Let's begin with a definition.
A spiritual gift is a specific s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l function that God the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 12: 11) (not the believer) selects (1Cor. 12: 7, 11, 18), enables (John 15: 5), and assigns (1Cor. 12: 11) to each and every Church Age believer. It is this gift that identifies what his/her i-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l part is in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Taking part in the fulfilling of the Great Commission is the long term objective and purpose for the post salvation spiritual life of an advancing disciple.
The post salvation spiritual life is quite different from the "religious" life. Those who pursue the alternative "religious" life will find themselves , "stuck in first gear", striving to "earn" or to "retain" the salvation that a born again believer has a-l-r-e-a-d-y secured, for now and for all of eternity.
Religious groups, who criticize and label the post salvation spiritual life of Scripture as a license to sin, are ignorant of what it is all about.
Man holds "religion" and "religious" activity in high esteem (Luke 16: 15), but God is not impressed nor is He glorified by ANY human effort designed to secure and/or to retain what He has already provided for the Church Age believer in response to an act of faith.
There are many type of spiritual gifts and accompanying ministries (areas/types of service), but all serve the same purpose, by contributing to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Evangelists and pastor teachers are given the spiritual gift of communication, whereas all others serve a supporting role in one form or another.
We were NOT placed here to do the work that God assigns to other people, but to do the work that He has assigned to each one of us. Without the support of those who are givien the spiritual gifts of support, the ministry of those with the gift of communication would be greatly compromised, and is some cases, would not exist.
Like a large brick wall, each and ever brick has its own place and purpose. Without each individual brick, the wall would not exist.
For the advancing disciple of the Church Age, the fulfillment of the Great Commission is the driving force behind his/her daily activities, and often determines what those activities are going to be.
Discipleship is a 24-7 function, and is in view no matter what "other" activity one engages, be it at home, work, school, or play.
Each and every soul (John 3: 6) was/is created by God, in His everlasting image (Gen. 1: 26), to bring glory (Isa. 43: 7) to Him during their relatively brief life span here on Earth.
Even if one lived close to a thousand years, as did some of the individuals of the earliest generations of Man (Gen. 5: 5), it would still be like comparing a grain of sand at the beach to the sand of the Sahara Desert. Even that would fall short of an accurate analogy, as even the great deserts have a limited number of grains of sand, whereas eternity is without ANY end!
The dispensation (period of time) of the Church Age began at the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2: 1), in Jerusalem, Israel, in 30-33 AD. shortly after being "commissioned" (Matt. 28: 19, 20 ) at the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 1: 9).
The Church continues to be in the dispensation at hand and will come to its prophesied end (Matt. 24: 14) when the Rapture takes place (1Thess. 4: 15-17) following the completion of Great Commission. This "end" is the "end" of the Church Age dispensation, but not the Church. Nor is it the "end" of the world. There are many more things to take place here on Earth AFTER the Rapture, before the "new heaven and the new earth" are established.
Here in the Church Age, Church Age believers are given the opportunity to glorify God by participating in the fulfillment of the Great Commission and by learning and applying the Word of God to ALL that they do on a d-a-i-l-y basis.
Throughout the course of human history, Man has been judged (by God) based on the extent that He made Himself and His ways known to Man in each dispensation (period of time) in the Master plan of God.
In the present phase of the Church Age in which we are living, we have the completed Canon of Scripture, something that previous dispensations had not fully received. We have been given more detailed knowledge, but along with that knowledge comes the accountability (Luke 12: 48) for what we do (or don't do) with it.
Satan counterattacks the true Gospel Message and accurate Bible Doctrine by promoting counterfeit gospels and false doctrines, mostly through "religion."
In all dispensations, God is glorified when Man chooses to learn apply the things of God to all that takes place on a daily basis.
The devil's primary objective is to deny God as much glory as he is allowed to, by engaging in spiritual combat (Eph. 6), functioning within the parameters that God has established.
Fallen angels that violate these boundaries are removed from the spiritual battlefield and, "...kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day (Jude 1: 7 NASB)," but that is another subject for another day.
At the heart of this spiritual combat is the free will of each and every individual soul that makes D-A-I-L-Y choices that either glorifies God, or denies Him the glory that He would have otherwise received.
God will not and the devil cannot violate the free will that God gave to both angels and Man. This explains much of the evil that we see taking place here on Earth, as a result of the negative choices that Man makes. There is a divine purpose behind everything that God allows to take place.
In the midst of daily spiritual combat, both divine and evil forces (Eph. 6: 12) present opportunities in which Man makes choices, pleasing either God or the devil in the process.
Unlike the demonic activity portrayed in horror films, the devil's primary weapon is Man made r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n, and the devil's primary method of operation is deception.
Being d-e-c-e-i-v-e-d, Man engages in "religion", believing that in the process, the earthly and heavenly blessings are secured, and punishment and Hell are avoided.
All the sin in the world is actually a testimony of the devil's inability to establish a desirable kingdom independent of God. God hates and the devil promotes sin because of the inevitable glory that God is denied, and the destruction that it can cause in the lives of God's people.
"Religion" consists of every teaching and activity that Man has engineered with the idea of securing and/or retaining the earthly and eternal blessings from one God/god or another.of one God/god or another; be it the God of the Bible or one of the many false gods of Psalms 96.
"*Christian religion," being it Catholicism or one of the many Protestant varieties, consist of all the Man-made teachings and traditions that have wormed their way into the teachings and practices within the Church at large.
Such false teachings and traditions are often held in high esteem (Luke 16: 15) by many so-called Christians, but in realty are consistent with the Antichrist movement. To be antichrist, means to reject the principles (or to add to) the true Gospel Message concerning what God requires to either obtain or retain salvation, OR to take the place of God in principle or function here on Earth. We often think as the antichrist in terms of individuals and events that are to take part in the various "end of the world" scenarios, when in fact there have been, are now, and will be many active antichrists inside and outside of what is generally considered to be a part of the Christian Community at large.
"Children, it IS the last hour, and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even *now many antichrists have arisen... (1John 2: 18 NASB)."
1John 2: 18 was part of a letter initially written by John in First Century AD to the ancient believers of Asia Minor.
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith ( faith = true Gospel Message/ accurate doctrine), (by) paying attention to deceitful spirits, and doctrines (promoted/taught by) of demons (1Tim. 4: 2 NASB italics mine)."
This has been (Gal. 3) an issue from the very beginning of the Church Age and will continue throughout the dispensation of the Church Age.
*I place quotation marks around the phrase "Christian religion", as it is an oxymoron. Genuine Christianity and Man made Christian religion, by design, often appear to be one in the same, but are antithetical.
Disputing what God had to say (Gen. 3: 4), and the purpose/objective for having said it (Gen. 3: 5), was the means through which the devil deceived the woman (Eve). Adam, knowingly sinned, choosing his relationship with the woman over his relationship with God. When confronted by God, the woman (Eve) blamed the serpent (Gen. 3: 13), Adam blamed the woman that God had given to him (Gen. 3: 12, meanwhile the devil walked away with the spoils of war (Luke 4:6)
Many sins appeal to the fallen nature in Man because they can satisfy an immediate desire and offer what appears to be long term benefits.
Scripture concedes that there is a "season of pleasure" associated with (some) sin (Heb. 11: 25), but the inevitable consequences involve destruction or loss of one kind or another (Romans 6: 23).
Disputing, adding to, and misapplying The Bible, primarily through "religion," is at the heart of the deception that has taken, is taking, and will take place throughout all the dispensation of human history.
Scripture refers to the devil as the one who "deceives the w-h-o-l-e world (Rev. 12: 9), and that only a m-i-n-o-r-i-t-y (Matt. 7: 14) of each generation will seek out and/or apply the things of God.
"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that lead to life, and few (the minority) are those who find it (Matt. 7L 14 NASB)."
Here, the pronoun "it" refers to "the gate and the way."
All religions, via the products and practices they promote, claim to be "the" way to God/god, but Matt. 7: 21 teach that, "Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord, " will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Note that is group all considered themselves followers of God, as they addressed Him as Lord (twice for emphasis), and were involved in what most would consider to be religious and even miraculous activity (Matt. 7:22). Never-the-less, they will be told, "I never know you... (Matt. 7: 23 NASB)." The omniscience of God knows everyone and every thing. What He is saying in Matt. 7:23 is that He never knew such individuals as one of His own.
The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that the O-N-L-Y (John 14: 6) way to Heaven is to be "born again (John 3: 5, 7 NASB), that is, by believing (placing one's personal faith (trust/confidence) in who He is and What He did on the cross. You believe and you are saved; you disbelieve and you are lost (John 3: 18).
"And Jesus said to them, "I am the way, (not "a" way) and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the (God the) Father, but through Me (John 14: 6 NASB italics mine)." Being a member in good standing with ANY denomination (or non-denominational organization) is NOT the same as being in good standing with God.
"He who believes in Me is not judged; he who does not believer has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (John 3: 15 NASB)."
It is personal/individual faith in Christ, and NOT any "religious" ritual, that causes one's name to be written in the (Rev. 20: 15 NASB), "book of Life. "
Just how important is it to have one's name in the Book of Life? There is a coming time when ALL unbelievers will be summoned from the Torments of Hades to appear in the Court of Heaven (Rev. 20: 13).
"And if anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15)."
"Religious" teachings and practices are held in high esteem by "religious" people, but the spiritual man sees through the deceitfulness of religion and exposes then for the evil that they are.
"...for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God (Luke 16: 15 NASB)."
* * *
The same majority/minority principle applies to the identification, development, and execution of the post (after) salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
Just as Satan produces and promotes false Gospels that appear to be the means to secure salvation, he also promotes, through religion, all kinds of alternatives to the post (after) salvation spiritual life that God has in mind for the Church Age believer.
Only a minority of born again believers will pursue and/or remain in the type of post salvation spiritual life that God has in mind.
Every born again believer has "a" post (after) salvation spiritual life here on Earth, but only a minority pursue the one revealed in Scripture.
Rather or not the post salvation spiritual life is identified and pursued, ALL born again believers remain saved , but will experience eternity (future) without reward (1Cor. 3: 15). Salvation is an "irrevocable (Rom. 11: 29 NASB)" gift from God that can neither be earned nor lost.
Every born again believer will forever have a home in Heaven (John 14: 2, 3), but not born again believers will receive the same reward (1Cor. 3: 14) or privileges (Rev. 2: 7, 11/17, 26, etc.).
Many (Matt. 7: 11) born again believers will receive NONE (1Cor. 3: 15)!
"If any mans work is burned up (rejected as far as having an consideration for heavenly reward), he shall suffer loss (of rewards/privileges); but he himself shall be saved, yet as through fire (judgment) (1Cor. 3: 15 NASB italics mine)."
Its not that the "good deeds" of many born again believers were not "good" or of value HERE on Earth, but that they were not of the "divine good" variety for which advancing disciples will receive reward and privileges in the eternal state.
Whatever benefits one received for the production of human good here on Earth, they are ALL left behind !
It will be a shocking moment for many born again believers when they attend the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 event in Heaven, only to see what they thought "earned" them rewards and privileges in Heaven going up in smoke (1 Cor. 3: 15)!
Born again believers who choose not to pursue the type of post salvation spiritual life that God has in mind, will forfeit the accompanying rewards in Heaven that will only be advancing disciples (here on Earth) will enjoy for all of eternity.
We do not serve God in order to be rewarded, but God has made it clear that He is going to reward (Heb. 11: 6) His disciples in Heaven for the divine good that He produces (1Cor. 3: 6 ) through them (John 15: 5) during their post salvation spiritual life (1Cor. 3: 15). Until one is born again, he/she is spiritually dead, no matter how "religious" he/she may be.
If one is born again (by believing in the Gospel Message), he/she is assured of a permanent residency in Heaven, regardless of whatever else takes place or fails to take place during the course of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life.
If one rejects (disbelieves) the Gospel Message, he/she is equally assured of spending eternity in the lake of fire (John 3: 16, 18/Rev. 20: 15).
If a born again believer engages in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he/she will be rewarded for it (1Cor. 3: 14). Producing "divine good" and executing the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship go hand in hand.
If one does not identity and/or pursue the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he/she will remain saved, but will forfeit the additional rewards that he/she would have otherwise received (1Cor. 3: 15) for having done so.
The mission that the Lord gave to His Church was/is to proclaim the Gospel Message and to make disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are born again.
If the local assembly (Church) or ministry that one is attending (or otherwise connected with) is not promoting these basic facts of the spiritual life, then one should ask him/herself whose alternative agenda is it that IS being promoted.
The devil could not care less if are an atheist, or what god (Psalms 96) anyone chooses to believe in, as long as it is not the God of the Bible. Knowing the end result, the devil endorses anything that promotes atheism or promotes any one of the many false gods spoken of Psalms 96: 4, 5.
All gods are "real"in the minds of those who believe in them, and all "religions" are "the" way to secure the blessing of such gods in the minds of those who practice them.
Sincerely believing with all one's heart and soul does NOT make a-n-y-t-h-n-g, in itself, true or false. Millions of souls, over the course of human history, have chosen to place their confidence and trust in the different gods of Psalms 96: 4, 5, and in different "religious" means to obtain or to retain salvation.:21
Through false "Christian religion," many who consider themselves "Christians "(Matt. 7: 21), have been deceived. They sincerely believe that it was and via the alternative religious activities they engage in that they are obtain, retain, or will later receive "eternal" life if they pass the final judgement when they meet their Maker. Sounds good to Man (Proverbs 14: 12), but this is NOT what such verses as Romans 8: 1/John 3: 18 , John 14: 6 teach.
Discipleship requires much more, but discipleship is a post (after) salvation activity that has got NOTHING to do with obtaining or retaining the salvation that one ALREADY has received.
Christian religion, as opposed to genuine Christianity, promotes the need to engage in other activities in order to either obtain/or retain salvation.
If what the Lord Jesus Christ said in John 14: 6 is true, then ALL other "ways" to become saved, and ANY teaching/practice that requires works (Eph. 2: 8, 9) to remain saved are false. Promoting the actions of clergy to "take the place/function" of God" (making ongoing sacrifices, forgiving sin, etc.) here on Earth is one of the definitions of being antichrist!
Critics of Christianity call the (only) "way" principle of John 14: 6 being very narrow-minded, but this "narrow-mindedness" is what the "narrow" gate of Matthew 7:13 (NASB) is all about.
The primary difference between genuine Christianity and all the religions of the world (including the Christian religions) is that genuine Christianity is about believing in all that God has done, God is doing, and that God will do for believers, whereas religions, including Christian religions, are all about what WE did, WE do, WE will do, or what others do for our benefit, that determines our standing with God the Father of John 14:6, or the " gods " of Psalms 96: 4, 5.
If what He said were not true, and what the Bible says about Him were not true (1Cor. 15: 14), then we may as well toss the Bible aside, eat, drink, and make ourselves as merry as we can, for tomorrow we die (1Cor. 15: 32) and that's the end of that. The Bible speaks of never-ending joy for those who are born again, and never-ending suffering for those who are not.
This John 14: 6statement made Him the One who conveyed of the greatest truth to ever be announced to Man, or made Him the greatest deceiver, as His enemies, past and present, would have us believe. Which one is a choice that each one of us makes upon hearing he Gospel Message!
One can be a little or very religious, but one is either totally saved or totally lost! One is either totally spiritually alive, having been regenerated by God the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5), or he/she remains as spiritually dead as the day he/she was when he/she came into this world.
The devil could not care less what means of salvation (if any) you choose to believe in, as long as it is not the one of the Bible.
The devil could not care less what plan (if any) you want to follow once you are saved, as long as it is not the one that God has in mind for you.
The devil is interested in any alternative plan that "religion" promote, especially if they include making his world (Luke 4: 6) a "better place to live." Such plans produce a win-win scenario for the devil!
* * *
Th devil has had considerable success in deceiving the human race, leading us to believe that human good and divine good as one in the same. While BOTH have much value HERE on Earth, ONLY divine good will be worth anything when the rewards of Heaven are distributed (1 Cor. 3: 12-15).
If the production of human good could save us, then there would have been no need for the incarnation (taking on human form) or the atoning Work of the Son of God on the cross.
If "additional" religious rituals are needed to be saved, as many "Christian religions" contend, then the Work on the cross failed to accomplish in its totality what it was designed to do. This also would mean that the Lord Jesus Christ misspoke when He announced that the atoning work was "finished-John 19: 30 NASB)," if there was still more work to be done.
Such "religious" theories are not merely inaccurate, but amount to blasphemy as they at the very least question the completeness of the Work on the cross, and the integrity of the Lord Jesus Christ who declared it "finished - John 19: 30 NASB."
Many so-called Christians claim to believe in the Gospel Message, but then participate in "religious" activities that contradict it. If one truly believes, that is to place one's full (100%) trust in confidence in the Work on the cross, he/she would see that there is not need to do (or have done) anything else to obtain or retain salvation. If one believes the monthly electric bill has already been paid in full, would he still send more to the electric company "just in case"?
Neither will a born again believer be concerned with a sin debt that has been stamped PAID IN FULL by the very blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Note that we are talking about salvation, and not discipleship. Discipleship will require much, much more, but keep in mind that discipleship is NOT for the purpose of retaining the salvation that a born again believer has already received. For a detailed study on the subject of discipleship, see the post salvation spiritual life presentation.
The ONLY thing that one "MUST (John 3: 7)"do to be saved is to BELIEVE in what was accomplished and FINISHED on the cross.
* * *
Human good is all the things that Man produces with human talents and abilities that contributes to making one's own world and the world of others a better place to live. There is nothing wrong with contributing in a positive way to the human environment, so long as it is not misidentified as the production of divine good that can ONLY be produced by God in the lives of a Spirit-filled believer (John 15: 5)
Human good is symbolized as the wood, hay, and straw of 1Cor. 3: 12-15. There is a place for human good in the here and now for Church Age believers (1John 3:17/ James 2: 15, 16), but human good has got nothing to with either obtaining or retaining salvation.
One's spiritual gift is for the production of divine good.
The wood, hay, and straw (1Cor. 3: 12) of human good will be totally "burned up" (rejected) as having any consideration for eternal reward.
The classic example of great human good is the deeds that are performed in the operating rooms in the medical field every day. Such work has great value to the one's who benefit from it, but such work does nothing to benefit the soul other than to preserve the temporary house for the soul and spirit during one's appointed time, here on Earth.
Human good can be produced by both spiritually dead unbelievers and spiritually regenerated (Titus 3: 5), born again believers. Any deed, as Earthly great as it may be, that can be accomplished by anyone independently of God does NOT qualify as being of "divine" good.
Any type of good deed that can be produced by a spiritually dead person is NOT to be confused "divine" good, that only God can produce (John 15: 5) through a Spirit-filled, born again believer.
God has, is now, and in the future dispensations of human history, will make use of both the human good and the evil that unbelievers and believers produce. God may, for instance, use the skills of a spiritually dead, but humanly talented surgeon to preserve the natural life of a born again believer. God may use the evil acts of Man, as He did with the "religious" Jews who handed the Lord Jesus Christ over to the Romans, but with a divine purpose in mind. God has used the political and religious power of evil leaders of evil nations and organizations to fulfill the prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation that set the stage for the the Second Advent (Return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The production of human good has its own benefits and rewards that are received here on Earth. For example, the surgeon experiences a financially prosperous living and the patient receives the benefits of the medical service performed. Such benefits and rewards, however, are ALL left behind when the soul of the surgeon and the soul of patient eventually depart this world.
The "burning up" of the deeds of human good (1Cor. 3: 13-15), represents the total r-e-j-e-c-t-i-o-n of such deeds, as far as having any consideration for rewards to be received or enjoyed in Heaven and throughout eternity.
It will not be until the unbelievers spend time in the Torments of Hades and ultimately land in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15), that they will finally see that not any of their "deeds" of human good have spared them.
The "unbelievers" refers to every souls that chose to reject the Gospel Message.
It will not be until the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 event, when many (some teach the majority) of born again, Church Age believers, leave the Court of Heaven "empty-handed (1Cor. 3: 15)" (without reward) that they finally see that ALL of their deeds of human good and "religious" activity on Earth was totally rejected,as far as receiving eternal rewards are concerned.
* * *
Divine good, symbolized as silver, gold, and precious stones in the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 passage, represent the deed of divine good that God (not the individual) produces through, Spirit-enabled (John 15: 5), born again (John 3: 5, 7) Church Age, believers.
The Church Age believer is rewarded (1Cor. 3: 14) for his/her wilful participation in the production of divine good during the course of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life. Divine good is produced when the born again believer engages in discipleship. Discipleship involves the learning and the applying of the Word of God to EVERYTHING that a born gain, Church Age believer thinks, says and does, with the LONG term objective of being used by God to save and to edify OTHERS.
Born again believers do not lose their salvation if they reject the post (after) salvation call to discipleship, but have no reason to expect a heavenly reward for work left undone.
The primary difference between the majority of born again believers and those who become disciples is that majority continue to live for what pleases themselves, whereas disciples live for what pleases God. One group is self-centered, the other is Christ-centered.
God selects the particular spiritual gift that each individual Church Age believer is going to use to fulfill his/her role in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
The devil has no issues with the production of human good, as it is through such activity that his world (Luke 4: 6) becomes a "better place to live."
While there is nothing wrong with producing human good, it must be kept in mind that human good is NOT what results in the regeneration of the dead spirit (Titus 3: 5) or the receiving of eternal life (John 3: 16, 18).
Atheists, agnostics, and "religious" persons with human skills and abilities can produce as much "human good" as anyone else.
For virtually every spiritual gift, there is a corresponding human talent that can appear to be accomplishing the same thing.
For example, providing food, shelter, and medical attention to the poor and needy are outstanding humanitarian deeds that both believers (1John 3: 17) and unbelievers can embrace. But food, shelter, and medical attention will not regenerate a dead spirit (Titus 3: 5), not will purchase a ticket to Heaven for either the giver or the one receiving the logistical support here on Earth.
Let's take a look at the gift of communication in the spiritual realm, and its counterpart in the human realm.
In the human realm, there are those who have a motivation and the talent to teach or promote science, trade/labor skills, history, religion, language, mathematics, politics,etc..
In the spiritual realm, there are evangelists and pastor teachers that God has given the spiritual gift of communication. Those with the spiritual gift of communication convey or reiterate the Gospel Message for salvation, and/or accurate post (after) salvation Bible Doctrine, depending on their primary target group.
The primary target group of the evangelist are those who have not been born again, whereas the primary target group of a pastor teacher are those who have already been born again.
Sometimes there is an overlap of function between the evangelist and the pastor teacher, depending on the specific accompanying ministry that God the Holy Spirit assigns with the gift He selects.
Both those who have the human talent of communication and those who have the spiritual gift of communication convey "information."
The "information" that those who have the spiritual gift of communication, consists of the Gospel Message and post salvation Bible Doctrine. The "information" that those with the human talent of communication can consist of virtually anything, good or evil, "under the sun."
Both the spiritual gift of communication and human talent of communication convey information, but the human talent of communication, at best, results in the production of human good, whereas the spiritual gift of communication is used of God to produce divine good.
It is the producer who receives the glory, be it the human producer (in the case of human good), or the Divine Producer (John 15: 5) in the case of divine good.
The human good that is produced by those with the human talent of communication (or other human talents)has its own rewards and benefits here on Earth, but such human good produced does not qualify one to receive the heavenly reward spoken of in the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 passage.
Using my own circumstances, I had a law-enforcement career of some 30 total years, in which I produced what some would consider a considerable amount of human good. I know that it was human good, as there were some unbelievers in the same type of work that produced the same type of work, as did I.
Although the administration of justice (law enforcement) is a divine establishment (Romans 13), it is carried out by both saved and unsaved souls. David, a king, was defined as a man after the heart of God (1Sam. 13: 14). Pilate was a Roman Governor.
As noted earlier, if an unbeliever can produce the same activity, then the activity is NOT divine good that is view.
The human good (protecting life and property) that I produced during those years did have its own benefits, some of which I now enjoy as a retiree, but human good does NOT generate the type of rewards spoken of in 1Cor. 3: 12-15.
All of the past and present benefits that were/are the result of the human good we (believer or unbeliever) produce are ALL behind when we leave this planet, and have credit for heavenly reward. Only the divine good that we were involved in has merit because it was God who did the Work through us (John 15: 5).
This does not mean that divine good is not be produced while out on our secular jobs.
Discipleship is a 24-7 calling. During our "working" years, this represents at least 50% of our conscious lifetime. In the case of our domestic calling, it involves even more. To say that there was not or is not divine good to be produced for such a huge part of our spiritual lives is being very short-sighted.
The call to discipleship begins the day one is born again. Discipleship initially involves the study application of the Word of God to our OWN lives, but with the long-term objective of involving ourselves in the salvation and the edification of others. These "others" include our fellow laborers and all those with whom we interact with while out on the job.
Only a small percentage of believer are given the gift and calling of spiritual communication, but EVERY born again believer has a personal responsibility to conduct him/herself, while out on the job or at home, in a manner that glorifies God.
Especially in this Godless society that has evolved in America, such conduct will provide the advancing disciple with opportunities to share his/her faith with others who observe what they would consider our peculiar behavior.
Believers with the gift of spiritual communication have "a way with words" to effectively present spiritual material to groups of individuals. The only difference between a Bible teacher and a pastor teacher, is that the pastor teacher has the responsibility for ALL goes on in the local assembly or ministry that he serves.
Many individuals (doctors, politicians, lawyers, journalists, teachers, scientific specialists, etc.) can have or develop great communication skills relating to their area of expertise, but this is not to be confused with the spiritual gift of communication.
Satan can, and does, make of those he deceives to use their human skills of communication to promote his agenda. The "devil's" voice can be heard in virtually every means of communication known, or that will become known, to Man. This includes many of the pulpits (Matt. 7: 15) WITHIN what is generally considered to be a part of the Christian Community at large.
One of the benefits of developing personal knowledge (2Pet. 3: 18) of the Word of God is the accompanying ability to discern what messages (from the pulpit) are from God (Acts ), and what messages are from or endorsed by the devil through the mouths of those he has deceived (Matt. 15: 14).
A skilled speaker or writer can do a pretty good job of making the Bible appear to say just about anything he wants it to say in order to promote any agenda or activity he wants. The devil is a master of perverting and twisting the Word of God to suit his own means.
In fact, the ONE and ONLY documented time the the devil failed to do so was he tried to use this tactic on the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt, 4/Luke 4), as He was about to enter His public ministry.
At one time or another, the devil has deceived all of us to varying degrees, making use of others that he had already deceived.
Granted, these "others" did so in ignorance, but a bullet fired in ignorance can be just as lethal or one that is fired with malicious intent!
Only a VERY small percentage of believers are gifted with the spiritual gift of communication necessary to function on the level of an evangelist or a pastor teacher behind a traditional pulpit. The majority of Church Age believers are gifted to function in a supportive capacity.
Depending on the size and type of ministry, such supporting roles include (but are not limited to) those who are involved in prayer groups, music ministry, child care, logistical support, generating or providing financial support, building or property maintenance, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, janitorial services, snow removal, accounting, correspondence, computer skills, camera skills, communication equipment, traffic control, ushering, teaching (under the authority of the pastor teacher), encouraging others, and ministering to the needs of special groups.
Note that one of the benefits of an Internet ministry is that most of the financial and logistical requirements to establish and maintain a traditional (face to face) local assembly (pulpit), are NOT necessary to establish and maintain an Internet- based ministry. See Why An Internet Pulpit presentation for more details.
The office of deacon was originally created to provide the congregations with extended areas of logistical service so that the pastor teacher could focus his time and energy on the studying and the teaching (Matt. 28: 20) of the Word of God.
The day a pastor teacher thinks he has learned all that he needs to know, is the day that he stops "grow-i-n-g - 2 Pet. 3: 18)" in the knowledge of Lord, and compromises his ability to teach others. One can not pass onto others what he has not first learned for himself. The more one learns, he discovers that there is more to be learned. Finding the answer to one question often generates more questions to be answered.
A pastor teacher can not be used of God to bring the members of his congregation (traditional or otherwise) to a level of spiritual maturity that he has not first arrived at and maintains for himself. Salvation is complete and unchanging, but one's level of spiritual maturity is in a constant change, either for the better or the worse, at any given time. If one is not moving forward, he is in reverse. There are no rest areas or plateaus along the road to spiritual maturity.
A local assembly can have all the "bells and whistles" that appeal to Man, but if it lacks what Scripture defines as a qualified and functioning pastor-teacher, it will fall short of the primary purpose that the God created His Church. The "fruit" of a ministry that God approves of is saved and edified souls.
Although the gift of communication is given to only a small minority to serve as evangelists or pastor teachers, this does not exclude the remaining Church Age believers from their call to "witness" to others within their personal peripheries.
The "witness" of an advancing disciple to others (should) first include the u-n-s-p-o-k-e-n testimony of his/her daily life, no matter where he/she is or what he/she is otherwise doing. This u-n-s-p-o-k-e-n testimony is to be followed up by his/her oral communication of the things of God to those, who after observing our particular differences, inevitably ask us why.
If our personal walk with the Lord is in operational, there will be no need to seek out others to evangelize or edify. God the Holy Spirit will prepare and bring them to the advancing disciple. Some will come to advancing disciple with the idea of persecuting or making fun of him/her, but they (and others observing the activity) will never-the-less hear the Gospel or an edifying principle of Scripture in the process.
At the very least, if a newly born again believer has not yet developed the skills of an advancing disciple, he/she can at least refer an inquirer to a source where he/she can have his/her questions answered.
If one has been born again (John 3: 5, 7), then he/she a-l-r-e-a-d-y has an accurate understanding of ALL the information (The Gospel Message) that he/she needs to have in order to participate in the salvation of others. In doing so, he/she fulfills his/her individual part in the first half of the Great Commission given to the Church. To the extent that a born again believer is edified, he/she can then be used of God to edify other believers. In doing so, he/she fulfills his/her individual part in the second half of the Great Commission given to the Church. There is NOTHING greater that we can do for another human soul.
Not having an interest or involved in the Great Commission is a clear indicator that one is in need of a 1Cor. 13: 5 SELF EXAMINATION to find out why, as THIS is what the post (after) salvation spiritual life of a born again believer is all about!
The concept that the salvation of unbelievers and the edification of fellow believers within one's own personal periphery is "none of my business" is one of the most effective deceptions that come from the devil's mouth, or the mouths of those who do his bidding.
It is one of the primary "excuses" that a born again believer will use to" justify" his/her rejection of the call to participate in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This excuse will "hold no water" at the evaluation and the rewarding of deeds at the 1COr. 3: 12-15 event in Heaven.
It unplugs the power source and the motivation for a Church Age believer to fulfill the VERY purpose that the Church Age believer was placed and remains here on Earth.
The devil is well pleased with "Sunday morning", one hour, Christians who live no differently than their unbelieving counterparts during the remaining 167 hrs. each week. Many such "Christians" post no threat to the devil's agenda, and some actually promote his "religious" alternatives.
Rather or not a born again believer chooses to engage in discipleship, EVERY born again believer has an unspoken, personal testimony that supports either the plan of God or one of the many alternatives that the devil endorses.
By the example of our daily activities, we ALL send out messages loud and clear to those around us, even when not one word is spoken!
The spiritual gifts of the Church Age are , with the enabling power of God (John 15: 5), what enables the advancing disciple to do his/her part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The Great Commission is the marching orders of the Church that He established.
Each dispensation (period of time) in the Master Plan of God has its own primary objective.
Here in the "dispensation" of the Church Age, the primary objective of God's people is to preserve and to promote the Gospel Message for salvation and to make disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are "born again John 3: 5, 7 NASB)."
The devil has had considerable success in steering the Christian Community at large off its assigned course and purpose. Some of the "alternative" agendas have brought major sectors of the Christian Community to some its darkest periods of its history.
* * *
We all have human talents and abilities that we can utilize to achieve earthly and "religious"objectives, but the spiritual gift and the accompanying ministry (service) that God has in mind is for the purpose of participating in the Great Commission.
Human good, as noted earlier, does have its place, purpose, and benefits here on Earth, but must be distinguished from divine good.
There is NO legitimate place for "r-e-l-i-g-o-u-s" activity, manifested in the various false doctrines, practices, and rituals in the Church that God designed. The introduction or re-introduction of false and/or non-relevant practices into the Church Age have been an issue from the very beginning of the Church Age (Galatians 3/Rev. 2 and 3), and continue to be a major part of the spiritual combat WITHIN the Christian Community at large.
If Man could obtain and retain a relationship with God via participating in "religious" activity, then there would have been no need for the incarnation and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is a need to "do" or "to have anything else done in one's behalf, then the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross FAILED to do "ALL" that the Word of God claims it did. No wonder why such things are promoted by the forces of evil.
Salvation is the result of one choosing to believe (place one's FULL trust and confidence) in the PERSON (Who He is) and the atoning WORK the He f-i-n-i-s-h-e-d (John 19: 30) on the cross.
Discipleship, on the other hand, will require MUCH more (Luke 14: 26). However, discipleship has got NOTHING to do with retaining the "i-r-r-e-v-o-c-a-b-l-e GIFT (Romans 11: 29 NASB)" of salvation that a born again believer has a-l-r-e-a-d-y received.
Discipleship is the study and application of the Word of God. Discipleship is an essential part of one's earthly post (AFTER) salvation spiritual life .
Elevating the "religious" works of Man (in order to be saved) to equivalence with the Work of God has been, is now, and will be the Antichrist agenda of the apostate Church.
The apostate Church is ANY area of the so-called "Christian Community" that has replaced the doctrines/practices of the Word of God with Man-made traditions in the name (authority) of religion.
To some degree, virtually every "denomination" and "non-denominational" sector of the Christian Community at large (AS WELL AS EVERY INDIVIDUAL BELIEVER) been deceived is some area of theology in the course of his/her spiritual life. Establishing and maintaining an edified soul structure is a never-ending process.
We come into this world spiritually dead. The only "knowledge" of God that we have at birth is the "concept of eternity" that God places in EVERY soul that He creates (Eccl. 3: 11). Every other piece of information, true or false, has been picked up along the way. While there is a need to take in true information (2Pet. 3: 18), there is the corresponding need to identify and remove the false information we have taken in as well (2Cor. 13: 5).
In dispensations past, Man was judged (by God) on the basis of one's individual response that he/she makes to the degree that God and/or the things of God were revealed to him/her (Gen. 15: 6).
Here in the Church Age, ALL judgment (concerning salvation) is taken off the table IF and when one chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message (John 3: 18).
The deeds of born again believers will be evaluated by God at the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 event, but the retaining or the loss of salvation is NOT the issue then (1Cor. 3: 15). What IS at issue is what part of one's deeds were of human good, and what part were of divine good. Deeds of divine good are rewarded, deeds of human good are not.
Identifying and utilizing one's spiritual gift has tremendous impact on the quantity of divine good that God (John 15: 5) can produce through a Spirit-filled believer.
Just as there were "traditions of men" being taught, practiced, and held in high esteem (by Man) in the days of our Lord's earthly period, such things have wormed their way into the "Christian Community" in the Church Age, as well. Such things continue to held in high esteem by Man, but are "detestable - Lule 16: 15 NABS)" in the eyes of God.
Participating in "religious" programs, as opposed to the post salvation spiritual life of Scripture, is a major form of deception that the devil promotes in the apostate sectors of the so-called Christian Community.
Religion is the product of Man. Religion is promoted by devil, knowing the end result.
Religion promotes itself as the means through which Man obtains and retains a relationship with God while here on Earth and later on in Heaven. Man has never, is not now, or ever will be saved by engaging in "religious" activity and good human deeds. Religion is a counterfeit alternative to what God requires. As in the case of all successful counterfeits, it must appear to be the real thing if the deception is going to be successful. It is through religion that the devil has earned the reputation as the one who, "deceives the whole world (Rev. 12: 9 NASB)."
Note that one of the spiritual gifts involves ability to discern what is rooted in Scripture, and what is "religious!"
* * *
A common mistake that the newly developing disciples will make is too choose a function and an area of ministry (service) that appeals to them, and then seek God's blessing on all the work one does.
Another common mistake is that after one does identify the gift and the accompanying ministry (area of service), we then want to take the reigns and determine where, how, and when we are going to put our gift and ministry (area of service) into action.
God will provide all that a born again believer needs to identify, develop, and apply the gift that He has in mind. God will also remove whatever obstacles we or others put in the path that He has in mind for us. In some cases, these "obstacles" may include the removal of some things that we hold near and dear to our hearts.
Identifying and being prepared (by God) to execute one' s spiritual gift and accompanying ministry can be a painful and humiliating process.
God will allow us to fall flat on our faces if we try to "get ahead" of God or engage in areas of ministry for which we have not (yet) be trained, or is not the area of ministry that God has in mind for us.
Man and religion have their "requirements", and God has His.
Those whose spiritual gifts place them in the "spotlight" (evangelists/pastors/teachers) are primary targets for satanic attack. By bringing such a believer down, he might even take a local church or ministry down with him.
Accordingly, such believers must be especially careful to acknowledge and forsake ALL known ONGOING personal sin, or will open up himself, his pulpit, or area of serviced to all kinds of attacks from the devil, and even rejection and ridicule from the congregation he desires to serve.
Unlike on-going sin, past sins (that have been confessed and forsaken) are no cause to disqualify a pastoral candidate or terminate the services of an active pastor teacher. If sinless perfection were to be the standard for which pastors are hired or fired, no one would ever qualify, let alone retain, the position for very long.
There are circumstances during which periods of time a pastoral candidate or an active pastor may have to "take leave" of his pursuit or pulpit, in order to address personal situations that he finds himself in, be it of his own making, or the result of actions of others (1Tim. 3: 4-7).
Once addressed however, he should then return to active pursuit or duty, and continue on with the "irrevocable gift" (Romans 11: 29) and ministry (area of service) that God has given him to execute.
God the Holy Spirit had full knowledge of all the past present, and future sins and failures that a believer would face when He selected the gift and type of ministry that He had in mind for any given believer.
The Apostle Paul, who God later used to establish many of the initial local assemblies of the Church Age, described himself as the worst of all sinners (1Tim. 1: 15 NASB. Paul was making reference to his former days of persecuting the developing Church.
Peter, who was a-l-r-e-a-d-y born again (Matt. 16: 16/John 3: 18), later claimed to not even know the Lord (Matt. 26: 72).
Yet, God had a plan in which these "sinners of the worse kind" (persecutor/denier) would be greatly used in the development of the Church. Both would be martyred for the personal faith and commitment.
By the way, according to James 2: 10, sin is sin. The ONE and ONLY sin that sets one type of sinner apart from ALL other types of sinners, is the one who commits the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18), for which there is NO forgiveness available (Rev. 20: 15).
There is NO forgiveness available for the sin of disbelief, because (by divine design) this was the ONLY sin that was not atoned for on the cross (John 3: 18/1John 2: 2).
A good reputation (1Tim. 3: 7), knowledge of Scripture accompanied with the ability to teach (1Tim. 3: 2), are among the standard qualifications for those who want to minister (spiritually serve) to others.
Yet, Paul did not come to the Church with a good reputation. Regardless of how well edified one becomes, or how well one has developed his ability to teach, there will always be areas that can stand some improvements! No one, knows all, or does all, all the time.
Oddly enough, there is something about having "been there" (sinned and recovered) ourselves in various areas that qualifies us to present the spiritual information (Gospel Message/Bible Doctrine) we have to offer others who have like-wise fallen or that are in similar need.
It is often the one who has greatly fallen, who can best minister (serve) others who have been deceived into thinking they are beyond redemption.
It is the one whose faith was sorely shaken who can best minister (serve) those who encounter doubts.
It is the one who overcomes fear(s) who can minister (serve) to those who live in bondage to it.
It is the one who has tried and failed over and over again, but keeps on going, who can best minister to those who find themselves seemingly caught up in a cycle of repeated failure in an area of sin that so so easily entangles (Heb. 12: 1).
"The sin which so easily entangles us (Heb. 12: 1 NABS),"" differs from one person to another.
We all have areas of strength and areas of weakness. In the spiritual realm, areas of strength are the areas of our thoughts and actions are consistent with the Word of God. Our areas of weakness are not.
What is of great temptation to one is of little interest (if any) to another,and visa versa.
In the midst of these scenarios, one can see where many of the spiritual gifts are used. The ones with the gifts of communication provides the soul with the correct and appropriate information. The one with the gift of giving provides the logistical needs. The one with the gift of discernment helps weed out false information and practices. The one with the gift of encouraging others offers support. Etc., etc. etc..
It is the one who knows just how "lost" he was, that can appreciate what it means to be saved, and will develop a genuine desire to share the Gospel Message with others.
The one who knows what its like to be spinning out of control and not having the solution(s), is the one who after learning accurate doctrine for himself will have a desire to share it with others.
It is the one who has learned the deceitfulness of Man-made religion who can now distinguish what is of religion (from Man and/or the devil), and what is "spiritual" from God, can help other out of the snare that the devil has trapped them.
It is the one who has suffered much disappointment and loss, both deserved and undeserved, who can minister (serve) others in their times of loss and disappointment.
It is the one whose has been betrayed who can minister (serve) others when they are betrayed.
It is the one who has been sorely tempted who can minister (serve others) to face great temptation.
It is the one that knows what it is like to need forgiveness, that can appreciate what it means to be forgiven, and to share that with others who need to be forgiven, or to forgive.
It is the one who has experienced the "meaningless" of all that the world has to offer who can best minister to the earthly-prosperous (Rev. 3: 17) type of believer who
t-h-i-n-k-s that his prosperity is evidence that all is well with the Lord.
This doesn't mean that those who have not had such negative experiences are excluded from ministering to others. While some of us have to experience the fact that the stove is hot, others can have the same knowledge and accept it without having to burn their hands in the process.
The humbling truth behind the principle of James 2: 10 can keep us from thinking we are better than others just because we haven't committed the same sins that others have.
"For the one whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point (commits ANY type of sin, just once), he has become (stands just as) guilty of (as the one who has broken them) all James 2: 10 NASB italics mine)."
This was one of points that Jesus was making when he challenged the integrity of the one's who desired to stone death a woman caught in the act of adultery in John 8.
The Lord Jesus Christ, in His humanity was tempted in all ways that we are, but without sin (Hebrews 4: 15). He knows, perhaps even better than we, what its like to be tempted. I say, perhaps better, because He had to restrain Himself from using the power of His deity for personal use in order to preserve His humanity as the spotless Lamb of God.
Its one thing to face adversity and temptation when there is not much we can do about it, but its a horse of a different color when we have the immediate means to vaporize the adversity and the adversary, just choose to endure it for a greater cause!
* * *
Like a single brick in a large brick wall, most individual gifts may not appear to make that much of a difference, but without each one, the wall would not be complete. The spiritual gift and accompanying ministry (service) to others of each and every brick (Church Age believer) has a part to play in the plan of God.
Even if each one of us only took part in the saving of just one lost soul, or in the edification and spiritual growth of just one fellow believer, our presence on Earth would still have e-t-e-r-n-a-l significance to someone.
From God's point of view, we would not have lived in vain.
In Heaven, most of us are going to be surprised just how much of an impact the "ripple effect" of our input had on the spiritual life of others. Like the rings on the surface of the water produced from a rock being thrown into a lake our input can have far reaching effect.
We all know, for instance who Billy Graham is, but who knows who it was that first presented the Gospel Message to him, or who it was who presented the Gospel Message to that person. Each one had a part to play in what would become one of the greatest evangelistic ministries of recent history.
Long after the earthly departure of many believers, the impact they had continues to expand and develop in the spiritual lives of the generations to come.
Identifying the specific spiritual gift and its accompanying ministry (service to others) is a critical part in the post salvation spiritual life of a born again believer.
This is how each and every advancing disciple fulfills his/her individual plan that God has in mind, and in the process, takes part in the Great Commission that God gave to the Church.
"Go therefore and make *disciples (*disciples = students and appliers of the Word of God) of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28: 19 NASB italics mine."
By, "...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the (Church) age (Matt. 28: 19, 20 NASB italics mine)."
* * *
God has a spiritual gift and an accompanying ministry for each and every born again, Church Age believer. Have you identified the spiritual gift and accompanying that God has in mind for you?
The identification, development, and execution of the gift that God has in mind is a critical part of the post salvation spiritual life, yet there are so many Church Age believers who do not pursue this critical area of their spiritual life. They have "other" things to do.
God not only chooses which gift, but where, how, and when the advancing disciple will execute it with the enabling power (John 15: 5) that God supplies.
If you have not been born again, I invite and encourage you to read the Gospel Message presentation. If you have been born again, but have not pursued the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, my prayer for you is that you will choose to do so.
In doing so, you will fulfill the divine purpose for which you were created.
A spiritual gift is a specific s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l function that God the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 12: 11) (not the believer) selects (1Cor. 12: 7, 11, 18), enables (John 15: 5), and assigns (1Cor. 12: 11) to each and every Church Age believer. It is this gift that identifies what his/her i-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l part is in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Taking part in the fulfilling of the Great Commission is the long term objective and purpose for the post salvation spiritual life of an advancing disciple.
The post salvation spiritual life is quite different from the "religious" life. Those who pursue the alternative "religious" life will find themselves , "stuck in first gear", striving to "earn" or to "retain" the salvation that a born again believer has a-l-r-e-a-d-y secured, for now and for all of eternity.
Religious groups, who criticize and label the post salvation spiritual life of Scripture as a license to sin, are ignorant of what it is all about.
Man holds "religion" and "religious" activity in high esteem (Luke 16: 15), but God is not impressed nor is He glorified by ANY human effort designed to secure and/or to retain what He has already provided for the Church Age believer in response to an act of faith.
There are many type of spiritual gifts and accompanying ministries (areas/types of service), but all serve the same purpose, by contributing to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Evangelists and pastor teachers are given the spiritual gift of communication, whereas all others serve a supporting role in one form or another.
We were NOT placed here to do the work that God assigns to other people, but to do the work that He has assigned to each one of us. Without the support of those who are givien the spiritual gifts of support, the ministry of those with the gift of communication would be greatly compromised, and is some cases, would not exist.
Like a large brick wall, each and ever brick has its own place and purpose. Without each individual brick, the wall would not exist.
For the advancing disciple of the Church Age, the fulfillment of the Great Commission is the driving force behind his/her daily activities, and often determines what those activities are going to be.
Discipleship is a 24-7 function, and is in view no matter what "other" activity one engages, be it at home, work, school, or play.
Each and every soul (John 3: 6) was/is created by God, in His everlasting image (Gen. 1: 26), to bring glory (Isa. 43: 7) to Him during their relatively brief life span here on Earth.
Even if one lived close to a thousand years, as did some of the individuals of the earliest generations of Man (Gen. 5: 5), it would still be like comparing a grain of sand at the beach to the sand of the Sahara Desert. Even that would fall short of an accurate analogy, as even the great deserts have a limited number of grains of sand, whereas eternity is without ANY end!
The dispensation (period of time) of the Church Age began at the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2: 1), in Jerusalem, Israel, in 30-33 AD. shortly after being "commissioned" (Matt. 28: 19, 20 ) at the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 1: 9).
The Church continues to be in the dispensation at hand and will come to its prophesied end (Matt. 24: 14) when the Rapture takes place (1Thess. 4: 15-17) following the completion of Great Commission. This "end" is the "end" of the Church Age dispensation, but not the Church. Nor is it the "end" of the world. There are many more things to take place here on Earth AFTER the Rapture, before the "new heaven and the new earth" are established.
Here in the Church Age, Church Age believers are given the opportunity to glorify God by participating in the fulfillment of the Great Commission and by learning and applying the Word of God to ALL that they do on a d-a-i-l-y basis.
Throughout the course of human history, Man has been judged (by God) based on the extent that He made Himself and His ways known to Man in each dispensation (period of time) in the Master plan of God.
In the present phase of the Church Age in which we are living, we have the completed Canon of Scripture, something that previous dispensations had not fully received. We have been given more detailed knowledge, but along with that knowledge comes the accountability (Luke 12: 48) for what we do (or don't do) with it.
Satan counterattacks the true Gospel Message and accurate Bible Doctrine by promoting counterfeit gospels and false doctrines, mostly through "religion."
In all dispensations, God is glorified when Man chooses to learn apply the things of God to all that takes place on a daily basis.
The devil's primary objective is to deny God as much glory as he is allowed to, by engaging in spiritual combat (Eph. 6), functioning within the parameters that God has established.
Fallen angels that violate these boundaries are removed from the spiritual battlefield and, "...kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day (Jude 1: 7 NASB)," but that is another subject for another day.
At the heart of this spiritual combat is the free will of each and every individual soul that makes D-A-I-L-Y choices that either glorifies God, or denies Him the glory that He would have otherwise received.
God will not and the devil cannot violate the free will that God gave to both angels and Man. This explains much of the evil that we see taking place here on Earth, as a result of the negative choices that Man makes. There is a divine purpose behind everything that God allows to take place.
In the midst of daily spiritual combat, both divine and evil forces (Eph. 6: 12) present opportunities in which Man makes choices, pleasing either God or the devil in the process.
Unlike the demonic activity portrayed in horror films, the devil's primary weapon is Man made r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n, and the devil's primary method of operation is deception.
Being d-e-c-e-i-v-e-d, Man engages in "religion", believing that in the process, the earthly and heavenly blessings are secured, and punishment and Hell are avoided.
All the sin in the world is actually a testimony of the devil's inability to establish a desirable kingdom independent of God. God hates and the devil promotes sin because of the inevitable glory that God is denied, and the destruction that it can cause in the lives of God's people.
"Religion" consists of every teaching and activity that Man has engineered with the idea of securing and/or retaining the earthly and eternal blessings from one God/god or another.of one God/god or another; be it the God of the Bible or one of the many false gods of Psalms 96.
"*Christian religion," being it Catholicism or one of the many Protestant varieties, consist of all the Man-made teachings and traditions that have wormed their way into the teachings and practices within the Church at large.
Such false teachings and traditions are often held in high esteem (Luke 16: 15) by many so-called Christians, but in realty are consistent with the Antichrist movement. To be antichrist, means to reject the principles (or to add to) the true Gospel Message concerning what God requires to either obtain or retain salvation, OR to take the place of God in principle or function here on Earth. We often think as the antichrist in terms of individuals and events that are to take part in the various "end of the world" scenarios, when in fact there have been, are now, and will be many active antichrists inside and outside of what is generally considered to be a part of the Christian Community at large.
"Children, it IS the last hour, and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even *now many antichrists have arisen... (1John 2: 18 NASB)."
1John 2: 18 was part of a letter initially written by John in First Century AD to the ancient believers of Asia Minor.
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith ( faith = true Gospel Message/ accurate doctrine), (by) paying attention to deceitful spirits, and doctrines (promoted/taught by) of demons (1Tim. 4: 2 NASB italics mine)."
This has been (Gal. 3) an issue from the very beginning of the Church Age and will continue throughout the dispensation of the Church Age.
*I place quotation marks around the phrase "Christian religion", as it is an oxymoron. Genuine Christianity and Man made Christian religion, by design, often appear to be one in the same, but are antithetical.
Disputing what God had to say (Gen. 3: 4), and the purpose/objective for having said it (Gen. 3: 5), was the means through which the devil deceived the woman (Eve). Adam, knowingly sinned, choosing his relationship with the woman over his relationship with God. When confronted by God, the woman (Eve) blamed the serpent (Gen. 3: 13), Adam blamed the woman that God had given to him (Gen. 3: 12, meanwhile the devil walked away with the spoils of war (Luke 4:6)
Many sins appeal to the fallen nature in Man because they can satisfy an immediate desire and offer what appears to be long term benefits.
Scripture concedes that there is a "season of pleasure" associated with (some) sin (Heb. 11: 25), but the inevitable consequences involve destruction or loss of one kind or another (Romans 6: 23).
Disputing, adding to, and misapplying The Bible, primarily through "religion," is at the heart of the deception that has taken, is taking, and will take place throughout all the dispensation of human history.
Scripture refers to the devil as the one who "deceives the w-h-o-l-e world (Rev. 12: 9), and that only a m-i-n-o-r-i-t-y (Matt. 7: 14) of each generation will seek out and/or apply the things of God.
"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that lead to life, and few (the minority) are those who find it (Matt. 7L 14 NASB)."
Here, the pronoun "it" refers to "the gate and the way."
All religions, via the products and practices they promote, claim to be "the" way to God/god, but Matt. 7: 21 teach that, "Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord, " will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Note that is group all considered themselves followers of God, as they addressed Him as Lord (twice for emphasis), and were involved in what most would consider to be religious and even miraculous activity (Matt. 7:22). Never-the-less, they will be told, "I never know you... (Matt. 7: 23 NASB)." The omniscience of God knows everyone and every thing. What He is saying in Matt. 7:23 is that He never knew such individuals as one of His own.
The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that the O-N-L-Y (John 14: 6) way to Heaven is to be "born again (John 3: 5, 7 NASB), that is, by believing (placing one's personal faith (trust/confidence) in who He is and What He did on the cross. You believe and you are saved; you disbelieve and you are lost (John 3: 18).
"And Jesus said to them, "I am the way, (not "a" way) and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the (God the) Father, but through Me (John 14: 6 NASB italics mine)." Being a member in good standing with ANY denomination (or non-denominational organization) is NOT the same as being in good standing with God.
"He who believes in Me is not judged; he who does not believer has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (John 3: 15 NASB)."
It is personal/individual faith in Christ, and NOT any "religious" ritual, that causes one's name to be written in the (Rev. 20: 15 NASB), "book of Life. "
Just how important is it to have one's name in the Book of Life? There is a coming time when ALL unbelievers will be summoned from the Torments of Hades to appear in the Court of Heaven (Rev. 20: 13).
"And if anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15)."
"Religious" teachings and practices are held in high esteem by "religious" people, but the spiritual man sees through the deceitfulness of religion and exposes then for the evil that they are.
"...for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God (Luke 16: 15 NASB)."
* * *
The same majority/minority principle applies to the identification, development, and execution of the post (after) salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
Just as Satan produces and promotes false Gospels that appear to be the means to secure salvation, he also promotes, through religion, all kinds of alternatives to the post (after) salvation spiritual life that God has in mind for the Church Age believer.
Only a minority of born again believers will pursue and/or remain in the type of post salvation spiritual life that God has in mind.
Every born again believer has "a" post (after) salvation spiritual life here on Earth, but only a minority pursue the one revealed in Scripture.
Rather or not the post salvation spiritual life is identified and pursued, ALL born again believers remain saved , but will experience eternity (future) without reward (1Cor. 3: 15). Salvation is an "irrevocable (Rom. 11: 29 NASB)" gift from God that can neither be earned nor lost.
Every born again believer will forever have a home in Heaven (John 14: 2, 3), but not born again believers will receive the same reward (1Cor. 3: 14) or privileges (Rev. 2: 7, 11/17, 26, etc.).
Many (Matt. 7: 11) born again believers will receive NONE (1Cor. 3: 15)!
"If any mans work is burned up (rejected as far as having an consideration for heavenly reward), he shall suffer loss (of rewards/privileges); but he himself shall be saved, yet as through fire (judgment) (1Cor. 3: 15 NASB italics mine)."
Its not that the "good deeds" of many born again believers were not "good" or of value HERE on Earth, but that they were not of the "divine good" variety for which advancing disciples will receive reward and privileges in the eternal state.
Whatever benefits one received for the production of human good here on Earth, they are ALL left behind !
It will be a shocking moment for many born again believers when they attend the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 event in Heaven, only to see what they thought "earned" them rewards and privileges in Heaven going up in smoke (1 Cor. 3: 15)!
Born again believers who choose not to pursue the type of post salvation spiritual life that God has in mind, will forfeit the accompanying rewards in Heaven that will only be advancing disciples (here on Earth) will enjoy for all of eternity.
We do not serve God in order to be rewarded, but God has made it clear that He is going to reward (Heb. 11: 6) His disciples in Heaven for the divine good that He produces (1Cor. 3: 6 ) through them (John 15: 5) during their post salvation spiritual life (1Cor. 3: 15). Until one is born again, he/she is spiritually dead, no matter how "religious" he/she may be.
If one is born again (by believing in the Gospel Message), he/she is assured of a permanent residency in Heaven, regardless of whatever else takes place or fails to take place during the course of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life.
If one rejects (disbelieves) the Gospel Message, he/she is equally assured of spending eternity in the lake of fire (John 3: 16, 18/Rev. 20: 15).
If a born again believer engages in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he/she will be rewarded for it (1Cor. 3: 14). Producing "divine good" and executing the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship go hand in hand.
If one does not identity and/or pursue the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, he/she will remain saved, but will forfeit the additional rewards that he/she would have otherwise received (1Cor. 3: 15) for having done so.
The mission that the Lord gave to His Church was/is to proclaim the Gospel Message and to make disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are born again.
If the local assembly (Church) or ministry that one is attending (or otherwise connected with) is not promoting these basic facts of the spiritual life, then one should ask him/herself whose alternative agenda is it that IS being promoted.
The devil could not care less if are an atheist, or what god (Psalms 96) anyone chooses to believe in, as long as it is not the God of the Bible. Knowing the end result, the devil endorses anything that promotes atheism or promotes any one of the many false gods spoken of Psalms 96: 4, 5.
All gods are "real"in the minds of those who believe in them, and all "religions" are "the" way to secure the blessing of such gods in the minds of those who practice them.
Sincerely believing with all one's heart and soul does NOT make a-n-y-t-h-n-g, in itself, true or false. Millions of souls, over the course of human history, have chosen to place their confidence and trust in the different gods of Psalms 96: 4, 5, and in different "religious" means to obtain or to retain salvation.:21
Through false "Christian religion," many who consider themselves "Christians "(Matt. 7: 21), have been deceived. They sincerely believe that it was and via the alternative religious activities they engage in that they are obtain, retain, or will later receive "eternal" life if they pass the final judgement when they meet their Maker. Sounds good to Man (Proverbs 14: 12), but this is NOT what such verses as Romans 8: 1/John 3: 18 , John 14: 6 teach.
- "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death Prov. 14: 12 NASB))."
- "There is therefore NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8: 1. NASB).
- "He who believes in Him is NOT judged....(John 3: 18 NASB)."
- " Jesus said to him, "I am the (not "a'") way; and the truth, and the (means of eternal) life; no one comes to the Father, but through (faith in) Me (John 14: 6 NASB italics mine)."
Discipleship requires much more, but discipleship is a post (after) salvation activity that has got NOTHING to do with obtaining or retaining the salvation that one ALREADY has received.
Christian religion, as opposed to genuine Christianity, promotes the need to engage in other activities in order to either obtain/or retain salvation.
If what the Lord Jesus Christ said in John 14: 6 is true, then ALL other "ways" to become saved, and ANY teaching/practice that requires works (Eph. 2: 8, 9) to remain saved are false. Promoting the actions of clergy to "take the place/function" of God" (making ongoing sacrifices, forgiving sin, etc.) here on Earth is one of the definitions of being antichrist!
Critics of Christianity call the (only) "way" principle of John 14: 6 being very narrow-minded, but this "narrow-mindedness" is what the "narrow" gate of Matthew 7:13 (NASB) is all about.
The primary difference between genuine Christianity and all the religions of the world (including the Christian religions) is that genuine Christianity is about believing in all that God has done, God is doing, and that God will do for believers, whereas religions, including Christian religions, are all about what WE did, WE do, WE will do, or what others do for our benefit, that determines our standing with God the Father of John 14:6, or the " gods " of Psalms 96: 4, 5.
If what He said were not true, and what the Bible says about Him were not true (1Cor. 15: 14), then we may as well toss the Bible aside, eat, drink, and make ourselves as merry as we can, for tomorrow we die (1Cor. 15: 32) and that's the end of that. The Bible speaks of never-ending joy for those who are born again, and never-ending suffering for those who are not.
This John 14: 6statement made Him the One who conveyed of the greatest truth to ever be announced to Man, or made Him the greatest deceiver, as His enemies, past and present, would have us believe. Which one is a choice that each one of us makes upon hearing he Gospel Message!
One can be a little or very religious, but one is either totally saved or totally lost! One is either totally spiritually alive, having been regenerated by God the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5), or he/she remains as spiritually dead as the day he/she was when he/she came into this world.
The devil could not care less what means of salvation (if any) you choose to believe in, as long as it is not the one of the Bible.
The devil could not care less what plan (if any) you want to follow once you are saved, as long as it is not the one that God has in mind for you.
The devil is interested in any alternative plan that "religion" promote, especially if they include making his world (Luke 4: 6) a "better place to live." Such plans produce a win-win scenario for the devil!
* * *
Th devil has had considerable success in deceiving the human race, leading us to believe that human good and divine good as one in the same. While BOTH have much value HERE on Earth, ONLY divine good will be worth anything when the rewards of Heaven are distributed (1 Cor. 3: 12-15).
If the production of human good could save us, then there would have been no need for the incarnation (taking on human form) or the atoning Work of the Son of God on the cross.
If "additional" religious rituals are needed to be saved, as many "Christian religions" contend, then the Work on the cross failed to accomplish in its totality what it was designed to do. This also would mean that the Lord Jesus Christ misspoke when He announced that the atoning work was "finished-John 19: 30 NASB)," if there was still more work to be done.
Such "religious" theories are not merely inaccurate, but amount to blasphemy as they at the very least question the completeness of the Work on the cross, and the integrity of the Lord Jesus Christ who declared it "finished - John 19: 30 NASB."
Many so-called Christians claim to believe in the Gospel Message, but then participate in "religious" activities that contradict it. If one truly believes, that is to place one's full (100%) trust in confidence in the Work on the cross, he/she would see that there is not need to do (or have done) anything else to obtain or retain salvation. If one believes the monthly electric bill has already been paid in full, would he still send more to the electric company "just in case"?
Neither will a born again believer be concerned with a sin debt that has been stamped PAID IN FULL by the very blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Note that we are talking about salvation, and not discipleship. Discipleship will require much, much more, but keep in mind that discipleship is NOT for the purpose of retaining the salvation that a born again believer has already received. For a detailed study on the subject of discipleship, see the post salvation spiritual life presentation.
The ONLY thing that one "MUST (John 3: 7)"do to be saved is to BELIEVE in what was accomplished and FINISHED on the cross.
* * *
Human good is all the things that Man produces with human talents and abilities that contributes to making one's own world and the world of others a better place to live. There is nothing wrong with contributing in a positive way to the human environment, so long as it is not misidentified as the production of divine good that can ONLY be produced by God in the lives of a Spirit-filled believer (John 15: 5)
Human good is symbolized as the wood, hay, and straw of 1Cor. 3: 12-15. There is a place for human good in the here and now for Church Age believers (1John 3:17/ James 2: 15, 16), but human good has got nothing to with either obtaining or retaining salvation.
One's spiritual gift is for the production of divine good.
The wood, hay, and straw (1Cor. 3: 12) of human good will be totally "burned up" (rejected) as having any consideration for eternal reward.
The classic example of great human good is the deeds that are performed in the operating rooms in the medical field every day. Such work has great value to the one's who benefit from it, but such work does nothing to benefit the soul other than to preserve the temporary house for the soul and spirit during one's appointed time, here on Earth.
Human good can be produced by both spiritually dead unbelievers and spiritually regenerated (Titus 3: 5), born again believers. Any deed, as Earthly great as it may be, that can be accomplished by anyone independently of God does NOT qualify as being of "divine" good.
Any type of good deed that can be produced by a spiritually dead person is NOT to be confused "divine" good, that only God can produce (John 15: 5) through a Spirit-filled, born again believer.
God has, is now, and in the future dispensations of human history, will make use of both the human good and the evil that unbelievers and believers produce. God may, for instance, use the skills of a spiritually dead, but humanly talented surgeon to preserve the natural life of a born again believer. God may use the evil acts of Man, as He did with the "religious" Jews who handed the Lord Jesus Christ over to the Romans, but with a divine purpose in mind. God has used the political and religious power of evil leaders of evil nations and organizations to fulfill the prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation that set the stage for the the Second Advent (Return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The production of human good has its own benefits and rewards that are received here on Earth. For example, the surgeon experiences a financially prosperous living and the patient receives the benefits of the medical service performed. Such benefits and rewards, however, are ALL left behind when the soul of the surgeon and the soul of patient eventually depart this world.
The "burning up" of the deeds of human good (1Cor. 3: 13-15), represents the total r-e-j-e-c-t-i-o-n of such deeds, as far as having any consideration for rewards to be received or enjoyed in Heaven and throughout eternity.
It will not be until the unbelievers spend time in the Torments of Hades and ultimately land in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15), that they will finally see that not any of their "deeds" of human good have spared them.
The "unbelievers" refers to every souls that chose to reject the Gospel Message.
It will not be until the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 event, when many (some teach the majority) of born again, Church Age believers, leave the Court of Heaven "empty-handed (1Cor. 3: 15)" (without reward) that they finally see that ALL of their deeds of human good and "religious" activity on Earth was totally rejected,as far as receiving eternal rewards are concerned.
* * *
Divine good, symbolized as silver, gold, and precious stones in the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 passage, represent the deed of divine good that God (not the individual) produces through, Spirit-enabled (John 15: 5), born again (John 3: 5, 7) Church Age, believers.
The Church Age believer is rewarded (1Cor. 3: 14) for his/her wilful participation in the production of divine good during the course of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life. Divine good is produced when the born again believer engages in discipleship. Discipleship involves the learning and the applying of the Word of God to EVERYTHING that a born gain, Church Age believer thinks, says and does, with the LONG term objective of being used by God to save and to edify OTHERS.
Born again believers do not lose their salvation if they reject the post (after) salvation call to discipleship, but have no reason to expect a heavenly reward for work left undone.
The primary difference between the majority of born again believers and those who become disciples is that majority continue to live for what pleases themselves, whereas disciples live for what pleases God. One group is self-centered, the other is Christ-centered.
God selects the particular spiritual gift that each individual Church Age believer is going to use to fulfill his/her role in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
The devil has no issues with the production of human good, as it is through such activity that his world (Luke 4: 6) becomes a "better place to live."
While there is nothing wrong with producing human good, it must be kept in mind that human good is NOT what results in the regeneration of the dead spirit (Titus 3: 5) or the receiving of eternal life (John 3: 16, 18).
Atheists, agnostics, and "religious" persons with human skills and abilities can produce as much "human good" as anyone else.
For virtually every spiritual gift, there is a corresponding human talent that can appear to be accomplishing the same thing.
For example, providing food, shelter, and medical attention to the poor and needy are outstanding humanitarian deeds that both believers (1John 3: 17) and unbelievers can embrace. But food, shelter, and medical attention will not regenerate a dead spirit (Titus 3: 5), not will purchase a ticket to Heaven for either the giver or the one receiving the logistical support here on Earth.
Let's take a look at the gift of communication in the spiritual realm, and its counterpart in the human realm.
In the human realm, there are those who have a motivation and the talent to teach or promote science, trade/labor skills, history, religion, language, mathematics, politics,etc..
In the spiritual realm, there are evangelists and pastor teachers that God has given the spiritual gift of communication. Those with the spiritual gift of communication convey or reiterate the Gospel Message for salvation, and/or accurate post (after) salvation Bible Doctrine, depending on their primary target group.
The primary target group of the evangelist are those who have not been born again, whereas the primary target group of a pastor teacher are those who have already been born again.
Sometimes there is an overlap of function between the evangelist and the pastor teacher, depending on the specific accompanying ministry that God the Holy Spirit assigns with the gift He selects.
Both those who have the human talent of communication and those who have the spiritual gift of communication convey "information."
The "information" that those who have the spiritual gift of communication, consists of the Gospel Message and post salvation Bible Doctrine. The "information" that those with the human talent of communication can consist of virtually anything, good or evil, "under the sun."
Both the spiritual gift of communication and human talent of communication convey information, but the human talent of communication, at best, results in the production of human good, whereas the spiritual gift of communication is used of God to produce divine good.
It is the producer who receives the glory, be it the human producer (in the case of human good), or the Divine Producer (John 15: 5) in the case of divine good.
The human good that is produced by those with the human talent of communication (or other human talents)has its own rewards and benefits here on Earth, but such human good produced does not qualify one to receive the heavenly reward spoken of in the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 passage.
Using my own circumstances, I had a law-enforcement career of some 30 total years, in which I produced what some would consider a considerable amount of human good. I know that it was human good, as there were some unbelievers in the same type of work that produced the same type of work, as did I.
Although the administration of justice (law enforcement) is a divine establishment (Romans 13), it is carried out by both saved and unsaved souls. David, a king, was defined as a man after the heart of God (1Sam. 13: 14). Pilate was a Roman Governor.
As noted earlier, if an unbeliever can produce the same activity, then the activity is NOT divine good that is view.
The human good (protecting life and property) that I produced during those years did have its own benefits, some of which I now enjoy as a retiree, but human good does NOT generate the type of rewards spoken of in 1Cor. 3: 12-15.
All of the past and present benefits that were/are the result of the human good we (believer or unbeliever) produce are ALL behind when we leave this planet, and have credit for heavenly reward. Only the divine good that we were involved in has merit because it was God who did the Work through us (John 15: 5).
This does not mean that divine good is not be produced while out on our secular jobs.
Discipleship is a 24-7 calling. During our "working" years, this represents at least 50% of our conscious lifetime. In the case of our domestic calling, it involves even more. To say that there was not or is not divine good to be produced for such a huge part of our spiritual lives is being very short-sighted.
The call to discipleship begins the day one is born again. Discipleship initially involves the study application of the Word of God to our OWN lives, but with the long-term objective of involving ourselves in the salvation and the edification of others. These "others" include our fellow laborers and all those with whom we interact with while out on the job.
Only a small percentage of believer are given the gift and calling of spiritual communication, but EVERY born again believer has a personal responsibility to conduct him/herself, while out on the job or at home, in a manner that glorifies God.
Especially in this Godless society that has evolved in America, such conduct will provide the advancing disciple with opportunities to share his/her faith with others who observe what they would consider our peculiar behavior.
Believers with the gift of spiritual communication have "a way with words" to effectively present spiritual material to groups of individuals. The only difference between a Bible teacher and a pastor teacher, is that the pastor teacher has the responsibility for ALL goes on in the local assembly or ministry that he serves.
Many individuals (doctors, politicians, lawyers, journalists, teachers, scientific specialists, etc.) can have or develop great communication skills relating to their area of expertise, but this is not to be confused with the spiritual gift of communication.
Satan can, and does, make of those he deceives to use their human skills of communication to promote his agenda. The "devil's" voice can be heard in virtually every means of communication known, or that will become known, to Man. This includes many of the pulpits (Matt. 7: 15) WITHIN what is generally considered to be a part of the Christian Community at large.
One of the benefits of developing personal knowledge (2Pet. 3: 18) of the Word of God is the accompanying ability to discern what messages (from the pulpit) are from God (Acts ), and what messages are from or endorsed by the devil through the mouths of those he has deceived (Matt. 15: 14).
A skilled speaker or writer can do a pretty good job of making the Bible appear to say just about anything he wants it to say in order to promote any agenda or activity he wants. The devil is a master of perverting and twisting the Word of God to suit his own means.
In fact, the ONE and ONLY documented time the the devil failed to do so was he tried to use this tactic on the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt, 4/Luke 4), as He was about to enter His public ministry.
At one time or another, the devil has deceived all of us to varying degrees, making use of others that he had already deceived.
Granted, these "others" did so in ignorance, but a bullet fired in ignorance can be just as lethal or one that is fired with malicious intent!
Only a VERY small percentage of believers are gifted with the spiritual gift of communication necessary to function on the level of an evangelist or a pastor teacher behind a traditional pulpit. The majority of Church Age believers are gifted to function in a supportive capacity.
Depending on the size and type of ministry, such supporting roles include (but are not limited to) those who are involved in prayer groups, music ministry, child care, logistical support, generating or providing financial support, building or property maintenance, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, janitorial services, snow removal, accounting, correspondence, computer skills, camera skills, communication equipment, traffic control, ushering, teaching (under the authority of the pastor teacher), encouraging others, and ministering to the needs of special groups.
Note that one of the benefits of an Internet ministry is that most of the financial and logistical requirements to establish and maintain a traditional (face to face) local assembly (pulpit), are NOT necessary to establish and maintain an Internet- based ministry. See Why An Internet Pulpit presentation for more details.
The office of deacon was originally created to provide the congregations with extended areas of logistical service so that the pastor teacher could focus his time and energy on the studying and the teaching (Matt. 28: 20) of the Word of God.
The day a pastor teacher thinks he has learned all that he needs to know, is the day that he stops "grow-i-n-g - 2 Pet. 3: 18)" in the knowledge of Lord, and compromises his ability to teach others. One can not pass onto others what he has not first learned for himself. The more one learns, he discovers that there is more to be learned. Finding the answer to one question often generates more questions to be answered.
A pastor teacher can not be used of God to bring the members of his congregation (traditional or otherwise) to a level of spiritual maturity that he has not first arrived at and maintains for himself. Salvation is complete and unchanging, but one's level of spiritual maturity is in a constant change, either for the better or the worse, at any given time. If one is not moving forward, he is in reverse. There are no rest areas or plateaus along the road to spiritual maturity.
A local assembly can have all the "bells and whistles" that appeal to Man, but if it lacks what Scripture defines as a qualified and functioning pastor-teacher, it will fall short of the primary purpose that the God created His Church. The "fruit" of a ministry that God approves of is saved and edified souls.
Although the gift of communication is given to only a small minority to serve as evangelists or pastor teachers, this does not exclude the remaining Church Age believers from their call to "witness" to others within their personal peripheries.
The "witness" of an advancing disciple to others (should) first include the u-n-s-p-o-k-e-n testimony of his/her daily life, no matter where he/she is or what he/she is otherwise doing. This u-n-s-p-o-k-e-n testimony is to be followed up by his/her oral communication of the things of God to those, who after observing our particular differences, inevitably ask us why.
If our personal walk with the Lord is in operational, there will be no need to seek out others to evangelize or edify. God the Holy Spirit will prepare and bring them to the advancing disciple. Some will come to advancing disciple with the idea of persecuting or making fun of him/her, but they (and others observing the activity) will never-the-less hear the Gospel or an edifying principle of Scripture in the process.
At the very least, if a newly born again believer has not yet developed the skills of an advancing disciple, he/she can at least refer an inquirer to a source where he/she can have his/her questions answered.
If one has been born again (John 3: 5, 7), then he/she a-l-r-e-a-d-y has an accurate understanding of ALL the information (The Gospel Message) that he/she needs to have in order to participate in the salvation of others. In doing so, he/she fulfills his/her individual part in the first half of the Great Commission given to the Church. To the extent that a born again believer is edified, he/she can then be used of God to edify other believers. In doing so, he/she fulfills his/her individual part in the second half of the Great Commission given to the Church. There is NOTHING greater that we can do for another human soul.
Not having an interest or involved in the Great Commission is a clear indicator that one is in need of a 1Cor. 13: 5 SELF EXAMINATION to find out why, as THIS is what the post (after) salvation spiritual life of a born again believer is all about!
The concept that the salvation of unbelievers and the edification of fellow believers within one's own personal periphery is "none of my business" is one of the most effective deceptions that come from the devil's mouth, or the mouths of those who do his bidding.
It is one of the primary "excuses" that a born again believer will use to" justify" his/her rejection of the call to participate in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This excuse will "hold no water" at the evaluation and the rewarding of deeds at the 1COr. 3: 12-15 event in Heaven.
It unplugs the power source and the motivation for a Church Age believer to fulfill the VERY purpose that the Church Age believer was placed and remains here on Earth.
The devil is well pleased with "Sunday morning", one hour, Christians who live no differently than their unbelieving counterparts during the remaining 167 hrs. each week. Many such "Christians" post no threat to the devil's agenda, and some actually promote his "religious" alternatives.
Rather or not a born again believer chooses to engage in discipleship, EVERY born again believer has an unspoken, personal testimony that supports either the plan of God or one of the many alternatives that the devil endorses.
By the example of our daily activities, we ALL send out messages loud and clear to those around us, even when not one word is spoken!
The spiritual gifts of the Church Age are , with the enabling power of God (John 15: 5), what enables the advancing disciple to do his/her part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The Great Commission is the marching orders of the Church that He established.
Each dispensation (period of time) in the Master Plan of God has its own primary objective.
Here in the "dispensation" of the Church Age, the primary objective of God's people is to preserve and to promote the Gospel Message for salvation and to make disciples (students and appliers of the Word of God) out of those who are "born again John 3: 5, 7 NASB)."
The devil has had considerable success in steering the Christian Community at large off its assigned course and purpose. Some of the "alternative" agendas have brought major sectors of the Christian Community to some its darkest periods of its history.
* * *
We all have human talents and abilities that we can utilize to achieve earthly and "religious"objectives, but the spiritual gift and the accompanying ministry (service) that God has in mind is for the purpose of participating in the Great Commission.
Human good, as noted earlier, does have its place, purpose, and benefits here on Earth, but must be distinguished from divine good.
There is NO legitimate place for "r-e-l-i-g-o-u-s" activity, manifested in the various false doctrines, practices, and rituals in the Church that God designed. The introduction or re-introduction of false and/or non-relevant practices into the Church Age have been an issue from the very beginning of the Church Age (Galatians 3/Rev. 2 and 3), and continue to be a major part of the spiritual combat WITHIN the Christian Community at large.
If Man could obtain and retain a relationship with God via participating in "religious" activity, then there would have been no need for the incarnation and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is a need to "do" or "to have anything else done in one's behalf, then the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross FAILED to do "ALL" that the Word of God claims it did. No wonder why such things are promoted by the forces of evil.
Salvation is the result of one choosing to believe (place one's FULL trust and confidence) in the PERSON (Who He is) and the atoning WORK the He f-i-n-i-s-h-e-d (John 19: 30) on the cross.
Discipleship, on the other hand, will require MUCH more (Luke 14: 26). However, discipleship has got NOTHING to do with retaining the "i-r-r-e-v-o-c-a-b-l-e GIFT (Romans 11: 29 NASB)" of salvation that a born again believer has a-l-r-e-a-d-y received.
Discipleship is the study and application of the Word of God. Discipleship is an essential part of one's earthly post (AFTER) salvation spiritual life .
Elevating the "religious" works of Man (in order to be saved) to equivalence with the Work of God has been, is now, and will be the Antichrist agenda of the apostate Church.
The apostate Church is ANY area of the so-called "Christian Community" that has replaced the doctrines/practices of the Word of God with Man-made traditions in the name (authority) of religion.
To some degree, virtually every "denomination" and "non-denominational" sector of the Christian Community at large (AS WELL AS EVERY INDIVIDUAL BELIEVER) been deceived is some area of theology in the course of his/her spiritual life. Establishing and maintaining an edified soul structure is a never-ending process.
We come into this world spiritually dead. The only "knowledge" of God that we have at birth is the "concept of eternity" that God places in EVERY soul that He creates (Eccl. 3: 11). Every other piece of information, true or false, has been picked up along the way. While there is a need to take in true information (2Pet. 3: 18), there is the corresponding need to identify and remove the false information we have taken in as well (2Cor. 13: 5).
In dispensations past, Man was judged (by God) on the basis of one's individual response that he/she makes to the degree that God and/or the things of God were revealed to him/her (Gen. 15: 6).
Here in the Church Age, ALL judgment (concerning salvation) is taken off the table IF and when one chooses to believe in a presentation of the Gospel Message (John 3: 18).
The deeds of born again believers will be evaluated by God at the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 event, but the retaining or the loss of salvation is NOT the issue then (1Cor. 3: 15). What IS at issue is what part of one's deeds were of human good, and what part were of divine good. Deeds of divine good are rewarded, deeds of human good are not.
Identifying and utilizing one's spiritual gift has tremendous impact on the quantity of divine good that God (John 15: 5) can produce through a Spirit-filled believer.
Just as there were "traditions of men" being taught, practiced, and held in high esteem (by Man) in the days of our Lord's earthly period, such things have wormed their way into the "Christian Community" in the Church Age, as well. Such things continue to held in high esteem by Man, but are "detestable - Lule 16: 15 NABS)" in the eyes of God.
Participating in "religious" programs, as opposed to the post salvation spiritual life of Scripture, is a major form of deception that the devil promotes in the apostate sectors of the so-called Christian Community.
Religion is the product of Man. Religion is promoted by devil, knowing the end result.
Religion promotes itself as the means through which Man obtains and retains a relationship with God while here on Earth and later on in Heaven. Man has never, is not now, or ever will be saved by engaging in "religious" activity and good human deeds. Religion is a counterfeit alternative to what God requires. As in the case of all successful counterfeits, it must appear to be the real thing if the deception is going to be successful. It is through religion that the devil has earned the reputation as the one who, "deceives the whole world (Rev. 12: 9 NASB)."
Note that one of the spiritual gifts involves ability to discern what is rooted in Scripture, and what is "religious!"
* * *
A common mistake that the newly developing disciples will make is too choose a function and an area of ministry (service) that appeals to them, and then seek God's blessing on all the work one does.
Another common mistake is that after one does identify the gift and the accompanying ministry (area of service), we then want to take the reigns and determine where, how, and when we are going to put our gift and ministry (area of service) into action.
God will provide all that a born again believer needs to identify, develop, and apply the gift that He has in mind. God will also remove whatever obstacles we or others put in the path that He has in mind for us. In some cases, these "obstacles" may include the removal of some things that we hold near and dear to our hearts.
Identifying and being prepared (by God) to execute one' s spiritual gift and accompanying ministry can be a painful and humiliating process.
God will allow us to fall flat on our faces if we try to "get ahead" of God or engage in areas of ministry for which we have not (yet) be trained, or is not the area of ministry that God has in mind for us.
Man and religion have their "requirements", and God has His.
Those whose spiritual gifts place them in the "spotlight" (evangelists/pastors/teachers) are primary targets for satanic attack. By bringing such a believer down, he might even take a local church or ministry down with him.
Accordingly, such believers must be especially careful to acknowledge and forsake ALL known ONGOING personal sin, or will open up himself, his pulpit, or area of serviced to all kinds of attacks from the devil, and even rejection and ridicule from the congregation he desires to serve.
Unlike on-going sin, past sins (that have been confessed and forsaken) are no cause to disqualify a pastoral candidate or terminate the services of an active pastor teacher. If sinless perfection were to be the standard for which pastors are hired or fired, no one would ever qualify, let alone retain, the position for very long.
There are circumstances during which periods of time a pastoral candidate or an active pastor may have to "take leave" of his pursuit or pulpit, in order to address personal situations that he finds himself in, be it of his own making, or the result of actions of others (1Tim. 3: 4-7).
Once addressed however, he should then return to active pursuit or duty, and continue on with the "irrevocable gift" (Romans 11: 29) and ministry (area of service) that God has given him to execute.
God the Holy Spirit had full knowledge of all the past present, and future sins and failures that a believer would face when He selected the gift and type of ministry that He had in mind for any given believer.
The Apostle Paul, who God later used to establish many of the initial local assemblies of the Church Age, described himself as the worst of all sinners (1Tim. 1: 15 NASB. Paul was making reference to his former days of persecuting the developing Church.
Peter, who was a-l-r-e-a-d-y born again (Matt. 16: 16/John 3: 18), later claimed to not even know the Lord (Matt. 26: 72).
Yet, God had a plan in which these "sinners of the worse kind" (persecutor/denier) would be greatly used in the development of the Church. Both would be martyred for the personal faith and commitment.
By the way, according to James 2: 10, sin is sin. The ONE and ONLY sin that sets one type of sinner apart from ALL other types of sinners, is the one who commits the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18), for which there is NO forgiveness available (Rev. 20: 15).
There is NO forgiveness available for the sin of disbelief, because (by divine design) this was the ONLY sin that was not atoned for on the cross (John 3: 18/1John 2: 2).
A good reputation (1Tim. 3: 7), knowledge of Scripture accompanied with the ability to teach (1Tim. 3: 2), are among the standard qualifications for those who want to minister (spiritually serve) to others.
Yet, Paul did not come to the Church with a good reputation. Regardless of how well edified one becomes, or how well one has developed his ability to teach, there will always be areas that can stand some improvements! No one, knows all, or does all, all the time.
Oddly enough, there is something about having "been there" (sinned and recovered) ourselves in various areas that qualifies us to present the spiritual information (Gospel Message/Bible Doctrine) we have to offer others who have like-wise fallen or that are in similar need.
It is often the one who has greatly fallen, who can best minister (serve) others who have been deceived into thinking they are beyond redemption.
It is the one whose faith was sorely shaken who can best minister (serve) those who encounter doubts.
It is the one who overcomes fear(s) who can minister (serve) to those who live in bondage to it.
It is the one who has tried and failed over and over again, but keeps on going, who can best minister to those who find themselves seemingly caught up in a cycle of repeated failure in an area of sin that so so easily entangles (Heb. 12: 1).
"The sin which so easily entangles us (Heb. 12: 1 NABS),"" differs from one person to another.
We all have areas of strength and areas of weakness. In the spiritual realm, areas of strength are the areas of our thoughts and actions are consistent with the Word of God. Our areas of weakness are not.
What is of great temptation to one is of little interest (if any) to another,and visa versa.
In the midst of these scenarios, one can see where many of the spiritual gifts are used. The ones with the gifts of communication provides the soul with the correct and appropriate information. The one with the gift of giving provides the logistical needs. The one with the gift of discernment helps weed out false information and practices. The one with the gift of encouraging others offers support. Etc., etc. etc..
It is the one who knows just how "lost" he was, that can appreciate what it means to be saved, and will develop a genuine desire to share the Gospel Message with others.
The one who knows what its like to be spinning out of control and not having the solution(s), is the one who after learning accurate doctrine for himself will have a desire to share it with others.
It is the one who has learned the deceitfulness of Man-made religion who can now distinguish what is of religion (from Man and/or the devil), and what is "spiritual" from God, can help other out of the snare that the devil has trapped them.
It is the one who has suffered much disappointment and loss, both deserved and undeserved, who can minister (serve) others in their times of loss and disappointment.
It is the one whose has been betrayed who can minister (serve) others when they are betrayed.
It is the one who has been sorely tempted who can minister (serve others) to face great temptation.
It is the one that knows what it is like to need forgiveness, that can appreciate what it means to be forgiven, and to share that with others who need to be forgiven, or to forgive.
It is the one who has experienced the "meaningless" of all that the world has to offer who can best minister to the earthly-prosperous (Rev. 3: 17) type of believer who
t-h-i-n-k-s that his prosperity is evidence that all is well with the Lord.
This doesn't mean that those who have not had such negative experiences are excluded from ministering to others. While some of us have to experience the fact that the stove is hot, others can have the same knowledge and accept it without having to burn their hands in the process.
The humbling truth behind the principle of James 2: 10 can keep us from thinking we are better than others just because we haven't committed the same sins that others have.
"For the one whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point (commits ANY type of sin, just once), he has become (stands just as) guilty of (as the one who has broken them) all James 2: 10 NASB italics mine)."
This was one of points that Jesus was making when he challenged the integrity of the one's who desired to stone death a woman caught in the act of adultery in John 8.
The Lord Jesus Christ, in His humanity was tempted in all ways that we are, but without sin (Hebrews 4: 15). He knows, perhaps even better than we, what its like to be tempted. I say, perhaps better, because He had to restrain Himself from using the power of His deity for personal use in order to preserve His humanity as the spotless Lamb of God.
Its one thing to face adversity and temptation when there is not much we can do about it, but its a horse of a different color when we have the immediate means to vaporize the adversity and the adversary, just choose to endure it for a greater cause!
* * *
Like a single brick in a large brick wall, most individual gifts may not appear to make that much of a difference, but without each one, the wall would not be complete. The spiritual gift and accompanying ministry (service) to others of each and every brick (Church Age believer) has a part to play in the plan of God.
Even if each one of us only took part in the saving of just one lost soul, or in the edification and spiritual growth of just one fellow believer, our presence on Earth would still have e-t-e-r-n-a-l significance to someone.
From God's point of view, we would not have lived in vain.
In Heaven, most of us are going to be surprised just how much of an impact the "ripple effect" of our input had on the spiritual life of others. Like the rings on the surface of the water produced from a rock being thrown into a lake our input can have far reaching effect.
We all know, for instance who Billy Graham is, but who knows who it was that first presented the Gospel Message to him, or who it was who presented the Gospel Message to that person. Each one had a part to play in what would become one of the greatest evangelistic ministries of recent history.
Long after the earthly departure of many believers, the impact they had continues to expand and develop in the spiritual lives of the generations to come.
Identifying the specific spiritual gift and its accompanying ministry (service to others) is a critical part in the post salvation spiritual life of a born again believer.
This is how each and every advancing disciple fulfills his/her individual plan that God has in mind, and in the process, takes part in the Great Commission that God gave to the Church.
"Go therefore and make *disciples (*disciples = students and appliers of the Word of God) of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28: 19 NASB italics mine."
By, "...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the (Church) age (Matt. 28: 19, 20 NASB italics mine)."
* * *
God has a spiritual gift and an accompanying ministry for each and every born again, Church Age believer. Have you identified the spiritual gift and accompanying that God has in mind for you?
The identification, development, and execution of the gift that God has in mind is a critical part of the post salvation spiritual life, yet there are so many Church Age believers who do not pursue this critical area of their spiritual life. They have "other" things to do.
God not only chooses which gift, but where, how, and when the advancing disciple will execute it with the enabling power (John 15: 5) that God supplies.
If you have not been born again, I invite and encourage you to read the Gospel Message presentation. If you have been born again, but have not pursued the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship, my prayer for you is that you will choose to do so.
In doing so, you will fulfill the divine purpose for which you were created.