Where Are My Heart’s Desires?
Part Three
For the advancing disciple, his or her focus of attention is not on getting all the THINGS that he or she might desire, but on being given all the right DESIRES enabling him or her to advance along the road to spiritual maturity.
In order to make room for the desires that God has in mind, we will be required to rid ourselves of the things, or of our desires for things, that would distract us from the plan that God has in mind. These things or desires obviously refers to anything that the Bible identifies as sin, but also includes good things if they (or the desire for them) competes with God for the focus of our attention.
Remember what happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back on all that she was leaving behind (1).
Jesus taught (2) that once a born again believer is committed to Biblical discipleship (learning (3) and applying (4) His Word), one cannot remain His disciple, a “follower” of Christ, if he or she does not do (apply) what he or she has learned. He or she remains saved (5), but should not expect to receive an advancing disciple’s reward or privileges (6) in Heaven.
I believe that the same principle can be applied to the receiving of divine blessings here on Earth, as well. If God permits, one can act independently of God’s plan and get much of what he or she desires, but the wise man or woman will ask at what cost (7).
As the old saying goes, you might get all that you want, but not want all that you get!
As we clean out our edified soul structure of distractions, Satan is well aware of the distractions, and the desire for such things, that remain. He will use such things and desires to try to take us away from the plan that God has in mind.
If it is truly something good that we desire, it will come our way in His timing, and will not be a distraction.
“…He withholds no good thing from those who walk with integrity (Psalms 84: 11 NASB2020).”
A pure heart will not only be one that is frequently swept clean of sin via a 1John 1: 9 cleansing, it will be kept free from things, or the desire for things, that would take one away from the plan of God.
“Create in me a clean heart, God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalms 51: 10 NASB2020).”
The one with a clean heart will delight himself or herself in the things of the Lord. His or her experience will be different from others who are merely going through the motions, and getting nothing out of the same activities.
It is when one’s heart is right with the Lord that he or she will be given the desire for the things that God wants them to have. It is THESE desires that God will fulfill.
(1) Gen. 19: 26 (2) Like 14: 27. (3) 2Pet. 3: 18 (4) James 1: 22 (5) Rom. 8:1/1Cor. 3: 15 (6) 1Cor. 3: 14/Rev. 2/Rev. 3 (7) Mark 8: 36
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Part Three
For the advancing disciple, his or her focus of attention is not on getting all the THINGS that he or she might desire, but on being given all the right DESIRES enabling him or her to advance along the road to spiritual maturity.
In order to make room for the desires that God has in mind, we will be required to rid ourselves of the things, or of our desires for things, that would distract us from the plan that God has in mind. These things or desires obviously refers to anything that the Bible identifies as sin, but also includes good things if they (or the desire for them) competes with God for the focus of our attention.
Remember what happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back on all that she was leaving behind (1).
Jesus taught (2) that once a born again believer is committed to Biblical discipleship (learning (3) and applying (4) His Word), one cannot remain His disciple, a “follower” of Christ, if he or she does not do (apply) what he or she has learned. He or she remains saved (5), but should not expect to receive an advancing disciple’s reward or privileges (6) in Heaven.
I believe that the same principle can be applied to the receiving of divine blessings here on Earth, as well. If God permits, one can act independently of God’s plan and get much of what he or she desires, but the wise man or woman will ask at what cost (7).
As the old saying goes, you might get all that you want, but not want all that you get!
As we clean out our edified soul structure of distractions, Satan is well aware of the distractions, and the desire for such things, that remain. He will use such things and desires to try to take us away from the plan that God has in mind.
If it is truly something good that we desire, it will come our way in His timing, and will not be a distraction.
“…He withholds no good thing from those who walk with integrity (Psalms 84: 11 NASB2020).”
A pure heart will not only be one that is frequently swept clean of sin via a 1John 1: 9 cleansing, it will be kept free from things, or the desire for things, that would take one away from the plan of God.
“Create in me a clean heart, God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalms 51: 10 NASB2020).”
The one with a clean heart will delight himself or herself in the things of the Lord. His or her experience will be different from others who are merely going through the motions, and getting nothing out of the same activities.
It is when one’s heart is right with the Lord that he or she will be given the desire for the things that God wants them to have. It is THESE desires that God will fulfill.
(1) Gen. 19: 26 (2) Like 14: 27. (3) 2Pet. 3: 18 (4) James 1: 22 (5) Rom. 8:1/1Cor. 3: 15 (6) 1Cor. 3: 14/Rev. 2/Rev. 3 (7) Mark 8: 36
End of Part Three
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