(Continued from Part 2...)
Christian marriage will become a real challenge when either mate or both partners take his/her eyes off the Lord and begin to look around at what other men or woman have (or don't have) do (or don't do) within in their alternate forms of marriages, and at least on the surface, appear to be no worse for it. In many cases, they get to occupy the better (as human viewpoint defines "better" to be) houses and have all the toys and activity that go along with it. The prosperity of the ungodly is a satanic distraction that goes way back to the ancient world. Advancing disciples of the Church Age are called to be content (Phil. 4: 11) in the midst of whatever circumstances they find themselves, and are commanded (not an option) to do all things (including the executing of Christian marriage) WITHOUT grumbling and disputing (Phil. 2: 14).
In the ancient world, there was a clear expectation of earthly blessing(s) from God by those who lived godly lives. " Surely God is good to Israel (the people of God), to those who are pure (right with God) in heart! Psalms 73: 1 NASB italics mine." The psalmist begins this passage with this universal concept, but immediately admits his own personal shortcoming.
"But as for me, my feet (confidence in the justice/plan of God) came close to stumbling; My steps (in my own walk with God) almost slipped (off the path of the post salvation spiritual life).-Palms 73: 2 NASB italics mine. The psalmist then goes on to express what he has observed in life.
"For I was envious of the arrogant, as I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For there are no pains in their death (that I could see); and their bodies are fat (a sign of prosperity in the ancient world). They are not in trouble as other men; nor are they plagued like (most) mankind. Therefore pride is their necklace; the garment of violence (human power and influence) covers them. Their eyes bulge from fatness (great prosperity); the imaginations of their heart run riot (thinking of ways to gain even more). They mock (godly people) and speak from on high (looking down their noses at others who have less). They have set their mouths (speaking) against the heavens (God and/or the things of God), and their (bragging) tongue parades through the earth. Therefore his (many of God's) people return to this place (way of thinking) and (seeking the) waters of abundance ( the devil's (Luke 4: 6) reward for ungodly activity) are drunk (greatly influenced) by them. And they say, "how does God know? And is there knowledge with the Most High (challenging the omniscience and significance of God)." Behold (take note) these are the (life experiences of the) wicked; and (to top it all off, they are) always at ease (undisturbed), they have increased in wealth (Psalms 73: 3-12 NASB italics mine)." The psalmist's then expresses his conclusion based on human viewpoint:
"Surely in vain (for nothing) have I kept (maintained) my heart (edified soul structure) pure (from thoughts that are contrary to the mind of Christ), and washed my hands (cleaned up and/or maintained my act) in innocence. (And what did I get for it?) For I have been stricken (faced adversity, rejection, and persecution) all day long...(Psalms 73: 14 NASB italics mine)." The psalmist then concedes his consternation.
"When I pondered to understand this (injustice), it was troublesome in my sight (Psalms 73: 16 NASB)." Finally the psalmist discloses the answer he found.
"(continued from Psalms 73: 16) ...until I came to the sanctuary (means/place of spiritual edification) of God; THEN I perceived their (the wicked ones) end (Psalms 73: 17 NASB italics mine."
The "end" result for ungodly living can take place here on Earth (2 Sam. 12: 13,14/Acts 5. etc.) if God so chooses. it can take place in Eternity for the believers (1Cor. 3: 12-15) and for the unbelievers (Rev. 20: 13, 15). If the end takes place here on Earth, it is in response to God having set an earthly time to pay the fiddler by those who chose to dance to the devil's tune. Such divine intervention can be a blessing in disguise IF such adversity it provides the means through which an unbeliever (or those observing) become open to hearing and believing the Gospel, or when it motivates back-sliding believers (or those observing) to avoid the same end and/or get back on the track of identifying and pursuing the true post salvation spiritual life.
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Even secular sociologists will concur that for the most part, most individuals remain in the same socio-economic classification into which they were born. The political, social, and economic environment that GOD chose to place us in at birth (John 3: 6 (b) is a critical part of the overall plan that God has in mind for each one of us. Our biological parents may or may not have planned for a baby to come into the world when what would become our humanity was conceived, but God planned the timing and the precise body that He would place our souls in that He created and placed it in when the body was brought forth at birth. God knew all about the social, political, gender, physical, and racial limitations or privileges that would be or come to be in existence throughout the course of our individual lifespan that He appointed, as well as the genetic advantages or disadvantages (humanly speaking) that the body HE chose to place each one of us in.
Some of the Lord Jesus Christ's earlier followers were not happy when He would not allow addressing the social, racial, and political issues of His day to get in the way of fulfilling His primary mission of the cross. Church Age believers would do well to follow our Lord's example and do the same regarding the primary mission (The Great Commission) that He left for the Church to fulfill. There will always be a need for addressing social, political, racial, gender and racial inequality in the human environment, but such issues are SECONDARY to the primary mission given to the Church and to each individual member of it. IF Man got his head and heart straight with God, all SECONDARY issues would self-resolve as everyone would automatically only do unto ALL others as we would want them to do to or for us (Luke 6: 31)! There would be no need for ANY other secular law to govern society.
Note that Romans 8: 28 teach that, here in the devil's world, God causes ALL things (good and evil) to work together for good in the lives of those who live to fulfill HIS purposes (not ours). Santa Claus might say so, but Scripture does not say that being good will always result in "good" endings, as human viewpoint would define "good" endings to be. In fact what the Bible does say is that ALL who choose to live godly lives will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3: 12)! This "persecution" can take place WITHIN a marriage when one of the partners chooses not to follow the format that God has designed and the other partner does, and can take place from outside of the marriage by persons or forces who oppose the example that Christian marriages present.
If one does not experience some form of persecution on a regular basis for the spiritual issues he promotes, he can safely assume that he has not either identified the true post salvation spiritual life or has chosen NOT to make it his/her method of operation here in the devil's world. The TRUE Christian lifestyle is a DAILY battle with the devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil. Not to be deemed a worthy target of such evil forces is not a very good testimony of one's daily "witness" for Christ. Christian marriage is a "hot" target for the forces of evil to attack. Next to one's own soul structure, his/her marriage is the second best target for the forces of evil to strike. Even in the secular world, when one's production on the job declines, the boss is likely to inquire if there are health issues or trouble at home.
This battle can be between the married partners, or mutually shared against outside forces by a couple entertaining Christian marriage. Christian marriages that consist of two partners with vastly different levels of spiritual maturity are destined for many conflicts and misunderstandings. The immature believer and an advancing disciple are NOT going to be reading from the same page. Such conflicts have the support of the devil. Divide and conquer is an old, but effective, strategy of war.
If spiritual issues is not of great interest in one's marriage, then one does NOT have a "Christian" marriage. There is a world of a difference between two individuals who identify themselves as Christians being married, and having a "Christina" marriage. One scenario glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ; the other does NOT! The Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in marriage IF and WHEN the marriage is established and functions under the principles that HE has laid out in Scripture. Other forms of marriage or living arrangements may "work" for those who entertain them, but any living arrangement that differs from what God has established is NOT a Christian marriage.
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Church Age believers are not going to change the ways of the devil's (Luke 4: 6) world on a global level. Such global impact will not take place until the Second Advent. Church Age believers, however, as individuals and as a married couple can choose to go against the grain of the devil's world and glorify God.
The ways of the world appeal to the fallen nature in Man. The fallen nature in Man will continue to exist and have its way with the majority of those with whom we share this planet, until God establishes a new heaven and earth (Rev. 21). As of that great event, the sin nature will no longer be a part of the human experience. In the meantime, believers are called to serve God in the world in which we do live.
"If you were of the (devil's - Luke 4: 6/2 Cor. 4: 4) world, the world (worldly minded people) would love its own; but because you are not of the world (march to the beat of a different drummer), but I chose you (to be) out of world, therefore the world (those who function by worldly standards) hates you (John 15: 19 (NASB)."
"I (the Lord Jesus Christ is praying to God the Father) do not ask Thee to take them (His ambassadors/disciples) out of the world, but to keep them from the (influence of) the evil one (one was added by the English translators)."- John 17: 15 NASB/ italics mine.
"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ....(2 Cor. 5: 20 NASB)."
If the form of marriage that "Christians" entertain is not dramatically different from those who entertain human viewpoint, it's time for a 2Cor. 5: 13 examination.
It is part of being a "normal" human being to have the desire to be liked and to fit in. One can learn very early in life that there is a dear price to be paid for being different. What one can NOT do is to "fit in" with God and things of God and still "fit in" with the devil's world at the same time.
"You (spiritual) adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the (devil's) world (generates) hostility towards God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world (functioning accordingly), makes himself an enemy of God (James 4: 4 NASB italics mine)."
As it relates to the subject at hand, what an advancing disciple has to ask him/herself is, "Would the third and primary partner (the Lord Jesus Christ) feel "at home" in your marriage?
If you have identified and are executing the TRUE post salvation spiritual life, you ARE going to be different and are going to be hated. This hatred can be seen in the eyes and body language and heard in the voices of worldly-minded souls are confronted with the Biblical truths that do not find a home in their hearts. Since they cannot attack the message, the hostility (Rom. 8: 7) of the rattled sin nature is often directed towards the messenger. The messenger can convey a truth verbally, or via his/her actions or reactions to any given situation. An advancing disciple is NOT going to fit into the many of the scenarios through which the devil's world generally functions.
Christian marriage is no exception. Such things are on the price list that add up to the cost of discipleship.
Being an effective ambassador (2 Cor. 5: 20) for the Kingdom of God requires one to develop a full knowledge of what the policies of God are, and good diplomatic skills when making them known. A diplomat pulls no punches when conveying critical message(s) of the kingdom he/she represents, but does so in a way that is least likely to trigger an unnecessary confrontation. Never-the-less, confrontations with the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil are a DAILY part of the true post (after) salvation spiritual life.
At times, the hardest diplomatic posting that an ambassador of Christ can be assigned to is in his/her own home (Matt. 10: 34-36/Mark 6: 4).
If one were able to not to sin (no one can - 1 John 1: 8) and remain in fellowship with God 24-7, then he/she would not have a need for anyone else to cover his back (blind side). God the Holy Spirit provides the ultimate circle of defense, but when we get out of fellowship with Him, He will allow the enemy to strike. Christian spouses are in an ongoing position not to judge, but to bring to the attention of his/her mate when his/her mate is not pursuing, or is drifting off the course of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life.
ANYONE will tell you what they want you to hear or what you think you want to hear, especially if they have something to be gained. But a Christian spouse will not allow his/her mate to take a wrong turn or stay on a wrong course without at least bringing the possible consequences to his/her attention. If one is perceived to be an "enemy" by telling another the truth (Gal. 4: 16), then so be it.
Nagging or threatening is not the way to either evangelize or edify anyone. Here, again, we see the skills of a well-trained ambassador in action. Ultimately, the spiritual choices are between the individual and the Lord. One can (and should) lead the horse water, but cannot make it drink. Don't tell me that you "love" anyone, and then not be concerned where and how that soul will be spending all of eternity.
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One of the purposes of marital sex is for the reproduction of human bodies for the next generation into which GOD places the soul that HE creates. John 3: 6 clearly distinguishes what is REPRODUCED (the body) by Man and what is CREATED (the soul) by God. The body, as of the time of birth, has an appointed (Heb. 9: 27) expiration date (Psalms 31: 15)/ Eccl. 3:2). Into that body, the soul that creates is placed at birth The soul, created in God's everlasting likeness NEVER dies and lives on after departing the body at the moment of physical death. Life (of the soul) following the death (of the body) is NOT a matter of IF, but WHERE and HOW the soul WILL be experience all of eternity.
There is a critical need to distinguish the everlasting (never ending) characteristic of soul life, and eternal life that soul receives when his spirit is regenerated (Titus 3: 5). The eternal life (received at salvation) is what is necessary for the soul (with its never- ending soul life) to live in fellowship God upon departing the body.
The body has biological life that begins at conception. In the developmental stage, the fetus is dependent on the biological life support provided by the mother. Upon taking in its first BREATH at birth, the body receives his/her independent source of biological life. At physical death, the biological life of the body terminates, setting the stage for eventual decomposition. The NEVER ending soul, with its soul life, lives on in one of two general environments (Heaven - Hell). At the present time, the soul that chooses to depart this world with a spiritually dead human spirit goes to the Torments section of Hades, and eventually to the lake of fire for all of eternity (Rev. 20: 13, 15). As of the Church Age, the soul makes this self-determined choice between destinations (Heaven vs. Hell)when presented with the TRUE Gospel Message. The soul that believes the Gospel is saved from the otherwise impending wrath of God, and receives eternal life (John 3: 16) with a regenerated spirit (Titus 3: 5).
In the apostate, end times in which we are living, there are millions of so-called Christians who do not have an understanding of these basic facts of the spiritual life.
God knows of EVERY contributing factor that ultimately plays a part in the setting of the time and circumstances of the every soul's departure. God factored ALL of these events into the Divine Decree BEFORE any of us were ever born. It's NOT that we don't have free will to make choices; its that God in His omniscience knew ahead of time what choices we and others would make in time.
For some of us, the plan of God will call for a very brief lifespan (2 Sam. 12: 14). Others, like Job's sons and daughters (Job 1: 18) and the Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ (30-33 yrs. old) will fulfill God's purposes at a relatively young age. Some. like Adam and those of the first generations of Man lived for centuries before accomplishing their part in the plan of God.
The life span that God appoints for each one of us determines the length of our lives here on Earth. We were not to be here before the appointed time of our birth, and we are not going to be here AFTER the appointed time of our departure arrives. No abortion, homicide, suicide, disease, accident or trauma can take place without at least God's "permissive will" allowing it to happen. Without a doubt, accepting what God allows to take place can be among the greatest challenges to one's faith. Trust me, I've been there.
From the divine perspective, its not the length of one's lifespan that matters, but what one did (or didn't do) during the life span that he/she was given. As in any other asset, the one who is given much will incur a greater degree of accountability (Luke 12: 48). A split second decision to believe or to disbelieve a presentation of the TRUE Gospel Message determines WHERE (Heaven or Hell) one will spend eternity after departing the body. For those who choose to believe, they then enter into "a" post (after) salvation spiritual life here on Earth, that ends at the moment one leaves the body at death (or the Rapture).
What one does (or doesn't) do throughout the course of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life determines what (if any) rewards (1Cor. 3: 12-15) and privileges he/she will receive or forfeit in a-d-d-i-t-i-o-n to the eternal life that ALL saved souls experience. Here we see the difference between having "a" post salvation spiritual life that ALL believers have, and having identified and executed "the" (TRUE) post salvation spiritual life outlined in New Testament Scripture.
Success or failure in the identification and execution of the true post salvation spiritual life does NOT improve nor diminish the integrity of the eternal life and salvations that a born again believer has ALREADY received 1Cor. 3: 15).The quality of one's post salvation spiritual life WILL impact the rewards and privileges that one will either receive or forfeit (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
One's marriage can prove to be one of the greatest assets or inhibitors to one's pursuit and execution of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. This is why one's family and marriage is such a coveted target of the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil.
Beginning at conception, our biological parents reproduce what becomes our humanity at birth. As in the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, we did NOT come into this world when what would become our humanity was conceived. We came into this world when the biologically alive body came forth at birth and God placed us (our soul) into the body at the same time the body took in its first breath of nature life. The time gap between the conception and the birth of one's humanity is usually about 9 months.
This is not to condone abortion, but ambassadors for Christ should learn what the Bible actually teaches when using the Word of God to support their positions. When proven wrong by a closer study of the very "evidence" that one introduces, the credibility of the witness has been greatly compromised. Scripture (Gen. 2: 7/John 3: 6) makes it clear that the soul is created by God and enters the body that was prepared to receive it simultaneously with the receiving of one's first breath, and departs AFTER the last breath has been taken (John 19: 30). In Adam's case, his body was created by God from the dust (dirt) of the Earth. Eve's body was created by God from Adam's rib. With the exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, all human bodies thereafter were reproduced by Man. In ALL cases, the body, via one process of another, was prepared FIRST and THEN the soul was placed into it,
It is God who creates the SOUL and places it/us in the body that He chooses when the biologically-alive body that comes forth at birth (Gen. 2: 7/ John 3: 6). God could have placed any one of us in ANY body throughout the course of human history. The ONE that He chose reveals much about the plan that He had in mind for us as an individual. According to Scripture (Gen. 2: 7/ John 3:6/ John 19: 30), the soul enters the biologically alive body simultaneously with the first breathe of natural life at BIRTH, and departs after the last breathe of natural life has been received.
God, at times, and ALWAYS with a divine purpose in mind, has returned a departed soul to the SAME natural body (e.g., John 11: 38-44) to return to the body it left. Never-the-less, when the appointed time came, the souls involved left the same bodies behind at death. There is not ONE "soul" in any casket, funeral parlor, cemetery, or urn. The one person who will NOT be at your funeral is you!
Contrary to what Man-made "religion", superstitions, and cultural traditions may say, there is nothing in Scripture that supports the idea that ANY postmortem activity here on Earth of ANY kind can alter either the destination nor the environment of where the departed soul has ALREADY gone.
Depending on what postmortem preparations are or aren't implemented, the body will immediately (cremation) or eventually (decompose) return to dust (Gen. 3: 19), but the soul that NEVER dies. ALL souls live on into eternity in ONE of two environments and locations. NO postmortem activity (or lack of it) changes the location of the departed soul, or the ability of God to locate and raise the bodily remains of a born again believer in resurrection form when the Rapture (1 Thess. 4: 16) takes place. Departed souls of believers have interim bodies in Heaven (2 Cor. 5: 1).
The bodily remains (or dust) of a born again believer in ANY stage of decomposition, regardless of location or what (or if) postmortem arrangements were made, WILL be raised in resurrection form when the event that theologians have named the Rapture (1 Thess. 5: 14-17) takes place. In the meantime, all departed souls of believers indwell an interim body in Heaven (2 Cor. 5: 1) until the Rapture takes place. Believers who are alive on the Earth and are in their natural bodies will have their natural bodies instantaneously (1 Cor. 15: 51) transformed into their resurrected bodies and will be united with the believers who had gone to Heaven and return with Lord, all gathering together in the air above the Earth (1 Thess. 5: 17).
Christian Marriage is a divinely ordained establishment, but it serves and completes its purpose here on Earth. At the moment of physical death, Christian marriage is terminated.
If one loves his/her spouse (or anyone else), there will be a genuine concern for his/her eternal status. Never-the-less, only the individual him/herself can choose to believe in a presentation of the true Gospel Message, and only at a time and place that God the Holy Spirit determines.
Scripture teaches that generally speaking, it is within one's own home, that the Christian ambassador will be least effective (Mark 6: 4). I believe that the reason for this is that it is there that most of us reveal the dark side of our own sin nature, giving the devil the opportunity to challenge the credibility of what we have to say concerning spiritual issues in the eyes of those who know "the real us" best. The one exception to this principle, I believe, is the verbal or behavioral testimony of one who is about to die, or is in the process of dying. For many, it is then and there that his/her words and actions will reveal where he/she really was in his/her relationship with the Lord.
No one but the saved soul him/herself can choose to identify, pursue, and remain functional in the true post salvation spiritual life. The Word of God offers NO family coverage for eternal life (1 Cor. 7: 16), and the 1 Cor. 3: 12-15) rewards that will be received or forfeited by ALL born again believers are based on each individual's evaluation. The same scenario of individual choices apply to the children that the marriage produces.
Marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian is risky business. Yet it is interesting to note, that according to Scripture (1Cor. 7: 12, 13, 15), when the marriage took place before one or both parties were saved, it is only the NON-Christian (1Cor. 7: 15) who can seek divorce on the basis of conflicting spiritual or "religious" differences!
As for the salvation of an unsaved spouse goes," For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband: Or how
do you known, O husband, whether you will save your wife? (1 Co. 7: 16 NASB)."
These are rhetorical questions to which the answer is, "You don't!" One can and should lead the proverbial horse to water, but you can't make it drink. God makes clear he consequences (Rev. 20: 15) of rejecting the call (Heb.3: 7:7, 8) to hear and/or to respond (John 3: 18/Rev. 20: 15)) to the Gospel. God makes it clear (1 Cor. 3: 12-15) what the temporal (Heb. 12: 6) and the eternal (1 Cor. 3: 12-15) consequences are in store for rejecting the pursuit of the true post salvation life. God does NOT force anyone to believe the Gospel or to pursue the true post salvation spiritual life. As we have noted, for Christians who choose to marry, the type of marriage they establish plays a major role in the quality of one's post salvation spiritual life.
The earthly tradition of a section of pews in any given "Church" being occupied by entire families for generation after generation paints a pretty picture, but such "window dressing" contradicts the teaching found in such passages as (Luke 12: 52). Furthermore, if one partner (or offspring) is more spiritually mature than another, there may come a time when he/she will seek another pulpit as his/her source of his/her spiritual edification. Once again the Luke 14: 26 "people test" of discipleship comes to view. No one behind ANY pulpit can be used of God to bring another soul to a higher rung on the ladder of spiritual maturity than what he has first arrived at for himself. The ONE and ONLY reason that one should associate with ANY given pulpit is because it is there that the believer has experienced the opportunity to continue to grow in God's grace and knowledge (2 Pet. 3: 18). Choosing "family worshiping together" over one's personal advancement in the edification process can be a satanic trap. I know. I've been there!
God commanded (not an option) to examine ourselves on a regular basis to see if we are in the "faith". The "faith" here refers to WHAT we believe, as well as the action of believing it. When evaluating one's present CHOICE of pulpit, one needs to ask him/herself, "What is it that I have learned or have a better understanding of that I did not have six months ago?", and just as important, "How has this knowledge or refinement advanced me in my walk with the Lord?". If there has been no new or refined information coming in, or there has been no change, there is something gone amiss that needs to be addressed
I placed quotation marks around the noun "Church", because of the prevalent misconception of what the church actually consists. Most of the Church has already gone home to be with the Lord. There are, at the most, two or generations of the Church here on Earth at any given time. The "Church" of the New Testament dispensation (period of time) is NOT a building or physical structure, but is the intangible, collective body of regenerated (Titus 3: 5) souls of born again believers. The TRUE Church can be found WITHIN the many denominations and non-denominational settings. I do believe that if the Rapture were to take place during corporate worship services, there would be MANY left behind sitting in the pews and standing behind the pulpits throughout what is generally considered to be the Christian Community of our day.
Believers do NOT "go to Church", but ARE the Church that gathers (physically and/or via remote communication) together (Heb. 10: 25) for the celebration of the Lord's Supper (Communion) and for the teaching of the Word of God in order to promote discipleship. The type of building, or even the need for one, is of NO spiritual significance. "Where two or three gather (for worship) in My name, there I am in their midst (Matt. 18: 20 NASB italics mine). Note that as an individual believers (1 Cor. 3: 16), He is already with his him/her before they meet together for corporate worship.
Centuries before the construction of the ancient cathedrals with all of the accompanying furnishings, apparatus, physical altars and officiating priests, God was being truly worshiped as He desires (John 4: 23. 24) in private homes, caves, secret hiding places, and outdoor scenarios. Many of the structures, furnishings, and apparatus that was introduced (or re-introduced) into the Christian Community were used and are being used by devil to facilitate and/or promote false doctrines and practices. As the Christian Community became more diverse and became bed partners with the Roman Empire, many false practices were introduced, putting a Christian "spin" on many of pagan practices of the new converts. While such "bed-partnering" geographically and politically "advance" the developing "Church", much apostasy also came to be accepted, as well. Such "bed-partnering" amonts to spiritual adultery. The inclusion and acceptance of such apostasy has continued, is continuing, and will reach its zenith at the conclusion of the end times (1 Tim. 4: 1).
The earliest groups that would come to form the Church were warned of this, but just like many who are in leadership positions in the Church of our day, the warning has fallen on deaf ears.
If an interest in God and/or the true things of God are not evident in the daily lives of one or both parents, the devil will be right
there to use this as a basis to have the children question the significance of such things. When parenting, the Christian is well-advised to keep in mind the consequences of being a stumbling block on the spiritual path of the children (Matt.. 18: 6). At the same time, if the parent(s) is the type of believer who merely goes through the motions of "religion", but shows no progress in the development of his/her own TRUE spiritual life on a day to day basis, this too will be used of the devil to raise questions of significance in the minds of observing children. When it comes to "teaching" our offspring, the daily picture that our individual lives project speaks a thousand words to those with whom we interact with out in the devils world.
How Christian partners in marriage conduct themselves at home speaks a thousand words, as well. Perhaps even more so, as it is at home where one let's his/her hair down and shows his/her true colors!
Every being, spiritual or human , good or evil, that has desired to achieve global influence or domination has seen the need to indoctrinate the upcoming generation(s).
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6 NASB)".
It is the calling of each and every individual believer to abide (daily study and application) in/of the Word (John 8: 31), thereby grow-i-n-g (a continuing process) in God's grace and knowledge (2 Pet. 3: 18). It is the additional responsibility of Christian father in a Christian Marriage to evangelize and edify the children, coupled with the supportive and nurturing role of the Christian mother. The individual response and accountability for the children's response is on their own head. One cannot make the proverbial horse drink, but the Christian father, in his role as the spiritual head of the home is responsible to see to it that the horse was/is given the opportunity. Functions can be delegated, but the responsibility can not. If the "Christian" father and the "Christian mother" are reading from the same page, there are going to be contradictions in doctrine and practices that the observing children are going to see and the devil is NOT going to fail to cash in on.
One of the consequences of failing to learn the Biblical principles of Christian marriage (that includes child raising) BEFORE the need arises (Matt. 7: 24-27) is that by the time one figures it out by trial and error, much damage has already taken place. Never-the-less, the God that I have come to know is not only the God of second chance, but the God of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, (etc.) chances as well. All one needs to do is to be willing to admit his/her errors, and then move forward in the plan of God by doing things HIS way from that point forward.
Regardless of the quality of parenting, Scripture teach that within a home there will be those who are born again, and there will be those who reject the Gospel Message (Luke 12: 52). This principle can be upsetting to acknowledge. It is worth noting, that usually in every family, all family members go through (or are put through) the same "religious" rituals, but some are born again and others are not! Religious ritual(s) that are void of spirituality (John 15: 5) accomplishes NOTHING.
Among those who are born again, there will be those to choose the " narrow (Matt. 7: 14)" way of the post salvation life of discipleship, and those who will not. By choosing NOT to learn (2Pet.3: 18) and abide (John 8: 31) in The Word, many born again believers will never even hear of it. A parent cannot pass on the correct information that he/she does not first learn for him/herself. Once the parent has made these choices clear, it is up to the individual child ( of any age) to believe and apply, or disbelieve and reject the information and opportunity provided. The "training" referenced in (Prov. 22: 6) is speaking of being presented with Bible Doctrine and being reinforced by parental example and discipline. The "old" spoken of in (Prov. 22:6) is NOT talking about reaching a certain age, but of spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is the result of a soul choosing to learn and then choosing to apply Bible Doctrine. It is the spiritually mature believer that will NOT depart (as much) from such training. No one will ever reach the point of sinless perfection this side of Heaven. It is the function of the Christian parent to train up the children in they way they "should go (Prov. 22: 6), but this does not mean that it will be the way they choose to go.
Rebellious and otherwise wayward children can be the source of great parental pain and an overwhelming source of pressure on a marriage. Poor parenting can certainly be used by the devil to self-justify negative behavior on the part of the offspring. There comes a time, however, when each one of us must take responsibility for the life changing choices that WE make for ourselves. Unless criminally insane, we ALL know right from wrong Be it from the opportunities that a godly parent(s) provide, or from another source that God the Holy Spirit selects, (as the plan of God calls for), we are (for the most part) the product of or OWN decisions.
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The burden of guilt (real or imagined) is one of the heaviest and debilitating sources of weight that a human being can carry, but it is a burden that the Lord NEVER intended for His child to bear. ALL of the consequences of our sin and failures may not (in the wisdom of God) go or be taken away, but the weight of the guilt can be forever lifted by the same shoulders that carried the cross to Calvary. The only contribution that the memory of our sin and failures can make to the present and the future is that it is from our past failures that we (should) learn, and then not repeat. Beyond that, there is no need to focus on what is in the rear view mirror. Better to keep ones eyes on the road ahead. There will always be a category of people who live for the day when they can remind us of our past sins, but God, remembers our confessed (1 John 1: 9) sins no more (Heb. 8: 12).
Unlike confessing something to people, when we confess a sin to God we are not telling God anything that He doesn't already know. With people, we can not be assured what their reaction or response to our confession will be, but God has already made it clear what His response is going to be (1 John 1: 9/Heb. 8: 12). God not only CAN lift the guilt weight off your shoulders, He desires to do so.
Without genuine forgiveness, fellowship (2 Cor. 13: 14) is not possible (Hab. 1: 13). Without fellowship, Christian marriage is not possible.
Some of those who consider themselves to be among the greatest of sinners (in view of human viewpoint - See James 2: 10), have later proven to become the greatest (most productive) saints (born again believers). They do/did so having experienced the forgiveness of God and the lifting of the burden of guilt from their shoulders. Once the advancing disciple discovers the enormity (James 2: 10) of the sin(s) he/she has committed, is committing, an will commit during his/her time here on Earth and the NEED to confess it, he/she will have no problem forgiving others of the sin(s) they commit that hurt us.
Without genuine forgiveness, no relationship, be it with God or with other people, is possible. Genuine forgiveness means the issue is NEVER brought up again!
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Christian marriage will become a real challenge when either mate or both partners take his/her eyes off the Lord and begin to look around at what other men or woman have (or don't have) do (or don't do) within in their alternate forms of marriages, and at least on the surface, appear to be no worse for it. In many cases, they get to occupy the better (as human viewpoint defines "better" to be) houses and have all the toys and activity that go along with it. The prosperity of the ungodly is a satanic distraction that goes way back to the ancient world. Advancing disciples of the Church Age are called to be content (Phil. 4: 11) in the midst of whatever circumstances they find themselves, and are commanded (not an option) to do all things (including the executing of Christian marriage) WITHOUT grumbling and disputing (Phil. 2: 14).
In the ancient world, there was a clear expectation of earthly blessing(s) from God by those who lived godly lives. " Surely God is good to Israel (the people of God), to those who are pure (right with God) in heart! Psalms 73: 1 NASB italics mine." The psalmist begins this passage with this universal concept, but immediately admits his own personal shortcoming.
"But as for me, my feet (confidence in the justice/plan of God) came close to stumbling; My steps (in my own walk with God) almost slipped (off the path of the post salvation spiritual life).-Palms 73: 2 NASB italics mine. The psalmist then goes on to express what he has observed in life.
"For I was envious of the arrogant, as I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For there are no pains in their death (that I could see); and their bodies are fat (a sign of prosperity in the ancient world). They are not in trouble as other men; nor are they plagued like (most) mankind. Therefore pride is their necklace; the garment of violence (human power and influence) covers them. Their eyes bulge from fatness (great prosperity); the imaginations of their heart run riot (thinking of ways to gain even more). They mock (godly people) and speak from on high (looking down their noses at others who have less). They have set their mouths (speaking) against the heavens (God and/or the things of God), and their (bragging) tongue parades through the earth. Therefore his (many of God's) people return to this place (way of thinking) and (seeking the) waters of abundance ( the devil's (Luke 4: 6) reward for ungodly activity) are drunk (greatly influenced) by them. And they say, "how does God know? And is there knowledge with the Most High (challenging the omniscience and significance of God)." Behold (take note) these are the (life experiences of the) wicked; and (to top it all off, they are) always at ease (undisturbed), they have increased in wealth (Psalms 73: 3-12 NASB italics mine)." The psalmist's then expresses his conclusion based on human viewpoint:
"Surely in vain (for nothing) have I kept (maintained) my heart (edified soul structure) pure (from thoughts that are contrary to the mind of Christ), and washed my hands (cleaned up and/or maintained my act) in innocence. (And what did I get for it?) For I have been stricken (faced adversity, rejection, and persecution) all day long...(Psalms 73: 14 NASB italics mine)." The psalmist then concedes his consternation.
"When I pondered to understand this (injustice), it was troublesome in my sight (Psalms 73: 16 NASB)." Finally the psalmist discloses the answer he found.
"(continued from Psalms 73: 16) ...until I came to the sanctuary (means/place of spiritual edification) of God; THEN I perceived their (the wicked ones) end (Psalms 73: 17 NASB italics mine."
The "end" result for ungodly living can take place here on Earth (2 Sam. 12: 13,14/Acts 5. etc.) if God so chooses. it can take place in Eternity for the believers (1Cor. 3: 12-15) and for the unbelievers (Rev. 20: 13, 15). If the end takes place here on Earth, it is in response to God having set an earthly time to pay the fiddler by those who chose to dance to the devil's tune. Such divine intervention can be a blessing in disguise IF such adversity it provides the means through which an unbeliever (or those observing) become open to hearing and believing the Gospel, or when it motivates back-sliding believers (or those observing) to avoid the same end and/or get back on the track of identifying and pursuing the true post salvation spiritual life.
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Even secular sociologists will concur that for the most part, most individuals remain in the same socio-economic classification into which they were born. The political, social, and economic environment that GOD chose to place us in at birth (John 3: 6 (b) is a critical part of the overall plan that God has in mind for each one of us. Our biological parents may or may not have planned for a baby to come into the world when what would become our humanity was conceived, but God planned the timing and the precise body that He would place our souls in that He created and placed it in when the body was brought forth at birth. God knew all about the social, political, gender, physical, and racial limitations or privileges that would be or come to be in existence throughout the course of our individual lifespan that He appointed, as well as the genetic advantages or disadvantages (humanly speaking) that the body HE chose to place each one of us in.
Some of the Lord Jesus Christ's earlier followers were not happy when He would not allow addressing the social, racial, and political issues of His day to get in the way of fulfilling His primary mission of the cross. Church Age believers would do well to follow our Lord's example and do the same regarding the primary mission (The Great Commission) that He left for the Church to fulfill. There will always be a need for addressing social, political, racial, gender and racial inequality in the human environment, but such issues are SECONDARY to the primary mission given to the Church and to each individual member of it. IF Man got his head and heart straight with God, all SECONDARY issues would self-resolve as everyone would automatically only do unto ALL others as we would want them to do to or for us (Luke 6: 31)! There would be no need for ANY other secular law to govern society.
Note that Romans 8: 28 teach that, here in the devil's world, God causes ALL things (good and evil) to work together for good in the lives of those who live to fulfill HIS purposes (not ours). Santa Claus might say so, but Scripture does not say that being good will always result in "good" endings, as human viewpoint would define "good" endings to be. In fact what the Bible does say is that ALL who choose to live godly lives will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3: 12)! This "persecution" can take place WITHIN a marriage when one of the partners chooses not to follow the format that God has designed and the other partner does, and can take place from outside of the marriage by persons or forces who oppose the example that Christian marriages present.
If one does not experience some form of persecution on a regular basis for the spiritual issues he promotes, he can safely assume that he has not either identified the true post salvation spiritual life or has chosen NOT to make it his/her method of operation here in the devil's world. The TRUE Christian lifestyle is a DAILY battle with the devil and his Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil. Not to be deemed a worthy target of such evil forces is not a very good testimony of one's daily "witness" for Christ. Christian marriage is a "hot" target for the forces of evil to attack. Next to one's own soul structure, his/her marriage is the second best target for the forces of evil to strike. Even in the secular world, when one's production on the job declines, the boss is likely to inquire if there are health issues or trouble at home.
This battle can be between the married partners, or mutually shared against outside forces by a couple entertaining Christian marriage. Christian marriages that consist of two partners with vastly different levels of spiritual maturity are destined for many conflicts and misunderstandings. The immature believer and an advancing disciple are NOT going to be reading from the same page. Such conflicts have the support of the devil. Divide and conquer is an old, but effective, strategy of war.
If spiritual issues is not of great interest in one's marriage, then one does NOT have a "Christian" marriage. There is a world of a difference between two individuals who identify themselves as Christians being married, and having a "Christina" marriage. One scenario glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ; the other does NOT! The Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in marriage IF and WHEN the marriage is established and functions under the principles that HE has laid out in Scripture. Other forms of marriage or living arrangements may "work" for those who entertain them, but any living arrangement that differs from what God has established is NOT a Christian marriage.
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Church Age believers are not going to change the ways of the devil's (Luke 4: 6) world on a global level. Such global impact will not take place until the Second Advent. Church Age believers, however, as individuals and as a married couple can choose to go against the grain of the devil's world and glorify God.
The ways of the world appeal to the fallen nature in Man. The fallen nature in Man will continue to exist and have its way with the majority of those with whom we share this planet, until God establishes a new heaven and earth (Rev. 21). As of that great event, the sin nature will no longer be a part of the human experience. In the meantime, believers are called to serve God in the world in which we do live.
"If you were of the (devil's - Luke 4: 6/2 Cor. 4: 4) world, the world (worldly minded people) would love its own; but because you are not of the world (march to the beat of a different drummer), but I chose you (to be) out of world, therefore the world (those who function by worldly standards) hates you (John 15: 19 (NASB)."
"I (the Lord Jesus Christ is praying to God the Father) do not ask Thee to take them (His ambassadors/disciples) out of the world, but to keep them from the (influence of) the evil one (one was added by the English translators)."- John 17: 15 NASB/ italics mine.
"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ....(2 Cor. 5: 20 NASB)."
If the form of marriage that "Christians" entertain is not dramatically different from those who entertain human viewpoint, it's time for a 2Cor. 5: 13 examination.
It is part of being a "normal" human being to have the desire to be liked and to fit in. One can learn very early in life that there is a dear price to be paid for being different. What one can NOT do is to "fit in" with God and things of God and still "fit in" with the devil's world at the same time.
"You (spiritual) adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the (devil's) world (generates) hostility towards God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world (functioning accordingly), makes himself an enemy of God (James 4: 4 NASB italics mine)."
As it relates to the subject at hand, what an advancing disciple has to ask him/herself is, "Would the third and primary partner (the Lord Jesus Christ) feel "at home" in your marriage?
If you have identified and are executing the TRUE post salvation spiritual life, you ARE going to be different and are going to be hated. This hatred can be seen in the eyes and body language and heard in the voices of worldly-minded souls are confronted with the Biblical truths that do not find a home in their hearts. Since they cannot attack the message, the hostility (Rom. 8: 7) of the rattled sin nature is often directed towards the messenger. The messenger can convey a truth verbally, or via his/her actions or reactions to any given situation. An advancing disciple is NOT going to fit into the many of the scenarios through which the devil's world generally functions.
Christian marriage is no exception. Such things are on the price list that add up to the cost of discipleship.
Being an effective ambassador (2 Cor. 5: 20) for the Kingdom of God requires one to develop a full knowledge of what the policies of God are, and good diplomatic skills when making them known. A diplomat pulls no punches when conveying critical message(s) of the kingdom he/she represents, but does so in a way that is least likely to trigger an unnecessary confrontation. Never-the-less, confrontations with the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil are a DAILY part of the true post (after) salvation spiritual life.
At times, the hardest diplomatic posting that an ambassador of Christ can be assigned to is in his/her own home (Matt. 10: 34-36/Mark 6: 4).
If one were able to not to sin (no one can - 1 John 1: 8) and remain in fellowship with God 24-7, then he/she would not have a need for anyone else to cover his back (blind side). God the Holy Spirit provides the ultimate circle of defense, but when we get out of fellowship with Him, He will allow the enemy to strike. Christian spouses are in an ongoing position not to judge, but to bring to the attention of his/her mate when his/her mate is not pursuing, or is drifting off the course of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life.
ANYONE will tell you what they want you to hear or what you think you want to hear, especially if they have something to be gained. But a Christian spouse will not allow his/her mate to take a wrong turn or stay on a wrong course without at least bringing the possible consequences to his/her attention. If one is perceived to be an "enemy" by telling another the truth (Gal. 4: 16), then so be it.
Nagging or threatening is not the way to either evangelize or edify anyone. Here, again, we see the skills of a well-trained ambassador in action. Ultimately, the spiritual choices are between the individual and the Lord. One can (and should) lead the horse water, but cannot make it drink. Don't tell me that you "love" anyone, and then not be concerned where and how that soul will be spending all of eternity.
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One of the purposes of marital sex is for the reproduction of human bodies for the next generation into which GOD places the soul that HE creates. John 3: 6 clearly distinguishes what is REPRODUCED (the body) by Man and what is CREATED (the soul) by God. The body, as of the time of birth, has an appointed (Heb. 9: 27) expiration date (Psalms 31: 15)/ Eccl. 3:2). Into that body, the soul that creates is placed at birth The soul, created in God's everlasting likeness NEVER dies and lives on after departing the body at the moment of physical death. Life (of the soul) following the death (of the body) is NOT a matter of IF, but WHERE and HOW the soul WILL be experience all of eternity.
There is a critical need to distinguish the everlasting (never ending) characteristic of soul life, and eternal life that soul receives when his spirit is regenerated (Titus 3: 5). The eternal life (received at salvation) is what is necessary for the soul (with its never- ending soul life) to live in fellowship God upon departing the body.
The body has biological life that begins at conception. In the developmental stage, the fetus is dependent on the biological life support provided by the mother. Upon taking in its first BREATH at birth, the body receives his/her independent source of biological life. At physical death, the biological life of the body terminates, setting the stage for eventual decomposition. The NEVER ending soul, with its soul life, lives on in one of two general environments (Heaven - Hell). At the present time, the soul that chooses to depart this world with a spiritually dead human spirit goes to the Torments section of Hades, and eventually to the lake of fire for all of eternity (Rev. 20: 13, 15). As of the Church Age, the soul makes this self-determined choice between destinations (Heaven vs. Hell)when presented with the TRUE Gospel Message. The soul that believes the Gospel is saved from the otherwise impending wrath of God, and receives eternal life (John 3: 16) with a regenerated spirit (Titus 3: 5).
In the apostate, end times in which we are living, there are millions of so-called Christians who do not have an understanding of these basic facts of the spiritual life.
God knows of EVERY contributing factor that ultimately plays a part in the setting of the time and circumstances of the every soul's departure. God factored ALL of these events into the Divine Decree BEFORE any of us were ever born. It's NOT that we don't have free will to make choices; its that God in His omniscience knew ahead of time what choices we and others would make in time.
For some of us, the plan of God will call for a very brief lifespan (2 Sam. 12: 14). Others, like Job's sons and daughters (Job 1: 18) and the Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ (30-33 yrs. old) will fulfill God's purposes at a relatively young age. Some. like Adam and those of the first generations of Man lived for centuries before accomplishing their part in the plan of God.
The life span that God appoints for each one of us determines the length of our lives here on Earth. We were not to be here before the appointed time of our birth, and we are not going to be here AFTER the appointed time of our departure arrives. No abortion, homicide, suicide, disease, accident or trauma can take place without at least God's "permissive will" allowing it to happen. Without a doubt, accepting what God allows to take place can be among the greatest challenges to one's faith. Trust me, I've been there.
From the divine perspective, its not the length of one's lifespan that matters, but what one did (or didn't do) during the life span that he/she was given. As in any other asset, the one who is given much will incur a greater degree of accountability (Luke 12: 48). A split second decision to believe or to disbelieve a presentation of the TRUE Gospel Message determines WHERE (Heaven or Hell) one will spend eternity after departing the body. For those who choose to believe, they then enter into "a" post (after) salvation spiritual life here on Earth, that ends at the moment one leaves the body at death (or the Rapture).
What one does (or doesn't) do throughout the course of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life determines what (if any) rewards (1Cor. 3: 12-15) and privileges he/she will receive or forfeit in a-d-d-i-t-i-o-n to the eternal life that ALL saved souls experience. Here we see the difference between having "a" post salvation spiritual life that ALL believers have, and having identified and executed "the" (TRUE) post salvation spiritual life outlined in New Testament Scripture.
Success or failure in the identification and execution of the true post salvation spiritual life does NOT improve nor diminish the integrity of the eternal life and salvations that a born again believer has ALREADY received 1Cor. 3: 15).The quality of one's post salvation spiritual life WILL impact the rewards and privileges that one will either receive or forfeit (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
One's marriage can prove to be one of the greatest assets or inhibitors to one's pursuit and execution of the TRUE post salvation spiritual life. This is why one's family and marriage is such a coveted target of the Eph. 6: 12 forces of evil.
Beginning at conception, our biological parents reproduce what becomes our humanity at birth. As in the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, we did NOT come into this world when what would become our humanity was conceived. We came into this world when the biologically alive body came forth at birth and God placed us (our soul) into the body at the same time the body took in its first breath of nature life. The time gap between the conception and the birth of one's humanity is usually about 9 months.
This is not to condone abortion, but ambassadors for Christ should learn what the Bible actually teaches when using the Word of God to support their positions. When proven wrong by a closer study of the very "evidence" that one introduces, the credibility of the witness has been greatly compromised. Scripture (Gen. 2: 7/John 3: 6) makes it clear that the soul is created by God and enters the body that was prepared to receive it simultaneously with the receiving of one's first breath, and departs AFTER the last breath has been taken (John 19: 30). In Adam's case, his body was created by God from the dust (dirt) of the Earth. Eve's body was created by God from Adam's rib. With the exception of the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, all human bodies thereafter were reproduced by Man. In ALL cases, the body, via one process of another, was prepared FIRST and THEN the soul was placed into it,
It is God who creates the SOUL and places it/us in the body that He chooses when the biologically-alive body that comes forth at birth (Gen. 2: 7/ John 3: 6). God could have placed any one of us in ANY body throughout the course of human history. The ONE that He chose reveals much about the plan that He had in mind for us as an individual. According to Scripture (Gen. 2: 7/ John 3:6/ John 19: 30), the soul enters the biologically alive body simultaneously with the first breathe of natural life at BIRTH, and departs after the last breathe of natural life has been received.
God, at times, and ALWAYS with a divine purpose in mind, has returned a departed soul to the SAME natural body (e.g., John 11: 38-44) to return to the body it left. Never-the-less, when the appointed time came, the souls involved left the same bodies behind at death. There is not ONE "soul" in any casket, funeral parlor, cemetery, or urn. The one person who will NOT be at your funeral is you!
Contrary to what Man-made "religion", superstitions, and cultural traditions may say, there is nothing in Scripture that supports the idea that ANY postmortem activity here on Earth of ANY kind can alter either the destination nor the environment of where the departed soul has ALREADY gone.
Depending on what postmortem preparations are or aren't implemented, the body will immediately (cremation) or eventually (decompose) return to dust (Gen. 3: 19), but the soul that NEVER dies. ALL souls live on into eternity in ONE of two environments and locations. NO postmortem activity (or lack of it) changes the location of the departed soul, or the ability of God to locate and raise the bodily remains of a born again believer in resurrection form when the Rapture (1 Thess. 4: 16) takes place. Departed souls of believers have interim bodies in Heaven (2 Cor. 5: 1).
The bodily remains (or dust) of a born again believer in ANY stage of decomposition, regardless of location or what (or if) postmortem arrangements were made, WILL be raised in resurrection form when the event that theologians have named the Rapture (1 Thess. 5: 14-17) takes place. In the meantime, all departed souls of believers indwell an interim body in Heaven (2 Cor. 5: 1) until the Rapture takes place. Believers who are alive on the Earth and are in their natural bodies will have their natural bodies instantaneously (1 Cor. 15: 51) transformed into their resurrected bodies and will be united with the believers who had gone to Heaven and return with Lord, all gathering together in the air above the Earth (1 Thess. 5: 17).
Christian Marriage is a divinely ordained establishment, but it serves and completes its purpose here on Earth. At the moment of physical death, Christian marriage is terminated.
If one loves his/her spouse (or anyone else), there will be a genuine concern for his/her eternal status. Never-the-less, only the individual him/herself can choose to believe in a presentation of the true Gospel Message, and only at a time and place that God the Holy Spirit determines.
Scripture teaches that generally speaking, it is within one's own home, that the Christian ambassador will be least effective (Mark 6: 4). I believe that the reason for this is that it is there that most of us reveal the dark side of our own sin nature, giving the devil the opportunity to challenge the credibility of what we have to say concerning spiritual issues in the eyes of those who know "the real us" best. The one exception to this principle, I believe, is the verbal or behavioral testimony of one who is about to die, or is in the process of dying. For many, it is then and there that his/her words and actions will reveal where he/she really was in his/her relationship with the Lord.
No one but the saved soul him/herself can choose to identify, pursue, and remain functional in the true post salvation spiritual life. The Word of God offers NO family coverage for eternal life (1 Cor. 7: 16), and the 1 Cor. 3: 12-15) rewards that will be received or forfeited by ALL born again believers are based on each individual's evaluation. The same scenario of individual choices apply to the children that the marriage produces.
Marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian is risky business. Yet it is interesting to note, that according to Scripture (1Cor. 7: 12, 13, 15), when the marriage took place before one or both parties were saved, it is only the NON-Christian (1Cor. 7: 15) who can seek divorce on the basis of conflicting spiritual or "religious" differences!
As for the salvation of an unsaved spouse goes," For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband: Or how
do you known, O husband, whether you will save your wife? (1 Co. 7: 16 NASB)."
These are rhetorical questions to which the answer is, "You don't!" One can and should lead the proverbial horse to water, but you can't make it drink. God makes clear he consequences (Rev. 20: 15) of rejecting the call (Heb.3: 7:7, 8) to hear and/or to respond (John 3: 18/Rev. 20: 15)) to the Gospel. God makes it clear (1 Cor. 3: 12-15) what the temporal (Heb. 12: 6) and the eternal (1 Cor. 3: 12-15) consequences are in store for rejecting the pursuit of the true post salvation life. God does NOT force anyone to believe the Gospel or to pursue the true post salvation spiritual life. As we have noted, for Christians who choose to marry, the type of marriage they establish plays a major role in the quality of one's post salvation spiritual life.
The earthly tradition of a section of pews in any given "Church" being occupied by entire families for generation after generation paints a pretty picture, but such "window dressing" contradicts the teaching found in such passages as (Luke 12: 52). Furthermore, if one partner (or offspring) is more spiritually mature than another, there may come a time when he/she will seek another pulpit as his/her source of his/her spiritual edification. Once again the Luke 14: 26 "people test" of discipleship comes to view. No one behind ANY pulpit can be used of God to bring another soul to a higher rung on the ladder of spiritual maturity than what he has first arrived at for himself. The ONE and ONLY reason that one should associate with ANY given pulpit is because it is there that the believer has experienced the opportunity to continue to grow in God's grace and knowledge (2 Pet. 3: 18). Choosing "family worshiping together" over one's personal advancement in the edification process can be a satanic trap. I know. I've been there!
God commanded (not an option) to examine ourselves on a regular basis to see if we are in the "faith". The "faith" here refers to WHAT we believe, as well as the action of believing it. When evaluating one's present CHOICE of pulpit, one needs to ask him/herself, "What is it that I have learned or have a better understanding of that I did not have six months ago?", and just as important, "How has this knowledge or refinement advanced me in my walk with the Lord?". If there has been no new or refined information coming in, or there has been no change, there is something gone amiss that needs to be addressed
I placed quotation marks around the noun "Church", because of the prevalent misconception of what the church actually consists. Most of the Church has already gone home to be with the Lord. There are, at the most, two or generations of the Church here on Earth at any given time. The "Church" of the New Testament dispensation (period of time) is NOT a building or physical structure, but is the intangible, collective body of regenerated (Titus 3: 5) souls of born again believers. The TRUE Church can be found WITHIN the many denominations and non-denominational settings. I do believe that if the Rapture were to take place during corporate worship services, there would be MANY left behind sitting in the pews and standing behind the pulpits throughout what is generally considered to be the Christian Community of our day.
Believers do NOT "go to Church", but ARE the Church that gathers (physically and/or via remote communication) together (Heb. 10: 25) for the celebration of the Lord's Supper (Communion) and for the teaching of the Word of God in order to promote discipleship. The type of building, or even the need for one, is of NO spiritual significance. "Where two or three gather (for worship) in My name, there I am in their midst (Matt. 18: 20 NASB italics mine). Note that as an individual believers (1 Cor. 3: 16), He is already with his him/her before they meet together for corporate worship.
Centuries before the construction of the ancient cathedrals with all of the accompanying furnishings, apparatus, physical altars and officiating priests, God was being truly worshiped as He desires (John 4: 23. 24) in private homes, caves, secret hiding places, and outdoor scenarios. Many of the structures, furnishings, and apparatus that was introduced (or re-introduced) into the Christian Community were used and are being used by devil to facilitate and/or promote false doctrines and practices. As the Christian Community became more diverse and became bed partners with the Roman Empire, many false practices were introduced, putting a Christian "spin" on many of pagan practices of the new converts. While such "bed-partnering" geographically and politically "advance" the developing "Church", much apostasy also came to be accepted, as well. Such "bed-partnering" amonts to spiritual adultery. The inclusion and acceptance of such apostasy has continued, is continuing, and will reach its zenith at the conclusion of the end times (1 Tim. 4: 1).
The earliest groups that would come to form the Church were warned of this, but just like many who are in leadership positions in the Church of our day, the warning has fallen on deaf ears.
If an interest in God and/or the true things of God are not evident in the daily lives of one or both parents, the devil will be right
there to use this as a basis to have the children question the significance of such things. When parenting, the Christian is well-advised to keep in mind the consequences of being a stumbling block on the spiritual path of the children (Matt.. 18: 6). At the same time, if the parent(s) is the type of believer who merely goes through the motions of "religion", but shows no progress in the development of his/her own TRUE spiritual life on a day to day basis, this too will be used of the devil to raise questions of significance in the minds of observing children. When it comes to "teaching" our offspring, the daily picture that our individual lives project speaks a thousand words to those with whom we interact with out in the devils world.
How Christian partners in marriage conduct themselves at home speaks a thousand words, as well. Perhaps even more so, as it is at home where one let's his/her hair down and shows his/her true colors!
Every being, spiritual or human , good or evil, that has desired to achieve global influence or domination has seen the need to indoctrinate the upcoming generation(s).
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6 NASB)".
It is the calling of each and every individual believer to abide (daily study and application) in/of the Word (John 8: 31), thereby grow-i-n-g (a continuing process) in God's grace and knowledge (2 Pet. 3: 18). It is the additional responsibility of Christian father in a Christian Marriage to evangelize and edify the children, coupled with the supportive and nurturing role of the Christian mother. The individual response and accountability for the children's response is on their own head. One cannot make the proverbial horse drink, but the Christian father, in his role as the spiritual head of the home is responsible to see to it that the horse was/is given the opportunity. Functions can be delegated, but the responsibility can not. If the "Christian" father and the "Christian mother" are reading from the same page, there are going to be contradictions in doctrine and practices that the observing children are going to see and the devil is NOT going to fail to cash in on.
One of the consequences of failing to learn the Biblical principles of Christian marriage (that includes child raising) BEFORE the need arises (Matt. 7: 24-27) is that by the time one figures it out by trial and error, much damage has already taken place. Never-the-less, the God that I have come to know is not only the God of second chance, but the God of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, (etc.) chances as well. All one needs to do is to be willing to admit his/her errors, and then move forward in the plan of God by doing things HIS way from that point forward.
Regardless of the quality of parenting, Scripture teach that within a home there will be those who are born again, and there will be those who reject the Gospel Message (Luke 12: 52). This principle can be upsetting to acknowledge. It is worth noting, that usually in every family, all family members go through (or are put through) the same "religious" rituals, but some are born again and others are not! Religious ritual(s) that are void of spirituality (John 15: 5) accomplishes NOTHING.
Among those who are born again, there will be those to choose the " narrow (Matt. 7: 14)" way of the post salvation life of discipleship, and those who will not. By choosing NOT to learn (2Pet.3: 18) and abide (John 8: 31) in The Word, many born again believers will never even hear of it. A parent cannot pass on the correct information that he/she does not first learn for him/herself. Once the parent has made these choices clear, it is up to the individual child ( of any age) to believe and apply, or disbelieve and reject the information and opportunity provided. The "training" referenced in (Prov. 22: 6) is speaking of being presented with Bible Doctrine and being reinforced by parental example and discipline. The "old" spoken of in (Prov. 22:6) is NOT talking about reaching a certain age, but of spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is the result of a soul choosing to learn and then choosing to apply Bible Doctrine. It is the spiritually mature believer that will NOT depart (as much) from such training. No one will ever reach the point of sinless perfection this side of Heaven. It is the function of the Christian parent to train up the children in they way they "should go (Prov. 22: 6), but this does not mean that it will be the way they choose to go.
Rebellious and otherwise wayward children can be the source of great parental pain and an overwhelming source of pressure on a marriage. Poor parenting can certainly be used by the devil to self-justify negative behavior on the part of the offspring. There comes a time, however, when each one of us must take responsibility for the life changing choices that WE make for ourselves. Unless criminally insane, we ALL know right from wrong Be it from the opportunities that a godly parent(s) provide, or from another source that God the Holy Spirit selects, (as the plan of God calls for), we are (for the most part) the product of or OWN decisions.
* * *
The burden of guilt (real or imagined) is one of the heaviest and debilitating sources of weight that a human being can carry, but it is a burden that the Lord NEVER intended for His child to bear. ALL of the consequences of our sin and failures may not (in the wisdom of God) go or be taken away, but the weight of the guilt can be forever lifted by the same shoulders that carried the cross to Calvary. The only contribution that the memory of our sin and failures can make to the present and the future is that it is from our past failures that we (should) learn, and then not repeat. Beyond that, there is no need to focus on what is in the rear view mirror. Better to keep ones eyes on the road ahead. There will always be a category of people who live for the day when they can remind us of our past sins, but God, remembers our confessed (1 John 1: 9) sins no more (Heb. 8: 12).
Unlike confessing something to people, when we confess a sin to God we are not telling God anything that He doesn't already know. With people, we can not be assured what their reaction or response to our confession will be, but God has already made it clear what His response is going to be (1 John 1: 9/Heb. 8: 12). God not only CAN lift the guilt weight off your shoulders, He desires to do so.
Without genuine forgiveness, fellowship (2 Cor. 13: 14) is not possible (Hab. 1: 13). Without fellowship, Christian marriage is not possible.
Some of those who consider themselves to be among the greatest of sinners (in view of human viewpoint - See James 2: 10), have later proven to become the greatest (most productive) saints (born again believers). They do/did so having experienced the forgiveness of God and the lifting of the burden of guilt from their shoulders. Once the advancing disciple discovers the enormity (James 2: 10) of the sin(s) he/she has committed, is committing, an will commit during his/her time here on Earth and the NEED to confess it, he/she will have no problem forgiving others of the sin(s) they commit that hurt us.
Without genuine forgiveness, no relationship, be it with God or with other people, is possible. Genuine forgiveness means the issue is NEVER brought up again!
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