The following are "challenge" articles that I wrote and posted on the FAITHWRITERS.COM website between 2004 to 2012.
The topics, deadlines, word count limits, and other restrictions were/are set by the staff at
As of October of 2019 I decided to reconnect with the website. Accordingly, I will be posting new challenge articleson the Faithwriters site. These articles can be viewed by going to FAITHWRITERS, COM and looking up my profile by author's name (Doug Laird). These articles will later be posted here on the available presentations page at BATMQ.NET, as well. provides the means for Christian writers to share their faith, and to grow as writers. Writers are invited to submit entries, and receive both positive and negative feed back from the many readers who visit the site.
Some of the older challenge articles may not necessarily still reflect the doctrine that I have developed over the years. All of us are a "work in progress."
As one continues to grow in the knowledge and the more accurate interpretation and application of the Word of God, there is the inevitable need to "tweak" the doctrine that he/she possesses and desires to share.
If such "tweaks" are not necessary, then one has stopped growing (2Pet. 3: 18) in the intake and/or application of the Word of God.
Accordingly, feel free to contact me at BATMQ to clarify ANY "contradictions" that you may find in what WAS said in any given posted article in the past with what IS being said in any of the more recent presentations or doctrines being promoted here at BATMQ.
As of October 2019, I will also be posting some of the articles that appear on the AVAILABLE DOCTRINES and/or PRESENTATIONS pages here at BATMQ.