The Stewardship Of Our Soul Structure.
The soul structure is the base of operations from which we makes choices. The soul structure consists of information. Some of the information we store there is spiritual value, and some of it is evil. As we will see shortly, there are various voices of influence that will take what we have stored in our soul structure, and will use it to promote our advancement or downfall.
It is NOT by coincidence that what we have stored in our souls (be it good or evil) comes racing to the forefront of our conscious minds to the advantage of the various voices of influence, good or evil, that impact our thoughts, words, and actions.
Once we reach the age or stage of moral accountability, we are individually responsible for BOTH the quantity and quality of the information we CHOOSE to allow to become a part of our soul structure. Post (after) salvation disciples are c-o-m-m-a-n-d-e-d (not an option), among other things, to grow (an ongoing process) in the knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3: 18).
In doing so, one develops the (thinking) mind of Christ (1Cor. 2: 16), to which disciples are to apply (James 1: 22) to the daily events of his/her post salvation spiritual life. Easy to say, but not so easy to do until we learn via what power source we are to be connected, and Who it is that is actually doing the work through us (John 15: 5).
The post salvation spiritual life is not something that we are to turn on and off, but is to be executed no matter where one is or what one is otherwise doing. The post salvation spiritual life is a 24/7 lifestyle.
It is largely the choices that we make that determines what becomes of us, especially in the spiritual realm. We are given the free will to make choices and reap either the accompanying blessings or consequences, but we are not free from having to make these choices. Once presented, or given the opportunity to be presented with the TRUE Gospel, for example, we either BELIEVE it, or we REJECT it., taking upon ourselves the blessings or the consequences of that decision (John 3: 18). Being a "saved" person in the spiritual realm can be likened to being a pregnant person in the natural realm. Either you are or you are NOT one or the other.
God has a plan to address those who never hear a presentation of the TRUE Gospel, or who never reach the age or stage of moral accountability (2Sam. 12: 23). Such persons are judged by their CHOSEN response to the whatever extent that God revealed Himself to that individual soul (Gen. 15:6), beginning with the knowledge of eternity that He places in the heart of EVERY soul that He creates (Eccl. 3:11).
One thing for certain is that once one has been presented with the TRUE Gospel, he/she is then absolutely headed for Heaven or Hell, depending one's choice to either accept or to reject it.
Once, having reached the age or stage of moral accountability, what we CHOOSE to do with a presentation of the TRUE Gospel(or with an opportunity to hear it ) SELF-determines if we are going to remain spiritually DEAD as the day we came into this world or be "regenerated-Titus 3: 5)" via the work of God the Holy Spirit.
For those who BELIEVE the TRUE Gospel and are thereby, "born again (John 3: 5, 7), they then have a daily choice rather or not to include the Bible as being at least a part of the information they take it to their soul structure. We find the time and the means to take in a lot of other information that the devil's world has to offer, and we can do the same with the Word of God IF we really CHOOSE to do so.
Without an edified soul structure, it is NOT possible to live the post (after) salvation life of a disciple. All one has is a foundation. Having the foundation confirms that one is forever saved, but being merely "saved" and becoming a disciple that glorifies God in the course of one's post salvation spiritual life are TWO very different things, with two very different destinies in Heaven (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
There are many "religious" persons who "read" the Bible, but have a perverted or misguided interpretation
of what it actually has to say on many subjects. From the very beginning of the devil's interaction with Man, the devil was either distorting or misapplying what God had said (Gen. 3/Matt. 4/Luke 4).
We have ALL had our own errant concepts about what we think (or have been taught to think) regarding God and/or the things of God. That is why post salvation discipleship is an ongoing process that will never end, at least this side of Heaven.
'R-e-a-d-i-n-g' the Bible on one's own IS better than not spending time in the Word at all, but if one wants to be all that God wants him/her to be, one has to learn to do things God's way.
I had the privilege of being raised in a Christian home and was born again early in my childhood. As a believer, I spent decades "reading" the Bible. As a result, I did gain some considerable knowledge, but it was NOT until I later spent twelve years studying for ordination under a Biblically qualified pastor teacher that I eventually developed an edified soul structure as a disciple.
It was only then that I acquired sufficient information to pass the written and oral examinations to be ordained. Never the less, one NEVER reaches the point when he has learned all that the Bible has to offer. No pastor "knows it all" and can only be used of God to bring the members of his congregation or ministry to the same level of spiritual maturity that he first has attained for himself as an individual believer.
Religious persons can force or influence others to become religious, but the spiritual rebirth of an unbeliever (Titus 3: 5), and the spiritual growth of a believer (John 15:5) is the work of God. The ONLY part that a pastor, evangelist, or fellow believer plays in the salvation process is to be present accurate information. Pastors have other administrative and other functions, but NONE of them has ANYTHING to do with obtaining or retaining salvation.
God's way, here in the Church Age, to s-t-u-d-y the Word of God is to do so under the teaching ministry of a pastor teacher hat meets the criteria and functions of that position, as outlined in Scripture. Many of the pulpits in this time of prophesied apostasy (1Tim. 4:1) are full of well-intending and "religious" individuals, but offer very little information for the ongoing edification and spiritual growth of those they claim to be ministering to on a regular basis.
The reading of Scripture (on one's own) should be supplemental activity to reinforce what he/she is receiving through the pastor teacher that God has in mind during any point in one's walk with God.
Playing Church on either side of the pulpit, that is to "check in" once or twice a week and go through the motions of presenting or hearing the same basis information over and over again, but failing to provide or to receive the information needed to grow in the knowledge of the Lord falls way short of what the internal mission (making disciples) that was given to the Church (Matt. 28:19)at large, and to each individual believer (John 8: 31).
If one thinks he/she can continue to grow spiritually by spending a total of one hour a week taking in the Word of God (assuming that that is what is actually taking place in one's chosen place of worship) and then spend most of the remaining 167 hours a week being bombarded with contrary information that comes from all the evil sources of information here in the devils world, he/she has been greatly deceived. No wonder, that in more cases than not, there is little difference (if any) in the thoughts and actions by those who claim to be Christians from the thoughts and actions of those who claim to worship other deities, or none at all! Willful ignorance of the Word of God is what set the stage for the prophesied apostasy here in the end times (1Tim.4: 1).
"Therefore, everyone who hears the words (words = The Gospel in the case of unbelievers and post salvation doctrine in the case of believers) Mine. and acts (acts = believes the Gospel/applies the post salvation doctrine) upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house (house = soul structure) upon the rock ( rock = foundation of the TRUE Gospel). And the rain (false gospels) descended, and the floods (accompanying false doctrine) came, and the winds (persecution/isolation/rejection/adversity) blew, and burst (hit with great force and pressure) against that house (soul structure), yet it (the edified soul structure) did not fall, for it (that soul structure with its accurate doctrines) had been founded upon the rock (rock =true Gospel).
"And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man, who build his house (soul structure) on the sand (sand =false Gospels and/or false post salvation doctrine). And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew (day of testing), burst against that house (built on "sand"), and fell, and great was its fall (Matthew 7: 24-27 NASB/parenthesis mine)."
The soul crashes of Matthew 7: 27 can result in a total or partial loss of one's soul structure, but the soul with its everlasting life, continues to live. If the crash was the result of having built one's soul structure on the "foundation" of a FALSE Gospel, the crash will leave the structure totally destroyed and the soul bewildered, confused, with a sense of having been betrayed. If the crash was the result of false POST (after one is saved) doctrine or practices, the crash will result in the part(s) of the soul structure being shaken loose from it, leaving a partial structure behind, and a confused and frustrated soul.
It is during the aftermath of the Matt. 7: 27 crashes that the devil and/or his forces of evil will attempt to dissuade the wounded soul from continuing on n his/her walk with God, pointing out the uselessness of the "religion" one was following. The truth is, if it was "religion" that one was following, the devil was right in referring to it as useless! The devil works long and hard attempting to equate "religion" with spirituality and that "religion" comes from God. Knowing of its uselessness, is why the devil promotes it. If the devil can make it look that God is responsible for its failure, its a win-win situation.
The maturing disciple will have the discernment to acknowledge that such crashes come from, or are at the very least, are allowed by God in order for one to detect and to remove anything that was jeopardizing the integrity of one's soul structure , and his/he forward progress.
It is better to go through such crashes HERE on Earth so that we can make the necessary adjustments and reconstruct an edified soul structure for a base of successful operations in the remaining time of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth.
Otherwise, one could find him/herself among those who trusted in false gospels or false religions to save him/her, only to end up in the torments of Hades upon departing this Earth, and eventually in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15) for all of Eternity.
A second scenario is to find oneself among the "many (Matt. 7: 14)" Christians that will be allowed to experience Heaven for all if eternity for having believed the TRUE Gospel, but will do so without some or any of the additional rewards (1Cor. 3: 12-15) that he/she would have also received if he/she had chosen to identify and execute the TRUE post salvation spiritual life.
Matt. 7:144 speaks primarily of the destruction associated with a never-ending eternity in the lake of fire, but the principle can also be applied to the post salvation life of a believer as well.
Without a soul structure founded on the TRUE Gospel, one can still choose to be relatively moral and religious, but such a soul is on the road to the lake of fire. Without a POST salvation edified soul structure as a base of operations, the born again is assured of eternal life, but not an eternity with the accompanying rewards that will ONLY be received by those believers who identify and execute the true POST salvation spiritual life.
We do not serve or glorify God to be rewarded, but He has chosen to reward those believers who do. Accordingly, the stewardship of one's soul structure carries with it personal benefits as well producing divine glory.
The maintaining of one's soul structure is a daily part of the life of an advancing disciple. The days of testing are inevitable, as both types of soul structures noted in Matt. 7: 24-27 come under attack. A soul structure that is founded on the TRUE Gospel and has been built on accurate post salvation doctrine will endure the storms, whereas the ones founded on false gospels, or built with false post salvation doctrine are subject to partial or full destruction.
Our soul structure can be likened to the president's cabinet of secretaries, with each member having a particular area of responsibility. Cabinet members, among other things, serve as advisers to the president, bringing to the table their individual take on whatever issue is being addressed in the formation of domestic and foreign policy.
The "president" in this example represents the free will that God gives to each and every soul that He creates. With that free will, the soul has the freedom and the responsibility to make choices. Members of the cabinet provide advice, but the final choice and the accountability for it, is that of the "president". "Domestic policy" in this example represents how we function as an independent person, and "Foreign policy" represents how we interact with others.
Every soul has as structure that is developed and maintained over the course of one's time here on Earth, but the soul structure of an advancing disciple is much different from that of an unbeliever or a fellow believer who has not entertained the post (after) salvation life of discipleship.
It is at birth that God (John 3: 6), and NOT our biological parents, creates the soul and places it in the body (Gen. 2: 7) that our biological parents reproduced. The placement of the soul takes place simultaneously with one's first breath of natural life, independent of the mother. It is at that moment that our soul (with its free will) takes up residency in the body. It is at the moment of physical death that the soul departs. This applies to both believers and unbelievers.
This fallen nature is passed down to the humanity (bodies) of the next generation at the moment that the fetus is conceived (Psalms 51: 5). The fallen nature as a life-long "seat" in the "cabinet" and will voice its opinion when issues that require a decision present themselves.
Upon becoming a human being, the SELF-centered fallen nature learns quickly how to communicate what he/she perceives to be his/her immediate needs. When these needs are biological or psychological, there is nothing immoral or abnormal about this process. When this SELF-centered nature begins to compete with God or the things of God concerning spiritual issues, there IS a problem.
Although God places the concept of Eternity into the heart of every soul He creates (Eccl. 3: 11), the conscious focus of attention in the soul structure of a new born babe is that of comfort and survival. Comfort and survival are natural desires that remain with us throughout our time here on Earth, but at times, can be a great source of distraction from the spiritual issues of life that require self DENIAL!
The spiritual issue concerning this fallen nature is that it is inherently HOSTILE (Romans 8:7) towards God and/or the things of God.
Beginning in infancy, and right up to the day of his/her spiritual re-birth, the concept of rewards and punishment, promoted by his/her earthly environment and experience, and endorsed by human viewpoint, is the how the soul with a spiritually DEAD spirit interprets God and or the things of God.
Sad to say, there are many who claim to be Christians, but yet fail to grasp the concept of their eternal security. There is another large percentage of Christians who take their knowledge of eternal security as a license to sin, disregarding the calling to the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. Such fear or attitudes are clear indicators that one's involved have either failed to lay the right foundation, or have failed to build and/or make use of an edified soul structure.
Beginning with the fig leaves of Adam and Eve, Man has always found and/or developed some form of human activity to address sin, mostly in the name of "religion" that accomplishes NOTHING in the spiritual realm.
From one's earliest human experience, one is trained to perceive that "good" boys and girls are rewarded, and "bad" boys and girls are disciplined. Naturally it follows (according to human viewpoint) that "good" boys and girls, and men and women, go to Heaven, while "bad" boys and girls, men and women, go to Hell.
While this reward vs. discipline is (or should be) TRUE in the secular management of familial and secular environments, such "good" behavior, based on human effort, is not what regenerates the dead spirit in Man, nor is it the means to produce divine good that glorifies God in the spiritual realm.
ANYTHING, including going though or being dragged through the rituals of "religion, that can also be be done by an unbeliever is, at best, a form of human good. Most forms of human good has its place and purpose here on Earth, but is has got NOTHING to do with the production of divine good (John 15: 5). There is one form of human good that does NO ONE any good, and has the potential of doing much harm to those who mistake it for spirituality. I am, of course, speaking of Man made, and demonically (1Timothy 4:1) promoted "religion".
Hell is going to be filled with many souls who placed their faith in such "religious" activity, but were never born again (John 3: 5, 7).
Since the Fall of Man, we come into this world physically alive, with a soul that has everlasting life, but with a human spirit that is DEAD and in need of eternal life. Unless the DEAD human spirit in us is regenerated (Titus 3: 5) as a result of being born again (John 3: 5, 7), the soul with its everlasting life is destined to spend all of eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire.
"Do not marvel that I (The Lord Jesus Christ speaking) said to you. "You must be born again" (John 3:7 NASB/parenthesis mine)."
He saved us. He did so, not on the basis of (religious or humanitarian) deeds which we have done in (self) righteousness, but according to His (undeserved) mercy, by the washing of the regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5 NASB/parenthesis mine)."
Heaven is NOT for those who think themselves as being "good enough". Heaven is for those who know that they are not, never were, and never could be "good enough, and are in need of the Savior.
Man-made religion and/or all the good behavior and human good deeds will NOT result in a regenerated spirit or produce one millisecond of eternal life (John 3: 16).
Relatively "good" behavior will be one of the results of having been (past tense) saved, IF one continues on with the execution of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. Never the less, being good does NOT earn, nor does it retain salvation. Keeping things in balance, it must be noted here that eternal security is NOT a license to sin, as post salvation sin is subject to divine discipline (Hebrews 12:6) here on Earth and contributes to a loss of some of the Heavenly rewards that the same believer would have otherwise received (1Cor.3: 12-15) in addition to eternal life that ALL believers will experience.
One is saved by choosing to BELIEVE in the presentation of the TRUE Gospel (John 3: 16, 18). It is one this confession of faith (in the Gospel Message) that the foundation of the soul structure of an advancing disciple is established.
Many times, if a a newly born again believer comes into the true faith from a "religious" background, it may be necessary to deconstruct the "religious" soul structure, before the construction of an edified soul structure can beginThe deceptive part of this fallen nature is that it can motivate and encourage the production of human good, just as well as it can motivate and encourage the production of sin and evil. In BOTH cases, the driving force behind either one (human good or evil) is what (at least at the moment) pleases or promotes self. Remember that "I" is in the center of all S-I-N!
The advancing disciple will learn soon enough that one can not serve God and SELF at the same time. The advancing disciple acknowledges and develops the spiritual discernment to detect the spiritual issues behind the "every day" routine and events of his/her daily life that will require him/her to DENY (the ungodly, but natural desires) of SELF in order to glorify God.
Granted, the inherent HOSTILITY of the fallen nature towards God and the things of God will be used by the devil in an attempt to dissuade the soul of an unbeliever from choosing to listen to or to believe in a presentation of the TRUE Gospel. However, we give the devil too much credit when we fail to recognize that many of the evil thoughts and accompanying actions we entertain come to be as a result of listening to the voice of our OWN fallen nature.
The presence and voice of the fallen nature does NOT go away (Romans 7) after one is born again. The Apostle Paul wrote about his personal and ONGOING struggle with the influence of the fallen nature in him, almost 30 years after he was saved and towards the end of his earthly ministry. In fact, the more one advances in the post salvation spiritual life, the louder and more persistent the SELF centered voice of the fallen nature will be, trying to gain or retain its voice of influence in the soul structure.
Until one IS born again, he/she does NOT have the OPTION of paying heed to the post (after) salvation mentoring voice of God the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, until one is born again, his/her perception of God and or the things of God is at best, based on the information that he/she may receive from "other" voices.
Such other "voices" consist of the voices of the fallen nature (that is HOSTILE towards God-Romans 8:7), human viewpoint that may/may not promote "religion" and cultural/familial tradition, as well as one's own CHOSEN response to the inherent "eternity" knowledge that God has placed in the soul (Eccl. 3:11).
God can use a host of different means of communication, but until one IS born again, the ONLY message that comes from God to the soul is the TRUE Gospel Message. While one can chooses to be very active in the "religious" realm while being spiritually DEAD, the spiritual life does not even begin until one's DEAD human spirit is regenerated by God (Titus 3:5) at the moment one first chooses to believe in a presentation of the TRUE Gospel Message.
As of the moment of salvation, THEN the born again soul has the mentoring voice of God speaking to him/her. God does NOT change His position concerning free will, as the soul (even after one is saved) must CHOOSE to pursue the voice of God in the development of his post-salvation soul structure and application of it in the execution of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life.
One can, and often does, become "religious" in keeping with his/her cultural and/or familial traditions, but one can ONLY become spiritual as a result of the regenerating (Titus 3:5) work of God. It is GOD who determines when and by what means one will be introduced to the TRUE Gospel Message and thereby be given the opportunity to be born again.
The presence and voice of God the Holy Spirit in the "cabinet" will be in a life-long competition for an attentive audience with the soul. The voice of the fallen nature, and the voice of the devil and/or his forces (1Tim. 4:1/Eph. 6:12/2Cor. 1: 14) of evil do not stop their assault on the soul just because one has been born again. Such voices speak to us EVERY day via such things as the conversations we have with other people, what forms of "entertainment" we engage, our CHOICE of spiritual edification, and from sources of information in our personal environment.
As of the end of the Apostolic phase of the Church Age of the 1st century, God primarily speaks to us through the accurate teaching of His Word (The Bible) by the one's HE appoints as qualified pastor teachers of the Word of God. There is a world of difference berween being a graduate of a "religious" seminary and being a Biblically qualified pastor teacher, but that is another subject for another day.
As noted earlier, the foundation of the soul structure of an advancing disciple is based on the foundation of the TRUE Gospel. Any teaching or practice that promotes the need for ANYTHING to be added to FAITH (believing) in what the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ finished (John 19: 30) ON THE CROSS, in order to be SAVED is a FALSE GOSPEL.
Once the foundation has be laid, the voices (including the voice of religion) that are contrary to the voice of God will do all they can to raise doubts as to the integrity and permanency of the regenerating Work of God the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5). In actuality, devil knows that there is NOTHING he can do to undo the regenerating Work of God Titus 3:5, but he knows the devastating impact that the power of suggestion can have on the forward progress of a disciple, especially when it comes from the voice of "religion".
Prior to salvation, the size of the holes in the filters that allow all the false concepts to become a part of our soul structure are enormous. As one takes hold of the TRUE Gospel, the holes in the filters close reducing the amount of false information that one allows to pass through and become a part of the soul structure. In addition, with the post salvation mentoring of God the Holy Spirit, the advancing disciple purges the soul structure of all the false concepts that were a part of his/her soul structure, primarily from the "religious" realm., and eventually moves on to more and more new doctrines that pertain to the execution of the post salvation spiritual life.
This sounds easy enough, but for some, nothing could be further from the truth. Most who identify themselves as "Christians" are not really interested in the challenges that TRUE disciple brings to them. Most are content with hearing the same old and expected seasonal sermons and letting it go at that.
"They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who
speaks with integrity."(Amos 5:10 NASB)."
"I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies (Amos 5:21NASB)."
On one hand, the more an advancing disciple learns, the more he wants to learn. Such knowledge and especially its application will come at an ever-increasing cost. The more one advances in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he becomes more and more of a worthy target, inviting more intense and more frequent attacks from the devil and his forces of evil, as well as rejection and isolation from Man.
I'm not talking about the "Hollywood" version of demonic attacks and activity.
The attacks I am speaking of raises tension in the soul as the "other" voices of influences try to shout down the mentoring voice of God. God allows this to take place in order to establish a scenario in which the free will of the soul has to make choices.
Hardly any one of us are ever going to warrant a direct and full scale attack from the devil himself, as most of us will never reach that level of spiritual maturity to warrant the devil's personal attention.
The devil does not have the divine attribute of omnipresence (being everywhere or anywhere at the same time), and has to rely on his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil to do much of his diabolical work for him. Only in a few instances recorded in Scripture do we see where the devil himself got personally involved (Gen. 3/Matt. 4/).
Like most d-e-c-e-i-v-e-r-s, the devil prefers to keep his true identity out of the picture, and speak through means of communication and communicators that are the most likely to gain the confidence of the intended targets. The pulpits within some sectors of the "Christian" Community are no exception.
Demonic activity, generally consists of covert observation and influencing the soul of the target through a host of means and opportunities, covert and overt in nature. The covert observation is necessary in order for the devil and/or his Eph. 6: 12 forces to know what buttons to press and when to press them for maximum effect.
There is an old saying that says that we ALL have our demons with whom we must contend. In the realm of spiritual combat, this is the absolute truth. Church Age believers (being indwelt by the God the Holy Spirit) can NOT be demonically possessed, but can certainly be demonically influenced (1Tim. 4: 1).
As much as many of us figure we "have arrived" at the mountain top of our personal walk with God, the truth is that the devi has much bigger fish to fry that warrants his personal attention. Many of us can't even deal well with our own fallen nature or the fallen nature in other people, let alone demonic beings of the Eph. 6:12 forces of evil.
Left to our own devices, most of us do a pretty good job of messing up our lives without the devil or his forces having much work to do. Some of us aren't even out of bed in the morning, and already we have entertained some mental attitude sin, and as a result, are already out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God and in need of the 1John 1: 9 procedure before God can accomplish ANYTHING through us that day (John 15:5).
For the rest of us, we are not too far down the path of any given day, when we too, sin and are in the same need of restoration if we are going to have a chance of accomplishing ANYTHING in the spiritual realm (John 15;5).
That difficult spouse, rebellious child, annoying neighbor, negligent motorist, unreasonable boss, etc., etc. can ALL be used of the devil to set the stage for us to entertain sins of the mind, not to mention our own tendency to entertain evil thoughts that lead to sin.
Note that being tempted to sin and sinning are two different things (Hebrews 4: 15), but sin is usually riding tyhe coat tails of the temptation. If the temptation ise not taken captive (2COr. 10: o) and tossed out of the soul structure, sin(s) of the mind, or overt sin(s) are sure to follow!
There are more than 300 applicable Commandments in the NEW TESTAMENT, that identify the things we can do or fail to do that amount to "sin" in the eyes of God. We can sin by what we think, say, or do (or don't do). Further note that ANY sin takes one just as far out of fellowship as ANY other sin (Habakkuk 1:13).
In the eyes of God, sin is sin (James 2:10). The sin(s) of the mind (jealous/pride/envy/greed/covetness/refusing to forgive/et.) take us just as far our of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God as do the overt sins.
As far as S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N is concerned, ALL our sin, past, present, and future were atoned for by the Lord Jesus Chritst some 2,000 years ago. Post salvation sin CAN induce divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) and can result in the loss of rewards (1Cor. 3: 12-15), but can NEVER undo the regenerating Work of God the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5) that takes place when one BELIEVES in the TRUE Gospel Message.
But as far as executing the TRUE post salvation spiritual life here in the Church Age is concerned, ALL post salvation SIN is to be addressed via the 1John 1:9 process in order to regain fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14 with God and to get back "on-line" with one's walk with God (John 15: 5).
The 1John 1:9 process of confession can (and should) take place at ANY time and in ANY place, and does NOT involve a clergyman or the doing of ANY penance. If it did, we would have to have one with us 24-7 at the ready for when we inevitably entertain sin (1John 1:8).
Many of us haven't even left the building or the parking lot following a Church Service before engaging in some mental attitude or verbal sin. Others have chosen to "live in sin", relating to an ungodly relationship, lifestyle, or mental attitude sin such as refusing to truly forgive others, and a as result, have gone nowhere in his/her own walk with God. There is NOT one of us that doesn't need to implement this process on a daily basis (1John 1:8).
There is a "high priest" (Heb. ) who DOES serve as our advocate (1John 2: 1) when we confess our sin(s) to God the Father in prayer. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. His absolution is assured, and there is no penance for a sin devt that has ALREADY been PAID IN FULL. This "confessional" is open 24/7 and requires NO appointment.
* * *
There is a relatively low-level form of demonic activity that the average believer experiences, often times failing to even perceive the devil working behind the scenes. Often times the people involved are not knowing doing the devil's bidding. It is the circumstances and situatons that other people (and we) generate that the devil will take advantage.
To the extent that God allows, that the devil and/or hos forces will influence circumstances and people around us to either rattle our cages, or offer us things we truly desire in order to either stop our forward progress in our walk with the Lord, or if necessary, destroy the more persistent ones among us (1Pet. 5:8).
Some "Christians" will claim to have never experienced any such pressure. To them I would suggest that they just haven't reached the level of spiritual discernment to see the hand of devil in much the activity that takes places all around them every day, or WORSE, whose post salvation spiritual life is not one that the devil sees worth attacking, and may be even worth promoting for his own purposes!
When we draw enough attention to ourselves by making forward progress, the devil knows or will know what makes each one of us tick, and what areas of our lives we are most vulnerable.
It has been my observation that true discipleship will sooner or later cost the advancing disciple something that, at least at one time, was, is, or will be close to his/her heart.
On the other hand, he may offer the believer something that at least appears to be "good", or something that we always wanted, but could never seem to otherwise obtain. Where would this knowledge of come from if it were not from observing agents?
The devil is a master as offering the best that he has to offer (Luke 4: 6), or what one may be deceived into desiring (Gen.3: 5,6), but the ultimate goal is to prevent the forward progress of an advancing disciple. If the devil is able to get some human good, contributing to making his world (Luke 4:6) a better place to live in the process, all the better (for him)!
The FIRST step in a demonic attack is to plant an evil seed of thought in the mind of an intended target (Gen. 3:5).
The devil has more means to present false and/or evil seeds in our soul structure than we can ever imagine.
Every day our souls are bombarded with evil information from people, the media, Internet, television, radio, music, art, entertainment, "education", and sad to say, even some of the pulpits (2Cor. 11: 14) within the "Christian" Community.
Learning more and more TRUTH about God for one's own personal benefit is one thing, but coming to the point in one's post salvation walk with God that the believer is beginning to influence and inspire others to do the same is a sure fire course that sets the disciple and the forces of evil on a collision course.
The stewardship of one's soul structure is a fundamental part of TRUE discipleship.
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The soul structure is the base of operations from which we makes choices. The soul structure consists of information. Some of the information we store there is spiritual value, and some of it is evil. As we will see shortly, there are various voices of influence that will take what we have stored in our soul structure, and will use it to promote our advancement or downfall.
It is NOT by coincidence that what we have stored in our souls (be it good or evil) comes racing to the forefront of our conscious minds to the advantage of the various voices of influence, good or evil, that impact our thoughts, words, and actions.
Once we reach the age or stage of moral accountability, we are individually responsible for BOTH the quantity and quality of the information we CHOOSE to allow to become a part of our soul structure. Post (after) salvation disciples are c-o-m-m-a-n-d-e-d (not an option), among other things, to grow (an ongoing process) in the knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3: 18).
In doing so, one develops the (thinking) mind of Christ (1Cor. 2: 16), to which disciples are to apply (James 1: 22) to the daily events of his/her post salvation spiritual life. Easy to say, but not so easy to do until we learn via what power source we are to be connected, and Who it is that is actually doing the work through us (John 15: 5).
The post salvation spiritual life is not something that we are to turn on and off, but is to be executed no matter where one is or what one is otherwise doing. The post salvation spiritual life is a 24/7 lifestyle.
It is largely the choices that we make that determines what becomes of us, especially in the spiritual realm. We are given the free will to make choices and reap either the accompanying blessings or consequences, but we are not free from having to make these choices. Once presented, or given the opportunity to be presented with the TRUE Gospel, for example, we either BELIEVE it, or we REJECT it., taking upon ourselves the blessings or the consequences of that decision (John 3: 18). Being a "saved" person in the spiritual realm can be likened to being a pregnant person in the natural realm. Either you are or you are NOT one or the other.
God has a plan to address those who never hear a presentation of the TRUE Gospel, or who never reach the age or stage of moral accountability (2Sam. 12: 23). Such persons are judged by their CHOSEN response to the whatever extent that God revealed Himself to that individual soul (Gen. 15:6), beginning with the knowledge of eternity that He places in the heart of EVERY soul that He creates (Eccl. 3:11).
One thing for certain is that once one has been presented with the TRUE Gospel, he/she is then absolutely headed for Heaven or Hell, depending one's choice to either accept or to reject it.
Once, having reached the age or stage of moral accountability, what we CHOOSE to do with a presentation of the TRUE Gospel(or with an opportunity to hear it ) SELF-determines if we are going to remain spiritually DEAD as the day we came into this world or be "regenerated-Titus 3: 5)" via the work of God the Holy Spirit.
For those who BELIEVE the TRUE Gospel and are thereby, "born again (John 3: 5, 7), they then have a daily choice rather or not to include the Bible as being at least a part of the information they take it to their soul structure. We find the time and the means to take in a lot of other information that the devil's world has to offer, and we can do the same with the Word of God IF we really CHOOSE to do so.
Without an edified soul structure, it is NOT possible to live the post (after) salvation life of a disciple. All one has is a foundation. Having the foundation confirms that one is forever saved, but being merely "saved" and becoming a disciple that glorifies God in the course of one's post salvation spiritual life are TWO very different things, with two very different destinies in Heaven (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
There are many "religious" persons who "read" the Bible, but have a perverted or misguided interpretation
of what it actually has to say on many subjects. From the very beginning of the devil's interaction with Man, the devil was either distorting or misapplying what God had said (Gen. 3/Matt. 4/Luke 4).
We have ALL had our own errant concepts about what we think (or have been taught to think) regarding God and/or the things of God. That is why post salvation discipleship is an ongoing process that will never end, at least this side of Heaven.
'R-e-a-d-i-n-g' the Bible on one's own IS better than not spending time in the Word at all, but if one wants to be all that God wants him/her to be, one has to learn to do things God's way.
I had the privilege of being raised in a Christian home and was born again early in my childhood. As a believer, I spent decades "reading" the Bible. As a result, I did gain some considerable knowledge, but it was NOT until I later spent twelve years studying for ordination under a Biblically qualified pastor teacher that I eventually developed an edified soul structure as a disciple.
It was only then that I acquired sufficient information to pass the written and oral examinations to be ordained. Never the less, one NEVER reaches the point when he has learned all that the Bible has to offer. No pastor "knows it all" and can only be used of God to bring the members of his congregation or ministry to the same level of spiritual maturity that he first has attained for himself as an individual believer.
Religious persons can force or influence others to become religious, but the spiritual rebirth of an unbeliever (Titus 3: 5), and the spiritual growth of a believer (John 15:5) is the work of God. The ONLY part that a pastor, evangelist, or fellow believer plays in the salvation process is to be present accurate information. Pastors have other administrative and other functions, but NONE of them has ANYTHING to do with obtaining or retaining salvation.
God's way, here in the Church Age, to s-t-u-d-y the Word of God is to do so under the teaching ministry of a pastor teacher hat meets the criteria and functions of that position, as outlined in Scripture. Many of the pulpits in this time of prophesied apostasy (1Tim. 4:1) are full of well-intending and "religious" individuals, but offer very little information for the ongoing edification and spiritual growth of those they claim to be ministering to on a regular basis.
The reading of Scripture (on one's own) should be supplemental activity to reinforce what he/she is receiving through the pastor teacher that God has in mind during any point in one's walk with God.
Playing Church on either side of the pulpit, that is to "check in" once or twice a week and go through the motions of presenting or hearing the same basis information over and over again, but failing to provide or to receive the information needed to grow in the knowledge of the Lord falls way short of what the internal mission (making disciples) that was given to the Church (Matt. 28:19)at large, and to each individual believer (John 8: 31).
If one thinks he/she can continue to grow spiritually by spending a total of one hour a week taking in the Word of God (assuming that that is what is actually taking place in one's chosen place of worship) and then spend most of the remaining 167 hours a week being bombarded with contrary information that comes from all the evil sources of information here in the devils world, he/she has been greatly deceived. No wonder, that in more cases than not, there is little difference (if any) in the thoughts and actions by those who claim to be Christians from the thoughts and actions of those who claim to worship other deities, or none at all! Willful ignorance of the Word of God is what set the stage for the prophesied apostasy here in the end times (1Tim.4: 1).
"Therefore, everyone who hears the words (words = The Gospel in the case of unbelievers and post salvation doctrine in the case of believers) Mine. and acts (acts = believes the Gospel/applies the post salvation doctrine) upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house (house = soul structure) upon the rock ( rock = foundation of the TRUE Gospel). And the rain (false gospels) descended, and the floods (accompanying false doctrine) came, and the winds (persecution/isolation/rejection/adversity) blew, and burst (hit with great force and pressure) against that house (soul structure), yet it (the edified soul structure) did not fall, for it (that soul structure with its accurate doctrines) had been founded upon the rock (rock =true Gospel).
"And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man, who build his house (soul structure) on the sand (sand =false Gospels and/or false post salvation doctrine). And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew (day of testing), burst against that house (built on "sand"), and fell, and great was its fall (Matthew 7: 24-27 NASB/parenthesis mine)."
The soul crashes of Matthew 7: 27 can result in a total or partial loss of one's soul structure, but the soul with its everlasting life, continues to live. If the crash was the result of having built one's soul structure on the "foundation" of a FALSE Gospel, the crash will leave the structure totally destroyed and the soul bewildered, confused, with a sense of having been betrayed. If the crash was the result of false POST (after one is saved) doctrine or practices, the crash will result in the part(s) of the soul structure being shaken loose from it, leaving a partial structure behind, and a confused and frustrated soul.
It is during the aftermath of the Matt. 7: 27 crashes that the devil and/or his forces of evil will attempt to dissuade the wounded soul from continuing on n his/her walk with God, pointing out the uselessness of the "religion" one was following. The truth is, if it was "religion" that one was following, the devil was right in referring to it as useless! The devil works long and hard attempting to equate "religion" with spirituality and that "religion" comes from God. Knowing of its uselessness, is why the devil promotes it. If the devil can make it look that God is responsible for its failure, its a win-win situation.
The maturing disciple will have the discernment to acknowledge that such crashes come from, or are at the very least, are allowed by God in order for one to detect and to remove anything that was jeopardizing the integrity of one's soul structure , and his/he forward progress.
It is better to go through such crashes HERE on Earth so that we can make the necessary adjustments and reconstruct an edified soul structure for a base of successful operations in the remaining time of one's post salvation spiritual life here on Earth.
Otherwise, one could find him/herself among those who trusted in false gospels or false religions to save him/her, only to end up in the torments of Hades upon departing this Earth, and eventually in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15) for all of Eternity.
A second scenario is to find oneself among the "many (Matt. 7: 14)" Christians that will be allowed to experience Heaven for all if eternity for having believed the TRUE Gospel, but will do so without some or any of the additional rewards (1Cor. 3: 12-15) that he/she would have also received if he/she had chosen to identify and execute the TRUE post salvation spiritual life.
Matt. 7:144 speaks primarily of the destruction associated with a never-ending eternity in the lake of fire, but the principle can also be applied to the post salvation life of a believer as well.
Without a soul structure founded on the TRUE Gospel, one can still choose to be relatively moral and religious, but such a soul is on the road to the lake of fire. Without a POST salvation edified soul structure as a base of operations, the born again is assured of eternal life, but not an eternity with the accompanying rewards that will ONLY be received by those believers who identify and execute the true POST salvation spiritual life.
We do not serve or glorify God to be rewarded, but He has chosen to reward those believers who do. Accordingly, the stewardship of one's soul structure carries with it personal benefits as well producing divine glory.
The maintaining of one's soul structure is a daily part of the life of an advancing disciple. The days of testing are inevitable, as both types of soul structures noted in Matt. 7: 24-27 come under attack. A soul structure that is founded on the TRUE Gospel and has been built on accurate post salvation doctrine will endure the storms, whereas the ones founded on false gospels, or built with false post salvation doctrine are subject to partial or full destruction.
Our soul structure can be likened to the president's cabinet of secretaries, with each member having a particular area of responsibility. Cabinet members, among other things, serve as advisers to the president, bringing to the table their individual take on whatever issue is being addressed in the formation of domestic and foreign policy.
The "president" in this example represents the free will that God gives to each and every soul that He creates. With that free will, the soul has the freedom and the responsibility to make choices. Members of the cabinet provide advice, but the final choice and the accountability for it, is that of the "president". "Domestic policy" in this example represents how we function as an independent person, and "Foreign policy" represents how we interact with others.
Every soul has as structure that is developed and maintained over the course of one's time here on Earth, but the soul structure of an advancing disciple is much different from that of an unbeliever or a fellow believer who has not entertained the post (after) salvation life of discipleship.
It is at birth that God (John 3: 6), and NOT our biological parents, creates the soul and places it in the body (Gen. 2: 7) that our biological parents reproduced. The placement of the soul takes place simultaneously with one's first breath of natural life, independent of the mother. It is at that moment that our soul (with its free will) takes up residency in the body. It is at the moment of physical death that the soul departs. This applies to both believers and unbelievers.
This fallen nature is passed down to the humanity (bodies) of the next generation at the moment that the fetus is conceived (Psalms 51: 5). The fallen nature as a life-long "seat" in the "cabinet" and will voice its opinion when issues that require a decision present themselves.
Upon becoming a human being, the SELF-centered fallen nature learns quickly how to communicate what he/she perceives to be his/her immediate needs. When these needs are biological or psychological, there is nothing immoral or abnormal about this process. When this SELF-centered nature begins to compete with God or the things of God concerning spiritual issues, there IS a problem.
Although God places the concept of Eternity into the heart of every soul He creates (Eccl. 3: 11), the conscious focus of attention in the soul structure of a new born babe is that of comfort and survival. Comfort and survival are natural desires that remain with us throughout our time here on Earth, but at times, can be a great source of distraction from the spiritual issues of life that require self DENIAL!
The spiritual issue concerning this fallen nature is that it is inherently HOSTILE (Romans 8:7) towards God and/or the things of God.
Beginning in infancy, and right up to the day of his/her spiritual re-birth, the concept of rewards and punishment, promoted by his/her earthly environment and experience, and endorsed by human viewpoint, is the how the soul with a spiritually DEAD spirit interprets God and or the things of God.
Sad to say, there are many who claim to be Christians, but yet fail to grasp the concept of their eternal security. There is another large percentage of Christians who take their knowledge of eternal security as a license to sin, disregarding the calling to the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. Such fear or attitudes are clear indicators that one's involved have either failed to lay the right foundation, or have failed to build and/or make use of an edified soul structure.
Beginning with the fig leaves of Adam and Eve, Man has always found and/or developed some form of human activity to address sin, mostly in the name of "religion" that accomplishes NOTHING in the spiritual realm.
From one's earliest human experience, one is trained to perceive that "good" boys and girls are rewarded, and "bad" boys and girls are disciplined. Naturally it follows (according to human viewpoint) that "good" boys and girls, and men and women, go to Heaven, while "bad" boys and girls, men and women, go to Hell.
While this reward vs. discipline is (or should be) TRUE in the secular management of familial and secular environments, such "good" behavior, based on human effort, is not what regenerates the dead spirit in Man, nor is it the means to produce divine good that glorifies God in the spiritual realm.
ANYTHING, including going though or being dragged through the rituals of "religion, that can also be be done by an unbeliever is, at best, a form of human good. Most forms of human good has its place and purpose here on Earth, but is has got NOTHING to do with the production of divine good (John 15: 5). There is one form of human good that does NO ONE any good, and has the potential of doing much harm to those who mistake it for spirituality. I am, of course, speaking of Man made, and demonically (1Timothy 4:1) promoted "religion".
Hell is going to be filled with many souls who placed their faith in such "religious" activity, but were never born again (John 3: 5, 7).
Since the Fall of Man, we come into this world physically alive, with a soul that has everlasting life, but with a human spirit that is DEAD and in need of eternal life. Unless the DEAD human spirit in us is regenerated (Titus 3: 5) as a result of being born again (John 3: 5, 7), the soul with its everlasting life is destined to spend all of eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire.
"Do not marvel that I (The Lord Jesus Christ speaking) said to you. "You must be born again" (John 3:7 NASB/parenthesis mine)."
He saved us. He did so, not on the basis of (religious or humanitarian) deeds which we have done in (self) righteousness, but according to His (undeserved) mercy, by the washing of the regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5 NASB/parenthesis mine)."
Heaven is NOT for those who think themselves as being "good enough". Heaven is for those who know that they are not, never were, and never could be "good enough, and are in need of the Savior.
Man-made religion and/or all the good behavior and human good deeds will NOT result in a regenerated spirit or produce one millisecond of eternal life (John 3: 16).
Relatively "good" behavior will be one of the results of having been (past tense) saved, IF one continues on with the execution of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. Never the less, being good does NOT earn, nor does it retain salvation. Keeping things in balance, it must be noted here that eternal security is NOT a license to sin, as post salvation sin is subject to divine discipline (Hebrews 12:6) here on Earth and contributes to a loss of some of the Heavenly rewards that the same believer would have otherwise received (1Cor.3: 12-15) in addition to eternal life that ALL believers will experience.
One is saved by choosing to BELIEVE in the presentation of the TRUE Gospel (John 3: 16, 18). It is one this confession of faith (in the Gospel Message) that the foundation of the soul structure of an advancing disciple is established.
Many times, if a a newly born again believer comes into the true faith from a "religious" background, it may be necessary to deconstruct the "religious" soul structure, before the construction of an edified soul structure can beginThe deceptive part of this fallen nature is that it can motivate and encourage the production of human good, just as well as it can motivate and encourage the production of sin and evil. In BOTH cases, the driving force behind either one (human good or evil) is what (at least at the moment) pleases or promotes self. Remember that "I" is in the center of all S-I-N!
The advancing disciple will learn soon enough that one can not serve God and SELF at the same time. The advancing disciple acknowledges and develops the spiritual discernment to detect the spiritual issues behind the "every day" routine and events of his/her daily life that will require him/her to DENY (the ungodly, but natural desires) of SELF in order to glorify God.
Granted, the inherent HOSTILITY of the fallen nature towards God and the things of God will be used by the devil in an attempt to dissuade the soul of an unbeliever from choosing to listen to or to believe in a presentation of the TRUE Gospel. However, we give the devil too much credit when we fail to recognize that many of the evil thoughts and accompanying actions we entertain come to be as a result of listening to the voice of our OWN fallen nature.
The presence and voice of the fallen nature does NOT go away (Romans 7) after one is born again. The Apostle Paul wrote about his personal and ONGOING struggle with the influence of the fallen nature in him, almost 30 years after he was saved and towards the end of his earthly ministry. In fact, the more one advances in the post salvation spiritual life, the louder and more persistent the SELF centered voice of the fallen nature will be, trying to gain or retain its voice of influence in the soul structure.
Until one IS born again, he/she does NOT have the OPTION of paying heed to the post (after) salvation mentoring voice of God the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, until one is born again, his/her perception of God and or the things of God is at best, based on the information that he/she may receive from "other" voices.
Such other "voices" consist of the voices of the fallen nature (that is HOSTILE towards God-Romans 8:7), human viewpoint that may/may not promote "religion" and cultural/familial tradition, as well as one's own CHOSEN response to the inherent "eternity" knowledge that God has placed in the soul (Eccl. 3:11).
God can use a host of different means of communication, but until one IS born again, the ONLY message that comes from God to the soul is the TRUE Gospel Message. While one can chooses to be very active in the "religious" realm while being spiritually DEAD, the spiritual life does not even begin until one's DEAD human spirit is regenerated by God (Titus 3:5) at the moment one first chooses to believe in a presentation of the TRUE Gospel Message.
As of the moment of salvation, THEN the born again soul has the mentoring voice of God speaking to him/her. God does NOT change His position concerning free will, as the soul (even after one is saved) must CHOOSE to pursue the voice of God in the development of his post-salvation soul structure and application of it in the execution of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life.
One can, and often does, become "religious" in keeping with his/her cultural and/or familial traditions, but one can ONLY become spiritual as a result of the regenerating (Titus 3:5) work of God. It is GOD who determines when and by what means one will be introduced to the TRUE Gospel Message and thereby be given the opportunity to be born again.
The presence and voice of God the Holy Spirit in the "cabinet" will be in a life-long competition for an attentive audience with the soul. The voice of the fallen nature, and the voice of the devil and/or his forces (1Tim. 4:1/Eph. 6:12/2Cor. 1: 14) of evil do not stop their assault on the soul just because one has been born again. Such voices speak to us EVERY day via such things as the conversations we have with other people, what forms of "entertainment" we engage, our CHOICE of spiritual edification, and from sources of information in our personal environment.
As of the end of the Apostolic phase of the Church Age of the 1st century, God primarily speaks to us through the accurate teaching of His Word (The Bible) by the one's HE appoints as qualified pastor teachers of the Word of God. There is a world of difference berween being a graduate of a "religious" seminary and being a Biblically qualified pastor teacher, but that is another subject for another day.
As noted earlier, the foundation of the soul structure of an advancing disciple is based on the foundation of the TRUE Gospel. Any teaching or practice that promotes the need for ANYTHING to be added to FAITH (believing) in what the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ finished (John 19: 30) ON THE CROSS, in order to be SAVED is a FALSE GOSPEL.
Once the foundation has be laid, the voices (including the voice of religion) that are contrary to the voice of God will do all they can to raise doubts as to the integrity and permanency of the regenerating Work of God the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5). In actuality, devil knows that there is NOTHING he can do to undo the regenerating Work of God Titus 3:5, but he knows the devastating impact that the power of suggestion can have on the forward progress of a disciple, especially when it comes from the voice of "religion".
Prior to salvation, the size of the holes in the filters that allow all the false concepts to become a part of our soul structure are enormous. As one takes hold of the TRUE Gospel, the holes in the filters close reducing the amount of false information that one allows to pass through and become a part of the soul structure. In addition, with the post salvation mentoring of God the Holy Spirit, the advancing disciple purges the soul structure of all the false concepts that were a part of his/her soul structure, primarily from the "religious" realm., and eventually moves on to more and more new doctrines that pertain to the execution of the post salvation spiritual life.
This sounds easy enough, but for some, nothing could be further from the truth. Most who identify themselves as "Christians" are not really interested in the challenges that TRUE disciple brings to them. Most are content with hearing the same old and expected seasonal sermons and letting it go at that.
"They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who
speaks with integrity."(Amos 5:10 NASB)."
"I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies (Amos 5:21NASB)."
On one hand, the more an advancing disciple learns, the more he wants to learn. Such knowledge and especially its application will come at an ever-increasing cost. The more one advances in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he becomes more and more of a worthy target, inviting more intense and more frequent attacks from the devil and his forces of evil, as well as rejection and isolation from Man.
I'm not talking about the "Hollywood" version of demonic attacks and activity.
The attacks I am speaking of raises tension in the soul as the "other" voices of influences try to shout down the mentoring voice of God. God allows this to take place in order to establish a scenario in which the free will of the soul has to make choices.
Hardly any one of us are ever going to warrant a direct and full scale attack from the devil himself, as most of us will never reach that level of spiritual maturity to warrant the devil's personal attention.
The devil does not have the divine attribute of omnipresence (being everywhere or anywhere at the same time), and has to rely on his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil to do much of his diabolical work for him. Only in a few instances recorded in Scripture do we see where the devil himself got personally involved (Gen. 3/Matt. 4/).
Like most d-e-c-e-i-v-e-r-s, the devil prefers to keep his true identity out of the picture, and speak through means of communication and communicators that are the most likely to gain the confidence of the intended targets. The pulpits within some sectors of the "Christian" Community are no exception.
Demonic activity, generally consists of covert observation and influencing the soul of the target through a host of means and opportunities, covert and overt in nature. The covert observation is necessary in order for the devil and/or his Eph. 6: 12 forces to know what buttons to press and when to press them for maximum effect.
There is an old saying that says that we ALL have our demons with whom we must contend. In the realm of spiritual combat, this is the absolute truth. Church Age believers (being indwelt by the God the Holy Spirit) can NOT be demonically possessed, but can certainly be demonically influenced (1Tim. 4: 1).
As much as many of us figure we "have arrived" at the mountain top of our personal walk with God, the truth is that the devi has much bigger fish to fry that warrants his personal attention. Many of us can't even deal well with our own fallen nature or the fallen nature in other people, let alone demonic beings of the Eph. 6:12 forces of evil.
Left to our own devices, most of us do a pretty good job of messing up our lives without the devil or his forces having much work to do. Some of us aren't even out of bed in the morning, and already we have entertained some mental attitude sin, and as a result, are already out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God and in need of the 1John 1: 9 procedure before God can accomplish ANYTHING through us that day (John 15:5).
For the rest of us, we are not too far down the path of any given day, when we too, sin and are in the same need of restoration if we are going to have a chance of accomplishing ANYTHING in the spiritual realm (John 15;5).
That difficult spouse, rebellious child, annoying neighbor, negligent motorist, unreasonable boss, etc., etc. can ALL be used of the devil to set the stage for us to entertain sins of the mind, not to mention our own tendency to entertain evil thoughts that lead to sin.
Note that being tempted to sin and sinning are two different things (Hebrews 4: 15), but sin is usually riding tyhe coat tails of the temptation. If the temptation ise not taken captive (2COr. 10: o) and tossed out of the soul structure, sin(s) of the mind, or overt sin(s) are sure to follow!
There are more than 300 applicable Commandments in the NEW TESTAMENT, that identify the things we can do or fail to do that amount to "sin" in the eyes of God. We can sin by what we think, say, or do (or don't do). Further note that ANY sin takes one just as far out of fellowship as ANY other sin (Habakkuk 1:13).
In the eyes of God, sin is sin (James 2:10). The sin(s) of the mind (jealous/pride/envy/greed/covetness/refusing to forgive/et.) take us just as far our of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14) with God as do the overt sins.
As far as S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N is concerned, ALL our sin, past, present, and future were atoned for by the Lord Jesus Chritst some 2,000 years ago. Post salvation sin CAN induce divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) and can result in the loss of rewards (1Cor. 3: 12-15), but can NEVER undo the regenerating Work of God the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5) that takes place when one BELIEVES in the TRUE Gospel Message.
But as far as executing the TRUE post salvation spiritual life here in the Church Age is concerned, ALL post salvation SIN is to be addressed via the 1John 1:9 process in order to regain fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14 with God and to get back "on-line" with one's walk with God (John 15: 5).
The 1John 1:9 process of confession can (and should) take place at ANY time and in ANY place, and does NOT involve a clergyman or the doing of ANY penance. If it did, we would have to have one with us 24-7 at the ready for when we inevitably entertain sin (1John 1:8).
Many of us haven't even left the building or the parking lot following a Church Service before engaging in some mental attitude or verbal sin. Others have chosen to "live in sin", relating to an ungodly relationship, lifestyle, or mental attitude sin such as refusing to truly forgive others, and a as result, have gone nowhere in his/her own walk with God. There is NOT one of us that doesn't need to implement this process on a daily basis (1John 1:8).
There is a "high priest" (Heb. ) who DOES serve as our advocate (1John 2: 1) when we confess our sin(s) to God the Father in prayer. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. His absolution is assured, and there is no penance for a sin devt that has ALREADY been PAID IN FULL. This "confessional" is open 24/7 and requires NO appointment.
* * *
There is a relatively low-level form of demonic activity that the average believer experiences, often times failing to even perceive the devil working behind the scenes. Often times the people involved are not knowing doing the devil's bidding. It is the circumstances and situatons that other people (and we) generate that the devil will take advantage.
To the extent that God allows, that the devil and/or hos forces will influence circumstances and people around us to either rattle our cages, or offer us things we truly desire in order to either stop our forward progress in our walk with the Lord, or if necessary, destroy the more persistent ones among us (1Pet. 5:8).
Some "Christians" will claim to have never experienced any such pressure. To them I would suggest that they just haven't reached the level of spiritual discernment to see the hand of devil in much the activity that takes places all around them every day, or WORSE, whose post salvation spiritual life is not one that the devil sees worth attacking, and may be even worth promoting for his own purposes!
When we draw enough attention to ourselves by making forward progress, the devil knows or will know what makes each one of us tick, and what areas of our lives we are most vulnerable.
It has been my observation that true discipleship will sooner or later cost the advancing disciple something that, at least at one time, was, is, or will be close to his/her heart.
On the other hand, he may offer the believer something that at least appears to be "good", or something that we always wanted, but could never seem to otherwise obtain. Where would this knowledge of come from if it were not from observing agents?
The devil is a master as offering the best that he has to offer (Luke 4: 6), or what one may be deceived into desiring (Gen.3: 5,6), but the ultimate goal is to prevent the forward progress of an advancing disciple. If the devil is able to get some human good, contributing to making his world (Luke 4:6) a better place to live in the process, all the better (for him)!
The FIRST step in a demonic attack is to plant an evil seed of thought in the mind of an intended target (Gen. 3:5).
The devil has more means to present false and/or evil seeds in our soul structure than we can ever imagine.
Every day our souls are bombarded with evil information from people, the media, Internet, television, radio, music, art, entertainment, "education", and sad to say, even some of the pulpits (2Cor. 11: 14) within the "Christian" Community.
Learning more and more TRUTH about God for one's own personal benefit is one thing, but coming to the point in one's post salvation walk with God that the believer is beginning to influence and inspire others to do the same is a sure fire course that sets the disciple and the forces of evil on a collision course.
The stewardship of one's soul structure is a fundamental part of TRUE discipleship.
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