONE, based on their own performance, “deserves” to speak for God.
In fact, some of the greatest, self-proclaimed sinners (28) later become some of the greatest servants of God.
While taking a walk on the wild side of life is not to be a recommended prerequisite for the ministry, such reformed persons can be a powerful tool in the Lord’s hand when dealing with others who presently are, where they (the reformed minister) had once been.
Looking at the big picture in light of the modern day means of communication, one’s ambassadorship can easily become a world-wide ministry, evangelizing and or edifying souls around the world. It’s up to you if, how much time, and for what purpose, you might use such technology.
Ambassadorship will not be an easy road to travel. Many believers start out like a ball of fire, “…but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4: 19 NASB).”
The more spiritually mature you become, the more opposition you will encounter (29).
Should you choose to participate in the Great Commission (30), you will find yourself in conflicts with unsaved or back-sliding family members (31), worldly-minded members of an ungodly society (32), and the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil.
No matter where your walk with the Lord during the course of your post salvation spiritual life may take you, right now it is right where you are that God wants to promote you as His spokesperson.
One can take a simple test to confirm that he or she is where God wants him or her to serve Him as His ambassador at any given time. The test is 100% accurate. Simply close your eyes and open them again; and there you are!
You will know that you are doing well, not by the amount of praise, support, or applause you receive, but by the amount of adversity you encounter as your light shines into a darkened world.
(1)\tActs. 1: 9 (2) Matt. 24: 14 (3) 1Thess. 4: 16, 17 (4) Acts 2 (5) Matt. 24: 14 (6) Gen. 3: 1 (7) Gen. 3: 4 (8) Gen. 3: 5 (9) Gen. 3: 13 (10) Gen. 3: 17 (11) Gen. 3: 5, 6 (12) Rom. 8: 7 (13) Gen. 6: 5 (14) John 1 Psalms 51: 5 (15) Luke 1: 35 (16) Matt. 4/Luke 4 (17) John 1: 29 (18) Mark 6: 3 (19) Romans 3: 23 (20) Luke 1: 47 (21) Acts 3: 12, 16 (22) Acts 14: 14-15 (23) Romans 8: 1 (24) 1Cor. 3: 16 (25) Mark 5: 4 (26) Matt. 7: 24 - 27 (27) James 1: 22 (28) 1Timothy 1: 15 (29) 2Tim. 3: 12 (30) Matt. 28: 19, 20 (31) Matt. 10: 36 (32) John 15: 19