"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased (Luke 2: 14 NASB)."
In light of the interpersonal and international hatred and violence that dominate headlines around the world, critics of Christianity often ask, "Where is the peace that was announced by the Christmas angel?".
The Biblical answer to this question is found in a clear understanding of what type of peace the angel spoke of, and by whom this type of peace would be experienced.
The TYPE of peace on Earth that was announced by the angelic host at the First Advent (Luke 2: 14) refers to the ceasing of the inherent hostility (Rom. 8:7) between the i-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l lost souls of humanity and the Creator. The ones who will experience this type of peace are the one's, "...with whom He is pleased (Luke 2: 14 NASB)."
Being one "with whom He is pleased" ( as far as salvation is concerned) is the result of believing, that is placing one's full trust and confidence, in a presentation of the Gospel Message. Nothing more, and nothing less.
One of the indicators that one has secured and is experiencing the type of peace announced in Luke 2: 14 is that he/she has been delivered (John 8: 32) from the bondage, fear, and ungodly pressure that the "requirements" of Man-made religion and other forms of human viewpoint will otherwise generate. Religious and relatively moral people "hope" they are headed for Heaven, whereas advancing disciples "know" they are.
This does not mean that the post (after) salvation spiritual life here on Earth is going to be a "walk in the park." It does mean that as we walk with the Lord in the midst of spiritual combat, we can do so knowing that such things as our eternal destiny has ALREADY been determined (John 3: 18).
With the exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ (via divine design - Luke 1: 35), every human being since the Fall of Man comes into this world physically alive, but spiritually dead, with a hostile fallen nature that is passed down to the incoming generation at conception (Psalms 51: 5). As a result, there is an inherent state of hostility between the unsaved soul and his/her Creator until the soul is born again (John 3: 5, 7) spiritually.
Just as much as believing in the Gospel Message assures (John 3: 16) one of eternal life, rejecting the Gospel Message assures on of eternal condemnation (John 3: 18/ Rev. 20: 15).
The Luke 2: 14 type of peace that is secured at salvation is not to be confused with inter-personal or international peace with other human beings.
Interpersonal peace, referenced in Romans 12: 18, can be a bi-product of one making peace with God, but interpersonal peace requires a willingness on the part of all human beings involved. You may desire to make or live in peace with other people, but that is not a scenario that is always mutual.
The "religious" (vs. spiritually regenerated - Titus 3: 5) community is a part of the devil's world. Peace with God will generate enmity (James 4: 4) with the devil's (Luke 4: 6) world. This enmity exists between the born again believer and the spiritual beings of Eph. 6: 12, as well as human beings who hold to "religious" or human viewpoint that runs contrary to the "mind of Christ (1COr. 2: 16 NASB)." This applies to one's understanding and application of the true Gospel Message concerning salvation, and one's accurate understanding and application of relevant post (after) salvation doctrine, as it applies to the Church Age.
By what an advancing disciple stands for, evidenced by how he/she thinks, speaks, and behaves, is either a pleasing aroma or an offensive stench (2Cor. 2: 15) in the proverbial nostrils of those he/she interacts with on a daily basis.
"For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the (perishing) one an aroma from death to death, to the other (unsaved) an aroma of from life to life (2Cor. 2: 15 NASB italics mine)."
Jesus Christ made it perfectly clear (Matt. 10: 34) that He did NOT come to bring interpersonal or international peace on a global level to the devil's (Luke 4: 6) world at the First Advent.
"Do not think that I came to bring (interpersonal/international) peace on the earth; I did not come to bring (interpersonal/international) peace, but a sword (Matt. 10: 34 NASB italics mine),"
Choosing to REJECT the products, and practices of Man-made religion as the means of salvation, and especially choosing to identify and execute the true post salvation spiritual life, will cause conflict in the closest of interpersonal relationships (Luke 12: 52).
"From now on five members is one household will be divided, three against two, and two against three (Luke 12: 52 NASB)."
The Luke 14: 26 test of discipleship will be more than what spiritually weak believers will be wiling to entertain.
"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate (hate = love less) his own father and mother and wife (or husband) and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple (Luke 14: 26 NASB)."
Christians have found themselves on opposing sides of international wars throughout the course of the Church Age.
International peace on a global level will NOT be an enduring reality until the Rev. 20:6 kingdom is established after the Second Advent. Until then, there will be wars and rumors of wars that MUST (Matt. 24: 6) take place! The rise, degree of international impact, and the decline or fall of all nations (Acts 17: 26) is in the hands of God, setting the stage for the fulfillment of End Time prophecies.
Until God (Rev. 21) permanently removes the hostile, self-centered, evil, fallen nature the human environment, interpersonal peace is not going to be an enduring, experiential reality. Even in the best of human relationships, there will be conflicts when the self centeredness of the individual fallen nature seeks to dominate the free will of those with whom they interact. Anyone can be easy to get along with AS LONG AS he/she is getting her own way. Except when doing so would violate a principle of post salvation discipleship (Luke 14: 26), the advancing disciple is called to put the interests of others ahead of one's own.
The " blessed" (blessed = worthy to be praised by God) peacemakers of Matthew 5:9, refer to those who promote individual peace between God and the lost souls of the world through the proclamation of Gospel Message).
The efforts by those who promote interpersonal, familial, racial, societal, political, and international peace accomplish great human good, but the fragile peace it achieves is often short-lived. The resolution of one war, in more cases than not, serves to set the stage for future conflicts to come. Unless attacked, war should never be our first choice, but according to Scripture (Eccl. 3: 8), there IS a time for war.
The type of peace that the Christmas angels spoke of is permanent. It begins on the day one is saved, and will endure for all of eternity.
"Peace I leave with you (born again believers); My peace I give to you; not (the fragile type) as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful (John 14: 27 NASB italics mine.
The Biblical answer to this question is found in a clear understanding of what type of peace the angel spoke of, and by whom this type of peace would be experienced.
The TYPE of peace on Earth that was announced by the angelic host at the First Advent (Luke 2: 14) refers to the ceasing of the inherent hostility (Rom. 8:7) between the i-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l lost souls of humanity and the Creator. The ones who will experience this type of peace are the one's, "...with whom He is pleased (Luke 2: 14 NASB)."
Being one "with whom He is pleased" ( as far as salvation is concerned) is the result of believing, that is placing one's full trust and confidence, in a presentation of the Gospel Message. Nothing more, and nothing less.
One of the indicators that one has secured and is experiencing the type of peace announced in Luke 2: 14 is that he/she has been delivered (John 8: 32) from the bondage, fear, and ungodly pressure that the "requirements" of Man-made religion and other forms of human viewpoint will otherwise generate. Religious and relatively moral people "hope" they are headed for Heaven, whereas advancing disciples "know" they are.
This does not mean that the post (after) salvation spiritual life here on Earth is going to be a "walk in the park." It does mean that as we walk with the Lord in the midst of spiritual combat, we can do so knowing that such things as our eternal destiny has ALREADY been determined (John 3: 18).
With the exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ (via divine design - Luke 1: 35), every human being since the Fall of Man comes into this world physically alive, but spiritually dead, with a hostile fallen nature that is passed down to the incoming generation at conception (Psalms 51: 5). As a result, there is an inherent state of hostility between the unsaved soul and his/her Creator until the soul is born again (John 3: 5, 7) spiritually.
Just as much as believing in the Gospel Message assures (John 3: 16) one of eternal life, rejecting the Gospel Message assures on of eternal condemnation (John 3: 18/ Rev. 20: 15).
The Luke 2: 14 type of peace that is secured at salvation is not to be confused with inter-personal or international peace with other human beings.
Interpersonal peace, referenced in Romans 12: 18, can be a bi-product of one making peace with God, but interpersonal peace requires a willingness on the part of all human beings involved. You may desire to make or live in peace with other people, but that is not a scenario that is always mutual.
The "religious" (vs. spiritually regenerated - Titus 3: 5) community is a part of the devil's world. Peace with God will generate enmity (James 4: 4) with the devil's (Luke 4: 6) world. This enmity exists between the born again believer and the spiritual beings of Eph. 6: 12, as well as human beings who hold to "religious" or human viewpoint that runs contrary to the "mind of Christ (1COr. 2: 16 NASB)." This applies to one's understanding and application of the true Gospel Message concerning salvation, and one's accurate understanding and application of relevant post (after) salvation doctrine, as it applies to the Church Age.
By what an advancing disciple stands for, evidenced by how he/she thinks, speaks, and behaves, is either a pleasing aroma or an offensive stench (2Cor. 2: 15) in the proverbial nostrils of those he/she interacts with on a daily basis.
"For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the (perishing) one an aroma from death to death, to the other (unsaved) an aroma of from life to life (2Cor. 2: 15 NASB italics mine)."
Jesus Christ made it perfectly clear (Matt. 10: 34) that He did NOT come to bring interpersonal or international peace on a global level to the devil's (Luke 4: 6) world at the First Advent.
"Do not think that I came to bring (interpersonal/international) peace on the earth; I did not come to bring (interpersonal/international) peace, but a sword (Matt. 10: 34 NASB italics mine),"
Choosing to REJECT the products, and practices of Man-made religion as the means of salvation, and especially choosing to identify and execute the true post salvation spiritual life, will cause conflict in the closest of interpersonal relationships (Luke 12: 52).
"From now on five members is one household will be divided, three against two, and two against three (Luke 12: 52 NASB)."
The Luke 14: 26 test of discipleship will be more than what spiritually weak believers will be wiling to entertain.
"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate (hate = love less) his own father and mother and wife (or husband) and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple (Luke 14: 26 NASB)."
Christians have found themselves on opposing sides of international wars throughout the course of the Church Age.
International peace on a global level will NOT be an enduring reality until the Rev. 20:6 kingdom is established after the Second Advent. Until then, there will be wars and rumors of wars that MUST (Matt. 24: 6) take place! The rise, degree of international impact, and the decline or fall of all nations (Acts 17: 26) is in the hands of God, setting the stage for the fulfillment of End Time prophecies.
Until God (Rev. 21) permanently removes the hostile, self-centered, evil, fallen nature the human environment, interpersonal peace is not going to be an enduring, experiential reality. Even in the best of human relationships, there will be conflicts when the self centeredness of the individual fallen nature seeks to dominate the free will of those with whom they interact. Anyone can be easy to get along with AS LONG AS he/she is getting her own way. Except when doing so would violate a principle of post salvation discipleship (Luke 14: 26), the advancing disciple is called to put the interests of others ahead of one's own.
The " blessed" (blessed = worthy to be praised by God) peacemakers of Matthew 5:9, refer to those who promote individual peace between God and the lost souls of the world through the proclamation of Gospel Message).
The efforts by those who promote interpersonal, familial, racial, societal, political, and international peace accomplish great human good, but the fragile peace it achieves is often short-lived. The resolution of one war, in more cases than not, serves to set the stage for future conflicts to come. Unless attacked, war should never be our first choice, but according to Scripture (Eccl. 3: 8), there IS a time for war.
The type of peace that the Christmas angels spoke of is permanent. It begins on the day one is saved, and will endure for all of eternity.
"Peace I leave with you (born again believers); My peace I give to you; not (the fragile type) as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful (John 14: 27 NASB italics mine.