Did You Ask God About That?
Part One
When pondering why things are not working out as planned, one might begin to find the answer by asking if God had been consulted in the first place. Was/is it God's plan or is it own?
Even in the ministry (area of service), Christians often make the mistake of making selections and choices and then seek God's approval. That is not the same as seeking His plan and guidance. If it is not His plan, there is no promise of support. If it is His plan, it will succeed (Acts 5: 39).
Sometimes we have the plan right, but the timing is off. Unlike our own, God's timing is never early or late.
When everything IS going as planned, but one still finds him/herself empty and unfulfilled, he/sh again, might ask him/herself where God is in the picture. There is a good chance that He is not.
How so?
Prosperity with God (3John 1: 2) is a double blessing, but prosperity without God is vanity (Eccl. 1: 2). For the advancing disciple, Earthly prosperity is an appreciated benefit, but is not essential.
Earthly prosperity may not even be a part of the individual plan that God has in mind. Many have risked and lost life, limb, freedom, and possessions as a result of carrying out the plan that God gave them to do.
Offers of Earthly prosperity (Luke 4: 6) is a common bait used by the devil and by those who do his bidding. All prosperity does not necessarily come from God. Earthly riches can grow wings and fly away, and can't be taken with you into Heaven or Hell (Prov. 23: 5).
Earthly prosperity is not the divine standard for measuring the quality of one's post salvation spiritual life. In some cases, the, "deceitfulness of riches (Mark 4: 19 NASB)," becomes a major stumbling block.
One of the reasons wd shy away from asking for God's input is fear that He might have something else in mind or that we might miss out on something if we do things His way.
When God is in the plan/picture, the advancing disciple's life is characterized by contentment (Phil. 4: 11), security (Romans 8: 1), peace (Phil. 4: 6), and purpose (Phil. 1: 21), REGARDLESS of the environment or circumstances. The advancing disciple's primary joy is found in his/her personal relationship with the Lord.
How many times have we gone out on our own without consulting God, only to later concede that, "If I had only known then what I know now, I would have made different choices."
God, with Whom we should consult, knows the end result of what the impact of today's choices will bring tomorrow.
Whatever seeds (good or bad) we sow, we will reap the corresponding crop either here on Earth or in eternity (Gal. 6: 7).
Fallen Man will always blame some one or some thing else for the choices they make. The humble, advancing disciple, will acknowledge that their "not knowing then" was the result of their own arrogance, ignorance negligence, or wilful disobedience and failure to have grown (increase) in the knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3:18). Without such knowledge, one can not build an edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24 - 27).
Without such a soul structure, one lacks the Prov. 15: 22 "counselors" to make the appropriate choices.
These Proverbs 15: 22 "counselors" are not people. Well-meaning, sincere, (but spiritually blind) people can lead those who follow their guidance into a pit (Matt. 15: 14). As the old saying goes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
When Jesus used this example, He was referring to highly respected religious people of that day (Matt. 15: 12 - 14).
Until his conversion, the Apostle Paul, was also a highly respected Pharisee. He believed that his godly mission was to destroy the developing Christian faith.
Like a runner in a torch-relay race, one can not pass along to others what he/she has not first taken possession of him/herself. Accordingly, discipleship is initially for the edification of oneself, but with the long-term objective of participating in the Great Commission.
Counseling based on human viewpoint will almost always begin with identifying how own feels. Making decisions based on feelings can be disastrous, as many things, good and evil, can impact how we feel.
Divine counseling is based on an I.C.E. (isagogics/categorical/exegesis) interpretation and application of Scripture.
Ask 10 people for their input, and you will likely get ten different answers. Such advice will be based on their own areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Manipulators will say what THEY want you to do (or not do) based on how your decision is going to impact THEM.
Divine guidance will often run contrary to our feelings and will not always seem very logical. Under such circumstances, discipleship (James 1: 22) will require supernatural enablement (John 15: 15/) coupled with a act of faith.
Most humans do not think clearly under pressure. This is why we are commanded to secure the right answers BEFORE the storm hits. The challenge when the storms hit will be to apply what we (should) have already learned (James 1: 22).
The Proverbs 15: 22 counselors are the principles of the Word of God. The more of THESE counselors the better. Making decisions based on isolated verses of Scripture is a Satanic trap (Matt. 4). Note that Jesus' response were based on Scripture, as well.
God's plan does not call for compromising the Word of God. Like the wearing of a face mask in the midst of a pandemic, the doctrine in our soul must be of the type (accurate) called for and applied (worn) correctly for maximum effect.
Through selective verse picking, The Bible can be made to appear to say or to justify just about anything a clever deceiver desires. Eccl. 3 points out that there are times when one course of action is called for, and there are other times that call for just the opposite. What is needed, in such cases, is to have the spiritual discernment to determine which time is in view.
Sad to say, but most of the Biblical "knowledge" that many "Christians" possess in what other people or religious institutions have told them. Many advancing disciples are shocked to discover just how much of their former religious beliefs lacked Biblical substantiation, and in same instances actually contradicted the Word of God. Religious institutions have a long record of passing off their traditions of men as having come from God, rendering their form of worship meaningless (Matt. 15: 9).
" ...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2Pet. 3: 18 NASB)."
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall Matt. 7: 24 - 27 NASB.”
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6 NASB)."
God does not command (e.g. 2Pet. 3: 18) His people to do something and then not provide them with the means to do so.
The answer to some questions is obvious. If it involves sin, the answer is DON'T DO THAT. The harder questions involve choosing between what is good and what is better.
One will not find all of God's answers passively reading Scripture (Jer. 29: 13 NASB).
"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart (Jer. 29: 13 NASB)."
Biblical discipleship calls for the I.C.E. (isagogics/Categorical/Exegesis) approach. Scripture is to be interpreted, understood, and applied in light of the historical background, original language(s), and by comparing Scripture with Scripture.
Teaching the Word of God is primarily the job of Biblically qualified and ordained pastor-teachers, but advancing disciples develop the ability to verify the Biblical accuracy of what comes from any given pulpit (Acts 17: 11).
If one was as much concerned with the quality of the food he/she feeds his/her soul as with the quality of the food one feeds his/her body, the Christian Community would be a lot better off!
In the times in which are living, digital and audio Bibles apps and Bible teaching websites is as near and accessible as our phones, tablets, computers, DVD/CD players, cassette tape players, televisions, radios.
Internet website pulpits are open 24-7. Inquiries can be made and Biblical answers can be received anonymously.
Many of us find the time to make use of such devices for hours at a time to entertain ourselves and/or take in what the world has to offer, but claim not to have the time to use these same devices or our time to embrace the things of God.
Until one is born again, he/she will not have an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God. Until one is born again, our thoughts and actions are dominated by the self-centered fallen nature with which we came into this world. This fallen nature is inherently hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God. This fallen nature inherently desires to be independent of God and the things of God. All of these ingredients add up to a recipe for spiritual disaster.
The new creature (2Cor. 5: 17) is Christ-centered and desires to embrace the things of God. Like a thirsty deer, the soul of an advancing disciple longs for the next drink from the Word of God (Psalms 42: 1, 2).
From the moment one is born again, there will be an ongoing battle between the fallen nature and the new creature within us for control over our thoughts and actions. It is our thoughts that determine our speech and behavior.
Whichever competing source of influence that the born again believer chooses to submit to will determine the quality of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life.
Paul spoke of this ongoing battle that he was experiencing almost 30 years AFTER he was born again (Acts 9), towards the end of his outstanding earthly ministry (Romans 7).
Unbelievers Many do not have an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God. Born again believers can lose the appetite they once had.
Just as a loss of appetite in the natural realm is an indicator that something is wrong, the same principle applies for one's appetite for the teaching of the Word of God in the spiritual realm.
Psalms 119 reveals the place where the Word of God should be in the life of an advancing disciple.
Q. What value does God place on the study (2Tim. 2: 15) and the application (James 1: 22) of the Bible?
A. "... for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name (Psalms 138: 2 KJV).
Opening one's Bible for a few minutes during a worship service once a week is not going to build or maintain the type of edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24) that's going to endure the storms.
The fallen nature is fed and strengthened by all the trash that it is exposed on a daily basis.
The new creature is fed and strengthened by the daily intake, refining, meditation, and application of the Word of God.
Whichever competing source of influence, be it human or divine viewpoint, that is fed and exercised the most will win the battle for control of our thoughts and corresponding actions.
Which voice of influence we listen to, feed, and exercise is a choice we make.
Whe the old sin nature is the dominant source of influence, we are going to make choices that please ourselves, and in many cases, the devil.
When the new creature that we are in Christ is the dominating source of influence, we are going to make choices of self-denial (Matt. 16: 24), glorifying God.
One cannot serve simultaneously serve two masters. Scripture uses the example of mammon (material worth), but the principle can apply to anyone or anything that would take the place of God or the things of God in the life of a believer.
The things that pleases the devil obviously involve sin, but can also include "good" things when these good things (or the pursuit thereof) come between the believer and God.
End of Part One
Part One
When pondering why things are not working out as planned, one might begin to find the answer by asking if God had been consulted in the first place. Was/is it God's plan or is it own?
Even in the ministry (area of service), Christians often make the mistake of making selections and choices and then seek God's approval. That is not the same as seeking His plan and guidance. If it is not His plan, there is no promise of support. If it is His plan, it will succeed (Acts 5: 39).
Sometimes we have the plan right, but the timing is off. Unlike our own, God's timing is never early or late.
When everything IS going as planned, but one still finds him/herself empty and unfulfilled, he/sh again, might ask him/herself where God is in the picture. There is a good chance that He is not.
How so?
Prosperity with God (3John 1: 2) is a double blessing, but prosperity without God is vanity (Eccl. 1: 2). For the advancing disciple, Earthly prosperity is an appreciated benefit, but is not essential.
Earthly prosperity may not even be a part of the individual plan that God has in mind. Many have risked and lost life, limb, freedom, and possessions as a result of carrying out the plan that God gave them to do.
Offers of Earthly prosperity (Luke 4: 6) is a common bait used by the devil and by those who do his bidding. All prosperity does not necessarily come from God. Earthly riches can grow wings and fly away, and can't be taken with you into Heaven or Hell (Prov. 23: 5).
Earthly prosperity is not the divine standard for measuring the quality of one's post salvation spiritual life. In some cases, the, "deceitfulness of riches (Mark 4: 19 NASB)," becomes a major stumbling block.
One of the reasons wd shy away from asking for God's input is fear that He might have something else in mind or that we might miss out on something if we do things His way.
When God is in the plan/picture, the advancing disciple's life is characterized by contentment (Phil. 4: 11), security (Romans 8: 1), peace (Phil. 4: 6), and purpose (Phil. 1: 21), REGARDLESS of the environment or circumstances. The advancing disciple's primary joy is found in his/her personal relationship with the Lord.
How many times have we gone out on our own without consulting God, only to later concede that, "If I had only known then what I know now, I would have made different choices."
God, with Whom we should consult, knows the end result of what the impact of today's choices will bring tomorrow.
Whatever seeds (good or bad) we sow, we will reap the corresponding crop either here on Earth or in eternity (Gal. 6: 7).
Fallen Man will always blame some one or some thing else for the choices they make. The humble, advancing disciple, will acknowledge that their "not knowing then" was the result of their own arrogance, ignorance negligence, or wilful disobedience and failure to have grown (increase) in the knowledge of the Lord (2Pet. 3:18). Without such knowledge, one can not build an edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24 - 27).
Without such a soul structure, one lacks the Prov. 15: 22 "counselors" to make the appropriate choices.
These Proverbs 15: 22 "counselors" are not people. Well-meaning, sincere, (but spiritually blind) people can lead those who follow their guidance into a pit (Matt. 15: 14). As the old saying goes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
When Jesus used this example, He was referring to highly respected religious people of that day (Matt. 15: 12 - 14).
Until his conversion, the Apostle Paul, was also a highly respected Pharisee. He believed that his godly mission was to destroy the developing Christian faith.
Like a runner in a torch-relay race, one can not pass along to others what he/she has not first taken possession of him/herself. Accordingly, discipleship is initially for the edification of oneself, but with the long-term objective of participating in the Great Commission.
Counseling based on human viewpoint will almost always begin with identifying how own feels. Making decisions based on feelings can be disastrous, as many things, good and evil, can impact how we feel.
Divine counseling is based on an I.C.E. (isagogics/categorical/exegesis) interpretation and application of Scripture.
Ask 10 people for their input, and you will likely get ten different answers. Such advice will be based on their own areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Manipulators will say what THEY want you to do (or not do) based on how your decision is going to impact THEM.
Divine guidance will often run contrary to our feelings and will not always seem very logical. Under such circumstances, discipleship (James 1: 22) will require supernatural enablement (John 15: 15/) coupled with a act of faith.
Most humans do not think clearly under pressure. This is why we are commanded to secure the right answers BEFORE the storm hits. The challenge when the storms hit will be to apply what we (should) have already learned (James 1: 22).
The Proverbs 15: 22 counselors are the principles of the Word of God. The more of THESE counselors the better. Making decisions based on isolated verses of Scripture is a Satanic trap (Matt. 4). Note that Jesus' response were based on Scripture, as well.
God's plan does not call for compromising the Word of God. Like the wearing of a face mask in the midst of a pandemic, the doctrine in our soul must be of the type (accurate) called for and applied (worn) correctly for maximum effect.
Through selective verse picking, The Bible can be made to appear to say or to justify just about anything a clever deceiver desires. Eccl. 3 points out that there are times when one course of action is called for, and there are other times that call for just the opposite. What is needed, in such cases, is to have the spiritual discernment to determine which time is in view.
Sad to say, but most of the Biblical "knowledge" that many "Christians" possess in what other people or religious institutions have told them. Many advancing disciples are shocked to discover just how much of their former religious beliefs lacked Biblical substantiation, and in same instances actually contradicted the Word of God. Religious institutions have a long record of passing off their traditions of men as having come from God, rendering their form of worship meaningless (Matt. 15: 9).
" ...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2Pet. 3: 18 NASB)."
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall Matt. 7: 24 - 27 NASB.”
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6 NASB)."
God does not command (e.g. 2Pet. 3: 18) His people to do something and then not provide them with the means to do so.
The answer to some questions is obvious. If it involves sin, the answer is DON'T DO THAT. The harder questions involve choosing between what is good and what is better.
One will not find all of God's answers passively reading Scripture (Jer. 29: 13 NASB).
"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart (Jer. 29: 13 NASB)."
Biblical discipleship calls for the I.C.E. (isagogics/Categorical/Exegesis) approach. Scripture is to be interpreted, understood, and applied in light of the historical background, original language(s), and by comparing Scripture with Scripture.
Teaching the Word of God is primarily the job of Biblically qualified and ordained pastor-teachers, but advancing disciples develop the ability to verify the Biblical accuracy of what comes from any given pulpit (Acts 17: 11).
If one was as much concerned with the quality of the food he/she feeds his/her soul as with the quality of the food one feeds his/her body, the Christian Community would be a lot better off!
In the times in which are living, digital and audio Bibles apps and Bible teaching websites is as near and accessible as our phones, tablets, computers, DVD/CD players, cassette tape players, televisions, radios.
Internet website pulpits are open 24-7. Inquiries can be made and Biblical answers can be received anonymously.
Many of us find the time to make use of such devices for hours at a time to entertain ourselves and/or take in what the world has to offer, but claim not to have the time to use these same devices or our time to embrace the things of God.
Until one is born again, he/she will not have an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God. Until one is born again, our thoughts and actions are dominated by the self-centered fallen nature with which we came into this world. This fallen nature is inherently hostile (Romans 8: 7) towards God and the things of God. This fallen nature inherently desires to be independent of God and the things of God. All of these ingredients add up to a recipe for spiritual disaster.
The new creature (2Cor. 5: 17) is Christ-centered and desires to embrace the things of God. Like a thirsty deer, the soul of an advancing disciple longs for the next drink from the Word of God (Psalms 42: 1, 2).
From the moment one is born again, there will be an ongoing battle between the fallen nature and the new creature within us for control over our thoughts and actions. It is our thoughts that determine our speech and behavior.
Whichever competing source of influence that the born again believer chooses to submit to will determine the quality of his/her post (after) salvation spiritual life.
Paul spoke of this ongoing battle that he was experiencing almost 30 years AFTER he was born again (Acts 9), towards the end of his outstanding earthly ministry (Romans 7).
Unbelievers Many do not have an appetite for the teaching of the Word of God. Born again believers can lose the appetite they once had.
Just as a loss of appetite in the natural realm is an indicator that something is wrong, the same principle applies for one's appetite for the teaching of the Word of God in the spiritual realm.
Psalms 119 reveals the place where the Word of God should be in the life of an advancing disciple.
Q. What value does God place on the study (2Tim. 2: 15) and the application (James 1: 22) of the Bible?
A. "... for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name (Psalms 138: 2 KJV).
Opening one's Bible for a few minutes during a worship service once a week is not going to build or maintain the type of edified soul structure (Matt. 7: 24) that's going to endure the storms.
The fallen nature is fed and strengthened by all the trash that it is exposed on a daily basis.
The new creature is fed and strengthened by the daily intake, refining, meditation, and application of the Word of God.
Whichever competing source of influence, be it human or divine viewpoint, that is fed and exercised the most will win the battle for control of our thoughts and corresponding actions.
Which voice of influence we listen to, feed, and exercise is a choice we make.
Whe the old sin nature is the dominant source of influence, we are going to make choices that please ourselves, and in many cases, the devil.
When the new creature that we are in Christ is the dominating source of influence, we are going to make choices of self-denial (Matt. 16: 24), glorifying God.
One cannot serve simultaneously serve two masters. Scripture uses the example of mammon (material worth), but the principle can apply to anyone or anything that would take the place of God or the things of God in the life of a believer.
The things that pleases the devil obviously involve sin, but can also include "good" things when these good things (or the pursuit thereof) come between the believer and God.
End of Part One