Unless there is an immediate threat to one's personal safety, the obvious presence of a traffic officer, or a photo-enforcement camera, the posted signs and signals governing traffic are no more than “suggestions” in the minds of many motorists traveling along the highways these days.
Being perceived as suggestions, the level of compliance (if any) is a matter of individual choice.
At any given time, how one operates a motor vehicle and interacts with other motorists on the reflects the mind-set of the operator.
Road rage is becoming more and more common in our ever-increasing volatile society.
Self-centered, aggressive, reckless, irresponsible, angry, distracted, intoxicated, rushed, impatient, tired, sick, operators drive accordingly, especially if they are not aware (or care) that they are being monitored.
In the minds of many, accountability only becomes an issue IF they get caught, and conduct themselves knowing that the odds are not in favor of getting caught.
If there’s an accident, “I’ve got insurance.”
Death and/or serious personal injury are things that happen to other people.
I had a thirty-year law enforcement career, with a large portion of it focused on traffic control and accident investigation.
Our system of enforcing traffic regulations is by no means perfect, but it is the only one in place at the present time.
Especially in a free society, our system of law enforcement is based on the concept that the majority of the populace will choose to comply, leaving only a minority to deal with through the administration of justice.
If all it took was putting a law on the books to address a problem, life would be a lot easier for all of us. In reality, a law is only as good as voluntary compliance of the majority, and the effectiveness of enforcement by law enforcement agencies, and its reinforcement by the courts. Long before many laws are actually repealed, the "prohibited" activity had become tolerated, if not endorsed, by at least a sizeable minority or majority of the populations, and relatively overlooked by the law enforcement agencies and/or the courts.
In a "pure" democracy, the majority rules. The flaw with democracy is that when it comes to spiritual matters, the majority IS usually wrong (Matt. 7: 13), setting the stage for the inevitable moral decline and demise of the society involved.
Family income can be greatly impacted when those providing the logistical support are heavily “fined” for a traffic violation.
I am not at all opposed to effectively punishing traffic violators. It is for their own sake and the sake of others. At the same time, there is something wrong when obviously guilty felons walk out of the same courthouse with no more than a slap on the wrist.
If the "golden rule" (doing unto others what we want others to do to us) were to be applied, there would be a major improvement in the roadway environment that we experience and in the crime rate, as well.
Taking the licenses away (for serious and/or multiple offenses) does not insure that the “unlicensed” operator will no longer get behind the wheel of a car. Many serious accidents involve operators who were not even supposed to be behind the wheel of the cars involved.
Again, I am not saying that the licenses shouldn't be taken way. I just pointing out that this does not always achieve the desired results.
Our system of “justice” is reactive (after the fact), whereas the need to improve highway safety calls for proactive activity and a willingness of motorists to voluntarily comply.
The concept of doing (or not doing) something because it is the right thing to do, seems to have gone out with the hula-hoop! The hula-hoop was a popular toy in the late 1950-60"s.
Vehicle design, voluntary and/or mandatory use of safety equipment, roadway design, along with surface maintenance has reduced the number of deaths and/or serious injuries in many areas. At the same time, such factors only serve to encourage traveling at higher speeds with a false sense of safety. Expressing road rage and/impatience by tailgating a "slower" driver who is complying with the post speed limit open the door for a chain reaction that can result in many cars being involved in an accident when one of the "lead" cars can not stop in time to respond to a traffic emergency.
In may areas, the roadways were not designed to handle the amount of vehicles that are now out on the road, especially during "rush" hours. The resulting congestion created, does decrease the speed and in many cases the relative seriousness of the accidents that do occur. At the same time,
traffic congestion has also increased incidents of “road rage” and erratic vehicle operation when motorists force their way into and/or around traffic that is backed up along the roadway.
Those with spiritual discernment can see that the rising incidents of road rage, reflecting the mindset of the operators involved, are among the, "signs of the times (Matt. 16: 3)" in which we are living.
"Because lawlessness (disregard for the law) is increased, most people's love will grow cold (Matt. 24: 12 NASB)."
The self-centered attribute of the fallen nature in Man, manifested in the "hurray for me," and the, "get out of my way," mindset, can clearly be seen in the way in which many people operate their vehicles today.
Discipleship calls for the application of the Word of God 7/24. wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Operating a motor vehicle is no exception. IN light of what is taking place out on the roads these days, the challenge to function in a godly manner in traffic provides us with the practical opportunity to evaluate (2Cor. 13: 5) where we are along the road to spiritual maturity.
How fast our cages can be rattled ( in any situation), and/or how fast we can return to a godly frame of mine (2Cor. 2: 16) are good indicators of how spiritually mature or immature we have become. The advancing disciple is slow to anger and quick to forgive the sins of others.
For the advancing disciple, there is NOTHING that others can do (or fail to do) that is worth losing his/her own fellowship with the Lord. Not even for a moment.
Passing the "people test" has never been any easy task for many of us, in or out of traffic.
One passes the people test IF one does not allow the negative words or actions of others to take us out of fellowship with God. We fail the people test when we choose to engage in an ungodly response to the negative things that others do and say. Choosing to respond in a godly manner is a sin on our part. An ungodly response would include anything improper that we think (Prov. 23: 7), say (1Cor. 6: 10), or do (Rom. 12: 19).
Our sin takes us out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14/Habakkuk 1: 13) with God. We remain out of fellowship with God unit our sin is confessed (1John 1: 9).
We have no control over what others may choose to say or do, but we do have complete control (and accountability) for how we choose to respond.
Human error and distraction, be it our own or of others, can generate enough trouble without knowingly and willingly violating the traffic laws.
Bumper stickers can be the means to evangelize or to spiritually edify others, but "lose their punch" when the person operating the vehicle fails to walk the walk as well as he/she talks the talk. The bumper sticker reads, " Jesus Loves You," but the actions say, "Don't get in my way!"
* * *
Advancing disciples are called to be filled (Eph. 5: 18), that is to be voluntarily submitted to the influence/control of God the Holy Spirit, and not to be under the influence/control of wine (or any other alcoholic beverage/drug/substance).
Scripture does not call for total abstinence (in most situations), but identifies “drunkenness (Gal. 5: 21 NASB)” as a manifestation of the fallen nature. Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a violation of the laws of God and Man.
One cannot be under the influence of God the Holy Spirit and under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs at the same time.
“And do not get drunk with wine, for that dissipation (regressing into an ungodly practice/waste of resources and energy), but (instead) be filled (controlled/energized) with the Spirit (Eph. 5: 18 NASB).”
These are choices that we make, and a choice that can lead to both secular (Romans 13:) and divine (Heb. 12: 5) discipline, if we make the wrong choice.
Most people I know, including myself, have had “one too many” at one time or another, and by the grace and mercy of God, did not suffer any immediate or serious consequences for it. But sooner or later, if we play with fire long enough, one will get burned.
Keep in mind, that there is NO guarantee that one could not face disaster, even if it is the “first time” we make the wrong choice.
There are not only secular (Romans 13) and divine (Heb. 12: 5) consequences to be experienced here on Earth, but that there are eternal losses (Gal. 5: 21/1Cor. 3: 12-15) for born again believers who choose to live following the desires of the fallen nature. Although the salvation of a born again believer is never in jeopardy, that does not mean that there are not other things that can take place that one will come to regret.
“Now the deeds (outward manifestations) of the flesh (fallen nature) are evident (to those with spiritual discernment), which are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you that those who practice (make a lifestyle) such things shall not inherit (the (rewards - 1Cor. 3: 12-15 of) the kingdom of God (Gal. 5: 19-21 NASB).”
Prisons and morgues are filled with persons who engaged in behaviors that they otherwise might have not entertained if they had been under the influence of alcohol/drugs at the time.
To call for a ride home, to pay for a taxi, or have a designated (sober) driver is a wise choice, but the likelihood of making a wise choice after one has become under the influence of alcohol/drugs is not too good. For too many, “I can handle it,” and “I’m OK,” is the last words they were known to have said while still here on Earth.”
Frequently finding oneself in a condition that requires the ride, the taxi, or a designated driver is a good indication that a 2Cor. 13:5 is in order to determine if the sins of drunkenness and/or carousing (Gal. 5: 21) are becoming a lifestyle.
“…neither fornicators (sex outside of marriage), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor revilers (to use abusive language towards someone or something)), nor swindlers, shall inherit (the rewards of) the kingdom of God (1Cor. 6: 9, 10 NASB italics mine).”
What we consider to be drunk, and what level of alcohol in the blood is considered to be drunk in the eyes of the law when operating a motor vehicle are usually two very different things.
We should not pass our responsibility and accountability onto others. Never-the-less, one might reconsider the quality of the “friends” one has that would allow us to get behind the wheel and drive off after a night (or day) of carousing. For the record, to carouse means to engage in drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in a loud party type of environment.
With the legalization of recreational marijuana, incidents of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or intoxicating chemicals will likely increase, as well. One way to reduce to crime rate is to legalize what previousy had been a criminal offense. The laws of Man do change to correspond to the political and social trends of society, but the laws of God are still on The Book (Bible).
Unless compliance with the law(s) of the land would cause one to compromise his/her walk with the Lord, the advancing disciple obeys the law(s) of the secular government (Romans 13). Traffic laws, governing the operation of motor vehicles, are among the laws of Man.
Discipleship is a 7/24 lifestyle. The disciple has 168 hrs. each week to glorify God. That includes the hours spent behind the wheel of our vehicles, and the hours we spend in recreation.
Rage, or what the Bible calls " outbursts of anger (Gal.5: 20),"in any form, is a manifestation of the sin nature (Romans 7). Some of us have shorter fuses than others. Knowing what one's areas of weaknesses are can go along way in his/her ability to manage them. Combine drunkenness and rage behind the wheel and you really have a problem on your hands.
* * *
The use of cameras and satellites to monitor, identify, and prosecute traffic offenders in not the “science fiction” that it once was considered to be. Such things are being used at given locations, but the concept needs to be developed and expanded to the point that it becomes the norm and not the exception. Like most issues here on Earth, the "bottom" line is money. There is only so much to go around at any given time, and those managing the money have to prioritize the needs and invest what available funds there are accordingly.
Have invested thirty years of my life in a secular law-enforcement career with a large part of it being focused on traffic enforcement and accident prevention/investigation, I have a biased opinion as to how much attention (and funds) should e set aside of these issues. But in light of the number of deaths and serious injuries taking place each year, there remains to be the need to address these concerns.
Just the realization that the speed and manner of operation of any vehicle, at anytime, anywhere, could be monitored and identified might motivate most motorists to think twice before deliberately violating traffic laws.
Imagine the ability of law enforcement agencies to use satellites to safely slow down and stop a motor vehicle being driven erratically!
Imagine parents being able (and willing) to remotely monitor (or at least spot check) the location and the driving habits of their teenagers via data automatically being recorded, or being immediately notified if the monitoring equipment is turned off.
Many private organizations already use company modern technology to monitor such things as the location and speed of their vehicles. Others display HOW'S MY DRIVING signage, encouraging the public to call and notify management of improper vehicle operation.
Use of “credit card” parking meters, that automatically deduct fees for overtime parking, or takes a picture and sends the registered owner a parking ticket. The same type of photo enforcement could reinforce the NO in the NO parking zones, as well.
There is the human factor that plays a large part in the enforcement of traffic regulation. We all violate these laws at one time or another, intentionally and unintentionally, and the law enforcement officers are personally aware of this fact. The human factor goes a long way in determining who gets the ticket and who gets the break.
Sometimes these "reasons" are valid, other times they are not. As,long there are human beings behind the wheel and behind the badge, the human factor will be there.
The truth is that who the person is operating the car, does NOT diminish the danger he/she presents when the vehicle is not being operated safely.
* * *
The Bible posts many warning and regulatory signs along the two (road)ways of life (Matt. 7: 13, 14). There is the popular and heavily traveled way that leads to destruction, and there is the unpopular way that leads to life.
One must ask, "Are the contents of the Bible laws or merely suggestions? For many, the Bible contains the commands that guides one to and along the road that leads to life (Matt. 7: 13), both here and in the life to come. For others, based upon their wilful disregard, ignorance, or rationalization, the Bible contains "suggestions," leaving one's obligation to comply a matter of individual choice.
Obedience or disobedience to the written Word of God (2Tim. 3: 16) is equivalent obedience or disobedience to the living Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1: 1, 2 NASB). What one knows (or doesn't know)about one, he/she knows (or doesn't know) about the other.
Satan, in the realm of spiritual combat and in the name (authority) of "religion", promotes a lot of false and/or misleading information about both of these sources of spiritual edification. As is the case of virtually everything else, the devil has an alternative that appeals to the fallen nature in Man.
We can NOT afford to pick and choose what parts of the Bible we want to acknowledge, and what parts of the Bible we want to ignore. Not every part of Bible is for our Church Age believer application, but all it is there for a reason. We do not, for instance, any longer bring lambs to an altar. In fact, there are NO PHYSICAL ALTARS endorsed for usage during the Church Age, as the last physical altar that God acknowledged as Having merit had been the cross on which the Lord was crucified. There is intangible altar within the soul structure on which the born again believer makes daily sacrifices of denying him/herself and obedience to the glory of God. All Scripture is there for us to understand the spiritual significance of activity that took place in past dispensations, and what will take place in future dispensations to come. It is the Scripture that governs the activity of the Church Age beliefs and practices that we, in the present dispensation, must familiarize ourselves with and apply.
Again, the devil, in the name of religion, has had considerable success in promoting false doctrine and practices WITHIN the Christian Community at large, through the installation and practices surrounding physical altars.
There are literally over 300 hundred commands (not suggestions) in the New Testament alone, that apply to the *Church Age believers who are going to give an account of themselves to God (Romans 14: 12).
With one exception (the sin of disbelief- John 3: 18), James 2: 10 puts all sins on the same plateau.
As examples, the one who commits the sins of refusing to be kind or to forgive others (Eph. 4: 32), looks down his nose at others (Prov. 6: 16), gossips (Romans 14: 19), reviles others (1Cor. 6: 10), rejoices or gloats when his enemy falls (Prov. 24: 17), fails to do ALL things without grumbling and complaining (Phil 2: 14), are anxious (Phil 4: 6), disobeys persons in positions of marital (Eph. 5: 22), parental (Eph. 6: 1), or secular (Romans 13) authority, are ALL in the same stinking, sinking, boat of sinners as anyone else.
If I missed anyone (Romans 3: 23), there are still 290 more commands to consider, before committing another sin of thinking more highly of oneself that he ought (Romans 12: 3).
Just obeying the command found in the “golden rule” of Matthew 7: 12 will automatically cause one to comply with the majority of the commands that regulate our thoughts, words, and behaviors.
The Golden Rule (Matt. 7;12) calls for us to do to others as we would want them to do to us. We do not want others to lie to us. We would not want others to swindle or otherwise steal from us. We do not want others talking about us behind our backs. We would not want our wives or husbands cheating on us. The potential list goes on and on!
Note that according to the Golden Rule,our conduct is to be based on how we would want others to treat us, not necessarily in response to how they actually do.
The command, and the obligation comply, to do all (such) things without grumbling and complaining (Phil.2: 1) requires a level of spiritual maturity that very few reach and/or maintain in the days in which we are now living.
As in the case of the secular courts, ignorance of the law will not be accepted as an excuse in the Court of Heaven (Romans 1: 20).
Unless one is insane, thereby lacking the ability to discern right from wrong, we all know when we are doing something wrong. This is true no matter how much we try to deceive, self-justify, or excuse thoughts and actions.
The truth is that we choose to sin in order to satisfy the desires of the fallen nature (Romans 7) within us. Depending on how sensitive one's conscience may be, the born again believer must struggle with the "voice" of the indwelling Spirit (1Cor. 2: 16) if he/she is to "enjoy" the seasonal or momentary pleasures (Heb. 11: 25) of sin.
Woe to the Man whose conscience is dead and can sin with ease! Sad to say, but this is becoming more and more of the norm and not the exception.
When the error of one's way is brought to his/her attention, one must choose to either acknowledge and confess (1John 1: 9) (to God) the error of his/her way, or to respond with the hostility (Romans 8: 7" of the fallen nature, often times attacking (Matt. 7: 6) the person who God used to bring his/her sin to light. When one can not dispute the message, the only one (or thing) left to attack is the messenger.
* * *
The *Church Age (and the Church that God ordained) began at the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2) in Jerusalem, Israel, following the ascension (Acts 1: 9) of the Lord Jesus Christ (33-34 AD), and will continue until the Rapture (1Thess. 4: 17) takes place.
Fallen Man, through religion, has re-written the mission of the Church, as well as many of the doctrines and the practices that God ordained for the Church Age.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter (Isa. 5:20 NASB).”
While human viewpoint does not regard all of these 300+ commands as carrying the same weight, God (James 2: 10) says otherwise.
“For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all (James 2: 10 NASB).”
Those who do not consciously acknowledge the omnipresence, the sovereignty of God, and one’s personal accountability, will treat the commandments of Scripture, as if they too, are merely suggestions.
Unlike the varying degrees of effectiveness accomplished by secular law enforcement agencies, God’s omnipresence (being everywhere any anywhere at the same time) enables Him to have complete (omniscience) and first-hand knowledge of every evil thought, let alone every action, that each one of us has ever had, has now, or will ever have throughout the course of our time here on Earth.
When it comes to the laws of Man, we can rationalize and self-justify our non-compliance, and/or simply choose to take the chance that we will not get caught. It's no secret that sometimes we might get caught, other times we get away with it.
But in the spiritual realm, we will reap the harvest (results) of EVERY seed, good or bad, we sow. We may not be disciplined at the time or in the way we anticipated (or even feared), but no one gets away with anything in the spiritual realm.
Divine justice requires that every sin be accounted and paid for in full, by one means or another. Every sin of every kind, with the exception of the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18), was completely paid for by the shedding of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ while on the cross (1John 2: 2).
God’s forgiveness of pre-salvation (before we were born again) and post salvation sin (after we are born again) is based on that God on the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ that He completely “finished (John 19: 30 NABS),” while on the cross the cross. There is no sacrament, penance, or good deeds involved.
During the Old Testament period, the sacrificial offerings were symbolic of the ONE and ONLY sacrifice that would later take place on the cross. Here in the Church Age, forgiveness is based on the atoning work that has already taken place.
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Being forgiven by God does NOT mean that one is no longer accountable to earthly institutions of authority, be it marital, parental, or governmental.
The inevitable reaping of the seeds sown may take place here on Earth (Heb. 12: 5), or it may take place in the life to come (1Cor. 3: 12-15), but the day of reaping it IS coming for all of us, believer (Romans 14: 12/1COr. 3: 12-15) and unbeliever (Rev. 20: 13, 15) alike.
* * *
Most jurisdictions have agencies in place to post, repair, and otherwise maintain the signage or markings along or upon the roadways.
God posts His laws in the pages of the Bible. As previously noted, there are more than 300 applicable commands (not suggestions) in the New Testament alone that apply to the Church Age believer who IS going to give an account of him/herself to God (Romans 14: 12).
Through discipleship, the born again believer can learn of the details of all of these commandments. But in the meantime, by obeying the Golden Rule (doing unto others ONLY what we would want them to do unto us -) will automatically cause us to comply with most of these 300+ Commandments.
God has a system in place (primarily the pulpit) to teach, remind, and promote the commands of God and the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
In addition to administering divine discipline on His own (Heb. 12: 6), God has established institutions (Romans 13) here on earth for the administration of secular justice.
Religion has many “additional” rules, regulations, and procedures that do NOT have the authorization of Scripture, and in some cases, actually contradict what Scripture has to say.
Compliance with the rules, regulations, and procedures of religion is not an acceptable alternative in the eyes of the One to whom we must stand before and give an account (Romans 14: 12). One of the benefits of pursuing discipleship is the development of one's personal ability to distinguish what is "religious" from what is "spiritual." While both (at times) may appear to be one in the same, one places the soul on the road that leads to spiritual life (Matt. 7: 14), whereas the other places the soul on the road that leads to destruction of one kind or another (Matt. 7: 13). For those with spiritual discernment, there are "signs" along both roads informing the travelers of their present direction and destination when the roadway there on comes to an end.
In most cases, here in the Church Age, the “religious” life begins shortly after one’s natural birth, being put through rituals that are void of a conscious choice to participate on the part of the one involved. Throughout the course of one’s earthly lifespan, there are additional rituals that the religious crowd requires if one is to advance and be in good standing with the religious community involved. For the most part, the religious life is all about what we overtly do (or have done) to please God, whereas spirituality is all about putting our trust and confidence in what God has done, God is doing, and what God will do for and through the people of God. One becomes a person of God IF and when he/she is born again (John 3: 5. 7).
The deceptive, man-made traditions of religion are designed to appear to satisfy God (Matt. 15: 9). As in the case of all counterfeits, these alternatives must appear and be accepted as the “real thing,” if the deception is going to succeed.
The earthly religious life is not over with at the moment of physical death, as there are still additional rituals to be conducted that the religious crowd believes can impact or even change the location and the quality of the environment in which the soul will experience in the life to come. These traditions of Man date back to the ancient world.
In contrast, the Bible teaches that the “spiritual” life begins if/when one is born again (John 3: 5, 7). One is born again when he/she is presented with the Gospel Message AND makes a conscious decision to believe (that is to place his full trust and confidence) in it.
The post (after) salvation spiritual life begins after one has a-l-r-e-a-d-y been born again.
Here in the Church, at the moment of physical death (of the body) every soul departs and enters one of two locations, based on the spiritual (not the religious) choice the individual soul had made when presented with the opportunity to hear and to respond to the Gospel Message while here on Earth (John 3: 18).
This link, The Gospel Message, has provided you with the opportunity to read and respond to the Gospel Message, settling the location issue right here and now. It also, means that you can never say that you were never given the opportunity!
Location #1 (for believers) is Heaven (2Cor. 5: 8) in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1), awaiting such things as the Rapture (1Thess. 4: 14-17) to take place.
Location #2 (for unbelievers) is the Torments of Hades (Luke 16: 24), until Judgment Day for the unbelievers take place (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
Contrary to what human viewpoint and Man-made religion would have us believe, the soul never dies and there is no 3rd location.
Just as belief in a presentation of the Gospel Message assures believers of eternal life (John 3: 16), disbelief (rejection) of the Gospel Message assures unbelievers of an eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
Just as there will be rewards (in addition to eternal life) for born again believers who identify and execute the post salvation spiritual life, there will be loss of rewards for born again believers who do not (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
Contrary to long established superstitions and MANY pagan religious beliefs, the Bible teaches that there is NOTHING that can be done by those left behind to change either the location or the quality of existence of a soul that has a-l-r-e-a-d-y departed at the moment of physical death.
As in the case of roadway signage, there are warning signs posted in Scripture. Among them are WRONG WAY, DO NOT ENTER, LANE ENDS, DANGEROUS CURVE, ELDERLY CROSSING, HIGHWAY ENDS, etc., preparing one for what lay ahead.
Discipline is for the purpose of correcting/redirecting the recipient, AND for the purpose of warning others who are headed in the wrong direction (Acts 5).
Consider the fact that we have the opportunity each and every day to take note of the signs posted along our present route in life. Along with the regulatory signage, there are signs that inform (or warn) us what route we are on, which direction our lives are headed, and where our choices are taking us.
From the divine viewpoint, there are only two roads. There is the road that leads to (spiritual) life, and there is the road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7: 13, 14).
The majority of each generation of Man is on the road that leads to destruction (Matt. 7: 14). This is what sets the stage for an advancing disciple y to share the Gospel Message with the majority of those in one’s family and personal periphery.
There is only one way (John 14: 6) to Heaven, and that is to be born again (John 3: 5. 7). One is born again IF he/she chooses to believe, that is to place his/he full trust and confidence, in a presentation of the Gospel Message. No amount of religious activity, good behavior, or goods deeds will be accepted as an alternative means to either obtain or retain salvation.
Of the minority (Matt. 7: 13) in each generation of Man that are on the road that leads to life, many choose to keep right and remain in the lane for slower traffic, when it comes to developing spiritual maturity.
The ONE and ONLY way to spiritually mature is to take in and apply (James 1: 22) the principles of the Word of God on a daily basis.
Discipleship is initially for the development of one’s own post salvation spiritual life, but with the long-term objective of participating in the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20), saving and edifying others.
Like a runner in a torch-relay race, one cannot pass along to others what he/she has not first received and secure him/herself.
As (if) one spiritually matures, he/she will develop the desire to be used of God to evangelize unbelievers and/or to edify fellow believers.
We all have spiritual spiritual strengths that need to be reinforced, and spiritual weaknesses that need to be addressed.
Spiritually weak believers will remain self-centered, whose spiritual concerns go no further than what will benefit them. Not being confident in their own belief system, they contribute nothing (of spiritual value) to anyone else.
Spiritually mature believers will place the spiritual needs of others at the top of their “things to do” list. They will prepare themselves (1Peter 3: 15), and take every advantage they are given to share the Gospel Message with an unbeliever, and Bible Doctrine with fellow believers.
“but sanctify (elevate/set apart) Christ in your hearts, and always be prepared to make defense (give an explanation) to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that (they should see) is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence (1Pet. 3: 18 NABS italics mine).”
One *prepares him/herself by being obedient to the command (not an option) to, “grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2Pet. 3: 18 NASB), and by advancing in his/her own post salvation spiritual life.
The reason that many so-called “Christians” are not asked, is that no one sees any hope (trust and confidence) being displayed in them.
Just as one is not likely to seek financial guidance from a homeless person, one is not going to seek spiritual advice from a “Christian” who shows no signs of spiritual growth, or who is not going to respond to their needs with gentleness (1Pet. 3: 18).
The inability to treat others with gentleness is one of many issues that disqualify “Christians” from being effective in ministering to family members. It is not natural to remain calm when dealing with the frustration, embarrassment, and disappointment associated with the failure of family members. The life of discipleship is not about doing what is natural, but what is supernatural with the enabling power of God (John 15: 5).
“A prophet (one who speaks for or about God) is not without honor, except in his own home town and among his own relatives and in his own household (Mark 6:4 NASB italics mine).”
Until one can overcome the natural emotions associated with rejection, betrayal, embarrassment, and disappointment, he/she cannot be effectively used of God.
To the extent that circumstances allow, it is better to acknowledge this inability, and tell the individual that I am too angry, hurt, or disappointed to address this issue right now, then it is to over-react and say or do things that will be counter-productive and later regretted.
* * *
To be Christ-centered, one must not only pick up his cross on a daily basis, but crucify (put to death) any of his/her thoughts or actions that would hinder his/her walk with the Lord (Luke 9: 23).
Fallen Man is predisposed to not only be self-centered, but to actually be “hostile – Romans 8: 7 NASB)” towards God and the things of God. The potential for being influenced by this fallen nature does NOT go away (Romans 7) upon being born again (John 3: 5, 7).
Paul spoke of his o-n-g-o-i-n-g battle between his fallen nature and the new creation he became in Christ (2Cor. 5: 17) when he penned what became the New Testament Book of Romans. What many fail to take note of is the fact that this was taking place towards the end of his near thirty-year, post salvation spiritual life.
The fallen nature that remains competes with the new creation (2Cor. 5: 17) within the born-again believer for control over his/her immediate thoughts and accompanying actions.
Which voice, be it of the indwelling (1Cor. 3: 16) God the Holy Spirit, the devil or the forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12), or the fallen nature (Romans 8: 7) we listen to are choices we make during the course of each and every day.
The wise among us will pay attention to the signs and make the necessary adjustments along the chosen way we travel on a daily basis. The fool will ignore or reject them, and suffer the consequences.
I remember a bed-time prayer that I was taught as a child that concluded with the line, “and make me be a good boy, Amen.”
My earthly parents meant well, but the truth is that in more cases that not, God does not “make” us do anything. He will enable us (John 15: 5) to participate in the process of production of divine good (1Cor. 3: 12), IF we choose to be filled (controlled) by His Spirit. What He does do is to give us the opportunity to learn His ways, and then allows us to use the free will that He has given us to make choices to either obey, disobey, apply, or reject the knowledge we have received.
Contrary to the blame game that is promoted by human viewpoint, each one of us is the product of our own decisions.
If you are a child of God, these choices result in receiving either His blessing or His discipline.
Being blessed by God does not mean that there won't be adversity, and both blessings and adversity are equal parts in the plan that God has in mind for each one of us.
Most of the adversity we encounter is self-induced. Accordingly, if we choose to acknowledge the Word of God as laws and not suggestions, we can avoid much of the adversity that we bring upon ourselves.
We can ot apply what we do not know.
God cannot, on the one hand, command us to grow in His knowledge (1Pet. 3: 15), and then not provide the means to do so.
Here in the USA, at least at the present time, there are many, many ways for one to learn what the Bible has to say, and daily opportunities to apply it.
Biblical ignorance is a choice we make.
Preferring religion over spirituality is a choice we make.
Preferring human viewpoint over divine viewpoint is a choice we make.
Choosing disobedience over obedience is a choice we make.
Acknowledging principles found in the Word of God as being laws and not options will go a long way in establishing and maintaining a soul structure from which godly choices can be made.
Being perceived as suggestions, the level of compliance (if any) is a matter of individual choice.
At any given time, how one operates a motor vehicle and interacts with other motorists on the reflects the mind-set of the operator.
Road rage is becoming more and more common in our ever-increasing volatile society.
Self-centered, aggressive, reckless, irresponsible, angry, distracted, intoxicated, rushed, impatient, tired, sick, operators drive accordingly, especially if they are not aware (or care) that they are being monitored.
In the minds of many, accountability only becomes an issue IF they get caught, and conduct themselves knowing that the odds are not in favor of getting caught.
If there’s an accident, “I’ve got insurance.”
Death and/or serious personal injury are things that happen to other people.
I had a thirty-year law enforcement career, with a large portion of it focused on traffic control and accident investigation.
Our system of enforcing traffic regulations is by no means perfect, but it is the only one in place at the present time.
Especially in a free society, our system of law enforcement is based on the concept that the majority of the populace will choose to comply, leaving only a minority to deal with through the administration of justice.
If all it took was putting a law on the books to address a problem, life would be a lot easier for all of us. In reality, a law is only as good as voluntary compliance of the majority, and the effectiveness of enforcement by law enforcement agencies, and its reinforcement by the courts. Long before many laws are actually repealed, the "prohibited" activity had become tolerated, if not endorsed, by at least a sizeable minority or majority of the populations, and relatively overlooked by the law enforcement agencies and/or the courts.
In a "pure" democracy, the majority rules. The flaw with democracy is that when it comes to spiritual matters, the majority IS usually wrong (Matt. 7: 13), setting the stage for the inevitable moral decline and demise of the society involved.
Family income can be greatly impacted when those providing the logistical support are heavily “fined” for a traffic violation.
I am not at all opposed to effectively punishing traffic violators. It is for their own sake and the sake of others. At the same time, there is something wrong when obviously guilty felons walk out of the same courthouse with no more than a slap on the wrist.
If the "golden rule" (doing unto others what we want others to do to us) were to be applied, there would be a major improvement in the roadway environment that we experience and in the crime rate, as well.
Taking the licenses away (for serious and/or multiple offenses) does not insure that the “unlicensed” operator will no longer get behind the wheel of a car. Many serious accidents involve operators who were not even supposed to be behind the wheel of the cars involved.
Again, I am not saying that the licenses shouldn't be taken way. I just pointing out that this does not always achieve the desired results.
Our system of “justice” is reactive (after the fact), whereas the need to improve highway safety calls for proactive activity and a willingness of motorists to voluntarily comply.
The concept of doing (or not doing) something because it is the right thing to do, seems to have gone out with the hula-hoop! The hula-hoop was a popular toy in the late 1950-60"s.
Vehicle design, voluntary and/or mandatory use of safety equipment, roadway design, along with surface maintenance has reduced the number of deaths and/or serious injuries in many areas. At the same time, such factors only serve to encourage traveling at higher speeds with a false sense of safety. Expressing road rage and/impatience by tailgating a "slower" driver who is complying with the post speed limit open the door for a chain reaction that can result in many cars being involved in an accident when one of the "lead" cars can not stop in time to respond to a traffic emergency.
In may areas, the roadways were not designed to handle the amount of vehicles that are now out on the road, especially during "rush" hours. The resulting congestion created, does decrease the speed and in many cases the relative seriousness of the accidents that do occur. At the same time,
traffic congestion has also increased incidents of “road rage” and erratic vehicle operation when motorists force their way into and/or around traffic that is backed up along the roadway.
Those with spiritual discernment can see that the rising incidents of road rage, reflecting the mindset of the operators involved, are among the, "signs of the times (Matt. 16: 3)" in which we are living.
"Because lawlessness (disregard for the law) is increased, most people's love will grow cold (Matt. 24: 12 NASB)."
The self-centered attribute of the fallen nature in Man, manifested in the "hurray for me," and the, "get out of my way," mindset, can clearly be seen in the way in which many people operate their vehicles today.
Discipleship calls for the application of the Word of God 7/24. wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Operating a motor vehicle is no exception. IN light of what is taking place out on the roads these days, the challenge to function in a godly manner in traffic provides us with the practical opportunity to evaluate (2Cor. 13: 5) where we are along the road to spiritual maturity.
How fast our cages can be rattled ( in any situation), and/or how fast we can return to a godly frame of mine (2Cor. 2: 16) are good indicators of how spiritually mature or immature we have become. The advancing disciple is slow to anger and quick to forgive the sins of others.
For the advancing disciple, there is NOTHING that others can do (or fail to do) that is worth losing his/her own fellowship with the Lord. Not even for a moment.
Passing the "people test" has never been any easy task for many of us, in or out of traffic.
One passes the people test IF one does not allow the negative words or actions of others to take us out of fellowship with God. We fail the people test when we choose to engage in an ungodly response to the negative things that others do and say. Choosing to respond in a godly manner is a sin on our part. An ungodly response would include anything improper that we think (Prov. 23: 7), say (1Cor. 6: 10), or do (Rom. 12: 19).
Our sin takes us out of fellowship (2Cor. 13: 14/Habakkuk 1: 13) with God. We remain out of fellowship with God unit our sin is confessed (1John 1: 9).
We have no control over what others may choose to say or do, but we do have complete control (and accountability) for how we choose to respond.
Human error and distraction, be it our own or of others, can generate enough trouble without knowingly and willingly violating the traffic laws.
Bumper stickers can be the means to evangelize or to spiritually edify others, but "lose their punch" when the person operating the vehicle fails to walk the walk as well as he/she talks the talk. The bumper sticker reads, " Jesus Loves You," but the actions say, "Don't get in my way!"
* * *
Advancing disciples are called to be filled (Eph. 5: 18), that is to be voluntarily submitted to the influence/control of God the Holy Spirit, and not to be under the influence/control of wine (or any other alcoholic beverage/drug/substance).
Scripture does not call for total abstinence (in most situations), but identifies “drunkenness (Gal. 5: 21 NASB)” as a manifestation of the fallen nature. Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a violation of the laws of God and Man.
One cannot be under the influence of God the Holy Spirit and under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs at the same time.
“And do not get drunk with wine, for that dissipation (regressing into an ungodly practice/waste of resources and energy), but (instead) be filled (controlled/energized) with the Spirit (Eph. 5: 18 NASB).”
These are choices that we make, and a choice that can lead to both secular (Romans 13:) and divine (Heb. 12: 5) discipline, if we make the wrong choice.
Most people I know, including myself, have had “one too many” at one time or another, and by the grace and mercy of God, did not suffer any immediate or serious consequences for it. But sooner or later, if we play with fire long enough, one will get burned.
Keep in mind, that there is NO guarantee that one could not face disaster, even if it is the “first time” we make the wrong choice.
There are not only secular (Romans 13) and divine (Heb. 12: 5) consequences to be experienced here on Earth, but that there are eternal losses (Gal. 5: 21/1Cor. 3: 12-15) for born again believers who choose to live following the desires of the fallen nature. Although the salvation of a born again believer is never in jeopardy, that does not mean that there are not other things that can take place that one will come to regret.
“Now the deeds (outward manifestations) of the flesh (fallen nature) are evident (to those with spiritual discernment), which are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you that those who practice (make a lifestyle) such things shall not inherit (the (rewards - 1Cor. 3: 12-15 of) the kingdom of God (Gal. 5: 19-21 NASB).”
Prisons and morgues are filled with persons who engaged in behaviors that they otherwise might have not entertained if they had been under the influence of alcohol/drugs at the time.
To call for a ride home, to pay for a taxi, or have a designated (sober) driver is a wise choice, but the likelihood of making a wise choice after one has become under the influence of alcohol/drugs is not too good. For too many, “I can handle it,” and “I’m OK,” is the last words they were known to have said while still here on Earth.”
Frequently finding oneself in a condition that requires the ride, the taxi, or a designated driver is a good indication that a 2Cor. 13:5 is in order to determine if the sins of drunkenness and/or carousing (Gal. 5: 21) are becoming a lifestyle.
“…neither fornicators (sex outside of marriage), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor revilers (to use abusive language towards someone or something)), nor swindlers, shall inherit (the rewards of) the kingdom of God (1Cor. 6: 9, 10 NASB italics mine).”
What we consider to be drunk, and what level of alcohol in the blood is considered to be drunk in the eyes of the law when operating a motor vehicle are usually two very different things.
We should not pass our responsibility and accountability onto others. Never-the-less, one might reconsider the quality of the “friends” one has that would allow us to get behind the wheel and drive off after a night (or day) of carousing. For the record, to carouse means to engage in drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in a loud party type of environment.
With the legalization of recreational marijuana, incidents of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or intoxicating chemicals will likely increase, as well. One way to reduce to crime rate is to legalize what previousy had been a criminal offense. The laws of Man do change to correspond to the political and social trends of society, but the laws of God are still on The Book (Bible).
Unless compliance with the law(s) of the land would cause one to compromise his/her walk with the Lord, the advancing disciple obeys the law(s) of the secular government (Romans 13). Traffic laws, governing the operation of motor vehicles, are among the laws of Man.
Discipleship is a 7/24 lifestyle. The disciple has 168 hrs. each week to glorify God. That includes the hours spent behind the wheel of our vehicles, and the hours we spend in recreation.
Rage, or what the Bible calls " outbursts of anger (Gal.5: 20),"in any form, is a manifestation of the sin nature (Romans 7). Some of us have shorter fuses than others. Knowing what one's areas of weaknesses are can go along way in his/her ability to manage them. Combine drunkenness and rage behind the wheel and you really have a problem on your hands.
* * *
The use of cameras and satellites to monitor, identify, and prosecute traffic offenders in not the “science fiction” that it once was considered to be. Such things are being used at given locations, but the concept needs to be developed and expanded to the point that it becomes the norm and not the exception. Like most issues here on Earth, the "bottom" line is money. There is only so much to go around at any given time, and those managing the money have to prioritize the needs and invest what available funds there are accordingly.
Have invested thirty years of my life in a secular law-enforcement career with a large part of it being focused on traffic enforcement and accident prevention/investigation, I have a biased opinion as to how much attention (and funds) should e set aside of these issues. But in light of the number of deaths and serious injuries taking place each year, there remains to be the need to address these concerns.
Just the realization that the speed and manner of operation of any vehicle, at anytime, anywhere, could be monitored and identified might motivate most motorists to think twice before deliberately violating traffic laws.
Imagine the ability of law enforcement agencies to use satellites to safely slow down and stop a motor vehicle being driven erratically!
Imagine parents being able (and willing) to remotely monitor (or at least spot check) the location and the driving habits of their teenagers via data automatically being recorded, or being immediately notified if the monitoring equipment is turned off.
Many private organizations already use company modern technology to monitor such things as the location and speed of their vehicles. Others display HOW'S MY DRIVING signage, encouraging the public to call and notify management of improper vehicle operation.
Use of “credit card” parking meters, that automatically deduct fees for overtime parking, or takes a picture and sends the registered owner a parking ticket. The same type of photo enforcement could reinforce the NO in the NO parking zones, as well.
There is the human factor that plays a large part in the enforcement of traffic regulation. We all violate these laws at one time or another, intentionally and unintentionally, and the law enforcement officers are personally aware of this fact. The human factor goes a long way in determining who gets the ticket and who gets the break.
Sometimes these "reasons" are valid, other times they are not. As,long there are human beings behind the wheel and behind the badge, the human factor will be there.
The truth is that who the person is operating the car, does NOT diminish the danger he/she presents when the vehicle is not being operated safely.
* * *
The Bible posts many warning and regulatory signs along the two (road)ways of life (Matt. 7: 13, 14). There is the popular and heavily traveled way that leads to destruction, and there is the unpopular way that leads to life.
One must ask, "Are the contents of the Bible laws or merely suggestions? For many, the Bible contains the commands that guides one to and along the road that leads to life (Matt. 7: 13), both here and in the life to come. For others, based upon their wilful disregard, ignorance, or rationalization, the Bible contains "suggestions," leaving one's obligation to comply a matter of individual choice.
Obedience or disobedience to the written Word of God (2Tim. 3: 16) is equivalent obedience or disobedience to the living Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1: 1, 2 NASB). What one knows (or doesn't know)about one, he/she knows (or doesn't know) about the other.
Satan, in the realm of spiritual combat and in the name (authority) of "religion", promotes a lot of false and/or misleading information about both of these sources of spiritual edification. As is the case of virtually everything else, the devil has an alternative that appeals to the fallen nature in Man.
We can NOT afford to pick and choose what parts of the Bible we want to acknowledge, and what parts of the Bible we want to ignore. Not every part of Bible is for our Church Age believer application, but all it is there for a reason. We do not, for instance, any longer bring lambs to an altar. In fact, there are NO PHYSICAL ALTARS endorsed for usage during the Church Age, as the last physical altar that God acknowledged as Having merit had been the cross on which the Lord was crucified. There is intangible altar within the soul structure on which the born again believer makes daily sacrifices of denying him/herself and obedience to the glory of God. All Scripture is there for us to understand the spiritual significance of activity that took place in past dispensations, and what will take place in future dispensations to come. It is the Scripture that governs the activity of the Church Age beliefs and practices that we, in the present dispensation, must familiarize ourselves with and apply.
Again, the devil, in the name of religion, has had considerable success in promoting false doctrine and practices WITHIN the Christian Community at large, through the installation and practices surrounding physical altars.
There are literally over 300 hundred commands (not suggestions) in the New Testament alone, that apply to the *Church Age believers who are going to give an account of themselves to God (Romans 14: 12).
With one exception (the sin of disbelief- John 3: 18), James 2: 10 puts all sins on the same plateau.
As examples, the one who commits the sins of refusing to be kind or to forgive others (Eph. 4: 32), looks down his nose at others (Prov. 6: 16), gossips (Romans 14: 19), reviles others (1Cor. 6: 10), rejoices or gloats when his enemy falls (Prov. 24: 17), fails to do ALL things without grumbling and complaining (Phil 2: 14), are anxious (Phil 4: 6), disobeys persons in positions of marital (Eph. 5: 22), parental (Eph. 6: 1), or secular (Romans 13) authority, are ALL in the same stinking, sinking, boat of sinners as anyone else.
If I missed anyone (Romans 3: 23), there are still 290 more commands to consider, before committing another sin of thinking more highly of oneself that he ought (Romans 12: 3).
Just obeying the command found in the “golden rule” of Matthew 7: 12 will automatically cause one to comply with the majority of the commands that regulate our thoughts, words, and behaviors.
The Golden Rule (Matt. 7;12) calls for us to do to others as we would want them to do to us. We do not want others to lie to us. We would not want others to swindle or otherwise steal from us. We do not want others talking about us behind our backs. We would not want our wives or husbands cheating on us. The potential list goes on and on!
Note that according to the Golden Rule,our conduct is to be based on how we would want others to treat us, not necessarily in response to how they actually do.
The command, and the obligation comply, to do all (such) things without grumbling and complaining (Phil.2: 1) requires a level of spiritual maturity that very few reach and/or maintain in the days in which we are now living.
As in the case of the secular courts, ignorance of the law will not be accepted as an excuse in the Court of Heaven (Romans 1: 20).
Unless one is insane, thereby lacking the ability to discern right from wrong, we all know when we are doing something wrong. This is true no matter how much we try to deceive, self-justify, or excuse thoughts and actions.
The truth is that we choose to sin in order to satisfy the desires of the fallen nature (Romans 7) within us. Depending on how sensitive one's conscience may be, the born again believer must struggle with the "voice" of the indwelling Spirit (1Cor. 2: 16) if he/she is to "enjoy" the seasonal or momentary pleasures (Heb. 11: 25) of sin.
Woe to the Man whose conscience is dead and can sin with ease! Sad to say, but this is becoming more and more of the norm and not the exception.
When the error of one's way is brought to his/her attention, one must choose to either acknowledge and confess (1John 1: 9) (to God) the error of his/her way, or to respond with the hostility (Romans 8: 7" of the fallen nature, often times attacking (Matt. 7: 6) the person who God used to bring his/her sin to light. When one can not dispute the message, the only one (or thing) left to attack is the messenger.
* * *
The *Church Age (and the Church that God ordained) began at the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2) in Jerusalem, Israel, following the ascension (Acts 1: 9) of the Lord Jesus Christ (33-34 AD), and will continue until the Rapture (1Thess. 4: 17) takes place.
Fallen Man, through religion, has re-written the mission of the Church, as well as many of the doctrines and the practices that God ordained for the Church Age.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter (Isa. 5:20 NASB).”
While human viewpoint does not regard all of these 300+ commands as carrying the same weight, God (James 2: 10) says otherwise.
“For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all (James 2: 10 NASB).”
Those who do not consciously acknowledge the omnipresence, the sovereignty of God, and one’s personal accountability, will treat the commandments of Scripture, as if they too, are merely suggestions.
Unlike the varying degrees of effectiveness accomplished by secular law enforcement agencies, God’s omnipresence (being everywhere any anywhere at the same time) enables Him to have complete (omniscience) and first-hand knowledge of every evil thought, let alone every action, that each one of us has ever had, has now, or will ever have throughout the course of our time here on Earth.
When it comes to the laws of Man, we can rationalize and self-justify our non-compliance, and/or simply choose to take the chance that we will not get caught. It's no secret that sometimes we might get caught, other times we get away with it.
But in the spiritual realm, we will reap the harvest (results) of EVERY seed, good or bad, we sow. We may not be disciplined at the time or in the way we anticipated (or even feared), but no one gets away with anything in the spiritual realm.
Divine justice requires that every sin be accounted and paid for in full, by one means or another. Every sin of every kind, with the exception of the sin of disbelief (John 3: 18), was completely paid for by the shedding of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ while on the cross (1John 2: 2).
God’s forgiveness of pre-salvation (before we were born again) and post salvation sin (after we are born again) is based on that God on the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ that He completely “finished (John 19: 30 NABS),” while on the cross the cross. There is no sacrament, penance, or good deeds involved.
During the Old Testament period, the sacrificial offerings were symbolic of the ONE and ONLY sacrifice that would later take place on the cross. Here in the Church Age, forgiveness is based on the atoning work that has already taken place.
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Being forgiven by God does NOT mean that one is no longer accountable to earthly institutions of authority, be it marital, parental, or governmental.
The inevitable reaping of the seeds sown may take place here on Earth (Heb. 12: 5), or it may take place in the life to come (1Cor. 3: 12-15), but the day of reaping it IS coming for all of us, believer (Romans 14: 12/1COr. 3: 12-15) and unbeliever (Rev. 20: 13, 15) alike.
* * *
Most jurisdictions have agencies in place to post, repair, and otherwise maintain the signage or markings along or upon the roadways.
God posts His laws in the pages of the Bible. As previously noted, there are more than 300 applicable commands (not suggestions) in the New Testament alone that apply to the Church Age believer who IS going to give an account of him/herself to God (Romans 14: 12).
Through discipleship, the born again believer can learn of the details of all of these commandments. But in the meantime, by obeying the Golden Rule (doing unto others ONLY what we would want them to do unto us -) will automatically cause us to comply with most of these 300+ Commandments.
God has a system in place (primarily the pulpit) to teach, remind, and promote the commands of God and the post salvation spiritual life of discipleship.
In addition to administering divine discipline on His own (Heb. 12: 6), God has established institutions (Romans 13) here on earth for the administration of secular justice.
Religion has many “additional” rules, regulations, and procedures that do NOT have the authorization of Scripture, and in some cases, actually contradict what Scripture has to say.
Compliance with the rules, regulations, and procedures of religion is not an acceptable alternative in the eyes of the One to whom we must stand before and give an account (Romans 14: 12). One of the benefits of pursuing discipleship is the development of one's personal ability to distinguish what is "religious" from what is "spiritual." While both (at times) may appear to be one in the same, one places the soul on the road that leads to spiritual life (Matt. 7: 14), whereas the other places the soul on the road that leads to destruction of one kind or another (Matt. 7: 13). For those with spiritual discernment, there are "signs" along both roads informing the travelers of their present direction and destination when the roadway there on comes to an end.
In most cases, here in the Church Age, the “religious” life begins shortly after one’s natural birth, being put through rituals that are void of a conscious choice to participate on the part of the one involved. Throughout the course of one’s earthly lifespan, there are additional rituals that the religious crowd requires if one is to advance and be in good standing with the religious community involved. For the most part, the religious life is all about what we overtly do (or have done) to please God, whereas spirituality is all about putting our trust and confidence in what God has done, God is doing, and what God will do for and through the people of God. One becomes a person of God IF and when he/she is born again (John 3: 5. 7).
The deceptive, man-made traditions of religion are designed to appear to satisfy God (Matt. 15: 9). As in the case of all counterfeits, these alternatives must appear and be accepted as the “real thing,” if the deception is going to succeed.
The earthly religious life is not over with at the moment of physical death, as there are still additional rituals to be conducted that the religious crowd believes can impact or even change the location and the quality of the environment in which the soul will experience in the life to come. These traditions of Man date back to the ancient world.
In contrast, the Bible teaches that the “spiritual” life begins if/when one is born again (John 3: 5, 7). One is born again when he/she is presented with the Gospel Message AND makes a conscious decision to believe (that is to place his full trust and confidence) in it.
The post (after) salvation spiritual life begins after one has a-l-r-e-a-d-y been born again.
Here in the Church, at the moment of physical death (of the body) every soul departs and enters one of two locations, based on the spiritual (not the religious) choice the individual soul had made when presented with the opportunity to hear and to respond to the Gospel Message while here on Earth (John 3: 18).
This link, The Gospel Message, has provided you with the opportunity to read and respond to the Gospel Message, settling the location issue right here and now. It also, means that you can never say that you were never given the opportunity!
Location #1 (for believers) is Heaven (2Cor. 5: 8) in interim bodies (2Cor. 5: 1), awaiting such things as the Rapture (1Thess. 4: 14-17) to take place.
Location #2 (for unbelievers) is the Torments of Hades (Luke 16: 24), until Judgment Day for the unbelievers take place (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
Contrary to what human viewpoint and Man-made religion would have us believe, the soul never dies and there is no 3rd location.
Just as belief in a presentation of the Gospel Message assures believers of eternal life (John 3: 16), disbelief (rejection) of the Gospel Message assures unbelievers of an eternity in what the Bible calls the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13, 15).
Just as there will be rewards (in addition to eternal life) for born again believers who identify and execute the post salvation spiritual life, there will be loss of rewards for born again believers who do not (1Cor. 3: 12-15).
Contrary to long established superstitions and MANY pagan religious beliefs, the Bible teaches that there is NOTHING that can be done by those left behind to change either the location or the quality of existence of a soul that has a-l-r-e-a-d-y departed at the moment of physical death.
As in the case of roadway signage, there are warning signs posted in Scripture. Among them are WRONG WAY, DO NOT ENTER, LANE ENDS, DANGEROUS CURVE, ELDERLY CROSSING, HIGHWAY ENDS, etc., preparing one for what lay ahead.
Discipline is for the purpose of correcting/redirecting the recipient, AND for the purpose of warning others who are headed in the wrong direction (Acts 5).
Consider the fact that we have the opportunity each and every day to take note of the signs posted along our present route in life. Along with the regulatory signage, there are signs that inform (or warn) us what route we are on, which direction our lives are headed, and where our choices are taking us.
From the divine viewpoint, there are only two roads. There is the road that leads to (spiritual) life, and there is the road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7: 13, 14).
The majority of each generation of Man is on the road that leads to destruction (Matt. 7: 14). This is what sets the stage for an advancing disciple y to share the Gospel Message with the majority of those in one’s family and personal periphery.
There is only one way (John 14: 6) to Heaven, and that is to be born again (John 3: 5. 7). One is born again IF he/she chooses to believe, that is to place his/he full trust and confidence, in a presentation of the Gospel Message. No amount of religious activity, good behavior, or goods deeds will be accepted as an alternative means to either obtain or retain salvation.
Of the minority (Matt. 7: 13) in each generation of Man that are on the road that leads to life, many choose to keep right and remain in the lane for slower traffic, when it comes to developing spiritual maturity.
The ONE and ONLY way to spiritually mature is to take in and apply (James 1: 22) the principles of the Word of God on a daily basis.
Discipleship is initially for the development of one’s own post salvation spiritual life, but with the long-term objective of participating in the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19, 20), saving and edifying others.
Like a runner in a torch-relay race, one cannot pass along to others what he/she has not first received and secure him/herself.
As (if) one spiritually matures, he/she will develop the desire to be used of God to evangelize unbelievers and/or to edify fellow believers.
We all have spiritual spiritual strengths that need to be reinforced, and spiritual weaknesses that need to be addressed.
Spiritually weak believers will remain self-centered, whose spiritual concerns go no further than what will benefit them. Not being confident in their own belief system, they contribute nothing (of spiritual value) to anyone else.
Spiritually mature believers will place the spiritual needs of others at the top of their “things to do” list. They will prepare themselves (1Peter 3: 15), and take every advantage they are given to share the Gospel Message with an unbeliever, and Bible Doctrine with fellow believers.
“but sanctify (elevate/set apart) Christ in your hearts, and always be prepared to make defense (give an explanation) to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that (they should see) is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence (1Pet. 3: 18 NABS italics mine).”
One *prepares him/herself by being obedient to the command (not an option) to, “grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2Pet. 3: 18 NASB), and by advancing in his/her own post salvation spiritual life.
The reason that many so-called “Christians” are not asked, is that no one sees any hope (trust and confidence) being displayed in them.
Just as one is not likely to seek financial guidance from a homeless person, one is not going to seek spiritual advice from a “Christian” who shows no signs of spiritual growth, or who is not going to respond to their needs with gentleness (1Pet. 3: 18).
The inability to treat others with gentleness is one of many issues that disqualify “Christians” from being effective in ministering to family members. It is not natural to remain calm when dealing with the frustration, embarrassment, and disappointment associated with the failure of family members. The life of discipleship is not about doing what is natural, but what is supernatural with the enabling power of God (John 15: 5).
“A prophet (one who speaks for or about God) is not without honor, except in his own home town and among his own relatives and in his own household (Mark 6:4 NASB italics mine).”
Until one can overcome the natural emotions associated with rejection, betrayal, embarrassment, and disappointment, he/she cannot be effectively used of God.
To the extent that circumstances allow, it is better to acknowledge this inability, and tell the individual that I am too angry, hurt, or disappointed to address this issue right now, then it is to over-react and say or do things that will be counter-productive and later regretted.
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To be Christ-centered, one must not only pick up his cross on a daily basis, but crucify (put to death) any of his/her thoughts or actions that would hinder his/her walk with the Lord (Luke 9: 23).
Fallen Man is predisposed to not only be self-centered, but to actually be “hostile – Romans 8: 7 NASB)” towards God and the things of God. The potential for being influenced by this fallen nature does NOT go away (Romans 7) upon being born again (John 3: 5, 7).
Paul spoke of his o-n-g-o-i-n-g battle between his fallen nature and the new creation he became in Christ (2Cor. 5: 17) when he penned what became the New Testament Book of Romans. What many fail to take note of is the fact that this was taking place towards the end of his near thirty-year, post salvation spiritual life.
The fallen nature that remains competes with the new creation (2Cor. 5: 17) within the born-again believer for control over his/her immediate thoughts and accompanying actions.
Which voice, be it of the indwelling (1Cor. 3: 16) God the Holy Spirit, the devil or the forces of evil (Eph. 6: 12), or the fallen nature (Romans 8: 7) we listen to are choices we make during the course of each and every day.
The wise among us will pay attention to the signs and make the necessary adjustments along the chosen way we travel on a daily basis. The fool will ignore or reject them, and suffer the consequences.
I remember a bed-time prayer that I was taught as a child that concluded with the line, “and make me be a good boy, Amen.”
My earthly parents meant well, but the truth is that in more cases that not, God does not “make” us do anything. He will enable us (John 15: 5) to participate in the process of production of divine good (1Cor. 3: 12), IF we choose to be filled (controlled) by His Spirit. What He does do is to give us the opportunity to learn His ways, and then allows us to use the free will that He has given us to make choices to either obey, disobey, apply, or reject the knowledge we have received.
Contrary to the blame game that is promoted by human viewpoint, each one of us is the product of our own decisions.
If you are a child of God, these choices result in receiving either His blessing or His discipline.
Being blessed by God does not mean that there won't be adversity, and both blessings and adversity are equal parts in the plan that God has in mind for each one of us.
Most of the adversity we encounter is self-induced. Accordingly, if we choose to acknowledge the Word of God as laws and not suggestions, we can avoid much of the adversity that we bring upon ourselves.
We can ot apply what we do not know.
God cannot, on the one hand, command us to grow in His knowledge (1Pet. 3: 15), and then not provide the means to do so.
Here in the USA, at least at the present time, there are many, many ways for one to learn what the Bible has to say, and daily opportunities to apply it.
Biblical ignorance is a choice we make.
Preferring religion over spirituality is a choice we make.
Preferring human viewpoint over divine viewpoint is a choice we make.
Choosing disobedience over obedience is a choice we make.
Acknowledging principles found in the Word of God as being laws and not options will go a long way in establishing and maintaining a soul structure from which godly choices can be made.