Ask many “Christians” if they have been taken captive, and they will respond by saying that they didn’t even know that they were at war! For many, this is the absolute truth.
The devil has done a pretty good job of concealing the divine purpose regarding the timing of and purpose for which God created the human race. As in case of most of spiritual issues, he engineers and promotes alternatives that appeal to the fallen nature in Man.
The human race was created to glorify God (Col. 1: 16) in the midst of a conflict between good and evil that began BEFORE Man was ever created. The history behind this conflict exposes the devil for what he truly is, and what his primary goal (denying God His gory) is.
Scripture (James 4: 4) make it clear that if we are in friendship with the world, then we are at war with God. Taking a stand for God and/or the things of God will cause us to be in conflict with the devil’s (Luke 4: 6).
There are no neutral zones in the spiritual realm.
The devil’s world (Luke 4: 6) consists of anywhere and everywhere that he has established a voice of influence. The fallen nature in Man is hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God, but is inherently bent towards being receptive to much of what the devil promotes. Therefore, the enemy-held territory of the devil's world" can be as close as a part of our soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) that is not submitted to the control of God the Holy Spirit (Matt. 6: 24).
* * *
Man was created to glorify God in the midst of an ongoing war between the forces of good and evil.
Scripture reveals how God is to be glorified in each of the various dispensations (periods of time) of the master plan of God.
We are presently living in the dispensation of the Church Age. The dispensation of the Church Age began in the first century AD, shortly after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, and will remain in place until the Rapture (1Thess 4: 16, 17) takes place.
The Rapture is NOT the end of the world, nor is it the end of the Church. It is a change in location of Church Age believers, and sets the stage for many more events to take place before the new heaven and the new earth (Rev. 21) are established.
The attributes that define the character and the nature of God do not change, but the ways in which God is to be worshiped and glorified do change from one dispensation to another. For example, Church Age worshipers no longer participate in animal sacrifices that were very much a part of worship during Old Testament dispensations.
It is critically important to be able to distinguish what mandates of Scripture apply to which dispensation, if we are going to worship God as He desires to be worshiped (John 4: 23), and to fulfill our part in the plan of God that brings glory to Him.
Being sincere will do one no good if he is sincerely wrong!
In truth, most of the Church has already departed, with only two or three generations here on Earth at any given time. Some members of the “last” generation of the Church Age will NOT experience physical death, but will be instantaneously transformed and united with the already-departed Church members. At that event, the entire Church will meet the Lord in the air above the Earth, and will be wherever He is from that time forward (1Thess. 4: 17).
To this extent, physical death and/or the Rapture are not to be feared, but are to be looked forward to by the people of faith. It is the spiritually weak believers who fear death and/or prefer to cling onto the things of this life, rather than move forward in the plan of God.
On one hand, the spiritually mature believer does not want to leave this world until he/she has fulfilled his/her individual part in the plan of God, but on the other hand, does not want to remain here in the devil’s world (Luke 4; 6) once he/she has done so.
* * * *
The human race, and each member of it, was created to glorify God. The devil as has an unlimited supply of alternatives, all focused on making his present world (Luke 4: 6) a better place to live, with no regard for the life to come.
During the dispensation of the Church Age, the first time in that a human soul glorifies Gods is when the individual soul chooses to respond to a presentation of the Gospel Message.
If and when that takes place, the soul satisfied the one and only Biblical requirement to receive and to forever retain salvation. In the words of Jesus, he/she has been is “born again (John 3: 5, 7 NASB).”
Until one is born again, the soul is spiritually dead, regardless of how much “religious” activity the soul is involved in, or is done in his/her behalf.
The necessity of being born again (John 3: 5, 7) is what the Lord taught Nicodemus (and us), a very religious man of his day.
If born again, then the individual is given on-going opportunities to glorify God by identifying and participating in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship. Success or failure in the post salvation spiritual life can impact HOW one will spend eternity (with or without rewards [1COr. 3: 15] and privileges (Rev. Chapters 2 & 3]) , but does NOT alter where he will spend it.
Again, the devil has an endless supply of alternatives and strategies to distract and impede the born again believer from advancing in the post salvation life of discipleship that glorifies God. Many of these alternatives are worthwhile, p-r-o-v-i-d-i-n-g they kept in the right order of priority (Luke 14: 26). Others amount to sin and have no place in the life of a born again believer.
Glorifying God or denying God the glory He are the two opposing objectives that generate the spiritual combat between divine and evil forces, with the free-will of Man being the primary target.
The devil does not have the divine attribute of omnipresence. Therefore he can only be in one place at a time, but uses millions of subordinates that make up the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil to take care of business on a daily basis here on plant Earth.
Within the human environment, there are spiritual warriors and spiritual worriers.
As we will see later on in this presentation, the spiritual warrior can be trained and equipped with all that he/she needs (not wants) in order to succeed in the realm of spiritual warfare. Spiritual worriers make poor combatants.
The spiritual combat of the Church Age does NOT primarily involve the type of activity displayed in the horror films of Hollywood.
The spiritual combat of the Church Age is all about one side promoting the truth and the other side promoting alternatives when it comes to spiritual issues.
The truth (concerning salvation) is the unadulterated Gospel Message. The alternatives (concerning salvation) consists of false gospels. False gospels either promote false deities or promote "additional requirements" to the true Gospel Message in order for one to either obtain or retain salvation.
The truth concerning the post salvation spiritual life are the Bible Doctrines that address the execution of the post salvation spiritual life. The alternatives consist of false doctrine, rituals, and practices that promote Man-made religion(s) as the means to retain the salvation that one has already received.
The devil is “wise” enough to include enough truth in his alternatives to pull off the deception. Like any other successful counterfeit operation, the phony must appear and be accepted as the real thing if the deception is going to work. The old saying, "Just a little information is dangerous!", certainly applies to the spiritual realm.
The devil has mastered the art of lying (John 8: 44), and at times, it takes the sharp spiritual eye of an advancing disciple to be able to detect the lies mixed into the truth that the devil offers and/or promotes in the name (authority) of Man-made religion.
Being close can be rewarded in the game of horseshoes, but will fail to accomplish a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g in the spiritual realm.
Just as the devil had a plan of destruction for the people of God in past dispensations, the devil has a plan of destruction (1Pet. 5: 8) in mind for each and every soul that is created and born into the dispensation of the Church.
Phase One of the devil’s (1Pet. 5: 8) plan is to impede the development of an interest to listen to and/or to respond to a presentation of the true Gospel Message.
This involves the promotion of atheism, false gospels, and/or the promotion of the Psalms 96 “religions” of the world. Christian religion (as opposed to unadulterated Christianity) is among the "religions" of the world. The devil has no problem with atheists or those who get involved with “religion,” even so-called Christian religion, as long as one is not born again. Promoting religion is a part of the devil's agenda, as he knows better that the one engaged in it, what the end result will be (Rev. 20: `15). Religions provide the participants with a false sense of security, leaving them with the impression that all is well between them and the God/god that each religion promotes. Religion consists of all that MAN does (or doesn't do) in an attempt to make himself worthy of divine blessings both here on Earth and in the life to come. Christianity is all about placing one's trust and confidence in what God has done, is doing, and will do for the people who believe.
As long as Phase one succeeds, there is no need for Phase Two, as the devil already has the spiritually-dead soul right where he wants him. The devil knows the value of quitting while he is ahead of the game.
Phase two involves those who have been born again. Phase Two involves generating doubt and insecurity concerning the status of their salvation in the souls of those who have already been saved.
Phase Two involves promoting false doctrines and practices in the name (authority) of “religion.” Christian religion, as opposed to unadulterated Christianity is no exception.
Phase Two involves generating distractions that will take the born again believer away from the things of God. These distractions can come in the form of what we might consider blessings and prosperity, as well as adversity. The devil has mastered the ability to know what buttons to press and when to press them for maximum effect in the realm of spiritual warfare. It matters not (to the devil) if he uses blessings or adversity, as long as the end result is achieved.
The end result of those who are not born again is the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15). If in the meantime, he (the devil) and his world can benefit by all of the human good that religious people produce, making his world a better place to live, all the better (for him). Promoting the production of human good that makes his world a better place to live, vs. the production of divine good that glorifies God, is a key part of the spiritual combat here in the Church Age. Having born again believers focused on the here and now, and not prioritizing the life to come, is one of the ways that the devil takes many born again believer captive.
The devil knows (better than many “Christians”) that neither he nor they can do nothing to undo the divine work (Titus 3: 5/ Eph. 4: 30) that took place at the moment of salvation.
But the devil also knows of the extensive destruction that he can achieve by generating doubts and fear in the soul structure of a weak believer. He is fully aware of the destruction that he can generate in the lives of arrogant believers that consider the grace of God to be a (Jude 4) license to sin (Romans 6: 1, 2, 15). This destruction is not of one's salvation, but the destruction of the production of divine good that would otherwise glorify God here on Earth and be rewarded in Heaven.
* * *
It is God that sets the rules of engagement, setting the limits (Job 1:12/Job 2: 6) of how far the devil (or his agents) can go in the realm of spiritual warfare. The Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil that go beyond the parameters of the divinely established rules of engagement in the realm of spiritual combat are removed from the battlefield, and are not permitted to return (Jude 6/Luke 8: 30, 31).
There are only a few instances recorded in Scripture where the devil got personally involved (Matt.4/Luke 4/ Luke 22: 3). For the most part the devil prefers to accomplish his objectives through third parties (Gen. 3: 1). When the smoke clears, he leaves behind the ones he used, battered, bruised, or dead.
Unlike God, the devil does not have the divine attributes of omniscience (all knowledge), or omnipotence (unlimited power) or omnipresence (the capability of being anywhere and everywhere at the same time).
Accordingly, these limitations causes the devil to engage in much of the spiritual combat through the use of his Eph. 6: 12 subordinates, and through human beings who he as deceived.
As was the case in past dispensations, here in the Church Age, the devil has been most successful when these third parties a-p-p-e-a-r to be speaking for God, and/or are accepted as spokespersons for God (2Cor. 11: 14)!
This part of the devil’s strategy is ingenious when one considers that it is the “religious” ones who are unwittingly being used by the devil to promote his agenda. The last place one would expect to be misled is the first place that the devil will use.
Let’s take a few minutes to review the spiritual combat that had taken place BEFORE Man was created to participate. Failing to understand the purpose and the timing of the creation of Man opens the door to all the alternative answers to the, “Why did God create me?” question. Until one acknowledges why he/she is here on Earth in this period of human history, he she will easily be taken captive.
God did not include this information in His Word to take up space.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (2 Timothy 3: 16 NASB),”
* * * *
Before the human race was ever created, there was initiated a battle in the spiritual realm between God and His divine forces, and the devil and his evil forces.
Man has a way of placing himself at the center of the universe, as if everything that happened in the past, is happening now, or will happen in the future is all about Man. It was not, is not, and will not be the case.
The very idea of a universe that did not include Man is foreign to human viewpoint.
The truth is that the very purpose and timing of the creation of Man was the result of events that had taken place before Man was ever created.
Eternity never had a starting point, and will never have an ending point.
Being eternal is one of the divine attributes that defines the character and nature of God in “language of accommodation,” that being terminology that human beings with spiritual discernment can understand.
There has never been a time when the God of the Bible did not exist, and there will never come a time when He will not exist. Rather or not anyone of us is going to spend eternity future (after life here on Earth is over) with or without God is a choice that one of us will make when presented with the Gospel Message.
Even though the very concept of eternity (having no beginning and having no end) is beyond the human ability of time-oriented Man to fully comprehend, it was never-the-less placed in the heart (soul) of every soul that God created (Eccl. 3: 11).
Our biological parents (John 3: 6a)provided us with our natural body to house our souls during our appointed time here on Earth. They may or may not have had a baby in mind when what would become our humanity was conceived. But it was God (John 3: 6b) who created our souls that will live on forever. This was a part of the specific plan that God had in mind for each one of us, with full knowledge of the impact that our personal opportunities and limitations would be.
Rejecting this Eccl. 3: 11) concept of eternity is what sets the stage for a soul to engage in atheism, and/or to ponder alternative answers to questions regarding the origins of Man and the physical universe, and the reasons (if there were any) for their creation. Once the concept of God is tossed aside, it is easy to fill the void with all kinds of alternative explanations. The basis flaw in these alternatives is that they fail to identify or even acknowledge the first whatever it was that set everything in the spiritual and physical universe in motion, and has maintained it ever since.
To some degree Man has selfish cause to hope for eternity future, as otherwise this means there is a coming end-time when we, as an individual, and as part of a species of created beings, will no longer exist in any realm.
The invisible and intangible human soul (and NOT the body-Gen. 1: 27) is the part of us that was created in God’s never-ending “likeness (Gen. 1: 26 NASB).”
Moses (Matt. 17: 3), having died centuries before, appeared in interim bodies on the Mount of Transfiguration during the period of ancient history (1 through 30-33 AD) that our Lord walked among us.
Scripture (Deut 34: 6) teach that the physical body (tent) of Moses was buried by God. The “tent” is destined to turn to dust (Gen. 3: 19). The bodily remains (or dust) of believers will be raised up in resurrection form (mansions) at the Rapture.
The (false) concept of “soul sleep” would have us believe that the departed souls of more recently departed believers are unconscious, confined to a dark, 6 ft. x 2 Ft. x 2 Ft. box (casket) in the presence of a decaying body as it rots away and turns to dust. This is a far cry from the type of “presence with the Lord (2Cor. 5: 8)” scenario that Paul spoke of in this passage.). If the soul-sleep concept were true, why would Paul have considered physical death to be equal to or better than remaining physically alive here on Earth? Keep in mind, that Paul had already seen the 3rd Heaven (2Cor. 12; 2)!
In 2Cor. 5: 8 (NASB) we read, “we are of good courage, I say, and prefer to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord (2Cor. 5: 8 NASB).”
There are Old Testament accounts in which various personalities expressed human viewpoint of that time period, being void of the enlightening knowledge of New Testament Scripture that clarified such things as the location and the environment that Church Age believers experience upon leaving the body at the moment of physical death.
The Old Testament perception of life after death was not one of either great punishment or reward. It was from such a misunderstanding that many false religious practices, based on human superstition have evolved with the idea of improving the environment, and even the location, of departed souls.
It was the commonly held belief during the Old Testament period, that whatever (if any) great blessings that one was to receive from God, it would be during their time here on Earth. Lack of prosperity and the presence of adversity were generally viewed as indicators that the person was under the curse of God.
New Testament Scripture teach that among the marks of a true disciple here on Earth are being rejected (Luke 10: 16); persecuted(2Tim. 3: 12); hated (Matt. 10: 22); self-sacrifice (Luke 9: 23); and suffering (Phil. 1: 29). This is hardly what an Old Testament believer would perceive to be a "blessed" life!
Paul noted that if what living the Christian lifestyle brought to one here on Earth was all there was (and nothing in eternity), then Christians are to be most pitied (1Cor. 15: 19 NASB)!
Such passages as John 3: 18 and Romans 8:1 make it clear that the location and environment of all departed souls is determined by the choices THEY made during their time here on Earth. Praying or engaging in any activity in behalf of the departed is like praying for a change in weather that we had yesterday!
The “rest in peace” principle applies to the conscious souls of believers in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1), in Heaven, enjoying the serenity of Heaven as they rest from the adversity they encountered during the production of divine good God produced (John 15: 5) through them while here on Earth.
At the risk of sounding unnecessarily gross, the truth is that the R.I.P acronym could be better understood to mean rotting in place of the body, as this is what is taking place in the physical grave of the corpse, as decreed by God (Gen. 3: 19). It is the dust or what's left to the decaying bodies of believers at the time of the Rapture that is called up from the graves and transformed into what will be the resurrected bodies of born again believers. It matters not where the bodily remains of born again believers are at the time. The omniscience of God knows, and there is nothing beyond the capability of our omnipotent God to accomplish anything that He has decreed to take place. There have been uncounted corpse of born again believers whose bodily remains were not available to be provided with a traditional funeral and burial, or whose grave sites have been destroyed. Such tragic events do not place limits on God.
I believe the quantity of divine good, especially in the midst of spiritual combat, that one engaged in while here on Earth is what sets the stage for the greatest quality of the “rest” one will experience in Heaven.
True, "...The soul that sins will die (Ezekiel 18: 4 NASB).
However, the type of death being spoken of in Ezekiel 18: 4 NASB, as in type of death that was spoken of in (Gen. 2: 17), is s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l death, and not physical.
Spiritual death is NOT a state of non-existence, but existing while separated from God. Adam and the woman experienced s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l death "on the day they sinned- ), but did not experience physical death until much later on. Ever since the Fall of Man, every soul (*with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ) comes into this world spiritually dead, as a result of spiritual death having been passed down to them at the moment of conception (Psalms 51: 5). See the Doctrine of the Hypostatic Union for more details concerning the reasons and the means through which this miracle took place. Here in the Church Age, the ONE and ONLY means to have our spiritually dead condition reversed is to experience the regenerating (Titus 3: 5) work of God the Holy Spirit that automatically takes place at the moment of salvation.
Every human soul, being created in the (never-ending) “likeness (Gen. 1: 26)” of God, is destined to spend all of eternity future in one of two environments.
As of the Church Age, the departed souls of believers are with God (2Cor. 5: 8) in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1).
The interim body is “building” that replaces the “tent” (natural body) that housed the soul on Earth.
The final body that the believers will receive (at the Rapture) is the “mansion” spoken of in (John 14: 23 KJV). Note the progression in the type and endurance capability of each of these bodily forms that house the human soul. One goes from a tent, to a building, to a mansion.
When the Rapture takes place, the souls of believers living on the Earth at that time, along with the souls of believers in interim bodies in Heaven, will BOTH receive their resurrected bodies, and will meet the Lord in the air above the Earth, and will be wherever He is from that point on (1Thess 4: 17). As a result, the believers who are in their tents here on Earth at the time will never experience the physical death of their natural bodies (tents), and never receive an interim body (building). There will be no need for one. This group of believers will have their tents instantaneously (1Cor. 15: 52)) transformed into their resurrected bodies (mansions).
The departed souls of all unbelievers throughout the course of human history are in the Torments of Hades (Luke 16: 24), where they will remain until the Rev. 20:13, 15 events take place. Note that the type of fire in the Torments of Hades (and in the lake of fire) does not consume, but caused great agony.
When the Rev. 20: 13, 15 activity takes place, the souls that were detained and suffering in the Torments of Hades will be judged and sent to what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
The Lord Jesus Christ paid the sin debt of the whole world (1John 2: 2) while on the cross, with the exception, by divine design, of the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18). For God the Father to send ANY soul to the lake of fire for ANY sin that had already been atone for, would nullify the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Religious teachings that ANY others sin can result in the lake of fire is not only false, but amounts to the sin of blasphemy as they are attacking the Work and the promises made by the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is *divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) and loss of specific rewards (1Cor. 12: 15) and privileges (Rev. 2 and 3) for born again believers that choose NOT to identify and/or to execute the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, but the salvation (going to Heaven issue) of ANY born again believer is NEVER in jeopardy. It is for the sin of disbelief, and for that sin alone, the souls of unbelievers are judged at the Rev. 20: 13-15 event and cast into the lake of fire (John 3: 18). *Divine discipline can range in anything from living with a guilty conscience, up to and including physical death (Acts 5), and should not be taken lightly. Sin on earth takes the believer out of fellowship with God. When out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God, one is not going to be in the frame of mind (1Cor. 2: 16) to have God (John 15: 5 ) produce divine good through him/her. It is for having been involved in the production of divine good for which the 1Cor. 3: 14 rewards and the Rev. 2 & 3 privileges are given in Heaven to the ones who were advancing disciples here on Earth.
There is only ONE solution to the out of fellowship status that a born again believers finds him/herself as a result of engaging in sin. It involves a 1John 1: 9 confession (to God). In order to retain the restored fellowship, there is the need to forsake (John 8: 11) the same sin in the future. Human viewpoint and religion has several counterfeit alternatives to offer. Among them are penance, Man-made confessionals with attending clergy, good works to make up for the sin, and promises not to continue. No amount of penance, religious rituals, , or good works can atone or make up for sin. The forgiveness associated with the 1John 1: 9 confession is granted on the basis of the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross that a-l-r-e-a-d-y paid for sin being confessed. The never-ending supply of forgiveness is a manifestation of the grace and mercy of God.
Forsaking the same area of sin in the future, and when possible, doing good works in behalf of those who were hurt by our sin are indications that repentance (change of mind) has taken place Repentance is a necessary and on-going part of advancing in the post salvation spiritual life, but is NOT the means to restore fellowship with God. Those who change their minds (repent) but do not change their behaviors delude themselves (James 1: 22).
Born again believers who are out of fellowship with God have certainly been taken captive. No amount of human good or religious activity can atone for the sin and/or restore fellowship with God.
The good news is that the periods out of fellowship with God can be as brief as the few seconds it takes to confess the sin to the Lord in private prayer. The bad news is that it can consume the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth if the sin is never confessed.
* * *
To consider that eternity past never had a starting-point is a tough pill for human logic to swallow. Human viewpoint promotes the concept that everything had/has a starting point and will have an end time. This is true about many things, but is not true about God, the devil, fallen angels, elect angels, and the souls of the human race.
The “worst case scenario” (total annihilation) that is promoted by human viewpoint and religion is an understatement. There IS a worst case scenario that exceeds total annihilation. Most would agree that it would be better to face total annihilation than be placed in a never-ending location and environment of torment from which there is never going to be the means of escape or release.
Some will ask how a God of love can establish such a thing.
First of all, it is NOT God's desire that anyone go there (1Tim.2:4). Secondly, those who will find themselves there will be there because of their own choice to reject God's one and only (John 14: 6) means of salvation (John 3: 18). Thirdly, God is a God of justice. Divine justice requires that all sin be accounted. Fourthly, the lake of fire is never ending, because there is no means (including total annihilation) that can atone for unpardonable sin of disbelief.
The Rev. 20: 15 “lake of fire” is NOT a place of ultimate and total annihilation, but one of NEVER ENDING torment and separation from God. It will be the never-ending environment of the devil (Matt. 25: 41/Rev. 20: 10), his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12/Matt. 25: 41), and every human soul (John3: 18/Rev. 20: 15) whose name is not found in the book of life.
The Rev. 20: 15 book of life contains the names (identity) of every soul that was born again (John 3: 5, 7, 18) throughout the course of human history.
Having one’s name written in the Rev. 20: 15 book of life is one of the things that take place at the moment of salvation. It is written in the blood (atoning work) of Christ that will not be erased by God, and cannot be erased through human failure.
The Eph. 4: 30 sealing activity (marking for identification) is the Work of God, and not the result of any human-religious activity.
All “baptisms” in Scripture had to do with the one being baptized being i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-e-d with something or someone else.
Repenting sinners were baptized by John, i-d-e-n-t-i-f-y-i-n-g them with his preaching of repentance in preparation for the coming Messiah.
The Lord Jesus Christ was baptized, publicly identifying Him with the fulfillment of all righteousness, that being His public ministry that was about to begin, and ultimately be completed by His atoning Work on the cross.
During the Church Age, born again believers were (and in many cases are) baptized in water, identifying themselves as members of the intangible Church that God had established.
Post salvation (water) baptism in a post (after) salvation activity involving a public testimony of what (salvation) has a-l-r-e-a-d-y taken place in the spiritual realm. Every case of water baptism during the Church Age that was recorded in Scripture, involved ADULTS who were already born again (saved) believers, having already made a confession of faith in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Making any more of water baptism ceremonies than this, is to diminish the significance of the finished (John 19: 30 NASB) and atoning (1John 2: 2) work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross; the sealing (Eph. 4: 30) and regenerating (Titus 3: 5) work of God the Holy Spirit, that have a-l-r-e-a-d-y taken place in the soul of one being baptized in water.
The sealing (marking for identification) Work of God the Holy Spirit is the “o-n-e baptism” referenced in Eph. 4: 5, 6, must be distinguished from the several other types of baptisms that are also recorded in Scripture. This ONE baptism is the Work of God the Holy Spirit.
Paul, who was the primary apostle that God used to bring the Gospel Message of salvation to the Gentile world (Acts 8: 15), made it perfectly clear that he was NOT sent (1Cor. 1: 17) to (primarily) baptize converts (in water).
“For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel… (1Cor. 1: 17 NASB).”
What does p-r-e-a-c-h-i-n-g have to do with the “one baptism” spoken of in Eph. 4: 5, 6?
It is (if) when one chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message being p-r-e-a-c-h-e-d that he/she is “sealed” (baptized/identified) by God the Holy Spirit as a child of God. Here in the Church Age, Man does the preaching, but God does the baptizing!
The subject of water baptism is relevant to this presentation, in that like the controversy over physical circumcision in ancient Galatia, water baptism is one of many rituals that have been erroneously promoted as a r-e-q-u-i-r-e-m-e-n-t to obtain or to retain salvation.
If anything is required in addition to a one-time confession of faith, then the atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, and the sealing Work of God the Holy Spirit was/is not enough to both obtain and retain salvation. That type of theology is not merely incorrect, it is blasphemy.
In Galatia, Paul referred to those whose faith had been shaken, as “bewitched” fools who were drifting away from the Gospel Message (Gal. 3: 1). Paul’s terminology would not appear to be very “Christian-like,” but when appropriate, God the Holy Spirit pulls no punches when it comes to addressing spiritual issues.
Paul referred to the ones involved as foolish, because they had received the truth concerning the Gospel Message, but were now choosing to drift away from it by considering the alleged need to add religious rituals to it. Having already heard the truth, they should have known better than to listen to religious alternatives and be deceived. These believers had surely been taken captive.
Paul’ (inspired) use of the Greek word, “e-b-a-s-k-a-n-e-n”, translated “bewitched” in the NASB, KJV, and NIV English Bibles, sheds light on the demonic forces of evil that were behind the d-e-c-e-p-t-i-o-n, even though it was (overtly) being promoted by the “religious” people of that day.
False Doctrines and religious practices being promoted by demons (1Tim. 4: 1), evil-spiritual beings (2Cor. 11: 14, 15), and human beings that have been deceived, have been an issue right along (Matt. 7: 15). This type of demonic activity will only increase WITHIN the Christian Community, as we come to the end of Church Age (1Tim. 4:1).
Spiritually immature Christians, lacking spiritual edification, are easy targets and easily captured.
Unlike religion, God does NOT change. What God actually “requires” of one, He “requires” of all. What God actually “requires” of all, He requires of one. The dying man, crucified on the cross next to our Lord was obviously never baptized in water, nor did he participate in ANY other post salvation “religious” activity. He did not join a local church. He did not receive “sacraments.”
Never-the-less, as a result of his confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he was assured by the Highest of Authority, of his salvation (Luke 23: 43).
There is a difference between what it “good” and what is “required.”
There are over 300 commands in the New Testament alone that would be “good” for an advancing disciple to comply with, but they are not “required” of him in order to retain salvation.
Non-compliance with any ONE (James 1: 22) of these 300+ commandments (not suggestions) can result in divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6), but NEVER the loss of salvation. The post salvation sin does not erase his/her name from the (Rev. 20: `15) Book of Life. We do not stop sinning because we have been born again (Romans 7/1John 1: 8).
A born again believer who practices and refuses to confess and/or to forsake post salvation sin has been taken captive. Any one sin (James 2: 10) of the 300+ sins noted in the New Testament alone that becomes a lifestyle (on-going practice) is what is meant to “live in sin.”
There IS a place, a time, and a purpose for many post (after) salvation activities (e.g., ongoing confession (1John 1: 9), repenting and forsaking of sin (John 8: 11), attending worship services Heb. 10: 25, celebrating the Lord’s Supper (1Cor. 11: 24, 25), engaging in prayer (Matt. 6: 9), doing unto others as we would want them to do to us (Luke 6: 31), respecting authority (Eph. 5: 22/Eph. 6: 1/(Romans 13), identifying one’s spiritual gift and ministry (1Cor. 12: 4, 7), growing in the knowledge and the application of the Word of God (2Pet. 3: 18), etc., but these are ALL post (after) salvation issues that neither increase nor decrease the integrity of one’s s-a-l-v-a-t-i-o-n.
They DO contribute the quality of one’s post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
Failing to make the distinction between what is required to be saved, and what is required to advance in the life of discipleship is what places MANY Christians in religious bondage and causes them to live in fear of physical death and Hell, throughout the days of their earthly experience (Heb. 2:15).
Knowing and applying the truth is what sets one free from such bondage and fear (John 8: 32).
Simply put, such post salvation activities have MUCH to do with developing and executing one’s post salvation spiritual life, but have got n-o-t-h-i-n-g to do with retaining salvation. The post salvation spiritual life does not even BEGIN until the issue of one’s salvation has a-l-r-e-a-d-y been addressed.
* * *
The battle between the forces of good and evil began at some point in eternity past before Man was created. It began when the devil declared his independence and intentions of establishing a kingdom in which he would rule and be worshiped (Isaiah 13: 14).
There is only room for one ultimate ruler. All legitimate forms of authority are an extension of God’s authority (Romans 13: 1), and are accountable to God for way(s) in which this delegated authority is used.
At least *one third of the angels of Heaven followed the devil in the devil’s failed revolt and attempt to establish a kingdom independent of God.
*Some interpret Scripture and teach that all of the angels originally rebelled, but that many repented and returned to God.)
There are a lot of false concepts regarding angels.
Many of them are frequently promoted by Hollywood. Some of these false teachings are taken from the apocyphal writings that were during the 400 years of silence of the Intertestamental period. These books have been incorporated into the version of "The Bible" endorsed by such "Christian" denominations as Roman Catholicism. There is nothing new about religion altering or adding to what Scripture endorses (Matt. 15: 9).
For the advancing disciple, the spiritual issue is that although these books were composed by "religious"persons, they were void of divine inspiration (), as would be in the case of Scripture.
"All Scripture (not all religious writings) is inspired by God and profitable for teachings, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2Tim. 3" 16, 17 NASB italics mine)
Believers who can not discern the difference between divinely inspired Scripture and Man inspired religious writings are easy targets for deception and are easily taken captive in the realm of spiritual combat.
Angels did and do have the ability to take on human form (Heb. 13: 2), but do NOT become human beings. Human beings do NOT become angels, either now or at any point in eternity future. The human beings that are “saved” will have authority over the angels in eternity (1Cor. 6: 3).
When angels have appeared to Man in their angelic form, it has generated fear in the people involved, inducing the many “fear not” proclamations recorded in Scripture.
There was at least one attempt in ancient history to create a new species of beings (Gen. 6: 1, 2) through angelic and human interrelations. This was one of the activities that contributed greatly to the need for God to send a flood of global destruction upon the Earth.
I said, “at least one attempt,” as the new species (The Nephilim) were found, “on the Earth in those days, and also afterward (Gen. 6:4)”,” referring to time before and after the Flood.
There are several similarities between the members of the angelic race and the human race.
#1: Both were created (at separate times) to worship and to glorify God by executing the plans of God.
#2: Both were given free will to make choices, reaping either blessings or consequences.
#3: Both can be enabled (John 15: 5) to function under the power of God to accomplish divine objectives.
The prehistoric forces of God primarily consisted of angels that chose to side with God, and henceforth were/are referred to in Scripture as elect angels.
The forces of evil, in these passages, refer to angels that chose to join in with devil in his heavenly revolt and attempt to establish a kingdom here on Earth. These angels are referred to as fallen angels.
Ever wonder why planet Earth was chosen from among all the planets in the universe to become the lresidence of Man? It was choice of planet Earth for the location where the devil intended to establish a kingdom that set the stage for the Earth to become the residence of Man when the conflict continued. It was not only Man's residence, but the battleground where the Angelic Conflict between the forces of good and evil would continue.
The conclusion of Round One of this conflict resulted in dramatic events in both Heaven and on the Earth, and set the stage for many more to take place.
The devil and the fallen angels who chose to follow him were thrown out of Heaven. The cities that the angels, not Man (Jer. 4: 23-26), had established on the Earth were all destroyed by God.
It was at that time that the surface of the already-created earth (Gen. 1: 1) “became formless and void (Gen. 1: 2 NASB).
We are not told how long the Earth was in existence before it became formless in void, only why it did and that it took place before Man ever came on the scene.
There is nothing in Scripture that either confirms or disputes the age estimates that science has placed on the origins of the planet. There is a definite difference in timing and origins of Man that Scripture and science promote.
The Angelic Conflict continued when the dark, devastated, Earth was restored and prepared for its next inhabitants (the human race).
This “restoration and preparation” of planet Earth is what is documented in Gen. 1: 2-31, and must be distinguished from the instantaneous (Psalms 33:9/Heb. 11: 3) “creation” of the Gen. 1: 1 Earth that God “spoke” into existence.
Note that each “day” in the restoration process was not necessarily a 24 hour period of time. At least the first two “days” were not “solar” days, as the sun (needed to measure a “solar” day) was not set in place until the 3rd day of the restoration process. The “light” source of Gen. 1: 3 that took place on the first day of the process differs from the light of the sun, the stars, and the moon (Gen. 1: 14-16) that were not in place until the third day, or period of time. The six days were six separate periods of time that may or may not have been equal in length.
Neither the creation nor the restoration of the Gen. 1 Earth was witnessed by ANY man. The first man (Adam) was not created until the sixth day; after the planet had been restored and prepared for him to take part in the ongoing conflict between the forces of good and evil.
The Genesis 1 account was composed by Moses around 1500 BC, under the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit, and was written in “language of accommodation” that could be understood by Man of that time period, and throughout all of human history.
The best example of using “language of accommodation” can be seen in the secular educational systems. The vocabulary and techniques used by a kindergarten teacher would not be the same as the vocabulary or techniques of a college professor if the subject matter is going to be successfully communicated. Yet, regardless of how educated one becomes, he can still understand the basis concepts taught to him at the kindergarten level.
Although Scripture does contain scientific facts, it was never intended to be a science textbook.
When unchanging Scripture is accurately interpreted and applied, and the (ever-changing) “facts” offered by science are actually accurate, there is harmony between Scripture and the “laws of science.”
It will not upset an advancing disciple when some of the traditionally promoted teachings of religion are challenged, as God has made it clear that in God's timing, whatever Man adds to Scripture will be exposed (Prov. 30: 6). This includes the false teachings based on Man-made religion.
The unwillingness to acknowledge error in one doctrine's or practice will prevent one from moving forward in the 2Pet. 3: 18 knowledge of the Lord and its application James 1: 22.
Whatever fallen Man has put his hands to have been contaminated. Religion is no exception. While there are some denominations and non-denominational sectors that adhere more strictly to the Word of God than others, there is not one that can claim it has not been negatively impacted by varying degrees of error in either doctrine or practices.
Each and every born again believer is at a different level in the progression or in the regression of his/her post salvation spiritual life.
Infants cannot hold down steak (advanced doctrine), and adults need more than just milk (1Cor. 3: 2/Heb. 5: 12). Most born again believers are somewhere in the middle of these two ends of the spectrum, but wherever we are, there will always be more to learn, refine, and to better apply.
Any principle of doctrine that we now have to share with others would not be known to us if someone else not first brought it to us.
Thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought (Romans 12: 3) sets the stage for regression in the post salvation spiritual life and being taken captive in the realm of spiritual combat. If we are not moving forward in the plan of God, we are sliding backwards.
It is not by deficiency but by divine decree that there will be certain facts (Deut. 29: 29) kept from Man. God does not want Man to come to Him on the basis of fact alone, but by faith (Heb. 11: 6).
Facts can only take us so far. There are gaps along the road to spiritual maturity that require a leap of faith for one to continue on the road towards spiritual maturity.
Knowledge of the Gospel Message is one thing; believing it and applying it is another. Knowledge of post salvation doctrine is one thing; believing and applying it is another.
How many times have we heard it said, “I know that!”, when presenting the Gospel Message to an unbeliever, or promoting a principle of post salvation doctrine to a fellow-believer who shows no genuine interest in applying it!
The devil has every reason to distract Man from learning what had taken place BEFORE the creation of Man. Such knowledge exposes the devil for what and where he was, is, and will be. The devil is NOT (yet - Rev. 20: 10) in "Hell." The devil and his forces of evil are all around us, engaging in the spiritual combat of the Church Age. Taking the people of God captive is a primary goal of this activity, as this is what denies God the glory that He otherwise would receive.
God did not include the background history of the this ongoing conflict in the pages of Scripture in order to fill space. Not did He go into the details concerning the post salvation spiritual life of the Church Age to provide us with interesting stuff to read.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness (2Tim. 3: 16 NASB).”
It is important to discern the difference between Scripture that was inspired by God, and “religious” writings that are the products of Man.
Religious writings have been in existence throughout most of human history. Religious writings are the products of Man, expressing the author’s thoughts or the author’s interpretation and application of Scripture. If it was not inspired by God, then it is NOT Scripture that is in view.
In violation of such principles found in Prov. 30: 6, some religious writings (composed during the 400 years of God's silence) have been added to Scripture, and can be found in the various versions of "The Bible " found WITHIN the Christian Community at large.
Some denominations consider these and many other religious writings issued by their human leaders as having equal authority with Scripture. This is based on the concept that such leaders are “infallible” when it comes to the interpretation and application of Scripture. The infamous track record of many who have held such positions throughout the course of the Church Age speak for themselves concerning the credibility of such a claim.
“Do not add to His words (in content or practice) Lest He reprove you, and you be proved a liar (false prophet) – Prov. 30: 6 NABS italics mine).”
Being sincere will do you no good if you are sincerely wrong! The Rev. 20: 15 “lake of fire” is going to be filled with souls who had been well-intending, religious people, but whose names were never recorded in the book of life. This book of life contains the name of every born again (John 3: 5, 7) believer.
To the extent that religious writings are inconsistent with what can be substantiated in Scripture, they can be used by the devil to promote his alternatives, and take the ones they deceive captive.
* * *
The “beginning” referenced in Gen. 1: 1 was NOT the starting point of eternity. Eternity did NOT have a beginning, nor will it have an end.
The “beginning”recorded in Gen. 1:1 refers the start of specific events that took place BEFORE the creation Man, but would and did have significance to the human race that was created at a later time.
Among these events, was the instantaneous creation (Psalms 33: 9/Heb. 11: 3) of the Earth, along with much of what we consider to be the physical universe (Gen. 1: 1). Between the activity recorded in Gen. 1: 1, and the activity recorded in Gen. 1: 2ff., we have such things as the destruction of the cities that were a part of the kingdom that the devil attempted to establish during Phase 1 of the Angelic Conflict (Jer. 4: 23-26), causing the surface of the Earth to become formless, void, and dark (Gen. 1: 2/Jer. 4: 23).
Phase 1 of the Angelic Conflict began when the devil declared his independence and intentions of establishing his kingdom independent of God (Isa. 14: 13) , and ended with the destruction recorded in Jer. 4: 23-26. This is what caused the surface of the Earth to become formless and void.
We are not told how time had passed between the creation of the Earth, recorded in Gen, 1: 1, and the destruction of its surface, recorded inn Gen. 1:2 and Jer. 4: 23-26. We are not told how much time passed between the destruction of the earth's surface, and the beginning of the its restoration process, as recorded in Gem. 1:2. We have a closer understanding of how much time passed during the restoration process recorded in Gen. 1: 2-29, but keep in mind that this six day period does not necessarily mean 6, 24 hour solar days, as the sun was not set in place until the third "day" of the restoration process.
It was not until the sixth day of restoration period that God created the Man.
On the seventh day God rested from all that He had (already) created (Gen. 2: 2).
Gen. 2: 4-25 offers some additional information concerning the earth and the creation of Man.
We do not know how much time Adam and Eve spent in the Garden of Eden in a perfect environment and in perfect fellowship with God before the events leading up to the Fall of Man (Gen 3) took place. We are told it was as of the Fall that Man received the spiritual death condition that God had warned about (Gen. 2: 17), as well as physical death becoming a part of the human experience from that point on (Gen. 2: 22-24).
The divine purpose for the creation of Man was for Man to take center stage in the ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil.
Like the angelic race that preceded them, Man was given free-will with which he would make spiritual choices that would either glorify God, or the devil, reaping either the blessings, or consequences of those decisions.
It is by no coincidence that the ultimate end of the conflict between the forces of good and evil, and the end of the human environment (as we presently know it to be) are simultaneous (Rev. 20: 10/Rev. 21).
Every soul in every dispensation (period of time) has knowingly or unwittingly participated in this ongoing battle between the forces of evil. Each soul makes choices, and it is these choices that determine where and how he/she will experience all of eternity.
For the purpose of this presentation, we are going to fast forward and focus on the issue of being taken captive in the midst of the spiritual combat (Eph. 6: 12), presently taking place in Church Age, in this ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil.
One of the goals in any conflict is the neutralization of enemy assets through destruction or capture. It is a win-win scenario when captured resources can then be turned around to be used against the opposition.
In the realm of spiritual combat, God’s soldiers are neutralized when they are in a position to pose no significant threat to the agenda of the devil. In the above win-win scenario, such captives can be used to promote the devil’s agenda.
The battle plan or marching orders (Matt. 28: 19, 20) that were given to the Church that God ordained was/ is to preserve and to proclaim the true Gospel Message to unbelievers for salvation, and to make disciples (students and appliers) of the Word of God out of those who are born again.
The Church that God designed must be distinguished from the MANY religious organizations that have been established throughout the course of the Church Age. Many of them claiming to be The Church that God established. Many appear to be a church that God designed, but the tell-tale sign is the "fruit" that is (or is not) being produced in the spiritual lives of those attending. The fruit that is being produced by The Church that God designed are saved souls and advancing disciples. A saved soul is one that has been born again (John 3: 5, 7). An advancing disciple is a born again believer who is moving forward in the studying and the applying of the Word of God.
The devil lost Phase 1 of the conflict before Man ever came into the picture, but has not given up the idea of impeding any forward progress in the unfolding of the plan that God has in mind for the human race.
He has personal reasons NOT to want to see God's plan fulfilled (Rev. 20: 10).
“The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Rev. 20: 10 NABS).”
Although it was initially constructed for the devil and his fallen angels (Matt. 25: 41), this same, never-ending lake of fire, also awaits the unbelieving souls of the human race (Rev. 20: 15).
Isaiah 5: 14 KJV speaks of Hell being expandable to accommodate a larger capacity than what it was originally designed to handle.
To the extent that God allows, following the Fall of Man, the devil has re-established an intangible kingdom here on Earth (Luke 4: 5, 6).
This kingdom is not like the one that was destroyed in the Gen. 1:2/Jer., 4:26 event, this existing kingdom of the devil (Luke 4: 6) is intangible, but not one that an advancing disciple can afford to disregard. The widely accepted and promoted concept that the devil and his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12) are presently in Hell waiting for all the "bad" people to join him is NOT what Scripture teach (1Pet. 5: 8).
Knowing the true location, plans, and method of operation of the enemy is key to military success. Deceiving the enemy about one's location, strength, plans, and method of operation has been a part of the devil's strategy all along.
“”And he (the devil) led Him (the Lord Jesus Christ) up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I will give it to whomever I wish (Luke 4: 6 NASB).”
The Fall of Man did NOT take God by surprise. The omniscience of God was well aware of all that was going to take place, as well as what is taking place, and will be taking place throughout the course of Human History. God had a plan of recovery (salvation) in mind before the earth or Man was ever created (Eph. 1: 4).
* * * *
Why doesn’t God just wipe out all the evil and evil ones in the universe? Because if He did, we would ALL be destroyed with it (Matt. 13: 28-30).
Born again believers do not cease to be sinners on the day they are born again. At the moment one is saved, the born again believer has forever been delivered from the wrath of God that is awaiting all unbelievers (Rev. 20: 15), but the spiritual warfare of the post salvation spiritual life here on Earth has only just begun.
There is a coming time, when we will leave the sin nature within us (Romans 7) behind, and that evil will no longer have a place in the new Earth (Rev. 21) to come. But until we leave it behind (at death or the Rapture), it will remain and be a force with which to contend..
James 2: 10 teach that if we commit one sin, we stand as guilty as the one who has committed them all. For those who have learned of the 300+ ways in which a born again believer can sin via commission or omission, it is easy to conclude that we ALL sin EVERY day! We are ALL in need of the ongoing grace of God.
* * * *
Here we are, in the dispensation (period of time) of the Church Age, and the war between the forces of good and evil continues. Its focus is on one side preserving and promoting the Gospel Message for salvation, and post (after) salvation doctrine for discipleship, and the other side promoting its alternatives.
In the secular world, those who handle currency are NOT trained so much by keeping up with the latest form of counterfeiting, but by improving one’s ability to spot the real thing.
The same strategy can be wisely applied when it comes to the true Gospel Message and accurate post salvation doctrine.
It’s by knowing the truth than one can spot a counterfeit alternative.
Distorting, denying, or blending lies with the truth, has been a part of the devil’s strategy when interacting with Man from the very beginning (Gen. 3). Elevating religious writings of Man to equality with inspired Scripture from God is a part of the devil's strategy.
* * *
In military combat, there is no doubt about it in the minds of those who have been taken prisoner. But this is not always the case in the realm of spiritual combat (Eph. 6). There are many "Christians" who are out there unwittingly promoting the devil's agenda every day while believing that all is well between them and God. If they are truly Christians, having been born again, everything concerning salvation is well between them and God, but that does not mean all is well in the post salvation life that they have chosen!
The devil often accomplishes his objectives through individuals and groups that he has deceived (Matt. 15: 14).
There is nothing more pitiful than people who think they are serving God, when in fact they are serving the interests of the devil. There is nothing new about this scenario (John 8: 44), nor is there anything new about the hostile reaction when this is brought to the attention of those involved.
Before one can be certain that it is God and/or the things of God that he is promoting (Matt. 28: 19, 20) and defending (1Pet. 3: 15), one must first learn to distinguish the difference between what has come from God, and what are the devil’s alternatives, often times being promoted by Man-made religion.
There are no neutral zones in the spiritual realm. If a born again believer is not a part of the solution, engaged in Great Commission of Matthew 28: 19, 20, then he/she is a part of the problem.
If one is not proclaiming the true Gospel Message to unbelievers, and /or sharing accurate post salvation doctrine with fellow believers, he/she is not even on the spiritual battlefield, let alone success or failure.
In the eyes of world, what one does not oppose, he/she endorses. Silence on the part of a so-called advancing diiciple receives the applause of the devil.
In an attempt to preserve the peace with people, one can disqualify him/herself from discipleship (Luke 14: 26).
True, the born again believer is called to live in peace with others (Romans 12: 18) to the extent that circumstance allow, but this does not mean that there aren’t times when one must take a stand for God and/or the things of God (Matt. 10: 33).
When an advancing disciple is living the post salvation spiritual life here in the devil’s world, there will be no need for him/her to do anything to attract the attention of others. His interests, disinterests, speech, silence, behaviors, and attitudes (especially when the pressure in on) will be obvious, as this will be different from the ways of the world.
This difference will generate attacks from some, but genuine inquiries from others.
One might be surprised to learn that the one being evangelized or edified was not the one being spoken to, but a third party that was observing and listening to what was being conveyed to someone else.
Most people will not get upset when an advancing disciple shares his faith (beliefs) if it is they who brought up the subject by asked the advancing disciple the question(s).
Advancing disciples learn along the way that to try to evangelize (share the Gospel Message) or edify (share a principle of Scripture) with a soul that has not been first prepared (by God) to receive it, will not get the desired results.
This is a frustrating experience that godly parents will experience when it seems the more the parents tries to give godly advice, the more the child seems determined to have his/her own way, to their own hurt.
Being too close to (or a part of) the problem is what prevents the advancing disciple from being effective when and where he/she naturally would want to be the most successful (Mark 6: 4).
“And Jesus said to them, “A prophet (spokesperson for God) is not without honor (respect) excerpt in his home town and among his own relatives and in his own household.” (Mark 6: 4 NASB).”
Advancing disciples are called to a daily life of obedience and to be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks WHY it is we do (or don’t do) the things we do on a regular basis.
If such opportunities do not present themselves, it is an indication that the believer involved has been taken captive and removed from the battlefield of spiritual combat.
* * *
In the spiritual realm, there are spiritual “w-A-r-r-i-o-r-s and there are spiritual “w-O-r-r-i-e-r-s.”
Spiritual warriors are advancing disciples engaged in spiritual combat (Eph. 6: 12) out in the spiritual battlefield on a daily basis.
Spiritual w-o-r-r-i-o-r-s are those who never truly understood the permanency of what it means to be born again. Consequently, spiritual worriers spend much of their life worrying about the status of their salvation, engaging in religious activity (just in case) in an attempt to earn, secure, or retain their salvation. Such believers make little (if any) forward progress in the post salvation spiritual life, and are easily taken captive and removed from the battlefield of spiritual warfare.
Like many forms of cancer in the natural realm, regression in the post salvation spiritual life is a very slow process that gradually takes place over an extended period of time. It often shows little or no symptoms until much damage has already taken place.
Since the ones being taken captive are not always aware of it, consider the following symptoms that indicate that a soul has never entered the battlefield, or has been taken captive.
An advancing disciple can best evaluate him/herself (2Cor. 13: 5) by the spiritual fruit (or lack of it) that God (John 15: 5) is producing in him/herself, and the spiritual fruit that God is (or is not) producing through him/her in the spiritual lives of others. If one is a born again believer and there is no such fruit being produced, then he/she has either never entered the battlefield of spiritual combat, fulfilling his/her part in the Great Commission, or has been taken captive.
Finally, how does one escape from spiritual captivity?
The answer is found in such passages as John 8: 32 and James 1: 22.
"You (the advancing disciple) will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8: 32 NASB italics mine)."
"But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves (James 1: 22 NASB)."
The devil has done a pretty good job of concealing the divine purpose regarding the timing of and purpose for which God created the human race. As in case of most of spiritual issues, he engineers and promotes alternatives that appeal to the fallen nature in Man.
The human race was created to glorify God (Col. 1: 16) in the midst of a conflict between good and evil that began BEFORE Man was ever created. The history behind this conflict exposes the devil for what he truly is, and what his primary goal (denying God His gory) is.
Scripture (James 4: 4) make it clear that if we are in friendship with the world, then we are at war with God. Taking a stand for God and/or the things of God will cause us to be in conflict with the devil’s (Luke 4: 6).
There are no neutral zones in the spiritual realm.
The devil’s world (Luke 4: 6) consists of anywhere and everywhere that he has established a voice of influence. The fallen nature in Man is hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God, but is inherently bent towards being receptive to much of what the devil promotes. Therefore, the enemy-held territory of the devil's world" can be as close as a part of our soul structure (Matt. 7: 24-27) that is not submitted to the control of God the Holy Spirit (Matt. 6: 24).
* * *
Man was created to glorify God in the midst of an ongoing war between the forces of good and evil.
Scripture reveals how God is to be glorified in each of the various dispensations (periods of time) of the master plan of God.
We are presently living in the dispensation of the Church Age. The dispensation of the Church Age began in the first century AD, shortly after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, and will remain in place until the Rapture (1Thess 4: 16, 17) takes place.
The Rapture is NOT the end of the world, nor is it the end of the Church. It is a change in location of Church Age believers, and sets the stage for many more events to take place before the new heaven and the new earth (Rev. 21) are established.
The attributes that define the character and the nature of God do not change, but the ways in which God is to be worshiped and glorified do change from one dispensation to another. For example, Church Age worshipers no longer participate in animal sacrifices that were very much a part of worship during Old Testament dispensations.
It is critically important to be able to distinguish what mandates of Scripture apply to which dispensation, if we are going to worship God as He desires to be worshiped (John 4: 23), and to fulfill our part in the plan of God that brings glory to Him.
Being sincere will do one no good if he is sincerely wrong!
In truth, most of the Church has already departed, with only two or three generations here on Earth at any given time. Some members of the “last” generation of the Church Age will NOT experience physical death, but will be instantaneously transformed and united with the already-departed Church members. At that event, the entire Church will meet the Lord in the air above the Earth, and will be wherever He is from that time forward (1Thess. 4: 17).
To this extent, physical death and/or the Rapture are not to be feared, but are to be looked forward to by the people of faith. It is the spiritually weak believers who fear death and/or prefer to cling onto the things of this life, rather than move forward in the plan of God.
On one hand, the spiritually mature believer does not want to leave this world until he/she has fulfilled his/her individual part in the plan of God, but on the other hand, does not want to remain here in the devil’s world (Luke 4; 6) once he/she has done so.
* * * *
The human race, and each member of it, was created to glorify God. The devil as has an unlimited supply of alternatives, all focused on making his present world (Luke 4: 6) a better place to live, with no regard for the life to come.
During the dispensation of the Church Age, the first time in that a human soul glorifies Gods is when the individual soul chooses to respond to a presentation of the Gospel Message.
If and when that takes place, the soul satisfied the one and only Biblical requirement to receive and to forever retain salvation. In the words of Jesus, he/she has been is “born again (John 3: 5, 7 NASB).”
Until one is born again, the soul is spiritually dead, regardless of how much “religious” activity the soul is involved in, or is done in his/her behalf.
The necessity of being born again (John 3: 5, 7) is what the Lord taught Nicodemus (and us), a very religious man of his day.
If born again, then the individual is given on-going opportunities to glorify God by identifying and participating in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship. Success or failure in the post salvation spiritual life can impact HOW one will spend eternity (with or without rewards [1COr. 3: 15] and privileges (Rev. Chapters 2 & 3]) , but does NOT alter where he will spend it.
Again, the devil has an endless supply of alternatives and strategies to distract and impede the born again believer from advancing in the post salvation life of discipleship that glorifies God. Many of these alternatives are worthwhile, p-r-o-v-i-d-i-n-g they kept in the right order of priority (Luke 14: 26). Others amount to sin and have no place in the life of a born again believer.
Glorifying God or denying God the glory He are the two opposing objectives that generate the spiritual combat between divine and evil forces, with the free-will of Man being the primary target.
The devil does not have the divine attribute of omnipresence. Therefore he can only be in one place at a time, but uses millions of subordinates that make up the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil to take care of business on a daily basis here on plant Earth.
Within the human environment, there are spiritual warriors and spiritual worriers.
As we will see later on in this presentation, the spiritual warrior can be trained and equipped with all that he/she needs (not wants) in order to succeed in the realm of spiritual warfare. Spiritual worriers make poor combatants.
The spiritual combat of the Church Age does NOT primarily involve the type of activity displayed in the horror films of Hollywood.
The spiritual combat of the Church Age is all about one side promoting the truth and the other side promoting alternatives when it comes to spiritual issues.
The truth (concerning salvation) is the unadulterated Gospel Message. The alternatives (concerning salvation) consists of false gospels. False gospels either promote false deities or promote "additional requirements" to the true Gospel Message in order for one to either obtain or retain salvation.
The truth concerning the post salvation spiritual life are the Bible Doctrines that address the execution of the post salvation spiritual life. The alternatives consist of false doctrine, rituals, and practices that promote Man-made religion(s) as the means to retain the salvation that one has already received.
The devil is “wise” enough to include enough truth in his alternatives to pull off the deception. Like any other successful counterfeit operation, the phony must appear and be accepted as the real thing if the deception is going to work. The old saying, "Just a little information is dangerous!", certainly applies to the spiritual realm.
The devil has mastered the art of lying (John 8: 44), and at times, it takes the sharp spiritual eye of an advancing disciple to be able to detect the lies mixed into the truth that the devil offers and/or promotes in the name (authority) of Man-made religion.
Being close can be rewarded in the game of horseshoes, but will fail to accomplish a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g in the spiritual realm.
Just as the devil had a plan of destruction for the people of God in past dispensations, the devil has a plan of destruction (1Pet. 5: 8) in mind for each and every soul that is created and born into the dispensation of the Church.
Phase One of the devil’s (1Pet. 5: 8) plan is to impede the development of an interest to listen to and/or to respond to a presentation of the true Gospel Message.
This involves the promotion of atheism, false gospels, and/or the promotion of the Psalms 96 “religions” of the world. Christian religion (as opposed to unadulterated Christianity) is among the "religions" of the world. The devil has no problem with atheists or those who get involved with “religion,” even so-called Christian religion, as long as one is not born again. Promoting religion is a part of the devil's agenda, as he knows better that the one engaged in it, what the end result will be (Rev. 20: `15). Religions provide the participants with a false sense of security, leaving them with the impression that all is well between them and the God/god that each religion promotes. Religion consists of all that MAN does (or doesn't do) in an attempt to make himself worthy of divine blessings both here on Earth and in the life to come. Christianity is all about placing one's trust and confidence in what God has done, is doing, and will do for the people who believe.
As long as Phase one succeeds, there is no need for Phase Two, as the devil already has the spiritually-dead soul right where he wants him. The devil knows the value of quitting while he is ahead of the game.
Phase two involves those who have been born again. Phase Two involves generating doubt and insecurity concerning the status of their salvation in the souls of those who have already been saved.
Phase Two involves promoting false doctrines and practices in the name (authority) of “religion.” Christian religion, as opposed to unadulterated Christianity is no exception.
Phase Two involves generating distractions that will take the born again believer away from the things of God. These distractions can come in the form of what we might consider blessings and prosperity, as well as adversity. The devil has mastered the ability to know what buttons to press and when to press them for maximum effect in the realm of spiritual warfare. It matters not (to the devil) if he uses blessings or adversity, as long as the end result is achieved.
The end result of those who are not born again is the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15). If in the meantime, he (the devil) and his world can benefit by all of the human good that religious people produce, making his world a better place to live, all the better (for him). Promoting the production of human good that makes his world a better place to live, vs. the production of divine good that glorifies God, is a key part of the spiritual combat here in the Church Age. Having born again believers focused on the here and now, and not prioritizing the life to come, is one of the ways that the devil takes many born again believer captive.
The devil knows (better than many “Christians”) that neither he nor they can do nothing to undo the divine work (Titus 3: 5/ Eph. 4: 30) that took place at the moment of salvation.
But the devil also knows of the extensive destruction that he can achieve by generating doubts and fear in the soul structure of a weak believer. He is fully aware of the destruction that he can generate in the lives of arrogant believers that consider the grace of God to be a (Jude 4) license to sin (Romans 6: 1, 2, 15). This destruction is not of one's salvation, but the destruction of the production of divine good that would otherwise glorify God here on Earth and be rewarded in Heaven.
* * *
It is God that sets the rules of engagement, setting the limits (Job 1:12/Job 2: 6) of how far the devil (or his agents) can go in the realm of spiritual warfare. The Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil that go beyond the parameters of the divinely established rules of engagement in the realm of spiritual combat are removed from the battlefield, and are not permitted to return (Jude 6/Luke 8: 30, 31).
There are only a few instances recorded in Scripture where the devil got personally involved (Matt.4/Luke 4/ Luke 22: 3). For the most part the devil prefers to accomplish his objectives through third parties (Gen. 3: 1). When the smoke clears, he leaves behind the ones he used, battered, bruised, or dead.
Unlike God, the devil does not have the divine attributes of omniscience (all knowledge), or omnipotence (unlimited power) or omnipresence (the capability of being anywhere and everywhere at the same time).
Accordingly, these limitations causes the devil to engage in much of the spiritual combat through the use of his Eph. 6: 12 subordinates, and through human beings who he as deceived.
As was the case in past dispensations, here in the Church Age, the devil has been most successful when these third parties a-p-p-e-a-r to be speaking for God, and/or are accepted as spokespersons for God (2Cor. 11: 14)!
This part of the devil’s strategy is ingenious when one considers that it is the “religious” ones who are unwittingly being used by the devil to promote his agenda. The last place one would expect to be misled is the first place that the devil will use.
Let’s take a few minutes to review the spiritual combat that had taken place BEFORE Man was created to participate. Failing to understand the purpose and the timing of the creation of Man opens the door to all the alternative answers to the, “Why did God create me?” question. Until one acknowledges why he/she is here on Earth in this period of human history, he she will easily be taken captive.
God did not include this information in His Word to take up space.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (2 Timothy 3: 16 NASB),”
* * * *
Before the human race was ever created, there was initiated a battle in the spiritual realm between God and His divine forces, and the devil and his evil forces.
Man has a way of placing himself at the center of the universe, as if everything that happened in the past, is happening now, or will happen in the future is all about Man. It was not, is not, and will not be the case.
The very idea of a universe that did not include Man is foreign to human viewpoint.
The truth is that the very purpose and timing of the creation of Man was the result of events that had taken place before Man was ever created.
Eternity never had a starting point, and will never have an ending point.
Being eternal is one of the divine attributes that defines the character and nature of God in “language of accommodation,” that being terminology that human beings with spiritual discernment can understand.
There has never been a time when the God of the Bible did not exist, and there will never come a time when He will not exist. Rather or not anyone of us is going to spend eternity future (after life here on Earth is over) with or without God is a choice that one of us will make when presented with the Gospel Message.
Even though the very concept of eternity (having no beginning and having no end) is beyond the human ability of time-oriented Man to fully comprehend, it was never-the-less placed in the heart (soul) of every soul that God created (Eccl. 3: 11).
Our biological parents (John 3: 6a)provided us with our natural body to house our souls during our appointed time here on Earth. They may or may not have had a baby in mind when what would become our humanity was conceived. But it was God (John 3: 6b) who created our souls that will live on forever. This was a part of the specific plan that God had in mind for each one of us, with full knowledge of the impact that our personal opportunities and limitations would be.
Rejecting this Eccl. 3: 11) concept of eternity is what sets the stage for a soul to engage in atheism, and/or to ponder alternative answers to questions regarding the origins of Man and the physical universe, and the reasons (if there were any) for their creation. Once the concept of God is tossed aside, it is easy to fill the void with all kinds of alternative explanations. The basis flaw in these alternatives is that they fail to identify or even acknowledge the first whatever it was that set everything in the spiritual and physical universe in motion, and has maintained it ever since.
To some degree Man has selfish cause to hope for eternity future, as otherwise this means there is a coming end-time when we, as an individual, and as part of a species of created beings, will no longer exist in any realm.
The invisible and intangible human soul (and NOT the body-Gen. 1: 27) is the part of us that was created in God’s never-ending “likeness (Gen. 1: 26 NASB).”
Moses (Matt. 17: 3), having died centuries before, appeared in interim bodies on the Mount of Transfiguration during the period of ancient history (1 through 30-33 AD) that our Lord walked among us.
Scripture (Deut 34: 6) teach that the physical body (tent) of Moses was buried by God. The “tent” is destined to turn to dust (Gen. 3: 19). The bodily remains (or dust) of believers will be raised up in resurrection form (mansions) at the Rapture.
The (false) concept of “soul sleep” would have us believe that the departed souls of more recently departed believers are unconscious, confined to a dark, 6 ft. x 2 Ft. x 2 Ft. box (casket) in the presence of a decaying body as it rots away and turns to dust. This is a far cry from the type of “presence with the Lord (2Cor. 5: 8)” scenario that Paul spoke of in this passage.). If the soul-sleep concept were true, why would Paul have considered physical death to be equal to or better than remaining physically alive here on Earth? Keep in mind, that Paul had already seen the 3rd Heaven (2Cor. 12; 2)!
In 2Cor. 5: 8 (NASB) we read, “we are of good courage, I say, and prefer to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord (2Cor. 5: 8 NASB).”
There are Old Testament accounts in which various personalities expressed human viewpoint of that time period, being void of the enlightening knowledge of New Testament Scripture that clarified such things as the location and the environment that Church Age believers experience upon leaving the body at the moment of physical death.
The Old Testament perception of life after death was not one of either great punishment or reward. It was from such a misunderstanding that many false religious practices, based on human superstition have evolved with the idea of improving the environment, and even the location, of departed souls.
It was the commonly held belief during the Old Testament period, that whatever (if any) great blessings that one was to receive from God, it would be during their time here on Earth. Lack of prosperity and the presence of adversity were generally viewed as indicators that the person was under the curse of God.
New Testament Scripture teach that among the marks of a true disciple here on Earth are being rejected (Luke 10: 16); persecuted(2Tim. 3: 12); hated (Matt. 10: 22); self-sacrifice (Luke 9: 23); and suffering (Phil. 1: 29). This is hardly what an Old Testament believer would perceive to be a "blessed" life!
Paul noted that if what living the Christian lifestyle brought to one here on Earth was all there was (and nothing in eternity), then Christians are to be most pitied (1Cor. 15: 19 NASB)!
Such passages as John 3: 18 and Romans 8:1 make it clear that the location and environment of all departed souls is determined by the choices THEY made during their time here on Earth. Praying or engaging in any activity in behalf of the departed is like praying for a change in weather that we had yesterday!
The “rest in peace” principle applies to the conscious souls of believers in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1), in Heaven, enjoying the serenity of Heaven as they rest from the adversity they encountered during the production of divine good God produced (John 15: 5) through them while here on Earth.
At the risk of sounding unnecessarily gross, the truth is that the R.I.P acronym could be better understood to mean rotting in place of the body, as this is what is taking place in the physical grave of the corpse, as decreed by God (Gen. 3: 19). It is the dust or what's left to the decaying bodies of believers at the time of the Rapture that is called up from the graves and transformed into what will be the resurrected bodies of born again believers. It matters not where the bodily remains of born again believers are at the time. The omniscience of God knows, and there is nothing beyond the capability of our omnipotent God to accomplish anything that He has decreed to take place. There have been uncounted corpse of born again believers whose bodily remains were not available to be provided with a traditional funeral and burial, or whose grave sites have been destroyed. Such tragic events do not place limits on God.
I believe the quantity of divine good, especially in the midst of spiritual combat, that one engaged in while here on Earth is what sets the stage for the greatest quality of the “rest” one will experience in Heaven.
True, "...The soul that sins will die (Ezekiel 18: 4 NASB).
However, the type of death being spoken of in Ezekiel 18: 4 NASB, as in type of death that was spoken of in (Gen. 2: 17), is s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l death, and not physical.
Spiritual death is NOT a state of non-existence, but existing while separated from God. Adam and the woman experienced s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l death "on the day they sinned- ), but did not experience physical death until much later on. Ever since the Fall of Man, every soul (*with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ) comes into this world spiritually dead, as a result of spiritual death having been passed down to them at the moment of conception (Psalms 51: 5). See the Doctrine of the Hypostatic Union for more details concerning the reasons and the means through which this miracle took place. Here in the Church Age, the ONE and ONLY means to have our spiritually dead condition reversed is to experience the regenerating (Titus 3: 5) work of God the Holy Spirit that automatically takes place at the moment of salvation.
Every human soul, being created in the (never-ending) “likeness (Gen. 1: 26)” of God, is destined to spend all of eternity future in one of two environments.
As of the Church Age, the departed souls of believers are with God (2Cor. 5: 8) in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1).
The interim body is “building” that replaces the “tent” (natural body) that housed the soul on Earth.
The final body that the believers will receive (at the Rapture) is the “mansion” spoken of in (John 14: 23 KJV). Note the progression in the type and endurance capability of each of these bodily forms that house the human soul. One goes from a tent, to a building, to a mansion.
When the Rapture takes place, the souls of believers living on the Earth at that time, along with the souls of believers in interim bodies in Heaven, will BOTH receive their resurrected bodies, and will meet the Lord in the air above the Earth, and will be wherever He is from that point on (1Thess 4: 17). As a result, the believers who are in their tents here on Earth at the time will never experience the physical death of their natural bodies (tents), and never receive an interim body (building). There will be no need for one. This group of believers will have their tents instantaneously (1Cor. 15: 52)) transformed into their resurrected bodies (mansions).
The departed souls of all unbelievers throughout the course of human history are in the Torments of Hades (Luke 16: 24), where they will remain until the Rev. 20:13, 15 events take place. Note that the type of fire in the Torments of Hades (and in the lake of fire) does not consume, but caused great agony.
When the Rev. 20: 13, 15 activity takes place, the souls that were detained and suffering in the Torments of Hades will be judged and sent to what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
The Lord Jesus Christ paid the sin debt of the whole world (1John 2: 2) while on the cross, with the exception, by divine design, of the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18). For God the Father to send ANY soul to the lake of fire for ANY sin that had already been atone for, would nullify the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Religious teachings that ANY others sin can result in the lake of fire is not only false, but amounts to the sin of blasphemy as they are attacking the Work and the promises made by the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is *divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) and loss of specific rewards (1Cor. 12: 15) and privileges (Rev. 2 and 3) for born again believers that choose NOT to identify and/or to execute the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, but the salvation (going to Heaven issue) of ANY born again believer is NEVER in jeopardy. It is for the sin of disbelief, and for that sin alone, the souls of unbelievers are judged at the Rev. 20: 13-15 event and cast into the lake of fire (John 3: 18). *Divine discipline can range in anything from living with a guilty conscience, up to and including physical death (Acts 5), and should not be taken lightly. Sin on earth takes the believer out of fellowship with God. When out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God, one is not going to be in the frame of mind (1Cor. 2: 16) to have God (John 15: 5 ) produce divine good through him/her. It is for having been involved in the production of divine good for which the 1Cor. 3: 14 rewards and the Rev. 2 & 3 privileges are given in Heaven to the ones who were advancing disciples here on Earth.
There is only ONE solution to the out of fellowship status that a born again believers finds him/herself as a result of engaging in sin. It involves a 1John 1: 9 confession (to God). In order to retain the restored fellowship, there is the need to forsake (John 8: 11) the same sin in the future. Human viewpoint and religion has several counterfeit alternatives to offer. Among them are penance, Man-made confessionals with attending clergy, good works to make up for the sin, and promises not to continue. No amount of penance, religious rituals, , or good works can atone or make up for sin. The forgiveness associated with the 1John 1: 9 confession is granted on the basis of the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross that a-l-r-e-a-d-y paid for sin being confessed. The never-ending supply of forgiveness is a manifestation of the grace and mercy of God.
Forsaking the same area of sin in the future, and when possible, doing good works in behalf of those who were hurt by our sin are indications that repentance (change of mind) has taken place Repentance is a necessary and on-going part of advancing in the post salvation spiritual life, but is NOT the means to restore fellowship with God. Those who change their minds (repent) but do not change their behaviors delude themselves (James 1: 22).
Born again believers who are out of fellowship with God have certainly been taken captive. No amount of human good or religious activity can atone for the sin and/or restore fellowship with God.
The good news is that the periods out of fellowship with God can be as brief as the few seconds it takes to confess the sin to the Lord in private prayer. The bad news is that it can consume the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth if the sin is never confessed.
* * *
To consider that eternity past never had a starting-point is a tough pill for human logic to swallow. Human viewpoint promotes the concept that everything had/has a starting point and will have an end time. This is true about many things, but is not true about God, the devil, fallen angels, elect angels, and the souls of the human race.
The “worst case scenario” (total annihilation) that is promoted by human viewpoint and religion is an understatement. There IS a worst case scenario that exceeds total annihilation. Most would agree that it would be better to face total annihilation than be placed in a never-ending location and environment of torment from which there is never going to be the means of escape or release.
Some will ask how a God of love can establish such a thing.
First of all, it is NOT God's desire that anyone go there (1Tim.2:4). Secondly, those who will find themselves there will be there because of their own choice to reject God's one and only (John 14: 6) means of salvation (John 3: 18). Thirdly, God is a God of justice. Divine justice requires that all sin be accounted. Fourthly, the lake of fire is never ending, because there is no means (including total annihilation) that can atone for unpardonable sin of disbelief.
The Rev. 20: 15 “lake of fire” is NOT a place of ultimate and total annihilation, but one of NEVER ENDING torment and separation from God. It will be the never-ending environment of the devil (Matt. 25: 41/Rev. 20: 10), his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12/Matt. 25: 41), and every human soul (John3: 18/Rev. 20: 15) whose name is not found in the book of life.
The Rev. 20: 15 book of life contains the names (identity) of every soul that was born again (John 3: 5, 7, 18) throughout the course of human history.
Having one’s name written in the Rev. 20: 15 book of life is one of the things that take place at the moment of salvation. It is written in the blood (atoning work) of Christ that will not be erased by God, and cannot be erased through human failure.
The Eph. 4: 30 sealing activity (marking for identification) is the Work of God, and not the result of any human-religious activity.
All “baptisms” in Scripture had to do with the one being baptized being i-d-e-n-t-i-f-i-e-d with something or someone else.
Repenting sinners were baptized by John, i-d-e-n-t-i-f-y-i-n-g them with his preaching of repentance in preparation for the coming Messiah.
The Lord Jesus Christ was baptized, publicly identifying Him with the fulfillment of all righteousness, that being His public ministry that was about to begin, and ultimately be completed by His atoning Work on the cross.
During the Church Age, born again believers were (and in many cases are) baptized in water, identifying themselves as members of the intangible Church that God had established.
Post salvation (water) baptism in a post (after) salvation activity involving a public testimony of what (salvation) has a-l-r-e-a-d-y taken place in the spiritual realm. Every case of water baptism during the Church Age that was recorded in Scripture, involved ADULTS who were already born again (saved) believers, having already made a confession of faith in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Making any more of water baptism ceremonies than this, is to diminish the significance of the finished (John 19: 30 NASB) and atoning (1John 2: 2) work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross; the sealing (Eph. 4: 30) and regenerating (Titus 3: 5) work of God the Holy Spirit, that have a-l-r-e-a-d-y taken place in the soul of one being baptized in water.
The sealing (marking for identification) Work of God the Holy Spirit is the “o-n-e baptism” referenced in Eph. 4: 5, 6, must be distinguished from the several other types of baptisms that are also recorded in Scripture. This ONE baptism is the Work of God the Holy Spirit.
Paul, who was the primary apostle that God used to bring the Gospel Message of salvation to the Gentile world (Acts 8: 15), made it perfectly clear that he was NOT sent (1Cor. 1: 17) to (primarily) baptize converts (in water).
“For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel… (1Cor. 1: 17 NASB).”
What does p-r-e-a-c-h-i-n-g have to do with the “one baptism” spoken of in Eph. 4: 5, 6?
It is (if) when one chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message being p-r-e-a-c-h-e-d that he/she is “sealed” (baptized/identified) by God the Holy Spirit as a child of God. Here in the Church Age, Man does the preaching, but God does the baptizing!
The subject of water baptism is relevant to this presentation, in that like the controversy over physical circumcision in ancient Galatia, water baptism is one of many rituals that have been erroneously promoted as a r-e-q-u-i-r-e-m-e-n-t to obtain or to retain salvation.
If anything is required in addition to a one-time confession of faith, then the atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, and the sealing Work of God the Holy Spirit was/is not enough to both obtain and retain salvation. That type of theology is not merely incorrect, it is blasphemy.
In Galatia, Paul referred to those whose faith had been shaken, as “bewitched” fools who were drifting away from the Gospel Message (Gal. 3: 1). Paul’s terminology would not appear to be very “Christian-like,” but when appropriate, God the Holy Spirit pulls no punches when it comes to addressing spiritual issues.
Paul referred to the ones involved as foolish, because they had received the truth concerning the Gospel Message, but were now choosing to drift away from it by considering the alleged need to add religious rituals to it. Having already heard the truth, they should have known better than to listen to religious alternatives and be deceived. These believers had surely been taken captive.
Paul’ (inspired) use of the Greek word, “e-b-a-s-k-a-n-e-n”, translated “bewitched” in the NASB, KJV, and NIV English Bibles, sheds light on the demonic forces of evil that were behind the d-e-c-e-p-t-i-o-n, even though it was (overtly) being promoted by the “religious” people of that day.
False Doctrines and religious practices being promoted by demons (1Tim. 4: 1), evil-spiritual beings (2Cor. 11: 14, 15), and human beings that have been deceived, have been an issue right along (Matt. 7: 15). This type of demonic activity will only increase WITHIN the Christian Community, as we come to the end of Church Age (1Tim. 4:1).
Spiritually immature Christians, lacking spiritual edification, are easy targets and easily captured.
Unlike religion, God does NOT change. What God actually “requires” of one, He “requires” of all. What God actually “requires” of all, He requires of one. The dying man, crucified on the cross next to our Lord was obviously never baptized in water, nor did he participate in ANY other post salvation “religious” activity. He did not join a local church. He did not receive “sacraments.”
Never-the-less, as a result of his confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he was assured by the Highest of Authority, of his salvation (Luke 23: 43).
There is a difference between what it “good” and what is “required.”
There are over 300 commands in the New Testament alone that would be “good” for an advancing disciple to comply with, but they are not “required” of him in order to retain salvation.
Non-compliance with any ONE (James 1: 22) of these 300+ commandments (not suggestions) can result in divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6), but NEVER the loss of salvation. The post salvation sin does not erase his/her name from the (Rev. 20: `15) Book of Life. We do not stop sinning because we have been born again (Romans 7/1John 1: 8).
A born again believer who practices and refuses to confess and/or to forsake post salvation sin has been taken captive. Any one sin (James 2: 10) of the 300+ sins noted in the New Testament alone that becomes a lifestyle (on-going practice) is what is meant to “live in sin.”
There IS a place, a time, and a purpose for many post (after) salvation activities (e.g., ongoing confession (1John 1: 9), repenting and forsaking of sin (John 8: 11), attending worship services Heb. 10: 25, celebrating the Lord’s Supper (1Cor. 11: 24, 25), engaging in prayer (Matt. 6: 9), doing unto others as we would want them to do to us (Luke 6: 31), respecting authority (Eph. 5: 22/Eph. 6: 1/(Romans 13), identifying one’s spiritual gift and ministry (1Cor. 12: 4, 7), growing in the knowledge and the application of the Word of God (2Pet. 3: 18), etc., but these are ALL post (after) salvation issues that neither increase nor decrease the integrity of one’s s-a-l-v-a-t-i-o-n.
They DO contribute the quality of one’s post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
Failing to make the distinction between what is required to be saved, and what is required to advance in the life of discipleship is what places MANY Christians in religious bondage and causes them to live in fear of physical death and Hell, throughout the days of their earthly experience (Heb. 2:15).
Knowing and applying the truth is what sets one free from such bondage and fear (John 8: 32).
Simply put, such post salvation activities have MUCH to do with developing and executing one’s post salvation spiritual life, but have got n-o-t-h-i-n-g to do with retaining salvation. The post salvation spiritual life does not even BEGIN until the issue of one’s salvation has a-l-r-e-a-d-y been addressed.
* * *
The battle between the forces of good and evil began at some point in eternity past before Man was created. It began when the devil declared his independence and intentions of establishing a kingdom in which he would rule and be worshiped (Isaiah 13: 14).
There is only room for one ultimate ruler. All legitimate forms of authority are an extension of God’s authority (Romans 13: 1), and are accountable to God for way(s) in which this delegated authority is used.
At least *one third of the angels of Heaven followed the devil in the devil’s failed revolt and attempt to establish a kingdom independent of God.
*Some interpret Scripture and teach that all of the angels originally rebelled, but that many repented and returned to God.)
There are a lot of false concepts regarding angels.
Many of them are frequently promoted by Hollywood. Some of these false teachings are taken from the apocyphal writings that were during the 400 years of silence of the Intertestamental period. These books have been incorporated into the version of "The Bible" endorsed by such "Christian" denominations as Roman Catholicism. There is nothing new about religion altering or adding to what Scripture endorses (Matt. 15: 9).
For the advancing disciple, the spiritual issue is that although these books were composed by "religious"persons, they were void of divine inspiration (), as would be in the case of Scripture.
"All Scripture (not all religious writings) is inspired by God and profitable for teachings, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2Tim. 3" 16, 17 NASB italics mine)
Believers who can not discern the difference between divinely inspired Scripture and Man inspired religious writings are easy targets for deception and are easily taken captive in the realm of spiritual combat.
Angels did and do have the ability to take on human form (Heb. 13: 2), but do NOT become human beings. Human beings do NOT become angels, either now or at any point in eternity future. The human beings that are “saved” will have authority over the angels in eternity (1Cor. 6: 3).
When angels have appeared to Man in their angelic form, it has generated fear in the people involved, inducing the many “fear not” proclamations recorded in Scripture.
There was at least one attempt in ancient history to create a new species of beings (Gen. 6: 1, 2) through angelic and human interrelations. This was one of the activities that contributed greatly to the need for God to send a flood of global destruction upon the Earth.
I said, “at least one attempt,” as the new species (The Nephilim) were found, “on the Earth in those days, and also afterward (Gen. 6:4)”,” referring to time before and after the Flood.
There are several similarities between the members of the angelic race and the human race.
#1: Both were created (at separate times) to worship and to glorify God by executing the plans of God.
#2: Both were given free will to make choices, reaping either blessings or consequences.
#3: Both can be enabled (John 15: 5) to function under the power of God to accomplish divine objectives.
The prehistoric forces of God primarily consisted of angels that chose to side with God, and henceforth were/are referred to in Scripture as elect angels.
The forces of evil, in these passages, refer to angels that chose to join in with devil in his heavenly revolt and attempt to establish a kingdom here on Earth. These angels are referred to as fallen angels.
Ever wonder why planet Earth was chosen from among all the planets in the universe to become the lresidence of Man? It was choice of planet Earth for the location where the devil intended to establish a kingdom that set the stage for the Earth to become the residence of Man when the conflict continued. It was not only Man's residence, but the battleground where the Angelic Conflict between the forces of good and evil would continue.
The conclusion of Round One of this conflict resulted in dramatic events in both Heaven and on the Earth, and set the stage for many more to take place.
The devil and the fallen angels who chose to follow him were thrown out of Heaven. The cities that the angels, not Man (Jer. 4: 23-26), had established on the Earth were all destroyed by God.
It was at that time that the surface of the already-created earth (Gen. 1: 1) “became formless and void (Gen. 1: 2 NASB).
We are not told how long the Earth was in existence before it became formless in void, only why it did and that it took place before Man ever came on the scene.
There is nothing in Scripture that either confirms or disputes the age estimates that science has placed on the origins of the planet. There is a definite difference in timing and origins of Man that Scripture and science promote.
The Angelic Conflict continued when the dark, devastated, Earth was restored and prepared for its next inhabitants (the human race).
This “restoration and preparation” of planet Earth is what is documented in Gen. 1: 2-31, and must be distinguished from the instantaneous (Psalms 33:9/Heb. 11: 3) “creation” of the Gen. 1: 1 Earth that God “spoke” into existence.
Note that each “day” in the restoration process was not necessarily a 24 hour period of time. At least the first two “days” were not “solar” days, as the sun (needed to measure a “solar” day) was not set in place until the 3rd day of the restoration process. The “light” source of Gen. 1: 3 that took place on the first day of the process differs from the light of the sun, the stars, and the moon (Gen. 1: 14-16) that were not in place until the third day, or period of time. The six days were six separate periods of time that may or may not have been equal in length.
Neither the creation nor the restoration of the Gen. 1 Earth was witnessed by ANY man. The first man (Adam) was not created until the sixth day; after the planet had been restored and prepared for him to take part in the ongoing conflict between the forces of good and evil.
The Genesis 1 account was composed by Moses around 1500 BC, under the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit, and was written in “language of accommodation” that could be understood by Man of that time period, and throughout all of human history.
The best example of using “language of accommodation” can be seen in the secular educational systems. The vocabulary and techniques used by a kindergarten teacher would not be the same as the vocabulary or techniques of a college professor if the subject matter is going to be successfully communicated. Yet, regardless of how educated one becomes, he can still understand the basis concepts taught to him at the kindergarten level.
Although Scripture does contain scientific facts, it was never intended to be a science textbook.
When unchanging Scripture is accurately interpreted and applied, and the (ever-changing) “facts” offered by science are actually accurate, there is harmony between Scripture and the “laws of science.”
It will not upset an advancing disciple when some of the traditionally promoted teachings of religion are challenged, as God has made it clear that in God's timing, whatever Man adds to Scripture will be exposed (Prov. 30: 6). This includes the false teachings based on Man-made religion.
The unwillingness to acknowledge error in one doctrine's or practice will prevent one from moving forward in the 2Pet. 3: 18 knowledge of the Lord and its application James 1: 22.
Whatever fallen Man has put his hands to have been contaminated. Religion is no exception. While there are some denominations and non-denominational sectors that adhere more strictly to the Word of God than others, there is not one that can claim it has not been negatively impacted by varying degrees of error in either doctrine or practices.
Each and every born again believer is at a different level in the progression or in the regression of his/her post salvation spiritual life.
Infants cannot hold down steak (advanced doctrine), and adults need more than just milk (1Cor. 3: 2/Heb. 5: 12). Most born again believers are somewhere in the middle of these two ends of the spectrum, but wherever we are, there will always be more to learn, refine, and to better apply.
Any principle of doctrine that we now have to share with others would not be known to us if someone else not first brought it to us.
Thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought (Romans 12: 3) sets the stage for regression in the post salvation spiritual life and being taken captive in the realm of spiritual combat. If we are not moving forward in the plan of God, we are sliding backwards.
It is not by deficiency but by divine decree that there will be certain facts (Deut. 29: 29) kept from Man. God does not want Man to come to Him on the basis of fact alone, but by faith (Heb. 11: 6).
Facts can only take us so far. There are gaps along the road to spiritual maturity that require a leap of faith for one to continue on the road towards spiritual maturity.
Knowledge of the Gospel Message is one thing; believing it and applying it is another. Knowledge of post salvation doctrine is one thing; believing and applying it is another.
How many times have we heard it said, “I know that!”, when presenting the Gospel Message to an unbeliever, or promoting a principle of post salvation doctrine to a fellow-believer who shows no genuine interest in applying it!
The devil has every reason to distract Man from learning what had taken place BEFORE the creation of Man. Such knowledge exposes the devil for what and where he was, is, and will be. The devil is NOT (yet - Rev. 20: 10) in "Hell." The devil and his forces of evil are all around us, engaging in the spiritual combat of the Church Age. Taking the people of God captive is a primary goal of this activity, as this is what denies God the glory that He otherwise would receive.
God did not include the background history of the this ongoing conflict in the pages of Scripture in order to fill space. Not did He go into the details concerning the post salvation spiritual life of the Church Age to provide us with interesting stuff to read.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness (2Tim. 3: 16 NASB).”
It is important to discern the difference between Scripture that was inspired by God, and “religious” writings that are the products of Man.
Religious writings have been in existence throughout most of human history. Religious writings are the products of Man, expressing the author’s thoughts or the author’s interpretation and application of Scripture. If it was not inspired by God, then it is NOT Scripture that is in view.
In violation of such principles found in Prov. 30: 6, some religious writings (composed during the 400 years of God's silence) have been added to Scripture, and can be found in the various versions of "The Bible " found WITHIN the Christian Community at large.
Some denominations consider these and many other religious writings issued by their human leaders as having equal authority with Scripture. This is based on the concept that such leaders are “infallible” when it comes to the interpretation and application of Scripture. The infamous track record of many who have held such positions throughout the course of the Church Age speak for themselves concerning the credibility of such a claim.
“Do not add to His words (in content or practice) Lest He reprove you, and you be proved a liar (false prophet) – Prov. 30: 6 NABS italics mine).”
Being sincere will do you no good if you are sincerely wrong! The Rev. 20: 15 “lake of fire” is going to be filled with souls who had been well-intending, religious people, but whose names were never recorded in the book of life. This book of life contains the name of every born again (John 3: 5, 7) believer.
To the extent that religious writings are inconsistent with what can be substantiated in Scripture, they can be used by the devil to promote his alternatives, and take the ones they deceive captive.
* * *
The “beginning” referenced in Gen. 1: 1 was NOT the starting point of eternity. Eternity did NOT have a beginning, nor will it have an end.
The “beginning”recorded in Gen. 1:1 refers the start of specific events that took place BEFORE the creation Man, but would and did have significance to the human race that was created at a later time.
Among these events, was the instantaneous creation (Psalms 33: 9/Heb. 11: 3) of the Earth, along with much of what we consider to be the physical universe (Gen. 1: 1). Between the activity recorded in Gen. 1: 1, and the activity recorded in Gen. 1: 2ff., we have such things as the destruction of the cities that were a part of the kingdom that the devil attempted to establish during Phase 1 of the Angelic Conflict (Jer. 4: 23-26), causing the surface of the Earth to become formless, void, and dark (Gen. 1: 2/Jer. 4: 23).
Phase 1 of the Angelic Conflict began when the devil declared his independence and intentions of establishing his kingdom independent of God (Isa. 14: 13) , and ended with the destruction recorded in Jer. 4: 23-26. This is what caused the surface of the Earth to become formless and void.
We are not told how time had passed between the creation of the Earth, recorded in Gen, 1: 1, and the destruction of its surface, recorded inn Gen. 1:2 and Jer. 4: 23-26. We are not told how much time passed between the destruction of the earth's surface, and the beginning of the its restoration process, as recorded in Gem. 1:2. We have a closer understanding of how much time passed during the restoration process recorded in Gen. 1: 2-29, but keep in mind that this six day period does not necessarily mean 6, 24 hour solar days, as the sun was not set in place until the third "day" of the restoration process.
It was not until the sixth day of restoration period that God created the Man.
On the seventh day God rested from all that He had (already) created (Gen. 2: 2).
Gen. 2: 4-25 offers some additional information concerning the earth and the creation of Man.
We do not know how much time Adam and Eve spent in the Garden of Eden in a perfect environment and in perfect fellowship with God before the events leading up to the Fall of Man (Gen 3) took place. We are told it was as of the Fall that Man received the spiritual death condition that God had warned about (Gen. 2: 17), as well as physical death becoming a part of the human experience from that point on (Gen. 2: 22-24).
The divine purpose for the creation of Man was for Man to take center stage in the ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil.
Like the angelic race that preceded them, Man was given free-will with which he would make spiritual choices that would either glorify God, or the devil, reaping either the blessings, or consequences of those decisions.
It is by no coincidence that the ultimate end of the conflict between the forces of good and evil, and the end of the human environment (as we presently know it to be) are simultaneous (Rev. 20: 10/Rev. 21).
Every soul in every dispensation (period of time) has knowingly or unwittingly participated in this ongoing battle between the forces of evil. Each soul makes choices, and it is these choices that determine where and how he/she will experience all of eternity.
For the purpose of this presentation, we are going to fast forward and focus on the issue of being taken captive in the midst of the spiritual combat (Eph. 6: 12), presently taking place in Church Age, in this ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil.
One of the goals in any conflict is the neutralization of enemy assets through destruction or capture. It is a win-win scenario when captured resources can then be turned around to be used against the opposition.
In the realm of spiritual combat, God’s soldiers are neutralized when they are in a position to pose no significant threat to the agenda of the devil. In the above win-win scenario, such captives can be used to promote the devil’s agenda.
The battle plan or marching orders (Matt. 28: 19, 20) that were given to the Church that God ordained was/ is to preserve and to proclaim the true Gospel Message to unbelievers for salvation, and to make disciples (students and appliers) of the Word of God out of those who are born again.
The Church that God designed must be distinguished from the MANY religious organizations that have been established throughout the course of the Church Age. Many of them claiming to be The Church that God established. Many appear to be a church that God designed, but the tell-tale sign is the "fruit" that is (or is not) being produced in the spiritual lives of those attending. The fruit that is being produced by The Church that God designed are saved souls and advancing disciples. A saved soul is one that has been born again (John 3: 5, 7). An advancing disciple is a born again believer who is moving forward in the studying and the applying of the Word of God.
The devil lost Phase 1 of the conflict before Man ever came into the picture, but has not given up the idea of impeding any forward progress in the unfolding of the plan that God has in mind for the human race.
He has personal reasons NOT to want to see God's plan fulfilled (Rev. 20: 10).
“The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Rev. 20: 10 NABS).”
Although it was initially constructed for the devil and his fallen angels (Matt. 25: 41), this same, never-ending lake of fire, also awaits the unbelieving souls of the human race (Rev. 20: 15).
Isaiah 5: 14 KJV speaks of Hell being expandable to accommodate a larger capacity than what it was originally designed to handle.
To the extent that God allows, following the Fall of Man, the devil has re-established an intangible kingdom here on Earth (Luke 4: 5, 6).
This kingdom is not like the one that was destroyed in the Gen. 1:2/Jer., 4:26 event, this existing kingdom of the devil (Luke 4: 6) is intangible, but not one that an advancing disciple can afford to disregard. The widely accepted and promoted concept that the devil and his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12) are presently in Hell waiting for all the "bad" people to join him is NOT what Scripture teach (1Pet. 5: 8).
Knowing the true location, plans, and method of operation of the enemy is key to military success. Deceiving the enemy about one's location, strength, plans, and method of operation has been a part of the devil's strategy all along.
“”And he (the devil) led Him (the Lord Jesus Christ) up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I will give it to whomever I wish (Luke 4: 6 NASB).”
The Fall of Man did NOT take God by surprise. The omniscience of God was well aware of all that was going to take place, as well as what is taking place, and will be taking place throughout the course of Human History. God had a plan of recovery (salvation) in mind before the earth or Man was ever created (Eph. 1: 4).
* * * *
Why doesn’t God just wipe out all the evil and evil ones in the universe? Because if He did, we would ALL be destroyed with it (Matt. 13: 28-30).
Born again believers do not cease to be sinners on the day they are born again. At the moment one is saved, the born again believer has forever been delivered from the wrath of God that is awaiting all unbelievers (Rev. 20: 15), but the spiritual warfare of the post salvation spiritual life here on Earth has only just begun.
There is a coming time, when we will leave the sin nature within us (Romans 7) behind, and that evil will no longer have a place in the new Earth (Rev. 21) to come. But until we leave it behind (at death or the Rapture), it will remain and be a force with which to contend..
James 2: 10 teach that if we commit one sin, we stand as guilty as the one who has committed them all. For those who have learned of the 300+ ways in which a born again believer can sin via commission or omission, it is easy to conclude that we ALL sin EVERY day! We are ALL in need of the ongoing grace of God.
* * * *
Here we are, in the dispensation (period of time) of the Church Age, and the war between the forces of good and evil continues. Its focus is on one side preserving and promoting the Gospel Message for salvation, and post (after) salvation doctrine for discipleship, and the other side promoting its alternatives.
In the secular world, those who handle currency are NOT trained so much by keeping up with the latest form of counterfeiting, but by improving one’s ability to spot the real thing.
The same strategy can be wisely applied when it comes to the true Gospel Message and accurate post salvation doctrine.
It’s by knowing the truth than one can spot a counterfeit alternative.
Distorting, denying, or blending lies with the truth, has been a part of the devil’s strategy when interacting with Man from the very beginning (Gen. 3). Elevating religious writings of Man to equality with inspired Scripture from God is a part of the devil's strategy.
* * *
In military combat, there is no doubt about it in the minds of those who have been taken prisoner. But this is not always the case in the realm of spiritual combat (Eph. 6). There are many "Christians" who are out there unwittingly promoting the devil's agenda every day while believing that all is well between them and God. If they are truly Christians, having been born again, everything concerning salvation is well between them and God, but that does not mean all is well in the post salvation life that they have chosen!
The devil often accomplishes his objectives through individuals and groups that he has deceived (Matt. 15: 14).
There is nothing more pitiful than people who think they are serving God, when in fact they are serving the interests of the devil. There is nothing new about this scenario (John 8: 44), nor is there anything new about the hostile reaction when this is brought to the attention of those involved.
Before one can be certain that it is God and/or the things of God that he is promoting (Matt. 28: 19, 20) and defending (1Pet. 3: 15), one must first learn to distinguish the difference between what has come from God, and what are the devil’s alternatives, often times being promoted by Man-made religion.
There are no neutral zones in the spiritual realm. If a born again believer is not a part of the solution, engaged in Great Commission of Matthew 28: 19, 20, then he/she is a part of the problem.
If one is not proclaiming the true Gospel Message to unbelievers, and /or sharing accurate post salvation doctrine with fellow believers, he/she is not even on the spiritual battlefield, let alone success or failure.
In the eyes of world, what one does not oppose, he/she endorses. Silence on the part of a so-called advancing diiciple receives the applause of the devil.
In an attempt to preserve the peace with people, one can disqualify him/herself from discipleship (Luke 14: 26).
True, the born again believer is called to live in peace with others (Romans 12: 18) to the extent that circumstance allow, but this does not mean that there aren’t times when one must take a stand for God and/or the things of God (Matt. 10: 33).
When an advancing disciple is living the post salvation spiritual life here in the devil’s world, there will be no need for him/her to do anything to attract the attention of others. His interests, disinterests, speech, silence, behaviors, and attitudes (especially when the pressure in on) will be obvious, as this will be different from the ways of the world.
This difference will generate attacks from some, but genuine inquiries from others.
One might be surprised to learn that the one being evangelized or edified was not the one being spoken to, but a third party that was observing and listening to what was being conveyed to someone else.
Most people will not get upset when an advancing disciple shares his faith (beliefs) if it is they who brought up the subject by asked the advancing disciple the question(s).
Advancing disciples learn along the way that to try to evangelize (share the Gospel Message) or edify (share a principle of Scripture) with a soul that has not been first prepared (by God) to receive it, will not get the desired results.
This is a frustrating experience that godly parents will experience when it seems the more the parents tries to give godly advice, the more the child seems determined to have his/her own way, to their own hurt.
Being too close to (or a part of) the problem is what prevents the advancing disciple from being effective when and where he/she naturally would want to be the most successful (Mark 6: 4).
“And Jesus said to them, “A prophet (spokesperson for God) is not without honor (respect) excerpt in his home town and among his own relatives and in his own household.” (Mark 6: 4 NASB).”
Advancing disciples are called to a daily life of obedience and to be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks WHY it is we do (or don’t do) the things we do on a regular basis.
If such opportunities do not present themselves, it is an indication that the believer involved has been taken captive and removed from the battlefield of spiritual combat.
* * *
In the spiritual realm, there are spiritual “w-A-r-r-i-o-r-s and there are spiritual “w-O-r-r-i-e-r-s.”
Spiritual warriors are advancing disciples engaged in spiritual combat (Eph. 6: 12) out in the spiritual battlefield on a daily basis.
Spiritual w-o-r-r-i-o-r-s are those who never truly understood the permanency of what it means to be born again. Consequently, spiritual worriers spend much of their life worrying about the status of their salvation, engaging in religious activity (just in case) in an attempt to earn, secure, or retain their salvation. Such believers make little (if any) forward progress in the post salvation spiritual life, and are easily taken captive and removed from the battlefield of spiritual warfare.
Like many forms of cancer in the natural realm, regression in the post salvation spiritual life is a very slow process that gradually takes place over an extended period of time. It often shows little or no symptoms until much damage has already taken place.
Since the ones being taken captive are not always aware of it, consider the following symptoms that indicate that a soul has never entered the battlefield, or has been taken captive.
- One is reliigous, has never been born again (John 3: 5, 7).
- One has no interest in listening to a presentation of the Gospel Message (Heb. 3: 15).
- One has no desire to learn of (Matt. 28: 19, 20) and/or to execute (James 1: 22) the post salvation spiritual life.
- One has been born again, but has accepted one of the many “religious” alternatives (Matt. 15: 9) in place of the post salvation spiritual life that God designed for Church Age.
- One has no desire and/or perceives no need to celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) on a regular basis (1Cor. 11: 24, 25).
- One sees no need to gather together (Heb. 10: 25) in either the traditional manner or via remote means of communication to worship God as He desires to be worshiped (John 4: 23, 24).
- One refuses to confess (1John 1: 9) and/or to forsake (John 8: 11) what Scripture defines as sin.
- One has little or no prayer life. There can be no intimacy (Gal 4: 6) in ANY relationship where there is no m-e-a-n-i-n-g-f-u-l communication (Matt. 6: 7).
- One has no interest in being taught (Matt. 28: 20) and/or applying (James 1: 22) the Word of God.
- One has no desire to c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e to grow in the knowledge and the grace of God (2Pet. 3: 18). If one does not now know more of (or better apply) the Word of God that what he knew or applied six months ago, then he/she has not grown.
- One does not walk daily in conscious fellowship (2Cor. 13, 14) with the Lord.
- One has the wrong set of priorities (Luke 14: 26).
- One is earthly prosperous, but heavenly bankrupt (Matt. 6: 20, 21).
- One seldom (if ever) conducts a (2Cor. 13: 5) self examination to determine if he/she is “in the faith.” One is "in the faith" when he walks the walk as well as he/she talks the talk.
- One has no desire to identify and apply his/her spiritual gift and accompanying ministry for the spiritual benefit of others (1Cor. 12: 7).
- One never spends much time alone with God (Gal. 1: 17, 18), free of outside distractions.
- One seldom (if ever) shares the Gospel Message with an unbeliever, or seldom (of ever) shares an edifying principle of doctrine with a fellow believer (Matt. 28: 19, 20).
An advancing disciple can best evaluate him/herself (2Cor. 13: 5) by the spiritual fruit (or lack of it) that God (John 15: 5) is producing in him/herself, and the spiritual fruit that God is (or is not) producing through him/her in the spiritual lives of others. If one is a born again believer and there is no such fruit being produced, then he/she has either never entered the battlefield of spiritual combat, fulfilling his/her part in the Great Commission, or has been taken captive.
Finally, how does one escape from spiritual captivity?
The answer is found in such passages as John 8: 32 and James 1: 22.
"You (the advancing disciple) will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8: 32 NASB italics mine)."
"But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves (James 1: 22 NASB)."