Let's begin with a definition and some basic principles.
Divine discipline is the divinely-ordered corrective action through which God motivates His children to turn away from sin and/or to identify, entertain, or to return to the post salvation spiritual life. A major part and reason for divine discipline, therefore, is to motivate the recipient to learn of, repent of, confess, and forsake sin. One will not be in a position or frame of mind to entertain the things of God as long as he/she has ongoing sin in his/her life. There is the need to address (1John `1: 9/John 8: 11) the sins we commit every day, but there is a greater need to identify sin(s) that have become a part of our lifestyle. Such sin involves the sins of thought and well as overt action. The refusal to address sin takes us off the battlefield of spiritual combat, having been taken captive by the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil rendering our effectiveness as an advancing disciple useless.
Divine discipline can be implemented by God's direct (what He sends), permissive (What He allows), or over-ruling (what He prevents) will.
It is important to distinguish the difference between the punishment and discipline. It is important to discern when the suffering we encounter is the result of divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) for sinning against God, and when the suffering we encounter is the result of having the right choices that glorifies God!
When we are disciplined for sin the solution is clear.
We are to examine ourselves (2Cor. 13: 5) and determine what area of sin we have gotten involved with, confess (1John 1: 9) and forsake (John 8: 11) the sin. Once we sin, we cannot move forward in the plan of God for that day until we address it. For this reason, the "confessional" that God designed for the Church Age is open 24/7. Some of us are not even out of bed and already we have sinned via mental attitudes that we have carried over from the previous day.
Advancing disciples will suffer as a result of doing what is right. When this is the case, the suffering and/or adversity we encounter has got nothing to do with divine discipline. We are to endure the suffering until the divine objective that God has in mind has been secured. God will enable us (John 15: 5) to do or enabler us refrain from doing whatever it is that the next step in His plan of conforming us (Romans 8: 29) requires. Being subjected to injustice IS a part of the plan that God has for each one of us. Don't expect fairness here in the devil's world, or be surprised when as an advancing disciple you find yourself at the end of the line when to it comes to consideration for overt advancement.
It is not the situation that God always wants to change. It is we! That is why we can find ourselves in the same type of scenarios over and over again until we have been effectively disciplined. Scenarios may place us on the receiving end of injustice, if that is what it takes to crack our hardened shells. God is more interested in our advancement than our comfort. As far as those who may mistreat or take advantage of us, God will deal with them in His own way and by His own timing. Concerning revenge, God did not say He "might" repay, He said He would repay (Rom.12: 19).
Revenge belongs to the Lord. If we take what belongs to another for our own personal gain or satisfaction, that makes us a thief. Before we raise quions as to the timing and means through God WILL repary, keep in mind that the same principle of divine retribution applies to each one of us, as well. If God were to give most of us ALL that WE truly deserve, we would spend most of our time here on Earth ur some form of discipline and have nothing to look forward to but the fire of Hell. One of the signs of spiritual maturity is when we can pray that God will extend the same level of grace and mercy towards our enemies that He has already shown to ourselves.
The born again believer is called to suffer (1Peter 2: 21) here on Earth. The deeper the advancing disciple goes into "enemy held" territory, the more he/she will suffer for it. "Enemy held territory" includes such things as any area or activity that is under the fallen nature (Romans 8: 7), the devil (2 Cor. 11: 3) and/or his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12), man made religion (Matt. 15: 9), and wordly-minded people (1Cor. 2: 14), all of which are hostile (Romasns 8: 7) towards God and/or the true things of God. Taking a stand for God on any given issue will invite an attack from any one of these forces of evil. Accordingly, the spiritual battlefield can be as close to us as the space between our two ears or come from as far away as the ends of the universe.
When we suffer for doing wrong or suffer from failing to do what is right, we are under divine discipline. When we suffer for doing what is right, we are under suffering for blessing, in that we are glorifying God and will be blessed for it in God's way and in God's timing. In MANY cases, God's timing for such blessings will not be until the life to come!
Suffering for blessing is a principle that is often down-played by "recruiting" evangelists of our day, but the cost of discipleship was made clear by the Lord Jesus Christ during His time here on Earth and afterwoods though New Testament Scripture. The life of true discipleship is a costly venture for ALL who choose to tread its path.
For the advancing disciple, the question is not IF, but from what source will the inevitable suffering come.
The born again believer will suffer divine discipline from God when he sins and/or rejects the course that God has in mind (Book of Jonah). God has an awaiting "whale" for any one of His disciples that doesn't want to get with the program.
The advancing disciple will suffer when he makes choices that glorifies God (2Tim. 3: 12). Since ALL believers are either progressing or regressing in the spiritual realm, suffering as a result of divine discipline from God or suffering at the hands of the devil, the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil, or worldly-minded people will be a regular and ongoing experience.
If one is not experiencing such suffering, it may be that he/she has never been born again, or has been born again but is not engaged in post salvation discipleship. Either way, the devil would be content to leave that soul right where he/she is, and even encourage him/her to remain there. Those who do not oppose the devil promote his agenda.
When one is spiritually dead, he/she is oblivious to his/her own spiritual needs and to all the spiritual activity taking place all around him/her every day. Only a minority of spiritually dead individuals are genuine atheist. The root of atheism stems from rejecting the knowledge of eternity that God places in the heart of every soul (Eccl. 3: 11). The majoriy of spiritually dead souls do acknowledge the existence of some "god", but choose to reject the ONE true God of the Bible, and/or the ONE means (John 14: 6)through which they could receive a regernated spirit (Titus 3: 5).
Spiritually dead persons have little or no interest in God or the things of God. Spiritually alive (born again) souls are Heaven bound, but only a minority of born again souls ever identify, pursue, or remain in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
The full wrath and eternal punishment of God awaits ALL those who choose to disbelieve in a presentation of the Gospel Message. Divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) here on Earth awaits all born again belieivers who choose to engage in post salvation sin, including the sin of rejecting the call to the true post salvation spiritual life that begins at salvation and ends when one departs this Earth.
You might say that you (personally) were never given the opportunity to either hear the Gospel Message or to hear of the post salvation spiritual life, but the presence of these links says otherwise.
Punishment involves the payment of a debt incurred for having violated a law, rule, or regulation that had been established by a system of authority or by a person in a position of authority.
In the secular administration of justice, the payment of this "debt" could involve such things as the payment of a fine for lesser offenses, serving time in prison for more serious offences, and the loss of life for the most serious offenses. The "seriousness" of these violations are usually defined in the body of law as being violations, misdemeanors, felonies, and capital offenses, with each higher level carrying a greater penalty.
When the debt has been paid, the offender has been "punished." Discipline, however, is for the purpose of persuading an offender (or those observing) to no longer violate the same law, rule, or regulation. If the punished offender (or those observing) is not so persuaded, the offender was punished, but has not been effectively disciplined.
In the spiritual realm, divine justice requires that every be accounted for and punished. The next time you "get away" with something that amounts to what the Bible calls sin, listen with the ears of your soul and might be able to hear the clanging of the hammer that drove the spikes into the Lord's humanity as He was about to atone for the sin you with which you just "got away"! EVERY sin contributed to total sin debt that the Lord Jesus Christ atoned for on the cross.
The punishment for every sin that Man committed, is committing, or will commit throughout the course of human history was taken on by the Lord Jesus Christ while on the cross, with the exception (by divine design) of the unpardonable sin of disbelief. At that moment of time, the omniscient mind of God placed every sin (with the exception of the sin of disbelief) on the bleeding humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ who nailed to the cross in our place. Only the omniscience of God would have such knowledge, especially of those souls who had not even been born yet. God cannot require ANY further "punishment" for a sin debt that has already been stamped PAID IN FULL by the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Accordingly, the corrective action" that God sends or allows to take place in the life of a born gain, Church Age believer, is NOT punishment, but discipline for correction of course on the part of the recipient and/or on the part of those who observe it.
The only punishment that a human soul could be required to endure will be to endure an eternity of suffering in what the Bible calls the lake of fire for having committed the unpardonable sin of disbelief (John 3: 18).
THIS is why there is NO eternal condemnation or punishment or those who are in Christ (Romans 8: 1), and this is why those who choose to commit the ONE unpardonable sin of disbelief have NO hope for every being released from the suffering environment of the lake of fire. NO amount of suffering in the "lake of fire" will ever be enough to atone for the sin of disbelief, and or amount of postmortem "religious" activity can atone for the sin of disbelief on the part of the one who has departed. However one departs this earth, be it spiritually alive or spiritually dead, so shall he/she forever remain throughout all of eternity future. Because of one's belief (full confidence and trust) in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ can a spiritually alive soul EVER experience the Torments of Hades or the eternal lake of fire (Rev. 20:13, 15). Because of one's REJECTION (disbelief) in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ can spiritually dead soul ever be released from the lake of fire.
Any soul that eventually find him/herself in what the Bible calls the lake of fire, it because of ONE sin and ONE sin alone. That sin is the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18). ALL other sins were atoned (paid for) by the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ while ON the cross.
Any divine discipline that a child of God receives HERE ON EARTH is for the purpose or correction for whatever time the believer has left in his/her post salvation spiritual life before departing this world, OR for the correction of other believers if the divine discipline involves physical death of the violator (Acts 5).
The confessing (1John 1:9) and the forsaking (John 8: 11) and the forgiveness of post salvation sin is for the purpose of restoring fellowship (Habakkuk 1: 13/2Cor. 13: 14) with God that goes hand in hand with being Spirit-filled and enabled (John 15: 5) to produce divine good 1 Cor. 3: 12-15). The production of divine good is what the post salvation spiritual life is all about. If one fails to respond to a presentation of the Gospel Message or failing to pursue the post salvation spiritual life AFTER one is saved , he/she, from divine viewpoint, has lived in vain.
Confessing (1John 1: 9) and/or forsaking (John 8: 11) post salvation sin is an important element in the execution of the post salvation spiritual life, but is NOT for the purpose of regaining or retaining salvation. One can never be any more or any less saved than what he/she became at the moment of salvation. All born again believers are permanently indwelt (1Cor. 3: 16) by God the Holy Spirit throughout the course of his/her post salvation spiritual life, but one is not "filled" (under the influence/controlled) with the Spirit (Eph. 5: 18) when he/she chooses to hand over the wheel to his/her fallen nature and engage is sin. Post salvation confession (1John 1: 9) returns the believer to the filled mode.
in (Eph. 5: 18), Paul uses excessive drinking as a practical example that most people are familiar with, but ANY sin (James 2: 10) has the same effect. ALL sin results in some form of "death" (Romans 6: 23), be it spiritual (Gen. 3), physical (Acts 5), or temporal (James 2: 26). Here the type of death in view is temporal death, which means that there is a lack of production of divine good (1Cor. 3: 12-1) in the post salvation life of the believer until the sin has been addressed (1John 1: 9/John 8: 11), returning the believer to fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14). The lack of divine good being produced does NOT impact the integrity of the believer's salvation, but will impact the rewards the heavenly rewards he/she receives or forfeits (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
The post salvation forgiveness is granted (1John 1: 9) on the same basis that the forgiveness for salvation was granted on the day one was saved. There are no good deeds, promises to be good, or penance, or "religious" that can be added to the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Forsaking sin has to do with retaining fellowship and moving forward with one's post salvation spiritual life, but not salvation. There are NO limitations to the amount of times one can receive post salvation forgiveness, but repeating the same type of sin will invite more intense and more frequent divine discipline.
Eternal security of a believers residency in Heaven however, does NOT mean that there will not be divine discipline imposed for sin that are committed during he course of one's post (after) salvation spiritual life HERE on Earth (Heb. 12:6). Eternal security is not a license to sin. Time spent out of fellowship with God (living with sin that has not been confessed/forsaken)is time in which there is no production of divine good. No production, no reward.
Time periods out of fellowship can be as brief as the few seconds it takes to confess a sin, or for as long as the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life if one refuses to confess.
We make negative choices every time we either refuse to learn of or to apply the appropriate principle of Scripture to ALL that we think, say, or do every time we are given the opportunity to do so throughout the course of any given day. All such thoughts and actions are contrary to the will of God, and therefore amount to sin in the eyes of God.
God does not usually (Acts 5) send down the proverbial lightening bolt ever time we step out of line, but by entertaining sin, we choose a course (Matt. 7: 13) that leads to death of some kind, be it spiritual, physical, or temporal. In any one of these modes, the believer will not be in a frame of mind to produce the divine good associated with the post salvation spiritual life. The devil knows this, and is why he promotes the many alternatives to address sin. Among these alternatives are good (human) deeds or behavior or religious ritual(s).
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows (good or evil), that shall he also reap (Gal. 6: 7 NASB italics mine)." Sometimes the reaping takes place here on Earth, and sometimes the reaping takes place after we depart this world.
Better to receive divine discipline here on Earth and take the corrective action that to be among the believers at the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 evaluation of deeds in Heaven standing there empty handed (with no rewards-1Cor. 3: 12-15), and naked (without a uniform of glory). Paul in his letters to the Corinthians (1Cor. 15: 41, 42) uses the stellar universe as a practical example. There are moons and stars whose degree of light are relatively dull that they can be hardly seen, there are others (like our sun) that are so bright that one can damage his (natural) eyes by staring at it. In the same way, there will be believers in Heaven whose uniform of glory (Rev. 3: 40) will shine brightly, whereas others be naked (minus a uniform of glory). The brightness of the uniform of glory and the quantity of the rewards/privileges received is based on the degree that one chose to glorify God while here on Earth. We do not serve God in order to be rewarded, but God has made it clear there ARE rewards and privileges to be received (Rev.2, 3) or forfeited (1Cor. 3: 12-15) in Heaven in addition to residency in Heaven that ALL born again believers will receive.
The pending "punishment" for those who choose to DISBELIEVE the Gospel Message is an eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
Here in the Church Age, the benefits (John 3: 16, Titus 3:5/ Eph. 4: 9/ etc.) of this Work become a personal, permanent, and eternal reality for each and every soul IF and when each soul chooses to put his/her full and exclusive faith (trust and confidence) in a presentation of the Gospel Message. The divine response to one's decision to believe is what being "born again (John 3: 5, 7) is all about.
The alternative means and purpose for confessing sin that have evolved within the Christian Community are among the many products and practices of man-made religion that did not come from God . Such things were not a part of the Christian Community for the first 300 years or so of its history. If such things are necessary, then why were they not a part of the Church that God established and maintained for the first few centuries of its history?
There is what is called the target illustration that demonstrates how religious authority, perhaps with the best of intentions, has added to what God had actually authorized. Some denominations and non-denominational groups are more guilty of this than others, but false teachings and practices can be found in virtually every corner of what is generally acknowledged as being the Christian Community.
The "bull's eye" of the target represents what God actually established, and the ever- widening rings around the bull's eye represents what religion has added to it. Before long, the "rings" become accepted as part of the picture and the means to reach the bull's eye. The inclusion of the traditions of men can invalidate the worship of God (Matt. 15: 9). "But in vain do they worship Me, Teaching as Doctrines the precepts of men (Matt. 15: 9 NASB)."
Paul, in his letter to the Colossians (Col. 2: 8) warns Church Age believers not to be so deceived.
"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ (Col. 2:8 NASB)."
"Religion" will make false promises of salvation and go as far as to threaten those who challenge the legitimacy of their man made traditions with the FIRE OF HELL. Scripture makes it clear that the ONE and ONLY cause for such a destiny is the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18)/Rev. 20: 13, 15).
Divine discipline is for the positive advancement of one's post salvation spiritual life that goes WAY beyond addressing the issue of sin. In the day and age in which we are living, there are many homilies and sermons that speak of sin, but not enough teaching on the true post salvation spiritual life. Most Christians have a good idea about what amounts to sin, but many are clueless about what the post salvation spiritual life is really all about.
God disciplines the born again believer in order to motivate him/her to identify, develop, engage in, or return to the post salvation life of discipleship. The devil has a whole warehouse full of alternatives that appeals to the fallen nature in Man. Following religion can make a person religious, but the development of one's spirituality takes the enabling power of God (John 15: 5) and a personal decision and determination to pursue the true post salvation spiritual life on a DAILY basis.
ALL born again (John 3: 5, 7) believers are forever "children of God", having already addressed and settled the issue of his/her salvation and where eternity is going to be experienced the split second that he/she first chose to believe (place full confidence and trust) in the Gospel Message.
All born again believers, however, do not entertain the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship. Becoming a disciple does not improve the integrity of one's salvation, but becoming a disciple , that is a student and an applier of the Word of God, is what brings glory to God. Bringing glory to God is what the post salvation spiritual life of a born again believer was/is designed to be all about. Accordingly, this is why God will send or allow adversity in the form of divine discipline into the life of a child of God who is not with His program.
God's program begins with one's own salvation and continues on into the post (after) salvation life of discipleship for as long as the born again believer is here on Earth. God has plan that encompasses all of Eternity, SOME of which He has disclosed to us in the Bible.
The devil has counter plans for each soul that God creates. Plan A begins with supplying all kinds of distractions and alternatives to God's ONE and ONLY means of salvation. The devil endorses atheism in the minds of those who reject the concept of eternity that God places in the heart of every soul that He creates (Eccl. 3: 11). For the most part, however, most human souls do acknowledge the concept of eternity, but greatly differ as to where and on what basis it is going to be experienced. Accordingly, the devil promotes his alternatives in the name (authority) of man-made religion (Psalms 96).
Christian "religion", as opposed to genuine Christianity, is no exception. What primarily distinguishes genuine Christianity from religion (including Christian religion) is that genuine Christianity is based on BELIEF in what God has done, is doing, and will do for the people of faith, whereas religion (including Christian religion) is all about what the human soul does, has done, or refrains from doing in order to earn his/her salvation. Good d (human) deeds, and/or "religious" practical, saves NO ONE (Eph. 2: 9/Titus 3: 5). Good deeds, service, and accurate worship of God will be the RESULT of having been saved and edified, but are NOT the means to secure or to retain salvation.
The worship of God is a POST (after) salvation activity, as are all the other parts of the post (after)salvation spiritual life. Just as a physically dead person can do NOTHING in the natural realm, a spiritually dead person can do NOTHING in the spiritual realm (John15: 5). The purpose of divine discipline is to encourage a spiritually alive, born again Christian to identity and remain on the straight and narrow way of the post salvation spiritual life. Addressing (1John 1: 9/John 8: 11) post (after) salvation sin is a part of returning to and/or remaining on the straight and narrow path.
Atheism denies the existence of any God/god and false religion provides alternatives or additives, erroneously promoting them as necessary in order to establish and/or retain a spiritual relationship with the ONE true God. The devil applauds and endorses anything that will challenge the "finished - John 19: 30 NASB," atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a result, those deceived are left with a "feeling" that they have secured (or will secure) both Earthly and the eternal blessings from the deity of there own choosing, including the God of the Bible. When salvation is secured, the devil's contingency plan is to raise doubts and fears concerning the reality and security of a born again believer's salvation.. The devil knows that he can do nothing about the "saved" status of a born again believer, but knows that he can impede the spiritual development of a saved soul by raising doubts and fears, especially when these doubts and fears are communicated and/or endorsed by "religious" authorities.
For those who reach the point of spiritual maturity that they do not question the integrity of their salvation, the only thing that the devil has left is to impede the production of divine good in the post salvation life of the THEN advancing disciple. The devil will attempt (and often succeeds) in this area of spirit combat by promoting such ungodly concepts as the idea that because salvation can not be lost, the believer is now free to go out and sin with impunity. It IS true that salvation cannot be lost, but it is not true that there are not other negative consequences for post salvation sin.
For the advancing disciple, just the fact that ANY post salvation sin dishonors God is enough to motivate the believer to reject engaging in sin, and at the very least, to immediately address sin (1John 1: 9/John 8:11) when we inevitably fail. The spiritually immature believer, that being one who either does not know or does not choose to apply the doctrine that he/she does know, is still being dominated by the SELF centered fallen nature that remains within us, even after one has been saved (Romans 7).
The devil will attack the spiritual life via distraction. Such distractions are usually a mixed bag of adversity to discourage our further advancement, and of "opportunities" that appeal to the self-centered fallen nature within us. Both the adversity and the "opportunities" are for the purpose of taking us away from identifying, executing, and/or remaining within the plan that God has for each one of HIs children. The devil is a master in the art of spiritual combat. The key to success in any form of combat is deception.
He knows which buttons (adversity vs. prosperity)to press as what time for maximum effect.
Which plan, be it God's, our own, or the devil's) we are tuned into is revealed in the daily and lifetime priorities that we set for ourselves.
God disciplines His children in order to motivate them to identity, develop, execute, remain in, or return to the post salvation spiritual life. Believers who know they are saved, but sense that something is missing in their walk with the Lord will almost certainly be among those who have not identified the true post salvation spiritual life, OR have but have deserted the ensuing spiritual combat when the heat got too intense.
There is the need to understand the difference between having been punished, and having been disciplined. Punishment involves a penalty that is imposed and carried as a result of having violated a law or regulation of some kind. Discipline is for the purpose of instilling automatic and full obedience in the first place, and reinforced via corrective actions to discourage future violations when they do occur. Many parents can tell of the frustration, heart-wrenching, and painful experience of "punishing" a child, only to see the child continue to rebel and refuse to be "disciplined" to their own hurt. Children who develop "authority" issues are in for a world of pain and suffering.
God is likewise grieved (Eph. 4: 30) when each one of us, as His child, refuses to be disciplined by Him. Imposing punishment is a necessary function that authority figures or systems of authority impose without any input from the one being punished, but discipline requires a choice to change one's mind/actions on the part of the one punished.
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Divine discipline is the divinely-ordered corrective action through which God motivates His children to turn away from sin and/or to identify, entertain, or to return to the post salvation spiritual life. A major part and reason for divine discipline, therefore, is to motivate the recipient to learn of, repent of, confess, and forsake sin. One will not be in a position or frame of mind to entertain the things of God as long as he/she has ongoing sin in his/her life. There is the need to address (1John `1: 9/John 8: 11) the sins we commit every day, but there is a greater need to identify sin(s) that have become a part of our lifestyle. Such sin involves the sins of thought and well as overt action. The refusal to address sin takes us off the battlefield of spiritual combat, having been taken captive by the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil rendering our effectiveness as an advancing disciple useless.
Divine discipline can be implemented by God's direct (what He sends), permissive (What He allows), or over-ruling (what He prevents) will.
It is important to distinguish the difference between the punishment and discipline. It is important to discern when the suffering we encounter is the result of divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) for sinning against God, and when the suffering we encounter is the result of having the right choices that glorifies God!
When we are disciplined for sin the solution is clear.
We are to examine ourselves (2Cor. 13: 5) and determine what area of sin we have gotten involved with, confess (1John 1: 9) and forsake (John 8: 11) the sin. Once we sin, we cannot move forward in the plan of God for that day until we address it. For this reason, the "confessional" that God designed for the Church Age is open 24/7. Some of us are not even out of bed and already we have sinned via mental attitudes that we have carried over from the previous day.
Advancing disciples will suffer as a result of doing what is right. When this is the case, the suffering and/or adversity we encounter has got nothing to do with divine discipline. We are to endure the suffering until the divine objective that God has in mind has been secured. God will enable us (John 15: 5) to do or enabler us refrain from doing whatever it is that the next step in His plan of conforming us (Romans 8: 29) requires. Being subjected to injustice IS a part of the plan that God has for each one of us. Don't expect fairness here in the devil's world, or be surprised when as an advancing disciple you find yourself at the end of the line when to it comes to consideration for overt advancement.
It is not the situation that God always wants to change. It is we! That is why we can find ourselves in the same type of scenarios over and over again until we have been effectively disciplined. Scenarios may place us on the receiving end of injustice, if that is what it takes to crack our hardened shells. God is more interested in our advancement than our comfort. As far as those who may mistreat or take advantage of us, God will deal with them in His own way and by His own timing. Concerning revenge, God did not say He "might" repay, He said He would repay (Rom.12: 19).
Revenge belongs to the Lord. If we take what belongs to another for our own personal gain or satisfaction, that makes us a thief. Before we raise quions as to the timing and means through God WILL repary, keep in mind that the same principle of divine retribution applies to each one of us, as well. If God were to give most of us ALL that WE truly deserve, we would spend most of our time here on Earth ur some form of discipline and have nothing to look forward to but the fire of Hell. One of the signs of spiritual maturity is when we can pray that God will extend the same level of grace and mercy towards our enemies that He has already shown to ourselves.
The born again believer is called to suffer (1Peter 2: 21) here on Earth. The deeper the advancing disciple goes into "enemy held" territory, the more he/she will suffer for it. "Enemy held territory" includes such things as any area or activity that is under the fallen nature (Romans 8: 7), the devil (2 Cor. 11: 3) and/or his forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12), man made religion (Matt. 15: 9), and wordly-minded people (1Cor. 2: 14), all of which are hostile (Romasns 8: 7) towards God and/or the true things of God. Taking a stand for God on any given issue will invite an attack from any one of these forces of evil. Accordingly, the spiritual battlefield can be as close to us as the space between our two ears or come from as far away as the ends of the universe.
When we suffer for doing wrong or suffer from failing to do what is right, we are under divine discipline. When we suffer for doing what is right, we are under suffering for blessing, in that we are glorifying God and will be blessed for it in God's way and in God's timing. In MANY cases, God's timing for such blessings will not be until the life to come!
Suffering for blessing is a principle that is often down-played by "recruiting" evangelists of our day, but the cost of discipleship was made clear by the Lord Jesus Christ during His time here on Earth and afterwoods though New Testament Scripture. The life of true discipleship is a costly venture for ALL who choose to tread its path.
For the advancing disciple, the question is not IF, but from what source will the inevitable suffering come.
The born again believer will suffer divine discipline from God when he sins and/or rejects the course that God has in mind (Book of Jonah). God has an awaiting "whale" for any one of His disciples that doesn't want to get with the program.
The advancing disciple will suffer when he makes choices that glorifies God (2Tim. 3: 12). Since ALL believers are either progressing or regressing in the spiritual realm, suffering as a result of divine discipline from God or suffering at the hands of the devil, the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil, or worldly-minded people will be a regular and ongoing experience.
If one is not experiencing such suffering, it may be that he/she has never been born again, or has been born again but is not engaged in post salvation discipleship. Either way, the devil would be content to leave that soul right where he/she is, and even encourage him/her to remain there. Those who do not oppose the devil promote his agenda.
When one is spiritually dead, he/she is oblivious to his/her own spiritual needs and to all the spiritual activity taking place all around him/her every day. Only a minority of spiritually dead individuals are genuine atheist. The root of atheism stems from rejecting the knowledge of eternity that God places in the heart of every soul (Eccl. 3: 11). The majoriy of spiritually dead souls do acknowledge the existence of some "god", but choose to reject the ONE true God of the Bible, and/or the ONE means (John 14: 6)through which they could receive a regernated spirit (Titus 3: 5).
Spiritually dead persons have little or no interest in God or the things of God. Spiritually alive (born again) souls are Heaven bound, but only a minority of born again souls ever identify, pursue, or remain in the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
The full wrath and eternal punishment of God awaits ALL those who choose to disbelieve in a presentation of the Gospel Message. Divine discipline (Heb. 12: 6) here on Earth awaits all born again belieivers who choose to engage in post salvation sin, including the sin of rejecting the call to the true post salvation spiritual life that begins at salvation and ends when one departs this Earth.
You might say that you (personally) were never given the opportunity to either hear the Gospel Message or to hear of the post salvation spiritual life, but the presence of these links says otherwise.
Punishment involves the payment of a debt incurred for having violated a law, rule, or regulation that had been established by a system of authority or by a person in a position of authority.
In the secular administration of justice, the payment of this "debt" could involve such things as the payment of a fine for lesser offenses, serving time in prison for more serious offences, and the loss of life for the most serious offenses. The "seriousness" of these violations are usually defined in the body of law as being violations, misdemeanors, felonies, and capital offenses, with each higher level carrying a greater penalty.
When the debt has been paid, the offender has been "punished." Discipline, however, is for the purpose of persuading an offender (or those observing) to no longer violate the same law, rule, or regulation. If the punished offender (or those observing) is not so persuaded, the offender was punished, but has not been effectively disciplined.
In the spiritual realm, divine justice requires that every be accounted for and punished. The next time you "get away" with something that amounts to what the Bible calls sin, listen with the ears of your soul and might be able to hear the clanging of the hammer that drove the spikes into the Lord's humanity as He was about to atone for the sin you with which you just "got away"! EVERY sin contributed to total sin debt that the Lord Jesus Christ atoned for on the cross.
The punishment for every sin that Man committed, is committing, or will commit throughout the course of human history was taken on by the Lord Jesus Christ while on the cross, with the exception (by divine design) of the unpardonable sin of disbelief. At that moment of time, the omniscient mind of God placed every sin (with the exception of the sin of disbelief) on the bleeding humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ who nailed to the cross in our place. Only the omniscience of God would have such knowledge, especially of those souls who had not even been born yet. God cannot require ANY further "punishment" for a sin debt that has already been stamped PAID IN FULL by the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Accordingly, the corrective action" that God sends or allows to take place in the life of a born gain, Church Age believer, is NOT punishment, but discipline for correction of course on the part of the recipient and/or on the part of those who observe it.
The only punishment that a human soul could be required to endure will be to endure an eternity of suffering in what the Bible calls the lake of fire for having committed the unpardonable sin of disbelief (John 3: 18).
THIS is why there is NO eternal condemnation or punishment or those who are in Christ (Romans 8: 1), and this is why those who choose to commit the ONE unpardonable sin of disbelief have NO hope for every being released from the suffering environment of the lake of fire. NO amount of suffering in the "lake of fire" will ever be enough to atone for the sin of disbelief, and or amount of postmortem "religious" activity can atone for the sin of disbelief on the part of the one who has departed. However one departs this earth, be it spiritually alive or spiritually dead, so shall he/she forever remain throughout all of eternity future. Because of one's belief (full confidence and trust) in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ can a spiritually alive soul EVER experience the Torments of Hades or the eternal lake of fire (Rev. 20:13, 15). Because of one's REJECTION (disbelief) in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ can spiritually dead soul ever be released from the lake of fire.
Any soul that eventually find him/herself in what the Bible calls the lake of fire, it because of ONE sin and ONE sin alone. That sin is the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18). ALL other sins were atoned (paid for) by the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ while ON the cross.
Any divine discipline that a child of God receives HERE ON EARTH is for the purpose or correction for whatever time the believer has left in his/her post salvation spiritual life before departing this world, OR for the correction of other believers if the divine discipline involves physical death of the violator (Acts 5).
The confessing (1John 1:9) and the forsaking (John 8: 11) and the forgiveness of post salvation sin is for the purpose of restoring fellowship (Habakkuk 1: 13/2Cor. 13: 14) with God that goes hand in hand with being Spirit-filled and enabled (John 15: 5) to produce divine good 1 Cor. 3: 12-15). The production of divine good is what the post salvation spiritual life is all about. If one fails to respond to a presentation of the Gospel Message or failing to pursue the post salvation spiritual life AFTER one is saved , he/she, from divine viewpoint, has lived in vain.
Confessing (1John 1: 9) and/or forsaking (John 8: 11) post salvation sin is an important element in the execution of the post salvation spiritual life, but is NOT for the purpose of regaining or retaining salvation. One can never be any more or any less saved than what he/she became at the moment of salvation. All born again believers are permanently indwelt (1Cor. 3: 16) by God the Holy Spirit throughout the course of his/her post salvation spiritual life, but one is not "filled" (under the influence/controlled) with the Spirit (Eph. 5: 18) when he/she chooses to hand over the wheel to his/her fallen nature and engage is sin. Post salvation confession (1John 1: 9) returns the believer to the filled mode.
in (Eph. 5: 18), Paul uses excessive drinking as a practical example that most people are familiar with, but ANY sin (James 2: 10) has the same effect. ALL sin results in some form of "death" (Romans 6: 23), be it spiritual (Gen. 3), physical (Acts 5), or temporal (James 2: 26). Here the type of death in view is temporal death, which means that there is a lack of production of divine good (1Cor. 3: 12-1) in the post salvation life of the believer until the sin has been addressed (1John 1: 9/John 8: 11), returning the believer to fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14). The lack of divine good being produced does NOT impact the integrity of the believer's salvation, but will impact the rewards the heavenly rewards he/she receives or forfeits (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
The post salvation forgiveness is granted (1John 1: 9) on the same basis that the forgiveness for salvation was granted on the day one was saved. There are no good deeds, promises to be good, or penance, or "religious" that can be added to the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Forsaking sin has to do with retaining fellowship and moving forward with one's post salvation spiritual life, but not salvation. There are NO limitations to the amount of times one can receive post salvation forgiveness, but repeating the same type of sin will invite more intense and more frequent divine discipline.
Eternal security of a believers residency in Heaven however, does NOT mean that there will not be divine discipline imposed for sin that are committed during he course of one's post (after) salvation spiritual life HERE on Earth (Heb. 12:6). Eternal security is not a license to sin. Time spent out of fellowship with God (living with sin that has not been confessed/forsaken)is time in which there is no production of divine good. No production, no reward.
Time periods out of fellowship can be as brief as the few seconds it takes to confess a sin, or for as long as the rest of one's post salvation spiritual life if one refuses to confess.
We make negative choices every time we either refuse to learn of or to apply the appropriate principle of Scripture to ALL that we think, say, or do every time we are given the opportunity to do so throughout the course of any given day. All such thoughts and actions are contrary to the will of God, and therefore amount to sin in the eyes of God.
God does not usually (Acts 5) send down the proverbial lightening bolt ever time we step out of line, but by entertaining sin, we choose a course (Matt. 7: 13) that leads to death of some kind, be it spiritual, physical, or temporal. In any one of these modes, the believer will not be in a frame of mind to produce the divine good associated with the post salvation spiritual life. The devil knows this, and is why he promotes the many alternatives to address sin. Among these alternatives are good (human) deeds or behavior or religious ritual(s).
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows (good or evil), that shall he also reap (Gal. 6: 7 NASB italics mine)." Sometimes the reaping takes place here on Earth, and sometimes the reaping takes place after we depart this world.
Better to receive divine discipline here on Earth and take the corrective action that to be among the believers at the 1Cor. 3: 12-15 evaluation of deeds in Heaven standing there empty handed (with no rewards-1Cor. 3: 12-15), and naked (without a uniform of glory). Paul in his letters to the Corinthians (1Cor. 15: 41, 42) uses the stellar universe as a practical example. There are moons and stars whose degree of light are relatively dull that they can be hardly seen, there are others (like our sun) that are so bright that one can damage his (natural) eyes by staring at it. In the same way, there will be believers in Heaven whose uniform of glory (Rev. 3: 40) will shine brightly, whereas others be naked (minus a uniform of glory). The brightness of the uniform of glory and the quantity of the rewards/privileges received is based on the degree that one chose to glorify God while here on Earth. We do not serve God in order to be rewarded, but God has made it clear there ARE rewards and privileges to be received (Rev.2, 3) or forfeited (1Cor. 3: 12-15) in Heaven in addition to residency in Heaven that ALL born again believers will receive.
The pending "punishment" for those who choose to DISBELIEVE the Gospel Message is an eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15).
Here in the Church Age, the benefits (John 3: 16, Titus 3:5/ Eph. 4: 9/ etc.) of this Work become a personal, permanent, and eternal reality for each and every soul IF and when each soul chooses to put his/her full and exclusive faith (trust and confidence) in a presentation of the Gospel Message. The divine response to one's decision to believe is what being "born again (John 3: 5, 7) is all about.
The alternative means and purpose for confessing sin that have evolved within the Christian Community are among the many products and practices of man-made religion that did not come from God . Such things were not a part of the Christian Community for the first 300 years or so of its history. If such things are necessary, then why were they not a part of the Church that God established and maintained for the first few centuries of its history?
There is what is called the target illustration that demonstrates how religious authority, perhaps with the best of intentions, has added to what God had actually authorized. Some denominations and non-denominational groups are more guilty of this than others, but false teachings and practices can be found in virtually every corner of what is generally acknowledged as being the Christian Community.
The "bull's eye" of the target represents what God actually established, and the ever- widening rings around the bull's eye represents what religion has added to it. Before long, the "rings" become accepted as part of the picture and the means to reach the bull's eye. The inclusion of the traditions of men can invalidate the worship of God (Matt. 15: 9). "But in vain do they worship Me, Teaching as Doctrines the precepts of men (Matt. 15: 9 NASB)."
Paul, in his letter to the Colossians (Col. 2: 8) warns Church Age believers not to be so deceived.
"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ (Col. 2:8 NASB)."
"Religion" will make false promises of salvation and go as far as to threaten those who challenge the legitimacy of their man made traditions with the FIRE OF HELL. Scripture makes it clear that the ONE and ONLY cause for such a destiny is the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18)/Rev. 20: 13, 15).
Divine discipline is for the positive advancement of one's post salvation spiritual life that goes WAY beyond addressing the issue of sin. In the day and age in which we are living, there are many homilies and sermons that speak of sin, but not enough teaching on the true post salvation spiritual life. Most Christians have a good idea about what amounts to sin, but many are clueless about what the post salvation spiritual life is really all about.
God disciplines the born again believer in order to motivate him/her to identify, develop, engage in, or return to the post salvation life of discipleship. The devil has a whole warehouse full of alternatives that appeals to the fallen nature in Man. Following religion can make a person religious, but the development of one's spirituality takes the enabling power of God (John 15: 5) and a personal decision and determination to pursue the true post salvation spiritual life on a DAILY basis.
ALL born again (John 3: 5, 7) believers are forever "children of God", having already addressed and settled the issue of his/her salvation and where eternity is going to be experienced the split second that he/she first chose to believe (place full confidence and trust) in the Gospel Message.
All born again believers, however, do not entertain the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship. Becoming a disciple does not improve the integrity of one's salvation, but becoming a disciple , that is a student and an applier of the Word of God, is what brings glory to God. Bringing glory to God is what the post salvation spiritual life of a born again believer was/is designed to be all about. Accordingly, this is why God will send or allow adversity in the form of divine discipline into the life of a child of God who is not with His program.
God's program begins with one's own salvation and continues on into the post (after) salvation life of discipleship for as long as the born again believer is here on Earth. God has plan that encompasses all of Eternity, SOME of which He has disclosed to us in the Bible.
The devil has counter plans for each soul that God creates. Plan A begins with supplying all kinds of distractions and alternatives to God's ONE and ONLY means of salvation. The devil endorses atheism in the minds of those who reject the concept of eternity that God places in the heart of every soul that He creates (Eccl. 3: 11). For the most part, however, most human souls do acknowledge the concept of eternity, but greatly differ as to where and on what basis it is going to be experienced. Accordingly, the devil promotes his alternatives in the name (authority) of man-made religion (Psalms 96).
Christian "religion", as opposed to genuine Christianity, is no exception. What primarily distinguishes genuine Christianity from religion (including Christian religion) is that genuine Christianity is based on BELIEF in what God has done, is doing, and will do for the people of faith, whereas religion (including Christian religion) is all about what the human soul does, has done, or refrains from doing in order to earn his/her salvation. Good d (human) deeds, and/or "religious" practical, saves NO ONE (Eph. 2: 9/Titus 3: 5). Good deeds, service, and accurate worship of God will be the RESULT of having been saved and edified, but are NOT the means to secure or to retain salvation.
The worship of God is a POST (after) salvation activity, as are all the other parts of the post (after)salvation spiritual life. Just as a physically dead person can do NOTHING in the natural realm, a spiritually dead person can do NOTHING in the spiritual realm (John15: 5). The purpose of divine discipline is to encourage a spiritually alive, born again Christian to identity and remain on the straight and narrow way of the post salvation spiritual life. Addressing (1John 1: 9/John 8: 11) post (after) salvation sin is a part of returning to and/or remaining on the straight and narrow path.
Atheism denies the existence of any God/god and false religion provides alternatives or additives, erroneously promoting them as necessary in order to establish and/or retain a spiritual relationship with the ONE true God. The devil applauds and endorses anything that will challenge the "finished - John 19: 30 NASB," atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a result, those deceived are left with a "feeling" that they have secured (or will secure) both Earthly and the eternal blessings from the deity of there own choosing, including the God of the Bible. When salvation is secured, the devil's contingency plan is to raise doubts and fears concerning the reality and security of a born again believer's salvation.. The devil knows that he can do nothing about the "saved" status of a born again believer, but knows that he can impede the spiritual development of a saved soul by raising doubts and fears, especially when these doubts and fears are communicated and/or endorsed by "religious" authorities.
For those who reach the point of spiritual maturity that they do not question the integrity of their salvation, the only thing that the devil has left is to impede the production of divine good in the post salvation life of the THEN advancing disciple. The devil will attempt (and often succeeds) in this area of spirit combat by promoting such ungodly concepts as the idea that because salvation can not be lost, the believer is now free to go out and sin with impunity. It IS true that salvation cannot be lost, but it is not true that there are not other negative consequences for post salvation sin.
For the advancing disciple, just the fact that ANY post salvation sin dishonors God is enough to motivate the believer to reject engaging in sin, and at the very least, to immediately address sin (1John 1: 9/John 8:11) when we inevitably fail. The spiritually immature believer, that being one who either does not know or does not choose to apply the doctrine that he/she does know, is still being dominated by the SELF centered fallen nature that remains within us, even after one has been saved (Romans 7).
The devil will attack the spiritual life via distraction. Such distractions are usually a mixed bag of adversity to discourage our further advancement, and of "opportunities" that appeal to the self-centered fallen nature within us. Both the adversity and the "opportunities" are for the purpose of taking us away from identifying, executing, and/or remaining within the plan that God has for each one of HIs children. The devil is a master in the art of spiritual combat. The key to success in any form of combat is deception.
He knows which buttons (adversity vs. prosperity)to press as what time for maximum effect.
Which plan, be it God's, our own, or the devil's) we are tuned into is revealed in the daily and lifetime priorities that we set for ourselves.
God disciplines His children in order to motivate them to identity, develop, execute, remain in, or return to the post salvation spiritual life. Believers who know they are saved, but sense that something is missing in their walk with the Lord will almost certainly be among those who have not identified the true post salvation spiritual life, OR have but have deserted the ensuing spiritual combat when the heat got too intense.
There is the need to understand the difference between having been punished, and having been disciplined. Punishment involves a penalty that is imposed and carried as a result of having violated a law or regulation of some kind. Discipline is for the purpose of instilling automatic and full obedience in the first place, and reinforced via corrective actions to discourage future violations when they do occur. Many parents can tell of the frustration, heart-wrenching, and painful experience of "punishing" a child, only to see the child continue to rebel and refuse to be "disciplined" to their own hurt. Children who develop "authority" issues are in for a world of pain and suffering.
God is likewise grieved (Eph. 4: 30) when each one of us, as His child, refuses to be disciplined by Him. Imposing punishment is a necessary function that authority figures or systems of authority impose without any input from the one being punished, but discipline requires a choice to change one's mind/actions on the part of the one punished.
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